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Guest Booker: It Came From the North: Nemesis and ACPW

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Show #1



Live on ESPN

Toronto, ON








The cameras are outside the building, panning by Alex, Jack, and Ricky DeColt’s identical-except-for-the-color custom pickup trucks just as the show goes live, but before ACPW backstage correspondent Jenny Playmate can even flip her blonde hair, pout into the camera, or say word one……






…….the now infamous former PWC color commentator Tommy Townsend cuts in front of her and tries to get behind her, into the building. The security guards standing in the doorway block his way in.



He tries to push through them, but they are extra aggressive and snatch him up, picking him clean off the ground.



A nearby fan yells at him; Jenny’s microphone picks it up clearly.



“What are you doing back? You got fired? And you deserved it for some of the things you said!”



Still in the grasp of the security guards, Townsend snaps back at the fan.



TT: “PWC didn’t fire me; I quit! But this isn’t PWC. Or CGC. Or NOTBPW, for that matter.”



TT: “It’s ACPW!”



He then turns back toward the guards.



TT: “Now let me in!”



The guards look to Jenny shrugging; they recognize him but don’t know if he works for the company.



She nods. They drop Tommy, who shoots his cuffs and looks back, dead into the camera.



TT: “I’m back. And I can say WHATEVER I want.”



He smiles.



TT: “And I’m going to. Starting now.”









Show Open











TL: “We are live here in Toronto, Ontario and….THIS IS A…C…P…W on ESPN! My name is Tommy London, apparently to be joined at the broadcast location by my longtime colleague Tommy Townsend very shortly; tonight promises to be a night that will forever live in professional wrestling history. But there will be plenty of time for talking……let’s head down to the six sided ring and kick off the ACPW era the right way…..the way only WE can…..with the best goddamn wrestling action in the free world today.”








<a href="

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Jack & Ricky DeColt vs. Dan jr. /Jeremy Stone

-CGC/NOTBPW Tag Title Unification Match-



TL: “Nice of you to join me, Tommy. Let’s get straight to business….Dan and Jeremy won the Ed Henson Memorial Cup this past March for the second consecutive year and the fourth time overall.”



TT: “Yup, they’re awesome, aren’t they? OLD NEWS. You know what else they are? BORING. Two of the most boring men on the planet. In fact, the only person I’ve ever met who is more boring than Dan Stone is Jeremy Stone.”



TL: “Well, they’re three time NOTBPW Tag Team Champions; have some respect.”



TT: “I will not. And I bet Jack and Ricky will not either. DeColts and Stones just don’t get along. They’re like oil an water; they just can’t mix.”



There is a noticeable buzz in the arena as everyone waits for the opening bell; having the show kick off with a title unification match AND the first of the long discussed DeColts versus Stones matches is a pretty big deal.



And the action does not let anyone down.



Jack and Ricky are able to overpower the Stones in the early going with their simple but effective double teams, but, after he gets dropped with a gutbuster, Ricky is unable to keep pace with the mat wrestling exhibition that Dan and Jeremy begin.



But there is a lapse somewhere between Dan dropping the young blonde haired DeColt on his head with a brainbuster and Jeremy coming in and locking him in the Stone Hold (crossface). Call it a momentary lack of focus or whatever you like by the eldest Stone, but Ricky somehow escapes and tumbles his way into his corner, tagging in Jack who begins cleaning house.



He hits a pair of dropkicks, hands out four or six throat thrusts, runs the ropes and drops both Stones with lariats, and then, finally, springs to the second rope, dropping his patented elbow on the still stunned Jeremy.



But the Stones are world class competitors and feel their window of opportunity slamming shut. Dan stuffs his hand under it, grabbing the overzealous Jack by the head and dropping him, throat first, over the top cable. Ricky tries to surprise Dan, sneaking up and trying the “DeColt 45” (Inverted DDT), but Dan puts an elbow in his face and tosses him to the floor, tagging in Jeremy to finish the job on Jack before following Ricky to the floor.



Jeremy grabs hold of Jack’s leg and drags him toward the center of the ring.



TL: “No doubt he’s looking for the Stone Hold again.”



TT: “Maybe he can hold it this time.”



But when he begins turning Jack over, Jack scrambles in behind him and quickly locks him in his finishing hold, the “End of Days” (Bow and Arrow Lock w/Inverted Sleeper).



As Dan jr. notices the reversal from the floor, he turns toward the ring but Ricky hops up onto the guardrail, and builds a head of steam before coming flying off with a lariat that leaves Dan down.



Jeremy holds on, but realizes where he is in the ring and with little room to move at all in the hold and fading fast, he taps.



TL: “And Jeremy tapped out; Jack and Ricky DeColt are the first ACPW World Tag Team Champions.”



TT: “And in the battle of the first families of this company, The DeColts come out on top first.”



TL: “I can’t say that’s how I expected it to end though.”



Your Winners and New ACPW World Tag Team Champions: Jack & Ricky DeColt










Victoria Stone, COO, or operating owner in principal, sits in a luxury box high on the side of the arena, talking on a cell phone as the match wraps up when the camera gets a shot of her. Being in Toronto, the reception to her popping up on the video board is really positive.



TL: “The work of the COO is never ending; Victoria Stone will get her wish in running a company like ACPW. It’s a twenty four-seven type of deal.”



TT: “I wonder who she’s talking to, London. I wonder if she’s scoring some big signing or something like that.”



TL: “Are you being condescending?



TT: “Not about Victoria Stone. Or Mrs. Stone-McFly if you prefer. I would never say anything bad about the big bosslady. Never ever.”



TL: “She gave you a job……you ungrateful a-hole.”



TT: “Whoa, London! Did you get the ‘say whatever you want’ clause, too?!”










A snappy video rolls chronicling the astonishing sports accomplishments of Tim Westybrook, showing highlights from his undefeated (72-0) collegiate wrestling career all the way through his short, but impactful run as an offensive lineman in both the CFL and the NFL.










Tim Westybrook vs. Owen Love


TT: “I’ve heard that his two month tour of Japan did Westybrook a world of good, Tommy; they say his game has really climbed to the next level. I just think he’d be better off with someone handling his affairs for him.”



TL: “A manager?”



TT: “No a plumber, London. Wow. How is it you’re the ‘most respected voice in the business’ again? I’ve never seen it.”



Westybrook demolishes Owen Love, stretching him in a baker’s dozen different submission holds before bouncing him around the ring with some interesting suplex variations. And even though his partner, The Natural (at ringside) attempts to help him mount some sort of a comeback, Love gets sloppy and gets folded in half with a bearhug belly to belly suplex, tapping almost as soon as he is locked in Westbrook’s Dragon Sleeper.



TL: “The veteran Love never came close, did he?”



TT: “I hope his partner can fare a little better in his match later on or it’ll be a quiet ride home for the Blondes.”



Your Winner: Tim Westybrook (Submission @ 6:55)








“Who Rules?”





His music hits and the crowd goes bananas; when Steve DeColt walks out onto the stage bulging and glistening under the exclusively blue lights that are used, he stands completely still with both arms up for a second or two. He is a genetic freak.



And he has a microphone.



SD: “Anyone who’s been watching NOTBPW knows…..that, for whatever reason, Steve DeColt has been kept far away from Sean McFly and the World Title Picture.”



There is a pretty big pop when he brings it up. It had become obvious.



SD: “I keep beating whoever they put in front of me. Piling ‘em up from one side of DeColt Country to the other. Christ son, I’ve been stacking up the bodies like I do forty five pound plates on the bar at my gym…..”



He wiggles his pecs.



SD: “They said, ‘Steve, beat Edd Stone’. Edd Stone? Really? I tossed him around like a ragdoll for three or four weeks; set him on this little losing streak he’s been on. He had no chance.”



SD: “Then they said, ‘Steve, beat Cliff Wilson.’ And I whipped that facepainted clown’s ass in and out of his costume. Three times. Twice in one week if I remember correctly. He couldn’t keep up with the awesomeness that is Steve DeColt.”



SD: “And I did it all without any help from anyone.”



SD: “So I guess it’s just a matter of who’s next, isn’t it? Who’s next on the ass whipping list?”



He trails off. Someone yells the name of his opponent to him.



SD: “Really? Shooter Sean Deeley? I know he’s rolling VIP with his new management and all, but…..whatever. I’m going to leave him laying….and keep making my case.”



SD: “One day SOON, I will be the World Champion. Believe it.”






The crowd responds as they always do in DeColt country.











Edd Stone vs. Jeremy Finch



TL: “How many matches has Edd lost in a row?”



TT: “I don’t know. Eight? Ten? Something like that.”



TL: “What’s his problem?”



TT: “Well, I’ve heard some things backstage….interesting things….but it all boils down to the fact that he’s a pretty big loser.”



TL: “And Jeremy Finch is hot, fresh off of a six show run with OLLIE in Mexico and an overnight in the UK. He wrestled the OLLIE champion to a draw on two separate occasions.”



TT: “He’s said himself, Tommy. That he’s here in ACPW because of the Openweight Division; the wrestlers themselves love the concept of it. It’s going to be exciting.”



TL: “The Openweight Division is just one the things that’ll separate ACPW from all the rest. But enough about that right now; let’s get to the ring.”



Stone and Finch really tear things up, bringing the house to their feet on several occasions with peak after peak. Finch’s versatility as both a high impact/high flying wrestler and a mat guy as well gives him a bit of an edge once he finally gets Edd onto the canvas.



But there is a always a comeback, and Edd’s are spectacular, regardless of what he’s going through with the losing streak. He lands a series of kicks, dancing his way out of the corner before bouncing off of the ropes. Finch catches him as he comes off, lifting him up for a powerbomb.



