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Last Gasp of the AWA - 1987

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thanks for those projections and ideas. Before we get to the new month's action, a quick look at how we ended May:


increased Sponsors and Merchandise sales allow us to turn in a profit for the month (though half our show profits were wiped out by the Cult admin costs)


sad news for Central States Wrestling - they've fallen on hard times and released long time announcer Larry Matysik and Bobby Whitlock. WWA's Bruiser Bedlah, PNW's Big Time Wrestling, and CMLL's Superstella's tv shows all came to an end. It's a shame that so many quality and long-running wrestling television shows are taken off the air (just to make room for more WWF programming)


WWF has 38,000,000 in the bank, 100 prestige, and 78 momentum

JCP is 2nd richest with 2,586,000. 84.3 prestige, 73.1 momentum

World Class is 3rd richest with 1,460,000. still regional. 74 prestige / 82 momentum

AWA has 82.3 prestige and 67 momentum (big increase from original 41)

we have 1,368,000 in the bank.


As WWF grows, we expect to see some major fallout among the feds in June.

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SW Showdown:

Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack vs Lawler & Baron Von Rashke

The rise of Mick Foley is slowly moving on.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Mean Mark Callous

No way McDaniel would even allow a lose the to the future Mr. Wrestlemania.


Leon White vs Big Scott Hall

I've got to be right some time.



Crippler Rip Oliver vs Scott Steiner

Steiner could be a future wrestler to build the AWA around.


SE regional of Rock America Tournament


Florida champion Charlie Cook vs ICW champion Ratamyus


Norvell Austinvs Steve Doll

Steve Doll is good but not on the level of Norvell Austin


Dennis Condreyvs Steve Simpson

Just do not like Simpson, so I just can not pick him.


Rip Rogers vs Scott Steiner

Steiner running through the old man patrol.


AWA All-Stars

Sabu vs DJ Peterson

Peterson could become something with the right push.


Cocoa Samoa w/ Sheik Adnan vs Mark Young w/ Wahoo McDaniel

Samoa should win but I think some cheating might be involved and maybe start a feud with McDaniel.


Freebirds vs Greg Gagne and ???

A mystery partner for Gagne means a nice victory for him


Bonus pick Gagne's tag team partner:

It could be anyone so go with Buddy Rose.

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AWA on tour in the Southwest

2748 attend in Bakersfield, CA -- this is warm up to Battle by the Bay in San Francisco later in the month


Buddy Rose wins a dark match (54 rating)

World Champ Superfly Snuka warms up the crowd afterward with a promo that he's ready to defend his AWA World title against anyone. It doesn't matter whether its Buddy Rose or Dick Murdoch or even Roddy Piper. I'm standing here but where are they? I'm sure one of them will show up in the Cow Palace for Battle by the Bay to get their shot.


1) Nick Bockwinkle vs Cocoa Samoa (w/ Shiek Adnan)

good crowd and good action to start the live show. Sheik Adnan has great chemistry with Cocoa and it helped the match. Bockwinkle outlasted them and gets the win at 14:22 with a piledriver

Rating: 67


Lawler and Baron come out to talk about their match in the main event against the Cobra Corps. But before we get there, we'll be interested to see what this new guy The Flying Yamada can do against Sabu (Baron learns some charisma and performance skills



2) Flying Yamada vs Sabu -- AWA LW TITLE

Yamada went all out and wins with the Shotei. Solid in ring action, but the crowd did not really know who these guys are so there was no heat

Rating 46


Wahoo McDaniel vs Mean Mark Callous

solid action, but again no heat on the match (who is this big guy who calls himself Mean Mark?) Wahoo chops down Callous and wins with Tomahawk in 9:38 -- Buddy Rose gave the match a boost on color commentary


Arnold approaches Scott Steiner before the next match - he offers Scott a huge sum of money to join his new stable. "Look at the guns I have, and you have that same potential. Together we could be quite the Gun Club and all the girly men here in the AWA would quiver in fear when they see us approach." Young Scotty Steiner to his credit shook his head and was not turned by the lures of money and gold. --- Arnold was a super star in this segment

Rating 51


Scott Steiner vs Crippler Rip Oliver

average crowd, decent in ring action. It did not sit well with Arnold that Steiner had turned him down. He paced at ringside, even interupted Rod Trongard who announcing for the match to let him know that Scott would pay. Steiner was taking the fight to the veteran - Arnold found an opportune time when the referee was distracted to interfere and KO Scott! Oliver capitalizes on that moment. He delivers a piledriver to score the win over the rookie. 15:53

Rating: 55


Oliver celebrates in the ring when out of the audience comes the other Crippler - Ray Stevens. Playing in front of a home crowd who went wild at his unexpected appearance!! Oliver had put Stevens out of action a couple months ago when he piledrove him on the concrete, but he did not finish the job. Stevens is back with a vengance! Oliver wisely runs to the back to avoid a beatdown

(54 for the attack)

Crippler Stevens fired up the crowd when he cut a promo "It's great to be back here in Bakersfield California (cheap pop) and its even greater to finally get my hands on that no good snake in the grass Rip Oliver. Mr Oliver it goes like this….you see in a couple weeks there's a little show called Battle by the Bay and it just so happens to be taking place in the house I BUILT! The COW PALACE!! I'm hereby challenging you to a match - knowing your style, we should make it a stretcher match and the last man standing wins. There's no way you can beat me in my hometown.

