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The London-Verse

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OK, guess I misjudged this one a little. I thought that MDL might get the creative juices flowing for a lot of followers, but I guess people prefer the female promotions. :p


Thanks to those who submitted an entrant. Three have been selected and will be signed to MDL contracts. :)

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Just a random throw away post to say everything completed thus far has been extremely impressive. I've only just got back into TEW playing recently but I can easily see this verse taking up more of my time than real World mods eventually. That said I've just read through all 82 pages during last night and this morning on me mobile so getting cramp in hand, plus in need of sleep. I look forward to any future progress type installments, and of course the subsequent release. :-)
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Just a random throw away post to say everything completed thus far has been extremely impressive. I've only just got back into TEW playing recently but I can easily see this verse taking up more of my time than real World mods eventually. That said I've just read through all 82 pages during last night and this morning on me mobile so getting cramp in hand, plus in need of sleep. I look forward to any future progress type installments, and of course the subsequent release. :-)


Thank you very much for the compliment, sir.


It means a lot to hear people say such things as I (and others) have put a great deal of time and effort into the mod.


Hopefully the beta will live up to people's expectations. :)


If you haven't checked them out yet. I streamed a load of videos on the London-Verse and the completed promotions that have been finalised.


Feel free to check them out at the following:



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Having caught up on all the streams of completed feds, I just wanted to make a few asinine comments. :p


1. One of my submissions, Cherry Blossom is the #1 women's prospect not signed by anyone (as seen in the PHW stream). Like that.


2. Every time you show an A.I. controlled XCW show, my favorite submission, Fluffy, is never used. Sad face.


3. None of the other people I have submitted have made it in. Just Blossom and Fluffy who were submitted during the "everyone gets in" portion back in the beginning of the submission process. Another sad face.


4. I have enjoyed every one of your streams so far and look forward to seeing the rest. It's pretty funny listening to you point out every error that Tiberius has made in the bios. :p


In other words, I have a heavy vested interest in how this is going and I really am looking forward to the completed database. :D

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Having caught up on all the streams of completed feds, I just wanted to make a few asinine comments. :p


1. One of my submissions, Cherry Blossom is the #1 women's prospect not signed by anyone (as seen in the PHW stream). Like that.


2. Every time you show an A.I. controlled XCW show, my favorite submission, Fluffy, is never used. Sad face.


3. None of the other people I have submitted have made it in. Just Blossom and Fluffy who were submitted during the "everyone gets in" portion back in the beginning of the submission process. Another sad face.


4. I have enjoyed every one of your streams so far and look forward to seeing the rest. It's pretty funny listening to you point out every error that Tiberius has made in the bios. :p


In other words, I have a heavy vested interest in how this is going and I really am looking forward to the completed database. :D


Thank you very much for the sentiment.


1) Cherry Blossom is one of only 4 or 5 women in the database who don't already work for a promotion. Hence her high ranking. :p


2) Fluffy is considered an enhancement talent and takes a few shows to get on a card.


3) I can't recall off the top of my head who else you submitted in competitions, but if you keep plugging away, I'm sure another will get in at some stage. :)


4) Haha. Yeah, I do pick up on the errors of Tibe, although I am also quick to point out my own shortcomings. Glad you enjoyed the streams.

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As London said in the streaming TEW thread, it looks like we won't have MDL all finished by Saturday. As a way of apology, here's a look at a few of London's excellent renders:






In addition I'll share some Renders from the promotions we completed last week. If you watched London's stream on twitch.tv you'll have seen them already.


JWA Renders:




PHW Renders:



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With MDL nearing completion, it is now time to open the next London-Verse character competition.


The next promotion lined up for completion is the Down Under Wrestling Society out of Australia. They are a hybrid between entertainment and quality in-ring competition.


Please remember, only one submission per board member.


Let's get creative. :)

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Name : Jackson Riley "J-Ry"

Age: 22

Size: Lightweight

Appearance: Shoulder length blonde hair, Arrogant look on his face.

Think Charlie Hunnam from Son's of Anarchy before the hair cut

Ring Style: Entertainer

Nationality: Australian

Finisher: Sky High J-Ry (Top Rope Moonsault)

Stats: Great ariel, flash and charisma. High star quality and sex appeal. Other than that solid all round skills.

