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21st Century Boys (English c-verse)

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Just caught up with this diary and I have to say it's great stuff; I really like the use of tag team wrestling to get everyone over.


Long may this one continue.


Thankyou very much sir. Theres no real strategy to it. I just like tag teams.


The diary will run for one year in-game (hopefully!) so I'm not even halfway.


Plenty more stereotypical/stolen/lame fun to come so I hope I can entertain my readers a little bit.


Next show to go up tonight.

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Best of British Wrestling




Week 3 May 2010

Edgware Hall

Attendance: 2,000






Dunton Hall introduces tonight’s show from his office.


“I’ve got great news for all you 21CW fans! I’ve finally made the cover of Wired magazine! Some of the smarter examples of you fans may actually read it. The rest of you are blissfully unaware as you bury your noses in the Mail.


“Regardless it’s acknowledgement that what I’ve done here at 21CW has touched a nerve. And what we’ve seen so far is just the beginning. Once we remove the American cancer that you people don’t know better than to cheer for we’ll go from strength to strength.


“Last week two of my employees unwisely decided to support Mr Thompson and so I’ve decided to reward them – with a match tonight against my associates Jonathan Faust and Johansson. Let that be a lesson for you.”








Pitbull Brown heads to the ring.


“You all saw last week that it’s impossible to make me submit. That’s for weaker people. I’m the man Who Never Gives Up and you can’t shake me. Joss Thompson – I’m still coming for you.”


At that Pitbull is interrupted by a large shape in a suit – Business Jones!




Jones is even more inscrutable than the quiet Pitbull and behaves with far less logic.


The two men brawl together for a moment until the ref looks at Steve Smith (the announcer) and rings the bell to start a match.




Business Jones vs Pitbull Brown




* The two wildcards are very evenly matched. Both are vets and have watched each other for years.

* Business doesn’t even try for submissions. His tactics are always based around impact moves.

* Pitbull is a different matter though and manages to cinch Business into a cobra clutch that Business is forced to tap to.


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Pit Bull Brown defeated Business Jones in 14:11 by submission.








The Strange Quarks (Energy Punk & Power Beast) head to the ring in a medley of bright lights, strobes and atonal psychedelic metal music.


Both men are tearing at food. It appears to be some kind of burgers…

Energy Punk (far the smaller of the Quarks) finishes his first and takes a mic:


“As we told you before we’re here from the underground. The forgotten nuclear scar that’s the ugly little secret of you suburban hypocrites.


“Where we come from we’re the normal ones and people like you…”


His incoherent ramble is cut short as some twangy oriental music lays and two masked men appear – Pride (Dragon & Lionheart).




Dragon responds to the Quarks as Power Beast continues to stuff his face.


“My friends – you must turn away from this self-destructive path and seek enlightenment over your anger."


Power Beast finishes his burger and unleashes a huge belch that a grizzle bear would be proud of.


“I was afraid you would respond like this. Very well. A lesson must be learnt in the ring.”




Pride (Dragon & Lionheart) vs The Strange Quarks (Energy Punk & Power Beast)




* Control vs. chaos is the order of the day as Pride attempt to use the momentum and energy of the Quarks against them Aikido-style.

* Again Lionheart seems a little unsure of himself but his sensei Dragon helps him through tricky bits of the match.

* Energy Punk comes very close to stealing a win but Lionheart reverses him into a springboard move from nowhere. Impressive.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Pride defeated The Strange Quarks in 7:43 when Lionheart defeated Energy Punk by pinfall with The Cooper Fly Splash.






A corridor backstage. There’s no one around but a pair of technicians who look very similar to each other.




Suddenly a burst of activity though as the huge shape of War Machine – the nation’s most dangerous teenager – bursts out of nowhere and smashes the two innocent bystanders before raging off again.






The lights go off in the arena and come back on in pale, sickly shades of white that shine onto a dark shape in the ring. It’s a medium-build man with his head under a deep hood.


“This city was once the glory of the world. It was once the home of civilisation, honour and all that was light. But now I find it once more a pool of moral slime.”


The man looks up and we see the familiar grey face. It’s Grey Angel!



“I left 21CW months ago when the cesspit of a man Rolling Johnny Stones conspired against me. And now I find things are worse. I’ve looked into the soul of everyone here and I’ve seen your evil.