TL: “Will they ever learn? You never powerbomb Edd Stone.”



Edd backflips out of it and lands on his feet drilling Finch with an “Edd-renaline Shot” (Superkick) almost as soon as he lands, dropping the former tag team specialist onto his back in the middle of the ring.



But when he climbs to the top turnbuckle, Finch shows another gear, getting up and running up the buckles, trapping Edd in an armbar, and crashing to the mat with him while still maintaining the hold.



The ring announcer suddenly bellows that there are “TWENTY SECONDS……TWENTY SECONDS REMAINING!”



And Edd, still locked in the hold seems to be slowly squirming his way toward the ropes.



But suddenly, as the ring announcer begins his countdown from ten, Edd taps with his free arm.



TT: “What?”



TL: “And…..Jeremy Finch wins in his ACPW debut.”



TT: “But is that the story here, London? Edd tapped with like eight seconds left in the match. He couldn’t hang on for eight more seconds? With all those losses in a row? What’s his deal?”



TL: “It’s serious, whatever it is.”



Your Winner: Jeremy Finch (Submission @ 19:52)











Edd Stone staggers into the backstage area, cradling his arm while trying to get online with his phone to tweet about the match.



“Mr. Stone? Edd?”



He spins around. Two guys in suits stand before him while a worker in coveralls goes into Edd’s locker room with a handcart.



ES: “What up dudes? Nice suits. Now……Edd certainly loves his gay fans, too, no matter where they choose to put it…..or whatever…..so if you want to get a picture with me or something……”



The two suited men purse their lips. One of them shakes his head and puts up his hand, stopping Edd dead in his tracks.



“Edd, we’re from Beaver Buzz. The energy drink company, remember?”



Edd snorts but then squints to get a better look.



“We’ve met.”



The worker with the handcart comes back out of Edd’s locker room. Now his handcart is loaded with a couple of dozen cases of Beaver Buzz, the energy drink.



ES: “I’m confused, then. Why is that guy taking Buzz OUT of the locker room? Am I watching everything in rewind again? Next time I buy acid, it’s totally going to be from a white guy.”



They just stare as Edd continues.



ES: “Hey, let me ask you something? Did I win that match earlier?”



The second suit pulls a folded document from his inner jacket pocket and snaps it open in Edd’s face nastily.



“Mr. Stone, we’re here to relieve you of your duties as the official spokesperson of Beaver Buzz.”



Edd puts his hands in his hair and squeezes.



ES: “Does that mean I’m not going to be getting my checks anymore?”



Both suits nod as the handtruck guy finishes loading the cases of Beaver Buzz into the back of a green and yellow Beaver Buzz truck. Edd watches the sliding door come down with wide eyes.



ES: “Does that mean I’m not going to be getting free energy drinks anymore?”



“Not from us.”



He barely has time to mouth ‘what the fu….’ before the two men turn and begin walking away, leaving him there.



“Good day, Mr. Stone.”



They are about twenty feet away when one of them turns back.



“Get some help, Edd.”











Jumbo Jackson vs. “The Natural” Damian Carvill



TL: “Jackson was wrestling for the PWC until this past month when, he told us, he asked for his release.”



TT: “He told me on my podcast that he wanted to go someplace that would let him wrestle a bit more.”



TL: “Then he’s come to the right place, hasn’t he?”



TT: “I heard if he would’ve gone back to SWF they would’ve dressed him in an elaborate costume and billed him as Jumbo the Blue Whale and tried to redo the whole ‘Underwater Union’ thing.”



TL: “That’s terrible.”



TT: “That’s not even the worst part. For a finish he would have had to blast a torrent of seawater into his opponent’s face……and guess where the blowhole would’ve been positioned on the costume?”



Jumbo Jackson is a motivated, black-trunks-wearing, no frills monster and goes right for Carvill’s throat as soon as he hears the bell……and, like his partner earlier, The Natural doesn’t stand a chance. Jackson makes his way through his whole offensive repertoire, closing in on the finish with a pair of running powerslams (using the turnbuckles to bash him into before slamming him) before sitting Carvill up in the corner.



The Natural doesn’t budge; Jumbo gets a running start and comes flying across the ring, drilling Carvill straight in the face with a brutal kick/hipshot. When his body flops out of the corner, nearly lifeless, Carvill is easy prey for Jackson, who covers him with ease.



TL: “How about that? This guy is a monster; a win like that should put everyone on notice.”



TT: “Welcome to the ACPW, Jumbo.”




Your Winner: Jumbo Jackson (Pinfall @ 6:09)








Fighter Profile



<a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/ACPW/?action=view&current=DanStoneJr_Self2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/ACPW/DanStoneJr_Self2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Dan Stone jr.


From: Toronto, ON


Ht: 6’2


Wt: 233


Notable Titles Held:

Six Time NOTBPW Canadian Champion; Five Time (And Current) NOTBPW Tag Team Champion


Superlatives/Words to Describe:

“Respected” “The Best of the Best” “Finest Pound for Pound”



Second generation wonder Dan Stone jr. just might be the finest all around professional wrestler in the world today. Ask those that know him, he’s just wired that way; to be the best. In fact, if you’d talk to him yourself, he’d tell you like he told an ACPW interviewer “Wrestling is all I have. No wife. No kids. Just me and the craft. It’s my lifeblood. It’s what keeps me going. To be honest, without it, I don’t think I’d have any reason to go on.”



Having spent the last year dominating the NOTBPW tag ranks in a team with his brother Jeremy while fully recovering from a knee injury that cost him the end of 2009, Dan’s attention has been diverted from the World Title. Should it go back there during his time in ACPW, whoever’s holding the belt will have one of the best, pound for pound wrestlers in the world coming after them.



It is also worth noting that Dan is also currently the head trainer at the respected House of Stone training dojo, taking over at the beginning of January for his brother Jeremy, who had run the school for seven straight years prior.










ELITE arrives at the arena, pulling up in a longer-than-imaginable black limousine, and coming to a screeching halt right at the mouth of the talent entrance.



They pour out in sequence, all wearing designer suits: the sneering Eddie Chandler, the young blue chipper Trent Sheaffer, and tonight’s challenger in the main event, the former three time CGC Champion, the six foot nine, three hundred pound “Giant Amongst Giants”, Dan DaLay.



EC: “Look Trent, the point I’m trying to make that you’re obviously not understanding….”



Trent understands. And rolls his eyes accordingly while watching the limo driver pull their bags out of the trunk and roll them to the curb.



EC: “…is that no matter how good your idea might be…..”



Chandler slides his sunglasses down to the tip of his nose and looks Sheaffer directly in the eye.



EC: “…I’M the leader of the group; the decision maker for this unit. And I like my idea better. So that’s what we’re going to do.”



DaLay half heartedly shrugs and nods at Chandler before pulling out the handle on his suitcase. Sheaffer just shakes his head but doesn’t say anything.



As the limo driver hops back behind the wheel and begins slowly rolling away, looking for a place to park, Chandler just stands next to his suitcase, yelling in the limo’s direction.



EC: “This bag isn’t going to carry itself, idiot!”



All he sees are tail lights. He pulls out his iphone indignantly.



EC: “That’s fine. I’ll wait.”



As the cameras turn just a bit, preparing to cut to the next segment, the lens catches a pair of eyes glimmering from up above the concrete overhang. When the cameraman finally gets focused on the area, they are gone.










Steve DeColt vs. Shooter Sean Deeley



Deeley looks like a changed man since aligning himself with superagent “The Sexual Intellectual” Joe Sexy. Gone is the red and white collegiate wrestling singlet of the past. In it place: a new long sleeved purple and black body suit. But Deeley’s attitude in the ring hasn’t changed one bit. It’s all business, all the time. And when DeColt begins doing what DeColt does, ie: landing clotheslines and stomping around the ring, firing up the crowd, Deeley has no problem cutting a corner, driving a thumb into Steve’s eye and beginning his own offensive attack.



Steve is built like a brickhouse, but Deeley’s competence as a mat wrestler is an equalizer; everyone is the same size flat on their backs. And when DeColt finds himself in a sharpshooter, with the referee on the wrong side of him to see Joe Sexy pulling on Shooter Sean’s arm to give him extra leverage, all looks lost.



But DeColt begins powering up superman style, with the crowd urging him on, building up until he is so cranked up he starts doing pushups, still locked in the sharpshooter.



Shooter Sean freaks out, Joe Sexy freaks out, all of a sudden having troubles communicating with Deeley as the crowd gets loud. DeColt gets to his feet.



Thrust to the throat! Then, he whips him into the turnbuckles and follows Deeley in with a huge clothesline that knocks the wind out of him. Some fans in the front stand up, sensing the move before it comes.



TL: “DeColt Stampede!”



DeColt comes out of the corner with Deeley’s head in tow and buries him with it (Running Bulldog), taking his time to go around to the other side of Deeley before pinning him, just so he can keep an eye on the irate Joe Sexy at ringside.



TT: “It’s hard to argue with him, London. Steve DeColt is an impressive athlete and should be in line for a Canadian Title shot sooner rather than later.”



TL: “I’d have to agree.”




Your Winner: Steve DeColt (Pinfall @ 11:46)





The cameras again cut to Victoria Stone, still sitting in her company luxury box high in the side of the arena. This time, however, instead of being on the phone, she is joined by her husband “American Tiger” Sean McFly who has been injured and out of action for the last eight weeks with a concussion that has left many wondering about his long term prognosis.



When the shot of McFly sitting next to her pops up on the big screen, the crowd begins freaking out for the missing-in-action NOTBPW Canadian Champion and a chant begins to get some momentum, starting on the floor and making its way up the balconies:






McFly stands up and awkwardly leans over the railing, giving the fans a quick wave before returning to his seat.



