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Rocky Mountain Wrestling: River Deep, Mountain Strong

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Here's the fan questions folks. Next post will follow at some point.




Firstly, from Boltinho:


For Gorgon: "Ive heard that you're dating Primus Allen. Is that true? And if not who is your ideal male wrestler?"


Gorgon: No, I'm not dating Primus- in fact, I barely know the guy. We worked some indy shows together back when he was first getting started, and because we're both gym bunnies we used to hang out a bit, but I wouldn't say we were even especially close friends. As for ideal male wrestler, it's always been a principle of mine to never date within the business. There are relationships that can work in that environment- Hugh and Tammy have managed to make it work for about 8 years now, and Cat and Damien have done a good job working a long-distance relationship- but it's not really for me.



Secondly, this one from Regis:


Question to Ford Gumble: "I see you've bulked up a bit there. Tell me, was this for professional reasons, or is the cooking just really good up there?"


Ford Gumble: Yeah, the cooking really is that good up here. But seriously, it's more that when I was in TCW I was a real workout junkie- you had to be, to stay in shape on their schedule- and had an insane diet. When I left the big leagues the workout schedule slipped but the diet didn't so I wound up piling on the pounds, hence the added weight

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Rocky Mountain Writings



Saturday, Week 2, March


When I started RMW, the one thing I promised myself is that there wouldn’t be any trouble. I’ve been through many promotions in my career, and every one of them had at least one troublemaker who raised hell in the ring and complicated things for the guys in charge of the matchmaking. So I swore that Rocky Mountain Wrestling would be different, that I would have absolute control over the booking and no two-bit wrestler would dictate to me in my own promotion. Then, last month at Rough Justice Jack Griffith saw fit to get involved in the main event.


Jack, do you have any idea how monumentally p!ssed off I am at you right now?


Now, don’t get me wrong, sometimes you just have to accept a certain level of interference. If Ernie Forthdyke-Hume and The Kings of the Mountain choose to get involved then that’s just tough nuts on their opponents, and if a fatso like Ford Gumble can deal with it then so can anyone else. But Jack Griffith had no reason to interfere in the Championship bout, no matter what he says about Ford getting lucky at Rocky Mountain Way, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he pulls in a lot of tickets for us I’d send him on his way without a second thought.


But, as I say, Jack Griffith moves a lot of tickets for us. And as my old mentor The Stomper used to say, ‘if you can’t fire ‘em, fleece ‘em instead’. Y’see, The Sensational Singh’s been beating down my door trying to get a rematch with Griffith, so here’s what we’re going to do: next month at Spring Stampede, we’re going to headline things with a tag match- Ford Gumble and Singh vs. Jack Griffith and Handsome Stranger. And to settle this whole issue with the title- whoever gets the pinfall automatically gets the number one contendership and challenges for the title at Mountain Strong in April. How’s that? Oh, and this shouldn’t need saying but I’ll say it anyway- I see anyone interfering who doesn’t have a reason to be there, I’ll kill them.


There’s also the question of the Montana Championship. Antonio Del Veccio and Dazzling Dave Diamond have agreed to a match at Spring Stampede for the title, and that’s fine. Provided it’s all above board I really don’t care who’s dumb enough to think they have a chance of taking the title off Del Veccio. But because of that challenge being laid down so quick there’s no definite number one contender to the title for the next set of shows. Now I want to make one thing clear: we ain’t about rankings and title contenders or any of the rigidly formalised guff, but in RMW titles must be defended at least every other month (excepting unusual circumstances, obviously), and I think it’s only fair that the champions know who their next opponent is going to be. So, with that in mind, I’ve scheduled a four-way match at Spring Stampede featuring four of our finest midcard workers: Roderick Remus , Nelson Callum, Ricky Douglas and Sayeed Ali. The winner of the match will go onto face the Montana Champion at Mountain Strong.


So, there we are- three set matches for the next card, and two in the pipeline for Mountain Strong. How’s that for running the show, huh?


Hugh Dansigny





Ford Gumble & The Sensational Singh vs. Jack Griffith & Handsome Stranger



Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond


Tamara McFly & Amber Allen vs. Gorgon & Eve Grunge



Roderick Remus vs. Sayeed Ali vs. Ricky Douglas vs. Nelson Callum


DC Rayne vs. Dean Waldorf


Eddie Howard vs. Ant-Man


Sammy the Shark vs. Regular Joe

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Ford Gumble & The Sensational Singh vs. Jack Griffith & Handsome Stranger



Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond


Tamara McFly & Amber Allen vs. Gorgon & Eve Grunge



Roderick Remus vs. Sayeed Ali vs. Ricky Douglas vs. Nelson Callum


DC Rayne vs. Dean Waldorf


Eddie Howard vs. Ant-Man


Sammy the Shark vs. Regular Joe

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Ford Gumble & The Sensational Singh vs. Jack Griffith & Handsome Stranger



Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond


Tamara McFly & Amber Allen vs. Gorgon & Eve Grunge



Roderick Remus vs. Sayeed Ali vs. Ricky Douglas vs. Nelson Callum


DC Rayne vs. Dean Waldorf


Eddie Howard vs. Ant-Man


Sammy the Shark vs. Regular Joe

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Ford Gumble & The Sensational Singh vs. Jack Griffith & Handsome Stranger

Griffith's arrogance pays off. Oh, what happens if the champ gets the pin? Does he get a month off?



Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

Champion's advantage.


Tamara McFly & Amber Allen vs. Gorgon & Eve Grunge

Keep Gorgon strong... but I wouldn't be surprised if Eve proves the weak link, and sets up a number one contender.



Roderick Remus vs. Sayeed Ali vs. Ricky Douglas vs. Nelson Callum

Because I've always had a soft spot for Roddy.


DC Rayne vs. Dean Waldorf



Eddie Howard vs. Ant-Man

I want to vote for Ant-Man, but he isn't a tag team champion.


Sammy the Shark vs. Regular Joe

I know you mark for the Shark.

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RMW Spring Stampede

Live to DVD from the Showtime Theater

Wednesday, Week 4, March 2010

Audience: 942


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


Connie Morris vs. Christina Charlston

This was a good match, but it was really lacking in crowd interest and that dragged it down a little. Not that the lack of crowd reaction was all that surprising- neither Connie nor Christina are amongst the top tier of women workers, both in terms of name value and talent. Not that they’re bad, mind you, more that they’re not particularly exciting. That translated here to a crowd that were interested but quiet, and as I say that can do a lot to drag down a match, or at least the way it’s perceived on DVD. Other than the heat, though, this was a good solid match, that saw Connie take the win with the Missouri Plough (Front Powerslam).

Winner: Connie Morris Match Rating: D-



The Show


Eddie Howard vs. Ant-Man

This was a good solid match- not one of our best by a long chalk, but an entertaining squash that featured both guys pretty well. Eddie took the initiative, using his size to overpower Ant-Man in the early stages, but the rookie made a huge comeback by hitting a delayed vertical suplex on the bigger man, before following up with a high-octane burst of offence that included some more spectacular power moves, including a big turnbuckle powerbomb. That proved to be Ant-Man’s downfall, though, as he attempted to follow the powerbomb with a corner-to-corner big boot, only to run headfirst into the Crash and Burn. One three-count later, and Eddie Howard has taken his first singles win in RMW.

Winner: Eddie Howard Match Rating: D




Back at the RMW interview position, Ford Gumble and The Sensational Singh are on hype duty for the main event.


“In a few days time, I’ll be signing on with TCW as their newest acquisition. But before I leave RMW, a company that gave me the chance to make my mark in wrestling, I’ve got one last issue to deal with. Handsome Stranger, Jack Griffith, I don’t like you and I sure as hell don’t see why you deserve title shots. Stranger, you’re a cheat, Jack, you’re a bully, and for the record, I’m not afraid of you. Tonight, me and Ford Gumble are you gonna take you out”


“Handsome, Jack…


“We’re gonna kick your @sses”


Singh really is leaving for TCW, so this is the last match he’ll be having with us. As for this promo, it got as good a reception as we usually get from our top talent.

Rating: D




Sammy the Shark vs. Regular Joe

This wasn’t a particularly great match, but considering it was a basic squash match it did the job I wanted. Joe’s a solid young talent but he needs to improve his moveset if he’s going to make any sort of impact as a singles competitor, and whilst Sammy’s a good enough worker he’s not yet at the level required to carry Joe through to a great match. Not that this was that bad a match, mind you: it was basically the same kind of thing as the dark match, good but lacking in crowd heat. Sammy took the win here, hitting Joe with the Ace in the Hole and hooking the leg for the three-count.

Winner: Sammy the Shark Match Rating: D-




Back at the interview position Tamara McFly is on hype duty for the women’s match


“Gorgon, I have so much respect for you. You’re one of the best female wrestlers in the world, one of the most promising young talents I’ve ever seen, and yet you waste all that talent with a filthy attitude. Last month, at Rough Justice you thought it was okay to try and take out Amber Allen, another great young talent that did nothing more than give 110% and try and win a match. Well, I’m here to say that won’t fly in this company, and if I have to beat that into you, then that’s fine. You just made a very powerful enemy Gorgon: you might be the Queen of the Mountain, but I’m the Queen of Wrestling”


Tammy’s only just got to the point where she can handle promo’s (thanks to a guest run on Space Casino), so she’s still figuring out how to express her character. Reaction-wise, though, this was okay.