“I’m here to cleanse you all. I’m here to change you for the better.


“And tonight I’ll be starting against one of the blackest hearts here – Leo Price!”




Leo Price vs Grey Angel




* Leo is a good fighter and knows a thousand sneaky tricks but Grey Angel manages to match him move for move.

* The Angel is also not afraid to take to the air and shows some impressive dives.

* Unfortunately he’s a lone wolf and the match is done when Steve Stoat assaults the ring to help Leo.

* But Stoat makes a he mistake! He swings a big super-kick at Angel but the small man ducks and Leo takes it full on the chin allowing Grey Angel to snatch the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Grey Angel defeated Leo Price in 7:40 by pinfall with a Full Metal Jacket after botched interference by Steve Stoat.




After the match Grey Angel doesn’t celebrate. He simply stands still in the ring with his arms out in a ‘wings’ pose – when Street-fighting Man plays and Rolling Johnny Stones and Luke Cool appear.




The two rock stars enter the ring and approach Grey Angel from either side when…


The lights go out.


And when they come back on all three men (Stones, Cool and Angel) are prone on the floor with more white smoke billowing. Clearly there’s something else going on here…








Joss Thompson enters the arena with his buddy Eddie Cornell.

Joss (in his trademark tight white t-shirt and aviators) grabs a mic:


“Last week I fought three men one after the other. I wrestled with my heart on my sleeve for y’all to see. I put everything I had into this ring.


“And I won. I beat the best Dunton Hall could throw against me.


“If Hall and Faust want a shot so bad I’ll do it. I’ll fight Faust tonight!”


“When Jeff Nova ran this company…”




Joss is cut off as the big screen brightens to show Dunton Hall (in Jeff Nova’s old office).


“Oh Joss you still don’t understand do you? This isn’t 21CW the way it was. This is MY 21CW. And what I say goes. You’ll get your ‘fair fight’ when I say you will. But right now you’ll get the sort of match I want. So tonight it’s you and Eddie against The Ivanoffs. The Night Terrors. And The tag champions – Snaptime.


“And it’s happening RIGHT NOW.”




Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs The Brothers Ivanoff (Igor & Ivan Ivanoff) vs The Night Terrors (Mr Evilness & Mr Nightmare) vs Snaptime (Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson)






* As with all multi-team matches this is pretty chaotic. Especially as everyone takes the opportunity to go after the big names of Cornell and Thompson with little respect for the rules.

* The Ivanoffs do most of the running but The Night Terrors are also very aggressive leaving Snaptime to bide their time

* A match like this goes quick and seems over quick as against all the odds Joss manages to sneak a Clean Cutter on Igor Ivanoff. The match is won but it clearly took it’s toll as Joss and Eddie both seem utterly exhausted.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Eddie Cornell and Joss Thompson defeated The Brothers Ivanoff, Snaptime and Night Terrors in 11:49.






After the match Hot Stuff (Buff Martinez & Jay B) head to ringside parading their stolen tag belts.


Snaptime (the rightful holders) are furious and give chase but the much fresher Hot Stuff manage to escape.








Jonathan Faust heads to the ring with Johansson.


“As my mentor Dunton Hall said earlier this is OUR 21CW now. And it’s being run in a more modern, streamlined, synergetic way.


“and that means of you stick your nose where it doesn’t belong you’re liable to get it bitten off.


“Last week Adam Matravers and Danny Francis stuck their nose in. And now Johansson and I are going to show them why that’s a bad idea.”




The Startup (Jonathan Faust & Johansson) vs Adam Matravers & Danny Francis




* Faust was very confident but in truth this is no easy match at all and is far, FAR closer than he would have wanted.

* Adam Matravers is speed and aerial attacks. Danny Francis is close-up street brawling. With Johansson left to do most of the in-ring work it looks very much like The Startup will lose this match.

* But Faust takes matters into his own hands as he hot-tags in and quickly manages to level both opponents with separate DDTs.

* That allowed Johansson to recover and the big Norwegian came into the ring to haul a barely conscious Matravers up for Faust to hit an unopposed Devil’s Drop in sickening fashion as the intimidated ref covered his eyes.


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Jonathan Faust and Johansson defeated Danny Francis and Adam Matravers in 15:48 when Jonathan Faust defeated Adam Matravers by pinfall with a Devil's Drop.