64 rating for the promo


Norvelle Austin vs DJ Peterson

Paul E comes out to help Norvelle - kind of a blah match with average crowd. Austin rolls DJ up for the win thanks in part to Paul's distractions.

rating 38


Baby Bull Leon White vs Big Scott Hall

Solid action, average crowd. Nick Bockwinkle provides color commentary. Bull White was well-received and looks like a star. Hall was able to stand up to much of White's power game better than most- however, he was not able to overcome the numbers game. Leon power Bombs Hall to get the win at 15:17

Rating: 60


Shiek Adnan joins Leon in the ring and they taunt Nick Bockwinkel who was helping with color commentary. (58)


Nick seems unfazed by the taunts and just watches as Sheik and Leon celebrate in the ring (47)


Then suddenly Nick jumps up from his chair and uncovers a baseball bat!! He jumps in the ring and wails on both men - but its only glancing blows as Adnan and White roll out to safety. (54)


Nick Bockwinkle stands in the ring alone holding his ball bat and waves them to come back. He struts around the ring with the old cocky Bockwinkle look we are used to seeing and lets everyone know he cannot wait to get his hand White in the ring. (74)


Cobra Corps (Slaughter & GI Jack) vs King Jerry Lawler & Baron Von Raschke

30 minutes of wild over the top action here. Baron was knocked from the ring allowing Sarge and GI Jack to work over Lawler. Jerry kept crawling over to make the tag, but no one was home. Finally Baron crawls back on the ring apron. Lawler pulls the strap and drops both Sarge and Jack with hard right hands and makes it over for the tag...instead he is tagged!! Baron hauls off and blasts Lawler!!!! King falls backward where GI Jack covers for the 3 count!!! The crowd is stunned as Baron joins with the Cobra Corps. The bell rings to signal for help to save Lawler from injury. Scott Hall and DJ Peterson are the first on the scene, but they are outnumbered. Then Nick Bockwinkle and Wahoo McDaniel provide the calvary to ensure the bounty on Lawler is not collected here tonight despite the odds being against him. BUT THEN.....To add insult to injury, Baron grabs Lawler's crown!!! Baron puts the crown on his head and wears it out

Match Rating: 67


the final rating was 59

(I honestly expected alittle highter; however, it is still good enough to raise our popularity here in the southwest. I'm just not sure how well it bodes for our PPV in this area,


On a super positive note:

the Baron's turn was a complete success!! Momentum jumps from 52 to 71

(however, his popularity drops 10 points in the SW for being on the losing team even though he was not the one pinned. That seems a little extreme).


Also, we made a $20,000 net profit on the show which is a record for a regular house show like this

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  • 2 weeks later...



Rock America makes a stop in South Carolina

683 attend the spot SE show


Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert does his best to warm up the crowd in the preshow - scoring a dark match victory, thanks in part to some help from manager Paul E Dangerously (49) and then a promo -- Hotstuff and Paul let the crowd know just how good they are - Eddie says he can't sleep at night thinking of ways to spend the money he will get for putting Lawler out of the sport



Speaking of the bounty on Lawler - Sgt Slaughter walks out and grabs the microphone - "Atten Hut!! Listen up you maggots. In case you haven't heard, Jerry Lawler is no longer the King thanks to me. And this Saturday night on ESPN, I'm going to collect $10,000 when I end the man's career. Everyone is going to want to tune in to see Jerry Lawler's last match and that's an order!!"



Dennis Condrey vs Steve Simpson

Rock America first round match -- Simpson had young girls in full out scream mode, but Dennis Condrey proved he was the Lethal Weapon and is a force to be reckoned with in this tournament - scoring the win with a piledriver. (53)


Norvelle Austin vs Steve Doll

The PNW heart throb and 1/2 of the Southern Rockers also wowed the crowd. Once again the Midnight Express member used his experience and aid of Paul E Dangerously to eke out a win. (47)


Time to fire up to fire up the crowd again

Arnold Schwartenegger rolls out smoking a big cigar. Arnold lets Scott Steiner know that he's had his last chance. At the Battle by the Bay, you will pay the ultimate price for declining my generous offers (83)


Scott Steiner vs Hustler Rip Rogers

Scott was fired up after hearing Arnold's comments earlier. He dominated Rogers from bell to bell - Frankensteiner for the win



Cobra Corps (Slaughter and GI Jack) vs Crusher Blackwell & Ricky Rice

good crowd, decent action - Sarge carries the match for his team but allows GI Jack to cover the pin on Rice after a Double Arm DDT. 12:10



Charlie Cook vs Ratamyus

Rock America first round match -- ICW vs Florida champion - a toss up in most expert opinons. On this night, Ratamyus got the edge and the win with a Devils Triangle at 15:22

rating 46 (hoped for a little better from the 2 southern stars)


Michael Hayes cuts a promo regarding Verne Gagne's mystery team for ESPN. "First Gordy and I have Greg Gagne and whoever his daddy can buy for him because no one in their right mind wants to team with the snot nosed punk kid. After the Southern Extreme Champions that the Freebirds are are done with them, then we move to ESPN where Verne Gagne has promised a surprise team. We're not blind....we've seen you recruiting the North-South Connection. Granted I can see Adrian Adonis wanting a fight with us, but c'mon....Dick Murdoch is one of us....he's a Southern Extreme Champion and he's better off facing Superfly Jimmy Snuka for the AWA title than challenging the Freebirds jack. But if they want a fight, then bring it on - we are from badstreet and we're not backing down from anyone. haha. (Lee Marshall looked dreadful holding the microphone for Hayes)



