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21st Century Boys (English c-verse)

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Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

I´m guessing that these two will eventually clash with main title on the line but right now Adam is still chasing midcard singles title.


Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

I go with draw this time.


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Blood is doing slighly more.


Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

Igor is tag guy so he tahkes the loss.


ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

Bigger names in UK.


The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

Nice to see some teams who haven´t been seen since the tag tournament. Knowing how bad Thunderbold and Stardust are I have to go with Guild.


TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)?


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Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? 65

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Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? - 47

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Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Matravers isnt ready to beat the likes of Faust yet


Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat



Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Geordie Jimmy is here to teach and put others over


Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

Ivanoff is a tag guy, Grey Angel needs to be rebuilt


ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Agents are more prominent


The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

I can't pick Stardust to win, just can't


TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? - 43

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Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Maybe later in the year.


Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Joss is the number one face


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

The Geordie Nation is being slightly depushed


Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

His gimmick is b.a. and both Ivanoffs suck


ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family



The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

This is a toss up. hoping the guys who have been around a while can pull through.


TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? 70

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Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust


Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood


Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff


ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family


The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes



TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)?

Anarchy doesn't believe in your momentous caste system as he feels it is just another numerical way for big government to keep the little/different man down making it easier for those of lesser moral codes to excel.

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both Ivanoffs suck






TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)?

Anarchy doesn't believe in your momentous caste system as he feels it is just another numerical way for big government to keep the little/different man down making it easier for those of lesser moral codes to excel.


Love this. :D

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Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

-I wish Matravers would win here but Faust is the biggest deal on the show

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

-Joss Thompson picks up the momentum.

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

-This kinda feels like a filler match, but I'll give the win to the guy who has minions.

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

-Grey Angel is awesome, Ivanoffs aren't all that over.

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

-Both of the losing teams are new and thus start out jobbing, likely.

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)?


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Best of British Wrestling


Wednesday Week 4 July 2010

Attendance: 2,000





Dunton Hall introduces tonight’s Best of British from his office for what will be the final time if Jonathan Faust wins the title match at London Calling.

Hall hypes the huge match and although a lot rides on it seems very confident that Faust will beat the much older Nova who of course was beaten just last week and isn’t even a full-time wrestler.






After Hall is finished the lights go out in his office. When they flick back on Grey Angel is in the office looking brooding and serious as ever.

Angel asks for confirmation of the rematch for the UK championship match at London Calling. After Rolling Johnny Stones managed to retain the belt last month at War Drums the other men in the match have all asked for another shot.


Dunton (clearly with his mind on other things) refuses to confirm the match will go ahead does insist Grey Angel fights next up – against professional criminal Igor Ivanoff.




Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff




* Igor is an imposing chap but just can’t keep up with Angel.

* Grey Angel shows real speed around the ring as well as s surprisingly determined attitude.

* After a short-ish match Grey Angel takes a half-opportunity to hit a reverse dropkick on a charging Igor that knocks the bigger man for 6.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Grey Angel defeated Igor Ivanoff in 8:06 by pinfall.








Two men we haven’t seen much in 2010 head to the ring in Snake and Predator – The Assassins Guild. Both men are dressed in all black tight jeans and leather jackets with silver shades on. They seem a lot more impressive than during their previous appearances where they were never really taken seriously.


They insult Eddie Cornell calling him stupid, unsophisticated and overrated. And in terms much less complementary than those. Eddie of course was given a beating earlier in the month. He’s been trying to work out who attacked him unsuccessfully but it’s all clear now.


The Guild also claim they’ve spent their time training and adjusting their attitude to the point where they believe they’re a better team than most in 21CW.


They finish by laughing again at how easy it was to announce themselves by taking out a Cornell and claiming Eddie doesn’t have the guts to do anything about it.




The Assassins Guild (Predator & Snake) vs. The Twinklettes (Stardust & Thunderbolt)




* Yuk. This really isn’t a match for the purists.

* But for what it’s worth The Guild are pretty dominant with their combination of power (Predator) and speed (Snake).

* Predator takes the win with a brutal looking modified Powerbomb to no-one’s surprise.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, The Assassins' Guild defeated The Twinklettes in 6:06 when Predator defeated Stardust by pinfall with a Predator Bomb.