Overall show rating: C+

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I just went past 10,000 views!


Of course thats aboout 5,000 real ones and the rest are people checking after Ive put a throwaway segment of Mr Nightmare trying to squeeze into a toilet or something...


Either way I'm very pleased. Thanks for reading gang.


Bit of a big swerve in the last show that I really enjoyed springing. if the white fog isnt Grey Angel...who the hell is it? Needless to say Ive found a great render for a worker who will be revealing himself at some point...


Sorry about the lag in posting. Lots of work parties/lunches/soirees this week...



Jonathan Faust & Johansson vs Adam Matravers & Danny Francis

Business Jones vs Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs The Brothers Ivanoff vs The Night Terrors vs Snaptime

Pride vs The Strange Quarks

Leo Price vs ???

BONUS QUESTION: Who is Leo Price facing? He’s an ex belt-holder in the company and has featured already in this diary…


K'Lee Hawkinsl


Just 2 Im afraid although I appluad you going for a draw. More of them to come soon... And the Snaptime bet was a fair one too


Jonathan Faust & Johansson vs Adam Matravers & Danny Francis

Business Jones vs Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs The Brothers Ivanoff vs The Night Terrors vs Snaptime

Pride vs The Strange Quarks

Leo Price vs ???


4/5. Just missed out on Snaptime not beating Joss/Eddie. I thought about it but the pop gap was a little too wide...



Jonathan Faust & Johansson vs Adam Matravers & Danny Francis


Business Jones vs Pitbull Brown


Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs The Brothers Ivanoff vs The Night Terrors vs Snaptime


Pride vs The Strange Quarks


Leo Price vs ???


BONUS QUESTION: Who is Leo Price facing? He’s an ex belt-holder in the company and has featured already in this diary…

I was going to say Red Dragon but he hasn´t been seen yet so I go with Philip Cooper instead


4/5 is good but a failure for you! I thought if anyone woould get the binus it would be you...


Jonathan Faust & Johansson vs Adam Matravers & Danny Francis

Business Jones vs Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs The Brothers Ivanoff vs The Night Terrors vs Snaptime

Pride vs The Strange Quarks

Leo Price vs ???

BONUS QUESTION: Who is Leo Price facing? Buff Martinez


Another 4/5 with just Leo wrong. Im still not entirely convinced Grey Angel wont make me regret things but I like the storyline


Jonathan Faust & Johansson vs Adam Matravers & Danny Francis

Business Jones vs Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs The Brothers Ivanoff vs The Night Terrors vs Snaptime

Pride vs The Strange Quarks

Leo Price vs ???



4/5 AND A BONUS! Yay! Well done for getting it even if there was a big ol' hint by then. Of course it turns out the white fog/smoke was someone else anyway so I dont feel bad.


And thats a win at the last for Seratonin by the bonus point. please select anything you'd like sir...

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Next time on Best of British Wrestling:




• Dunton hall continues to put Joss Thompson and Eddie Cornell into trap matches.

• The white smoke that assaulted Rolling Johnny Stones was thought to be Grey Angel. But he was attacked too!

• Hot Stuff have still got Snaptime’s tag belts?

• Pitbull is taking people apart. Can anyone force him to tap?

• Leo Price was beaten for the first time in a while. Kathleen Lee will NOT be happy.




Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Leo Price & Steve Stoat




Another tough match for Joss and Eddie even with no other news on the match. Can they win again or are they finally too exhausted to win against the odds?





Business Jones vs. Luke Cool




Are Luke and his partner Stones rattled by their attack by the white fog last week? Is Business going to show just how serious he is about his new leaf?





Buff Martinez vs. GENOCIDE




Will a match enable Snaptime to track Hot Stuff (and the tag belts) down? Can the psychotic GENOCIDE manage to insert his own team back into the tag stakes?





K’Lee Hawkins vs. Merle O’Curle




Pitbull Brown will surely be an interested observer in a match between two submission specialists. Will the Crossface Chickenwing or the Celtic Wreath be the victorious move?





Pride (Dragon & Lionheart) vs. The Night Terrors (Mr Evilness & Mr Nightmare)




The Night Terrors have mentioned their coming master a couple of times recently. Will he make an appearance?





Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Leo Price & Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Buff Martinez vs. GENOCIDE

K’Lee Hawkins vs. Merle O’Curle

Pride vs. The Night Terrors


Bonus question: The headline match will have a gimmick stipulation. What is it?

