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The London-Verse

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OK, TGK is now complete.


The next promotion in the works is Empire State Wrestling, or ESW for short.


Here is the promotion overview:


The darling promotion from the east coast, Empire State Wrestling is an entertaining independent promotion based out of New York. First opening its doors in 1996, ESW didn't exactly set the world alight with its debut show, although it was solid enough to encourage local fans to come back for their second offering. The infamous second show of ESW, "The City Never Sleeps", was absolute gold and would set the trend for what Empire State Wrestling would become known for; a modern independent market for up and coming US talent that eventually go on to be stars of the future.


ESW are happy filling their niche role and are more than capable of living within their limitations. Not a threat to the bigger stateside organisations, both the AWF and CWE are respectful when approaching to sign talent as they restrain from raiding the entire promotion and putting them out of business.


The promotion are said to be regional.


Let's get creative people.

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Name: Heywood Jublome

Age: 27Size: Middle weight.

Ethnicity: African American

Nationality: USA

Appearance: Stocky, shaved head.

Ring Style: Brawler.

Finisher: Money Shot [superkick]

Stats: Solid, but limited brawler with an better than average ability to get the crowd involved, both on the microphone and with his ring work.

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Name: "New York's Finest" Jacob Ruthless

Age: 24

Size: Middle weight.

Ethnicity: Italian

Nationality: American

Appearance: Slick back hair, slight stubble on his face, Arrogant smirk. Thinks he's a Chippendale Dancer.

Ring Style: Middleweight

Finisher: Ruthless Driver, DVD Driver. Pec's stretch, STO.

Stats:High Charisma, Star Quality, Good brawling and entertainment skills. Solid in all other respects.

Face Gimmick: Rebel

Heel Gimmick: Bully

Alter Ego:


Bio: Ruthless plays the sexy heartthrob, the man the ladies can't live without and that men envy because they can never be as handsome and awesome as he is. Ruthless struts to the ring with his signature smirk and cocky walk. Teasing that he'll kiss or let any one of the ladies touch him. On the mic he'll denounce all the guys as being fat losers and let the ladies know that he doesn't touch the filthy beasts that they are, as the are not in his class.


Outside of his character, Jacob is a really nice guy who happens to be a work out freak. He's a solid backstage hand and really just enjoys playing his character to the fullest in the ring but is completely different outside. He's a good guy to have in the locker room, a positive influence, willing to keep the peace and willing to butt heads with the owners if he feels he or someone else is being treated unfairly.

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Name: Super Liberty

Age: 22

Size: Small

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: American

Appearance: He has a small head. His mask is modeled after the statue of liberty.

Ring Style: Cruiserweight

Finisher: The New York Greeting (720 Splash)

Stats:All Rounder, with an emphasis on charisma, aerial, and flashiness, but not much in the way of submissions and brawling. Has a good babyface stat and a bad heel stat. Is very nice.

Face Gimmick: Comic Book Hero

Heel Gimmick: Comic Book Villain


Super Liberty, as well as having one of the weirderest gimmicks and name, is a decent all rounder, with one of the best finishers (720 Splash). Playing a young superhero often failing to save other wrestlers from peril), he has a good gimmick. However, after struggling to get work, he altered his gimmick a bit.


What makes this gimmick hilarious is that he has two pet cats (named Libby and Manny), and will go out of the way to protect them from harm (including one moment where he lost by countout after The New York Greeting due to Libby wandering into the backstage area.


Backstage, he is one of the nicest friends you will ever meet, and as long as you can deal with the odd furball or wet spot on the ring attire, you can make friends with him and his cats.

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Name: Podraig Mulhern

Age: 22

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: Irish

Appearance: Ginger beard, ginger buzz cut, angry snarl

Ring Style: Brawler

Finisher: The Dublin Destroyer (Triple Powerbomb)

Stats: High menace, brawling, intensity and hardcore. Low aerial and technical skills. Average performance skills. Extremely high toughness. Low entertainment skills.

