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21st Century Boys (English c-verse)

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Wow! Loads of people reading at the moment which is great. Lets hope the new job that starts on Tuesday doesnt take up ALL of my time.


Thanks for reading/commenting everyone. Especially those of you who've taken time to expand on your decisions. Quick comments about who you like/hate or what you think about them are really helpful.


Wow, how did I not see this diary?! I went back to the beginning, especially since I'm clueless to 21CW roster, and loved it so much that I had to make some predictions anyways (even though I probably won't be able to predict and keep up all the time). I love your style, Boltinho.


Thanks v much Thrice. Although there are a lot of UK people on the boards it seems most people dont play there due to it being very much second-rate in terms of talent in-game (quality and quantity), Glad you've found it and hopefully it wasnt an anticlimax!


Been reading this from the start this week - it's a cracking read and has got me through the long bus journeys to work (the true test of any dynasty!)


I understand that sir. Ive had a long commute for well over a decade now. Glad I can help make it a little less arduous.

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Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Eddie Cornell shouldn't lose. Ever.

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

I like the gauntlet team win these things. It makes for a nice change.

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Seems like a necessary step.

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

I don't like Francis. Simple as.

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

I liked masked wrestler. As much as I think Hot Stuff will win, I want Pride to conquer.

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

Why not? Let's have an upset...

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Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

I'd like to think War Machine could win. I like him, but I dunno if Jeff will allowit.

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

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Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

He's a Cornell. They don't lose.


Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

The boss will always win


Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Matravers gets a title shot after this match probably


Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Higher on the chain and much more upside


Hot Stuff vs. Pride

Pride are good at winning unimportant matches, and then ciphening overness to the big guys.


La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

You said one of the french dudes was most improved earlier.


Hi, I've been reading a while but now I'm want ti pick. Take 21CW to global domination.

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Best of British Wrestling


Wednesday Week 3 July 2010

Edgware Hall, London.

Attendance: 2,000





The big screen in the arena flickers to life to show Dunton Hall opening tonight’s show from his office. He’s sitting behind the big familiar desk as usual in his usual smart suit and polo-neck.


“Ladies and gentlemen. This is 21CW. We’ve got a packed show tonight but before we start I know you’ve all been waiting on my response to Jeff Nova’s challenge last week. That relic has decided that he’s going to risk his own wellbeing in his desperation to take 21CW back and run it into the ground on his own terms again.


“I’ve analysed the possible responses to that challenge and I’m pleased to announce the match will go ahead. At London Calling it will be Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust for not just the World Title but also control of 21CW.


“However regardless of the vanishingly tiny chance Nova beats Faust until that night I am still in control of 21CW. So tonight Nova will be enjoying a little warm-up match. Tonight Nova will be facing The Brothers Ivanoff and the teenage monster War Machine in a gauntlet match.


”And because I know Nova and his little group of allies will whine like children I’ve also got matches for some of them. Eddie Cornell will face my employee Johansson. Danny Francis will face Energy Punk. And Joss Thompson? He’ll get his own little surprise later on.”








Hot Stuff (Buff Martinez & Jay B) head to the ring. Both young men are wearing the normal (borderline anatomical) tiny shorts and are oiled up.



“Eh Jay. How come we haven’t been given another match to win our tag titles back yet?”



“Jealousy Buff. No-one else can be on screen with us. It makes them look so ugly.”


“Jealousy – you’re right. And disrespect of course. There are just no teams around with the balls to take us on.”


Suddenly music plays [Flying into Tokyo - Magnetic Man] and another team appears – Pride (Dragon & Lionheart Cooper).



“We’re not scared. We’re not jealous and we give you creeps all the respect you deserve.


“We’ll fight you.”




Hot Stuff vs. Pride




Everyone here has a quite similar type of style and build but the real difference is attitude. Hot Stuff think they deserve the moon on a stick and only really apply themselves viciously. Pride are all about honour and fairness and scrupulously allow their opponents time to recover.


Teams before have taken advantage but Hot Stuff seem to find it insulting. Like Pride are personally taking the piss out of them. The personal edge is fun to watch but it does mean the match devolves into a brawl and the ref has to call the draw as a stoppage.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hot Stuff drew with Pride in 10:26 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.








The Wildcards (Anarchy & Menace) head out to the ring. Anarchy leads the way in his red and black mask whilst Menace is his usual hulking, fearsome self.