Rating: D-




Amber Allen & Tamara McFly vs. Gorgon and Eve Grunge

And once again, the women’s division provide a highlight of the night. This was another excellent match, one of the best we’ve ever had and definitely the best women’s match so far. Not that it’s entirely surprising when you consider the participants: all four of the workers in this bout are at least good, and Gorgon and Double A have the potential to be the greatest women’s wrestlers of all time (well, maybe not, but there’s definite top 5 potential in there). Story-wise, we eschewed the usual face-in-peril routine for something a little different: Tammy and Amber could both stand toe-to-toe with Eve Grunge, but when Gorgon got in the ring the momentum immediately shifted in her favour- even Eve was quick to clear out of the ring, and when Gorgon got her hands on Tammy she showed why she’s known as the Queen of the Mountain. The good guys managed to hold on, though, largely thanks to rapid-fire tags and some determined attempts to soften up Gorgon’s legs. The effort paid off in the end- Gorgon went for a Hydra Bomb on Tamara, only for her legs to give out, allowing Tammy to reverse the attempt into a crossbody and hold on for the 1-2-3.

Winners: Tamara McFly & Amber Allen Match Rating: C-




Once again we’re at the Interview Position, where Ernest Forthdyke-Hume is on hype duty for Dean’s match


“In all of independent wrestling, there are two teams that everybody talks about. One is Natural Storm, the other is The Balcony Express, and tonight, representatives of those two teams face off one-on-one. DC Rayne, last month at Rough Justice you couldn’t beat The Balcony Express on your home ground with your titles on the line: tonight, with no back-up and against one of the finest wrestlers on the independent scene, you haven’t got a prayer.”


I’m still not sure that we’ve got Ernest’s character full fleshed out, but given the level we’re at this got a decent reception

Rating: D-




DC Rayne vs. Dean Waldorf

This match was another solid bout: to be honest, pretty much all our midcard matches come to about the same level of quality. All that really stood out from most of our matches was the style featured: most of our matches are more or less brawls, but this one placed a heavy emphasis on technique, with the focus being more on chain wrestling than throwing punches. At least, that’s how it started, but Deec took the advantage early on, and when Dean was unable to claim the initiative he soon resorted to fisticuffs in order to try and take control, not that that worked either: Rayne’s one of the best brawlers in the company, and has a good 10 pounds of muscle on the frankly less-than-cut Waldorf. In the end, it took the intervention of Ernie to give his client the momentum: Forthdyke-Hume tossed a chair into the ring, and whilst Taylor was distracted getting it out he slipped his cane to Waldorf. One cane-shot to the head later, and Rayne was out on his feet (‘cos he bumps like blancmange) and easy prey for the Waldorf Salad Toss (Fisherman Suplex).

Winner: Dean Waldorf Match Rating: D




For what feels like the umpteenth time tonight we’re back at the interview position, this time to hear from Nelson Callum


“Let’s face facts here: I am the image of perfection. I’m handsome, I’m talented, I’m charismatic, I am the Model of Magnificence. And next month, when I win the Montana Championship, I will be bringing the sexy to Rocky Mountain Wrestling. Tonight? Tonight’s not even a factor. Rod Remus- who cares? Ricky Douglas- who cares? Sayeed Ali- hey, if you were any good I wouldn’t have dumped you as a tag partner. You stand in the presence of magnificence- be jealous”


In contrast to Ernest, Nelson’s got an instant grasp of his character, and that benefitted his promo work here.

Rating: D-




Roderick Remus vs. Ricky Douglas vs. Sayeed Ali vs. Nelson Callum

This match was exactly what you’d expect it to be- an entertaining but unexceptional match that featured a wide-ranging variety of styles. Sayeed’s hard-hitting style was set up as a big contrast with Roderick Remus’ high-flying and Nelson’s flowing technical style, whilst Ricky Douglas spent most of the match throwing palm strikes and chops that sent his opponents reeling (we’re experimenting with ways to make his offence stand out, and the Palm Strike is a surprisingly under-utilised trademark move). For the most part, though, this was a very even match- any time one guy managed to get a pin or submission locked in the other two participants were quick to break it up. In the end, though, there could only be one winner, and that was Nelson Callum after he was able to dodge an R-Borne from Remus and lock in the Honey Trap (STF) for the submission whilst Ricky and Sayeed fought at ringside.

Winner: Nelson Callum Match Rating: D




For the last time tonight we’re at the interview position, where we find Ernest Forthdyke-Hume on hype duty for the Montana Title match


“Dazzling Dave Diamond, you think yourself a threat, a potential Montana Champion. But you’ve forgotten one thing: this man, Antonio Del Veccio, isn’t just any wrestler off the street. He is a graduate of the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp, a trainee of the legend that is Rip Chord. He is so far above you that tonight, you might just as well go home, because there is NO WAY that you will win this match. Let me be clear: Antonio Del Veccio is the future of this business; you are an uneducated piece of Redneck Street Trash. Tonight, Antonio will be taking out the trash”


This time Ernest started to show signs of really developing his heel character, although the reaction wasn’t any better than last time.

