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The London-Verse

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Name:Tony "TJ" Johnson




Ethnicity: American

Appearance: Bald,Goatee, and a very serious face

Ring Style: A Brawler with some signs of Techincal Skills and little MMA Skills due to a Program he was in during Prison



Bio: Tony is a former Body guard of many Celebs and once you see him you know why. After spending a few years in Prison for Rape, he looks to get into wrestling ,after meeting Rich E.Platinum, to clean his life up.


He is a Bad Ass when he is either Heel or Face


I made a couple of changes on this one, I also didn't know what ethnicity he was supposed to be so I took a stab at it:


Tony Johns


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Name: Angel Elizaveta

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Size: Small

Ethnicity: Russian

Appearance: Short spiked, rock/punk chick hair (either black or platinum white with some other colors in it if possible); "let's rock n roll!" expression

Ring Style: Brawler

Finisher: Fall from Grace (some kind of top-rope avalanche move)


Bio: Angel Elizaveta made her name across the Eastern European indies and occasional UK appearances with her portrayal of a character that was as far away from the "angel" part of her namesake as possible. While she has attempted softer gimmicks in the past, her in-ring style of quick paced spots and rough scrapping has always been best paired with a more aggressive persona.

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Name: Chris Boone

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: American

Appearance: Spikey (Miz) hair split into two different colors...don't matter what colors, heavily tattooed, Jim Neidhart-ish goatee,

Ring Style: Japanese Junior

Finisher: Last House on the Right (Finisher), Elevated Boston Crab (Submission)


Bio: Chris Boone is a 6-year vet from Memphis, TN. Critics say Boone could one day make it big, if it wasn't for his partying lifestyle.


Style level: Average wrestler with higher Aerial & Tech skills.




It took me a while to get the flick of blonde in the faux-hawk but I got it done.

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Just so I don't missed the next submission oppurtunity...


Name: Lord Jaguar


Age: 30


Gender: Male


Size: 6'2 220 lbs Heavyweight?


Ethnicity: Hispanic/Mexican American


Appearance: Brown Skin, a orange mask in the pattern of a Jaguar, matching pants no shirt, black boots.


Ring Style: Regular although he's a Mat Technician with Luchadore leanings...


Finisher: Jaguar Bomber (Crooked Arm Lariat)

Submission Finisher: Jaguar Special (Manjigatama AKA Octopus Stretch)

Uber Finisher: Jaguar Buster (Jumping Muscle Buster)


Bio: Who is Lord Jaguar? That is a question many have asked yet none have answered. No one even knows he is 1 man or a series of men donning the Mythic Mask of the Jaguar. What is known, is that he is a great technician who can adapt to almost any style. He is willing to work anywhere for anyone...just to prove he is the Perfect Wrestler!


Not gonna lie, I got a little adventurous here:



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mhhh, I think he was aiming something alittle closer to this:




Oh yeah, missed the pattern, I can go back and add that now. Good catch Celt.



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not sure if you are accepting workers now but here is mine


Name: Paulskin

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Appearance: go mad its up to you how do you think i should look

Ring Style: Technical with a bit of hardcore.

Finisher:Figure Foursome (submission move)


Bio: Paul Smith goes by the ringname of Paulskln.He plays the pornstar gimmick, and can get a bit risque for mainstream tv at times.A decent technical worker.Trained on the mean streeets of london.Uses the figure foursome finisher which is basically the figure four leglock.


Edited to:


Robbie Throbenstuff


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Since I saw that you were able to put some colour into Chris Boone's hair, I've since gone back to edit my the appearance of my last submission


Oh and it looks like you've got an effective method of crowd sourcing going on here London. If it keeps up like this, you may have this done with a faster turn around than the official community mod!

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Name: Clobber Tom Tom

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White, American

Appearance: A slanting nose. Stubble on cheek. Bushy eyebrows.

Ring Style: Brawler.

Finisher: "Close To The Bone" (Impact).


Bio: Clobber Tom Tom is a hard-working brawler, with big biceps, a big broken nose and a big heart of wrestling. On the other hand, his technical skills aren't big at all, and probably never will be.