Face Gimmick: Bad Ass

Heel Gimmick: Evil Foreigner

Alter Ego:


Bio: Podraig Mulhern is the type of person who punches first then asks who you are. Raised in Coleraine in Nothern Ireland, Podraig learned fast that he didn't have time to ask questions. This led to him becoming the most feared member of his school by the time he was ten. He moved to America when he was 18 in search of the "American Dream" and his natural toughness lead to him becoming a bouncer for a local nightclub. He worked there for four years until [iNSERT ESW OWNER's NAME] saw him deal with some undesired patrons of the club and offered to help pay for him to become a wrestler. Podraig, as a big wrestling fan, instantly agreed to the offer. Whereas outside of the ring Podraig is a extremely social and helpful character behind the scenes, in the ring is a different story. In the ring his demeanor changes and he becomes "The Irish Wrecking Ball", punishing anyone who dares to step inside the squared circle with him. The one thing that might hold him back is his evident lack of experience in front of a microphone but it could also be an advantage if he is given a manager.

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Name: "Blackheart" Alvin Flory

Age: 25

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: American

Appearance: Black Mask with small white marks under eyes and mouth.

Ring Style: Brawler

Finisher: Blackout (Running Big Boot)


Bio: "Blackheart" Alvin Flory is a old school type wrestler. Using big powerful moves and rest holds. His look alone should keep him in work but he does have the ability to brawl with the best of them and surprises many with his speed. He recently signed on with ESW and decided to try something different. He is working under a mask and his nickname "Blackheart" as his new ringname and has been trying to change his style to a bit more modern and faster paced.

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Name: The Upgrade

Age: 22

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: African American

Nationality: American

Gimmick: Rapper

Appearance: C0cky grin, sunglasses with either cornrows or dreads.

Ring Style: Entertainer

Finisher: Upgraded (Lethal Injection)

Stats: Whatever you feel they should be.



Bio: Grady Thomas better known by his street name "The Upgrade" is a young wrestler from "Bed-Stuy" in Brooklyn, NY.

Thomas saw most of his friend's sell drugs or try to use sports to make a better life but Thomas instead wanted to become a rapper.

He was even part of the "So you want to be a rapper" competition in New York city. After his good showing Thomas was approached by (ESW road agent) about training to become a pro wrestler. Thomas accepted the offer and can now be seen rapping his way to the ring with his thick New York accent.

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Name: Logan Prince

Age: 28

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: American

Gimmick: City Slicker

Appearance: Slicked back hair, arrogant smirk, pinstripe suit

Ring Style: Entertainer

Finisher: Market Crash (Underhook DDT)


Bio: Logan Prince is a fairly entertaining wrestler from Chicago. A boyhood wrestling fan, Logan competed fairly successfully in amateur wrestling at high school and college. Having graduated college with an economics degree Prince went to work as a financial analyst in the New York Stock Exchange, while working independent wrestling shows sporadically in his spare time. It was at one of these shows that ESW spotted him wrestling and offered him a fulltime contract. Despite his lucrative job on Wall Street his passion for wrestling proved to great and Prince signed a contract with ESW.


Looking to his former career as inspiration he debuted with a financial whizzkid gimmick. A rich kid who plays and beats the stock market making millions of dollars in the process. Logan Prince always comes to the ring dressed immaculately in a suit. Prince seems to be making great strides and it seems that leaving a secure job for the fickle word of wrestling may be paying off.

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My wrestler from the Londonverse (And my big debut!)


Hello, My name is Jacob Jones, If you don't know me......yet......I have loved wrestling since I first played SvR 2006. I'm from Florida and I'm in middle school....Anyways here is my idea.


Name: Karison Kade (The Alex Riley of the Londonverse)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: American

Gimmick: Underdog

Appearence: Spiked hair with Big Show's outfit only it's blue. And he has red boots.

Ring Style: Technican

Finisher: Kade-Bomb (Powerbomb)

Skills: A decent all rounder with best advantages being speed and microphone.

Bio: A great prospect to the wrestling world, He proved in smaller promotions that he was ready to be a great wrestler. And he actully started as a fan who loved the faces like Brady Danielson and such, He was trained by the legendary Rich E. Platinum, He is ready to show the world that he will rock and roll in the wrestling world.

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Hello, My name is Jacob Jones, If you don't know me......yet......I have loved wrestling since I first played SvR 2006. I'm from Florida and I'm in middle school....Anyways here is my idea.


Name: Karison Kade (The Alex Riley of the Londonverse)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: American

Gimmick: Underdog

Appearence: Spiked hair with Big Show's outfit only it's blue. And he has red boots.

Ring Style: Technican

Finisher: Kade-Bomb (Powerbomb)

Skills: A decent all rounder with best advantages being speed and microphone.

