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NOTBPW: The Prodigal Stone

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Johnny Bloodstone vs. Flash


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives


Steve DeColt vs. Mighty Cavanagh (non-title)



John Maverick vs. Jacob Jett


R.K. Hayes vs. Dan Stone Jr.


Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone

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I'll post the easy ones first, then the hard ones.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Flash


No contest.


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives


What would be the purpose of this? No reason to give Strong a solid push; with him and DWN not being a real team, this is lopsided.


Steve DeColt vs. Mighty Cavanagh (non-title)


Guy who I ****ing adore vs. crap. Um...



John Maverick vs. Jacob Jett


Heh...Jett's not a technician.


R.K. Hayes vs. Dan Stone Jr.


You've already said you aren't pushing Hayes. So...yeah.


Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone


Dark Angel wouldn't be a huge loss for Jeremy. True, two matches with no wins is a bit odd for a main eventer (much less a Stone), but hear me out:


1. Jeremy already lost his title shot, so unless we see a repeat, (in the immediate future) there's not a reason for him to look strong.


2. Again, Dark Angel is top-tier.


3. Dark Angel is getting older, but why would he put over Jeremy who is already ridiculously popular?


4. Make Dark Angel the secondary heel (since it's not Hayes) to give a threat for the non-champion-chasing face (like, for example, Jeremy).


5. Dan's going to win it from Steve, which gives the title to a Stone. Yay!


6. Hash/Angel is a feud waiting to happen over their Memorial victory.


7. lolz u gaiz r gunna b behind bai a prediktun lolz

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Location: Caribou Arena

Attendance: 5,000 (SELL OUT!)

Being shown live on CBN (1.43)




Tommy London, Tom Townsend, Victoria Stone






Johnny Bloodstone vs. Flash



Poor, poor Flash. In the ring with a ticked off Johnny Bloodstone is just about the last place you want to be, and he gets little more than token offence in the midst of getting suplexed around the ring like it’s the last day of a local ass-whupping sale. Bloodstone tosses Flash onto the mat with a hip throw, hooks his arms, and then flips forward with a WRENCHING Bloodstone Mutilation, keeping it locked in for a good ten seconds after Flash taps out.



Johnny Bloodstone def. Flash in 8:10 by submission w/Bloodstone Mutilation. 70/C+








Cutting backstage, we see Tommy London standing in between NOTBPW Tag Team champions Wild West and formers champs Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes. The commentator-cum-interviewer is looking very nervous as he stands between the quartet of powerhouses, who are eyeing each other up.



Tommy London: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guests at this time; Tim Westybrook, Mighty Cavanagh, Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes.



He turns to Westybrook.



Tommy London: Tim a very impressive victory for the two of you at Big City Br-



Yeah. The peace doesn’t last long. With a feral snarl Haynes LAUNCHES himself at Westybrook, knocking him flying. Brown charges past London to join in and starts exchanging rights and lefts with Cavanagh. London gets the heck out of there as the attempted interview dissolves into a wild brawl with no end in sight.





Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives


As the match gets underway, Victoria Stone fills us in – apparently Strong and Newton specifically requested a rematch with the Executives, as they have been training hard together since their initial team up. They come out together, to a new theme song - and the name of this now-official partnership of ‘The Triple Threat’ Davis Wayne Newton and Erik Strong? … The Tri-Force. Remembering their near-miss last time around, Huggins and Edd don’t take their opponents nearly as lightly – and it’s a pretty good thing too, because Strong and Newton are extremely motivated here, looking to earn back that loss. The Tri-Force have the better of the first half of the match as they manage to give Huggins a thorough working over, courtesy of DWN’s great technical skills… until inexperience shines through a little and in whipping Huggins into the ropes, Newton allows Edd to get just close enough to blind tag himself in. A missile dropkick to an unsuspecting Newton later, and the momentum has shifted. Things see-saw for a short while, and then off a double clothesline, DWN and Edd, both stunned, manage to tag in their respective partners. Strong launches himself over the top rope… straight into a super kick! Huggins Kiss! This one’s over!



The Executives def. The Tri-Force in 14:45 by pinfall w/Huggins Kiss. 68/C+





Steve DeColt vs. Mighty Cavanagh



In spite of the brawl earlier in the show, Cavanagh doesn’t seem too worse for the wear as he heads down to the ring – in fact, he’s grinning. It’s not every day that you get a chance to knock off the Canadian champion, after all. For his part, DeColt appears a little apprehensive about the idea of going up against a big bruiser like Cavanagh. It proves to be well justified, as Cavanagh spends the first couple of minutes completely manhandling DeColt, dropping him with some nasty-looking body slams. It takes DeColt a discrete eye-rake as Cavanagh attempts a suplex to get on top, and he wastes no time in showcasing his own power with some hard shots to the tag team champion’s head and from there it’s all one way traffic. Cavanagh might be the bigger man, but he’s also a rookie, and he’s up against an opponent at least as strong as he is, and DeColt makes it count. Even so, when the DeColt Stampede bulldog comes, it comes off the top rope. Cavanagh is no pushover.



