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CZCW: Some Things Never Change

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That was a fantastic little card there - perfect length to read and great detail all things considered! However, with that said I found the little internet column review of the event equally as useful in feeling the show play out. So in that sense, the write-up could possibly be scaled back a little. In terms of the booking, it was perfect for me - the matches flowed well into each other and built up successfully to the main event. The cliffhanger finish - well it's got me wanting to see the next part of the story, so in that sense it's a great success!


Keep up the great work here - you've got me interested, that's for sure!

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So I finally got around to reading this...


Hrm. Apparently there's a 'Dangerousverse'? OK, I can roll with that.


Nice stuff so far. I'll see if I can make a slightly less... pixellated... version of that T-Shirt Sammy has at some point.


I kinda agree with Regis on the oddity of the Screwjob. But that's not the core of this, so let's roll on.


Also, Travis Century. I love that guy.

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Match write ups werejust right for me, enough detail without going too overboard.


Great show overall


Top of the table, further proof I'm inside your head, brilliance :p

Get out of my head, dang it!


Stupid network. Y U No give CZCW 5 more minutes?. Interested to see who has the title next week (my predo is Bach has the belt ;)).

That would be insane. Sadly, though, I can promise that Bach is not the champ...for now.


That was a fantastic little card there - perfect length to read and great detail all things considered! However, with that said I found the little internet column review of the event equally as useful in feeling the show play out. So in that sense, the write-up could possibly be scaled back a little. In terms of the booking, it was perfect for me - the matches flowed well into each other and built up successfully to the main event. The cliffhanger finish - well it's got me wanting to see the next part of the story, so in that sense it's a great success!


Keep up the great work here - you've got me interested, that's for sure!

Noted, and thanks for the kind words.


Hashasheen really gives this dynasty (and my thought process) a fresh perspective, and seeing his writeups are always entertaining. I'll try to cut out a little bit of the match length, though. There's only so much you can book, TEW-wise, and write, dynasty-wise, in a one hour show.


Cue Eric Tyler's war with the network...


But it's great to see that I have fans of my work and Hashasheen has fans of his. We make a pretty good dysfunctional unit, don't ya think?


So I finally got around to reading this...


Hrm. Apparently there's a 'Dangerousverse'? OK, I can roll with that.


Nice stuff so far. I'll see if I can make a slightly less... pixellated... version of that T-Shirt Sammy has at some point.


I kinda agree with Regis on the oddity of the Screwjob. But that's not the core of this, so let's roll on.


Also, Travis Century. I love that guy.

1. Glad to see that you are reading this. Honored, really.


2. Dangerousverse. Yes. Make it a database for all of us, and then Adam can make it a default download with the next edition of TEW.


3. You can do that with the t-shirt or I'll try to make my own recreation using the slogan. Either way, it's gonna be awesome.


4. I sense now why people didn't like the screwjob, but I stand by my backstory. It was relevant, it wasn't too holey once I edited it (again), and it played the CM Punk parallel part well. Yes, I'm trying to be THAT obvious with my real world parallels, everyone.


But, since that backstory is over with, maybe more people can enjoy this dynasty. I have fans of the backstory and have those who weren't crazy about it. It's a matter of opinion...I'm just glad people are reading and responding to this thing.


5. Who doesn't love Travis Century? And wait until you see his newest disciples...

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But it's great to see that I have fans of my work and Hashasheen has fans of his. We make a pretty good dysfunctional unit, don't ya think?


We're the young rookie cop who doesn't play by the rules/veteran cop who's counting down his days till retirement duo.


I'll let you decide who is who. :p

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We're the young rookie cop who doesn't play by the rules/veteran cop who's counting down his days till retirement duo.


I'll let you decide who is who. :p


I view us more of a Shawn and Gus-type duo from the show Psych.


I'll let you decide who is who.

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I'm enjoying the show write-up style. Though I find that with this diary, I sometimes need to read a little more closely than with others to see what is going on, but that's good. Getting me out of my habit of skimming means I'm really really interested. While I may not be predicting, especially consistently, I'll be reading.
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Oh, you tease! You know all your viewers got online right after the show to have it spoiled by those in attendance :p

Of course...but what exactly happened AFTER the tape stopped is what will keep you on the edge of your seats...

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JAred Johnson is on the roster. He's in a team with KC Glenn

The Carolina Demolition Crew, to be exact. They will be involved in a big match coming up, too.


Going to run Episode 2 sometime later today, then spoil all of you who weren't at The Zone to see Episode 1 LIVE. Basically, I'm going to show you what those in The Zone saw after the televised tape cut out.


Cue the suspense!



And now for some responses to some awesome feedback...

I'm enjoying the show write-up style. Though I find that with this diary, I sometimes need to read a little more closely than with others to see what is going on, but that's good. Getting me out of my habit of skimming means I'm really really interested. While I may not be predicting, especially consistently, I'll be reading.