“Once again I see the powers that be are squabbling amongst themselves. You know who we’re supporting? No-one. They’re all just suits. Just different flavours of the same thing.


“I want real change. I want the chance to live without rules. Without social status. Which is why I’m happy to defend the Anarchy Trophy in this company. I believe in chaos and I believe in myself and I’ll be defending the trophy against one man at London Calling in a no-DQ match.


“I’ll be going one-on-one with a man who’s attacked me numerous times in the last few weeks: War Machine.


”And not just in any match. In my vision of the future London will burn. War Machine thinks he’s tough but he is he ready for an aftermath match? We’ll be battling out on the streets until one of us just can’t move anymore.”




La Revolution vs. The Wildcards




A real contrast in looks here. The Wildcards seem like they’ve just crawled out of a filthy squat. La Revolution are fastidiously clean and even come to the ring with a pique-nique basket.

It’s no help of course and Menace dominates the match before Anarchy hits a clinical driver for the win.


In an extremely short match, Wildcards defeated La Revolution in 4:12 when Anarchy defeated Jacques Livarot by pinfall with a Cut-Throat Driver.








Danny Francis is the next man to head to the ring. The Brixtonian is ready for the match Dunton Hall announced earlier but looks angry in stark contrast to his normal easy-going manner.


“Energy Punk? Dunton Hall seriously thinks he can punish me with a match like that? This is my turf you know. And just a week ahead of London Calling I still haven’t got a match. Something tells me I’ve been seriously underestimated.


“So I’ve got a challenge. I’ll put my reputation on the line at London Calling. I’ll take on anyone who has the stones to face me in a Coldharbour Lane match.”




Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk




Surprisingly good stuff here as the two wiry young men give each other as good as they get. Danny is the more impressive as he shows off a wide range of moves but Punk seems more impressive than he has done before too.


Unfortunately the match is somewhat interrupted by an unexpected visitor. Steve Stoat heads to ringside.




Neither of them attempts to influence the match but their presence is clearly off-putting. Unfortunately the greener Energy Punk is more so and allows Danny to snap on his feared Rasta Lock.


As Punk taps out and the combatants get up Stoat just points at Danny before walking off.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Danny Francis defeated Energy Punk in 10:18 by submission with a Rasta Lock. During the match we also had Steve Stoat distract Francis.








Ahead of Jeff Nova’s upcoming gauntlet match he’s shown on the big screen talking to his small group of fellow rebels. With him are Joss Thompson, Eddie Cornell and Business Jones.



“I know it’s going to be hard for you. Dunton Hall is a snake and this match tonight shows you the depths he’ll stoop too. But whatever happens taking control back of 21CW is something I need to do for myself. This is my company. I built it up with my own hands. So whatever happens keep your noses out of it. I was the World’s Strongest Man and I’m still that good.


“I’m going to take whatever comes and keep going. I will take this company back.”




Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Gauntlet match




There are 4 big men in this match in very different ways. Jeff is of course a world-class bodybuilder whilst War Machine is less developed but has a huge, natural physique of King Kong proportions. The Ivanoff Brothers are smaller but still big men and are all contained menace in their leather jackets.


Jeff starts the match against Ivan and cagy as it is manages to swiftly hit a huge facebuster for the first pin.


Next up is Igor who fares a bit but not much better. Jeff dominates again and manages to win with a big delayed suplex that shows off his strength.

It seems Nova will easily win this match but War Machine is a different kettle of fish. He’s too big to be manhandled even by Nova and has surprising agility for a big man. A bit like Jonathan Ogden.


The two men tie up numerous times before Nova starts to take advantage. He uses his superior technique and leverage to force Machine down when suddenly the 21CW big wig is struck from behind by Jonathan Faust.




Faust and Machine lay a brutal kicking on Jeff as Dunton Hall stands by watching and shakes his finger in the refs face.


Cowed into obedience War Machine hoists a leg of the Scot and the ref tattoos a very fast count before Jeff can get a shoulder up.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, War Machine and The Brothers Ivanoff defeated Jeff Nova in 10:04 when War Machine defeated Jeff Nova by a fast-counted pinfall with a Second Floor Legdrop after a distraction from Dunton Hall. During the match we also had Jonathan Faust run in and attack Nova.








Phoebe Plumridge and her boyfriend/client Adam Matravers head to the ring. Both of them are waving cans of Red Bull around and slapping hands with the crowd.