Greg Gagne interrupts Hayes' promo and an impromptu match breaks out


Greg Gagne vs Michael Hayes

Gagne was fired up and beats on Hayes all over the ring. However, he was a little overzealous in his pursuit and as a result both men are counted out.

rating: 56


AWA World Champ Superfly Jimmy Snuka is able to prevent a Freebird doubleteam on Gagne. Then he adds a few words to the crowd:

"Brutha, everyone is lining up to face me for this belt. Buddy Rose? Dick Murdoch? Even you Michael Hayes - I'm not a hard man to find. This week on ESPN we should find out who will be my challenger at the Battle by the bay.



final rating of 56. Our angles definitly helped the show overall and will increase our popularity here in the SE


All-Star Wrestling is our next show

Greg Gagne and a mystery partner vs the Freebirds for the AWA Tag team championship of the world. Verne Gagne also let us know we will have a contract signing with the North-South Connection as he lines up a team to avenge his injuries at the hands of the Freebirds. we also hope to hear from Baron Von Rashke this weekend as to why he turned on his good friend Jerry Lawler and stole the King's crown.

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TV taping in a tiny television studio tucked away in the Northwest

sell-out crowd of 300 semi-rowdy fans


They are greeted by a dark match between DJ Peterson and Sabu

DJ wins his Rock America opener. Terrible wrestling match, as the crowd did not like Sabu at all. DJ gets the win with a diving shoulderblock at 7:26 (31 rating)


Live show opens with a more familiar face to the Portland faithful:

Playboy Buddy Rose greets his ever adoring fans of Portland (nearly drowned out by their boos) -- "That old geezer Stanley Blackburn ordered that I had to beat Kerry Von Erich in order to get another world title shot against Jimmy Snuka here in my home town. Well, Kerry I don't want to wait for the Battle by the Bay....I want you in the ring as soon as possible. I know you don't have the guts to face me in Portland so show tommorrow night in the ESPN studios and get the beating of your life. Tonight, I want to do my good friend Rip Oliver a small favor - I will beat up Ray Stevens for him so he won't have to dirty his hands at the Cow Palace.Rating: 58


video segment as Verne Gagne calls North-South Connection to his hospital room for the contract signing. Adonis and Murdoch are all smiles as the papers are exchanged and signatures attached. Verne Gagne beams a big smile and congratulates the two men who he hypes as possibly the greatest tag team since Dick the Bruiser and Crusher ran rampant in these parts. Good luck men, and bring home those tag team titles!" Murdoch and Adonis snicker and mumble as they walk out "hahahaha tag team titles hahahaha"


Verne Gagne proudly shows off his new contracts to Larry the Axe Henning who enters the room - "Axe, what do you think about this....I've signed up the team to win me the tag titles from the Freebirds" Henning glances over the documents and shakes his head. "Verne Verne Verne, these contracts are NOT for the world tag titles!! You just agreed to give Dick Murdoch a match against Superfly Snuka for the AWA World title!!!!" Gagne is beside himself in anger. "Get me a robe...get me my robe and a wheelchair. I need to get to the tv studio!"


Cocoa Samoa vs Mark Young

nice Rock America first round match up. Mark Young has really improved in recent months - good crowd sees decent action. Cocoa piledrives Young at the 10 minute mark.

Rating: 53


Wahoo McDaniel & Nick Bockwinkle vs The Russians w/ Sheik Adnan

Bockwinkle piledrives Ustinov for the win at 7:04 (Soldat was visibly tired at the end)

Rating: 48. not much to write home about


Greg Gagne comes out next to announce who his tag team partner will be against the Freebirds. "Hayes and Gordy call themselves the SEC. They come up here and brag about how the South is going to rise again. Well as many know, I graduated college from the University of Minnesota and we know a little about football too in the conference I come from. I'm proud to bring in a fellow Big 10 star, a Michigan alum named Scott Steiner. Freebirds, the Big 10 will beat your SEC butts all the way back to Georgia.


Big 10 (Gagne-Steiner) vs Freebirds (Hayes-Gordy)

Freebirds were on the run most of the match. Buddy Rose jumps Gagne, Arnold once again grabs Steiner - Freebirds DQ'ed for the outside interference but they maintain their belts. Gagne did not gain revenge for his father as he had hoped (but Verne already suspected that since he was out trying to recruit someone else to do the job)

Match rating: 49


Nick Bockwinkle and Wahoo McDaniel make the save at the end to prevent a 4 on 2 beatdown. (71)


post match - Freebirds tell Nick and Wahoo to mind their own business. Verne Gagne rolls out in a wheelchair to announce he has found his team to challenge the Freebirds on ESPN!

Rating: 57



Buddy Rose vs Ray Stevens

Fantastic crowd saw great action - back and forth action but Rose made true on his prematch promise, hitting the Las Vegas Jackpot to pin Stevens.

rating: 63


Final show rating: 57



Tommorrow night's show on ESPN is shaping up to be an all-time great:


AWA title: Superfly Snuka defends AWA title vs Col. Debeers - recent battle royal winner


Buddy Rose vs Kerry Von Erich


Wahoo McDaniel & Nick Bockwinkle vs Freebirds (AWA tag)


Sgt Slaughter vs Jerry Lawler -- bounty match

we also hope to hear from Baron Von Rashke on why he turned on friend Jerry Lawler


I'll also post an update on Rock America and the round 2 matches (took a while to get thru 32 first rounders)

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AWA title: Superfly Snuka defends AWA title vs Col. Debeers - recent battle royal winner

Sorry DeBeers your great but Snuka is just too much for you.


