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Fantasy Booker


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This is a site that features a game where we get to fantasy book the world of wrestling, so I thought it would be fitting if we had a thread where we discussed fantasy booking.


Purpose: Pick a time, any time, in any promotion in the world and give how you would have done it differently. You can do as elaborate or as simple as you want. Try to be more specific though than just saying "I would have had DiBiase win the world title in the WWF." Try to give a way you would have done it and how it would have played out.

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This is a site that features a game where we get to fantasy book the world of wrestling, so I thought it would be fitting if we had a thread where we discussed fantasy booking.


Purpose: Pick a time, any time, in any promotion in the world and give how you would have done it differently. You can do as elaborate or as simple as you want. Try to be more specific though than just saying "I would have had DiBiase win the world title in the WWF." Try to give a way you would have done it and how it would have played out.


I would have had Mae Young give birth to a foot instead of a hand. Could have changed the industry forever.

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I would've had the 2006 Edge/Cena payoff match at Wrestlemania 22. One of my favorite moments in wrestling was Edge walking out after the elimination chamber and pretty much stealing the World title from Cena. Instead of turning it into a hot feud, they put the belt right back on Cena a couple weeks later at the Royal Rumble so Cena could face Triple H.


I would've approached it differently mainly because people had seen Triple H in Wrestlemania headliners before, and almost every single time the matches were boring and downright disappointing. Edge was really coming into his own as the arrogant, Rated-R superstar at this point and I thought it would've been cool if something was written in whereas Cena didn't have a rematch clause in his contract, so he had to earn the right to face Edge for the title just like everyone else.


I'd have had Edge face a mid-card level guy, who was gaining momentum at the Rumble PPV. Someone like Rob Van Dam or Shelton Benjamin. Edge would cheat his way to the win, and in the Rumble match Cena would come in like hell on wheels eliminating guys left and right until Edge ran out and eliminated him while he wasn't looking. Edge would brag about how Cena would never get a shot at his WWE title and Eric Bischoff or Vince McMahon would cut him off and announce an eight man tournament to determine who would face Edge for the title at Wrestlemania.


Of course Cena would win, and that would lead into the match fans would've been dying to see for the past three months: John Cena vs. Edge. It wouldn't feel right for Edge not to get comeuppance so Cena would get the win and the fans would go home happy.


Cool idea for a thread, I dunno if anyone will agree with my idea for how that could have played out but I personally think that would have been a cool way to do it instead of yet another boring Triple H 'Mania match. I'll probably pop in here later with more ideas.

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Neat idea for a thread, and I like your idea BloodyKnuckles. That really a time period that popped into my head, but I do like your idea there. There's if I remember correctly, alot more heat in that match then in the match that actually went down if I remember it correctly.


That and I like the idea of seeing Cena in a match vs a really talented guy like Edge, then a guy more "up his ally" like Triple H. No offense to HHH, but Edge is a big night guy for sure and seeing a younger Cena vs a great wrestler like Edge would have been possibly really good.


I can't think of anything right now myself besides the obvious changes, like the Invasion and the breakup of the NWO or something. But this should be a fun topic.

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It's kinda a silly little thing, really a midcard feud.


After Wrestlemania 2011, I would've had a very quick lead-up to a feud between a heel DiBiase and a still-face R-Truth. He was still with Maryse at that time, I believe? Just put some random reason together that they'd have a match at Extreme Rules.


The first thing I'd do is have Maryse snapping at him backstage like she was doing on TV all the time, and just have him slap her mid-sentence. Make it as stiff as they are both comfortable doing. Have her walk out without a word. Over the next few weeks, have him get more-and-more bold about being physical with her when she gives him lip, and at the PPV match have him go over with her interfering on Truth's behalf and hit DiBiase. Of course he freaks out and goes after her, but Truth tries to stop him. Then, have DiBiase stiff Truth and call him some tv-friendly racial slur and the next week have a promo about how he refuses to be touched by some poor, stupid monkey, when he's the Million Dollar Title holder.


That's as far as I got with the planning though. I figure from that point on you just have Truth go over him.