Steve DeColt def. Mighty Cavanagh in 10:04 by pinfall w/DeColt Stampede. 78/B





John Maverick vs. Jacob Jett



The taciturn Maverick appears uncharacteristically buoyant going into this one, perhaps because he seems to have shaken the unwelcome Can-Am Blondes this week. Even so, we’re informed that this match is still submissions only, a task that Jett proves surprisingly equal to. He isn’t a technician on par with Maverick, but he makes up for it with speed and aerial ability, and this battle is what informs most of the match. Maverick tries to keep Jett on the ground, wearing him down and Jett, asides from a tight little sequence of chain grappling counterholds halfway in, bounces around the ring whenever he can, all but running rings around Maverick at times. – Irish whip to the corner, clothesline attempt… nobody home! Jett staggers out of the corner… German suplex! Maverick goes for a figure four – Jett scrambles to the ropes, giving himself time to recover. Maverick moves in – kick to the gut! Jett drops a leg across the back of Maverick’s head! He looks to the turnbuckle, to Maverick, to the turnbuckle again – rolls Maverick over, springs onto the turnbuckle! Jett launches himself off for the senton bomb known as the Emergency Landing… Maverick rolls away! – Jett lands on his feet! – But wait, Maverick pops up behind the disorientated Jett! Inverted facelock! Body scissors! Deadly Silence! Maverick rolls the hold away from the ropes, and now Jett has nowhere to go! He taps!



John Maverick def. Jacob Jett in 14:39 by submission w/Deadly Silence. 72/B-








Maverick smiles with satisfaction at having won the match, a smile which lasts…






…About five seconds. Maverick grits his teeth as the somewhat-dishevelled looking Blondes come out, The Natural as always toting a microphone.



The Natural: Ladies and gentlemen! What you’ve just witnessed is a showcase of dominance from one of the best in the business today! And though some heinous individual endeavoured to keep us from ringside by padlocking our locker room door, the admiration we hold for the one and only John Maverick cannot be denied! He is the Silent Threat! The man who shall stalk you without your knowledge, creeping in the shadows in much the same fashion as resulted in Owen’s restraining order! And when the time is right… he shall strike! For the silence… is deadly.



Maverick gets out of the ring and storms backstage, the Can-Am Blondes fussing over him all the while.





R.K. Hayes vs. Dan Stone Jr.



As of late, Hayes has been in an even more violent mood than usual, and this is communicated especially well by his opening assault on Dan Jr., decking him with a Lou Thesz press and proceeding to wail on him with hard shots to the head. In fact, the assault continues until official Matthew White has to pull Hayes off and warn him that he risks disqualification. Hayes backs off, but the damage has been done, and Dan Jr. is looking very much worse for the wear. From there, Hayes just manhandles Stone, sending him crashing to the mat time and time again. Dan Jr. gets some offence in, usually off some innovative counters, but he got rattled early on, and Hayes is quick to cut off attempts to fight - demonstrating his great power with clubbing blows and slams… before getting just a little overconfident. After a gutbuster, Hayes turns to roar at the crowd, and as he turns to pick Dan Jr. back up again, Stone rallies! Left to the gut! Right to the gut! Hayes growls, tries to knee Dan Jr. in the head- blocked – Stone catches the knee, sweeps Hayes’s standing leg – steps over the foot he’s still holding… - grapevine! STONE ANKLE STRETCH! Hayes is in no man’s land! He tries to prise Dan Jr. off his leg, but he has an iron grip on the hold! Hayes can’t withstand the pain! Hayes taps out!


Dan Stone Jr. def. R.K Hayes in 18:14 by submission w/Stone Ankle Stretch. 76/B-







Victorious, Dan Jr. immediately lets the hold go, scrambling to his feet and jumping atop the turnbuckle to celebrate. The fans go crazy as ‘You’re the Best Around’ plays… and then crazy for a completely different reason as Hayes storms up behind Dan Jr., grabs hold of him, and hurls him from the turnbuckle. Stone hits the mat hard, and Hayes follows up by starting to rain blows down upon his enemy, until-






Harrison Hash hits the ring! Hayes looks up from his attack on Stone and bails out of the ring as Hash slides underneath the bottom rope at top speed. The two wrestlers stare down as Hayes heads to the back and Hash checks on Dan Jr.





Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone



Jeremy Stone is a man of actions, not words, and through the actions he demonstrates as he steps into the ring with Dark Angel… well, had he spoken, it would have been a lengthy, furious rant. Angel seems taken aback by the ferocity that Stone puts into his attacks – wrenching in every single hold, even the low level side headlocks and drop toe holds, and as for the suplexes… they’re bone crunching. It takes only a couple of minutes of this before Angel rolls out of the ring to try and regain his senses, but he finds Jeremy is in no mood to put up with this – Stone heads outside in pursuit. An almost farcical chase sequence ensures as Angel evades Jeremy on the outside of the ring for a good two laps before sliding back inside. Angel plays mouse for the next few minutes of the match, staying at a distance and striking only when a visibly-frustrated Jeremy overextends himself, slowly manoeuvring himself into the driver’s seat. ...Which commences with a bang off a horribly stiff enzuigiri straight to Jeremy’s jaw, which for a few seconds looks like it might have knocked him out cold. Angel stays in control for some time after that, mixing and matching his technical and high-flying abilities to great effect – often, it just seem that Angel is too quick for Stone.



Jeremy reverses an irish whip attempt from Angel and goes for the back body drop… Angel flips straight across Jeremy’s back! Roll up! 1…2… no! Both men scramble up, Angel aims a roundhouse kick right at Stone’s head –ducked – Jeremy single-legs Angel, transitions into a leg lock – Angel gets to the ropes, stands – springboard lariat-No! Jeremy catches him, rolls through with the momentum and HURLS Angel across the ring with a massive belly-to-belly! Stone comes roaring after his opponent, Angel scrambles to his feet – big right hand by Jeremy, he drags Angel out of the corner – STONE’S THR- NO! Angel knees Stone in the crotch! Stone’s body is in the way, the referee couldn’t see it! Angel grabs hold of Jeremy’s head, forces it down, underhooks the arms… DESCENT INTO H- NO! Jeremy blocks it! Dark Angel clubs Stone in the back a couple of times, tries again.. no! Stone breaks free – but he’s still got the arm! He takes Angel down… STONE HOLD! STONE HOLD! Angel taps out!



Jeremy Stone def. Dark Angel in 19:38 by submission w/Stone Hold. 87/B+








Exhausted and wincing in pain form Angel’s nutshot, Jeremy Stone lets the hold go and kneels in the middle of the ring, raising an arm in weary victory.






Steve DeColt has a microphone in his hand, the Canadian title around his waist and an insufferable smirk on his face as he heads down to the ring. Stone scowls and gets to his feet, beckoning for DeColt to come into the ring. The champ’s eyes widen and he does a mock pantomime of ‘Who? Moi?’ before bowing elaborately and sliding underneath the bottom rope.



Steve DeColt: Wow, Jeremy, I have to say, I’m really impressed. You sure showed him what’s what. I mean, you’re obviously no match for a superior opponent such as myself, but it was a really valiant effort! Have a gold star and go to the top of the class. There’s no shame in losing to a DeColt, Stone – you’ve been coming up second best to us practically your entire career, haven’t you? And now… wow, I can’t even imagine how much it must gnaw at your insides that we’re beating you in your own company too. Damn Jeremy… you really have turned into a parade of failure over here, haven’t you? Looking at me, looking at a true legend… I suppose that you now understand just a small fraction of what it means to be… DeGreat, DeMaster. DeColt.



Jeremy says nothing, just glares straight into DeColt’s eyes. The champion sneers and holds up the Canadian title, holding it just inches from Stone’s face. The staredown continues for a few seconds, then DeColt turns away – no! He slaps Jeremy STRAIGHT across the face! He turns to bail out – Stone’s grabbed him by the arm! DeColt panics as Jeremy sweeps him to the mat! STONE HOL- NO! DeColt jabs Jeremy in the eye with his thumb and gets the HELL out of there! A pissed-as-hell Stone gets to his feet and snarls after DeColt, who retreats up the ramp with his tail between his legs as we go off the air!



Overall Rating: 80/B

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Prediction Standings:


smwilliams: (6/6)
TakerNGN74:  (6/6)
Phantom Stranger: (6/6)
Emark: (6/6)
Charasmatic Enigma: (6/6)
Eidenhoek: (5/6)
Midnightnick: (5/6)



* First show back sees a pretty straightforward run of results. I don't think any of these results could really be called an upset. RK Hayes and Dark Angel were both potential winners, but I have so few high-level faces that it would be a really bad idea to make any of them look bad at this point. Dropping matches to ageing gatekeepers = bad. Dark Angel is a more viable loss for anybody in particular to take, but his availability is set to plunge drastically (you'll see why shortly)


* Oh and Eiden? The secondary heel is Bloodstone. ;)

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“Look, all I’m saying is that I think your old man is still a little wound up that I fired Garcia on my first day on the job.”