Buddy Rose vs Kerry Von Erich

Hate to do this Rose but Von Erich is just to good.


Wahoo McDaniel & Nick Bockwinkle vs Freebirds (AWA tag)

Freebirds, Freebirds


Sgt Slaughter vs Jerry Lawler -- bounty match

I see Slaughter being piledrived on the concrete floor.

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WWF contracts are being signed


Candi Devine, Debbie Combs, Ray Traylor and Ken patera all sign with WWF. Traylor wrestled with JCP and UWF. His best match to date was a 76 rated loss, teaming with Bobby Eaton against Super Powers. Most recently defeated Michael Hayes on Power Pro Wrestling for UWF thrusting him into the spotlight. Patera was recently released from Prison. AWA approached him with a contract, but he wanted WAY more money than we were willing to offer at this time. I thought he would be a member of Arnold's stable - or possibly someone to stand against them.

Devine and Combs will not be major losses to the AWA as we haven't done much at all with the women's division. Our biggest fear is they will help draw bigger names with them that will majorly hurt us before the end of the month.


on another note, seeing as how this era is 25 years in the past and some of the names may not be familiar to all, I'm thinking of adding a Personality Profile section to help bring them to life. Any suggestions (names and/or methods) are appreciated. Post or PM me

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AWA title: Superfly Snuka defends AWA title vs Col. Debeers - recent battle royal winner

Despite the heat he can draw... Debeers just doesnt cut it for me as a world champ


Buddy Rose vs Kerry Von Erich

Rose is going to get his title shot... Basically just for the draw, it will bring in


Wahoo McDaniel & Nick Bockwinkle vs Freebirds (AWA tag)

Nice dominant run, under way by the Birds


Sgt Slaughter vs Jerry Lawler -- bounty match



As far as profiles, your writing is bringing these guys to life... Maybe a picture could help, for those not familiar with this era... Whatever you come up with, let me know, becasue I could probably use the same thing

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on another note, seeing as how this era is 25 years in the past and some of the names may not be familiar to all, I'm thinking of adding a Personality Profile section to help bring them to life. Any suggestions (names and/or methods) are appreciated. Post or PM me



I think this is a great idea. Will you be doing the profile up until this point of history or what the wrestler will become in the future?

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<p>AWA title: <strong>Superfly Snuka</strong> defends AWA title vs Col. Debeers - recent battle royal winner </p><p>

While I agree that Debeers can generate a fair level of heat, he's not a risk to the Superfly IMO.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buddy Rose</strong> vs Kerry Von Erich</p><p>

Kerry's in on a short term deal wheras Rose is an AWA star. Rose to take this one.</p><p> </p><p>

Wahoo McDaniel & Nick Bockwinkle vs <strong>Freebirds (AWA tag)</strong></p><p>

A win over a pair of AWA legends will do the champs the world of good while you sort out the next challengers</p><p> </p><p>