Rating: D-




Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Antonio Del Veccio

This was actually a very disappointing match-up: technically speaking these two are amongst our biggest stars, but this was no better than our midcard matches. I’m not quite sure what the reason for that is: DDD’s no worse than most of our main event, and has the charisma to make up for his one-dimensional moveset, whilst Antonio may well be our strongest all-rounder. If you pushed me for an answer, though, I’d go with popularity- there’s a big gap between our big three and everyone else, and that’s probably coming into play in terms of the reception our matches are getting. Still, for all this one wasn’t what I’d hoped for it was a decent enough bout: we played up the subtle contrast in styles with DDD’s high-octane brawling forcing Antonio to try and step out of his preferred technical wheelhouse and throw punches, which he did with the best of them. That still wasn’t enough to hold off Dave Diamond, though, as the Texan bust out some phenomenal spots to hold the initiative, including an arm-drag into a lariat that nearly took Antonio’s head off, and his trademark leaping forearm (not a flying one: he jumps up and comes down more or less on top of them, it’s awesome) that would’ve got him a three count if not for Ernie’s interference. It was that interference that marked the turning point- Ernie brought a chair into the ring in full view of the ref, and whilst Taylor did his best to get things under control he was unable to stop Del Veccio getting hold of the chair and waffling the challenger with it. That brought on the DQ, leaving Dazzling Dave the winner but without the Montana Title.

Winner: Dazzling Dave Diamond Match Rating: D




Jack Griffith & Handsome Stranger vs. Ford Gumble & The Sensational Singh

After the disappointing semi-main this marked a return to the kind of form I expect from our main event. In common with almost every match featuring Jack Griffith this immediately devolved into a wild brawl through the crowd (credit to the guys for going in opposite directions so everyone could see some of the action), with Jack focussing on Singh whilst Stranger was the victim of Ford’s offence. Of course, this state of affairs didn’t last for long, as the four finally got the action back to the ring and some semblance of order was restored. It soon became clear that all was not hunky-dory in the heel camp, though: Jack Griffith had a habit of tagging in with blind tags that seemed more like shots to the back, whilst Handsome Stranger may be the first person in the world to ever tag in with a low-blow. In contrast to this, the faces were much more united but struggle to claim the advantage thanks to substantial amounts of cheating on the part of Ernie Forthdyke-Hume and the sheer viciousness of their opponents. In the end it looked liked the faces might have it as Stranger and Jack started openly brawling with each other, allowing Singh to get to the top rope and hit them both a double missile dropkick. Unfortunately in all the confusion he tried to pin Stranger, who wasn’t actually the legal man, and that gave Jack time to recover. When Singh tried to follow up with a Diving Moonsault, therefore, Jack was able to swipe his legs, and with Ford Gumble laid out at ringside thanks to an earlier cane-shot from Ernie the way was open for Jack Griffith to hit the Jack in the Box and take the victory.

Winners: Jack Griffith and Handsome Stranger Match Rating: C-



Overall Rating: D+, although again this was a slight step down in terms of quality.

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Since the fan question was so quick in, I'm putting up the answer now. Next post will go up shortly after that- I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and get things up a bit quicker.




For Jack Griffith: You've been around the block a few times in pro wrestling. If you could work for any company in the world who would you pick?


Jack Griffith: There's honestly nowhere else I'd rather be working- at least, that's currently open- than Rocky Mountain Wrestling. And you know why? It ain't the competition, I'm gonna kill them all anyway; and it sure as hell ain't the chicks. One simple thing: the people in charge of RMW are so sh*t-scared of what I'm going to do to them that they pretty much let me get away with anything. Who wouldn't like that?

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RMW Superstar Spotlight:

The Main Event




Ford Gumble

Theme Music:

Hometown: Pocatello, Idaho

Height/Weight: 6’ 2”/244lbs

Finisher Move: Quick Draw Kick (Savate Kick)

A former cornerstone of TCW’s Cruiserweight and All Action division, Ford Gumble’s returned to his old stomping ground as one of the founding members of the RMW roster. Currently the reigning Rocky Mountain Champion, Ford’s had to fend off determined opposition from both Jack Griffith and Handsome Stranger in the course of his run thus far. He may not seem like the most likely champion in the world- even Ford’s boss, RMW promoter Hugh Dansigny, doesn’t seem to fancy his chances- but you dismiss The Rocky Mountain Cowboy at your peril




Jack Griffith

Theme Music: Number of the Beast- Iron Maiden

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee

Height/Weight: 6’ 4”/245lbs

Finisher Move: Jack in the Box (Lungblower off the top rope)

The Wild-Eyed Southern Wonder came by that nickname for a reason. Seriously, we think he might actually be crazy (after all, he started using that entrance theme when he wrestled in the heart of the bible belt). These days he’s as famed for his battles with his demons as his in-ring ability, but don’t even think about overlooking him: more than one wrestler has found out the hard way that Jack Griffith is a bad, bad man with absolutely no regard for the rules at all. The only reason he ever pins anyone is that if he didn’t he wouldn’t win the titles he so ardently desires. Currently he’s got his eyes on the Rocky Mountain Championship, and he seems willing to do just about anything to get hold of it.