“Freddy, Clarence suffered from the crippling condition known as sucking… thought you’d recognise a fellow patient.”



“Ohhh OW. I think I’ll need some ice for that one.”



The pair of youngsters chuckle and fist bump, approaching the communal locker room shared by most of NOTBPW’s talent.



“…you’ll understand that I am not just great, I am DEGREAT. DEMASTER. DECOLT.”



Edd and Freddy exchange glances, then grin, entering the room.



…only for the smiles to be replaced by confusion as there is no Steve DeColt to be found.






Damian Carvill, better known as The Natural, looks up as the door opens, a big grin on his face.



“Hey! You two! Come check this out! Mike is absolutely priceless!”



Michael ‘Harlem’ Haynes takes a deep breath, straightens up, then… “Ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Allow me to dazzle you with the wonders of John Maverick!”



It’s a spot-on impression of The Natural, and everyone in the room cracks up, Haynes included. Getting himself under control, Freddy reaches up to clap Haynes on a massive shoulder.



“Dude, that is some talent you’ve got there. Some shades and a jacket and you’d have been the real deal just there.”



Flash Savage pipes up. “Oh oh! Mike! Show ‘em the commentary ones!”



Haynes grins again, then dons an imaginary headset. When he speaks again, it’s a near-perfect match for, well… “Now here’s a little fact that you might not know… I have the most boring commentary partner of all time,” Haynes

shifts again into a lifeless drone, which is perhaps slightly unfair to Kyle Rhodes. “That was not very nice. Jason.”



Edd goes wild with laughter. “That’s like, exactly how he sounds! Do Jezza!”



Freddy goes pale. “I uh, I don’t think…”



“Nobody ‘does’ me. Ever.”






Freddy screams like a small child and runs from the room.



Edd looks to Haynes with awe.



“Dude… that was good.”

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Monday week 4, January 2010



Hello ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of the week again, the time when you get an introduction to the next episode of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, where we have yet another set of enticing matches for you to sink your teeth into.


Our opener for the evening will once again feature the ever-dangerous Johnny Bloodstone, who looked impressive last week in a victory over Flash. Facing off against him is a man who seems determined to match himself against the toughest opponents he can find, the one and only Jacob Jett. Some might argue that Jett is punching above his weight with his repeated challenges, but with a little more experience, we at NOTBPW.com are predicting Jett to make a huge splash. Could the ripples start here with an upset over Bloodstone?


An exciting six-woman tussle will take place next, pitting faces old and new against each other in what is sure to be a landmark new contest for the women's division. Reigning champion Kristabel Plum will captain two newcomers against her rival Melody and the ever-hungry Lauren Easter and Sally Anne Christianson. One team will be looking to make a case for title contention, whilst the other will be looking to both establish and reassert themselves... it's sure to be an intense battle.


Former tag team champions Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes will be in action in the third match of the night. Although unsuccessful in regaining their gold at Big City Brawl, neither man seems like they'll be giving up the chase any time soon. Tonight, their challenge faces a block in the form of the unconventional tandem of Flash and Lord James King, who could raise the unlikeliest of claims to a contendership with a victory here.


In what's become a feature of NOTBPW programming over the last month, John Maverick's open submission challenge will once again take place. No word on his opponent yet, but if what's happened thus far is any indication, there should be no shortage of challengers willing to step up the plate.


The first of two headline features will see the tenacious Harrison Hash butt heads with Dark Angel. Both men are attempting to bounce back from defeats, and both will be looking to make a big impression going forward. It's guts and technical prowess versus experience and super junior mastery. Which will come out on top?


For most of this month, the Can-Am Blondes have been running their mouths nonstop, happier to bandy words on the microphone than actually step into the ring. That streak will end in our main event, however, as the supremely confident Blondes take on what's sure to be one of the toughest challenges they could face; The Stone Siblings. Can the Blondes score a huge win in their return to competition by knocking off the Stone brothers, or will Dan Jr and Jeremy further stake their claim to shots at Steve DeColt's Canadian title? Be sure to watch and find out!





Johnny Bloodstone vs Jacob Jett


Melody, Lauren Easter and SAC vs Kristabel Plum, ??? and ???


Brown & Haynes vs Flash and Lord James King



John Maverick vs ???


Harrison Hash vs Dark Angel


The Can-Am Blondes vs The Stone Siblings



As always, one bonus point for correctly guessed mystery (wo)man.

