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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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4th Week of May, 2010

... The fall of TITUS ...


Shortly after the camera lens comes into focus, darting in and out in the beginning, the clear image of our trusty documentarian seated on his hotel bed is shown. Holding a sleek white cellphone in his hand, projected upward as he holds it in his lap, this novice storyteller appears to be speaking with someone via speaker-phone; most certainly so the camera lens can capture what is being relayed to him. Overall, as he looks down upon the gleaming screen below, there appears to be a hunched nature of the documentarian; a fact that is furthered by such an over-the-phone interview.


So let me get this straight…


Our trusty documentarian squints painfully as he attempts to forge through his thoughts.


Mr. Stallings has placed a ’gag-order’ on the members of WAR to NOT speak with me in any manner. Is this true?


[unknown Informer]:
That’s right. It came after you last spoke to Rennie [Troy Tornado]. He’s not happy with how you’re framing the company and is trying, at his best, to shut this whole thing [the documentary] down.


The documentarian shakes his head, still withholding the same painful look upon his face, as it’s entirely obvious that he’s saddened over such news. That said, a semblance of anger appears to slowly take hold as the idea of his documentary being halted is mentally addressed within.


I gave the man the benefit of the doubt before he started to push me out. I mean, for weeks now, he’s done nothing but evade me at all costs. Now, he’s calling on his employees to remain silent as well? He gave me his word… he said I would have absolute access.


[unknown Informer]:
It seems like that deal is off now. He wants nothing to do with you or the story you’re selling here. It’s come to the point where the sheer mention of you is considered a ‘no-no’ in his office. You MAY want to keep going but… to be honest… I just don’t see how that’s going to happen.


… but John [Campbell – aka Nemesis] has still been talking? I just got off the phone with him a few hours ago about another interview coming up here. Why would HE be talking if there’s a ‘gag-order’?


A slight chuckle can be heard from the other end.


[unknown Informer]:
… That’s because he’s John. Even Stallings knows that he can’t tell him what to do! He KNOWS he needs John to stay relevant… Without him, this whole company would tank… EVEN WITH Stallings money. More or less, he’s given a free-pass in a way because… well… Stallings knows not to tell John what to do…. That NEVER turns out for the best…


The documentarian pauses for a brief second, shaking his head in disbelief, as it’s quite obvious that he wasn’t aware of such an escalation. None the less, as he forges through his thoughts once again, he slowly attempts to move on; speaking to one of THE only people he can… even if they are shrouded in secrecy… It’s his LAST real connection with the inner-circle of Stallings.


… He gave me his word… I guess… that means nothing…


[unknown Informer]:
You don’t know Stallings very well do you? His ‘word’ is as good as how he feels on that given day. I mean, look at what he’s done with Paul Kruse [TITUS]…


The documentarian’s ears perk up for a second as he quickly addresses the elephant in the room.


… What? What do you mean ‘what he’s done with Paul Kruse’?


A brief hesitation rests on the other side of the phone. However, within a few moments, after a sigh of sorts, the unknown informer begins to, once again, well… inform…


[unknown Informer]:
Paul was brought in with the notion that he would, one day, become a HUGE star. Stallings paid him handsomely, turned his back toward any controversy he may have [steroids], and ultimately gave him the ‘Stallings seal of approval’. More or less, he was an untouchable… kind of like Rennie [Troy Tornado] is. Then, a week or so back, his shtick started to get old around here…


… Meaning?


[unknown Informer]:
The fans started to cr@p all over him at every turn. His merchandise is at ‘basement level’, fans give him the kind of heat that is only left for those they REALLY can’t stand, and, at that point, as these outside factors began to weight in, his consummate failed drug tests became a BIG problem.


… fitting …


[unknown Informer]:
Lately, Stallings has almost done a complete 180 with the guy. Words like ‘toxic’ are being thrown around like there’s no tomorrow. Honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if he were let go soon. Aint that a HUGE turn-around? From touted star to… well… on the verge of the poor-house again…


The documentarian soaks in all of this information as a shocked sigh takes place soon thereafter.


Do you REALLY think he’d be let go?


[unknown Informer]:
There’s no doubt in my mind. Stallings will place his seal on you for as long as you produce for him. TITUS, in theory, should be able to produce; however, by this point, the stigma is starting to rear it’s ugly head again…


… The BIG-Flop?


[unknown Insider]:
Exactly. Stallings isn’t planning on paying a ‘flop’; or giving him a highlighted role for that matter. I wouldn’t be shocked if he didn’t make the POP roster… I mean, Stallings already had him written out by the writers. Now, it’s only a matter of fact to see if he holds onto his roster spot.


So, he’d go down as another fish fed to Tornado?


[unknown Insider]:
Of course. It should come as NO shock that Stallings favors Rennie overall. At some point, ALL of WAR will be force-fed to the man. Even WITH his problems, problems that could come back outside of John [Campbell]…


As always, thanks for the word…


[unknown Insider]:
Just leave my name out of this…


With that, the segment comes to a dramatic close as the unknown insider quickly cuts their conversation short; hanging up the phone. Meanwhile, our trusty documentarian is left to stare at his cell-phone as if some act of magic would bring something else his way. In reality though, he’s most likely fixated on the notion that Stallings is trying, at his best, to shut the documentary down.



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Dynasty Note:

The introduction to the Blitzkrieg division, the WAR roster going into POP!, and a post that highlights the newly cemented WAR tag team division, will be posted this Saturday morning. From there, the first card for WAR's show on POP! (still trying to decide if I want to keep the 'battleground' name) will be up probably early the following week.


I've decided to take this time to make sure that the company is what I want from head-to-toe before hitting POP! That's why it's been moving a little slower as of late.


E-V, completely agree with you the Tornado is THE guy and I'm not seeing anyone at this point that would be as entertaining. Not to say that it won't happen but Tornado is definitely the top man.


From an overness perspective (B overall overness in the US), and from a conceptual perspective, Troy Tornado is certainly at the VERY top of WAR. Thus far, while he's seen A LOT of challenges along the way from a number of serviceable opponents, his continuous ability to win has ultimately shown himself to be at the top of his game. He's beaten them all, at this point, but it's bound to get even MORE crazier as the WAR General wants the belt off him badly.


We'll see what Tornado's path is going forward...


No matter what though, he'll be at the very top of the card for the foreseeable future!

