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21st Century Boys (English c-verse)

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Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Not sure what to pick here so draw looks like a good idea.


Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Thompson would probably win this without a partner and with Eddie I just don´t see Hot Stuff winning.

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

This is pretty much same thing that Matravers vs. O´Curle, Matravers just has to win these.


Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

I was going to go with Merle but after checking the last few shows I noted that Svensson vs. Dragon was a draw so I pick up the same result here.

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

They have been doing more lately.


Jacques Livarot vs. ???

Mystery man is always a good bet.


TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge?


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Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 61

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Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

-Really not sure here, but Stoat seems to have a lot of fan support which can bode well in a diary.

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

-Buff and Jay are good but not good enough here.

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

-He's on a roll, soon to be first ever Red Bull sponsered Triple Crown Champion!

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

-Merle is a bigger deal, and he gets the win here to offset Nigel's loss to Adam

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

-This one could go either way, but like someone else said, I can't remember the last time the Ivanoffs won

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

-Frenchie's gonna get squashed.

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 63

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Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 67

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Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 69 ... oh yeah!

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Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Really like Business.

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 42

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Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson -

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle - DRAW!

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 66

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Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Tag team tie again?

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 51

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Best of British Wrestling


Wednesday week 4 August 2010

Edgware Hall

Attendance: 2,000






Jeff Nova heads to the ring in his glossy tux to introduce tonight’s show. He’s carrying the 21CW World Title of course but he’s not here as a wrestler tonight:


“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I’m so pleased you’ve taken the time to tune into and come see Europe’s finest wrestling company. It’s a great night to be here as not only will you see some amazing action in the ring but I’m also going to be finalising the card for our forthcoming megashow We Will Rock you (contact your provider for details).

“As you know I myself have agreed to fight Pitbull Brown for this belt – the World Title. I took it fair and square from Jonathan Faust but Pitbull is so hell-bent on proving himself he’s resorted to attacks and nasty, puerile acts.

“Not in my company. Not on my watch.

“I’m going one on one with Pitbull in the toughest match around. We’ll be locked in a steel cage and only one man is coming out in one piece with the belt. In a cage everyone will hear Pitbull Scream when I lock him in the World’s Strongest Bear-hug.

“We’ve got some more great matches but a number of big names have told me they’re disappointed so I’ve made a special match. We’re going to have the first ever We Will Rock You Battle Royale. 10 hand-picked wrestlers will all enter the ring dressed as their favourite stars from the world of music. Seriously nothing like this has ever happened in English wrestling but we should see an amazing match.

“Don’t miss the show. I can’t wait to see you all there.”






Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson




This is pretty good stuff as Matravers puts on his normal energetic show and Nigel tries to get things slow and close.

Nigel looks good but Adam is just too fast and athletic and manages to put Nigel down with a nice facebuster and hit his finisher.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Adam Matravers defeated Nigel Svensson in 10:26 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault.






Kathleen Lee is furious with Nigel after the match and berates him right there in the ring:


“How dare you lose to a joker like Matravers? This guy is just a goon relying on Red Bull to give him an energy boost. You’re a seasoned, polished fighting machine. You need to buck your eyes up Nigel. You and merle are good but you need to be on form to beat Pride at WWRY.

“You’d better think about what you’ve done and find a way to show me how serious you are. Or I’ll find someone who’s a bit more committed.

“I’m going to go and get merle a match tonight. Someone in this team had best show me they can win.”






The lights in the arena drop down to a low, oily green glow as ominous, metallic instrumental metal plays.


A dark silhouette enters backlit from the lights so the audience can’t see his face.


The figure leans back and sprays what appears to be a spray of liquid from his mouth and he walks out into the open.


It’s a lithe, athletic figure but he’s by no means bulky or over-muscled. The really unusual thing about him is his outfit. He’s wearing plain black leggings and boots but also sporting a mask that’s made up of green and black interlocking patches that look like armour or scales.




