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The London-Verse

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Couple minor questions, if you don't mind. Random, but maybe fun.


Of all the promotions, which would you say is the most unique?


Have you done any parallels to reality, or taken any ideas from the real world to flavor the history of the London-verse?


If you could do a YouShoot-style interview with any worker in the London-verse, who would it be and what do you think he/she would say?

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Couple minor questions, if you don't mind. Random, but maybe fun.


Of all the promotions, which would you say is the most unique?


Have you done any parallels to reality, or taken any ideas from the real world to flavor the history of the London-verse?


If you could do a YouShoot-style interview with any worker in the London-verse, who would it be and what do you think he/she would say?


First of all, very good questions.


Out of all the promotions in the London-Verse, I would have to say that LSX is the most unique company out of the starting batch due to the comedy/cruiserweight aesthetics.


There are a lot of wells of inspiration to draw from in the real world, whether characters or entire promotions, both of which can be seen throughout the L-Verse. I won't be able to go through and list all the parallels in the data, but I am sure most will be evident when the data is released. :)


I would like to do You-Shoot style interviews with a heck of a lot of the workers in the data when I think about it. However, the first name that came to me was the late Samuel Carter, the original owner and creator of CPW. I would like to ask him why he was able to break through the old territorial days, but unwilling or unable to adapt to international growth and eventually fall behind so greatly and nearly run the CPW into the ground in the process.



Any other questions, feel free.

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There are a heck of a lot of characters I haven't revealed, whether via render or suggestion. I would have to say that one of my personal favourites that I don't recall mentioning would be Cordelia St Class




She is arguably the most talented female worker of all time and currently main events for SHOWTIME.


Could you preview one worker from each of the unstreamed promotions (be it your favourite character or MVP of the promotion)?

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Could you preview one worker from each of the unstreamed promotions (be it your favourite character or MVP of the promotion)?


As a compromise, as I don't want to give too much away, I will give you a brief description and name of one worker from each promotion. The worker could be anything from a main eventer to opening act. I'll let you speculate based on the description for now.



Chamberlain - aka The One Man Brand. A man with distinctive style and bling.



Mosh Pit - Terrifying Japanese garbage worker where the body scars do all the talking of just how dangerous he really is.



ASBO - A tough as nails brawler who actually spent a year in prison from a public bust-up with an associate.



Percy Spencer-Asquith - A fat playboy who believes he is God's gift to women and is usually accompanied by a strinking lady to the ring (payed for of course)

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Are those from the competition all still in the AWF developmental league (CPWE?) or have they been spread out among other promotions?


They are still all within the CPWE and one of the contestants holds the title belt. That isn't to say the character is my favourite, but I thought the AWF would lean towards this worker off the bat.

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As a compromise, as I don't want to give too much away, I will give you a brief description and name of one worker from each promotion. The worker could be anything from a main eventer to opening act. I'll let you speculate based on the description for now.



Chamberlain - aka The One Man Brand. A man with distinctive style and bling.



Mosh Pit - Terrifying Japanese garbage worker where the body scars do all the talking of just how dangerous he really is.



ASBO - A tough as nails brawler who actually spent a year in prison from a public bust-up with an associate.



Percy Spencer-Asquith - A fat playboy who believes he is God's gift to women and is usually accompanied by a strinking lady to the ring (payed for of course)


Thanks, for taking the time to answer these questions. Chamberlain certainly sounds an interesting character.

Hope you don't mind answering another question. Do you think there will be a point where you accept board submitted characters again? Perhaps submissions to make up the free agent pool?

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They are still all within the CPWE and one of the contestants holds the title belt. That isn't to say the character is my favourite, but I thought the AWF would lean towards this worker off the bat.


As a former competitor in the "So You Wanna Be a Pro Wrestler" competition that birthed CPWE, I'm eager to see what the starting point is for the company and the roster. I imagine there are a couple rivalries/storylines based on some of the incidents that happened during the competition, and it'll be fun to see what's what. (And maybe a little bit, I want to see how my character is portrayed. :D)


On another note (and hopefully without revealing any secrets/surprises) are there any workers that are maybe out of their depth? Rookies getting pushed too hard, veterans being forced to stay on in a position that they aren't fit for anymore...that sort of thing.


Similarly (also without revealing anything) should we be keeping a look out for any easter eggs? The C-verse is filled with random stuff, which is part of it's massive appeal. Will the L-verse be similarly detailed, or is it more straight forward?


Anyway, looking forward to this mod. A lot of time and effort has gone into this, and I'm eager to see the results. It'll take some time to find

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rone Rivendale" data-cite="Rone Rivendale" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32280" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>honestly, I think he has given up on it. If you go to his twitch, every video has been deleted.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No. Twitch changed their retention policy and won't save videos permanently anymore, just highlights. Unfortunately the policy change wasn't communicated very well and many users (including me) lost all their videos.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Wallbanger" data-cite="Wallbanger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32280" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>No. Twitch changed their retention policy and won't save videos permanently anymore, just highlights. Unfortunately the policy change wasn't communicated very well and many users (including me) lost all their videos.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, I was completely unaware that this would be the case. I am pretty annoyed that the videos have gone.</p><p> </p><p> And to alieve your concerns, I have not given on the project at all, I have just gone under the radar for a while. Unfortunately, it appears as though it is back to just myself working on the data at the moment.</p>
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