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From an overness perspective (B overall overness in the US), and from a conceptual perspective, Troy Tornado is certainly at the VERY top of WAR. Thus far, while he's seen A LOT of challenges along the way from a number of serviceable opponents, his continuous ability to win has ultimately shown himself to be at the top of his game. He's beaten them all, at this point, but it's bound to get even MORE crazier as the WAR General wants the belt off him badly.


We'll see what Tornado's path is going forward...


No matter what though, he'll be at the very top of the card for the foreseeable future!


I'm fairly sure you will have covered this before, so I apologise for asking in advance - but out of interest, how long has Tornado got left on his contract? Is it a written contract? He'll be a big miss if he jumps ship. :eek:

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I'm fairly sure you will have covered this before, so I apologise for asking in advance - but out of interest, how long has Tornado got left on his contract? Is it a written contract? He'll be a big miss if he jumps ship. :eek:


Good Question. I'm not totally sure if this was tackled before, as it's been a bit since this thing started, but Tornado is one of the ONLY people on written contract thus far (J.K, Nemesis, and Ash, by his own choice, as the others). It was done out of storyline as Stallings offered him a top-notch, THE guy, contract in which to pull him on board. With that in mind, he's got creative control and making $30,000 a month.


Also, as for length, he's got 31 months ahead of him to be tied with WAR. ;)


So, more or less, he got a max contract to jump ship from TCW to WAR (a fact that he's taken by the horns).

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For years, cruiserweight action has been delegated to the underground. While the muscle-bound, brutish behemoths, ruled the land, the forgotten fliers were forced to compete in the shadows; to walk this industry as an afterthought. It’s been ages since the American masses have had a true outpouring of cruiserweight action…


… that is…


Until now.


Under decree of the newfound dictator of WAR, General Nemesis, Wrestling Action in Revolt has constructed a division in his formerly rebellious image. Pulling some of the BEST this industry has to offer, Nemesis has done everything in his power to cultivate a division hell-bent on ripping the blanketing darkness off of such spirited action. In the end, that intensely focused direction brought forth… the WAR Blitzkrieg Division.


For the first-time since the announcement of it’s creation, we here at WARwrestling.com proudly bring to you… the dare-devils… of Blitzkrieg…





“GOD of WAR”


Radiating with an over-charged form of rebelliousness, Ares has quickly become the physical personification of all things Punk-Rock. Whether it’s his radical appearance, clad in tattoo’s, wild hair, and a number of punk-spikes, or it’s the absolute explosive nature, one that’s shown to be free of societal limitations, the controversial “GOD of WAR” uses such a polarizing combination to literally ‘run-over’ the competition. In the end, the lingering thought appears to stand as… The ONLY person in Ares’ way is his OWN self (as a rebel can often crash in a blaze of glory due to his wild choices both in-and-out-of the ring.)



[Christopher Lafleur]

”The Quebec Killer”


After decades of being force-fed hatred at his own family’s dinner table, Christopher Lafleur has come to America in which to make-good on his threat of domination. From birth, Lafleur was indoctrinated to despise the U.S., as his father once wrestled in the states and grew feverish of his ill-treatment there; so, once the spirited youngster became old enough to train he did so with great intensity. Wrestling in the basement of their family home, gaining bumps, scrapes, strains, and brakes, upon the cement floor for which they trained upon, Lafleur ultimately became ‘ready for his mission’ (as his father claims it to be). Now, on his own, in a country he despises greatly, will the “Quebec Killer”, a nickname given to him for his intense focus, come away with what he needs most: American Domination!



[Donnie J]

”One last chance…”


Donnie J will forever be known as a part of the “Fly Boys”. Meanwhile, James Prudence has gone on to, at least tentatively, forge new-ground personally as a budding singles star. With this in mind, there should be NO shock in anyone’s mind that Donnie would feel as though he’s skating on thin-ice professionally. At a climactic ‘put up or shut up’ moment in his career, Donnie J steps into the WAR Blitzkrieg division with hopes of cementing his OWN new direction. Sadly though, there are MANY who feel that he simply doesn’t stand a chance; that he will ultimately slip into the same mediocrity that has left him forever known as a tag team wrestler (see “Cali-Air” in WAR). Can the underdog veteran FINALLY reach the top of the mountain on his own – or- will everyone’s preconceived notions of him ultimately prove to be true?





[Enemigo Público]

”El Rey de Caos”


While his small-stature doesn’t necessarily strike FEAR into the eyes of men, it’s the underhanded craftiness of the scrappy fighter that ultimately leaves competitors leary. Dubbed “El Rey de Caos”, the youthful Enemigo Público has quickly achieved yet ANOTHER name in connection: punk. Arrogant, central-focused, and intense to boot, Enemigo is the kind of antagonist that often inspires heated blows from any comer. In the end, one would wonder if Enemigo Público can simply ‘stay within the lines’ of a given company; however, with the Blitzkrieg division, all is VERY different. In THIS realm, it’s his fiery irrationality that ultimately makes him potentially great…



[Fox Mask]



Shrouded in mystery, hidden behind a feline-inspired mask, this ferocious flier is famously known for the unique ability to ALWAYS end up BACK on his feet. Whether that means in practice within the ropes, or conceptually as he appears to withhold a sense of consistency unseen in this industry traditionally, the explosive Fox Mask carries a sense of comic-book-like perception to the masses. In the end though, don’t expect to see the ferocious Fox Mask kissing any babies, or saving stranded cats from trees, as this flier is more interested in overrunning evil in the only way he knows how: twisting, diving, and ultimately crashing upon them within the ring ropes of WAR.



[Fumihiro Ota]

”The Immortal”


Quite possibly THE most decorated cruiserweight in wrestling history, Fumihiro Ota stands as the true ICON of the WAR Blitzkrieg division. While his initial debut was one without championship glory, a fact that seems more obvious due to his short, yet heated, feud with WAR Sin City Champion (at the time) Puerto Rican Power, it wasn’t without signs of his sheer greatness. The VERY first man to K-O the brutish fighter (Power), Ota proved himself to be a lightning quick fighter with, quite possibly, THE deadliest kick in all of the sport. Now, stepping into the WAR Blitzkrieg division, amongst men who he most certainly inspired to this point, many believe the masked warrior has found his perfect niche within Wrestling Action in Revolt. With this in mind, will the famed Ota finally find golden success? No doubt, coming in at this point, he certainly has to be the front-runner for a possible FIRST Blitzkrieg Champion!