The figure gets in the ring and grabs a mic before speaking in a surprisingly deep voice.


“People of London – there’s no need to look so scared. You all know me already. I’m the man who looks after you all and cleans up the waste you produce. I’m the un-thanked face of everyone who does the job you can never bring yourself to mention. I’m the one who lives beneath you and keeps your city looking clean and safe.

“I’m the Sewer Crocodile and I’m here to show you all that when you flush things away it’s not the end of them.

War Machine – I’m the man you’ve been looking for. I was the man who left you unconscious covered in things you don’t want to think about. And I’m the man who will take the Anarchy Trophy from you at We Will Rock You.”




Jacques Livarot vs. Sewer Crocodile




Yuk! Both men can wrestle here but no one really cares. The less said the better really but Sewer Croc managed to win this after spitting what appears to be green mist into Livarot’s face and blinding him.


In an extremely poor match, Sewer Crocodile defeated Jacques Livarot in 7:26 by pinfall with a Back Suplex.








ELIMINATION both enter the arena.

Not as the muscled, savage, INTENSE team they can be at their best but in a more unusual manner.

GENOCIDE and SUICIDE both roll to the ring in small model bus-shaped go-karts grinning and whooping like mad people (which they are of course).

The two big men climb out of the buses and get into the ring before talking to the bewildered fans:














ELIMINATION (GENOCIDE & SUICIDE) vs. The Brothers Ivanoff (Igor & Ivan)




A good old-fashioned 21CW matchup here. This match was happening before Nova even bought the company!

Its brutal, physical and violent and the end comes when ELIMINATION perform their feared double-team absolutely violating Ivan Ivanoff.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, ELIMINATION defeated The Brothers Ivanoff in 7:50 when SUICIDE defeated Ivan Ivanoff by pinfall with an ELIMINATOR.








Mr Blood appears on the big screen. The big, robed man is smeared with blood as always.


“Angel! Grey Angel! I can’t wait to take you on at WWRY and finally get the chance to wipe that self-satisfied smug look of your face before feasting on your innocence and so-called virtue.

“To make sure that you don’t get away with it again I propose we make sure we end this. I want to face you in a no-DQ match for the 21CW UK Title.

”Let’s see if you’ve got the guts.”








Pride head to ringside. The two Zen wrestlers again kneel in the ring in their masks to address the crowd.



“Interesting to see Nigel Svensson lose a match earlier tonight. On that basis I feel we may have new champions soon.”



“But sensei – do you not teach me that all are equal and loss and victory are just sides of the same thing?”


“Indeed young one. But there are many kinds of losses and many kinds of victories. Which is why I have a test for you tonight. Snaptime will fight like the caged tiger if they feel they have something to prove so I have arranged for them to wrestle with their own confidence. Tonight’s next match will see you grapple with Merle O’Curle.”


“Yes wise one. I see I have much yet to learn on the Way of the Warrior but I trust your judgement. I will try to stand before the thug.”




Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle



Merle goes all-out to avenge Nigel’s loss earlier and avoid further harsh words from Kathleen but Lionheart does really well to stay in the match against the master of stretching.

In fact, Lionheart does more than that and actually looks pretty good.

Unfortunately Nigel has to spoil a promising match by trying to impress Kathleen and storms the ring leading to Dragon also getting involved and the ref DQing both sides. Boo!


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Lionheart drew with Merle O'Curle in 9:55 following a double disqualification.








Grey Angel also appears on the big screen. He’s silhouetted against a starry skyline and looks grim but determined.


“Mr Blood. I have looked into your soul and seen what others cannot. You think you’re evil – you are. You think you’re perverted – you are.

“However you are also a coward. You prey on the weak and you take advantage of those without your gifts. You squander what you have been given and you are an affront to the Lord’s plans for the world.

“I have looked into your soul and now I judge you.

“So I accept your challenge. At We Will Rock you I will face you one-on-one in this very ring and take divine vengeance upon you. You will be judged unclean before the Lord.”