Handsome Stranger

Theme Music:

Hometown: El Paso, Texas

Height/Weight: 6’ 2”/235lbs

Finisher Moves: Catalan Twist (Twisting Neckbreaker), La Gota (Fireman’s Carry Gutbuster)

The third part of the Rocky Mountain Championship Triangle, Handsome Stranger’s also the in-ring leader of The Kings of the Mountain, RMW’s top heel stable. A slick brawler whose low blow is already legendary as an example of foul play, he’s always to be feared- especially with Ernest Forthdyke-Hume in his corner. Whether his sophistication and elegance can match up to Ford Gumble’s persistence of Jack Griffith’s insanity has yet to truly be seen, but one thing’s for sure, Handsome Stranger isn’t someone you turn your back on.




Antonio Del Veccio

Theme Music:

Hometown: New York City

Height/Weight: 6’ 2”/225lbs

Finisher: Italian DDT (DDT)

He dresses well, wrestles one of the finest all-round games in RMW, and currently holds the Rocky Mountain Montana Championship. There’s no two ways about it, Antonio Del Veccio is one of the fastest-rising stars in Rocky Mountain Wrestling. Of course, that might have something to do with his membership of the Kings of the Mountain, but there’s no denying that he’s got the potential to be the biggest star in RMW in a few years. Right now, though, he’s got to contend with Dazzling Dave Diamond, who’s got his eyes on the prize and has yet to be swayed by Del Veccio’s cheating ways.




Card for RMW Mountain Strong:



Ford Gumble © vs. Jack Griffith


Handsome Stranger vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond



Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Jared Johnson



Gorgon © vs. Tamara McFly



Natural Storm vs. The Vegas Connection


Roderick Remus vs. Sayeed Ali


Amber Allen vs. Christina Charlston


NOTE FROM THE D-MAN: Due to a minor injury incurred at Spring Stampede, Nelson Callum requested that his title shot be transferred to the Tag Team Chamionships- hence the change in advertising.

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Ford Gumble © vs. Jack Griffith


Handsome Stranger vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond



Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Jared Johnson



Gorgon © vs. Tamara McFly



Natural Storm vs. The Vegas Connection


Roderick Remus vs. Sayeed Ali


Amber Allen vs. Christina Charlston

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Ford Gumble © vs. Jack Griffith

Challengers lose all the time, champs only ever lose once.


Handsome Stranger vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

Ooh, that sneaky, underhanded cheat!



Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Jared Johnson

See notes on Gumble vs. Griffith.



Gorgon © vs. Tamara McFly

As long as Tammy says Gorgon's the best choice, she's got the belt.



Natural Storm vs. The Vegas Connection

Some awesome indie guys with good experience. What's not to love?


Roderick Remus vs. Sayeed Ali

Ali's hard-hitting style combines well with surprisingly good fundamentals for an indie guy.


Amber Allen vs. Christina Charlston

AA's a damn good wrestler, she deserves to be in contendership.

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Ford Gumble © vs. Jack Griffith


Handsome Stranger vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond



Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Jared Johnson



Gorgon © vs. Tamara McFly



Natural Storm vs. The Vegas Connection


Roderick Remus vs. Sayeed Ali


Amber Allen vs. Christina Charlston

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RMW Mountain Strong

Live to DVD from the Showtime Theater

Wednesday, Week 4, April 2010

Audience: 872


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


Dean Waldorf vs. Regular Joe

This was a surprisingly good match- in all honesty, I hadn’t expected much from this one, but it was actually no worse than any of our other midcard matches. A big part of that was enthusiasm, as both Dean and Joe were clearly putting 110% into this one, giving the match a dramatic edge that compensated for their weaknesses. Of course Joe’s still a little dull in the ring, and Dean could stand to be a little more consistent, but it seems churlish to harp on about a couple of minor weaknesses when the match itself was so solid. Dean took the win here (obviously), taking out Joe with a surprise flying clothesline before hitting the Waldorf Salad Toss for the victory.