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Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Leo Price & Steve Stoat

Joss have beaten the odds twice in the row now so this time he will fail.


Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Jones starts the game as main eventer and I´m pretty sure that he is still more over than Cool.


Buff Martinez vs. GENOCIDE

Could go either way but since Hot Stuff is definitely in the title picture because they stole the belts I´d say that ELIMINATION has more to gain from the win.


K’Lee Hawkins vs. Merle O’Curle

Another could go either way match. I go with O´Curle simply because I don´t care about Hawkins all that much.


Pride vs. The Night Terrors

I know I´m starting to sound like a broken record but this is another match that I could see going either way. The main question is will Terrors master show himself here. Still after starting 21UK game a little while ago I have found out that Nightmare is just awful in the ring so I can´t really back him up against talented opponent like UK Dragon.


Bonus question: The headline match will have a gimmick stipulation. What is it?

It will be something that stacks the match against Joss and Eddie. I go with the easy route and say it´s No DQ match so that Snaptime can interfere and give Joss & Eddie a reason to lose.

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I just read all of this from the beginning and I get to page 5 and my old renders from the board effort mod are the Quarks! There's a another one in the same vein kicking around somewhere should you ever want a third guy. Enjoying this immensely, keep it up.
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I just read all of this from the beginning and I get to page 5 and my old renders from the board effort mod are the Quarks! There's a another one in the same vein kicking around somewhere should you ever want a third guy. Enjoying this immensely, keep it up.


Well I hope you dont mind me using them too much. :D


They're fantastic renders and I really wanted an excuse to get them involved.


Strangely Mister King/Cyber Punk (whos Energy Punk of course) has become a bit of a favourite since I've put him under that guise. As has Harry Wilson (Grey Angel).


I never thought in a million years I'd be loving those two locker room cancers!


Thanks very much for the kind words. Im going to try to get this TV show and Partners In Crime up over the next few days and then get back to a proper schedule in the new year.

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Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Leo Price & Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Buff Martinez vs. GENOCIDE

K’Lee Hawkins vs. Merle O’Curle

Pride vs. The Night Terrors


Bonus question: The headline match will have a gimmick stipulation. What is it? No DQ (or somesuch shenanigans allowing rules).

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Well I hope you dont mind me using them too much. :D


They're fantastic renders and I really wanted an excuse to get them involved.


Strangely Mister King/Cyber Punk (whos Energy Punk of course) has become a bit of a favourite since I've put him under that guise. As has Harry Wilson (Grey Angel).


I never thought in a million years I'd be loving those two locker room cancers!


Thanks very much for the kind words. Im going to try to get this TV show and Partners In Crime up over the next few days and then get back to a proper schedule in the new year.



I had completely forgotten Mister King was Energy Punk. Now I feel ashamed to have disliked him before as now he's one of my favorites outside of the Geordie Nation.

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Best of British Wrestling


Wednesday week 4 May 2010]

Edgware Hall

Attendance: 2,000






Dunton Hall introduces the show tonight from his (Jeff’s?) office.

He again says he won’t rest until Joss Thompson is destroyed and to make sure he’s come to an agreement with Kathleen Lee and her Takeover faction. The most dangerous aggressors in British wrestling will now be combining to defeat the American imposter champion.


He also introduces tonight’s first show – where tag rivals GENOCIDE and Buff will be in one-on-one action.






Buff Martinez vs. GENOCIDE




* A tight match that was only settled as Nigel Svensson ran in to go after one of the men who stole his tag belt. GENOCIDE simpy took advantage of the distraction by staying inside the ring as Buff fled.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, GENOCIDE defeated Buff Martinez in 10:01 when Buff Martinez was counted out after being attacked by Merle O'Curle. During the match we also had Nigel Svensson run in and attack Martinez.






Kathleen Lee brings out the rest of The Takeover (Leo Price, Steve Stoat, Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson).


She reveals that Dunton hall was correct. They’ve decided to work together to get rid of the American cancer and tonight will see a main event of Stoat and Leo taking on Joss Thompson with Eddie Cornell. And to show just how futile it is to resist it will be a special guest referee match.


She also tells Leo that he’s in the doghouse after his loss to Grey Angel last week and she’s watching him closely. Any more stupid slipups and he’ll be out of the group.




