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WLW: The Impossible Tale of Jeremy Reed

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From the Desk of WLW head booker Jeremy Reed

Hello again LuchaResu fans! Tonight we have two title matches while tomorrow night The Great Hisato will be cleared for competition and back in action. Magnum Kobe will also defend the Universal title as well.


Here is the next card:


WLW Red Dragon Tour (Show #4)


MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. Silver Shark


Acid vs. The Debuting Eagle Kawasawa


Ketsueki Karasu vs. Hell Monkey for the Show Stealer title


Koji Kojima vs. Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Insane Machine for the Streetfighting title


UK Dragon vs. Nichiren Amagawa


Yosuke Narita vs. Hypnos

*Narita personally requested this match

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Fun company. Fast moving. Not the same old boring stuff.


I pronounce this diary GOOD.


MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. Silver Shark

Angel really needs a new alt. He was once a jobber for me in HIW!


Acid vs. The Debuting Eagle Kawasawa

New guy goes over


Ketsueki Karasu vs. Hell Monkey for the Show Stealer title

Nice match. I dont know why everyone loves Monkey so much.


Koji Kojima vs. Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Insane Machine for the Streetfighting title

I like Toyokuni's pic but Koji is the owner.


UK Dragon vs. Nichiren Amagawa

I'll pick the Dragon forever. He rules.


Yosuke Narita vs. Hypnos

*Narita personally requested this match

He's The Man

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WLW Red Dragon Tour (Show #4)


MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. Silver Shark


Acid vs. The Debuting Eagle Kawasawa


Ketsueki Karasu vs. Hell Monkey for the Show Stealer title


Koji Kojima vs. Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Insane Machine for the Streetfighting title


UK Dragon vs. Nichiren Amagawa


Yosuke Narita vs. Hypnos

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Red Dragon Tour Show #4

Thursday Week 2 2010

Asahikawa Community Hall (Hokkaido)

Attendance: 728


Backstage before the show, Emerald Angel practically picked a fight with Kojima but Koki Ishibashi stopped the fight along with some of the other workers backstage. Koki & Angel, them being brothers, had a few words afterwards and I told off Angel basically giving him a “slap on the wrist.” He just said, “Fine, I get the picture.”

Match 1: Yosuke Narita vs. Hypnos

Narita put away Hypnos in quick work but not after Hypnos tried a springboard dragonrana, Narita reversed it into the Thunder Shock for the win.

Winner: Yosuke Narita

Rating: C


Match 2: UK Dragon vs. Nichiren Amagawa

These two ended up going back and forth for a solid eight minutes mainly staying on the mat and working on some submissions even though the crowd wasn’t into it all that much. Dragon did an impressive monkey flip out of the corner into a Dragon Drop for the win.

Winner: UK Dragon

Rating: D-


Match 3: Koji Kojima vs. Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Insane Machine for the Streetfighting Title in a hardcore triple threat!

A decent ten minute match between two solid workers and an obvious way to put over Hardcore a little more. All three were thrown out of the ring at certain points of the match so the other two could go one-on-one with each other. There was a spot where Kojima tried for the Kojima Crossface on Machine but the Insane one flipped out of it and kicked Koji in the face for a false finish! General Hayashi did a hilarious spot trying to lift Hardcore into the ring only for him to run into a Termination Kick for the pinfall!

Winner and STILL Streetfighting Champion: Insane Machine (1st defense)

Rating: D


Kojima himself told me after the match that he and Machine were not suitable for a hardcore based match. I just bowed since he was still on edge from Angel’s banter earlier.



Magnum Kobe & Dark Eagle then told the WLW fans to get used to Kobe being Universal Champ for a long, long, long--and I think there a couple more “longs”-- time!

Rating: C


Match 4: Karasu vs. Hell Monkey for Show Stealer Title

Hell Monkey looked determined after defeating Americana just last week to keep his Show Stealer title. These two flew around the ring like crazy, I think there was some stuff that I didn’t know what to call that Monkey did. Plathow tried for a super Monkey flip from the top rope but he got back dropped but landed on his feet! Karasu then tried a plancha without realizing Monkey was up and he got caught with the Tumbling Monkey for the win!