Steve DeColt is still on the stage after his match when this happens and just stands there, sweating after the win. Instead of posing once more before leaving, as is his custom, he just watches the “BEST IN THE WORLD” scene play itself out with his hands on his hips, shaking his head.









Just before the main event, a short video rolls. It shows a mix of some of the recent run ins between lifelong rivals, The DeColts and ELITE, and some of the not-so-recent. Their feud has literally been going on for years. Alex’s matches with Dan DaLay have been, in the past, some of the hardest hitting of his career. The package closes with a split screen, showing both Alex DeColt and Dan DaLay holding the CGC World Title aloft in their crowning moments at “The DeColt Wrestlefestival” one year apart.









Alex DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

-CGC World Heavyweight Title Match-



TL: “And this has got that big fight feel, doesn’t it?”



TT: “I actually agree with you for once. You should feel honored.”



The familiarity between the two men is evident as soon as the match starts; they go right for it, neither worried about being surprised by the other. Alex DeColt is a big man with an impressive physique, but he is noticeably much smaller than the towering DaLay. That doesn’t stop him from attempting to bodyslam DaLay in the early going. It costs him dearly as the larger DaLay won’t allow it; he hammers down on the CGC Heavyweight Champion with a half dozen elbow shots that send Alex to the mat.



TL: “Alex should’ve known better. DaLay is the ‘Giant Amongst Giants’, you can’t just slam him like he’s a regular sized man.”



From there, it is the Dan DaLay show. It is a slow show, but there is so much power behind his attack, Alex can’t do anything to stop it. Every time he begins to mount some sort of offense of his own, DaLay moves him into a corner and punches and stomps him senseless again.



The match progresses this way until about the fourteen minute mark when Eddie Chandler’s constant direction from the floor begins to wear on DaLay, who appears to be heading toward finishing Alex off and regaining the CGC title.



It only takes a second. DaLay, pulling Alex onto his feet by his hair, stops his momentum and turns toward the still jabbering Chandler. Trent Sheaffer just shrugs as Chandler continues rambling on; DaLay shakes his head in disbelief, yelling “SHUT UP!” in his stablemate’s direction.



Alex DeColt climbs through the window the incident gives him, rocking backward and hitting the ropes hard and coming off with a huge high knee. It knocks DaLay back; Alex spins him around and locks his arms across DaLay’s chest and mightily lifts him up before driving him down with a DeColt Driver (Sit Down Straight Jacket Bomb) and hooking his leg. Chandler goes ballistic on the floor as the referee makes the three count.



TL: “And even though he won’t admit it, Eddie Chandler cost Dan DaLay that match.”



TT: “He was just trying to help, London. DaLay needs to be told what to do. Always has. Everybody knows that.”



TL: “In any case, Alex may have closed the book on his rivalry with ELITE for good with that win. We hope you’ve enjoyed ACPW on ESPN tonight; see you next week, fans.”






Your Winner: Alex DeColt (Pinfall @ 17:55)





© 2011

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</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Show #1 Grades</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Townsend Surprisingly Arrives/Show Open (C+)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Tommy London Welcome (C+)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Maple Leaf Express II over Dan/Jeremy Stone (B-)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

COO in Her Luxury Box ©</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Westybrook Video ©</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Tim Westybrook over Owen Love (C-)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Steve DeColt Promo (A*)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Jeremy Finch over Edd Stone ©</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Edd Loses Beaver Buzz Contract (C+)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Jumbo Jackson over The Natural (C-)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Dan Stone Profile (B-)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

ELITE Arrives (C+)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Steve DeColt over Shooter Sean Deeley (B-)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

McFly Joins Victoria in Luxury Box(B)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

ELITE vs. DeColts Video (B+)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Alex DeColt over Dan DaLay (B-)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Show Grade: B-</em></p><p><em>

</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

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</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> © 2011 </strong></p></div><p></p>

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</p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>“I’m sure the fans would agree that was a nice show to get things started, John.”</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I’m happy with it, and quite excited to see the ratings. I’m curious how our product is going to weigh into things. I think we’re aiming everything at the right fans; the numbers will bear that out, I guess.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>“Been busy with the company startup stuff, I’ve heard. The first weeks of the game are usually chock full of loose ends that need to be tied up.”</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I agree. Lots of stuff to keep busy. Filling out the roster to my liking is my first priority.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>“Who are we talking about?”</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I offered contracts left and right in the days leading up to the first show and I will continue to do so going into our second week. A couple could prove to be big money investments, but mostly they are all part of my attempt to make the roster younger and more athletic.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>“Anybody I’d know?”</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I will tell you that I was turned down by Rocky Golden yesterday, so he won’t be joining us on our ACPW adventure. He also turned down the SWF; staying with TCW gives him a chance to be on top. Here, I would’ve put him into a group or something to cover his….shortcomings, of which he has a few..” </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>“……”</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I’ve got some feelers out internationally. I’m going to use all of my contacts.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>“……”</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I’m really focusing on tag teams, right now, okay. As per the challenge, I’m trying to build it from the ground up. That’s going to take time. And a lot of bodies until we find the right combinations.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>“I would tend to agree. It won’t be easy.”</strong></em><em> </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

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</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">ACPW LIVE on ESPN</span></em></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

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</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>

</em></strong><strong><em><span style="font-size:14px;">Alex, Jack, and Ricky DeColt vs. Dan/Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly</span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="font-size:14px;">

-Special Attraction Six Man Main Event-</span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

Plus:</em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

Steve DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

Tim Westybrook vs. Trent Sheaffer</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

Fighting Irish vs. Stevie Grayson/Joey Poison</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Davis Wayne Newton</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

Jeremy Finch vs. Edd Stone – Rematch</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

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</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> 2011 © </strong></p></div><p></p>

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<p><strong>Steve DeColt </strong>vs. Eddie Chandler</p><p>

<strong>Tim Westybrook</strong> vs. Trent Sheaffer</p><p>

<strong>Dark Angel</strong> vs. Erik Strong</p><p>

Fighting Irish vs.<strong> Stevie Grayson/Joey Poison</strong></p><p>

<strong>Shooter Sean Deeley</strong> vs. Davis Wayne Newton</p><p>

<strong>Jeremy Finch</strong> vs. Edd Stone – Rematch</p>

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<p>Alex, Jack, and Ricky DeColt vs. <strong>Dan/Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly</strong></p><p>

<strong>Steve DeColt</strong> vs. Eddie Chandler</p><p>

Tim Westybrook vs. <strong>Trent Sheaffer</strong></p><p>

<strong>Dark Angel </strong>vs. Erik Strong</p><p>

Fighting Irish vs. <strong>Stevie Grayson/Joey Poison</strong></p><p>

<strong>Shooter Sean Deeley</strong> vs. Davis Wayne Newton</p><p>

<strong>Jeremy Finch </strong>vs. Edd Stone – Rematch</p>

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<strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Garamond;">Due to your gold status on the ACPW fan boards, you have access to exclusive content from time to time.</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

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</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>ACPW Members Only News Blast</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

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</p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I have been tested.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

A bald man wearing a long, sleeveless black trench coat walks among the headstones in a cemetery across the street from a church. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I have been tried. By Him.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The bell rings once; the bottom of the hour. Sunday morning. The man scratches the ground, roughly digging the sign of the cross in the dirt. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I’ve been waiting for a sign…..from whoever; good or evil; heaven or hell.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

He is worn; his skin is rough. The sunlight catches it, just so.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“And I’ll hit my knees to pray every night until it comes. I’m ready to serve my lord.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

He kneels at the base of the cross he has drawn, bowing his head.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Whoever it is.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

.....</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

.......</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

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</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> © 2011 </strong></p></div><p></p>

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<p>FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS</p><p> </p><p>

Alex, Jack, and Ricky DeColt vs. <strong>Dan/Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly</strong></p><p>

<strong>Steve DeColt</strong> vs. Eddie Chandler</p><p>

<strong>Tim Westybrook</strong> vs. Trent Sheaffer</p><p>

<strong>Dark Angel</strong> vs. Erik Strong</p><p>

Fighting Irish vs. <strong>Stevie Grayson/Joey Poison</strong></p><p>

<strong>Shooter Sean Deeley</strong> vs. Davis Wayne Newton</p><p>

<strong>Jeremy Finch</strong> vs. Edd Stone – Rematch</p>

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Alex, Jack, and Ricky DeColt vs. Dan/Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly

Steve DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler

Tim Westybrook vs. Trent Sheaffer

Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong

Fighting Irish vs. Stevie Grayson/Joey Poison

Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Jeremy Finch vs. Edd Stone – Rematch

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Remember when wrestlers got into the ring and fought?



Remember when the only thing that mattered was the World Heavyweight Championship?










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LIVE: Tomorrow Night on USA Sports One @ 8pm EST







© 2011

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Show #2



Live on ESPN

Seattle, WA







TL: “On the heels of last week’s highest rated weekly wrestling show in North America, we’re live in Seattle, Washington, for ACPW on ESPN! And we’ve got a huge main event; it’ll be one for the ages, Tommy.”



TT: “It’ll be family versus family tonight on ACPW LIVE when CGC Champion Alex, and ACPW Tag Team Champions Jack and Ricky, The DeColts, take on Dan Stone, Jeremy Stone, and NOTBPW Champion Sean McFly in a six man tag team contest that fans around the world have been dying to see.”



TL: “Amazing. Simply amazing; I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see that one for myself. But right now, let’s go to the ring for our first match of the night.”









Show Open










Edd Stone vs. Jeremy Finch


TL: “Okay so, Edd not only lost his match last week, in the last seconds of it, by submission, mind you…..but he lost what I can only imagine was a lucrative sponsorship deal with BEAVER BUZZ, the energy drink. It was a bad night.”