Most dynasty writers will tell you this: the best part of their write-ups (the little foreshadowing hints to what might happen later on, their inside jokes, the true nature of the wrestler...what they do in the ring) is in the finer details. Skimming it will make you miss a few things. Now, getting the read is good enough, but if you take the time to dive into what's going on, read every (or almost every) word...you will be the best kind of reader. Who knows, it might help you in predicting! Good to see that you are really interested in this. Means a lot, sir.


Phenomenal show, once again.

I'm doing terrible on these predictions, but great job nonetheless.

All I'm asking for is your effort in predictions.


Thanks for the kind words. I'm thinking that the cliffhanger ending really paid off for me.

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I really like the layout of this diary and am eagerly anticipating reading it from the beginning. Although I won't be predicitng until I have fully caught up as to not spoil it for myself, I just wanted to pop in and say that I'm liking what I am seeing thus far. Keep it up!
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I only got round to reading Coast 2 Coast last night, but it was well worth catching. I can only echo other people's props on the cliffhanger ending, although at times it did feel slightly like an episode of 24 ;). As for your question on match lengths. All dandy to me. Plenty of detail without being over long, the only write-up I skipped was the Womens Title match, but that was more because I'm a jerk and I'm not yet enamoured with Womens wrestling in CZCW. So yeah, I think you're fine in that department. Travis Century as a ringside heckler too worked great and all in all, I'm looking forward to the next episode... mainly to find out just what the network deprived us of. Damn those suits!



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He tried to tell them.


Sixty minutes wasn't enough.


The people needed to see this ending.


CZCW Coast to Coast

Following the abrupt ending to the PrideTV telecast...




"CZCW will never be the same..."

Cliff Anderson:


The Guru:
Hold on, there, Cliff...was it for the three count or the interference from Bach???


Cliff Anderson:
Pee-Wee Germaine is looking towards ringside...he doesn't even know if the bell was rung before he made the three count!


The Guru:
I saw Germaine hit the canvas for the third time...but I'm not sure if it happened before or after Bach hit the kick on Reed!


Cliff Anderson:
CHAOS in The Zone right now as we try to sort through this mess...who is the champion? Did Bach get in before the three count, causing the bell to ring the disqualification in BEFORE Reed's pinfall?


The Guru:
If that's the case, Sammy Bach just cost Art Reed his hard-earned Money in the Bank title shot right there...gone because of someone who wasn't even in this!


Anderson and The Guru argue as Pee-Wee Germaine climbs out of the ring and goes to talk to the bell operator. Sammy Bach is helping Fox Mask up as Art Reed is lighting into Bach verbally, saying that Bach had better wish that he didn't screw up Art's title shot.


Bach and Reed start getting into a yelling match between each other, Fox Mask standing in the middle of it, now coming to his senses. Like he attempted to earlier with the Century situation, Fox is trying to restrain Bach from attacking Reed, or vice versa.


The yelling match between Bach and Reed serves as a good visual backdrop to what was going on at the commentary desk:


Cliff Anderson:
How can Art Reed do this? He's always prided himself on being a world-class wrestler, and now he takes the cowardly way of getting the CZCW title from Fox Mask, taking advantage of the attack by Travis Century!


The Guru:
Bach hit Fox Mask, remember that! And now we're seeing him getting involved in something that's NONE OF HIS BUSINESS.


Cliff Anderson:
You're insane, Patel! Insane! Fox Mask was trying to break up the fight, and got caught in the middle of it. No way Bach was trying to hit him...why would he go to try and protect Fox's title if he MEANT to hit him???


The Guru:
It's because Sammy Bach has always been a control freak, and would rather face Fox Mask than the superior Art Reed for the title. You know that. Whenever the time came for Bach, the champion of this "new era", to worm his way into the title, he would want no part of Art Reed. You want to know the coward? Bach is the coward! He's always been about himself only, screwing up other people's plans and hard work just so it can benefit him. He plays by his own rules, and that's why he got his punk self thrown out of...


Cliff Anderson:
(cutting him off)
You're insane! You've completely lost it, Patel! You used to be a down-the-middle analyst, now you're picking favorites for all the wrong reasons...and bashing everyone that you don't like!


The Guru:
(practically screaming)
Well, it's about time that I started making my case! Art Reed is the best wrestler in the world, and I stand by him...not Sammy Bach! I don't care who Eric Tyler, JK Stallings, or anyone else brings in this company...Reed is the best! If that makes me the enemy, then so be it! This place is changing so much...but the rock, the foundation of this company has been here for a year now. Any of these StallCorp signings can't hold a candle to the new king of CZCW, and it's not Mark Murdoch! ART REED is the best in the world, and that's why he's going to walk out of here tonight as the new CZCW World Champion!!!


Cliff Anderson:
You are going to get yourself f...wait a second! Here comes Eric Tyler now! He's going to handle this!