[Far as I'm concerned, this setup could be great for both of them. DiBiase has his absolute lack of charisma overcome by the fact that now he's an abusive racist, a gimmick than anyone could get heat from, and Truth gets to be in a feud that actually might go somewhere.]

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I would've had the 2006 Edge/Cena payoff match at Wrestlemania 22. One of my favorite moments in wrestling was Edge walking out after the elimination chamber and pretty much stealing the World title from Cena. Instead of turning it into a hot feud, they put the belt right back on Cena a couple weeks later at the Royal Rumble so Cena could face Triple H.


I would've approached it differently mainly because people had seen Triple H in Wrestlemania headliners before, and almost every single time the matches were boring and downright disappointing. Edge was really coming into his own as the arrogant, Rated-R superstar at this point and I thought it would've been cool if something was written in whereas Cena didn't have a rematch clause in his contract, so he had to earn the right to face Edge for the title just like everyone else.


I'd have had Edge face a mid-card level guy, who was gaining momentum at the Rumble PPV. Someone like Rob Van Dam or Shelton Benjamin. Edge would cheat his way to the win, and in the Rumble match Cena would come in like hell on wheels eliminating guys left and right until Edge ran out and eliminated him while he wasn't looking. Edge would brag about how Cena would never get a shot at his WWE title and Eric Bischoff or Vince McMahon would cut him off and announce an eight man tournament to determine who would face Edge for the title at Wrestlemania.


Of course Cena would win, and that would lead into the match fans would've been dying to see for the past three months: John Cena vs. Edge. It wouldn't feel right for Edge not to get comeuppance so Cena would get the win and the fans would go home happy.


Cool idea for a thread, I dunno if anyone will agree with my idea for how that could have played out but I personally think that would have been a cool way to do it instead of yet another boring Triple H 'Mania match. I'll probably pop in here later with more ideas.


This is exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for. Good post and sounds interesting.

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Terry Taylor would have never become the Red Rooster thus killing off his career. As to what I would have done differently, well I would have never signed him in the first place. He did not belong in the WWF at that time with all of the roided out freaks.
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Terry Taylor would have never become the Red Rooster thus killing off his career. As to what I would have done differently, well I would have never signed him in the first place. He did not belong in the WWF at that time with all of the roided out freaks.


Tell me about all that,


1) Red Rooster? I read a little bit about it


2) Why didn't he belong?

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Tell me about all that,


1) Red Rooster?


2) Why didn't he belong?


You could probably look it up on Youtube to see for yourself. It was just a very bad gimmick.


As for why he did not belong, well Terry Taylor was not your typical WWF wrestler at that time. I guess he was probably equivalent to Evan Bourne. And at that time most of the WWF wrestlers were huge.

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<p>Summerslam 2005: Shawn Michaels beats Hulk Hogan</p><p> </p><p>

I would've booked it very similarly the way WWE did with HBK doing a bunch of promos about how old Hogan is and all that stuff. By the way, that stuff was hilarious.</p><p> </p><p>

However, instead of Hogan winning it would have been awesome if Shawn blatantly cheated to get the win since he was basically more of a heel against Hogan.</p><p> </p><p>

This could have let up to some awesome promos afterwards about Hogan not laying down for anyone and then Hogan even discussing that it's not his ego that gets in the way, he just loves giving the Hulkamaniacs what they want... it looks better in my imagination then on paper, actually.</p><p> </p><p>

Thus, these two could have another match at Unforgiven preferably a gimmick match like a No Holds Barred (Maybe even Vince telling both of them that it can't be a sanctioned match because of all the stroke each wrestler has pulled)</p><p> </p><p>

I think it would've made great TV and because I really wanted HBK to BEAT Hogan. And for them to have the No Holds Barred match, Hogan would obviously win cleanly to make him happy.</p><p> </p><p>

That's the biggest one that came to mind because I remember being really pissed off that HBK lost. Mainly because Hogan has no mobility and it's much more believable to me that HBK would beat him. The other upside being that HBK wouldn't have to face Chris Masters at Unforgiven either. ;-)</p>

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