TT: “And really, London, Edd looks like he could use an energy drink or three right now. And also a shower, too. Where did he stay last night? An alley?”



TL: “I have no idea, but I know Jeremy Finch isn’t going to give him a free pass because he looks like a vagrant.”



Edd is on his heels from the start as Finch decides to try the ground and pound approach in their rematch to much success. After getting an armdrag reversed and finding himself on his back at about the three or four minute mark, this turns into Finch’s match and he tears Edd up, really outclassing him.



TL: “C’mon, Edd? Where’s that fire?”



It’s gone apparently; even his comeback is easily thwarted by the former tag team specialist Finch who ducks Edd’s lazy clothesline attempt and locks him in the same armbar that beat him last week. It is only for a moment. Finch uses his leverage in the hold to stand Edd up and hook him for a brainbuster, dropping him on his noggin seconds later and getting the three count.



As Finch gets his arm raised, the camera gets an overhead shot of Edd Stone, barely conscious, laid out flat on his back for the umpteenth straight week.



TT: “That might as well be Edd’s new PR photo; print up about two thousand glossy eight by tens. Spread eagled on the mat, having lost again: that’s how Edd Stone will be remembered.”



Your Winner: Jeremy Finch (Submission @ 16:54)
















Jenny Playmate is on the silver, black, and maroon backstage interview set standing alongside the CGC Heavyweight Champion, Alex DeColt, and the brand new ACPW World Tag Team Champions, Jack and Ricky DeColt.





JP: “Alex, I think it’s safe to say that, after last week’s victories, you are a happy group of guys, right?”



AD: “Safe to say? Sweetheart, it’s as plain as day…as plain as any fact could be.”



He smiles. The camera squares up on him as Jack and Ricky pat the freshly minted tag belts, buffing them to a shine.



AD: “I’ve been the CGC Heavyweight Champion for eleven months now. Jack and Ricky; they’re the best tag team in the world today. Those belts say so.”



They nod. Ricky pushes his hair out of his face.



AD: “So yeah, things have been pretty good for the DeColt family lately.”



AD: “And tonight is all about family. My family. No titles on the line; just a little matter of deciding who the dominant family in this business is.”



AD: “My brothers put Dan and Jeremy in their places last week, so that’s not the issue. The issue tonight…..will be whether or not I am better than Sean McFly.”



Alex is in great shape, leaner and more ripped than ever before, flexing intently as he talks.



AD: “Now McFly, I know that one of your calling cards while you were dominating NOTBPW, one of the things you hang your hat on, is that ‘you’ve beaten everybody’.”



AD: “But you know what? You’ve never beaten me, Sean. I’ve been dominating, too. A little place called CGC. You might’ve heard of it?”



AD: “Tonight won’t change that. You won’t beat me. I’m the ACPW’s bellcow; the number one guy. Someday we’re going to meet. Tonight….you’re going to find out what Alex DeColt…is all aboot.”
















Fighter Profile





Dark Angel


From: Vancouver, BC


Ht: 5”10


Wt: 210


Superlatives/Words to Describe:


“Mysterious” “Big in Japan” “First Generation Cruiserweight” “Aging Gracefully”



One of the most decorated super juniors to ever lace them up, “Dark Angel” Cliff Wilson seems to be nearing the end of his days as a top of the line competitor, having been at the very pinnacle of his sport for almost twenty five years.



Of late, however many of Wilson’s closest friends and family members have expressed concern for his mental well being rather than his physical wellness, claiming they have, in some cases, seen him acting erratically in public.



His recent in ring performances reflect that erratic-ness perfectly; moments of brilliance mixed with hours of madness. Can he right the ship in ACPW with a clean slate at his disposal, even while obviously dealing with some very personal issues, and make one last run to the top of the mountain? Only time will tell.















Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Davis Wayne Newton



TT: “When I talked to Joe Sexy during our private meeting before the show, he told me that his client wouldn’t have any problems out-wrestling DWN tonight and that the win was all but assured. Sorry smarks and internaughts.”



TL: “You just looooove Joe Sexy, don’t you?”



TT: “I do. I won’t lie. He’s going to have his man on point to take on NWT or whatever his letters are…”



TL: “DWN, or Davis Wayne Newton, is one half of the exciting West Coast Wolves alongside Mark Griffin. They are two young, hungry, hard hitting, internet darlings that were offered their ACPW contracts after COO Victoria Stone herself attended an indy supershow that they were headlining.”



TT: “They must’ve made quite the impression then. If there’s one thing Victoria knows, it’s tag team wrestling…….that and purses.”



Newton keeps Deeley off balance constantly with his combination of speed and innovation. But, perhaps a case of getting some jitters in his ACPW debut, DWN eventually begins to get stuck in the mud of Shooter Sean’s mat game and looks to be on his way out. But he mounts a fabulous comeback culminating with him leaping to the top rope that brings the fans to their feet.



TL: “I’ve heard about this; his shooting star press is a thing of beauty.”



But Deeley pulls up his knees at the last second when Newton attempts a shooting star press, folding the indy star in half and leaving him cradling his ribs on the canvas. When they both get to their feet, Shooter Sean explodes onto DWN with a running clothesline, dropping the youngster again.



Joe Sexy, fairly quiet (except for his outfit) at ringside up until now, yells to Deeley and signals for the Shooter’s feared heel hook finisher. Deeley hears him and immediately flips Newton onto his stomach and snatches up his leg, locking him in the hold and bending his ankle grossly to one side. DWN bears it for a few seconds before tapping frantically.



TL: “Quite a match there, Tommy.”



TT: “And just like I thought, my main man-Joe Sexy’s newest client, Shooter Sean Deeley picks up the win. He’s headed straight to the top, London, you just wait and see.”



TL: “Newton’s no slouch either. I can’t wait to see WCW in the ring.”



Your Winner: Shooter Sean Deeley (Submission @ 9:42)

















A short video rolls, this one sent to us from our friends at GAMMA, the premier mixed martial arts league in the world. It features another update on the career progress of Bloodstone, the former NOTBPW World Champion turned MMA heavyweight division challenger.



There only a few highlights in the package, but they all roll in slow motion; Bloodstone has won his fifth fight in a row by knockout and scores this one with a vicious overhand right that he snuck in behind a reaching left hand. A black and white overhead shot of his opponent and a voiceover from Bloodstone himself closes things. A lanky white fellow in blue and white trunks with “COBRA” stitched on the piping looks up at the lights, slowly spitting out his bloody mouthpiece as Bloodstone backs away in the referee’s arms.



“I’m the baddest man on the planet! Who’s next?! No one can beat me!! No one!!”
















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Fighting Irish vs. Stevie Grayson/Joey Poison


TL: “Tag team action, here Tommy; The Fighting Irish are back in action after being absent from NOTBPW for the past three weeks or so.”



TT: “Super duper. I’m going to check my Facebook now, okay?”



This one is fairly pedestrian even though the crowd is till buzzing from the previous match. It ends at about the five minute mark with a tidy “Antidote Web” (Complex Cradle) from Joey Poison that traps McNamara for the three count



Your Winners: Stevie Grayson/Joey Poison (Pinfall @ 5:05)















Dan DaLay and Trent Sheaffer push their way out of the ELITE locker room and begin down the backstage hallway toward the ring, Sheaffer dressed for work in his black and red tights and DaLay in his street clothes, a navy blue suit and v-neck t-shirt.



TL: “Trent Sheaffer, ELITE’s blue chipper, is in action next!”



Sheaffer flits his head from side to side, stretching out his neck as they get to the curtain. As he pushes through and his music hits in the arena, the camera moves jarringly to the right.



There is nothing there.



TL: “I wonder who it was that the cameras caught watching ELITE last week?”



TT: “I think our cameraman thought it was happening again. Nice job down there, lunchpail; great cinematography.”



TL: “It would’ve freaked me out too, Tommy. The eyes were glowing.”

















Tim Westybrook vs. Trent Sheaffer



TT: “Westybrook is coming off of a pretty lopsided victory last week, but the leap up from Shooter Sean Deeley to a blue chipper like Trent Sheaffer is pretty steep.”



TL: “But Sheaffer’s got other things on his mind right now, too. I don’t think all is well in the ELITE locker room.”



TT: “In my opinion, which is the only one that matters, Sheaffer needs to know his place. Eddie Chandler has been running ELITE since Adrian Garcia split almost two years ago and the youngster needs to learn to respect that, no matter how much footing he thinks he’s getting in the business.”



TL: “Well……Chandler cost Dan DaLay the CGC Title by ‘running ELITE’ in DaLay’s match against Alex DeColt last week. Sheaffer didn’t. Just remember that.”



TT: “Yeah and Big Dan did seem a bit pissed about it, didn’t he?”



Joined by the aforementioned Dan DaLay at ringside, Trent Sheaffer decides to try the hit and run approach with the massive Westybrook, hoping to stay away from him and avoid any of his submission moves while possibly drawing him into DaLay’s path on the floor.



And it works, at least through the midpoint in the match, when Sheaffer’s frustrating ‘in then out of the ring’ strategy comes back to bite him. Westybrook, finally losing his cool and following Sheaffer to the floor as he runs, finds himself almost face to face with the “Giant Amongst Giants”. But when DaLay gets a two step start and tries to kick Westybrook in the face, the big submission specialist sidesteps it. DaLay overextends and falls awkwardly, but not before cleaning out the oncoming Trent Sheaffer with the boot before doing so.



Westybrook rolls Sheaffer under the bottom rope and quickly flips him over with his bearhug belly to belly. DaLay struggles to get to his feet, really favoring his right leg, and cannot even get near the ring gain to make the save as Westybrook locks Sheaffer into his dragon sleeper. It only takes a few seconds for him to render the blue chipper unconscious.