Firm friends Eddie Cornell and /Joss Thompson head to ringside together.

Joss is in his trademark white t-shirt, leather jacket and aviators whilst Cornell is all in black in no-nonsense gear.



“Last week I was embarrassed in this ring. I know I’m a better wrestler in every way than those toe-rags Snake and Predator but no real man can be expected to wrestle with a bloody Monkey for a partner.

“That’s circus stuff and I’m no circus attraction. Where I’m from real men don’t muck about. If they’ve got a problem they get it sorted so I’m going to sort mine out at WWRY.

“I’m here and now making my challenge. I could ask a man like Joss Thompson to stand with me but I don’t want to just win this match. I want to teach these kids a lesson. So I’m proposing a handicap match. Me vs. the two of them together.



“I’ll be at ringside of course but I won’t be getting involved unless the Guild start things off. So long as they keep one man in the ring I’ll just be watching the match. But to make sure we’ve been given a warm-up match tonight against a pretty solid team – ex-tag champs Hot Stuff.”

“And one more thing boys – you don’t need to come and accept. Jeff has already given us the go ahead. See you there boys.”




Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff (Buff Martinez & Jay B)





Brilliant. Hot Stuff are slightly underrated right now but it’s not long ago they were the hottest team in England and they show why here with a clinic of smooth links and moves.

Eddie and Joss of course are stars in their own right and rise to the challenge though.

After 10 minutes of back-and-forth action the Assassin’s Guild head to ringside and start a slanging match with Eddie. He appears out of the match and Jay B sets up a big dropkick attempt only for Joss to counter it with an elbow into his Clean Cutter for the snap victory.


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Joss Thompson and Eddie Cornell defeated Hot Stuff in 11:33 when Joss Thompson defeated Buff Martinez by pinfall with a Clean Cutter. During the match we also saw Snake and Predator distract Cornell.








Business Jones heads to the ring in his suit and toe.


“It’s come to my attention over the last few weeks that some 21CW fans see me as a bit of a laughing stock. Apparently they think i should be playing to the crowd and making faces and being ever-so-hilarious.

“You need to grow the hell up people. I’m not her to make you happy or keep you smiling. I’m here to win matches. I’m good enough to beat anyone in this company and there will be no more messing around. From this day forwards I am ALL business.

“And it’s Steve Stoat’s misfortune that he’s been given the assignment tonight of trying to stop me. I’m not going to be slowed down or tricked. I’m not going to let him get away with distracting the ref. Tonight I’m just going to get in the ring with The Silent Assassin and do a job on him 1-2-3.”




Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat




Not quite as open and energetic as the last match but this is still very strong with big Business determined and serious and Stoat doing his usual silent, intense thing.

Lots of action from both men but Business eventually takes off his jacket (uh-oh! Now he really means business!”) and hits his feared B2B suplex for the win.


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Business Jones defeated Steve Stoat in 14:30 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex.








After the match Jeff Nova heads out to the ring to address the crowd but before he can say anything Pitbull Brown appears and slaps the mic out of the champ & boss’s hand.

The two men stare into each other’s faces with intensity and obvious dislike as the show fades out to credits.






Overall show rating: B-


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A few mistakes on this show:


I got the ME and semi the wrong way around. Drat.


I forgot that jobber v jobber rule and ran an F+. Ouch!


Still - not a bad show and we're nicely set up for WWRY next week.


In particular the 10-man fancy dress Rock Royal Rumble should be great.


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 51


4/6. Nice work.


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson -

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle - DRAW!

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 66


6/6. great work with the draw. Unlucky with The Ivanoffs.


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Really like Business.

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 42


5/6. Nice to know someone likes Business. Ive underused him but I do want to give him more to do and this was a kickstart for that.


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 69 ... oh yeah!


5/6. Good gag with the number.


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 67


5/6. Another Merle backer.