[Mario Heroic]

”The Searching Mind”


A man of deep-thought, the contemplative mind of one Mario Heroic has quickly defined him as a member of a dying breed: a philosopher. Locked away for years, a decision made in which to garner more time for unadulterated thought, the youthful Heroic has left no stone unturned as he mentally anguishes over every perspective in which to find the ultimate truth. In some ways, others have labeled him ‘mad’ for doing so, claiming he lost his OWN mind when he went out ‘searching’ for said truth, but it’s this sense of radical discipline that has ultimately framed him as a prisoner of his own philosophical journey. In the end, it remains to be seen if someone of Heroic’s nature, one who is often interlocked in deep-thought, can then step away from his focused practice in which to simply win a match.



[Masked Cougar]

”Krazy Kitty”


Attempting to keep Masked Cougar down is almost an absolute impossibility. Within the dreaded ring ropes of WAR, he’s perceived as a high-motor, high-octane, kind of competitor who never appears willing to simply ‘slow down’. In a stark contrast though, yet still keeping with the initial perception of his impenetrable character, outside of the ring, Masked Cougar is often viewed as a man of true leisure. He’s not lazy by any means… just that his ‘West Coast’ lifestyle often breeds a ‘dude’-like perspective on life. In the end, it’s this contrasting, yet equally similar, approaches that ultimately projects the talented flier as something of a unique individual: one free of being rattled… (regardless of the situation at hand).



[Matt Sparrow]

”The Bird Man”


Most known for his freakish love of winged animals, the man dubbed as “The Bird Man” has acquired a cult-like following with the borderline-schizophrenic ramblings of his blog entitled “Bird Droppings”. Skittish, unkept, and entranced by his feathered friends, Sparrow is the kind of competitor that thrives upon the unpredictable. Why? … Because it’s rather obvious that he’s an impulsive doer (most likely due to his mind being taken up by thoughts of birds versus actual strategy). In the end, one has to wonder whether the freakish flier will find success within the dreaded ring ropes of WAR; especially since it would mean taking a second AWAY from the birds he loves most.





[snap Dragon]

”The Mythical Mystery”


Snap Dragon is a true spectacle in his own right. With an elaborate entrance (dimmed lights, fire pyro shooting every which way, an ominous song, and a circus-like-trick in fire-breathing upon the ring) and an impressive aerial onslaught, this masked flier of “Mythical Mystery” is exactly that: Mythical. With that in mind, outside of his striking presence, Dragon is often perceived as the ‘underground’ version of Fumihiro Ota. While Ota gained success on a mainstream level, winning cruiserweight championships like it was NOTHING on a grand scale, Snap Dragon went about his greatness via the underground haven of the ‘tape trading industry’. With this in mind, while accomplished in his own right, often perceived as a ‘freak of the skies’, many have come to wonder if the mythical masked man can finally find success on his OWN grand-scale?



[Teddy Powell]

”Me, Myself, and I”


A man who’s personally dubbed himself as an “Army of One”, Teddy Powell appears to have come to WAR with an axe to grind. Most known for his years of explosiveness in DaVE, a member of the highly-touted “Adrenaline Rush” tag team, Powell was famously left by the wayside as his long-time partner, Sammy Bach, moved on to better things once the Tri-State juggernaut crumbled to the floor. For years, due to this, Teddy has forged upon the independent circuit with nothing short of a ‘bad attitude’. Now, attempting to gain his OWN moment in the sun, the spirited Powell has returned to the mainstream plateau with a brand new mantra in mind… “Me… Myself… and I”.



[Thrill Seeker]

”The Aerial Junkie”


A true addict of the skies, Thrill Seeker is the kind of ‘adrenaline junkie’ that typically showcases his talent in the form of extreme sports. That said, his blood-pumping vice of choice is none other than the psychosis of high-octane professional wrestling. Traveling from up-north, this rebellious youth is exactly the kind of figure to be praised by the newly minted Blitzkrieg division. He’s fearless, freakish, and brash; all the things needed in which to succeed within such a crazed environment as Blitzkrieg. In the end though, one has to wonder whether or not the crazed “Aerial Junkie” will succeed in his fix when there are SO many gunning for the top-spot?



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For those interested, the Blitzkrieg Division roster was officially released on the previous page. Here is a link for those who want direct access to that!


Link: WAR Blitzkrieg Division




By the way is Thrill Seeker Lee Rivera?


Peace Out




Thrill Seeker is indeed Lee Rivera!


I'm hoping to hold onto him despite CGC growing in size. While his overness is rather low (then again a lot of the Blitzkrieg Division is), his character is a great addition to the Blitzkrieg brand going forward.

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Tag Team Wrestling is a discipline soaked in legendary tradition. Unlike their singles counterparts, these proud few have warred for decades within the unique scenario of having to rely on another for their OWN greatness. It’s this necessity of another that ultimately shapes the discipline as a form of wrestling where success simply cannot come about as a fluke. Hard-work, determination, trust, mutual respect, and ultimately cohesion, is needed in which to truly stand above the rest.


Sound like a tall-task?


It certainly is.


That is why very few teams really stand the test of time; as personal selfishness often spoils the riches. Other teams simply NEVER get to that level.


In Wrestling Action in Revolt, tag team wrestling exists as a fusion of the tradition such a discipline warrants with the revolutionary focus of a budding evolutionary agent. There are no unique rules, no bells-and-whistles to claim to be ‘new’, as such an approach is simply un-needed. For, in WAR, it’s the collective internal-fire of the division as a whole that will bring about change; the want, if not the NEED, for a new-generation of tag team greatness.


With that being said, WARwrestlign.com proudly brings to you the current roster of WAR Tag Teams…





Ash Campbell and Donnie J


A combination cemented in their joint undertaking of the California beach lifestyle, Cali-Air is everything you expect a ‘West Coast’ team to be. High-flying, ultimately exciting, and laid-back in their personal perspectives, the team of Donnie J and Ash Campbell appear to be somewhat of a perfect fit for one another. That said, there are some who STILL label their connection to be a ‘watered-down’ version of the “Fly Boys”; a fact that will most likely follow Donne J to his grave. None the less, as they attempt to step out on their own, Cali-Air is expected to do so in larger-than-life fashion.