TL: “That’s a big win for Westybrook. Sheaffer can really go.”



TT: “A big win for Westybrook, but a big loss for young Trent. And it really looks like ELITE is fraying at the seams. Too bad.”




Your Winner: Tim Westybrook (Submission @ 9:42)













Dan Stone shadowboxes near a mirror in a backstage locker room as Jeremy wraps his wrists with tape on a bench nearby.



DS: “Big one tonight, bro.”



He throws a tight left as Jeremy nods.



DS: “Gonna show the DeColt brothers what wrestling looks like, eh?”



Jeremy doesn’t look up from his wrist taping.



JS: “I’m thinking about retiring, Danny, have been for a while now. I don’t know if I care enough about it anymore. It’s not like it used to be for me.”



Dan stops throwing punches and turns toward his older brother. He takes a second, but nods, understandingly, still listening.



JS: “It’s always been my everything, too, Dan. But lately……I thought having you start running the school would give me more time away; more time to recharge my battery, but it hasn’t.”



Dan continues nodding.



DS: “Just think about it. And when you do it…..do it for good. Don’t be one of those guys retires two or three times……”





Their brother in law, NOTBPW Canadian Champion Sean McFly (who has retired twice), walks out from behind a long row of lockers, dressed in his familiar red and black trunks and thunderbolt adorned black kickpads. Dan and Jeremy both walk over toward him and shake his hand and pat him on the back.



McFly gives them both a fist bump. He looks confident.



TL: “He looks like he’s ready to go.”



TT: “I guess so, London, but what does someone with post concussion syndrome look like? Do you know? I don’t.”















Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong


TT: “Pardon me if I don’t bother to watch this one either. I have no interest in either of these guys. Neither of ‘em.”



TL: “Why don’t you go watch SWF, then, Tommy. I heard they had puppets as the guest hosts this week.”



The wily veteran’s mean streak is more pronounced than usual; Dark Angel surprises the young upstart, turning back the clock a decade or so. After a flurry of moves that leaves him almost down and out, Angel stands him back up and faces off with Grayson. He scores with two dropkicks before getting a two and a half count with one of his trademark handspring moonsaults.



Before he starts to stir, the mysterious one lifts the wobbly legged Strong to his feet, and, talking to himself the whole time, knees him in the belly, hooks him, and buries him facefirst into the canvas with a vicious “Descent Into Hell” (Double Underhook Facebuster).



TL: “When he’s on and focused, Dark Angel looks like he did fifteen years ago.”



TT: “The problem is….him being focused is rare. He’s his own worst enemy and he always has been. It’s only been the last two years or so that it’s really caught up to him and shown.”



Your Winner: Dark Angel (Pinfall @ 6:34)












“Who Rules?”





The lights twist, turn, and fade into a deep blue, and as his music throbs throughout the arena, the massive Steve DeColt appears on the stage, holding a microphone.



SD: “DeColts versus Stones? Tonight? Without……”



He turns his head to the side, as if looking to the crowd in the balcony on that side for an answer.



SD: “THE DeColt!”



His fans cheer loudly.



SD: “I’ve conquered the world without my old man behind the scenes calling the shots. Alex hasn’t. Jack hasn’t. And Ricky sure as hell hasn’t.”



SD: “Nine times out of ten, Ricky wouldn’t get to his plane on time without Jack or Alex waking him up and giving him a ride. And that’s the gospel truth.”



He flexes his pecs, oiled to the max.



SD: “And they have the nerve to have some sort of super match without me?”



SD: “Why is that? What does everyone have against me?”



SD: “Popular or unpopular, I don’t care what anyone thinks.”



The fans cheer again.



SD: “I don’t think they wanted a DeColt……THE DeColt…….winning the NOTBPW Title THEN, and I don’t think they want a DeColt to win the title NOW, whatever this place is called.”



He continues.



SD: “Take tonight for example.”



SD: “Instead of being in the main event, drawing the big checks and putting butts in the buckets; proving that I AM better than Sean McFly….”



SD: “I’m going to have to take out the trash here in DeColt Country; I’m going to have to wipe out CGC never-was Eddie Chandler.”



SD: “His faction, the ELITE, has always given my brothers fits.”



SD: “But not me. I don’t sweat a midcarder like Chandler. I left those idiots in the past.”



SD: “Watch what I do to him; take notice, Mr. and Mrs. McFly.”



SD: “Who Rules?”



The answer is loud and resounding, as always.

















Steve DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler



TT: “Steve DeColt is a driven man, London. He feels like he’s been slighted by the man.”



TL: “Or in this case, the WO-man; can you actually accuse Victoria Stone of ‘slighting him’ when we’re only two shows deep in ACPW’s history? And that the NOTBPW champion, Sean McFly, has been on the shelf for two months with a concussion? I’m just asking.”



TT: “He’s wrestling tonight though, isn’t he?”



TL: “McFly? For sure, in tonight’s main event.”



Eddie Chandler is a fine professional wrestler, having held numerous titles throughout his CGC career, but on this night Steve DeColt overwhelms him, fueled by anger as well as his usual mixture of skill and talent.



The crowd is on his side from the get-go, and Steve just plows through his offensive repertoire: gut wrench suplex into the Canadian backbreaker, one of his family’s trademark moves (which he does twice for effect), a triumvirate of two handed throat thrusts and his monster lariat leaves the smarmy Chandler reeling.



Chandler is in trouble and tries to get to his feet by using the ropes. Bad move. DeColt comes rushing in, using their combined momentum to pseudo splash him into the turnbuckles before grabbing hold of the leader of ELITE’s head.



TT: “Wait a second. This match just started didn’t it?”






Steve drives him down, facefirst, into the ACPW logo, before hopping over him and covering him. He doesn’t even hook the leg, instead doing push ups over the fallen Chandler as the referee counts him out.



TL: “Wow. Sending a message much?”



TT: “A message that won’t be worth squat unless the right people get it.”



Your Winner: Sreve DeColt (Pinfall @ 3:04)









ACPW Chaos Theory

Live on PPV

In Six Weeks












TL: “This one has ‘dream match’ written all over it, and you fans are getting it live tonight on free TV from ACPW.”



TT: “I know, right? The DeColts versus The Stones? When I first heard about the NOTBPW/CGC merger, the first thing I thought of were matches like these.”



TL: “And perhaps the biggest storyline going into the match, as we are just about set for introductions, is the health of the NOTBPW Canadian Champion, Sean McFly, who finally returns to the ring tonight after almost two months of being at home following his concussion.”



TT: “The “American Tiger” going to be rusty, if nothing else.”












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Sean McFly/Dan Stone/Jeremy Stone vs. The DeColts

-Special Attraction Main Event-



TL: “I can’t wait to see this. Here we go.”



For the second week in a row, the crowd is maxxed out and ready for the main event and you can feel it in the arena’s air. It is a dream match. And both The DeColts, with all three men carrying gold, and the Stone/McFly team get a huge ovation from the fans, ratcheting up the anticipation level even more.



It unfolds like you might expect, with there being great sequences between five of the six men; Sean McFly doesn’t get into the ring until about the ten minute mark, preferring to cheer on his brothers in law from the apron until tagging in to face off against a wobbling Ricky DeColt, just victimized by Dan and Jeremy’s double spinebuster. When he vaults over the top rope, the fans whoop loudly and come to their feet.



TL: “Here we go for real. Let’s see where he is in his recovery.”



Ricky makes the first move, somehow righting himself and throwing a straight left hand even though he’s obviously cloudy. McFly ducks under it and stands up spinning, drilling the youngest DeColt with a back kick that flattens him and sends the “American Tiger” off to the races. He empties the bag offensively and the fans act like they are on a nostalgia high, even though it’s only been two months since they’ve seen the moves. , a plethora of his trademark knife edged chops, and a delayed vertical suplex that McFly holds and holds and holds….



TL: “It’s been almost fifteen seconds!”



TT: “That’s a long time to be upside down!”



Alex and Jack go crazy on the apron, unable to bail out their little brother as he gets taken to the woodshed.



Finally, they can’t bear it for one more second and jump in. So do the Stones; the ring fills and it is a wild fracas. The referee is beside himself trying to regain order while the match descends into a huge brawl.



TL: “This is crazy. We haven’t seen one cheap shot, or one cut corner this whole time, but the intensity level just got to be too much for these guys to handle.”



TT: “And not for nothing, London, if this is truly to be a fist fight……it has to favor the DeColts, right?”



It’s hard to follow the action, it is everywhere; Jeremy and Dan simultaneously toss Jack and the very ornery Alex to the floor before nodding at each other and nailing their targets with running suicide dives, leaving Sean McFly in the ring alone again with Ricky DeColt.



Ricky takes a shot, reeling off a discus punch that catches McFly flush in the face, sending him staggering back. But even without making a mistake, DeColt is still in harm’s way, whether he knows it or not. He leans in, looking for a move and gets nailed with a lightening quick backhand chop that stuns him. Jeremy and Dan continue to battle Alex and Jack on the floor and before either of his brothers can get back into the ring, Ricky suddenly finds himself locked up and turned over onto his head in McFly’s “Delorean Driver” (Spinning Northern Lights Bomb). The three count is academic.



TL: “Wow. The NOTBPW Champion looks as good as he’s ever looked.”



TT: “As much as I’d hate to say it, you’re right. He did.”



TL: “And I don’t know who it is, but when McFly’s next one on one challenger comes marching down the aisle, they had better be ready to step into the ring with one of the best of all time. He’s back, ladies and gentlemen; the American Tiger is back.”