After the match Eddie Cornell interrupts the Guild’s celebrations by heading to the ring with a mic.


“Tough Luck” assures the Guild that he is neither stupid nor scared of anyone. Let alone a pair of no-name, no-hopers like them.

Eddie finishes by saying that he’ll be getting his own back sooner rather than later.








Mr Blood heads to the ring before his match. He’s pretty spooky and as usual has a smear of bright blood across his mouth.


He also calls on Dunton Hall to confirm that the 4way match will go ahead at London Calling and this time 21CW’s boss does deign to reply. The match will be on between Mr Blood, grey Angel, Adam Matravers and Rolling Johnny Stones.


This time the match will be a ladder match so that we have a definitive winner.




Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood




* Jimmy’s measured, technical approach here is woefully misjudged. Mr Blood is just a flat out brawler and the older Geordie just doesn’t seem ready.

* Add to that a lack of partners and this is a very strong win for Mr Blood after he hits a double-arm DDT for the win.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Mr Blood defeated Geordie Jimmy Morris in 7:23 by pinfall.








ELIMINATION are backstage together. They should probably be preparing for their match up next but the two painted bodybuilders seem to be celebrating. For most people that would entail champagne and singing but GENOCIDE and SUICIDE are not most people.


Instead they appear to be squirting ketchup straight into their mouths and loudly chanting “THE WHEELS ON THE BUS GO ROUND AND ROUND” over and over.


When they calm for a moment Genocide sees the camera and lets everyone know they’ve just had confirmation that they’ve been awarded another shot at the 21CW tag titles at London Calling.




ELIMINATION (GENOCIDE & SUICIDE) vs. The Addams Family (Jimmi & Kalvin Addams)




* The Addams brothers are pretty decent here. They’re a solid team with great understanding.

* But ELIMINATION are a force of nature. And not a nice one like a waterfall, or a majestic one like a tsunami. They’re a dirty, damaging and unapologetic one. Like a big mudslide.

* They also have a great finishing move and one ELIMINATOR later it’s a good win before London Calling.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, ELIMINATION defeated The Addams Family in 7:12 when SUICIDE defeated Kalvin Addams by pinfall with an ELIMINATOR.








Jonathan Faust heads to the ring accompanied by his mentor/ally Dunton Hall.


Faust is extremely confident and a little belittling when he talks about the big match at London Calling with Jeff Nova.


Faust laughs openly about Jeff losing to War Machine last week (although the Ivanoffs were also in the handicap match and Faust himself interfered too). The fact that Jeff Nova threw Faust bodily out of the ring for the victory at War Drums strangely doesn’t come up...


Faust finishes by saying he’s so confident he will win the match that he volunteered for another match tonight just days before London Calling against another man that needs teaching a lesson – Adam Matravers.




Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust




* Very good stuff here as Matravers takes his energy and extreme risk-taking to the champ.

* Faust is as smooth and clever as always but it always seems Matravers just wants this more.

* Until Rolling Johnny Stones comes out of nowhere to hit Matravers with a huge German suplex allowing Faust to recover his wits and sneak a win on the dazed Matravers.


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Jonathan Faust defeated Adam Matravers in 14:20 by pinfall with a Devil's Drop following interference from Rolling Johnny Stones.








Danny Francis heads to ringside. He brings up his match last week where although he won Steve Stoat came to ringside and appeared to threaten him. Danny tells Stoat to stop messing around. He still hasn’t been confirmed at his home PPV London Calling and if that silent poser wants a match he’s come to the right place when Francis is interrupted.




Stoat heads out with his manager Kathleen Lee. He doesn’t speak of course but just stares at Danny as Kathleen accepts. Stoat would love the chance to teach a young wannabe like Danny a lesson. You need experience to win in this sport and Danny doesn’t have it. He should prepare for a very painful and humbling lesson.




At that point Stoat and Kathleen are themselves interrupted by Joss Thompson. The American ex-champ says that if someone has a problem with a stand-up guy like Danny then they have a problem with him too.




And Joss is himself interrupted by Pitbull brown. The Man Who Never Gives Up reminds Joss that before he starts trying to be the Good Samaritan they have unfinished business together. No-one has made Pitbull tap ever. And although they used to be friends they never can be again until one thing has been settled. Just who is the best?