Bio: Jackson Riley - "J-Ry" as he's known, is a arrogant young wrestler from Canberra Australia. J-Ry stand's out due to his looks and his attitude, most male fans hate him but the female fans go crazy for him. In the ring Riley's a good all rounder with lots of flash when he takes to the air. His "Sky High J-Ry" Moonsault is one of the best and highest moonsaults in the business. It truly looks like the "Sky" is the limit for this young star but is his home land going to prove to small for such a big ego? Only he knows, and he ain't tellin'.


Quote: I'm not just Down Under Wrestling Society's only true Superstar, I'm Australia's only Superstar mate!

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Name: Jason Williams

Nickname: "Cinderella Man"

Birth Month: January

Age: 23

Debut Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship: Yes

Race: White

Nationality: English

Based In: Australia

Status: Active Wrestler

Style: Regular Wrestler

Size: Lightweight

Appearance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGnAcr2TT-8 That is my Character using WWE'12.

Finisher: London Drop,

Stats:Strong in Aerial, Mat Wrestling, Charisma, Resilience and Star Appeal. Weak in Brawling and Hardcore, solid in everything else.

Bio:Jason Williams was born in Manchester, England and quickly became a National superstar after being signed by the for a few Independant Companies. He later took time out of the wrestling profession and starred in a few small films.


He then looked to break out of the U.K and head to Australia, where he used his popularity in Britain as a lauching pad to start his career, Down Under.


Heel Quote: It's not my fault that I'm Superior!

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Name : "The Great White Snark" Sebastian White

Age: 22

Size: Lightweight

Appearance: Medium Length Spiky White/Blond hair, extremely fair complexion, blue eyes, smarmy smirk, elongated face with pointed chin/nose

Ring Style: Cruiserweight

Nationality: Australian

Finisher: Snark Bite (Flying spinning heel kick)

Stats: Above average flying, below average technical, abysmal brawling, well above average entertainment, slightly above average athletic, slightly above average performance, average sex appeal and star quality, below average menace.

Bio: Sebastian White is a young up and coming worker from New South Wales. He gained a bit of notoriety as a teenager with his blog "Snark Bites" after he managed to get under the skin of a number of local officials with his pithy, yet withering commentary. He has a knack for the well-phrased putdown which serves him well whether he plays face or heel. He is particularly adept at playing the weaselly bloke who shoots his mouth off frequently but needs beefy backup to keep from having to put his money where his mouth is. His long, lanky frame could do with a few more pounds of muscle if he is to progress in his career.

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With MDL nearing completion, it is now time to open the next London-Verse character competition.


The next promotion lined up for completion is the Down Under Wrestling Society out of Australia. They are a hybrid between entertainment and quality in-ring competition.


Please remember, only one submission per board member.


Let's get creative. :)


Does it have a women's division???

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Name: Biggumakku

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Size: Giant

Ethnicity: Asian

Nationality: Japanese


Appearance: Biggumakku is chubby and fat. He is bald. He has green eyes.


Ring Style: Brawling


Finisher: Blargh!!! (Diving Splash), Mwa? (Butt Drop)


Stats: Just like most giants in the Pro Wrestling biz, he should have a great power and menace stat. Suprise suprise, he can brawl to a decent standard. He is **** in all of his other stats though...


Personality: Very nice


Bio: Biggumakku is an ex-sumo wrestler who had previously competed in the MMA buisness under his real name, Takeshi Mormoku. He is hard to lift and get off his feet, and uses a combination of Sumo-styled moves in his attack set. His Blargh!!! finisher (Diving Splash) and his Mwa? finisher (Butt Drop are some of the most FEARED moves in wrestling. Of course, he is bad overall, but who cares when you got a 7'5, 1000lbs monster in the ring who can climb the turnbuckles???


He travelled all over the world, but now resides in Australia, and thus competes there. He does hope to go back to Japan though.