Your Winners: Sean McFly/Dan & Jeremy Stone (Pinfall @ 21:59)









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In an effort to add a bit of pizazz to things, we here at Guest Booker are excited to announce our new relationship with television actor Reginald Veljohnson, as our official show runner/scorer/grader.



Veljohnson, who is most famous for his roles in the Die Hard movies and as loveable suburban father Carl Winslow on ABC’s Family Matters, had recently retired from the industry after suffering a fall onset last summer.



The fall, as it turns out, has “scrambled” -for lack of a better term- Veljohnson somewhat, as he currently believes he is in fact Carl Winslow, the character he portrayed for so many years, with all of the knowledge to impart and deadpan wit that he made semi-famous in the early nineties.



It is also why he was so affordable.



But we here at Guest Booker believe his star power outweighs the awkward weirdness of the situation. We hope you do, too.







“Hey all, got a look at the scores for last week’s show. The marks are pretty good, amazingly. I mean, if it was his report card, there’d be no need for my son Eddie to have to hide it from me just so I’d let him borrow my car for his big date. I love him, you know; he’s my son, my baby boy. But a lot of times, I don’t think he’s right in the head.”



“I’m looking forward to doing this thing here with you wrestling geeks. I can’t wait until you get to meet the bespectacled–but-lovable (they tell me) geek next door. He’s a piece of work and he’s always stopping by. My wife, Harriet, seems to think he’s in love with our daughter, Laura. I'm not sure."






"I’d tell you more, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise when he shows up. You've just got to see him for yourself."



"It always seems to get a laugh from….wherever those laughs are coming from.”



“Anyway, here are the grades.”










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Show #2 Grades





Show Open (B)

Jeremy Finch over Edd Stone (B)

DeColts Backstage (B-)

Fighter Profile: Dark Angel (C-)

SSD over Davis Wayne Newton ©

GAMMA/Johnny Bloodstone Progress Update Video (B-)

Joey Poison/Stevie Grayson over Fighting Irish (D+)

DaLay/Sheaffer Head to Ring/Glowing Eyes Story Reprise (C+)

Tim Westybrook over Trent Sheaffer (C+)

Jeremy Talks Retirement/McFly Readies (B)

Dark Angel over Erik Strong (D+)

Who Rules? (B+)

Steve DeColt over Eddie Chandler (C+)

Chaos Theory PPV Promo (B+)

London/Townsend Main Event Hype (B+)

McFly/Dan/Jeremy over The DeColts (B-)



Show Grade: B-










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“One thing that I’d like to mention……other than the addition of Carl Winslow to things, which is undoubtedly the strangest person or thing that I have ever shared billing with…….”







“……but your checks don’t bounce, so what do I care…..”







“…….for those that haven’t picked up on it on their own already, IS that I really want my announce team to play a huge role in the telling of our stories.”



“I can see that.”



“I believe that, other than the in ring action, what they add, their layer of the story, is our most effective storytelling weapon when it comes to getting our point across.”



“And you’ve got quite the team behind the desk, too, don’t you?”



“Tommy London is the best. I know Peter Michaels gets the distinction of being the best in the business, but that’s simply because he’s wearing a headset for SWF. They act like whatever they have is the best because they are the most popular company in the United States.”






“They’ve always been like that and it’s directly related to the power trip that Richard Eisen has been on since the day he started Supreme. He needs to think he’s the best and that he’s surrounded by the best. And if you’re not one of the best when you come to SWF, he’ll make you into one of the best.”






“Or, he’ll just lie and say that someone is better than they are and beat it into the heads of his viewers until they believe it.”



“I think it’s funny that I didn’t even bring up Eisen or the SWF and you’ve turned the focus onto him the first chance you had. I knew your distaste for all things Eisen is famous, but….”



“Distaste? I f*cking hate Richard Eisen.”











“How are you finding your way around the game? Better than Phil, I hear? That’s what the guys have been saying anyway.”



“I found one thing that I can’t wait to see how it plays out: the dirty tricks thing. I’m going to have my announcers talk smack about all three of the other contenders, TCW, SWF, and PWC. I already started by having them crack on Supreme TV’s ‘Puppets’ night last week. Ugh……puppets? Really? So I told the guys to let them have it.”






“Because that’s how I do business.”






“I don’t mean to sound like I’m advocating cut corners and the like to get ahead. Far from it, actually. I’m saying……In the position we’re in, ACPW, as a company, one way we can create an identity among people who aren’t watching our shows, is by getting under the skin of the shows they DO watch until we get mentioned on their programming.”



“Even though it’ll be in the most unflattering way possible?”



“However it has to happen; acknowledgment is all I’m looking for. Once they do that, it’s all over.”






“I’m going to steal their fans. One at a time, if I have to.”




“That’s a big claim. A big question for the man dreaming that dream is: what’s the big plan? What’s going to draw the eyes away from SWF, TCW, and PWC? Other than mudslinging, what’re you going to hang your hat on?”



“To start with…..”






“The Openweight Division.”








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-ACPW Openweight Division-



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Wrestling for wrestling’s sake, the Openweight Division is set up like the sport that professional wrestling is meant to be.



Storylines? You’re looking for storylines? Don’t bother. The storyline is the same for every single combatant in the Openweight Division: competition against the best of the best.



The Openweight Division plays no favorites and favors no particular style. There are no limits. No restrictions. The wrestlers are free to be who they want to be, but they have to be among the very best in the world at it to keep their spot on the ladder…..and their ACPW contract.



So come one, come all; come luchadores and mat technicians, come hardcore death match champions, come Japanese strong style badasses, come American highflying spot monkeys and all styles or disciplines in between.



The best in the world are waiting for you. Where do you stand among them?





-All matches have a twenty minute time limit. No Countouts; No DQ’s.



6 Points for a Win

3 Points for a Draw

-4 Points for a loss




Every month a points/standings system ranks the wrestlers in the ten man division and every month, the bottom/last place wrestler is replaced in the division.



Cash bonuses are paid to wrestlers finishing in the top five at the end of the month, while pay is docked for wrestlers in the bottom five, according to position, down to the bottom worker receiving their walking papers.








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“After much prayer and reflection……”



He walks out of the graveyard, letting the old steel gate swing shut behind him.



“One day…..a Sunday, if you want to believe it….”



On the street now, his boots click against the pavement. He stares straight ahead.



“I met him.”



Sunbeam as he walks.



“In Los Angeles.”






“The city of angels.”



“He said he was a guardian, looking for a purpose.”



“I told him my story. I told him what I had been charged with."



“And he listened. All he did was listen.”



“When we parted, I thought I’d never see him again.”



“But the next morning when I set out on the road.....looking for Him once more…..”



“He was there. And he didn't follow, he walked by my side.”



“When we hit Tucson, he suggested we travel directly east. To meet our fates.”



“He was right.”



He nods and walks off camera, yelling back into the sun filled shot.



“Praise Him. I believe!”




















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The DeColts vs. ELITE – Six Man Tag Showdown






Jeremy Finch vs. Dan Stone


Tim Westybrook vs. Stevie Grayson/Joey Poison


Dark Angel vs. Jumbo Jackson


Dan DaLay vs. The Can-Am Blondes


Jeremy Stone vs. Davis Wayne Newton








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The DeColts vs. ELITE – Six Man Tag Showdown






Jeremy Finch vs. Dan Stone


Tim Westybrook vs. Stevie Grayson/Joey Poison


Dark Angel vs. Jumbo Jackson


Dan DaLay vs. The Can-Am Blondes


Jeremy Stone vs. Davis Wayne Newton

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  • 3 weeks later...





Show #3



Live on ESPN

Toronto, ON







TL: “Welcome to ACPW LIVE!, and we’re just over a month away from ACPW’s first pay-per-view, “Chaos Theory”, which will be one of the biggest wrestling events of all time, Tommy.”



TT: “Things are starting to take shape for Chaos Theory, too, London. I got a memo today from the COO that said both the NOTBPW Canadian title and the CGC Heavyweight championship will be defended. But no word yet on who will be challenging for them…..”



TL: “And four weeks later, the two Champions will meet in a match to crown ACPW’s first World Heavyweight Champion at the aptly named “Unified” event.”



TT: “Without question, it will make history. Tickets are already almost sold out.”



TL: “And we’ll keep you posted and get you the most up to date information on both events as soon as we get it. But right now……it’s wrestling time here on ACPW LIVE!”








Show Open










Dan Stone vs. Jeremy Finch



TL: “Jeremy Finch comes in riding a wave of momentum, having beaten Edd Stone in matches for two straight weeks and looking like he’s been reborn as singles wrestler.”



TT: “But this is Dan Stone jr, London……..one of the most…..BORING men in the business…”



TL: “Maybe to people like you. But to the rest of the world, he’s one of the most dangerous men in the business, Townsend, and don’t you ever forget that.”



TT:” Actually, seeing a Stone makes it okay to mention a Stone; what’s happened to Edd Stone. He didn’t even show up to the arena tonight.”



TL: “Good god. Have you no shame?”



Finch is on his game and stands toe-to-toe with Dan Stone throughout the entire match. In fact, there are points throughout the bout where either man could pick up the win it is such a hard hitting affair.



But a stumble and a brief moment of hesitation climbing the turnbuckles by Finch gives Dan the chance to break things wide open. He sprints up the buckles behind the unaware Finch and locks him around the waist before tossing him backward into the air with a release backdrop suplex.



Finch lands so hard he flips over again onto his face, laying facefirst on the mat as Dan picks himself up and shuffles over.



He stomps on Finch’s ankle a few times before lifting him up and locking him in position for a “TDD” (upside down butterfly suplex) and shooting his hips, flipping Finch backward again.



TL: “I think we all know what’s coming now!”