Sgt Slaughter vs <strong>Jerry Lawler</strong></p><p>

It's too early in the bounty saga for someone to be cashing in on the King. But I do expect some Baron interference. Perhaps a no contest?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="thunderwill" data-cite="thunderwill" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think this is a great idea. Will you be doing the profile up until this point of history or what the wrestler will become in the future?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>As far as profiles, your writing is bringing these guys to life... Maybe a picture could help, for those not familiar with this era... Whatever you come up with, let me know, becasue I could probably use the same thing </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> My idea is to at least start with the guys who never made it big in WWF (most of us know Shawn Michaels will become HBK, and that GI Jack will become a hardcore legend known as Dude Love/Cactus Jack/Mankind), but many other guys were local legends (Eddie Gilbert, Norvell Austin and some of the other guys I have waiting in the wings). So there will be a little background on where they came from, maybe a "hint" of what they could become. Not as adept at doing true interviews as others are, but will incorporate that somewhat as well to make it conversational. The older veterns will include more of where they came from, while the young up and comers would have to show more what the future held for them (which helps in case someone doesn't realize that Flying Yamada will become Jushin Thunder Liger, Mark Callous will rule Wrestlemania as Undertaker, etc) - even for these guys it could help to see where they came from, roots, etc.</p><p> </p><p> thanks for the idea of including a picture - helps to see the man (and maybe a Youtube or profile link to get even more info when available). As they say, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so I look forward to seeing something similar in the WWF. I'm expecting this to be an ongoing project (couple a month in between shows - though truly would expect to see them on the tv shows in real life)</p>
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<p><span>http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRoQWl3Sktd0yozRECFcVykcxRxGNCRiNeQKxzB6gVVDigzqVUdDA:wrestling.insidepulse.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/AWA-Logo.jpg</span></p><p> AWA on ESPN -- sell out crowd of 6,000</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Special Memorial Day Weekend Show</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> dark match - Big Scott Hall defeats Mark Rocco with Razor's edge in 12:01. very solid in ring action but devoid of any heat. 58 rating</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Jerry Lawler starts things off - "week after week, people come out here trying to collect the bounty that Paul E and Norvel Austin put on my head. Friends like Von Rashke turned on me and so it was time to call on someone I know I can trust. I called my good friend Jerry Jarrett's office in Hendersonville. I was told that today, the greatest second generation wrestler of all time would be to watch my back against you Sgt Slaughter. I knew that could only mean one person.....so ladies and gentlemen I present to you.....<strong>Double J</strong>....Jef...... then a voice from behind the curtain interuppts. "No Jerry you got it wrong. It's not Double J.....It's Double G.....George Gulas!!! That's right Mr Lawler. My daddy Nick Gulas, the greatest wrestler promoter in history heard about your problems and sent me up here to help you out. Don't you worry none. With George Gulas watching your back, no harm will come to you" Lawler looks just a little stunned and upset at this turn of events</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> As we prepare for the opening contest between Lawler and Slaughter, Lee Marshall catches up with Baron Von Rashke in the back - </p><p> Baron Von Rashke is holding Jerry Lawler's crown - He is quickly asked by Lee Marshall why he turned on his good friend last week in Bakersfield. Baron holds the crown high for everyone to see "This is all the people need to know. I am the new king. Jerry Lawler has been a disgrace and when Paul E and The Sarge offered me lots of money to help them take him out, I was more than willing to oblige. Now I am the King of Professional Wrestling. You will no longer address me as the Baron....from now on, I am Der Kaiser" </p><p> 65 rating</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Sgt Slaughter vs Jerry Lawler</span></span></strong></p><p> wild match as most would expect from these two legends. Great action and great heat - Der Kaiser attacks Lawler as the match spills to the floor. With bodies flying everywhere, the referee threw the match out. George Gulas comes back to save Lawler and all 4 men brawl on the floor</p><p> <strong>match rating 76</strong></p><p> </p><p> Next up is the WORLD TAG TEAM MATCH</p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Nick Bockwinkle and Wahoo McDaniel (w/ Verne Gagne) vs The Fabulous Freebirds (w/ Don Carson)</span></strong></p><p> You could cut the tension with a knife for this match -The Freebirds had injured Verne Gagne and humilated him by burying him under a Confederate Flag. Gagne vowed revenge, but his first choice the North-South Connection tricked him - so Verne went to Plan B.....but this isn't just any plan B. You have two bona fide legends in the sport. Both men have won countless titles around the world and both men have world tag titles to their credits with different partners. The Freebirds need no introduction - they are known the world over and instant heat when they enter a territory.</p><p> 20:11 mark, Wahoo McDaniel chops down Michael Hayes and we have NEW world tag team champions. Terry Gordy was furious at Hayes. "I told you to take this match more serious. But no, you had to go out and party hard last night....you cost us man. you cost us and I don't like it one bit!" Hayes tries to defend his actions and grabs Gordy by the shoulder when he turned to leave. Gordy spins around and KO's Hayes and we have an impromtu match</p><p> <strong>68 match rating.</strong> 55 rating for the apparant break up of the Freebirds</p><p> </p><p> Terry Gordy only needed 2 minutes to wipe the floor with Hayes in their impromptu match. He puts on the Oriental Spike until Hayes is out. Gordy drops the lifeless body of Michael Hayes and stomps out of the ring saying he will find a partner he can count on and regain his world tag titles.</p><p> <strong>rating: 43</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Playboy Buddy Rose vs Kerry Von Erich</span></span></strong></p><p> Rose knew what was on the line - a victory here over international star Von Erich could catapult him to another title AWA title shot. Rose put it all on the line with a dominating performance and sealed the deal with the Las Vegas Jackpot in 16:52. Sherri Martell gave him a boost at ringside and they celebrate after knowing they have a chip they can cash in when they are ready to.</p><p> <strong>Rating: 55</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sheik Adnan continues to goad Nick Bockwinkle. He issues a challenge to Nick, but Nick does not respond<p> 69 rating</p><p> </p><p> As they are turning to leave, Nick Bockwinkle appears on the monitor still celebrating his tag team title win - "Gentlemen. As you can see, myself and the Chief are a little busy right now. I'm more than ready to meet you in the ring this week. Or next week right here on ESPN, just sign on the dotted line and show up"</p><p> rating 81</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Mr Saito vs Marty Janetty</span></span></strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> -- AWA TV TITLE</span></strong></p><p> AWA TV TITLE MATCH - great chemistry, good action, average heat = very good match! While both men looked good going all out, Marty didn't seem to handle the pressure as well. Saito uses the Prison Lock to get the win at 10:22. However, he refuses to let go of the hold....</p><p> <strong>match rating 76</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Greg Gagne makes another rescue - weilding a chair, he is able to chase Saito to the ring and save Janetty any further damage. Gagne issues a challenge to put the title on the line against him next week. 15 minutes will give our fans a 15% better TV champion"<p> 60 rating</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs Col. Debeers</span></span></strong></p><p><strong> AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH</strong></p><p> These two men went all out in an effort to end the show in a big way. While they were tired by the end, Snuka delivers a Superfly Deathleap to secure the win and his 7th title defense since winning the belt from Bockwinkle.</p><p> <strong>Match Rating 74</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Snuka was fired up after the match - "Lemme tell you thing brutha. Dick Murdoch you and Adonis pulled the wool over my friend Verne Gagne's eyes. He wanted and needed your help but instead you tricked him. So brutha, you got what you wanted….you got a title match against me at the Battle by the Bay. But you're gonna pay for your tricks. You are going to wish you never signed that contract after I get done with you brutha."<p> 72 rating for promo</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Personality Profile this week will be Wahoo McDaniel, 1/2 of the new AWA tagteam champions. Next week, the spotlight will be on newcomer George Gulas. If you think Greg Gagne or Erik Watts benefitted from having their father in charge, You will not want to miss that one!!</div></blockquote>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Ritchardo" data-cite="Ritchardo" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wow! Did not see that title change coming! Is P.S. New York bound by any chance?!! I assume so after doing the job and having Gordy destroy him afterwards?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Funny you should ask.....Hot off the presses of <em>Pro Wrestling Torch</em>.....</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Kerry Von Erich and Jimmy Garvin announce deals with the WWF! Garvin wrestled for JCP where he teamed with his brother Ron (losing to Russians and New Breed). Kerry Von Erich a high profile wrestler in Texas working for his dad's WCWA, and also recently getting some national exposure with the AWA. His most memorable matches have been against Red River Jack (Bruiser Brody) and a great tag match with Chavo Guerrerro against the Fabulous Freebirds. Speaking of the Freebirds, Michael Hayes also announced he would be going to the WWF - Hayes has been a big star in the AWA, winning the tag titles with Terry Gordy and his recent feud with the Gagne family. In UWF, he feuded with Big Bubba Rogers who will be joining him in New York. He may have 1 match left in the AWA before Hayes officially departs</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was left in a lurch when I found out Hayes would be leaving. I had a couple options to go but with Nick and Wahoo edging nearer to retirement I thought this could be a nice parting gift - and one that will actually play quite nicely into another ongoing storyline (as you will see). It is very hard to hype the next super show (Battle by the Bay) with so many guys who are on the verge of leaving. The Rose-Von Erich match was moved up (originally slated for the PPV, but went ahead and put it on tv for Kerry's final match). I don't have as much animosity toward Von Erich as I do Hayes who thought he could just leave with my tag title in hand. I have 2 more players who are still in limbo which really hurts our current progressions. Now of course, I need to scurry and find Gordy a new partner to fill his obligations and decide his longterm position with the company. Gotta love the extra challenges of clearing out the main event part of the roster just ahead of the big PPV></p>
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Hey, long-term reader tho oddly this is the first I've replied here... huh kinda weird. Anyways.