[Coastal Zone Chaos]

Fox Mask and Snap Dragon


ICONS of the ‘West Coast’, the combination of Fox Mask and Snap Dragon is widely considered to be a ‘wet dream’ for coastal wrestling fans. After warring with one another for years, standing as direct opposites professionally as they BOTH battled for the thrown of the region, the age-old-adage of enemies becoming the best of partners became quite true. Now, working as one, competing under a name that gives homage to their beloved region, “Coastal Zone Chaos”, Fox Mask and Snap Dragon set out with hopes of tag team domination. Thus far, no one can really bet against such a fact becoming true as, if it weren’t for Demonic Intervention’s extreme power, there’s a good chance that THEY would be wearing the straps right now.



[Demonic Intervention]

DAMiaN and the Leper Messiah


Dubbed as the TRUE ‘Evil Incarnate’, Demonic Intervention has waged a violent sense of unadulterated warfare upon Wrestling Action in Revolt; one that may NEVER be duplicated. Since their debut, the menacing combination of DAMiaN and the Leper Messiah has NOT ONLY driven fear into the minds of many but has ALSO proven to be a highly successful pairing. Relying solely upon their immense power, an outpouring that many describe to be ‘supernatural’ in nature, Demonic Intervention has come to truly dominate the tag team division in route to becoming the FIRST-EVER WAR Tag Team Champions. Moving forward, the REAL question remains… Is there a team out there, anywhere in the WORLD, that can defeat these monsters?



[Money Talks]

G-Phunk and Sammy The Shark


While not an original tag team of WAR, the combination of G-Phunk and Sammy The Shark have been rumored to have joined forces in which to ‘play their odds’ upon the newly cemented division. Most known for their collective brashness, as well as an love for the devil’s creation itself, money, the tandem of “Money Talks” almost boastful of their cheating-ways. In the end, will their polarizing sameness prove to be a great addition OR an example of what can go wrong with two likeminded con-artists?



[Natural Storm]

D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard


After warring on the independent circuit for years, the heralded “Natural Storm” is set to bring it’s brand of epic intensity to Wrestling Action in Revolt. While unknown to the mainstream masses, there’s NO WAY one can label D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard as ‘green’ by any means. In a sense, while the TV cameras were capturing the sluggish, uninspired, action of modern day tag team wrestling, these two brutish warriors were revolutionizing the sport from the murky confines of the underground. Now, FINALLY before the bright lights, it’s widely expected that these two modern-day gladiators are on the verge of absolute greatness. In the end though, in which to GET to that point, they’ll have to find a way to overcome the equally destructive hand… of Demonic Intervention.



[Tri-State Kings]

Any combination of Alex Braun, Eric Tyler, Johnny Martin, and Steve Flash


A faction predicated upon the hardened glory of it’s past, the Tri-State Kings, in any-form of tandem, is widely considered to be a real threat to anyone and everyone who dare stand before them. While their focus currently appears to be that of singles success, the polarizing foursome has added the hope of further domination by forming an array of tag teams cemented in their absolute knowledge of the sport. Moving forward, there’s no doubt that, with time, any combination of the four will prove to be an absolute force to be reckoned with.




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All great revolutions need an uprising army. A collection of rag-tag, hell-bent, unmovable agents of evolution all combined by their collective hunger for a ‘new tomorrow’. Joined in one single battle-cry, one that is often shouted to the heavens in support of their lofty cause, this sweeping regime of change live, eat, sleep, and potentially die, for the life they desperately search. While they may exist as a number of individuals, warring with one another in hopes of personal greatness, they cannot entirely be separated from the group as a whole. For, in the end, despite their differences, they are an impenetrable unit… one unwilling to accept ANYTHING short of a complete overthrow.


Here are the collective few who dare to shout to the heavens…




As a note, those listed in
are considered to be heels in WAR. In contrast, those who are listed in
are considered to be a babyface in WAR. As you can see, there are FAR more heels at the top of the company than babyfaces; however, that was done strategically.






  • Buddy Garner
    Overness ©, Momentum (C+), Gimmick Rating (Ice Man/B-)

  • DAMiaN ©
    Overness (C-), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Demon/C+)

  • Eric Tyler
    Overness (C-), Momentum (C+), Gimmick Rating (LEGEND/C+)

  • James Prudence
    Overness ©, Momentum (B-), Gimmick Rating (Suave/C)

  • Johnny Martin
    Overness (C-), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Egomaniac/C)

  • Shawn Gonzalez
    Overness ©, Momentum ©, Gimmick Rating (Loner/B-)

  • Troy Tornado ©
    Overness (B), Momentum (B), Gimmick Rating (Rock Star/B-)

  • ?????




  • Alex Braun
    Overness (D), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Egomaniac/C+)

  • Ares
    Overness (C-), Momentum (C+), Gimmick Rating (Punk Rock/B-)

  • G-Phunk
    Overness (D), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Egomaniac/B-)

  • Hopkirk
    Overness (D+), Momentum (C-), Gimmick Rating (Extremist/C+)

  • Leper Messiah ©
    Overness (D+), Momentum (C-), Gimmick Rating (Demon/C+)

  • Puerto Rican Power
    Overness (D), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Patriot/B)





  • Brutus O'Leary
    Overness (D), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Irish Roughneck/B+)

  • Cletus ©
    Overness (D), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Mountain Man/B)

  • Donnie J
    Overness (D-), Momentum (D), Gimmick Rating (Underdog/B+)

  • Fox Mask
    Overness (E+), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Comic Book Hero/B-)

  • Fumihiro Ota
    Overness (D), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Bitter Veteran/B)

  • Masked Cougar
    Overness (E+), Momentum (C-), Gimmick Rating (Dude/B)

  • Matt Sparrow
    Overness (E+), Momentum (TBD), Gimmick Rating (Weirdo/TBD)

  • Steve Flash
    Overness (D-), Momentum (C-), Gimmick Rating (No Gimmick Needed/C)

  • Teddy Powell
    Overness (E+), Momentum (TBD), Gimmick Rating (Underdog/TBD)

    Overness (D-), Momentum (D-), Gimmick Rating (Bad Ass/C)




  • Ash Campbell
    Overness (E), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Dude/B)

  • Bucky McCoy
    Overness (E), Momentum (D), Gimmick Rating (Arrogant Heel/B+)