Stone circles in behind his downed opponent, taking just a second to let the crowd swell before he grabs Finch’s leg and twists it, grapevining his own leg around it before falling to the mat, yanking for all he is worth.



TT: “One of the most dangerous submission holds in the world today.”



Finch screams but doesn’t do anything…for a second. But in a flash, the pain becomes too much for him to deal with………and he taps feverishly, ending the match.



TL: “Like I said, one of the most dangerous men in the business: Dan Stone jr.”



TT: “I yawn when I’m bored. Hey look, I’m yawning.”




Your Winner: Dan Stone (Submission @15:12)
















We are transported to a very seedy hotel room. The first shot is overhead, and is of a nude woman, her makeup running, barely covered by the sheets as she sleeps. In just a second though, the focus becomes Edd Stone, shirtless, sitting on the edge of the bed, beside an empty handle of some sort of liquor, watching ACPW LIVE! on the TV. He has another one in his lap, and a small glass. There is a prescription bottle lying empty on the floor nearby.



Flicking the remote at the TV, away from ACPW LIVE!, Edd mixes the last of the current bottle with the last of his free energy drinks, fumbling the last can a bit as he makes BEAVER BOMB’S, his favorite drink. He exhales before holding the glass against his lower lip.



“Rock bottom, here I come.”












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Tim Westybrook vs. Joey Poison/Stevie Grayson

-Handicap Match-



TL: “Handicap matches test the mettle of those who are outnumbered; how will Tim Westybrook respond to this challenge?”



TT: “He’s been on a roll as of late.”



The first handicap match of the evening is a straight-up-blowout, with a big capital “B”. Grayson and Poison have their moment in the early going, but are just learning about each other, tag team experience wise, and quickly become overwhelmed by Westybrook. He puts on a clinic and turns both of them inside out before trapping the jorts-clad Grayson in his dragon sleeper that wraps up the match.



TL: “Westybrook is a MAN, London. He dominated two men; he whipped them.”



TT: “All without his leather mask, too.”



TL: “It’s a headband, Tommy, not a mask.”



TT: “I don’t think you’re getting the joke.”





Your Winner: Tim Westybrook (Stoppage @ 6:04 )









Fighter Profile






Sean McFly

Ht: 6’2

Wt: 228

Notable Titles Held:

Five Time NOTBPW Canadian Champion



In the ever evolving discussion about the greatest of all time, some names belong, but most do not. Sean McFly undoubtedly belongs in that conversation. Having dominated the sport since his debut in 1992 and the youngest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all time at the age of 21, McFly’s greatest run may have come in the last three years as the spearhead of the NOTBPW revival.



However, only six weeks after winning his fifth Canadian Title, McFly suffered a concussion during the main event of the annual Ed Henson event.



The hottest, most recent rumor dropped this past Monday when a wrestling website reported McFly would not be appearing on this week’s ACPW Live because he had suffered from some similar post concussion like symptoms in the hours following last week’s six man main event.



Victoria Stone’s assistant and public relations liaison refuted the claim, saying McFly would be absent from this week’s show due to a scheduling conflict (ACPW’s PPV Promotion in New York City) and that it has nothing to do with his previous injury.











Edd Stone stands, leaning against the wall in the shower, letting the water rain down over him. He keeps his eyes closed and just shakes his head. Suddenly, he opens the shower’s glass door and steps out, grabbing a towel and swinging the bathroom door open in one step. The steam pours out of the bathroom into the rest of the hotel room; Edd reaches over the bed and grabs his cell phone, punching in a number. His voice is low and somber.



ES: “Hey? Mom? Do you have Jeremy’s number……”



He takes a long breath.



ES: “Huh? I mean; I meant…..Dan. Do you have Dan’s number? I……lost it. Don’t cry, just….the number; can I have it?”












Jumbo Jackson vs. Dark Angel



TL: “Jumbo Jackson’s ACPW debut was a success two weeks ago, Tommy. Can he follow up on it and score a win over the battle tested veteran, Dark Angel?”



TT: “I think so. He’s on his way up; Dark Angel is on his way down. It’s a simple as that.”



TL: “Million dollar analysis right there, folks.”



Jackson is on top of Dark Angel as soon as the bell sounds, never letting the mysterious one get started and his overwhelming power is evident at about the three minute mark when he lifts the surprised veteran off of the top rope and press slams him to the floor.



TL: “And this looks like this might be one of those ‘off’ nights for Dark Angel. He’s in trouble.”



TT: “That…..or Jumbo Jackson is a legit, grade A badass.”



TL: “I’m beginning to think that might be the case.”



Jumbo rolls to the floor and drags Angel back into the ring with him like a lion with a kill, pulling him into the far side corner and leaving him sitting up.



TL: “We saw this two weeks ago, too. This move is a manstopper.”



A second later, Jumbo comes hammering across the ring and annihilates Dark Angel with his running boot/running hip shot, leaving the face painted one almost unconscious against the turnbuckles.



TL: “My god.”



Jackson grabs his boot and pulls him into the middle of the ring, hooking the leg and getting the walk-in-the-park easy three count.



TL: “This guy…..Jumbo Jackson……wow.”



TT: “Exactly. I concur.”



Your Winner: Jumbo Jackson (Pinfall @ 10:06)













Another quick video rolls this week about Bloodstone, former NOTBPW star and current buzzworthy top contender for GAMMA, the premier MMA company in the world. It shows the highlight finish of each of his first four matches; all by submission.












Alex DeColt paces around a backstage dressing room while Jack and Ricky very intently watch a video of themselves on a nearby monitor, trying to improve their game. Jack’s longtime girlfriend, Marie, hangs out on a stool in the corner, flipping through a magazine.



Jack and Ricky don’t look up.



AD: “Look, you guys. Things aren’t going to be like they used to. Not in ACPW. This place is run by a Stone not a DeColt; end of story.”






AD: “Look at all of the play the screw up, Edd, is getting. If he won a match next week, would the whole show be about him?”



They rewind the clip back to a double backflip they hit the Stones with in the tag title unification match.



AD: “Don’t you get it?”



Alex stands directly in front of the monitor, forcing his brothers to look at him.



AD: “Whether you guys can admit it to yourselves or not, Pop had a lot to do with how our careers have gone up until this point.”



They both finally make eye contact with Alex.



AD: “He’s put us in position to succeed our whole lives.”



AD: “Especially you two.”



Ricky breaks the eye contact first.



AD: “You the MOST, Ricky.”



AD: “Around here, no one’s going to give us a leg up. What we want…..we’re going to have to TAKE!”



He leans in even closer.






Alex is riled up, sweating a bit. Jack and Ricky are decidedly not riled up and both turn back to the monitor.



AD: “Well….”



He trails off, letting his voice come down a few notches as he walks back toward the locker room door, grabbing a bottle of water as he exits, leaving his brothers to their scouting.



AD: “Make sure you’re ready for tonight’s match. I waxed DaLay two weeks ago; you guys need to terminate Chandler and Sheaffer. Maybe if you do, we can finally put ELITE in the rearview mirror for good. And leave all that small time stuff behind….”








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Dan DaLay vs. Can Am Blondes



TL: “ELITE’s problems are becoming more interesting all the time, aren’t they? But for Dan DaLay, the “Giant Amongst Giants”, the beat just goes on.”



TT: “No doubt, London. He might’ve lost that CGC title match to Alex DeColt two weeks ago. But tonight, in our second handicap match of the evening, Dan DaLay is going to beat two men in one fell swoop….to prove to the powers that be he deserves one more rematch, I have no doubt.”



TL: “And he’s STILL going to wrestle in tonight’s main event grudge match.”



TT: “He’s a man!”



Love and Carvill try tagging in and out in the early going, using as much of the five seconds they are allowed on the exchange to double team ELITE’s monster. But it barely registers with him. He just clubs whoever comes near him with massive overhand blows until they fall. He lifts both men and blasts them with short arm clotheslines before choosing Love to lift off the canvas by the hair.



He is so strong; it is easy to turn him over and upside down, lifting him in position for his “DaLay Down” (Inverted Piledriver) before rising up onto his toes and falling to his knees, slamming Love’s skull straight into the ring.



TT: “Piledrivers always give me the willies, London, because……”



The lights flash off quickly before going back on again. DaLay just looks around.



TL: “You know what gives me the willies, Tommy? Having the lights flash on and off. That’s never good in the context of wrestling, is it?”



TT: “Nope. Never.”



DaLay leans over and covers Love with only his hand, looking all around, obviously a bit shaken by the flashing lights. It is all over his face.




Your Winner: Dan DaLay ( Pinfall @ 4:11)






















Dan Stone jr. is in the hallway backstage, smiling, talking on his cell phone when Jeremy pushes open their locker room door and heads toward the ring, not noticing him. Dan punches a button on his phone and shoves it into the pocket of his track suit before calling out to his brother.



DS: “Jeremy!”



Jeremy, already having broken a sweat warming up, stops and turns back.



DS: “Good luck out there, bro.”



DS: “And if it’s really one of your last matches, make it a clinic. Like Dad used to say: stretch’ em until he screams.”



Jeremy nods and starts toward the ring again, leaving Dan there smiling, punching some numbers into his phone again. He turns a little red, shuffling around as he starts talking into it.



DS: “Sorry about that, baby. Where were we? We really need to find a weekend where you could meet me on the road. So we could…”



He smiles and looks like he is about to say something before stopping abruptly.



DS: “Unbelievable. Can you hold on again? I’ve got another call and I don’t recognize the number….It says it’s Edd, but it can’t be. He hasn’t called me in over three years.”














Jeremy Stone vs. Davis Wayne Newton


TL: “You heard what Dan said: IF Jeremy is thinking seriously about hanging them up….well, we’re going to be in for a treat.”



TT: “But, London, do you think Edd really just called Dan?”