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Johnny Bloodstone vs Jacob Jett

Jett learns an important lesson. Don't challenge a man who's name has 'blood' in it.


Melody, Lauren Easter and SAC vs Kristabel Plum, Joanne Rodriguez and Amber Allen

Might be way off with my two picks, but those are the two girls I like the most here. Also, mystery opponents FTW.


Brown & Haynes vs Flash and Lord James King

Psh. Flash and King won't win.



John Maverick vs ???

I am John Maverick. You are hearing me talk.


Harrison Hash vs Dark Angel

Toughest match to call on the card, so I'm giving the nod to the more established star.


The Can-Am Blondes vs The Stone Siblings

Freddy Huggins would be a mess of twisted limbs and broken ego if Dan Jr. & Jeremy lose this one.

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Johnny Bloodstone vs Jacob Jett




Melody, Lauren Easter and SAC vs Kristabel Plum, Tamara McFly, and April Appleseed


This side has established workers. It'd be funny if Plum teams with Cat Quine (or, I suppose, Jaime). I pick McFly because she's decent and popular; Appleseed because she's a nice enough jobber with meh psychology. She'll take the fall.


Although, if I'm wrong about the winning team, Principessa wins it.


Brown & Haynes vs Flash and Lord James King


Unless the other side has chemistry, might as well keep the heels strong.



John Maverick vs Canadian Dragon


Quickly looked up the default roster; everyone's either a heel or wayyyy too good for this. So it's a new guy, and...hm.


Him vs. Deeley is going to be saved for a PPV. Chandler and Zeus are good submission wrestlers.


I'll pick a jobber for no reason. *shrug*


Harrison Hash vs Dark Angel


You're pushing Hash; Angel gets fed to him like Hayes.


The Can-Am Blondes vs The Stone Siblings


Blondes have no real wins to them, so the Stones keep looking strong.

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Johnny Bloodstone vs Jacob Jett


Melody, Lauren Easter and SAC vs Kristabel Plum, ??? and ???


Brown & Haynes vs Flash and Lord James King



John Maverick vs ???


Harrison Hash vs Dark Angel


The Can-Am Blondes vs The Stone Siblings



As always, one bonus point for correctly guessed mystery (wo)man.

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Johnny Bloodstone vs Jacob Jett


Melody, Lauren Easter and SAC vs Kristabel Plum, Tamara McFly and ???

So I am guessing Tamara will be one of the ???'s in this match, not sure who the other one will be.


Brown & Haynes vs Flash and Lord James King

I'll go with the team that is actually a team



John Maverick vs ???

If this were any other match other than what it is I could see the ??? winning but since its a submission match I think John will win it.


Harrison Hash vs Dark Angel


The Can-Am Blondes vs The Stone Siblings

Should be a good match as this match always produces good results for me, especially Dan Stone Jr. vs. Owen Love in singles competition. I don't really care who wins but I will go with the Stones just because.

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Location: Caribou Arena

Attendance: 5,000 (SELL OUT!)

Being shown live on CBN (1.37)





Tommy London, Tom Townsend, Victoria Stone






Johnny Bloodstone vs. Jacob Jett


As is fast becoming expected of Jett, the young high-flier comes into this match utterly without fear, even against an opponent that many would say outclasses him. The wake-up call that Jett is no easy prey comes quickly for Bloodstone, in the form of a barrage of kicks to the torso after an arm wringer is deftly slipped out of. However, this offensive flurry seems to light a fire under Bloodstone, and with a double-leg takedown, he lays into Jett with some good old fashioned ground and pound, interspersed with a series of holds targeted at Jett’s knees. A well-placed forearm allows Jett an escape, but it’s clear that the damage has been done. Hampered by his worn-down legs, Jett is unable to produce as evasive a display as he has done in the past, allowing Bloodstone the opportunity catch him with a number of brutal manoeuvres. The finish comes when Jett, in desperation, boots Bloodstone in the gut and tries to spike him with a DDT, only for his experienced opponent to lever his way out of the facelock, duck behind Jett and PLANT him with a sick-looking German suplex. The Bloodstone Mutilation that follows is entirely unnecessary, but Bloodstone once again holds it for much longer than needed before exiting the ring with a snarl.