The Night Terrors vs Pride




* A close match where Dragon looked the best individual but failed to get the big zombies down on the mat.

* Suddenly during the match the lights went out and when they came back up Lionheart was knocked out with the now-familiar white fog billowing.

* Mr Nightmare took advantage and took the cheap pin.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Night Terrors defeated Pride in 7:55 when Mr. Nightmare defeated Lionheart by pinfall with a Brainz-buster following interference from the cloud of white smoke...






After the match is called Dragon gets in the ring and stares all around himself. He can’t see any sign of an attacker but the lights go out again and when they come back on Dragon is down hurt and a figure in dark grey robes stands with his hood up in the centre of the ring. Mr Evilness and Mr Nightmare drop to their knees and cower.




The lights go off once more and when they go back on again all three men have vanished leaving just Dragon and Lionheart to receive medical attention.




K’Lee Hawkins vs Merle O’Curle




* A great tactical battle as both men tried to manipulate the joints of each other (not that 21CW fans appreciate that type of thing).

* It was settled by a tiny slip as Merle overextended himself and K’Lee managed to hit a big suplex and slithered into his patented submission move – the crowd were shocked as the tough Irishman Merle was forced to tap out!


In a match that had some good action and average heat, K'Lee Hawkins defeated Merle O'Curle in 7:49 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.






After the match Pitbull Brown strolls down to the ringside to confront K’Lee.


Neither man backs down and they just stare at each other with pure aggression.






Rolling Johnny Stones heads to ringside and cuts a promo telling everyone how confident, tough and not scared at all he is of all the goings on in 21CW at the moment.


He also finally agrees to face Adam Matravers one-on-one at Partners in Crime later that week.




Business Jones vs Luke Cool




* A tough match as Stones watched on but Cool is a pup compared to the experienced and merciless Business.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Business Jones defeated Luke Cool in 14:41 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex.






Phoebe Plumridge and Adam Matravers are shown in a video on the big screen. Adam is doing intensive training on a trampoline whilst he swigs from the cans of Red Bull he holds in both hands. It’s fairly messy but he seems to be enjoying it.


Phoebe tells everyone that she’s ecstatic they’ll finally get a chance to win the UK title – the 2nd part of Adam’s promise to win all 21CWs titles this year and GUARANTEES it will happen at Partners in Crime.






Joss Thompson and Eddie Cornell head to ringside together. They both look tired and bruised after their tough month at the hands of Dunton Hall and Kathleen Lee.


They both state again that they’re not scared of cheating, dishonourable, disgusting politicians. They do their work in the ring and Joss’ belt is proof that no one can beat them there no matter how many men they get to gang up.


Dunton Hall appears then with Kathleen Lee, Leo Price and Steve Stoat. All of them look much fresher and more energetic.




Dunton reveals that the special guest ref for tonight’s match will be none other than…


Jonathan Faust.






Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs Leo Price & Steve Stoat




* This should have been a great match but unfortunately Joss and Eddie are just too battered and tired to be able to compete properly.

* Throw in Jonathan Faust being the most parsimonious of refs (insultingly so – the audience despise him) and they just had no chance.

* Except that of course Joss is the 21CW World Champion. Dunton and Kathleen stood by the ring and laughed as Leo was kicking Joss in the ribs on the floor and somehow the champ must have seen them as he brought himself back to life and hit a HUGE Clean Cutter on his ex-partner Leo.

* Joss pinned the shocked Leo but Faust just stood there ignoring the pinfall.

* 3 seconds passed. Then 5. Then 10 and as the crowd booed loud and hard Faust very slowly got down and counted Leo out 1-2-3


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Joss Thompson and Eddie Cornell defeated Leo Price and Steve Stoat in 22:56 when Joss Thompson defeated Leo Price by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.






After the match Dunton Hall appears to remonstrate with Faust frantically as Eddie and Joss slowly recover.


Faust screams back at him but appears to be saying that he had no choice but to call the match as the show ends.




Overall rating: B-

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Again- sorry about the delay. Too much fun stuff to do at this time of year.


I think I botched that last show a bit but oh well!


I've also botched the buildup to Partners In Crime and some of the matches might even be a surprise which is clearly wrong. The card will go up later today or tomorrow.


Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Leo Price & Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Buff Martinez vs. GENOCIDE

K’Lee Hawkins vs. Merle O’Curle

Pride vs. The Night Terrors


Bonus question: The headline match will have a gimmick stipulation. What is it? No DQ (or somesuch shenanigans allowing rules).


Just 1/5 Im afraid. Leo and Stoat could have won of course and Merle and Buff are both good shouts. Pride are good but the Terrors have a bit more going on with theor new boss...


Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Leo Price & Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Buff Martinez vs. GENOCIDE

K’Lee Hawkins vs. Merle O’Curle

Pride vs. The Night Terrors


Bonus question: No DQ


2/5. getting better but my booking doesnt looks o good...


Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Leo Price & Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Buff Martinez vs. GENOCIDE

K’Lee Hawkins vs. Merle O’Curle

Pride vs. The Night Terrors


Bonus: Cage


2/5 again. Cool is as good as Business but nowhere near as over.


Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Leo Price & Steve Stoat


Business Jones vs. Luke Cool


Buff Martinez vs. GENOCIDE


K’Lee Hawkins vs. Merle O’Curle


Pride vs. The Night Terrors


Bonus question: The headline match will have a gimmick stipulation. What is it?

It will be something that stacks the match against Joss and Eddie. I go with the easy route and say it´s No DQ match so that Snaptime can interfere and give Joss & Eddie a reason to lose.



Another 2/5 - shocking for you Zergon!

Good logic again and Joss/Eddie could have easily lost but I wanted a great buildup towards his match at PiC.


Nice to see so many people going against Joss & Eddie. I dont want anyone to seem invincible. Lots of you went for Pride as well. Theyve been getting more airtime than the zombie Terrors so its understandable but that will likely be changing soon...


Anyway - no clearcut winner but Zergon, seratonin andmidnightnick all got 2. Normally on the countback seratonin would be eliminated but he didnt claim his prizre last time. As a result all 3 of you can ask for whatever you like!


Thanks for reading and your comments everyone. Nice to see a few people pop in lately who dont normally read pokey little regional diaries like this...

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="serotonin187" data-cite="serotonin187" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>i'll take some Merle O'Curle merch.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Of course sir.</p><p> </p><p> As it's xmas - here's the Irish psycho's concession to the festive spirit:</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5673/merlestocking1.jpg</span></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Midnightnick" data-cite="Midnightnick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Let's see some Hot Stuff bumper stickers!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> They're not really very popular here in England but as you asked so nicely...</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/1606/hotstuffbumpersticker2.jpg</span></p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Next time from 21CW:</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Partners in Crime</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/5249/partnersincrimeheader1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

May’s largest wrestling event in the UK seems some grudge matches in 21CW as old rivals come head to head and the company adjusts to Dunton hall being in charge of the country’s biggest company.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joss Thompson © vs Jonathan Faust</strong></p><p> </p><p>

For the 21CW World Championship</p><p>

<span>http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3029/21cww.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/7231/jossthompson.jpg</span><span>http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/2307/partnersincrimelogo2.jpg</span><span>http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/5295/jonathanfaust.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Faust has been gunning for the world title with the backing of Dunton Hall for most of the year. Last time they faced off one-on-one at World War Faust threw them both off a 20ft staircase in a toughly-fought draw. Can he prise the title of a tired, battered and beaten Joss whose allies are running out fast?</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/7973/partnersincrimebanner3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rolling Johnny Stones © vs Adam Matravers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

For the 21CW UK title</p><p>

<span>http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/3739/21cwuk.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6046/rollingjohnnystones.jpg</span><span>http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/2307/partnersincrimelogo2.jpg</span><span>http://a.imageshack.us/img96/9586/adammatravers.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Adam Matravers has vowed to win every belt in 21CW this year and (fuelled by Red Bull) has started well. Rolling Johnny Stones claims to not be worried but the hooded man who appears to be attacking people in a cloud of white smoke has rattled them both. Add in the avenging Grey Angel who wants to get his title back and judge Stones as a sinner and it’s a very muddled situation.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/7973/partnersincrimebanner3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Business Jones & Eddie Cornell vs Leo Price & Steve Stoat</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Partners in Crime match</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/7778/businessjones2.jpg</span><span>http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/4997/edwardcornellalt3jt.jpg</span><span>http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/2307/partnersincrimelogo2.jpg</span><span>http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8251/leoprice.jpg</span><span>http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/8900/steviestoat.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Details are yet to be disclosed for what this match entails but Eddie is of course Joss’ number one ally whilst Leo Price and Steve Stoat of the Takeover are now in league with Faust and Hall.</p><p>