Bio: A great prospect to the wrestling world, He proved in smaller promotions that he was ready to be a great wrestler. And he actully started as a fan who loved the faces like Brady Danielson and such, He was trained by the legendary Rich E. Platinum, He is ready to show the world that he will rock and roll in the wrestling world.


Welcome to the forums Ruesselrules44. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)

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Name: 'Pretty Boy' Lionel Delorme

Age: 22

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: French/White

Appearance: As the nickname suggests, very good looking short/medium light brown hair.

Ring Style: Spot Monkey

Finisher: French Connection (Coast to Coast)

Stats: Best in flying and entertainment skills, weak in performance skills (good selling but bad psychology, etc.). Think a more entertaining Teddy Hart.


Bio: 'Pretty Boy' Lionel Delorme is a proffesional wrestler hailing from Belfort, France. Delorme is a very entertaining high flyer, whos Pretty Boy gimmick draws the ire of fans. Although Delorme excels in both his gimmick work and his high flying skills he is pretty poor as an all around wrestler, and relies on big spots to get over with crowds.


Delorme moved to America upon being signed to an AWF developmental deal, however he quickly lost that deal once the AWF had carried out a closer inspection of his in ring skills. Refusing to be defeated by the release Delorme remained in America and quickly found a deal with ESW. Delorme initially gained the acceptance of ESW crowds after impressing with his flying skills, however before long the crowd turned on him for his over reliance on spots and lack of real wrestling skill. Delorme remains on the ESW roster for now, however if the crowd have their way he won't be around for long.

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Name: Princessa

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Size: Small

Ethnicity: American

Appearence: A tiara and a beautiful ball gown (a red ball gown)

Ring Style: Regular Wrestler

Finisher: Off to the Ball (Ballgown Whip into a DDT)

Gimmick: Princess

Skills: Great Charisma but definetly not hardcore.

Bio: She loves princesses and wrestling, She brought her first ballgown when she was 13 years old. (It was a pink ballgown), When she was 16 years old she wanted to be a wrestler, 5 years later, She had her dream,

She also got to wear a beautiful tiara and her red ball gown (She also had a yellow, green, pink, blue, white, black, grey, orange and purple ball gown, But she chose the red one) We see bright things in the future for her.

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Name: Princessa

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Size: Small

Ethnicity: American

Appearence: A tiara and a beautiful ball gown (a red ball gown)

Ring Style: Regular Wrestler

Finisher: Off to the Ball (Ballgown Whip into a DDT)

Gimmick: Princess

Skills: Great Charisma but definetly not hardcore.

Bio: She loves princesses and wrestling, She brought her first ballgown when she was 13 years old. (It was a pink ballgown), When she was 16 years old she wanted to be a wrestler, 5 years later, She had her dream,

She also got to wear a beautiful tiara and her red ball gown (She also had a yellow, green, pink, blue, white, black, grey, orange and purple ball gown, But she chose the red one) We see bright things in the future for her.


Unfortunately sir, ESW are an all-male promotion and each user is only permitted one character suggestion per contest.


I'm afraid you will have to wait until the next contest now.

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Back in the 90s, a group of us dabbled in some backyard wrestling. We had some great names but one that always stood out was the tag team 'The Pimps of the Industry'.



Name: Too Sexy

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight (he was 6'6 and about 230)

Ethnicity: American

Appearance: He looks a little like Matt Morgan, but not as ripped. A good gimmick for him would be Legit Athlete or Ladies Man (or whatever it is in the game)

Ring Style: Brawler

Finisher: Powerbomb (cannot think of a good name to go with his gimmick)


Bio: Dustin "Too Sexy" Shepherd is a former basketball player turned pro wrestler when he saw an advertisement in the newspaper for a wrestling school. A well rounded performer, he surprises a lot of people with his ability to leave his feet and use his agility for some high flying moves.



Name: The Goodyear Pimp

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Size: Light He

Ethnicity: American

Appearance: He was 5'8, 160, kind of reminds me of Billy Kidman, but could also be a masked wrestler.

Ring Style: High Flyer

Finisher: Pimp Slap (Frog Splash)


Bio: The Goodyear Pimp is a high flyer with good charisma. He usually is not far from his tag team partner (and real life best friend) Too Sexy. Known for challenging bigger wrestlers, he will not back down from a fight. An accomplished tag team wrestler but has struggled in the singles arena.

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