Winner and STILL Show Stealer Champion: Hell Monkey (2nd defense)

Rating: C-


Match 5: Eagle Kawasawa vs. Acid

A solid match that almost went the full fifteen minute time limit saw Acid pull out everything just to beat the newly signed Kawasawa. Eagle did a handspring elbow followed by a springboard blockbuster for a near fall! Acid came back with a german suplex, brainbuster and then called for the Acid Rain Bomb but Eagle reversed out of it with an arm drag and hit his Vision Quest finisher for a debut victory!

Winner: Eagle Kawasawa

Rating: D+


Match 6: Emerald Angel vs. Silver Shark

These two a great match as the crowd ate it up. For twenty minutes it eventually just turned into a puroresu brawl. Angel then got the upper hand and nailed Shark with a handspring chop in the corner as the fans marked out for huge! Angel then Monkey Flipped Shark out of the corner and did a springboard moonsault for a nearfall. Shark came back nailing some kicks and chops and then followed by a 360 headscissors! Shark then went for the Jaws of Life but Angel got out of it and nailed the Angel Spike! This is when Shark’s Red Guild stablemate Magnum Kobe came out again to interfere against Angel but Angel sidestepped him as the ref was distracted and Kobe nailed Shark with a sick Lariat by mistake! Angel then followed up for the win with the Angel Fury!

Winner: Emerald Angel via botched interference by Magnum Kobe

Rating: C-


Show Rating: C-


Kojima approached me again after the show and said something about having to change some of the schedule and possibly doing the supershow Fame & Fortune earlier then planned...



Boltinho: 4/6

Smurphy1014: 5/6

Midnightnick: 3/6


OOC: Thanks again for the predictions guys! And Boltinho, you didn't bold the triple threat match so wasn't sure who you picked. Also, when you said fast moving, do you mean the results being posted up real quick? I'm not going to promise it's always going to be this way. I just have the down time between work and all.

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From the desk of WLW booker, Jeremy Reed


Well.... the time is 7:45 am so ohayou gozaimasu to all the LuchaResu fans! The next show, which will be tomorrow, is going to be our supershow Fame & Fortune! Yes, I know, I already said that I’d push it back until the end of the month but as they say the card is always subject to change… even the date.

But anyways, we have a jam-packed event for everyone as we finally get to see Emerald Angel square off against the annoying Magnum Kobe in a Universal title showdown!

The Great Hisato finally steps back in the ring for an explosive tag match! And word going around is that Narita is challenging some of the younger stars to pick up the pace, which made the VILLIANS challenge back at him to a tag match, all he needed was to find a partner for the night’s grudge match!

WLW Supershow Fame & Fortune


MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. Magnum Kobe for the Universal Championship


The Great Hisato & Eagle Kawasawa vs. Black House

*If Hisato & Kawasawa win they get a tag title match down the line!


Yosuke Narita & ??? vs. VILLIANS


Acid vs. Koji Kojima


Silver Shark vs. Koki Ishibashi vs. The Tic


Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Insane Machine for the Streetfighting Championship


Dark Eagle vs. Americana

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WLW Supershow Fame & Fortune


MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. Magnum Kobe for the Universal Championship


The Great Hisato & Eagle Kawasawa vs. Black House

*If Hisato & Kawasawa win they get a tag title match down the line!

They will most likely win then.


Yosuke Narita & ??? vs. VILLIANS


Acid vs. Koji Kojima


Silver Shark vs. Koki Ishibashi vs. The Tic


Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Insane Machine for the Streetfighting Championship


Dark Eagle vs. Americana

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MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. Magnum Kobe for the Universal Championship


The Great Hisato & Eagle Kawasawa vs. Black House

*If Hisato & Kawasawa win they get a tag title match down the line!


Yosuke Narita & ??? vs. VILLIANS


Acid vs. Koji Kojima


Silver Shark vs. Koki Ishibashi vs. The Tic


Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Insane Machine for the Streetfighting Championship


Dark Eagle vs. Americana

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MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. Magnum Kobe for the Universal Championship


The Great Hisato & Eagle Kawasawa vs. Black House

*If Hisato & Kawasawa win they get a tag title match down the line!


Yosuke Narita & ??? vs. VILLIANS


Acid vs. Koji Kojima


Silver Shark vs. Koki Ishibashi vs. The Tic


Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Insane Machine for the Streetfighting Championship


Dark Eagle vs. Americana

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  • 2 weeks later...