  • Genio Verde
    Overness (E+), Momentum (D), Gimmick Rating (Comic Book Villain/B-)

  • Jayson Wright
    Overness (E), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Blue Collar/B)

  • Sammy the Shark
    Overness (E), Momentum (E-), Gimmick Rating (Conman/E+)

  • Snap Dragon
    Overness (E), Momentum (D+), Gimmick Rating (Dragon/B-)




  • Christopher Lafleur
    Overness (F-), Momentum (E+), Gimmick Rating (Anti-American/C+)

  • D.C. Rayne
    Overness (E-), Momentum (TBD), Gimmick Rating (Bad Ass/TBD)

  • Eddie Howard
    Overness (E-), Momentum (TBD), Gimmick Rating (Bad Ass/TBD)

  • Enemigo Público
    Overness (E-), Momentum (TBD), Gimmick Rating (Underworld/TBD)

  • Mario Heroic
    Overness (E-), Momentum (TBD), Gimmick Rating (Mysterious/TBD)

  • Thrill Seeker
    Overness (E-), Momentum (TBD), Gimmick Rating (Rebel/TBD)




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To be perceived as a LEGEND is something of a unique scenario. For the thousands of those who accept the grueling path of professional wrestling, only a small few actually achieve any sense of true success. Outside of that, only a smaller few are able to move onto the next echelon of greatness; that of becoming a LEGEND of the sport.


In homage to those great few who have surpassed the role of an ICON, cementing themselves as a mythical-like figure in the process, here are the guarded few…





Hardcore LEGEND & the original 'revolutionary figure' in wrestling!


John "Nemesis" Campbell was one of the best known wrestlers in America thanks to his work with the SWF during the nineties, and after getting fired from that promotion, his time with DAVE, where he doubled as a main star and head booker. Nine years in the hardcore environment of DAVE proved to be his undoing as an active wrestler though, and he was forced to retire from active competition in 2006 with a catalogue of injuries. Highly respected, Campbell had a reputation for having one of the best minds in wrestling. However, following the demise of DAVE in April 2007, Nemesis disappeared from wrestling and has not been heard from since. That was until he resurfaced in late 2009 in which to aide in the initial development of the J.K. Stallings Jr.-led Wrestling Action in Revolt.


Upon signing with WAR, Nemesis opened his tenure in the grandest form possible: by defeating his long-time rival in Eric Tyler in an epic battle. Shortly following such a high, the 51-year-old hardcore LEGEND would later become the highly controversial “WAR General” as he ruled the company with a brutish iron fist.


Through his contributions to both WAR and to the industry as a whole, John “Nemesis” Campbell is certainly a LEGEND of WAR.



[Lords of War]

Warlord Agony and Warlord Pain

THE greatest tag team in wrestling history!


Warlord Agony and Warlord Pain are two men who have become synonymous with tag team greatness. The two face painted powerhouses are considered one of the legendary combos of all time, especially on the mainstream level where they dominated the tag scene for many, many years. In 2006, with their age meaning they could no longer physically keep up with the younger tag teams, they decided to leave the east coast and join another competitor, where the slower paced matches suited them much better, for one final run. Their time in the promotion saw them have one last "money" feud, with fellow legendary duo The Demons Of Rage, and win one final set of tag team titles. They retired from wrestling in June 2007.


In mid-2010, the legendary “Lords of War” signed with Wrestling Action in Revolt in an effort to bolster the aura of it’s tag team division. In doing so, the beloved pairing was set to simply congratulate the first ever WAR tag team champions with said championship belts. Sadly, upon their arrival, the tag team LEGENDS were viciously assaulted at the vile hand of Demonic Intervention. Since the attack, neither man has been seen as it’s been rumored that both are currently at home in Florida; rehabbing their injuries.


While their impact upon WAR has been extremely limited thus far, their overall contribution to the sport is absolutely unquestionable. Quite possibly THE greatest tag team of all-time, the “Lords of War” have cemented a very special place in the LEGENDS hierarchy of WAR. There’s no doubt that, despite their age, they continue to be a point of great inspiration for those WAR tag teams coming down the pike currently.




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This concludes the prep-work for WAR going into POP!


Thankfully, the jump to national TV made for a perfect launching pad in which to re-introduce WAR as a whole. This way, to those who have been following, there's a better idea of where the company lies in it's current form. Meanwhile, to those interested in reading from this point out, there's enough 'meat' here to give the novice WAR reader something to chew on.


What that in mind, here are the last several WAR roster posts; all in one easy box...

From here, the debut card for "Battleground" on POP! will be up sometime mid-week. The reason for the delay is that I'm still toying over a few matches and how I would want them booked before cementing them as actually happening. More or less, A LOT of thought, as you can see, has gone into this re-branding moment for WAR. That said, I hope everyone's enjoyed the additional information coming out over today!

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Quick question, why do you come up with so many new gimmicks for wrestlers? i.e Ares, Thrill Seeker, Bucky McCoy so on.


Well, Thrill Seeker is actually a base gimmick for Lee already established in the game. That said, I've always been under the idea of creating a unique persona for THAT company alone. That way, as time goes on, they become entities of WAR versus being another version of Acid coming down the pike. This creates gimmicks that are WAR solely and wouldn't really be able to carry anywhere else (as it's copyrighted to WAR; or at least that's what I imagine).


Also, it makes it more fun for me as a writer.


I've done SO many dynasty's by now that I think I've grown rather tired of the original names of these guys. Hell, Acid alone, I booked to death in DOA and really wanted a new vibe. Actually, it was the Ares persona, and punk rock gimmick, that ultimately sold me on the feel for WAR. I think that's another great reason to change names/gimmicks as it gives you your OWN feel as a writer.


I didn't want WAR to be DaVE-light or DOA-light. Hell, I didn't want it to be anything like the 'big three' for that matter. So, as they come in, I change little things about each guy (name, persona, look, etc.) so that it's something fresh!

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4th Week of May, 2010

... The Shoot Club comes to WAR? ... Well, Almost ...


The camera lens ignites into action once again with the hazed sight of our trusty documentarian. Seated on the edge of a weathered mattress, residing within a room 40-years past it’s prime, our novice story-teller appears to no longer relish in the laps-of-luxury. Instead, occupying a space that can only be described as a ‘hell-hole’, one that is most likely drenched in endless disease, the man before us seems to have been ‘cut-off’ of his previous cash-flow.