Tommy London: Just pure sadism…


Johnny Bloodstone def. Jacob Jett in 15:01 via submission w/Bloodstone Mutilation. 82/B






Melody, Lauren Easter and Sally Anne Christianson vs. Kristabel Plum, Zoe Ammis and Sara Marie York


A fast paced match this one, and it has to be, considering that the arena’s hot-dog seller has more name value than most of the girls in the ring. Everyone involved puts in a game effort, and debutant Sara Marie York is particularly impressive, leaving Victoria Stone to comment how she sees a definite future star in the young American. For all that, the experience of Melody is telling in marshalling her partners to cooperate, and with the champion not quite on the same page as the rest of her team, Zoe Ammis is eventually isolated in the opposite corner. A series of underhanded double and triple moves later (often straining the limits of Royce Grieg’s five counts), and Lauren Easter puts this one to bed with a thunderous Belly-to-Belly Suplex, a move that she gets a huge amount of torque on. After Christianson wipes out the women on the opposite apron with a suicidal leaping clothesline, the three count is academic.


Melody, Lauren Easter & SAC def. Kristabel, Ammis & SMY in 10:30 via pinfall w/Belly To Belly Suplex. 51/D+








The celebrations are cut short as The Executives emerge from backstage, Huggins looking incredulously over the top of his sunglasses down at the competitors in the ring. The three victors look very confused, and after a moment to revive, their opponents slide back inside to watch and wait.



Edd Stone: What… the heck did we just watch, dude?



Freddy Huggins: I… don’t know. Like, were they wrestling?



Edd Stone: Maybe… maybe trying to. Y’know, like kids playing at it in the backyard.



Freddy looks directly into the camera.



Freddy Huggins: NOTBPW in no way endorses wrestling in your backyard. Don’t try this at home.



Edd Stone: You forgot the ‘our performers are highly trained professionals’ bit.



Freddy Huggins: You did SEE that match just then, didn’t you?



Edd Stone: Point. You have footage of that, right?



Freddy Huggins: Yup. Why?



Edd Stone: Let’s put it up on youtube. I was thinking of titling it ‘Girls trying to wrestle, lawl’



Freddy Huggins: We are gonna get SO many subscribers!



The arrogant pairing walks off backstage again, chatting about their youtube channel. All six women in the ring look absolutely furious.






Brown & Haynes vs. Flash & Lord James King


Nothing pretty about this match. The men with the temperament of angry bears with hangovers take it to the makeshift duo from the opening bell, giving Flash and King an almighty beating that at times barely seems like it could be called a match. They do get back into the contest for a spell when Flash breaks up an attempted pinfall by scaling the turnbuckles and dropping his knees across Haynes’ back, allowing King to tie the big man in knots. However, when King finds himself rammed into the corner whilst holding onto a sleeper, Omar Brown takes the opportunity to nail the ‘Gentleman’ in the back of the head with a STIFF elbow. King goes completely limp, and is easy prey for the barrage of punches that is the Harlem Hustle, ending with an uppercut that nearly knocks King out of his boots. Flash again is there with an attempt to break the pin, but this time, he’s met by an unforgiving lariat from Brown, and the three count is made without further incident.


Brown & Haynes def. Flash & James King in 9:38 via pinfall w/Harlem Hustle. 48/D+







Backstage, the Tag Team champions are engaged in conversation in a corridor. Neither man is dressed to compete, but they each have a title belt over one massive shoulder. They seem to be discussing the match that just took place, when a feral roar echoes through the corridor. Both men snap around, instantly on their guard.




A wild-haired, bare-chested man stalks into shot, glowering at the champions, shoulders heaving. However, much as his fists are bunched, brow furrowed and a snarl across his face… he doesn’t actually seem to be inclined to get into a fight here. Wild West stare at him for a few seconds. He stares back. Then…






Wild West exchange glances. Wood looks from Cavanagh, to Westybrook and then back again. Then, the junior partner inhales…



Mighty Cavanagh:




Westybrook just seems perplexed. Wood, on the other hand, is greatly enthused.






Mighty Cavanagh:







After a few moments watching this, Westybrook shrugs his shoulders and cuts loose.






The wildman seems impressed by this, redoubling his own efforts, with Wild West both beginning to really get into it now. At this moment, a familiar face happens by.




Jeremy Stone:



The three heavyweights bellow simultaneously, screaming into each other’s faces. Jeremy backs away slowly and leaves as we fade out.





“Ladies and Gentlemen…”





“To have your minds…”








There is a massive fanfare, complete with trumpets and even a red carpet rolled down the entrance ramp as John Maverick emerges from backstage, flanked by the Can-Am Blondes, both of whom are regrettably armed with microphones.



The Natural: Here he is, the man who needs no introduction-



Owen Love: But he’s going to get one anyway!



The Natural: Quite. Owen. He’s the submission machine!



Owen Love: The tap-out artist!



The Natural: The limb-breaker!



Owen Love: Joint-tearer!



The Natural: Spirit-crusher!



Owen Love: …Uncle… shouter?