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

-He's on a roll, soon to be first ever Red Bull sponsered Triple Crown Champion!

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 63


4/6. Adam could be the first triple crown winner. Maybe he wont even get the chance? :rolleyes:


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 61


4/6. Better than last time sir!


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

I was going to go with Merle but after checking the last few shows I noted that Svensson vs. Dragon was a draw so I pick up the same result here.

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge?



6/6 with the draw. Great logic on the draw sir. You=smart!


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Stoat is better (see the 7 out of 10 best matches)

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

Poor Frenchie

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 36


4/6. Stoat has performed well but his stas are really average. The Frenchies are just great losers.


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Even if the Assassins Guild interferes it has just as good a chance of backfiring, so I'll take the top faces here.

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Personal Preferance

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge?



4/6. Well done for bringing up the Guild. And personal preference? Does anyone prefer the Ivanoffs to ELIM?


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 59


4/6. Good work sir.


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Matravers continues his march to the top

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???

Phoebe's momentum? I'll guess at 65


4/6. Matravers isnt marching. He's EXTREME climbing


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Jacques Livarot vs. ???


4/6. Stoat was never winning this Im afraid.


Business Jones vs. Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs. Hot Stuff

Adam Matravers vs. Nigel Svensson

Lionheart vs Merle O’Curle

ELIMINATION vs. The Brothers Ivanoff


Jacques Livarot vs. ???

TIEBREAK: Matravers is having a pretty decent time of it at the moment. What is the momentum of his girlfriend/manager Phoebe Plumridge? 58


5/6. Only Lionheart backer? Liked the caps sir.



Two of you got 6 pts and both of you said 66 for the tiebreaker. So you both win!


Select away chaps.


Thanks for paying attention everyone. Im moving house this week so my schedule may be a bit patchy.


Thanks for your patience

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Jeff Nova has announced the first 21CW We Will Rock You Battle Royale


It will feature some of the nation’s biggest superstars but how will they be showing their ROCK allegiance? Through fancy dress of course.


The ten entrants will be:






All you have to do is match them to the ROCK star they will be dressing as. To help you narrow it down here are the list of the ROCK stars (with some red herrings of course):


Bono – U2

Bruce Dickinson – Iron Maiden

Bruce Springsteen – E Street Band

Bryan Ferry – Roxy Music

Captain Sensible – The Damned

Damon Albard - Blur

David McAlmont – Thieves

Desmond Dekker

Dizzee Rascal

Fred Durst – Limp Bizkit

Gina G

Gruff Rhys – Super Furry Animals


Jason Perry – A

Kele Okereke – Bloc Party

Kenny Loggins

Mick Jagger – The Rolling Stones

Roots Manuva

Stiv Bators – The Dead Boys

Stuart Braithwaite - Mogwai


Answers up in the next day or two!



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Bono – U2

Bruce Dickinson – Iron Maiden

Bruce Springsteen – E Street Band

Bryan Ferry – Roxy Music - Energy Punk

Captain Sensible – The Damned - Anarchist

Damon Albard - Blur - Adam Matravers

David McAlmont – Thieves

Desmond Dekker - Stevie Stoat

Dizzee Rascal - Jay B

Fred Durst – Limp Bizkit - Josh Thompson

Gina G

Gruff Rhys – Super Furry Animals - Business Jones


Jason Perry – A - K'Lee Hawkins

Kele Okereke – Bloc Party - Daniel Francis

Kenny Loggins

Mick Jagger – The Rolling Stones

Roots Manuva

Stiv Bators – The Dead Boys

Stuart Braithwaite - Mogwai - Jonathan Faust

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After a week’s break for moving house (it went great thanks) I’m back on the 21CW bandwagon!


Coming next from 21CW:




Jeff Nova © vs. Pitbull Brown


For the 21CW World Championship




Jeff may not be a master of the ring but his awesome power has proved to be a great leveller – especially fuelling his terrifying World’s Strongest Bear Hug. Jeff fights for the company he loves as well as glory and has proved he’ll never be found wanting emotionally.

