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The London-Verse

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Name: Wallace The Wrecker

Age: 41

Size: Middleweight

Ring Style: Brawler

Nationality: Canadian

Based In: Canada

Appearance: He is bald and has a black goatee. He has green eyes and is handsome

Finisher: Death Valley Driver

Stats: Below average stats in everything


Bio: Wallace The Wrecker is a below average worker. He didn't get many jobs, even in his prime, due to his below average skills and his flakiness. Time is running out on hisv career, and even though he is signed with the NWA, Wallace will get released soon...

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Just wanted to say I've been watching all the streams (just not live since you stopped telling us ahead of time when they are) and have enjoyed them all. You do a good job of commentating on the roster and such and always find a way to add some humor in.


Can't wait to see the next fed to find out if my submission made it. I don't know if your comment on my Terrance Phillips character was positive or negative. :p

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Just wanted to say I've been watching all the streams (just not live since you stopped telling us ahead of time when they are) and have enjoyed them all. You do a good job of commentating on the roster and such and always find a way to add some humor in.


Can't wait to see the next fed to find out if my submission made it. I don't know if your comment on my Terrance Phillips character was positive or negative. :p


I have been telling people when I will be streaming. I have been posting it in the TEW Streaming Thread in the Dog Pound.


Terrance Phillips? Yeah, not the best. :p

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sorry if this has been asked before but does the next addition of TEW coming 'soon' effect this mod's release time frame at all?


Not especially.


When I feel the mod is ready to be released I will do so. I think as it currently stands, it looks more likely to be released for TEW 2013. However, if it is ready beforehand, I will be glad to release it for 10. :)


14 promotions have been finalised with 14 more in the works. (Actually, it is almost 15 completed to tell the truth) Thanks to Tiberious who has been helping with ideas and bios; things have been moving along quicker in the last month or so.


As it currently stands there are just over 700 workers in the data.....


A lot more work needs to be done, for sure. Rome wasn't built in a day and all that. :p

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As promised, here is the next character submission contest for the London-Verse:


The next promotion is the United Kingdom Wrestling Frontier. They are a cult promotion based in the UK (surprise, surpirse).


To inspire you guys and gals, here are the jaw-dropping title renders as created by Mr MJStark for the promotion.




Below is the bio for the promotion:


Based out of London, England, the United Kingdom Wrestling Frontier is the premier wrestling promotion in all of Europe. Boasting a colourful assortment of workers, the UKWF prides itself on providing some of the best technical wrestling in the world. The use of hard-hitting storylines means that the UKWF is evolving the perception of British wrestling from a boring grappling contest to one of the most interesting and diverse wrestling landscapes in the world.



Let's get creative people. :)

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Name: Malachi Cohen

Age: 18

Size: Lightweight

Ring Style: Technician

Nationality: Israeli

Based In: UK

Appearance: Shocking blonde hair in the style of Justin Beiber, faint stubble, cocky grin.

Finisher: Death Valley Driver


Stats: High star quality, decent entertainment skills, good technical and performance skills. Low menace, low brawling skills. Average flying skills. Average sex appeal. Able to play a cocky heel very well. Performs better as a heel than as a face. Good athleticism and stamina.


Bio: "The Jewish Teen Sensation" Malachi Cohen is half Scottish, half Israeli. Brought over from Israel at an early age, Malachi grew up watching local wrestling shows. When he turned 16, he began to train to become a professional wrestler. Whilst he is young, Malachi has already won plaudits for his style of work, a more modern version of the old school style seen in Britain. Malachi also has the ability to wrestle all night with his superb conditioning work.

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Name: Arnold Craig

Age: 37

Size: Lightweight

Ring Style: Technician

Nationality: English

Based In: UK

Appearance: Slightly greying black hair, big eyebrows, very serious expression. Plain grey one strap singlet.

Finisher: Figure Four Leglock


Stats: Very high in all the tech skills, low in brawl, next to nothing in flying. Very high Basics and Psych. Low athletics besides stamina which should be very high.


Bio: "Old School" Arnold Craig is a master of submission wrestling. He relishes in the pain he is able to give his opponents so much, he refuses to ever go for pinfall victories.


Realizing his time is short in the business, especially with more flashy members of the roster taking up higher and higher spots in the company, Arnold has begun looking for a protege to pass on his knowledge to in order to keep the old school alive in UKWF.

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Name: Willie McSporran

Age: 26

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ring Style: Brawler

Nationality: Scottish

Based In: UK

Appearance: Bald head, ginger stubble


Stats: High brawling, good technical, high strength and stamina.


Bio: Willie McSporran is a rugged brawler from Glasgow. His tough, physical fitness was developed competing in numerous Highland Games before he transitioned into the wrestling industry.


This proud Scot comes to the ring in full traditional garb, complete with bagpipe entrance music. The heels of the promotion often make fun of McSporran's Scottish heritage describing his kilt as a skirt. However, when the bell rings and the kilt comes off you better be ready to go.

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Name: Harris Bueley

Age: 31

Size: Heavyweight

Ring Style: Entertainer

Nationality: Canadian

Based In: UK

Appearance: Cheesey looking mofo, slicked back hair, cocky looking over sunglasses pose.


Stats: Good entertainment, fair in ring skills, but nothing special.