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Name : "Rowdy" Rick Rogan

Age: 23

Size: Heavyweight

Appearance: Typical Australian outbacker complete with the hat with corks hanging off it, red full beard and hair

Ring Style: Brawler

Nationality: Australian

Finisher: Lariat, Powerbomb(only on special occasion)

Stats: Somewhat menacing, strong, good brawler, above average performance, average entertainment

Bio: "Rowdy" Rick Rogan is a young brawler from Alice Springs. He spent his youth in the Outback working as a tourist guide but grew tired of babysitting tourists ignorant to the dangers of the Outback, so he enrolled in to a wrestling school in Darwin and never looked back.

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Name : Malcolm Bryce

Age: 24

Size: Heavyweight, 6' 11

Appearance: I like this pic off your photobook. http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChampagneLoverALT2.jpg

Short hair, some stubble. Big muscle beast of a guy. Happy baby face smile.

Ring Style: Brawler

Nationality: Australian

Finisher: Choke Slam, Flashy Death Valley Driver. (mostly used on bigger guys.)

Stats: Power/Athleticism/Good Technical and brawling

Bio: Malcolm was just on the verge of becoming an Olympic power lifting star when a knee injury cut his dreams short. Feeling lost after he was forced to retire at the age of 20, Malcolm wandered into odd jobs and used his size to become a bouncer at a number of bars in various cities along the coast.


Late one night a road agent for Down Under Wrestling Society caught sight of Malcolm at a local watering hole. Impressed with the way Malcolm handled a fight in the bar, taking 3 lumbering brutes out of the bar without hurting them or smashing the place up, the agent offered him a try out for the promotion. Malcolm was reluctant but decided to give it a try.


Surprising the Owner and Booker with not only his size and strength but with his amateur wrestling skills, Malcolm was hired on the spot. Malcolm is a natural baby face in the ring, and while his mic skills aren't great, his natural charisma shines through in all of his matches. Malcolm uses most of the big man moves out there, Choke slams, power bombs and various throws, but will still work in a few technical skills and moves as well. His variation on the Death Valley Driver is a fan favorite. The sight of the near 7 foot man flying over the top rope and take out people always thrills the crowd.


Malcolm is a calm and disciplined man, which is reflected in his training and in his calm demeanor in the locker room. He is the voice of reason if tension breaks out and he has the strength of a titan if he has to break up a fight.



(I see him kinda like the undertaker in a way, but not evil, mostly style wise, strong with an athletic background. Rope walking, topes over the top rope. He's a solid hand after training hard and his menace isn't very high, say 70 max, as he's more of a baby face guy, still can be used against heels easily. )

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Name: Noah Johnson

Nickname: "The Bad Neighbour"

Birth Month: June

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: Australian

Style: Entertainer

Size: Middleweight

Appearance: Similar to that of Aussie fast bowler Mitchell Johnson, with a scar across his left cheek.

Finisher: Erinsborough End (DDT)

Stats: High acting, mic skills, charisma, sex appeal and star quality, with good resilience, power and athleticism, less than average all actual wrestling based stats, slightly higher hardcore and brawling.


Bio: Born in Melbourne, Noah Johnson had only one goal coming out of school, to be an actor, indeed that was a path he travelled down during his late teens and into his early 20's. After numerous small cameo roles in independent films and some drama shows, at the age of 18 Johnson got his big break on the set of Erinsborough High, playing a bad boy by the name of Shane Stark, a cousin of Stuart Stack, one of the main characters of the show. His role as Stark lasted four years before being killed off in a street bike race against long term rival and good guy Riley Andrews, during which an accident caused Noah to earn a scar across his left cheek.


Following his time in the popular soap Johnson moved back into films, featuring in two critically acclaimed independent films, earning praise for his harder edged acting and taking on all dangerous stunts himself. It was on location during the filming of Outback Asylum that Johnson met _____ _____, a low level pro wrestler whom sidelines as a stunt performer. _____ _____, suggested that Noah hook up with _____ _____ to work on the basics to enable him to potentially earn some money in wrestling during his down time from acting roles.


Johnson did just that and with the skills picked up, plus his decent name value, Noah was booked in a guest appearance role on Down Under Wrestling Society, where he aligned himself with top heel _____ _____ to defeat top face _____ _____, claiming that "not everybody needs good neighbours". The fans of course booed the duo out of the building, but Johnson, whom has always been portrayed in films as a bad boy type, especially since scaring his cheek, thrived on the atmosphere and is now looking to enter wrestling on a more regular basis.