Winner: Dean Waldorf Match Rating: D



The Show


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Jared Johnson

Much as I generally like his work I’m beginning to wonder if Antonio isn’t being pushed higher than his talent merits: this was another very average match that I’d expected more from. Now, I’ll grant that Jared isn’t exactly a big name, but he might be the best technician on the indy scene and should be capable of more than this. As it was, though, this was an alright match: some good action, some decent heat, nothing really spectacular but it did the job. I’m trying to set Jared up as a future big deal in the company, so we had him look particularly strong here, building the match around his technical excellence and puro-style strikes. In the end, though, The Carolina Kid was too inexperienced to beat out Del Veccio, and the Montana champion was able to sucker him into colliding with the turnbuckle, before hitting the Italian DDT for the victory.

Winner: Antonio Del Veccio Match Rating: D




Back at the Interview Position, Jack Griffith’s on hype duty for the main event


“Ford Gumble, you’re a walking dead man. Tonight, the Rocky Mountain Championship will be back around my waist, and you’ll be in the hospital recovering from the ass-whuppin’ of a lifetime! There is nothing you can do, no trick you can pull, no move you can hit that will keep me from my destiny! I’M GONNA KILL YOU FORD! YOU’RE A DEAD MAN WALKING!”


Okay, that was crazier than usual. Worked, though.

Rating: D+




Amber Allen vs. Christina Charlston

This was a good match, but not quite on the same level as Del Veccio/Johnson or Waldorf/Joe. The main issue was psychology: neither of these girls really has the knack for stringing a match together or pacing out a script right, and that gave the match a very rehearsed feel that took away from the heat a bit. It was still a good match, though- it might have felt rehearsed, but the technical exchanges were still crisply executed, and Amber knows a thing or two about working the mat. That was largely the story of the match: both women kept the match grounded and tried to force the submission victory. Amber started to gain the edge, using her superior technical skills to take control of the match, and Christina was forced to get to the ropes and try and match up with Amber on her feet. Unfortunately she didn’t have a chance: Amber countered her attempted Front Facelock with the Northern Lights Suplex, taking home the victory.

Winner: Amber Allen Match Rating: D




Roderick Remus vs. Sayeed Ali

This was another good match- our midcarders might be predictable, but at least they’re predictably good. Sayeed in particular is a bit of an unsung hero- he’s a very capable brawler with solid fundamentals, but I don’t think he’s won a match with us yet. As for Roderick, he’s slightly less talented but I like him, and with a heel holding the Montana Championship belt we need to build up all the midcard faces as potential challengers. That led to this match, which put over Roderick’s underdog routine and Sayeed’s hard-hitting offense in one neat little package, before Rod made a storming comeback, nailing Sayeed with a series of dropkicks and arm drags before going to the top rope for a thunderous Missile Dropkick that knocked Sayeed for six. From there the way was open for Roderick to claim the victory, and he was quick to head back up top for the R-Borne, scoring the victory.

Winner: Roderick Remus Match Rating: D




Once again we’re at the Interview Position, where Nicole Kiss is on hype duty for the tag title match


“I’ve been in this business for over 10 years, longer than a lot of other female managers, and I’ve learnt a lot of big things in that time. One of them is this: Nelson, Sammy, there will be always guys like you. Sure, you’re good, I’m not denying that, but you think that just because you’ve won a couple of matches that makes you a championship-level tag team. But you’re not up against two guys off the street: Natural Storm are America’s Most Dangerous Tag Team, they’re two of the best wrestlers in the world- hell, they’ve held the tag team titles in every company they’ve worked for! I’ll give you a clue what your chances are tonight: pick a number between 1 and –1, that’s how much chance you’ve got of winning tonight”


Nicole’s one of the best talkers we’ve got, if not actually the best, and it showed in the reception this angle got.

Rating: D




Natural Storm vs. The Vegas Connection

I’d been a little worried about this match- Nelson managed to fracture his cheekbone last month and I wasn’t sure how he’d handle the action tonight- but it turns out I needn’t have bothered: this was as good a match as I could have hoped for, one of our strongest bouts yet. Credit also goes to Nelson for working his injury into the match rather brilliantly: his arrogant pretty-boy gimmick was made for playing off of facial injuries, and the first highlight came when Deec went to punch him- Nelson screamed like a little girl and promptly tagged in Sammy. From there, though, we got serious- Sammy may not be the most refined wrestler in the world but you don’t hang out at NYCW without learning a thing or two about brawling, and for the most part he was able to keep up with either member of the Storm. Nelson, meanwhile, was his usual master of the mat, when he wasn’t begging off in an effort to protect his face (note to self: make sure Nelson gets a Montana run in the future, he’s awesome). In the end, though, he found himself on the wrong end of a chair shot from Waldorf after Rayne dodged. The Storm were quick to dispose of their perennial rival, and from there it was simplicity itself to take Sammy out with A Storm is Coming, leaving the way clear for the champs to take the victory.