“Sugar Rush fans – we’re celebrating tonight. We’re celebrating the start of something great. It was clear at War Drums that everyone in the 4way match for the UK Title belonged there. But Rolling Johnny Stones won the match due to the format. A single fall was unfair on Adam.


“Tonight we’re proposing a solution. A rematch between the four men involved. But this time instead of being a fatal four-way the match will be a ladder match.


“We know Stones will try and get out of it so we’ve got a reason for him to say yes. Tonight Adam is facing Stones’ partner Luke Cool.”




Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool




This match is actually a little disappointing given the participants. Adam is a bundle of energy as always and certainly seems to have been drinking the RB but Cool is strangely subdued and does not live up to his recent acclaim.

To summarise the underwhelming bout after a tight battle Adam downs a full can and hits his famous Mile High Moonsault for thw in.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Adam Matravers defeated Luke Cool in 10:07 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault.








Eddie Cornell heads to the ring ahead of his match. He’s wearing a plain black t-shirt and seems sombre.


“Ay-up ladies and gents. It’s killed me tonight being here. I had to watch Jeff Nova go into a disgusting handicap match and also to contend with Dunton Hall and Jonathan Faust. I would have helped him in a heartbeat but Mr Nova asked us to stay out of it and in Lancaster we keep promises to our friends.


“The good thing about it though is I’ve got a match against their other member. Johansson isn’t a wrestler. He’s a thug. And tonight I’m going to take out all my frustration on him.


“And because I don’t trust them at all I’ve got back up. Joss Thompson is in the wings watching my back.”





Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson




This is a straightforward match. Eddie as a no-nonsense Lancastrian doesn’t mess about when a job is at hand and Johansson is as route one as you possibly be in the ring. It’s just a succession of big slams and punches with neither man really developing the match.


As bad as that may be for the purists in the crowd both men are clearly keen on winning and put their all into it before Eddie manages to hit a huge missile dropkick that sets Johansson up for his trademark finisher – the Black Lightning Bomb.


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Eddie Cornell defeated Johansson in 11:59 by pinfall with a Black Lightning Bomb.






Dunton Hall heads out to the ring again after the match.

“Well done Eddie. You managed to beat Johansson. Or did you?


“You see if I’d wanted him to win he would have. Johansson was just keeping you busy. Want to know why? Whilst you were out here this was happening backstage…”


The big screen comes to life with a note saying “10 minutes ago”. Joss Thompson is backstage waiting by the ring entrance. Clearly he was backup.




Unfortunately Joss was so intent on the ring entrance he didn’t look the other way. And he never saw Pitbull brown coming with a crowbar.




A nasty, short attack later and Joss is laid out cold on the floor as Pitbull saunters off frowning but satisfied.






Overall show rating: C

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Firstly - YUK. That show absolutely stank. Bad chemistry in the ME was a shocker but it was own fault for leaving a number of big names out (Biz, Joss, Faust, Pitbull, RJS). Lesson learned.


And the Anarchy/War Machine match was a bit crowbarrred in Im afraid. Sorry!


On the +ve side HOW many people predicted? Im blown away by the interest and time. Thanks so much everyone.


Last but not least as most of you know my new job starts tomorrow so this week might be a bit slack. Sorry in advance!


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Eddie Cornell shouldn't lose. Ever.

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

I like the gauntlet team win these things. It makes for a nice change.

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Seems like a necessary step.

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

I don't like Francis. Simple as.

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

I liked masked wrestler. As much as I think Hot Stuff will win, I want Pride to conquer.

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

Why not? Let's have an upset...


3/6. Great comment on the Gauntlet. That match was better than it could have been storyline and results-wise.


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards


Just 2/6 Im afraid. Tricky midcard matches...


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

I'd like to think War Machine could win. I like him, but I dunno if Jeff will allowit.

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards


2/6 Welcome back my friend. Long time no see. Jeff didnt want to lose but a keep strong (on WM) note and interference sorted that one out.


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

Take 21CW to global domination.


3/6. You got the Danny match right!


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

My tip for a no result. Cornell is way too good for Johansson so expect interference a plenty, especially from that nice Mr Faust

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards


2/6 correct. But great logic. Wish I could give you more especially with a draw pred in the ME


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

-This is the one I most anticipate getting wrong, but I really don't like Johansson.

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards



4/6. Im rapidly going off Johansson too... Great work on the logic here


Been reading this from the start this week - it's a cracking read and has got me through the long bus journeys to work (the true test of any dynasty!)