I think it's pretty bad that Kerry isn't going to stick around with you. I assume he was probably not on a very long-term deal anyways (as evident by how often he was on the losing end) but he could have been a very good nice in the arm for your main event in the wake of who all may be on their way out. Personally I'd love to see you find a spot for Gordy in your singles ranks rather than a partner, you have a nice base of tag teams so having someone else in the field for the TV or World titles would be pretty solid.

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<p>Kerry had the 3rd highest momentum on my roster at 80 and he maintained that even with the losses, so I was just trying to use him to build up some other guys. Funny thing is he stayed about the same and so did they (modest gains). Plus shortly after his debut match, I got the word that he was exploring his options with the WWF so didn't want to build him too much just in case.</p><p>

I'm just really afraid the other shoe will drop soon and I'll lose one of my biggest stars. I've been hesitant to "bury" him with losses in hopes that he will remain loyal to the AWA. Doubt the strategy works out, but have to try whatever I can at this point.</p><p> </p><p>

thanks for following along, and good to hear from you. The Gordy singles run is definitely something I'll contemplate. He has a lot of history with Superfly Snuka (they were former NWA World tag champions) so it shouldn't be too hard to build that up. On the downside, he has a short-term contract only so I'd have to have a quick exit strategy in mind Just In Case he didn't want to renew.</p>

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Personality Profile #1






Title History

TEW -- AWA World Champion: Oldschool's WWWF DOTT diary

TEW -- AWA World tag champ (w/ Nick Bockwinkle): current diary


Numerous regional real life titles in Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Carolinas. Some highlights include:

Mid-Atlantic HW title which he traded with Ric Flair

NWA World tag titles with Rufas Jones, Paul Jones, and Mark Youngblood

US title (5 times)



Wahoo was a baseball catcher in little league -- his baseball coach went on to a little fame of his own -- George Bush, future President and father of another president. He would later play football in the NFL for the New York Jets (the PA announcer would ask fans - "tackle by Who?" and the fans would yell back WAHOO!

He would wrestle in Florida during the offseason. When Steve Mongo McMichael and Kevin Greene tried to make the jump from NFL to WCW in the late 90's many "purist" wrestling fans cried foul. I think they forgot the accomplishments of men like Wahoo McDaniel and Big Cat Ernie Ladd who excelled in both sports.



Wahoo's prowess in the Indian Strap match was legendary, seen here against Curt Henning, and then teaming with Dusty Rhodes against the Four Horsemen (Blanchard and Anderson)



Master of the Tomahawk Chop, His hard-hitting matches with men like Johnny Valentine and Ric Flair were the cornerstone of the Mid-Atlantic territory. Wahoo said he would hit Valentine so hard that his hands hurt and Johnny would just yell at him to hit him harder.



The most famous battle of 1976 became known as the “table leg and forty stitches” fight. Flair had just returned to wrestling after recovering from injuries in a plane crash. It was a dramatic return to the ring but Wahoo wanted the Heavyweight title back from Flair. As Wahoo battled for the win, they both fell out of the ring, shattering a timekeeper’s wood table. Dazed and cornered, Flair grabbed a table leg and swung wildly (not seeing the nail still sticking out of the table leg), tearing a gash around Wahoo’s eye that took 40 stitches to close.