Bio: 'The Canadian Sensation' Harris Beuley started his career in his native Canada and soon drew the attention of the NWA, where he spent nine years of his career waiting to be picked up by the big leagues of the US. But it never happened for Beuley. At the age of 30 he realised that his career in North America was going nowhere and began to look further afield for work. This put him on the radar of [uKWF booker], who had always been a fan of Beuley's promo work if not his actual in ring talent. He was initially hire for a 3 show deal, but he gelled so well with the other members of the roster that he was kept around permanently, and due to his name value has firmly rooted himself in the upper reaches of the roster.

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Name: Derek Dunham (Real name : Edward Wood)

Age: 31

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: English/White

Appearance: Shaven head, facial hair, mean look. (Thinking Edward Norton's skinhead look from American History X, but that is just because I recently watched that film.) Possibly wearing a football shirt if that is possible, would have to be a hated team though *cough* Man Utd *cough* :p.

Ring Style: Brawler

Finisher: Curb Stomp

Stats: Best in brawling, star quality and entertainment.


Bio: Edward Wood is an English worker who has a unique claim to fame, his brother Charlie Wood is a highly successful football player at both club and international level. Because of this Edward has never been short of bookings with many promoters looking to take advantage of the added press of a national stars brother competing on their cards.


After competing regularly on the UK scene from 2000 to 2007, Wood decided to take some time away from the business after becoming fed up of being booked primarily for the name value he holds because of his brother. He returned to the business in late 2009 signing a long-term exclusive deal with the UKWF. Edward returned with a promise that he would be allowed to distance himself from his brother by coming in under a new name and gimmick, and returned to the ring with a newly shaven head and the new (and intentionally ironic) gimmick of Derek Dunham, a football hooligan. The gimmick proved to be highly successful as he now frequently main events UKWF shows, and although most fans still recognise who he truly is, he has started to make a legacy for himself.

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Name: "The Spanish Sensation" Ricky Romano

Age: 37

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Spanish

Appearance: Sort of like Brad Pitt in Inglorious Bastards

Ring Style: Brawler

Finisher: Canadian Backbreaker (Called The Heartbreaker)

Stats: Okay Brawling Skills, Horrible Wrestling Skills, Fantastic look, and Good Charisma Entertainment


Bio: "The Spanish Sensation" Ricky Romano is a wrestling veteran from Spain who has worked in Japan, Mexico, and Europe. Romano was at one point being watched by the AWF for his look and charisma, but was never given a shot.


After working several tours in the HLW and a few months in Mexico with MLL. With the birth of his son in 2009, he ended his travels and joined the UKWF since his wife and he wanted to raise their son in the UK.

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Name: "The Fabulous" Elton George

Age: 26

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: English / Black

Appearance: Purple and Pink feather boa, long black curly hair and lip stick!(either pink or purple)

Ring Style: Entertainer

Finisher: Brotox Injection (Reverse DDT into a Dragon Sleeper)

Stats: Great technical and chain wrestling skills, fantastic look, charisma and entertainment.


Bio: "The Fabulous" Elton George is "Fabulously Homosexual" and very proud of it and open about it.

But don't let his effeminate ways fool you. Yes he may look like a drag queen and gyrate behind his opponents but this man is a technical wizard who can tie you into a knot in a heartbeat. Elton seems to be a good fit for what UKWF is looking for.

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Just watched the NWA stream and I just wanted to say YAY! Fluffy was finally booked for a XCW show!


:D But seriously, another great stream from you, London. I really liked what you did with the Danielson/Coltly team. ha.


Thanks man, I appreciate the comment. I have to admit though, Tiberious deserves most of the credit for the tag team you mentioned.


On a side note, I gotta say, it is slim pickings for the UKWF. Now, I don't want to slag you guys off (at least I don't think I do :p), but I can only assume you misread "UKWF" for "USPW". At this rate, we will have a load of geriatrics slapping each other for sucking candies.


You can do better than this guys, I know, I have seen in the past rounds what you guys and girls can create. :)

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Name: Nikita Molotov

Age: 32

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White, Russian

Appearance: Big mustache,black slick back hair, Serious look

Ring Style: Technician

Finisher:Molotov Throw (Karelin Lift) The Geat Purge (High release German suplex)

Stats: Great stamina,psychology, mat, chain wrestling and basic skills

poor entertainment skill

Bio:"The Russian Bear" Nikita Molotov is a wrestling machine from Russian. Being a former sambo gold medalists, well known for winning his last medal with a broken neck, Nikita come in to wrestling at the late age of 28. Nikita quickly catch on to the style of wrestling while adding sambo throw, Nikitajoin UKWF as a communist sympathizer due to him looking like Joseph Stalin.

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Name: Maule

Age: 38

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Black

Nationality: English

Appearance: Bald. Has a black goattee. Looks menacing.

Ring Style: Technician

Finisher:Brass Knuckle Punch, Tiger's Maul (Rear Naked Choke)

Stats: Great submission, menace and brawling skills, decent power and stamiina, average mat wrestling, chain wrestling and stamina, poor basics, psychology, flying, athleticism and charisma, rubbish sex appeal and microphone skills

Bio: Maule is a veteran of the UK wrestling scene. He is a decent worker, who has a good assortment of technical and brawling skills. Since his debut for UKWF a few years ago, he has stuck to his technical skills, but has recently added his well known brawling repetorie to the mix.

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