The Natural: Needs work.








John Maverick vs. Robbie McNamara


Maverick shows uncharacteristic amounts of emotion here (he’s actually frowning) and as the match gets underway, it rapidly grows clear that he’s in no mood for games. McNamara is stretched, twisted, wrenched and choked, putting up a decent fight but getting outwrestled in short order every time he tries to lock in any holds of his own. After dumping McNamara on his head with a half-nelson suplex, Maverick cinches in the Deadly Silence and puts the match to bed.


John Maverick def. Robbie McNamara in 8:44 via submission w/Deadly Silence. 70/C+







Backstage, Dan Stone Jr. is, wait for it… ~WALKING! Just as he rounds a corner, though, he’s met by a nasty surprise.




Johnny Bloodstone pounces, catching Dan Jr. off guard! One of the finest technical wrestlers in the world is in no mood for chain holds right now and he wails on Dan, slamming him first into one wall, and then into the opposite. Dan Jr. slumps to the floor, where Bloodstone lays into him with the boots a few times for good measure before stalking off.





Harrison Hash vs. Dark Angel


The stock of Hash has risen tremendously recently, such that for the fans, this became an engaging, intriguing contest as opposed to a foregone conclusion. Both men make it cagey in the early going, exchanging chain holds in slick sequences before breaking off to circle one another again, each trying to get the measure of his man. Hostilities open in earnest when, tired of the stalemate, Hash rebounds off the ropes to nail a picture perfect dropkick, dropping Angel and allowing him to clamp a single-leg crab on in the centre of the ring. Things remain very even from there though, as each competitor seemingly has an answer to almost everything in the other’s arsenal. The end was always going to be abrupt; Hash bends for a back body drop, eats a knee square to the face, and falls victim to the Descent into Hell.


Dark Angel def. Harrison Hash in 20:11 via pinfall w/Descent into Hell. 78/B







With a smug little smirk on his face, Steve DeColt is sitting in the front row for this next match. On commentary, Townsend gleefully notes that DeColt is always willing to book the perfect seats to see the Stones get their heads handed to them.






The Stone Siblings vs. The Can-Am Blondes


In spite of the earlier beatdown, Dan Stone Jr. still makes it out for the match, although his brother is notably concerned for his well-being. This leads to Jeremy starting things off, and outright refusing to tag out to Dan, even as the Blondes show good teamwork with frequent tags, keeping themselves fresh. As always, Jeremy puts out a strong showing, snaring both Natural and Love with some painful-looking holds, but after a while, the numbers game begins to tell, the Blondes’ showing no compunction about using every advantage they can get. On the sidelines, Dan Jr. gets more and more agitated as the match wears on – the isolation giving him the opportunity to regain his faculties, but also allowing the Blondes to wear a tiring Jeremy down, the veteran steadfastly refusing to tag even as Dan all but begs for it.


Natural and Love pummel Jeremy in their corner, each time departing the ring a breath before the official’s five count, before tagging to do the same thing all over again. Finally, having beaten Jeremy down to his satisfaction, Love pulls the eldest Stone brother out of the corner and hoists him onto his shoulders, thinking Love Gun… no! Jeremy slips out the back and plants Love down with a reverse DDT! Both men look to their corners, and a fired up, recovered Dan stretches out his hand. The crowd stirs, then roars as Jeremy makes the tag and Dan Jr. comes roaring into the ring like a house on fire! Clothesline for the onrushing, freshly legal Natural! Clothesline for Love! Another for Natural! Capture hold- STONE’S THROW FOR LOVE! The Blonde goes bouncing underneath the bottom rope!


From there, the match is all Stone, with the Blondes’ underhanded ways proving no match for a motivated and energised Dan Stone Jr., and once he gets a breather of his own, Jeremy Stone. Natural and Love, by comparison, are so dazed by the offensive flurry that they never really get their feet back under them, and after a miscue by the Natural, Jeremy snares him with the Stone Hold, with Dan Jr. intervening to prevent any interference from Love as the submission is forced.


Stone Siblings def. The Can-Am Blondes in 20:25 via submission w/Stone Hold. 88/B+



Overall Rating: 77/B-

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Thanks for the participation. Comments and criticisms are always welcomed, I know that I'm far from perfect.



Prediction Standings


Emark: (12/12) (+6, congrats on the clean sweep!)
TakerNGN74:  (12/12) (+6, and the same to you)
Charasmatic Enigma: (12/12) (+6, and a third time, am I predictable? )
smwilliams: (11/12) (+5)
Phantom Stranger: (11/12) (+5)
Eidenhoek: (10/12) (+5)
Midnightnick: (9/12) (+4)


* Another reasonably easy card to call, I think. Hash is getting a push, but it's not a Jesus push. He's gaining popularity, but putting him over Dark Angel probably would have been too much, too quickly (in spite of the fact that from here on, Angel is prioritising BHOTWG over me... and our shows are on the same days. -_-)


* The mystery women... that was admittedly a tough guess. To give a quick run down:

- Amber Allen isn't available, as she's working in Japan.