WLW Fame & Fortune

Saturday Week 2 2010

Toyama Hall (Chubu region)

Attendance: 884


Before the show, I had told everyone in the back that the board of directors doesn’t like the initial quality of the product so that’s why they want to see how good of a show we can pull off with Fame & Fortune. I made sure to tell them because I don’t like to keep secrets and that everyone gets a fair chance as long as they meet me halfway.


Opener: Dark Eagle vs. Americana

A decent opener to the show, these two used a lot of high flying combat and some funny spots to get the crowd going especially when Americana spinned with an atomic drop and plopped Eagle’s nuts on the top. It even got some of the guys in the back laughing. Americana caught Eagle with the Inferno splash around the 14 minute mark.

Winner: Americana

Rating: C


Almost immediately after Americana got his hand raised, Eagle starts to beat down Americana in the ring and planted him with the Eagle Shock before leaving, holding his ribs from the pain of the Inferno splash.

Rating: D

Match 2: Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Insane Machine for Streetfighting title

I thought this match would have better heat but guess not after making it an impromptu TABLE MATCH!

Hardcore took most of the punishment in the match until he came back and reversed Machine’s whip into the crowd, into the chairs. Eventually, the table was set up and Machine went for a hurricanrana but Hardcore stopped him and powerbombed him through the table for the victory and the gold!

Winner: Toyokuni Hardcore wins the Streetfighting Championship for the first time!

Rating D+


Match 3: Silver Shark vs. Koki Ishibashi vs. The Tic

This match was elimination style and went fast as The Tic scored with a dive on the outside on both men near the beginning. However, Silver Shark eventually got back into the match delivering a combo of super kick + clothesline and into the Jaws of Life for an elimination! Ishibashi then out of nowhere nailed a hard spin kick for a nearfall. Shark and Koki traded shots and then both went for unsuccessful finishers. Shark then almost had the Jaws of Life applied but Koki rolled him up for the win!

Winner: Koki Ishibashi

Rating: C-


Match 4: Acid vs. Koji Kojima

Really good match that I saw and proud to see them go at it since Kojima wanted to go all out in the match. Acid nailed a springboard spin kick for a near fall. Kojima almost got Acid with a DDT off the ropes. In the end, Acid went for the Acid Rain Bomb but Kojima got out of it and locked in the Koji Crossface for the win!

Winner: Koji Kojima

Rating: C

Match 5: Yosuke Narita & ??? vs. VILLAINS

Speed D & Hypnos got cocky when it looked like Narita came out just by himself… but then the Monkey call was heard and out came HELL MONKEY! The match wasn’t very long as Narita and Monkey dominated as they both nailed their finishers simultaneously for the victory! (Hypnos & SPEED D acted like they didn’t know what just hit them!)

Winners: Yosuke Narita & Hell Monkey

Rating D


Match 6: The Great Hisato & Eagle Kawasawa vs. Black House

Hisato had a real bone to pick with Black House since he had been attacked and humiliated by them over the last week or so. Eagle seemed raring to go and did some good high flying offense to start off against Maita. Eventually, the tide turned over to the Black House as they made frequent tags while working on the newly signed Eagle. Kazuma kept egging on Hisato. Eventually, Eagle nailed a quick enziguri on Narato and hot tagged Hisato who cleaned house! He nailed Narato with two big powerbombs but then Mr. Miwa got on the ropes and threw his cane to Narato. The distraction failed as the ref saw Narato nail Hisato right in the head and declared the disqualifaction!

Winners: Hisato & Kawasawa via disqualification

Rating: C


The production crew played a video to hype up the Universal title bout between Emerald Angel and Magnum Kobe.

Rating D+


MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. Magnum Kobe for the Universal Title

These two had the best match of the night and it was good to see some great high flying action mixed in with some mat work as well. At one point, Angel hit a nice springboard hurricanarana while Kobe was sitting on the ropes, not even in the corner! Really good spot. Kobe eventually took it to the ground to work towards his deathlock submission, trying to break Angel’s knees. Kobe hit a sick DDT on the apron followed by an asai moonsault! Eventually, Kobe just slowed it down with his mat work but he couldn’t contain Angel. Angel hit a couple headscissors and high flying pin attempts but to no avail. Angel went for the Angel Fury but Kobe held the ropes as Angel dropped to the mat. Kobe then locked in the Magnum Deathlock while holding the ropes, the ref never saw it and Angel tapped out!

