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Multiplayer Cornellverse Diary

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I had thoughts of doing an SWF diary for the longest time. However, I am currently doing an RIPW diary and I would hate to kill it off.


I did have another idea and I could float it by you and see what you think. How about an SWF diary where we have a booking committee type set-up. Much like what shawn michaels 82 was trying to do with the real world. It would be sort of a joint diary with multiple people working on it.


Would that be any interest to you? If not I understand but I just thought I would put it out there.

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Come on people! Let's show some interest, I haven't logged into these forums in a long time, let's do something revolutionary.

Anyone with anything to offer for a diary hit me up. Graphics/ideas/writing skills/booking skills.

This doesn't have to be a 'multiplayer dynasty' in the sense of sending files back and forth and posting shows. I can control the federation or federations. Just looking for some people to build this with long term, however involved or committed you would want to be is up to you.

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This sounds really cool, I'm up for it.

I'm working on another Diary, what exactly would I have to write?


Would it be fine to just copy paste the promos, matches and ratings I make, as well as the decisions, etc?


Edit: Also, if you don't mind having me in, I'm up for any main federation, but a draft with the top popularity guys sounds way cooler

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I'd prefer, now that we've got some interest.

I'm thinking maybe two bookers. And either a booking/idea team for both, or one large booking team.

The idea behind this dynasty not being competition, but to intrigue the readers, keep them guessing and entertained. There are several scenarios that can come from this, depending on the scenario the people involved choose to go with, and the # of people involved.


Sorry if I am being so vague, I just don't want to give any details away to potential readers.


Although Legend I am loving your Dynasty at the mo, very similar to the direction I wanted to take the solo one I was going to do. I read up on a few CVerse diaries and came up with some ideas for a multiplayer game, and now with the comments on here it keeps evolving into more.

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I think it may be best to have two 'teams' maybe 1 SWF and 1 TCW (maybe a draft to spice things up?).

If possible maybe one main writer for both teams and then a booking team for both too.


I would be well up for this mate.


sounds great.


How about a draft with the booking teams picking in turn (no discussions allowed!) without the main writers involved?

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sounds great.


How about a draft with the booking teams picking in turn (no discussions allowed!) without the main writers involved?


So something along the lines of this Bolt? (given two teams of 4)...


Team A (SWF)

Main Writer A

Booker A1

Booker A2

Booker A3


Team B (TCW)

Main Writer B

Booker B1

Booker B2

Booker B3


Draft pick order















Would feel a little harsh on the Main Writer of each team as they would be doing a lot of work with little say ha


What you think Icon?

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One thing I noticed with the real world one it is a bit difficult to manage many promotions.


I think there needs to be two specific "head booker" who would be a place for people who may want to quit go and tell so you know if they need replacing or just to keep others in the know :), just so people aren't randomly dropping out. Also, it would be good for disputes.

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One thing I noticed with the real world one it is a bit difficult to manage many promotions.


I think there needs to be two specific "head booker" who would be a place for people who may want to quit go and tell so you know if they need replacing or just to keep others in the know :), just so people aren't randomly dropping out. Also, it would be good for disputes.


That's a very good point. May be an idea to have a nominated head writer and head booker. Maybe the writer can be a volunteer or an experienced writer and the can be Icon (if this is the way he is wanting to go with this of course :D) and the other can be one of the more experienced members of the board who has a bit more experience in multiplayer games?

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Huuh, I think I'm outting out of this after all.


I was thinking each person was gonna have a Federation, it doesn't sound fun to have more than one booker in each federation, seems counter-productive.


Well see what Icon was initially wanting to do mate. Me, Bolt and 20Legend were maybe just getting ahead of ourselves and are maybe discussing something completely different to what he was wanting to do.

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Well see what Icon was initially wanting to do mate. Me, Bolt and 20Legend were maybe just getting ahead of ourselves and are maybe discussing something completely different to what he was wanting to do.


Yeah what they were talking about was more along the lines of what I brought up.

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Personally, I'm open for options. Mainly being a SWF/TCW feud (with both sides communicating to create an interesting dynamic) this does not mean that there cannot be 3 promotions. For the interest that WAS coming, two federations, each forming a team kind of, with roles (however those teams want to delegate duties/roles is up to said team)

If someone wanted to do a third promotion (even if by themselves) would be fine with me, as long as they are serious about.

Doing the teams is a way to keep it fresh and fun, as well as challenging.


I don't want this to fizzle out. So be honest with your roles and what you can bring to the table. If all you want to do is graphics, do graphics. If you want to control the direction of the tag team division, do that.

Doesn't mean you can't change or alter your role, just means be true to the least amount you know you can bring.


The feedback so far has been great. Keep up with ideas and communicating.

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So it's looking like SWF and TCW ATM. Could I just say that if it does go this way, I would prefer to be in TCW I think (As long as the product is dropped to 80% Matches :D). I am currently writing an SWF diary so I'd rather be part of TCW. I'd like to do "creative" side and give a bit on the writing. If we are doing promotion head booker type things (to keep a bit of order, for example someone to go to if you are taking time off or leaving all together, settling disputes) I'd happily do that for my promotion, that said if anyone else wants to I'd happily take a lesser role. Basically if no one wants to do it I will :)
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