Gimmick: Bad Ass.

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Edited to:


Robbie Throbenstuff





Great work on both of these. Robbie Throbenstuff is a sleazeball.

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Since I saw that you were able to put some colour into Chris Boone's hair, I've since gone back to edit my the appearance of my last submission


Oh and it looks like you've got an effective method of crowd sourcing going on here London. If it keeps up like this, you may have this done with a faster turn around than the official community mod!


Haha, I don't know about that, although those that have contributed have been excellent in the manner and format of their submissions. I haven't checked the other submissions yet, I just focus on one at a time so I can dedicate all my effort to the one that I am on instead of thinking 8 steps ahead. :)


excellent work as always on your renders London :)


Thank you Master Trell :)


excellent stuff he just had to have the moustache haha.


All cheesy pornstars do don't they? :p


Great work on both of these. Robbie Throbenstuff is a sleazeball.


That is indeed the desired effect so thank you kindly.

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oh my god i have been refreshing waiting for this


Name: Lucien Wilder

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Appearance: Fairly unremarkable - check http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/lucienwilder.jpg for the general idea, but that guy is a Champagne Lover alt. So y'know, like him but not that particular render, if you get me? Short black hair, some facial hair but not a great deal - that kind of stuff.

Ring Style: Technician

Finisher: Wilderplex!

Bio: Wilder is a technician who loves nothing more than a good old sharpshooter. English by birth, he now plies his trade all over the world, particularly in Australia. Nothing remarkable in the ring, he is becoming more known for his sharp suits than his wrestling skills. He is always well groomed, both the hair on top of his head and that on his chin. Moustaches are for the classless, he says. Rumours abound that he has received many a Brazilian wax in the past.



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Name: El Lobo Blanco

Age: 27

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: American

Appearance: No distinctive physical features. Wears a greyish/white wolf themed mask.

Ring Style: Regular wrestler


Bio: El Lobo Blanco (real name Marcus Garrett) is an American worker who has moved to Mexico to work. A huge fan of the luchadore style it has long been his dream to work for a major Mexican promotion. However, it is apparent to anyone who has seen him in the ring that he is not suited to that type of ring work. Whilst not a bad worker, and possessing good basic skills, he is a fairly poor athlete and incapable of keeping up with fast paced action.



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Name: Devon Shakur

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Size: 6'4" 243lbs

Ethnicity: American (Black)

Appearance: Big Black rapper attempting to look clean, with a scar on his cheek and gang tatoo on his neck.

Ring Style: Good brawler, very high in ENT, low to moderate tech and flying, decent performance and good physical.

Bio: A fan of wrestling since childhood, Devon always aspired to be a rapper, D-Vo's biggest album managed to sell 23,000 units, and this got him a couple of booking as a warm up act for main events on wrestling shows. His fame only grew, and he started to train as a wrestler under the reccomendation of an indy worker. Due to his good luck and huge amounts of charisma, he recently got a big break, signing for ..... .

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Name: Christian Ninavah 'The Reflection of Perfection'

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: British/English

Appearance: Dirty blonde hair, young and arrogant looking. Bradley Blaize default for inspiration.

Ring Style: Regular wrestler, possibly moving towards entertainer if you like.

Finisher: Diamond Crusher.

Bio: 'The Reflection of Perfection' Christian Ninavah is a talented young prospect from the UK. He is charismatic and athletic, and if developed properly could develop into a top quality worker, both in the ring and as an entertainer. However, reports suggest that his attitude leaves much to be desired as his arrogant persona is perhaps not so different from his real life personality. It also seems that he has displayed a worryingly addictive personality, with drugs and alcohol having an ever growing impact upon his life.




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Name: Split Personality Steve

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Size: Light-Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: American

Appearance: He has one side of his body painted pale white & the other red to symbolise his peaceful sid & angry side he is also bald

Ring Style: Brawler

Bio: As a young child Steve Burowws was traumatised by an event unkown to everyone but him and during Steve's matches he will switch from peaceful mode where he is weak and pathetic then to his rage mode where he is almost unstoppable




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