At that point yet another man enters. Dunton Hall. The Genius (and ex-diplomat of course) tells everyone present that if they’re all so bothered they need to settle it in the ring. At London Calling Danny and Stoat will face off in a Brixton Streetfight and Joss Thompson and Pitbull brown will face each other in a submission match. But right now they’re all going to have to show something; it’s going to be Danny Francis & Joss Thompson in a tag match with Steve Stoat and Pitbull Brown.




Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat




* This match starts at 100mph and never slows down. There’s clearly a lot of hatred in the ring and all four men take the opportunity to tear into each other.

* Danny does really well to stay with 3 men who have been more successful than him and at one point locks his Rasta Lock onto Stoat before Pitbull breaks the hold.

* Unfortunately the match is too full of adrenaline for its own good and after Pitbull slaps Joss in the face it devolves into a flat brawl involving all four men – there’s no controlling them and the ref is forced to ring for the stoppage.


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Danny Francis and Joss Thompson drew with Pit Bull Brown and Steve Stoat in 15:44 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.








As the participants are rounded up and separated the crowd quietens down. The show’s over of course.


That’s why they’re surprised when more music plays and one more man appears: Jeff Nova.


The ex World’s Strongest Man tells the crowd that tonight was the last time they’ll have to sit through a BoBW run by Dunton Hall. As at London Calling Jeff is going to take his chance to take control of 21CW and the 2World Title in one fell swoop!






Overall show rating: B

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Well turns out it's been an amazingly busy week. New workplace is FAR too close to the CEOs office.


It was a bit of a filler show I'm afraid but the one before our PPVs can quite often be that. No matches were announced that were surprising so it was just making sure everything is set up really.


Having said that I loved the ME and setup angle for it. Very SE.


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

-I wish Matravers would win here but Faust is the biggest deal on the show

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

-Joss Thompson picks up the momentum.

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

-This kinda feels like a filler match, but I'll give the win to the guy who has minions.

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

-Grey Angel is awesome, Ivanoffs aren't all that over.

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

-Both of the losing teams are new and thus start out jobbing, likely.

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)?



5/6. Only missed on the big tag match. Draws are never easy.


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust


Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood


Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff


ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family


The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes



TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)?

Anarchy doesn't believe in your momentous caste system as he feels it is just another numerical way for big government to keep the little/different man down making it easier for those of lesser moral codes to excel.


4/6 but a bonus for the awesome Anarchy comment. A win for the Twinklettes? Have you ever looked at Thunderbolt?


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Maybe later in the year.


Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Joss is the number one face


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

The Geordie Nation is being slightly depushed


Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

His gimmick is b.a. and both Ivanoffs suck


ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family



The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

This is a toss up. hoping the guys who have been around a while can pull through.


TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? 70


5/6 again. The Geordie havent been depushed - there are just other teams with more promise. Im toying with the idea of getting K'Lee a bit more relevant.


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Matravers isnt ready to beat the likes of Faust yet


Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat



Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Geordie Jimmy is here to teach and put others over


Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

Ivanoff is a tag guy, Grey Angel needs to be rebuilt


ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Agents are more prominent


The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

I can't pick Stardust to win, just can't


TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? - 43


7/6 (remember draws are worth 2 pts if you get one right).


Perfect sir. Stardust is actually ok now. But really not that ok...


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? - 47


4/6. But worth a punt on Morris. Blood is a prime candidate for interference.


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? 65


5/6 and just missed on the ME.


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? 69 :cool:


7/6 with the obvious draw nailed. Well done sir.


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

I´m guessing that these two will eventually clash with main title on the line but right now Adam is still chasing midcard singles title.


Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

I go with draw this time.


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Blood is doing slighly more.


Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

Igor is tag guy so he tahkes the loss.


ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

Bigger names in UK.


The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

Nice to see some teams who haven´t been seen since the tag tournament. Knowing how bad Thunderbold and Stardust are I have to go with Guild.


TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)?



7/6. Im not surprised at all that you got all of these right.


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust (Draw)

I think i was a show too early in a Main Event Draw. Faust to be rescued by cronies when the skilful Matravers shows signs of winning

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Keep betting against Mr Blood and regretting it. Nt this week...