The Authority Steps In


The Guru:
You weren't even in here, Eric! Art Reed is the champ, you better give that belt to him!

Tyler steps into the ring and stands between Reed and Bach, who are still yelling at each other, amidst the chaos at ringside.


A frantic Pee-Wee Germaine still can't get things clear with the bell operator, and whips around to see Tyler standing in the middle of the ring.


The crowd is going ballistic at this point, unholy levels of noise echoing throughout The Zone.


Eric Tyler:
(when the crowd, Bach, and Reed finally shut up)
I've been watching the entire match backstage, and even I can't tell what happened there. We've got a confused referee, bell guy, three confused wrestlers, and 5,000-plus confused fans.


I've made my decision. Although the ending of this match probably won't make it to television on Monday night, the cameras were and still are rolling.


The main question is if the three count was made before the disqualification bell was rung. If it was, Art Reed is the new CZCW World Champion.
(boos all around)
But...if Bach's interference made it before the three count, it means that the match ends in a disqualification and Fox Mask is still the champion.
(loud pop)


Mr. Germaine and I will review the tape carefully. Then and only then will we come to a decision, and everyone will find out who the champion is on the next episode of Coast to Coast. Until then...


Tyler sticks out his hand and nods at Germaine.


...I'm going home with the World title.


Reed goes crazy, stomping around the ring as Germaine hands Tyler the belt. Bach looks over at Fox Mask, praying that the tape will show that the interference came first.


Reed lunges towards Bach, but Fox Mask steps in-between them again. When Reed, in blind rage, gets past Fox...


Tyler steps in and socks Reed in the stomach.


Reed doubles over as Tyler starts to speak, crowd in a louder frenzy.


Eric Tyler:
If you want to even have the slightest chance of being the World champion, you're going to calmly exit this place RIGHT NOW and not lay a hand on another person. You've caused too much trouble already, Reed.


With clenched teeth, Reed glares up at Tyler, who has what he thinks is HIS World title over his shoulder. That prize is too great to risk it on getting even with Bach or anyone else tonight, he decides. Reed exits the ring and The Zone to mixed crowd reaction as the video footage ends.


Looks like there are still a few Art Reed supporters besides The Guru left.

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Following a historic and controversial inaugural episode of CZCW Coast to Coast, Episode #2 looks to bring the same amount of excitement, shock, and action that you've come to expect from America's number one total wrestling product.


The main question on everyone's mind: Who is the World Champion? Although the PrideTV viewers did not get to see the ending of the "match" between Art Reed and Fox Mask, they are not alone in the dark. The fans that were at the event live and those who have taken to the 'Net to see videos of what happened when the PrideTV feed cut off don't know the answer to that question, either.


Eric Tyler walked out of The Zone with the belt with the promise of careful inspection to the ending of the last match.


And he has promised that Episode #2 will kick off with the reveal of the champion.


Also, Tyler has promised that the main event, television time permitting, will be determined at the show. Who will take up the task of winning CZCW's second televised main event?


But there are a few scheduled matches on the card for Monday night...you are not going to want to leave your seat for sixty solid minutes, Zoners.


Tamara McFly
stunned The Zone with her championship match loss to Joanne Rodriguez last week...no disrespect to Miss Rodriguez, but the entire match has everyone puzzled. Dragon Kuroda's distraction, the slow-starting offense from the world-class wrestler, and her refusal to shake Rodriguez's hand has everyone asking about the state of McFly heading into Episode #2. She'll face a debuting CZCW women's division opponent...who will it be and can McFly shake off the rough night last week, restoring her momentum?


El Mítico Jr.
will be in action Monday night as he faces the fun-loving
Baja Love Machine
. Who will prevail in this battle between the fourth-generation lucha star and the Southern Californian-turned-Masked Mexicano?


And, in our semi-main event,
Shoot Club
will look to bounce back from their back-to-back title losses as they go up against
Remmy Skye
and a partner of his choosing. The new Xtreme champion does not know just yet who his partner will be, but he will have one set for this match. Can Shoot Club get back to their winning ways, or will they be denied by "Psyche Out" and his tag partner?


Don't miss this episode of Coast to Coast...9:00 Eastern, 6:00 Pacific...only on PrideTV.


This is Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling, the home of the best wrestling in the world.

CZCW Coast to Coast Episode 2

Official Prediction Card


Tamara McFly vs. ???

Mystery Opponent Guess:



Baja Love Machine vs. El Mítico Jr.



Remmy Skye and ??? vs. Shoot Club

Mystery Partner Guess:




The Main Event will be a 1v1 match featuring two of these roster members, all of whom were involved in last week's show-ending mayhem:

Sammy Bach, Fox Mask, Art Reed, and Travis Century

Pick the competitors for one point each, and the winner of the main event for three points. Get all three correct, and you'll get five points. Easy.

_________ vs. _________


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