Wahoo sought revenge. On December 27, 1976, he soundly defeated Flair in a classic fight for the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title. Flair never held the Mid-Atlantic Title again. Wahoo completed the feat by being named Wrestler of the Year.


What fans didn’t see in this fierce warrior was his generosity. Even at the height of their feud, Wahoo was one of the first to visit Ric Flair after he was in the plane crash. Hospital attendants restrained Wahoo outside of Flair’s room because they really thought he was there to finish Flair off. But in truth, they were friends and Flair thought of Wahoo as a mentor.


When Johnny's son Greg came to the area, he picked up where his father left off. He sported a "I broke Wahoo's Leg t-shirt" after using his Figure 4 (an angle that Valentine reprised against Tito Santana in the WWF). McDaniel traded the Mid-Atlantic title with Ric Flair numerous times and won the NWA World tag titles from The Minnesota Wrecking Crew, Ole & Gene Anderson, with partners Rufas R Jones (Freight Train) and Paul Jones (Andersons won the titles back on tv, when Ole sacrificed his brother Gene in an famous angle when he rammed Wahoo's head into Gene's knocking both men out cold.


Here's a link to a transcript of Bob Caudle and David Crockett's play by play since I can't find any footage of it outside of my vivid memory




One of my favorite angles was when Super Destroyer and Ivan Koloff ripped up Wahoo's ceremoninal head dress!! Wahoo had protected it for years and now it was destroyed. You just knew there'd be heck to pay (and a lot of blood spilled!)




Wahoo won the elusive US title from Roddy Piper. He was forced to forfiet the belt due to injuries. Sgt Slaughter won the tournament to name a new champion setting up a fierce feud when Wahoo returned. The popular star would eventually turn heel and regain the US title from former friend Ricky Steamboat (thanks to interference from Tully Blanchard who was feuding with Ric Flair at the time -- longtime Mid-Atlantic fans were shocked at the turn of events and rank it up there with the Hogan-NWO turn) Almost a year later, he would drop the title to rising star Magnum TA.



A former NWA World champion sums it up best:

Jack Brisco said "If Wahoo isn't in a class by himself, it sure won't take long to call the roll"

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Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying this. I know its tough to lose top guys and sometimes its tough to move past but I'm really looking foward to seeing where this goes. Great job.


thanks -- true it messed up or at least sped up a couple storylines, but I love a good challenge and will do my best to regroup. I'm proud to have given the Freebirds their only major world tag team title (they did not win any in real life, but had several regional ones).


Nice add JackKnifed72. That about says it all!!


And now as promised a Rock America Update with a look at the upcoming 2nd round matches:


In the South region

top seed Sgt Slaughter meets #9 Steve O

#2 Jerry Lawler vs Freebird Michael Hayes

#11 GI Jack vs #14 Mike Miller in battle of underdogs

Scott Hall vs Col Debeers (5vs13)


Wild West action

top seed Playboy Buddy Rose takes on Rock & Roll Buck Zumhoffe

#2 Mr Saito vs Midnight Rocker Marty Jannetty

#3 Spoiler vs Midnight Rocker Shawn Michaels

#4 Cocoa Samaoa vs Rocking Ray Stevens (sorry, had to)


In the Northeast

#1 Nick Bockwinkle vs Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert

#2 Wahoo McDaniel vs Norvell Austin (could the tag champs end up meeting in the finals?)

#6 vs #14 as DJ Peterson meets Adrian Adonis

#4 vs #5 Flying Yamada vs the Bull Leon White



#1 Superfly Snuka vs ICW's mysterious Ratamyus

#2 Greg Gagne vs Loverboy Dennis Condrey

#3 Terry Gordy vs Scott Steiner

#4 Dick Murdoch vs Jerry Blackwell

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The AWA invades Memphis TN

It's the MidSouth Celeseum on Monday night just like the old days and The King of Memphis Jerry Lawler is here to kick things off


Lawler promo on "Baron" Von Rashke, "Listen up you bald headed geek, you stole my crown and now you go around calling yourself the Kaiser. Well, let me tell you what we do to Kaisers here in Memphis, you see some people call them Sling Rolls, but I call them Kaiser Rolls…well what we do is we put them on the grill to toast them and then add some good ol Memphis style barbeque and we have us a feast. That's exactly what is going to happen to you son, I'm going to toast your hide and barbeque your a$$ if you get my drift, and I'll get my crown back and you're going to be a crispy flame-broiled bald headed geek.

BUT now I wanna talk about tonight. I wanna thank all my fans for packing this old building one more time and you are going to witness a historic night indeed. Tonight I got that sissy Freebird Michael Hayes, well everyone knows that a King beats a Queen everytime. Hayes, you always talk about being from Badstreet. You don't look so bad to me, especially without your big brother Terry Gordy watching your back. When I get done with you, we're going to have a big party on Beale Street!!"



Dennis Condrey vs Greg Gagne

Rock America - 2nd round match -- good crowd and good action with these two. Verne Gagne came out to offset the presence of Paul E Dangerously - and ends up having great chemistry with his son Greg. Condrey put on a good ol fashioned southern brawl to beat down Gagne, but the Minnesota star battled back and won the crowd over with his speed and agility to score the win and advance to round 3. Gagne Sleeper at 18:34

Rating: 63


Cripper Ray Stevens is in the back with Lee Marshall - he is looking forward to getting his hands on Rip Oliver at Battle by the Bay. "Just like Jerry Lawler is finding that extra gear here in his home town, I'll do the same in the Cow Palace which is the arena I built with my blood. Rip Oliver will be the one that is stretchered out.