Pitbull however may be the only man in England with more determination. The Man Who Never Gives Up has beaten everyone in 21CW – apart from Jeff and now he wants to finally win the recognition and respect he feels he deserves.



We Will Rock You Battle Royale


Adam Matravers, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat





This should prove to be a fun event with the fancy dress aspect but don’t be fooled. This will be a deadly serious match with some huge stars in it. The likes of Joss Thompson, Jonathan Faust, Adam Matravers and Steve Stoat all have things to prove to each other and the management and no one will be taking this match lightly.



Eddie Cornell vs. The Assassin’s Guild (Snake & Predator)


Handicap tag match





The Guild have been targeting Cornell to prove how relevant they are after their sojourn and a win over the big man this month (even if Hell Monkey was involved) made everyone sit up and take notice.

Eddie has his work cut out facing a tight tag team with no partner. Whilst The Guild can rest Eddie will be all go from start to finish.


Snaptime © (Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson) vs. Pride (Dragon & Lionheart)


For the 21CW tag titles




Snaptime have claimed they’re the perfect team in 21CW and are too serious and dedicated to lose.

Pride believe their dedication, sacrifice and training may be the perfect foil.

Only one team can be correct.


Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood


In a no-DQ match - for the 21CW UK Title




Angel and Blood are ideologically opposite but neither man has landed a decisive blow on the other so far. Mr Blood has his desire and hunger on his side but Grey Angel believes he is fighting for God.

Whoever believes the more this match is going to run until we have a winner – no matter what happens.


War Machine vs. Sewer Croc


For the Anarchy Trophy




The Teenage Monster Machine has seemed might impressive but Croc did manage to leave him in a heap after a sneak attack using his green slime attack.

Will we see David slay Goliath or will Machine add another man to the list of those who are just not strong enough to take the big man on?




As always the finest predictor will win their choice of (special PPV) merchandise.



Jeff Nova © vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell vs. The Assassin’s Guild

Snaptime © vs. Pride

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

War Machine © vs. Sewer Croc


The tiebreaker this time will be fancy dress imitations in the battle royale so don’t forget it!


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Jeff Nova © vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell vs. The Assassin’s Guild

Snaptime © vs. Pride

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

War Machine © vs. Sewer Croc

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Jeff Nova © vs. Pitbull Brown

Is Nova too over or too egotistical to allow the loss? I am gambling that he does the smart thing for the company and allows the full time wrestler the crown


Adam Matravers, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat

Setting up the run at Pitbull

Eddie Cornell vs. The Assassin’s Guild

This week's DQ draw

Snaptime © vs. Pride

They may be boring but boy are they good


Grey Angell vs. Mr Blood

Mr Blood has always struck me as a glorified jobber

War Machine © vs. Sewer Croc

Who is Sewer Croc?

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Jeff Nova © vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell vs. The Assassin’s Guild

Snaptime © vs. Pride

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

War Machine © vs. Sewer Croc

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Jeff Nova © vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell vs. The Assassin’s Guild

Snaptime © vs. Pride

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

War Machine © vs. Sewer Croc

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Jeff Nova © vs. Pitbull Brown

As much as I would love to see Nova losing the title ASAP I believe that he should still get at least few wins before that happens so I´d say Pitbull loses here.


Adam Matravers, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat

Really tough one as I could see Matravers, Jones, Faust, Thompson, Stoat or even Francis to win this one. Still Faust and Thompson looks like the top two and from them I go with Thompson.


Eddie Cornell vs. The Assassin’s Guild

Cornell lost last time with Monkey as he´s partner so things don´t look good for him but I believe that Eddie finds a way to win this time.


Snaptime © vs. Pride

I go with a draw in order to have this same match on later date again.


Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

I was first going to go with Angel but he already hold this title when the diary started so I figure that it might be Mr. Blood´s turn.


War Machine © vs. Sewer Croc

I know how much you like Burton so I could see him getting the trophy but I think that he should be build up little bit before that.

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Jeff Nova © vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell vs. The Assassin’s Guild

Snaptime © vs. Pride

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

War Machine © vs. Sewer Croc

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Jeff Nova © vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat

Eddie Cornell vs. The Assassin’s Guild

Snaptime © vs. Pride

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

War Machine © vs. Sewer Croc

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<p>Jeff Nova © vs. <strong>Pitbull Brown</strong></p><p>

-<em>Some would say 'too soon' but I think Pitbull winning hurts Nova less than Nova winning would hurt Pitbull</em></p><p>

<strong>Adam Matravers</strong>, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat</p><p>

-<em>Red Bull Power!</em></p><p>

Eddie Cornell vs. <strong>The Assassin’s Guild</strong></p><p>

-<em>It could happen and it really builds into the next match's result.</em></p><p>

Snaptime © vs. <strong>Pride </strong></p><p>

-<em>They're awesome, and this way they instantly can feud with The Guild</em></p><p>

Grey Angel vs.<strong> Mr Blood</strong></p><p>

-<em>Not a huge fan, but like was said earlier, Grey Angel was already champ</em></p><p>

<strong>War Machine ©</strong> vs. Sewer Croc </p><p>

-<em>Sewer Croc is a really cool character and I think he should lose to keep the feud going</em></p>

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<p>Jeff Nova © vs. <strong>Pitbull Brown</strong></p><p>

Leading to Pitbull vs Joss Thompson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adam Matravers</strong>, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat</p><p>

Part of his quest for three titles. Great line-up for a battle royal too! No clue on the rock star outfits, but some guesses;</p><p> </p><p>

Faust - Bono ( both have god complexs)</p><p>

Thompson - Bruce Springsteen</p><p>

Energy Punk - Gina G (only cd that survived nuclear armageddon)</p><p>

Danny Black Francis - Bob Marley</p><p>

Anarchy will probably come as someone no one has ever heard of as 'commercial recording artists are just playing to make the suits rich man!'</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Cornell </strong> vs. The Assassin’s Guild</p><p>

Cornell to win and end this</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Snaptime </strong> © vs. Pride </p><p>

Can't see Pride winning this</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Grey Angel </strong> vs. Mr Blood</p><p>

Grey Angel is better</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>War Machine ©</strong> vs. Sewer Croc </p><p>

Easy win for the Machine</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Occasional_Z" data-cite="Occasional_Z" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Energy Punk - Gina G (only cd that survived nuclear armageddon)</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is awesome <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I might even have to steal it.</p>
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<p><strong>Jeff Nova ©</strong> vs. Pitbull Brown</p><p> </p><p>

<em>While Pitbull is ME talent Nova is just better for now and shouldn't drop it this quick.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Adam Matravers, Anarchy, Business Jones, Danny Francis, Energy Punk, Jay B, <strong>Jonathan Faust</strong>, Joss Thompson, K’Lee Hawkins, Steve Stoat</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Setting up the rubber match.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Cornell</strong> vs. The Assassin’s Guild</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Dude needs to move on to better things.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Snaptime ©</strong> vs. Pride</p><p> </p><p>

Unless lionhart has really improved Snaptime need a good run and the takeover needs to remain a threat.</p><p> </p><p>

Grey Angel <strong>vs.</strong> Mr Blood</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Too intense so chaos descends for a draw.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>War Machine ©</strong> vs. Sewer Croc </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Yeah not happening Croc Burton even if you are probably the best of the 4 rookies.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Finally caught up on this thing and good job so far. Finally a UK diary that lasts and is really good although I am miffed that Stones, Cool and Price are gone (for now) and I love me some Beast Bantom he is so under utilized in general.</p>

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