- I kinda want to hold off on signing all of the 'usual suspects'... I already have DWN, so J-Ro would've been a step too far with that. I'm not ruling out picking her up somewhere down the line, though...

- I strongly considered hiring Principessa, then she up and announced her retirement in the first week of the game.

- I'm torn on Tamara. She's a good talent and she would come with overness, but she's also not a GREAT talent and I'm already having trouble featuring the women. The jury's out on her.


* SMY and Ammis lack much overness at all, but they're also some of my best available targets - a cut above the likes of Sally Anne Christianson, that's for sure. Probably even Kristabel Plum, to be honest.


* It was only after writing it that I realised there was so much silly stuff in this show. I apologise for that. :p


* Larry's a face. His own unique kind of face, but a face nonetheless.

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Wednesday, week 1, February 2010



A new month of wrestling, and what's sure to be another great month of wrestling action from NOTBPW! Let's take a look at what's in store for the first TV show of February.


With another opportunity to build up their momentum ahead of a possible second rematch for their titles, the team of Brown & Haynes will take on a brand new combination. This new partnership consists of a familiar face to some of our fans; a returning Hirokichi Yoshikawa! He brings with him the spirited red-head Torch Nakazawa. Can the Japanese tandem topple the former champions?


John Maverick's open submission challenge has once again been issued, although whether it came from the taciturn Maverick or his promoters the Can-Am Blondes is a matter of some discussion. He will face a mystery opponent this coming Wednesday!


Speaking of the Blondes, the one and only Owen Love will be in action next. The cocky competitor will certainly have his work cut out for him though, as he takes on Harrison Hash, whose steps have been consistently dogged by the revenge-driven RK Hayes. In what's sure to be a real battle, the two men will clash to prove who's the better technician.


Our semi main event of the evening will see Jacob Jett once again demonstrating his proclivity towards punching above his weight. Our sources understand that Jett issued a challenge to none other than the Canadian champion, Steve DeColt! The champion accepted, stating that he would be more than happy to put Jett in his place. Could the high-flier score the mother of all upsets here?


Finally, we have been informed that Jeremy Stone will be wrestling. Unconfirmed details suggest that this may be a number one contender's match, but there has been no indication of his opponent as of yet.







Brown & Haynes vs Yoshikawa & Nakazawa



John Maverick vs ???


Owen Love vs Harrison Hash



Dan Stone Jr. vs Johnny Bloodstone


Jacob Jett vs Steve DeColt



Jeremy Stone vs ???



Bonuses are available as always.

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Brown & Haynes vs Yoshikawa & Nakazawa



John Maverick vs ???


Owen Love vs Harrison Hash



Dan Stone Jr. vs Johnny Bloodstone

Don't care either way as it should be a good match but I will go with Bloodstone.


Jacob Jett vs Steve DeColt



Jeremy Stone vs ???

It will be interesting to see who the two ???'s are in the respective matches. I have no idea so that is why I didn't even take a guess because if I did I would probably be way off.

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Brown & Haynes vs Yoshikawa & Nakazawa



John Maverick vs ???


Owen Love vs Harrison Hash



Dan Stone Jr. vs Johnny Bloodstone


Jacob Jett vs Steve DeColt



Jeremy Stone vs ???


If it's not someone new, I'm thinking Dark Angel or The Natural.

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Brown & Haynes vs Yoshikawa & Nakazawa


Stone's decent, I believe, but...seriously? WHY IS HAYNES GETTING USED Omar is a better Hayes protege.



John Maverick vs Larry Wood


I wanted to say Watson, but he's a heel as well. HEY! Let's give the face some fun!


Owen Love vs Harrison Hash


Love's gotta be much more popular than Hash; Owen's been on every show. Granted, he'd be a guy to beat, I suppose, but...



Dan Stone Jr. vs Johnny Bloodstone


Unannounced match is...announced? Not surprised if it goes the other way. Wait...isn't Bloodstone an MMA guy in this game?


Jacob Jett vs Steve DeColt


You're pushing Jett too much ._.



Jeremy Stone vs Dark Angel


GUESS IT WASN'T "MAYBE" A CONTENDER'S MATCH. So the problem here is that DeColt's a heel; Stone's opponent will be a heel. So...you're setting up a triple threat.

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