Business Jones is as always a wildcard here. Will he fight for Eddie or ruin his chances?</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/7973/partnersincrimebanner3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Snaptime © vs Hot Stuff</strong></p><p> </p><p>

For the 21CW tag titles</p><p>

<span>http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/4332/21cwtag.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/8674/nigelsvensson.jpg</span><span>http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/7671/merleocurlejhd3.jpg</span><span>http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/2307/partnersincrimelogo2.jpg</span><span>http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/5762/buffmartinez.jpg</span><span>http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/4156/jaybr.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Snaptime won the tag titles in the tournament that was concluded last month at Wicked whilst Hot Stuff were guaranteed a chance to win back the belts they lost to Adam Matravers (with Ricky Storm).</p><p>

Hot stuff stole the belts themselves this month and Snaptime have spent the month tryng to chase them down. Who will hold them after this match?</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/7973/partnersincrimebanner3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>K’Lee Hawkins vs Pitbull Brown</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a submission match</p><p>

<span>http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/3004/leehawkins.jpg</span><span>http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/2307/partnersincrimelogo2.jpg</span><span>http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/5860/pitbullbrownalt3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Pitbull Brown’s ambition is to show he’s tougher and better than his old friend Joss Thompson and to do that he’s been testing himself against all the submission artists he can find to prove he really is The Man Who never Gives Up.</p><p>

K’Lee Hawkins managed to beat even merle O’Curle with his feared Crossface Chickenwing last week and no one has managed to resist that move before.</p><p>

In a classic immovable object vs unstoppable force who will come out on top?</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/7973/partnersincrimebanner3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

As always the best predictor will win any 21CW merchandise they would like. Maybe it can make up for some of those dodgy xmas pressies we’ll all be getting!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>QUICK PICKS</strong></p><p>

Joss Thompson © vs Jonathan Faust</p><p>

Rolling Johnny Stones © vs Adam Matravers</p><p>

Business Jones & Eddie Cornell vs Leo price & Steve Stoat</p><p>

Snaptime © vs Hot Stuff</p><p>

K’Lee Hawkins vs Pitbull Brown</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><strong>Joss Thompson ©</strong> vs Jonathan Faust</p><p>

Rolling Johnny Stones © <strong>vs</strong> Adam Matravers</p><p>

<strong>Business Jones & Eddie Cornell</strong> vs Leo price & Steve Stoat</p><p>

<strong>Snaptime ©</strong> vs Hot Stuff</p><p>

<strong>K’Lee Hawkins</strong> vs Pitbull Brown</p>

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<p>I order some Grey Angel stuff this time.</p><p> </p><p>

Joss Thompson © vs <strong>Jonathan Faust</strong></p><p>

<em>Time for a change and Joss has been defeading all odds for last three shows so he must be pretty tired by now.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rolling Johnny Stones ©</strong> vs Adam Matravers</p><p>

<em>I´m pretty sure that Matravers will eventually get this title and move to main title hunt but I still see him falling short on his first try.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Business Jones & Eddie Cornell</strong> vs Leo price & Steve Stoat</p><p>

<em>It looks like Price is on losing streak after two tough losses and I assume that he will eventually turn face after he is dropped from Takeover. Of course in order for that to happen he need to take another loss here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Snaptime © vs Hot Stuff</p><p>

<em>With heel vs. heel plus the fact that ELIMINATION aren´t anywhere near in this match I´d say that this one looks like a draw after ELIMINATION interferes setting a three way tag title match on next PPV. </em></p><p> </p><p>

K’Lee Hawkins vs <strong>Pitbull Brown</strong></p><p>

<em>Brown is higher on the ladders.</em></p>

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<p>Joss Thompson © vs <strong>Jonathan Faust</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rolling Johnny Stones</strong> © vs Adam Matravers</p><p>

Business Jones & Eddie Cornell vs<strong> Leo price & Steve Stoat</strong></p><p>

<strong>Snaptime</strong> © vs Hot Stuff</p><p>

K’Lee Hawkins vs <strong>Pitbull Brown</strong></p>

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