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Name: 'Aawesome' Aaron Aardvark

Age: 25 (don't really care though)

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Australian/White

Appearance: Confident smirk, blonde hair

Ring Style: Regular wrestler/entertainer

Finisher: The A-Game (Straight jacket piledriver)

Stats: Good on the mic and star quality (good for Australia atleast), not really special elsewhere.


Bio: 'Aawesome' Aaron Aardvark is a unique character who competes in Australia for DUWS. Aardvarks character acts oblivious to the fact that the main event is usually the most important match, and demands to wrestle in the opening matches of every card he is on, he does not always get the opening match but is often given a microphone pre-match to complain if he is not opening the show.


Aardvarks name is an extension of this gimmick, as his name was chosen to put himself at the top of any alphabetically ordered list of wrestlers, not just in DUWS but the whole wrestling world. He even spells his nickname with an extra a to ensure his nickname is at the top of lists. Aardvark is a fun act to buy the fans interest in the lower card of shows, however he is unlikely to achieve much success even in a country with a small wrestling industry such as Australia.

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Name: 'Python' Paul Patterson

Age: 24

Size: Middleweight

Ring Style: Technician

Nationality: American

Ethinicity: Caucasion

Appearance: The design is in your hands

Finisher: The Constrictor (Variation of the Dragon Sleeper)

Stats: Mic , charisma, acting- High Psychology, basics- High Mat wrestling, chain, submissions- High Rumble skills- Mid-range Aerial skills- Low


Bio: After being cannon fodder in the States, 'Python' decided to make the move to Australia with a burning desire to become the dominant force in professional wrestling Down Under. Blessed with great mic skills, psychology and a superior knowledge of mat based attacks, with the proper guidance, Patterson could be a star in the making.

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Will the London-Verse still be coming out for TEW2010 or will you be holding off to TEW2013?


I was waiting for the first person to ask me this one. :)


I had a quick discussion with Adam earlier to find out a couple of pieces of information that was pertinent to myself and the L-Verse.


What I am leaning towards at the moment, is releasing the mod for TEW 2010 (assuming it is ready to roll by this point). However, when TEW 2013 comes out, I will convert the database and add any needed adjustments to make it playable for the most updated version of the game. TEW 2013 will not be the death knell for the L-Verse. :)

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Name: Archie Hackles

Age: 30

Size: Middleweight

Ring Style: Regular Wrestler

Nationality: Australian/Caucasian

Appearance: Firstly and most importantly; a great big moustache (entire top lip). Otherwise neat brown hair and a stern expression.


Stats: Classic ring general. Good performance and good technical skills - though a fairly strong brawler as well. Aerially rubbish and lacking star quality, but decent charisma/mic skills.


Bio: The Moustachioed Maestro Archie Hackles is old school to the tee - from his ring work, to his 'hard working, hard fighting' gimmick, to his magnificent facial furniture. Very solid in the ring, Hackles' main issues are that he lacks flair and the 'look' of a real superstar, weaknesses which have consistently held him back throughout his career.

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Name: Austin Gunner

Age: 26

Size: Middleweight

Ring Style: Technician

Nationality: Australian,Caucasian

Appearance: Cocky look, long dirty blond hair

Finisher: Kobra Lock(Front neck lock) Down under(Exploder)

Stats: Great technician, stamina and basic, mid charisma and mic skills.


Bio:"The Future Legend" Austin Gunner is a young up and coming wrestler, known for his technical excellence and natural charisma. Starting his training in Japan, Austin learn many ways of stretching people out while learning the japanese way of connecting with the crowd . Learning all he can, he decide to go back to his home land Australia and join DUWS.

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Name: Frank Grey

Gender: Male

Appearance: Some dirt on his face, from the mines.

Size: Lightweight

Style: Entertainer


"The True Down Under" Frank Grey plays the gimmick of a mine worker, which goes quite well with DUSA's big share of working class fans. Frank has a kind of intensive appeal of masculinity which gives him an aura of toughness, though being one of the smallest wrestlers on the DUSA roster.

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