All in all, as he sits upon a stained bed, underneath an equally stained ceiling, our trusty documentarian looks down upon his cellphone which resides within his own lap.


[unknown Insider]:
I heard the news; it’s circling backstage these days. He cut you off didn’t he?


Raising his eyebrows up in a blown away manner, one of sadness, the documentarian is shown slowly nodding his head.


Yea. His lawyers contacted me a few days back and said that Stallings was no longer willing to pay for my lodging in Vegas. I couldn’t afford the place so I was forced to move into some little road-side motel off the strip.


[unknown Insider]:
So you’re done then, right?


Facing such momentous odds, our documentarian doesn’t even blink an eye as he states…


Not even in the slightest…


[unknown Insider]:
You KNOW he’s going to shut-you-down at some point. Hell, he’s already cut your ties with the roster. Soon, he’ll do whatever he can to ‘make you go away’. The good thing is… You’ll probably get a hefty check out of the deal.


A slight chuckle is heard on the other side of the phone. Meanwhile, the documentarian doesn’t appear to be amused.


I’m not looking for a check. I’m here to tell the story of Stallings’ return; that’s it. Good or bad, it’s a story that NEEDS to see the light of day.


[unknown Insider]:
Well, I’m sure it’ll be hard to do that from the outskirts…


I don’t care; to be honest. I’ve got enough footage to at least give myself a basis. Now, with you, and Nemesis still speaking, I can continue to push forward…


[unknown Insider]:
You may not have me for much longer; Stallings is starting to sniff-around for rats…


Shaking his head in frustration, grimacing his face in a mixture of pain and anger, the documentarian quickly fires back with a statement that tells of his current state. More or less, despite such a potentially crippling thought of losing his unknown insider, the documentarian forges through as if all is business as usual.


There are reports that Stallings was unable to raid ALL that he wanted from CZCW. In hopes of strengthening the tag team division, the dirt-sheets claim that he reached out to the ‘Shoot Club’, only to have it eventually blow up in his face. Is this true? Did someone ACTUALLY tell Stallings no and remain loyal to CZCW?


A brief moment of silence is heard from the other side of the phone. Then, following a slight sigh, one that tells of another saying ‘fine’, the unknown insider adds further depth to the rumor at hand.


[unknown Insider]:
It’s entirely true; all of it. Stallings put John [Campbell] in charge of adding new teams to the division in hopes of strengthening the brand going into POP! In the end, John hung his hat on two new teams; however, was only able to cement one of them as the “Shoot Club” walked away from negotiations. As you can expect, Stallings, and John for that matter, were pissed! I think Stallings exact words were… “Who the f*ck do you think you are?” when speaking to the Coleman. From what I’ve heard, he was the reason the team didn’t sign on. When he opted to return to CZCW, the company severed negotiations with Speed.


Pouncing like a hungry cat, the documentarian presses for more information…


Did Stallings take this as John’s failure?


A chuckle is heard on the other end of the line.


[unknown Insider]:
John doesn’t have ‘failures’ around here; at least not that Stallings would outwardly state. John [Campbell] is the ONLY guy who seems to trump Stallings when it comes to direction of the company. If J.K. learned ANYTHING from his years in HGC, he’s weary of trusting ANYONE… anyone… BUT… John. They’ve got some sort of deal worked out or something. Not getting the “Shoot Club” pissed Stallings off but it didn’t weight on John. My guess is, in the next week or two, they’ll locate another team or two to hang their hats on. Plus, right now is all about the Blitzkrieg sh*t. It’s everywhere backstage.


I’m sure this whole thing doesn’t help CZCW’s cause with Stallings. At this point, I’m guessing many are looking to the “Shoot Club” as those ‘going down with the ship’. Am I right?


[unknown Insider]:
I can’t imagine they can really survive Stallings’ wrath… Hell, he’s stated before that, if CZCW were to re-populate, he’d go through and steal the ‘top-tier’ talent over-and-over-again. He wants CZCW off the map. More importantly, he wants Cliff [Anderson] without a job!


Are there any more ‘dirty tricks’, as Stallings calls it, on the horizon?


Again, a pause is heard from the other side of the phone. This time though, it seems like the mysterious informer is unwilling to continue the conversation at hand.


[unknown Insider]:
… I can’t get into that.


Like a feverish pit-bull, the documentarian continues his attack…


… Why? It’s a simple question…


[unknown Insider]:
… I’ve got to go.


Just then, the voice of our unknown insider changes dramatically; as if someone had just walked into the room. In a way of masking what was being talked about, said insider speaks as though he’s entrapped within an entirely different conversation.


[unknown Insider]:
… Okay… Well, I’ll call you when we get out tonight… Sure, I can swing by the store on my way home. Eggs? No problem. Love you.


With that, the phone-line goes dead; a fact that obviously leaves our documentarian frustrated. In the end, the final image is that of said documentarian looking around his newfound confines. With a look of sadness upon his face, one fueled by intense frustration no doubt, it becomes glaringly obvious that he’s no longer in favor.



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To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?







Despite not being 100%, in some ways not even 50%, the recently injured “Machine”
Buddy Garner
doesn’t seem to be willing to slow down in the slightest. Even though he hasn’t been officially cleared by doctors, Garner hopes to step in-between the blackened ropes of WAR in which to compete against the greasy grunge rocker in
. At full-strength, the challenge of an underhanded Hopkirk is certainly enough to overcome. However, in his current state, one has to wonder if Garner will be able to conjure up enough mobility in his arm in which to bulldoze his way back into the winner’s circle. In the end, who will win is always a question that dominates most conversations, but, in this case, the BIGGER question lies as to whether or NOT the match will ACTUALLY take place?




It was only a few weeks ago that iron-fisted WAR General Nemesis placed his own personal stamp upon Wrestling Action in Revolt. Tired of the complacency running ramped around the company, Nemesis declared to bring nothing short of absolute greatness to the POP! network. In the end, the
Blitzkrieg division
, a rebellious entity created solely by the General, is what came to add that extra explosiveness to an already chaotic landscape. With this in mind, after searching the world around, the WAR General has put together 10 hungry fliers with the hopes of creating something truly epic. In this first-ever altercation, 10-men will compete in the ultimate death-defying scenario… as their match-up will be a
10-man Ladder Match for the Blitzkrieg Championship
! All in all, who will take the first grand-step forward, cementing their legacy for generations to come as the FIRST-EVER WAR Blitzkrieg Champion?