Winner: Magnum Kobe makes his 2nd defense of the Universal Title

Rating: C+


Chomei told me that the match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. I told him I’ll never take him seriously with that beard. He grumbled and walked away not amused.


Show Rating: C


Predictions: (out of 7)

TakerNGN74- 4

Boltinho- 4



OOC: Ha ha, I did not try to make you all go 4 out of 7 that's just awesome! ;-)

Anyways, some criticism would be nice whether about the layout or maybe how I'm booking WLW (even from the phantom viewers that haven't commented yet). Believe me, I'm doing my best with a Japanese touring promotion... but trying to have fun with it too!


Also, I'm thinking of starting a best of 7 series between two of the midcard to main event players in WLW so let me know. Let me know if you want to see me get someone on a touring contract and lose every match! Whatever! Well... cheers and thanks!

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Well I am a phantom viewer as I thought I would check this out because you are TakerNGN's friend. I want to make this clear that I know nothing about wrestling in Japan so I will not comment on the booking.


That all being said, I really like the match write-ups, not over the top but just enough information so that you can get a feel as to what is going on. Your diary has a very clean look to it, usually diaries with no pictures seemed cluttered to me. However, with your diary that is not the case as the layout looks great and helps the show flow better. I guess my feedback would be that you are doing a great job thus far.

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From the Desk of Jeremy Reed


Ohayou gozaimasu again to all the LuchaResu fans in the east! I know many fans watch us via tape/DVD trading in the west and hope they like what they see too. I know Hell Monkey, Insane Machine and Silver Shark are among the favorite gaijin workers of the west! I’m hoping they’re keeping you proud over there in the states.


Also, in an effort to keep a spirit of competition in WLW and to keep the Japanese share holders happy, I am now implementing a new system where each title is defended after a given number of days. I don’t want you to bore you with the details but it just means you’ll see a lot more great action from now on!


Angel wanted a rematch for the Universal title but I wanted to throw a wrench in the works so I made it a Triple Threat title match! Americana wanted another match with Dark Eagle after taking that beat down after their match at Fame & Fortune but I told him he already had a tag match with Insane Machine versus the HEROES! Anyways, here’s the card the next show in our Red Dragon tour.


WLW Red Dragon Tour Show #5


MAIN EVENT: Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel vs. Magnum Kobe for the Universal Title


The Great Hisato vs. Koki Ishibashi


UK Dragon vs. Rogue Matsuo SF for the Tap Out Title


American Machine vs. HEROES


Ketsueki Karasu vs. The Tic


Eagle Kawasawa vs. Silver Shark

*The winner of this match gets a shot at the show stealer title against Hell Monkey the following show!


OOC: Thanks for the comments BHK & Taker. I don't like writing big match write ups and if I do, it'll be because of a really hot feud. BHK, I don't know much about Japanese wrestling either but I've seen enough to know what they look for even though I'm probably fusing it with some western style of booking. Again, thanks for the comments, go ahead and predict!

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MAIN EVENT: Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel vs. Magnum Kobe

for the Universal Title


The Great Hisato vs. Koki Ishibashi


UK Dragon vs. Rogue Matsuo SF for the Tap Out Title


American Machine vs. HEROES


Ketsueki Karasu vs. The Tic


Eagle Kawasawa vs. Silver Shark

*The winner of this match gets a shot at the show stealer title against Hell Monkey the following show!

Eagle vs. Monkey would probably make for a better match then Shark vs. Monkey.

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MAIN EVENT: Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel vs. Magnum Kobe for the Universal Title

Anyone could win this one


The Great Hisato vs. Koki Ishibashi


UK Dragon vs. Rogue Matsuo SF for the Tap Out Title


American Machine vs. HEROES


Ketsueki Karasu vs. The Tic


Eagle Kawasawa vs. Silver Shark

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  • 3 weeks later...

WLW Red Dragon Tour #5

Wednesday, Week 3, January 2010

Iwata Hall (Tohoku region)

1,000 SELL OUT!


Dark Match: Black House vs. VILLAINS

Black House made quick work of the VILLAINS after nailing their patented Double Brainbuster on SPEED D.

