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The London-Verse

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Sorry for so many, or I probably can come up with more if you'd like them. :p


Name: Shawn Simmons

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: American

Appearance: Happy-go-lucky smile, blue eyes, mixed race style skin

Ring Style: Cruiserweight


Bio: "The Young Lion" Shawn Simmons is a very green cruiserweight with a lot of potential. Already possessing the psychology of a worker beyond his years, and a well of charisma, if he can bring the rest of his skills up to match, he might have a big future in the business.


Gimmicks: Underdog, Old School Face; not sure what to give him for heel




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Sorry for so many, or I probably can come up with more if you'd like them. :p


Name: Turner Bach IV

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: English

Appearance: Pale skin, arrogant smirk, very proper looking

Ring Style: Regular Wrestler


Bio: Arrogant Turner Bach IV is an English worker who is also a classically trained pianist, and has transitioned that skill over to the world of professional wrestling, where he plays up his talent and the "fact" that it makes him better than everyone else. While his gimmick has been shown to be able to provoke lots of heat from fans, his ring work still leaves something to be desired.


Gimmicks: Arrogant Heel, C0cky Youth



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Name: Kyle Barker

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: American (Caucasian)

Appearance: Short and spikey black hair, smiling and fairly youthful-looking (possibly a gloved hand in shot?)

Ring Style: Brawler with a decent hardcore stat, but with pretty good other top rows too (such that he'd probably make a better 'regular wrestler' thanks to being well-rounded), strong basics/psychology/charisma.

Gimmick: Bad ass


Bio: Kyle Barker is the jewel of XCW's bloodstained crown, a skilled young worker with a good look. He is a source of unending frustration to internet fans, many of whom believe that his talents are going to waste in the hardcore environment - which in fairness probably isn't too unreasonable a thing to say. However, Barker has thusfar remained unwavering in his loyalty to the company that gave him his start in the business, much to the delight of the XCW fanbase.


Finishers: Grand Cross (Impact)



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This sounds fun, so I'm in...


Name: Eric E. Ericson

Age: 20

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: American

Appearance: Caucasian, medium length brown hair, clean shaven

Ring Style: Regular Wrestler


Bio: 'Triple E' is a young middleweight with a bright future ahead of him. The charismatic youngster will do whatever is asked of him from brawling, keeping to the mat or taking to the air. Eric's unselfish ring work means he can work with any opponent regardless of size or style. His future is unlimited.


Can work as either a face or heel



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I have to say, Fluffy might be one of the best heel gimmicks I've ever seen; he's an emo...whose Straight Edge...whose Christian...whose effeminate. Jesus, it's like a trifecta+1 of "things than make me superior to you".


Well, not to hijack the thread, but have you ever checked out the little fed I run? Fluffy is the main character that I play (I wrestle as 5 diff wrestlers). You can check it out on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/ParsonsOnlineBYW

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Old team back together. :p


Name: "Man-Beast" Michael Monroe

Age: 29

Gender: M

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: American

Appearance: Spiky brown hair, stubble, grizzled

Ring Style: MMA Crossover


Bio: Former MMA fighter Michael Monroe earned his nickname "The Man-Beast" with an unrelenting assault of strikes and grapples. Considered by many to be the evolution of mixed martial arts, Monroe's career was cut short, when he made the unexpected jump to professional wrestling. While unclear what prompted this move, the Man-Beast has shown a natural transition to the squared circle.


(Finisher - Maul Lock - a rear naked choke, with occasional forearms to the bridge of the nose)




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Name:Tony "TJ" Johnson




Ethnicity: American

Appearance: Bald,Goatee, and a very serious face

Ring Style: A Brawler with some signs of Techincal Skills and little MMA Skills due to a Program he was in during Prison



Bio: Tony is a former Body guard of many Celebs and once you see him you know why. After spending a few years in Prison for Rape, he looks to get into wrestling ,after meeting Rich E.Platinum, to clean his life up.


He is a Bad Ass when he is either Heel or Face

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Worker Submissions Are Halted For Now


There are twenty plus workers I need to add to the data and render at present, not to mention the characters I have been working on and this will require a bit of time.


Thanks for all who have contributed thus far, I will post the renders as and when I complete them and will be sure to inform you all when character submission are open once again. Updates will continue throughout.


Sorry man, submissions ended earlier today.

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Old team back together. :p



Name: Vendetta

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Italian

Appearance: A skull like mask

Ring Style: Spot Monkey


Bio: Vendetta is a rookie grappler from Venice, Italy, who has recently started to perform in spot shows across Europe. While very hit or miss in the ring, the one thing most people seem to agree on is that his finisher, the Ultimate Revenge - a 630 splash from the top rope, is beautiful to watch.


(Finisher - Ultimate Revenge - 630 splash)




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Old team back together. :p


Name: "American Blueblood" Ian Stout

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: American

Appearance: Long blonde hair, ****y smirk

Ring Style: Mat Technician


Bio: Ian Stout is a young prospect who has already become a known quantity in the southeast, due to his "American Blueblood" character. Built on the fact that he descends from French royalty, Stout has laid claim that his hometown of Rome, Georgia, is the epicenter of America's next great kingdom.


(Finisher - Royal Flush - Fame asser)




I hope you don't mind but I went for a derisory sneer as opposed to a ****y smile. Upper class snootiness struck me as appropriate.

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Name: Escorpio

Age: 26

Gender: M

Size: Cruiserweight

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Appearance: N/A (mask is all black with a red scorpion running vertically on the forehead above the eyes)


Bio: Little is known about the mysterious Escorpio except that he grew up on the mean streets of Mexico City, an orphan, who had to fight local gangs for scraps to survive. His story of triumph against all odds, and also the intrigue about his true identity, have made him one of Mexico's most popular tecnicos, though recently he's displayed a bit of a dark side.