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? 56


Just 4/6 but I cant argue with the logic. Matravers is just a bit behind Faust but it made sense.


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes

TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)? 59


4/6 and another Twinklettes vote! Sorry.


Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust


Sorry Matravers but the Champ isn't losing before the PPV.


Danny Francis & Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown & Steve Stoat


Definitely the hardest match to predict in the end i went with the faces.


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Mr Blood

Grey Angel vs. Igor Ivanoff

ELIMINATION vs. The Addams Family

The Assassins Guild vs. The Twinklettes


TIEBREAK: What is the momentum of Anarchy after this show (% points)?: 74


5/6 sir. Very admirable.


Occasional Z and Zergon did great but unfortunately Charasmatic Enigma (Right?) managed to win the tiebreak. Anarchy's momentum has somehow crept all the way up to 72. Mainly due to his promos. Obviously de Aske can talk and theyre really helped by a 7ft Menace standing around lopking fierce.


Help yourself to any item you'd like sir.


thanks everyone for reading and commenting. I'm still bllown away by how many people are getting involved and voted for my DoTM win.


Thanks all!

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Occasional Z and Zergon did great but unfortunately Charasmatic Enigma (Right?)


That's the one :) I'm going to request some Twinklette's merch for 3 reasons.


1. For the lol's

2. It would be an obvious best seller, what with all the Thunderbolt love in the UK :p

3. Because I'm absolutely certain nobody will have asked for any before :p


(Or if you want a more realistic request, I'll happily take some ELIMINATION merch :))

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That's the one :) I'm going to request some Twinklette's merch for 3 reasons.


1. For the lol's

2. It would be an obvious best seller, what with all the Thunderbolt love in the UK :p

3. Because I'm absolutely certain nobody will have asked for any before :p



Interesting choice... Something for somebody new is always fun. Maybe thats a sign that this prize has been running too long...


How's this for a Twinklettes tshirt?



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London Calling




All eyes are on 21CW at London calling as nothing less than the future of the company is being decided. In addition all four major titles will be on the line in what is sure to be an unmissable night of wrestling.




Jonathan Faust © vs. Jeff Nova

For the 21CW World Title and company ownership




Jeff was put out of action by the actions of Faust and Dunton Hall for some time but returned last month with a vengeance throwing Faust from the ring at War Drums. Since then he’s been under huge pressure and an attack from Faust caused Jeff to be beaten by War Machine. Nova will be the first to admit he isn’t a full-time wrestler but he is a world-class athlete who is desperate to take his company back.


Jonathan Faust and Dunton Hall have achieved great things in 2010 as they have seized control of the biggest wrestling promotion in the UK and also the World title. Can the backing he receives from Hall and Johansson cancel out the 21CW fans’ desire for Nova to take the company back?


Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

In a Brixton Street fight




Danny Francis has had a successful year but not really managed to take the step up to challenging top names in 21CW. On his home ground in a very London-centric event and match can he finally show he deserves top billing?


Steve Stoat and Kathleen have redoubled their intensity since Leo Price was expelled from the company. Can Stoat’s silent force get him a win in an unfamiliar match?


Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

In a submission match




Ex-close friends are always the toughest enemies. Pitbull has cut through 21CW reinforcing his reputation as The Man Who Never Gives Up ever since he turned on joss for not receiving the respect he felt he deserved.

One of the few men he hasn’t managed to beat is ex-World champ Joss. Thompson is a great wrestler but can he succeed in a match that seems to favour his opponent?


Rolling Johnny Stones © vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Ladder match for the 21CW UK Title






We saw the same match last month but after an ending where champ Stones cynically stole a win the other entrants have been furious. Thus a rematch has been forced under ladder rules where a true winner must be established.

Matravers of course is attempting to win every major title in 21CW, Grey Angel wants to win for religious reasons, Mr. Blood has claimed he will use the title to dominate and prey on other wrestlers and Rolling Johnny Stones is simply after the money, fame and girls.


ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

For the 21CW Tag titles




Snaptime have become a very strong team in the competitive tag division with their no-nonsense style but ELIMINATION have also developed a reputation for all-out attack and haven’t been actually pinned in some time.