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards


4/6 Great understanding too.


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards


3/6. Thanks again for nice comments


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards


4/6. Strong work sir.


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

I really hate to put authority figure over three wrestlers but none of them are over enough to warrant a win over Nova.

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards


4/6. WM and the Ivanoffs arent over enough but a 4 on 1 advantage? POW.


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards


4/6 First Johansson prediction! Shame. It would have won the week for you...


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

What the hell!? .... I'm rooting for you Jeff you can do it!!!

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards


4/6. If only you didnt love Jeff Nova (like any true 21CW fan should).


Wow. That took me AGES to write out. Lots of people on 4/6 this week. What the hell. All of these people can claim merch if you want some:


  • Jingo
  • Midnightnick
  • Zergon
  • Rayalek
  • Occasional_z
  • Charasmatic Engine


Bear in mind it will take me all week to get it done!


As in the prediction please pick only someone you picked to woon this week (and no duplicates) and a tshirt, poster or mug.


Thanks again everyone for reading and commenting - it's great to have you all

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of course the Boss took the loss, it is in HIS best interest after all. As such War Machine looks so like such an unstoppable force that a Nova or even an A-Bomb can't cause damage to the monster - giving a nice lead up to his Aftermath Match with Anarchy! Oh and also...


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Wow. That took me AGES to write out. Lots of people on 4/6 this week. What the hell. All of these people can claim merch if you want some:


  • Jingo
  • Midnightnick
  • Zergon
  • Rayalek
  • Occasional_z
  • Charasmatic Engine


Woop I'm a Charismatic Engine... wait, what? :p


Anywho... could I get me an Adam Matravers mug from which to drink my daily dose of seven red bull's pleez. Many thanks :)

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Woop I'm a Charismatic Engine... wait, what? :p


Sorry! Turns out Im an idiot.


Lots of comments about Jeff losing. Noones invulnerable in 21CW - not even an ex-Worlds Strongest Man if he has to go up against 4 men including the world champ assaulting him. Will he manage the win at London Calling for the title and company?


Prizes to go up later on hopefully

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Turns out offering 6 prizes takes ages. Wont be doing that again!


Surprised Nova didn't whine and moan and block the match about losing to War Machine. As for a prize, something Wildcards, if I have to pick, I'd go t-shirt.


He did a bit...




I'll take a Pride TShirt please Mr. Boltinho.


How could you job out Jeff Nova like that!? Ouchies!


Its all about the story in 21CW. Everyone knows their place. Apart from Energy Punk and Grey Angel. Theyre twats.




I´d take Eddie Cornell mug, thanks.




Anywho... could I get me an Adam Matravers mug from which to drink my daily dose of seven red bull's pleez. Many thanks :)




Can I get a Wildcards t-shirt?


Two WC tshirts would be a little dull. So you get a Menace one instead. I love Menace



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Some great merchandise there Boltinho, great use of the pride rainbow for Menace.


Thanks Jingo. I like to think of Menace as a cult hero to the gay community.


Don't drink but will start now! VIVA LA REVOLUTION!


Excellent. I'm pleased to contribute to alcoholism.

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Next time on BoBW:


W4 July 2010

The last show before London Calling should answer a few questions. There are lots of rum ours about the PPV but little real detail. Announced so far are:


• Jonathan Faust © vs. Jeff Nova for the 21CW World Title as well as control of 21CW

• Anarchy © vs. War machine for the Anarchy Trophy in a London Aftermath match


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust




Danny Francis & Joss Thompspn vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat




Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood




Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff





ELIMINATION (GENOCIDE & SUICIDE) vs. The Addams Family (Jimmi & Kalvin Addams)




The Assassins Guild (Predator & Snake) vs. The Twinklettes (Stardust & Thunderbolt)






As always the best predictor will win their choice of merchandise. After last week’s epic GIMPing I’ll be including a tiebreaker!



Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)?

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Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust


Sorry Matravers but the Champ isn't losing before the PPV.


Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat


Definitely the hardest match to predict in the end i went with the faces.


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes


TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)?: 74

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Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? 59

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Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust (Draw)

I think i was a show too early in a Main Event Draw. Faust to be rescued by cronies when the skilful Matravers shows signs of winning

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Keep betting against Mr Blood and regretting it. Nt this week...

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? 56

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