“She’s a fine piece of work…”… these were the words that
put forth about WAR Pin-up Girl, Dharma; knowing FULL WELL the kind of drama it would inspire no doubt. In the end, whether sincere or not, the fast-talking Phunk has done exactly that: inciting a heated altercation between he and Dharma’s protective brother,
Jayson “Mr.” Wright
. After demanding a match from the WAR General, a fact that shockingly was granted, the man they call “Mr.” Wright will have the opportunity to, yet again, fight for the good name of his sister. However, this time around, the youngster will have to overcome a former WAR Sin City Champion, even if it was for only a week, in which to find justice for his continually targeted family member. Will “Mr.” Wright get his revenge while standing up for the goodness of his sister’s name? – OR – Will the scrappy, back-handed, G-Phunk work his way into another controversial outcome?



Since his debut,
Brutus O’Leary
has been violently intertwined with the likes of the Tri-State Kings. Defeating Alex Braun in said debut, and later defeating Steve Flash as well, the hard-hitting “Hands of Stone” quickly made a dubious enemy in the East Coast ICONS. That said, coming into this week, it appears as though the Tri-State Kings are finally looking to put this rivalry to rest at the hand of the “Cornerstone” himself,
Johnny Martin
. In the end, when it’s all said and done, will the veteran leader in Martin have enough left-in-the-tank to overcome the rising brawler? – OR – Will the “Hands of Stone” claim yet ANOTHER Tri-State victim with his jaw-shattering knockout blow? Either way, regardless of the outcome, it’s been said that one will have to completely ‘destroy’ the other in which for any of this to go away… Is that possible? It remains to be seen…




A matchup shrouded in mystery overtakes our Main Event this week as the pairing of WAR Champion
Troy Tornado
and recent #1 contender
Shawn Gonzalez
square off against the likes of Reign member
James Prudence
and a
mysterious partner
. There have been rumors running ramped as to WHO could be joining Prudence’s side, some coming from ‘left-field’ for that matter, but one thing remains to be true: whoever is to take his side is bound to be a Reign member (whether currently known to be so or not). In the end, WHO will be Prudence’s partner? That said though, the BIGGER question may be… Who will be healthy enough to even make a difference (as it was only 2-weeks ago that these 3-men had competed within the unforgiving hell of a steel cell)?





WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Buddy Garner vs. Hopkirk

Ares vs. Christopher Lafleur vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs. Teddy Powell vs. Thrill Seeker

G-Phunk vs. Jayson Wright

Brutus O'Leary vs. Johnny Martin

Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Prudence and ?????


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Buddy Garner vs. Hopkirk

Garner's doing more and Hopkirk seems more like a guy there to put people over.


Ares vs. Christopher Lafleur vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs. Teddy Powell vs. Thrill Seeker

Ares is the biggest name of the bunch.


G-Phunk vs. Jayson Wright

Who's down with Phunk? We're all down with Phunk.


Brutus O'Leary vs. Johnny Martin

I love Martin too much to pick against him since he's carrying my DAVE diary right now.


Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Prudence and ?????

Mystery partner throws a wrench into the situation, and tag team action involving the champ usually results in a loss for said champ.

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Buddy Garner vs. Hopkirk

Ares vs. Christopher Lafleur vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs. Teddy Powell vs. Thrill Seeker

G-Phunk vs. Jayson Wright

Brutus O'Leary vs. Johnny Martin

Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Prudence and ?????

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Buddy Garner vs. Hopkirk

Ares vs. Christopher Lafleur vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs. Teddy Powell vs. Thrill Seeker

G-Phunk vs. Jayson Wright

Brutus O'Leary vs. Johnny Martin

Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Prudence and ?????


Really digging the intrigue behind the documentarian's "anonymous" source. :)

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Buddy Garner vs. Hopkirk

Garner somehow walks away with the victory.


Ares vs. Christopher Lafleur vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs. Teddy Powell vs. Thrill Seeker

Because no one beats the God of WAR. NO ONE!


G-Phunk vs. Jayson Wright

G-Phunk uses Mr. Wright's aggression to steal a victory


Brutus O'Leary vs. Johnny Martin

You said earlier that you really liked this character in particular.


Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Prudence and ?????

Mystery Partner? That equals Gonzalez taking the fall


Really enjoying this diary! Might steal some things from here if I decide to get one going.

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Buddy Garner vs. Hopkirk

Via nefarious means

Ares vs. Christopher Lafleur vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs. Teddy Powell vs. Thrill Seeker

Hard to look past the God of War.

G-Phunk vs. Jayson Wright

Inadvertent distraction from Mr. Wright's sister, Dharma?

Brutus O'Leary vs. Johnny Martin

The Tri-State Kings very rarely let things slide without making their presence felt.

Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Prudence and ?????

The champ has been on one hell of a role, but now he has to rely on someone else and I can't see Gonzalez living up to the hype. Just not sure on the mystery partner... Someone new, or just someone unbooked? Not so sure... I'll keep that a mystery.

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Just as a general note, as it will be good for those reading the upcoming episode of "Battleground", this is how the next month (in-game) lays out for Wrestling Action in Revolt:


Monday, 1st Week of June 2010 = "Battleground" Episode #11 (Intro to POP!; ie: upcoming episode)

Monday, 2nd Week of June 2010 = "Battleground" Episode #12

Monday, 3rd Week of June 2010 = "Battleground" Episode #13

Saturday, 3rd Week of June 2010 = WAR Pay-per-view event (to be named on this week's broadcast of WAR "Battleground" on POP!; the 1st one of it's kind)


Normally, I would just let this all play out as is; however, in past dynasty's, I always felt a little rushed as to when the PPV would actually take place (having the card come together ONLY the week before the show itself). In which to combat that, this time around, I've decided to stretch out the booking of the show to weeks in advance leading UP to the PPV event.


I felt this schedule was best to post as, in "Battleground" episode #11, two major matches are signed for said PPV event. From there, those matches will be evolved with stipulations, as well as other matches being announced, as we lead up to the Saturday, 3rd week of June 2010.


More or less, after episode #11, I'm thinking of creating a post centered around the card THUS FAR for that PPV event. Then, as time goes on, I would edit that post and post a link to said post in which to keep the reader up to date as to WHAT to expect at the event.