Gimmick: Classic Tecnico (as Face) / Loner or Classic Rudo (as Heel)


Finisher: El Picadura (huracanrana off the top rope)



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Name: Sam "The Man" Wyatt

Age: 26

Gender: M

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: White

Appearance: Spiky, short dirty blonde hair with a 5 o'clock shadow and green eyes. Not overly muscular, but almost a Jericho-type build.

Ring Style: Entertainer


Bio: Sam Wyatt started wrestling on independent shows around the Great Lakes, slowly building up the in-ring talent to go with outstanding natural charisma. Though, he's perfected his ****y heel persona, Wyatt is reported to be extremely likeable backstage and the perfect addition to any roster.


Gimmick: ****y (as Heel) / Old School Face (as Face)


Finisher: The Why Me God or WMG for short (Razor's Edge into sit-down powerbomb)



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Decided to make a couple of losers. :)


Name: maXX

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: White, Canadian

Appearance: Boy-ish look, long hair which he changes the colour of regularly to stand out.

Ring Style: Spot monkey


Bio: maXX is a wrestler who had a taste of success in the late 90s in America but has almost exclusively wrestled around the independants in Canada since. Despite his crazy hair styles and his best attempts to stick out from the crowd, he is mediocre in the ring, very flashy but lacks anything special. It is unlikely he will ever return to a major promotion.


Finisher: Moonsault

Gimmick: Teen Idol (both heel and face)




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Courtesy of the highly talented aja_nyc, here are three new company logos:



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Decided to make a couple of losers. :)

Name: Jonathon Hale

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White, American

Appearance: A bland looking guy, think a heavier less mullet-ey Jerry Flynn from WCW.

Ring Style: Regular wrestler


Bio: Perhaps the definition of boring, Jonathon Hale has been putting wrestlers and fans to sleep for almost two decades. Short stints as a jobber in the bigger American companies has given him enough fame to get regular bookings on the indy scene. Recent attempts to spice up his character has become comedy gold for wrestling fans including "Recyclaw", everyone's favourite jumpsuit wearing, claw wielding recycling enthusiast. Although he is far from your most exciting wrestler, Hale has good psychology and basics and he has proved to be good at putting younger wrestlers over.


Finisher: Sleeper Hold

Gimmick: Old school face and old school heel, his alter ego Recyclaw should be man on a mission.

You can make up your own mind on his stats but I would have him as D in rumble, f or e in everything else but C+ in performance, and an E for star quality.



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Name: The Christmas Goblin

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Size: Very small

Ethnicity: Mexican

Appearance: Midget with hair like Bill Murray, slightly scary but not really goblin-like mask and a Christmas coloured attire with spandex.

Ring Style: Brawler


Bio: Nothing’s scarier than a midget with a goblin mask, The Christmas Goblin is a real journeyman despite being far from the most talented wrestler. His gimmick is surprisingly entertaining and he has managed to get work all over the world, the only downside is that he is pretty much out of work for all but a few months each year.


Finisher: Coald Christmas(hits his opponent over the head with a lump of coal, so I guess it’s a cheating finisher)



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Name: Polythene Pam

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White, English

Appearance: <cue Aerosmith> Dude dude dude... dude looks like a lady!

Ring Style: Entertainer


Bio: Jordy Ginwitch spent his early career working the independent English circuit under his real name and a gimmick that was only ever as interesting as the pair of tights he could afford that month. In [pick a year 5 or so years back from when the gameworld starts] he was late to an arena and forced to wear female clothing in his match as a punishment. Much to everyone's surprise, he actually managed to make the crowd pop.


Sensing a good thing, Jordy went the whole way with the gimmick, not only wearing women's clothes but also putting on makeup, styling his hair, and even changing his ring name to Polythene Pam. While he's unlikely to ever win an award for his wrestling ability (or sexual appeal when in a bikini), Pam has gone on to prove himself across the UK scene as someone who can be an entertaining commodity within the right promotion.


Finisher: Freeballing Hammer (similar to a burning hammer, but involving his groin for cheap laughs)

Gimmick: Drag Queen



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Name: The American Skullet

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: American, white.

Appearance: Blue eyes. Shoulder length hair with a prominent skullet. Has The Stars and Stripes (or other equivalent symbol) painted on his forehead.

Ring Style: Regular wrestler, above average in selling, charisma and safety. Great mic skills. Very low menace.


Bio: "The American Skullet" began his wrestling career at the age of 20 under his real name Jim Parks. His beautiful blond hair and astonishing blue eyes soon made him very popular with the female fans. But as early as age 26 he began losing hair on the top of his head, losing some of his good looks and also most of his followers. He changed his ring-name and gimmick to something completely different, now working as an all-american patriot.


Gimmick: Patriot


Note: Please be indulgent towards my broken english. I'm a swedish guy :)



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Name: Mayhem Moilanen

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Finnish

Appearance: Shaggy long dark brown hair and a full beard, Bruiser Brodyish wildman character.

Ring Style: Charismatic stiff brawler with below average technical skills and good performance.


Bio: With a career spanning over two decades, Juha "Mayhem" Moilanen is one of the biggest stars in European wrestling. Debuting in August 1988 Mayhem has since headlined shows in Europe and UK, he also has had few stints in Japan where his crazed wildman routine got him over. Now in his early forties he divides his time between wrestling and training the next generation of Scandinavian wrestlers.


Finisher: very, very stiff Lariat

Gimmick: wildman



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