Winners: Natural Storm Match Rating: D+




Back at the interview position, Ernie’s on hype duty for the women’s match


“I’ll be frank here, Tamara: your opinion doesn’t matter worth a d@mn to Gorgon. Respect her, hate her, whatever you think of her has no bearing on what will happen tonight. Because tonight, Gorgon is going to destroy you. It doesn’t matter what you try, how much heart you may have or how much the crowd cheers you- your chances tonight are worse than zero. I really hope you’re looking forward to retirement, Tammy, because it’s coming early”


This went well, largely because I decided to try and emphasise Gorgon’s menace along with Ernie’s mic skills.

Rating: D




Tamara McFly vs. Gorgon

This was an excellent match: almost embarrasingly so, given that it overshadowed the main event (I’ll have to look into that: not to be rude to the women’s division, it’s just that if they persistently overshadow my top guys then it’ll throw my cards off). It’s not really surprising though: in putting together the women’s division I had access to some top talent, whereas the main event is mostly TCW and the SWF’s cast-offs, and there won’t be many more of these to find. In any case, this was a great match that really connected with the audience. For once this match wasn’t so bound up in narrative- a really strong storyline can help a match with guys that don’t have an strong moveset, but with Tammy and Gorgon I figured we’d give them a couple of guidelines and let them just go nuts. That resulted in a match that boiled down to Gorgon basically hitting every big move in her arsenal, only to see Tammy keep picking herself up and coming back for more. That veteran tenacity started to swing the match in Tammy’s favour, as Gorgon became increasingly frustrated and began to lose her focus, making it easier for the Queen of Wrestling to take the advantage. Unfortunately for Tammy, she didn’t count on Ernest Forthdyke-Hume getting involved- one cane-shot to the kidneys and Tammy was an easy target for Gorgon’s lariat, which in turn set her up for the Hydra Bomb. And that, my friends, is not a move you come back from

Winner: Gorgon Match Rating: C




Back at the Interview Position, Ford is on hype duty for the main event


“Griffith, you’re a tough guy.


“I’m tougher”


This didn’t get the reaction Ford’s previous mic work has done, but it was still more than up to snuff.

Rating: D




Handsome Stranger vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

Like Antonio, I’d say Dave isn’t quite ready for the top-level matches: this was good, but wasn’t up to the level of our top matches. Admittedly that might be Stranger as well- he’s our weakest top guy in terms of moveset, although he’s got better fundamentals than the others. In any case, this was a fairly rote in-ring brawl, albeit one with some good spots and a solid story. Okay, so it was arrogant-heel-versus-energetic-brawler, but hey, why fix what ain’t broken? Stranger’s got the arrogant heel schtick down pat, and Dave’s southern firebrand gimmick’s more who he is than something he puts on for the show. So, of course, Stranger underestimated Diamond, got flattened for his pains and had to fight back. Ernie, meanwhile, was his usual engaging self at ringside, at one point attempting to distract the ref long enough for Stranger to grab a chair. Unfortunately it didn’t work, as all he got was a forearm from Dave for his troubles, but whilst Jonathan Taylor was distracted getting the chair out of the ring Antonio Del Veccio got involved, leaping the ringside barrier and nailing Diamond with the Italian DDT. Of course he was gone by the time Jonny turned around (well, he was actually just stood at ringside, but Taylor plays this whole dumb-and-credulous thing that makes stuff like that easier), and it was simplicity itself for Stranger to pin him for the win.

Winner: Handsome Stranger Match Rating: D+




Jack Griffith vs. Ford Gumble

This was a good match, but it wasn’t as blow-away good as Ford and Jack’s last match at Rocky Mountain Way. That’s probably because it was basically the same match: the crowd enjoy Jack’s matches, but they’ve cottoned onto the fact that he goes straight for the out-of-control-brawl routine every time. At least this time things was changed up a bit by the addition of Stranger to the announce desk and a couple of different spots: Jack hit a sitout facebuster onto one of the empty seats at one point, whilst Ford managed to hit a Tornado DDT off the announce table onto the floor that looked pretty cool. Eventually the action made it back to the ring, and it was here that Stranger decided to get involved: he ran down to the ring, hit stereo low-blows on both his opponents and draped Ford over Jack before bombing back to the announce desk before Jonathan Taylor realised what had happened. That left Ford the winner by default, but the major issue was: why had Stranger picked him for the winner, rather than Jack?

Winner: Ford Gumble Match Rating: C-



Overall Rating: C-, and whilst this still wasn’t quite up to the level of Rocky Mountain Way it was a step up on the last couple of shows

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It's time to look at the predictions, so let's see how it all went this month:


Midnightnick: 5/7

Boltinho: 6/7

Regis: 6/7


Now, ordinarily Bolt and Regis would be the only ones entitled to questions, but seeing as this one was pretty close, and to celebrate the fact that my MA dissertation is almost complete, everyone gets the right to ask a question.