Winners: Black House by pinfall

*Chomei came up to me after the match and I cut him off and told him that I knew that parts of the crowd hated SPEED D

Rating: D-


Before the show started, I had received word that Eagle Kawasawa was already booked for a show with GCG. Kojima then volunteered to be his replacement…


Opener: Koji Kojima vs. Silver Shark

Some good action in the opening bout saw these two trade some stiff kicks and elbows early on, Kojima then tried to outwrestle Shark on the mat but Shark caught Kojima with some great highflying offense. Shark is probably one of the best at selling in the company and he really showcased it after taking a sick DDT out of the corner and even a powerful springboard dropkick from Kojima! The finish came when Shark and Kojima kept reversing out of each other’s finishers, it looked like Kojima had his patented clutch in but Shark reversed it into the Jaws of Life for the win!

Winner: Silver Shark by submission (Deushi, WLW play by play announcer, reminded us that Shark now receives a Show Stealer title match the next night!)

Rating: C-

Match 2: Ketsueki Karasu vs. The Tic

Karasu made quick work of The Tic in about six minutes after an inverted Raven Driver!

Winner: Ketsueki Karasu by pinfall

Rating: D


Match 3: American Machines vs. HEROES

These two tag teams had a solid match for such a short one, Machine ducked under a clothesline from Panda Mask II and then nailed a Termination Kick for the pinfall victory!

Winners: American Machines by pinfall

Rating: D-

Promo: Kobe was seen in the back, threatening Emerald Angel that real soon someone would do his dirty work and take Angel out for good!

Rating: B-


Match 4: Rogue Matsuo SF vs. UK Dragon in a submission match for the Tap Out title

This wasn’t a great match by any stretch of the imagination but it was still decent enough to get both wrestlers over in the Tohoku region. Rogue eventually locked in his CTU submission after some interference from his mananger, General Hayashi.

Winner: Rogue Matsuo SF by submission (2nd defense of the Tap Out Title)

*Chomei noted to me that General Hayashi did some good work at ringside. I told Chomei a joke about how you tell the difference between a Chinese-American and a Japanese-American… he just grunted and then walked away.

Rating: E+


Match 5: The Great Hisato vs. Koki Ishibashi

A great match that pitted two of the best veterans in WLW. Koki utilized his strength in his technical prowess while Hisato utilized his high flying offense. Hisato nailed an almost perfect asai moonsault on the outside and also a springboard reverse DDT. Koki was able to ground Hisato for a good portion of the match and he even reversed some of Hisato’s highflying offense to nail some spinning backbreakers and some sweet arm drags into some submission work to work on Hisato’s arm. The finish finally came around the 15 minute mark, after they traded some shots back and forth Koki nailed the Koki Revolution but only for a nearfall! Koki then tried for it again but Hisato reversed out of it to nail the Mystic Dragon Wave for a nearfall! The crowd ate it up as they both got back up, they traded a couple more reversals until Hisato nailed another Mystic Dragon Wave for the pinfall!

Winner: The Great Hisato by pinfall

Rating: C-


MAIN EVENT: Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel vs. Magnum Kobe for the Universal Title

The main event saw some of the best action of the night as all three competitors traded off going one on one with each other with Kobe powdering out at the beginning so Angel & Narita could square off. They traded holds as Angel nailed a sick springboard hurricanrana and then Narita ducked a sunset flip and nailed Angel with a kick to the head followed by a running shooting star press for a nearfall. Kobe eventually got in after Angel got dumped out and he went for a sneaky rollup for a near pinfall. Kobe & Narita then faced off with each other in the ring, having an evenly matched acrobatic show for the fans. Kobe eventually tried to get another cheap win but Narita kicked out. The finish saw Kobe get sent to the outside while Angel & Narita traded finishers for a couple of false finishes. After Angel hit the Angel Fury again, Kobe ran in and dumped Angel out and pinned Narita for another title defense!

Winner: Magnum Kobe by pinfall (3rd title defense)

Rating: B-


Show Rating: C+



Midnightnick- 4/6

TakerNGN74- 3/6

Boltinho- 3/6


Good job to Midnightnick with his predictions. Eagle was unavailable so I did replace him with Kojima but still counted it towards the predictions.

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From the desk of Jeremy Reed


Wow, just got in from the last show and I’d have to say it was one of best shows so far! A big thanks to all the fans supporting WLW through this exciting time!