Just thought i'd clue you in on my madness.

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Buddy Garner vs. Hopkirk


Ares vs. Christopher Lafleur vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs. Teddy Powell vs. Thrill Seeker


G-Phunk vs. Jayson Wright


Brutus O'Leary vs. Johnny Martin


Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Prudence and ?????

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4th Week of May, 2010

... "Just give up!"//The rise of Tyler ...


Our trusty documentarian stands before a stained fridge, rummaging as his back is to the stationed camera lens, while living within the sort of confines typically left for those evading capture. The walls are ratted, the TV a good 30 years old, and the bed-spread appearing as if it were the original one placed there in the early 70’s; floral in all of it’s glory. That said, as he continues to dive through the food before him, most likely a compilation of undesirables, he’s shockingly heard speaking outward; the sound being trapped almost entirely by the weathered fridge before him.


I’m doing alright… Not the lapse of luxury like before but hey… I’m not running from my story!


For a brief second, it’s almost as if our documentarian had finally ‘snapped’; lost it from a psychological perspective. However, seconds later, a voice is heard peering over the silence. With doing so, it becomes obvious, at this point, that someone is on the other line; currently within a state of speaker-phone.


[unknown Insider]:
He cut you completely dry, didn’t he?


A slight sense of laughter is heard coming from the belly of our documentarian.


… More than that. He sent some of his goons by a few nights ago to trash the place while I was out. When I got back, this place looked like a warzone.


[unknown Insider]:
Did they break your camera? Steal any footage?


No; thankfully. However, the message was pretty strong. He doesn’t want me here anymore.


Silence is heard for a second before the unknown insider is heard sighing on the other hend.


[unknown Insider]:
Maybe you should…


What? Run? I’m not going anywhere. I’ve learned too much to simply walk away and give the devil his due.


[unknown Insider]:
What does any of this mean to you anyways? Why not just pack it up? I heard Stallings is offering you QUITE a deal to do exactly that… walk away…


Our documentarian slowly spins away from the fridge while pulling out an old pizza box in the process; one stained of grease. Slamming the fridge door behind him, a fact that has the door itself fall off of its hinges, the weathered documentarian doesn’t seem to be all that interested in such a deal. Instead, he appears oddly comfortable with his less-than-favorable surroundings.




[unknown Insider]:
Meh? He’s talkin’ the kind of money he’s thrown at Rennie. If you ask me, that’s one hell of a deal! Get out…. Get out before he takes it all off the table and you’re left with some worthless footage… or worse yet… a broken arm…


Taking a bite of his frozen-like pizza, more like cardboard than what one would perceive as a good slice, our documentarian continues to defy the ugly scenario before him with a sense of simplicity.


Stallings is my story; I’m not walking away.


Taking a seat upon a small wicker chair, sliding a few papers across a desk that barely fits a laptop let alone more pieces of work, our documentarian quickly jumps back into ‘interview’ mode as if he didn’t skip a beat.


There’s word coming down the pike that creative is looking to put the ball in Tyler’s court. What do you know about this?


A sigh is once again heard from the other end of the phone. Then, a slow silence until he finally comes to speak about the question at hand.


[unknown Insider]:
There are talks; yes.


Is this what Stallings claims to be ‘revolutionary’? Throw some weight behind his oldest competitor; Hell… a man who has said to be an ‘occasional wrestler’ at that?


[unknown Insider]:
He may be occasional in name but there isn’t anything occasional about Eric Tyler. I’ve never seen a man like this before; one who is unwilling to step aside entirely. He lives, breathes, eats, you know the phrasing… ALL for wrestling. Honestly, he’s one of those guys who, the day after he retires, will probably pass away from a broken heart. Does he still have it in him? Certainly. He went toe-to-toe with Buddy [Garner] and turned out some strong matches. So, it seems that, after talks, they’re happy with his progress; even at 50-something.


Why wouldn’t they give the spot to someone younger; someone they can claim as an original? Recycling the old names of DaVE isn’t going to get WAR anywhere with the fans, right? Does Stallings really think he can take what Vilbert created, wrap it up in a new bow, and make a profit on it?


[unknown Insider]:
He has and will continue to do so…


A slight snicker is heard coming from our documentarian as he projects a statement that tells of his evolving perspective on Stallings.


… By gaining a tiny fraction of what the ‘big three’ possess in coverage, right…


[unknown Insider]:
Look, I KNOW you’re new to the industry so I’ll give you a pass here… BUT… this is a sport centered entirely around names that you know. New guys, fresh faces, original wrestlers as you would think of them, will come; however, it takes time. Who’s going to buy a PPV co-headlined by Jayson Wright? Nobody. Now, you take Wright out, put Tyler in, and you’ve got yourself a bonafide main event. It’s all a business; how you can draw and WHO you can USE to draw. Tyler’s name draws… it’s as simple as that.


Moving on past the thought presented to him, the documentarian continues to question.


So he’s going to be main eventing with Tornado, huh?


[unknown Insider]:
I didn’t say that…


But you DID talk about him main eventing a PPV, right? I mean, that would HAVE to be against Tornado no doubt, right?


[unknown Insider]:
I gave you what I can. That’s it.


Oh, that’s right… Stallings has YOUR balls now too, huh?


A sigh is heard from the other end once again; however, no anger seems to enter that side of the phone.


[unknown Insider]:
It’s consumed you, hasn’t it?


Nothing is said from the documentarian as he continues to overlook some papers before him. Meanwhile, as he chomps away upon his cardboard-like pizza, still dethawing by this point, the unknown insider chimes in quickly to cement his point.


[unknown Insider]:
Okay, I’ve got to go. We’re in the ‘home-stretch’ for POP! and I’ve got a show to help construct. Get yourself some sleep, think about Stallings’ deal, and call me in the morning. Okay?


Yea…yea… don’t take it personally if I say f*ck it to the deal…


[unknown Insider]:
I already KNOW that’s what you’re going to say… bye.


With that, the state of raw footage comes to a close. That said, as it comes to an abrupt halt at the hand of our documentarian, slamming his hand upon the top of the camera in which to bring about said end, the final image is that of a man who has recently gone awry in many ways. No longer is he held up in the lapse of luxury by the WAR owner, no longer does he live on the strip, and no longer does he have direct access to ANYONE really within the WAR camp, but through all of that he seems content with pushing forward. A true mark of a mad man no doubt.



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