Anarchy vs. War Machine

In a London Aftermath match




Anarchy has been very confident about keeping his title but War machine is growing more and more powerful it seems culminating in managing to actually pin Jeff Nova this month (albeit in dubious circumstances).

No-one really knows what this match will be but Anarchy will definitely have to be at his best to compete against the much larger man.




As always the best predictor will win their choice of merchandise.



Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience?

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Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust


I don'y see Faust losing the title but I also don't see Nova losing control of the company.


Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat


London Calling is Danny Francis and he finally shows 21CW what he's worth with a bug win over Steve Stoat.


Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown


Sorry Thompson but the man who never gives up isn't going to give up here, Pitbull takes the win.


Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood


It's a ladder match so it just screams Matravers to me.



ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime


It's about time ELIMINATION had something to shout about other then buses.



Anarchy vs. War Machine


Anarchy isn't beating the beefed up teenager.


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 45


And on a side note what's the name of that awesome font you used for the London Calling logo?

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Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

I just don´t see why Nova should get the title and though draw is possible I think that this will lead to ownership change.


Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Tough one, I´d love to go with Stoat but somehow I believe that Francis will get the win as he would benefit more from it.


Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

I still see Joss as bigger name.


Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Matravers still need to win this title in order to move on to bigger things.


ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

As much as I like ELIMINATION, I think that Snaptime will keep the titles on them.


Anarchy vs. War Machine

Machine likely got overness boost by beating Nova so he might well get the title here.


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience?


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Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

-Joss is gonna beat Faust, not Nova.

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

-With a heel champion, having a few strong faces opposite is a good thing.

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

-Thompson stays strong because he's gotta beat Faust someday.

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

-No one can beat the power of RED BULL

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

-I'm probably one of the few who doesn't like ELIMINATION. Snaptime make great tag champs and with Stoat losing, it gives Kathleen Lee a chance to win.

Anarchy vs. War Machine

-Anarchy is pretty awesome. Even though War Machine beat Jeff Nova, he doesn't beat Anarchy


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience?


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Interesting choice... Something for somebody new is always fun. Maybe thats a sign that this prize has been running too long...


How's this for a Twinklettes tshirt?




Haha, that's great. A new best seller for sure! :p



Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

I'm thinking a throwout, with Joss vs Faust happening soon with the same stip

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

I love Danny Francis, and he needs the win more I'd say.

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Joss is the best wrestler in the UK bar none

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Adam Matravers: Powered by Red Bull

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 40

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Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience?

I have no idea, its what the Tjuren and the I.S.M. says it is I ain't arguing.

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Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Faust to win - keep the story going


Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

You need strong faces to take on Hall and Faust

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Joss is the man, Pitbull has fallen down the pecking order


Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

It's time for Matravers to win the title


ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

I'm going against the grain (and my own logic!) You like Elimination and they're doing well. Snaptime have never really convinced me as a team. Plus Karen Killer and her group have become an afterthought after Hall's takeover. I reckon this might be the beginning of the end for them.


Anarchy vs. War Machine

Anarchy is more talented,and the win would help him. War Machine can get over with squashes and menace segments, a loss won't hurt him.


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience?


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Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

I guess the boss doesn't really need to win then right!?

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

You promised me that Danny will win at London Calling .. Ok you didn't but i'm still picking him!

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Joss wins and looks good in doing so ..

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Snaptime in the bonus question means they lose here ... Hows that for nonsensical logic!?

Anarchy vs. War Machine

How can he lose this now!?

TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 24

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<p>Jeff Nova vs. <strong>Jonathan Faust</strong></p><p>

Dunton will be a great new owner, especialy to guys like Joss, or Jones, or DFB.<img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Danny Francis vs. <strong>Steve Stoat</strong></p><p>

Gut feeling</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joss Thompson</strong> vs. Pitbull Brown</p><p>

Not even close.</p><p> </p><p>

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. <strong>Adam Matravers</strong> vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood</p><p>

You need to hurry up Adam's triple crown</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ELIMINATION</strong> vs. Snaptime</p><p>

Everyone likes ELIMINATION more, so ELIMINATE</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Anarchy</strong> vs. War Machine</p><p>

A Menacing figure gets involved.</p><p> </p><p>

TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 30</p>

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