I'm not sure when the next entry will be up- whenever I set a deadline I miss it by a clear mile- so there's plenty of time for questions to come in.

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Just bumping this so Regis and Midnightnick have a chance to get their questions up: I'm aware that I've been a bit slack on updatig this for quite a while, but life got busy so I took an unofficial break. Back now, waiting for questions to go up, but if they don't appear in a few days I'll put up Bolt's answer and then move on.
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<p><em>Okay, putting this up as I'll be very busy for a couple of days- Bolt, I'll put your question in with the next bunch if I get any</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“**** YOU STEVE!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

At first Tamara McFly-Dansigny was more than slightly alarmed by the sheer venom in her husband’s voice- not least because to the best of her knowledge they didn’t know anyone called Steve- but then she remembered: today was Wednesday, which meant that Hugh had borrowed her laptop and was watching NOTBPW Championship Wrestling online. No doubt Steve DeColt was doing something particularly heelish, or even mildly heelish.</p><p> </p><p>

Or, hey, maybe he was just being rude to Jeremy or something. Hugh wasn’t picky when it came to his fandom of all things Stone-related. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Hugh, honey, is it really necessary to shout at the computer every time a heel does something you don’t like? It’s a little disturbing when I can’t actually hear what it is you’re shouting at”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Trust me honey, if you saw what Steve was up to this time you’d be shouting at the screen too”</span></p><p> </p><p>

They both knew she wouldn’t, Tammy’s temper was so even Hugh wasn’t sure it was possible to her to ever be even mildly put out, but as far as Hugh the wrestling fan was concerned Steve DeColt could make Satan himself go ‘Oooh, that’s a bit nasty’</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“You do realise that your whole ‘I’m a bad-ass promoter who’s going to make Rocky Mountain Wrestling the greatest indy promotion in the US’ thing is kinda undermined by the fact that you’re a total mark for NOTBPW”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“And Rush. Never forget Rush. NOTBPW and Rush- the reason why Canada is better than anywhere else in the entire universe”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“You forgot Tim Hortons honey”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Tammy, that place fed me for my entire adolescence, not to mention how many creative triumphs NOTBPW owe to Mr. Horton. The only way I could forget it is if I was dead, or if you were wearing that negligee you wore on our honeymoon…”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Tammy blushed intensely, and Hugh s******ed. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Moving swiftly onward, what’ve you got planned for next month- Gorgon was asking me who her next opponent would be so she could do some prep work and figure out some good spots”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“You’ve got to appreciate a woman who does that much prep work- tell her not to worry about it, though, she’s up against Connie Morris and those two used to tag together so she shouldn’t have a problem coming up with ideas. As for general plans, I’m going with a kind of rookie-vs.-veteran thing, putting younger guys up against our established names. I mean, it’s pretty much just the marquee matches, but it’s still a solid concept, and hey, anything that helps me figure out what the heck to do with Del Veccio is very much welcome.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Oh come on Hugh, he’s not that bad. But just out of interest, have you got anything planned for after that? Just generally, not for the show”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Tammy, when do I ever do anything social, ever? Of course I’ve got nothing planned, which is good because I’m guessing you’re about to try and persuade me to go to Roger Stone-McFly’s 5th birthday party aren’t you?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Okay, you got me. But please- he’s my nephew, Hugh, and you’re his godfather and we never see him. I just- I want to see him, okay?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Hugh knew exactly what Tammy wasn’t saying, but she’d already made it very clear that she wasn’t ever going to talk about it. So he did what he always did when they came to the subject; immediately agree with Tammy and go get coffee</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Sure, no problem. Advantage of being your own boss- I want time off, I can just give it to myself and palm the admin off on Remmington…”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“As if you didn’t already”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“True. But you want to go to Canada, then we’re going to Canada. Besides, I could kill for a Tim Hortons Coffee”</span></p><p> </p><p>

***</p><p> </p><p>

Card for RMW Big Sky Wrestling:</p><p> </p><p>


Ford Gumble vs. Antonio Del Veccio</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Griffith vs. Eddie Howard</p><p> </p><p>

Handsome Stranger vs. DC Rayne</p><p> </p><p>


Gorgon © vs. Connie Morris</p><p> </p><p>

Nelson Callum vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond</p><p> </p><p>

Rod Remus & Ricky Douglas vs. The Ring Generals</p><p> </p><p>

Jared Johnson vs. Sayeed Ali</p>

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Card for RMW Big Sky Wrestling:



Ford Gumble vs. Antonio Del Veccio


Jack Griffith vs. Eddie Howard


Handsome Stranger vs. DC Rayne



Gorgon © vs. Connie Morris


Nelson Callum vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond


Rod Remus & Ricky Douglas vs. The Ring Generals


Jared Johnson vs. Sayeed Ali

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