TL: “I don’t know. I know what I’ve seen tonight. But I also know their history; they don’t exactly get along. I guess we’ll find out what’s happening with Edd along ith everyone else.”



Surprise, it’s an unbelievable match that no one saw coming. Jeremy Stone is easily one of the top ten technical wrestlers in the world, maybe even the top five. And DWN stands toe to toe with him from bell to bell, nearly stealing the match right out from under the eldest Stone.



TL: “This guy is as good as advertised. He’s head up with Jeremy Freaking Stone right now.”



Newton rips off a set of impressive moves in the early going, capping it off with a nasty headscissors takedown that he rolls through into a wristlock.



Jeremy, held tightly in the hold, nods, still straining against the pressure, but impressed by the youngster. It progresses from there with Stone maintaining enough of an advantage throughout to say he had the advantage but not much more, keeping Newton grounded with a number of different holds. Jeremy seems to find it hard to match Newton’s relentless energy.



And suddenly, just like that, DWN erupts. With his partner, the massive Mark Griffin cheering him on at ringside, Newton reverses an irish whip and comes off flying, scoring with a pair of flying forearm shots and flattening Stone with a fireman’s carry slam that leaves Jeremy lying sideways, holding his ribs, prone on the apron.



Newton sees the opportunity and gets another running start, flying high into the air before coming down with a missile baseball slide dropkick.



TL: “But wait. What just happened?”



The baseball slide dropkick nails DWN’s partner Griffin, on the floor; Jeremy outsmarts him, moving out of the way at the last minute. Then he outsmarts Newton again.



Looking like he is desperate, holding his head, Jez is in control, letting Newton walk into a backbreaker before nabbing him on the scramble and locking him in the “Stone Hold” (Crossface).



There is nowhere to go and Newton taps.



TL: “He was stuck; Jeremy had him and there was no way he was going to get to the ropes.”



TT: “And I’ll say it before you do, London, this kid Newton was impressive as all hell. Even in the loss, he just jumped up a couple of rungs on my respect ladder. No BS, I’m impressed.”



Jeremy, his chest heaving from the match’s intensity, helps DWN to his feet and shakes his hand, raising his arm seconds later.



TL: “A lot of class shown by one of the best in the business; Jeremy Stone is victorious.”



TT: “Do you think he was being serious when he was talking about retiring last week? I hope not. He looks as good as he ever has.”




Your Winner: Jeremy Stone (Submission @ 16:56 )













An old school hip hop beat hits on the PA and begins flowing out of the arena’s speakers. Dressed in a dapper white on white suit and grinning the smarmiest used-car-salesman grin…….






“That’s Carl Batch!”




Batch struts down the ramp holding two handfuls of business cards which he begins to flip in all directions, making sure to let it rain on both sides of the aisles. And as the fans scramble around to pick them up, dreaming they will be collectable, Batch shoots his cuffs and heads toward the broadcast location, sitting down next to London and Townsend and putting on headset.



CB: “Do you know how I got out here, Tommys? Do you? Because I know people. I am the bacon on many a business BLT, okay? I’m the playa’ with the high score on the game, baby. I have, as they say, a feel for closing the deal.”



TT & TL: “……”



CB: “I’m going to be bringing some talent in to ACPW, so I greased a couple of the right palms backstage, and voila….I’ve got a headset and a chair next to you, Townsend. You think they cheap? They ain’t!”



TT: “…..”



CB: “I’m gotta’ to get the lay of the land around here, get some scouting done, if you will. So, if you don’t mind….let’s get on with the show, boys.”












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The DeColts vs. ELITE



TL: “Yes, there have been dream match main events to start the ACPW Live run, it’s true. But this week, we have our first honest to goodness grudge match. These guys HATE each other.”



TT: “The war between The DeColts and ELITE is woven into the fabric of CGC’s history and may never actually end. But tonight, another chapter will be written. And I suspect it will be a violent one. I suspect blood will be shed. ”



TL: “It’s one of the most storied rivalries in wrestling. I can’t wait.”



CB: “An’ the business man in this here chair is thinkin’ to himself, ‘I wonder what it would take-cash wise……to get into Marie’s pants’. Hot damn she is Hot stuff!”



TT: “I like this guy, London. Can we keep him?”



The six sided ring is barely able to contain this match; for a time ELITE pulls together and stands defiantly in the face of the always consistent attack of the DeColt brothers, taking a page out of the scouting report they developed in their years as opponents in CGC, isolating young Ricky and keeping him far away from his corner and away from his brothers.



TL: “You know, when ELITE works as a unit, they are as tough a group as has ever been assembled in this business.”



TT: “But they aren’t on the same page at all, London. They’re doing a god job of hiding it; right now they’re taking Ricky DeColt apart and Alex and Jack can only watch from the apron.”



He takes quite the beating over the next eight minutes or so, even eating Chandler’s finisher, the “Backcracker” (Lung Blower), and Sheaffer’s closer the “T-Bomb” (Slingshot Blockbuster), but he never lets his shoulders stay on the mat for three consecutive seconds.



The brothers can’t get their eyes off of Ricky and don’t see trouble coming; Dan DaLay destroys Alex and Jack, knocking them both off of the apron with a double clothesline as they lean out, trying to make a desperation tag. Looking back at his two partners, who obviously have everything under control with Ricky dead to rights, Dan DaLay awkwardly launches himself over the top rope onto the DeColt brothers.



But Trent Sheaffer and Eddie Chandler just stand there, facing each other, standing over the downed and the still barely squirming Ricky, choosing this particular moment to begin jawing back and forth.



TL: “I knew this was coming at some point.”



TT: “This is a bad time though.



TL: “The worst.”



CB: “I love it! I can’t get enough white on white crime.”



Chandler is relentless and quickly raises his tone until he is screaming at Sheaffer, who infuriates him by laughing in his face. There is a an awkward second or two before Chandler reaches out and slaps Trent across the face and orders him to climb to the top rope and finish Ricky.



Trent yells back at him but springs to the apron, lining up the slowly getting to his feet DeColt. At some point, while it looks like he is changing targets, he vaults himself over the top rope, but instead of hitting Ricky with his blockbuster…



…..Ricky, somehow re-energized due to the time their argument takes, gets to his feet and catches Sheaffer flying in, planting him facedown with a makeshift DDT. He immediately nips up and stands tall, ready to square off with the stunned Eddie Chandler.



TL: “I don’t believe it! And I don’t think Eddie Chandler can believe it either.”



DaLay is still outside tangling with Alex and Jack, so the smarmy Chandler has no backup. He is reluctant, but reaches out and tags Ricky with a right hand. For a second, it looks like Ricky has be knocked sideways, but really he has somehow used the momentum to spin himself around deliver a most destructive discus punch that catches Chandler right on the point of the chin, laying him out.



TL: “I don’t believe it!”



CB: “You just said that!”



TL: “That I believe!”



In a flash, the count is in the books and the DeColts’ music fills the arena. Ricky pounds the mat in celebration, pumping his fist and on his knees between the motionless Sheaffer and Chandler. Alex, hearing the bell, celebrates as well, high fiving Jack and the now nearby Marie.



TL: “Ricky DeColt with a desperation rally that pays off; he almost knocked Chandler clean out of his boots.”



TT: “And ELITE is dissolving right before our eyes.”



TL: “They are in action next week on an absolutely loaded ACPW LIVE, taking on the West Coast Wolves in WCW’s tag team debut.”



TT: “Not only that…one of the best tag teams of all time, Dan and Jeremy Stone, will be in the main event…..and I heard, via one of my inside sources, that there will be a MONUMENTAL announcement that concerns both ACPW LIVE and ACPW Chaos Theory.”



TL: “Will you tell me when we go off the air?”



TT: “No.”



CB: “Come on, let a brotha’ in on it, man.”



TT: “I’ll tell you this, Dr. Hustle. It’s too bad the internet went and ruined the nine hundred number insider rumor lines, because this one would have made me a fortune.”




Your Winner: The DeColts (Pinfall @ 20:13 )












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I would just like to say "EXCITED". I can't wait to hear the announcement. Great Show


Great to hear, Shutout. It's been pretty quiet around here of late, I'm glad to hear someone is still excited....and still reading. :) The announcement is pretty cool and will be part of a big storyline going forward. I'm hoping I didn't rush it, to be honest. The six pay-per-views rule imposed in the game challenges has really thrown my ability to plan story arcs more than I thought it would. I am a creature of habit, I guess: four shows and a PPV, rinse, repeat.



Acheron. I think that's the guy (or the basis for the render) of Century's charge.


Yesterday was a bad day to try to look up Acheron on Wikipedia. :) But a couple of other sites shed some light on the mythology and history of the character and it is making me seriously rethink my character's name when he debuts.



There will be another Online Exclusive coming up with Century and his story (and one with ELITE, too) which I'm not sure if I ever made clear, but I run as angles on the pre-show/dark time. I am somewhat encouraged by the grades they are getting and am looking forward to their story hitting the main show in the next couple of episodes.



Onto this week's grades.











Show #3 Grades





Show Open w/ London and Townsend (B+)

Dan Stone over Jeremy Finch (B)

Edd Vignette #1 (C+)

Westybrook over Grayson/Poison (C-)

Fighter Profile: Sean McFly (B+)

Edd Vignette #2 (C+)

Jumbo Jackson over Dark Angel (C-)

Gamma/Bloodstone Video (B)

DeColts Backstage (B)

Dan DaLay over Can Am Blondes (C+)

Dan Stone backstage; Talks to Jeremy; Receives Call (B-)

Jeremy Stone over DWN (B-)

Carl Batch Debuts (C+)

The DeColts over ELITE (C+)


Show Grade: C+










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