Charlie Cook vs Hustler Rip Rogers

good crowd and decent action - Cook puts Rip away with a sleeper

two guys with Southern roots failed to do what they were hired for as this match brought the mood of the crowd down.

Rating: 35


AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Superfly Snuka defends vs ICW champ Ratamyus

Good crowd and good action as The ICW champ vs the AWA champ -- Superfly was able to overcome the beast and score the win in 10:58 with the Superfly Splash -- Ratamyus did not sell much for the champ

Rating: 68


Freebird Michael Hayes angers the crowd with some insults then says he has had a change of heart. Terry Gordy, you’re my brother man. I don't want to leave it like this. Tommorrow night, one more time - you and me struttung our stuff in Dallas like only the Freebirds can. Come back, team with me one more time and let's win our world titles back. And c'mon man, you gotta come out here tonight and help me. You know Jerry Lawler is going to have the refs in his back pocket and the fans on his side. I need just a little edge to beat him. It would mean the world to me if you were in my corner.

Rating: 70


Nick Bockwinkle vs Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert

Wild match, good action, good crowd as Eddie fired up the home town with heel heat as few others can, Gilbert had the former world champ on the ropes a couple times but Nick outsmarts him in the end to win with his Piledriver

Rating: 76


MAIN EVENT: King Jerry Lawler vs Freebird Michael Hayes

For those who only know Lawler as the clown announcer on WWE broadcasts, I'm putting together a profile report on him to show a glimpse of what he meant to Memphis Wrestling back in the day. I wanted to find a good entrance video, but lacking that the following has a few of his famous ones as well as clips from matches -- good way to kick the match into gear:


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/79xBj28OcJ0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Rock America round 2 match

great action, good crowd. Gordy comes to ringside and sits with Ron Trongard to watch the action up close and personal. His presence served to distract Lawler more than Hayes. Back and forth action - Hayes throws powder in Lawler's eyes to blind him and give Hayes the advantage to beat him down. Hayes urges Gordy to come over and help him. Gordy said he liked what he was seeing "this is the Michael Hayes that I grew up with, this is what I like to see. If he had fought like this last week, we'd still be world tag team champions" Gordy stands up and applauds Hayes' efforts. But then, Lawler pulls the strap and unloads a barrage on Hayes. The crowd is rocking in Memphis as their home town hero mounts his famous heroic comeback which he accents with a Piledriver onto a chair to score the pin. Lawler celebrates as Gordy shakes his head and walks to the back leaving Hayes laying in the ring alone. 35:13

Match rating: 83


When Lee Marshall asked Gordy if he would give Hayes a second chance and team with him one more time in Dallas to regain the tag titles, Gordy responded that he would sleep on it and make his decision in the morning.


Overall show rating: 72



Verne Gagne was overused being the road agent and manager for his son

Lawler vs Hayes was the 6th best rated match in AWA history.

This show ranks at #9.


This is actually only the 2nd show outside the Midwest that hits the top 10, so maybe that bodes well for future expansion. Plus the last time we visited the SE, we scored a 56 and didn't plan to come back for a while. The King convinced us to let him run the show, like we let Rose run one in Portland (which just got dropped to #10, and is the other top 10 outside the midwest). Hoping Battle by The Bay does some surprising numbers in San Franciso and cracks the top 10 since it is a PPV and will be seen throughout the west. I'll be providing that entire card (waiting to see if anyone else decided to take the money and run to the WWF)


Scheduled for Dallas:

World tag titles: Wahoo-Bockwinkle vs Freebirds

Crown on a pole match: Lawler vs Der Kaiser Von Rashke

The Spoiler vs Shawn Michaels - Rock America round 2

Scott Hall & DJ Peterson vs Eddie Gilbert and Doug Sommers w/ Rose

Sgt Slaughter vs Steve Simpson

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World tag titles: Wahoo-Bockwinkle vs Freebirds

The break up of the Freebirds is upon us.


Crown on a pole match: Lawler vs Der Kaiser Von Rashke

No one can ever take the crown away from the King.


The Spoiler vs Shawn Michaels - Rock America round 2

If Michaels wants to become a future star, defeating the older legends will do the trick


Scott Hall & DJ Peterson vs Eddie Gilbert and Doug Sommers w/ Rose

Rose will be right their to make sure Gilbert and Sommers get the victory


Sgt Slaughter vs Steve Simpson

Sorry Simpson but you have no chance.

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World tag titles: Wahoo-Bockwinkle vs Freebirds

Crown on a pole match: Lawler vs Der Kaiser Von Rashke

The Spoiler vs Shawn Michaels - Rock America round 2

Scott Hall & DJ Peterson vs Eddie Gilbert and Doug Sommers w/ Rose

Sgt Slaughter vs Steve Simpson

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World tag titles: Wahoo-Bockwinkle vs Freebirds

Crown on a pole match: Lawler vs Der Kaiser Von Rashke

The Spoiler vs Shawn Michaels - Rock America round 2

Scott Hall & DJ Peterson vs Eddie Gilbert and Doug Sommers w/ Rose

Sgt Slaughter vs Steve Simpson

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