Anyways, Ohayou gozaimasu to everyone as we now head into our 6th show of the Red Dragon tour. Remember, as you heard at the shows, this tour is sponsored by Blue Devil energy drinks and don’t be afraid to try their new orange flavor at the concession stand! (Cheap plug, I know but I have to otherwise we lose them! Yikes!)


Now, Silver Shark gets a shot for the Show Stealer title against Hell Monkey tonight as well as two other title matches! Dark Eagle challenged Eagle Kawasawa for no showing our event yesterday… I told him it wasn’t his fault, it was mine, but he was adamant about it so I gave it to him. Here’s the full card:


WLW Red Dragon Tour Show #6


MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. The Great Hisato


Dark Eagle vs. Eagle Kawasawa


American Machines vs. Black House for the Tag Team titles!


Koki Ishibashi vs. Nichiren Amagawa


Acid vs. Toyokuni Hardcore for the Streetfighting title!


Silver Shark vs. Hell Monkey for the Show Stealer title!


Note: Apologies for posting the last show just now, I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted the one before that. I hope it's easy to follow with the breaks in between.

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Good show and here are my predictions for the next one.


WLW Red Dragon Tour Show #6


MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. The Great Hisato


Dark Eagle vs. Eagle Kawasawa


American Machines vs. Black House for the Tag Team titles!


Koki Ishibashi vs. Nichiren Amagawa


Acid vs. Toyokuni Hardcore for the Streetfighting title!

Really like Acid and I am not a huge fan of Toyokuni so that is why I think Acid will be winning this one.


Silver Shark vs. Hell Monkey for the Show Stealer title!

To Early to have Monkey loose and if and when he does I don't think Silver Shark is a good choice as the next champion.

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MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. The Great Hisato


Dark Eagle vs. Eagle Kawasawa


American Machines vs. Black House for the Tag Team titles!


Koki Ishibashi vs. Nichiren Amagawa


Acid vs. Toyokuni Hardcore for the Streetfighting title!


Silver Shark vs. Hell Monkey for the Show Stealer title!

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MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. The Great Hisato


Dark Eagle vs. Eagle Kawasawa


American Machines vs. Black House for the Tag Team titles!


Koki Ishibashi vs. Nichiren Amagawa


Acid vs. Toyokuni Hardcore for the Streetfighting title!


Silver Shark vs. Hell Monkey for the Show Stealer title!

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WLW Red Dragon Tour Show #6

Thursday, Week 3, January 2010

Kochi Halls (Shikoku region)

Attendance: 300 SELL OUT!


All of the workers in the back seemed to be in a great mood before the show. Kojima, who saw this, shared with them that if we had a great show, he'd pay for a round of beers for all the guys after the show!


Silver Shark vs. Hell Monkey for the Show Stealer title

Shark & Monkey had a good opener for the show as they put on a high flying clinic for about twelve minutes. Plathow looked to have gotten a bloody nose off of a stiff kick Shark gave him about halfway into the match. Towards the end of the match, Shark locked in the Jaws of Life for the near submission but Plathow got to the ropes. Plathow was then able to reverse out of the Jaws of Life and nail a Tumbling Monkey for the win!

Winner: Hell Monkey via pinfall (Defense #3 of the Show Stealer Title)

*Chomei noted to me that Shark had improved in his performance during this match and it was hard not to see it!

Rating: C


Acid vs. Toyokuni Hardcore for the Streetfighting title

In an extremely short match, Toyokuni Hardcore defeated Acid in a Ladder match in 4:53 when Toyokuni Hardcore retrieved the item. Toyokuni Hardcore makes defence number 1 of his World Level Streetfighting title.

An impromptu ladder match was made in this match as Acid pretty much dominated this match until Toyokuni’s manager, General Hayashi, got involved in order for his client to nail Acid in the back with a chair and climb up to retrieve the belt for the win!

Winner: Toyokuni Hardcore (Defense #1 of the Streetfighting title)

*Chomei noted that despite losing the match, Acid came out looking good.

Rating: D


Koki Ishibashi vs. Nichiren Amagawa

The Man of a Million Masks (I still have no idea how he has the money to make them all) made quick work of Amagawa around the six minute mark after nailing the Koki Revolution. Amagawa was still able to get in some good ground offense before Ishibashi took control.

Winner: Koki Ishibashi by pinfall

*Chomei noted that Koki & Nichiren have great chemistry as opponents. I replied that if Yuma Maruya and I were able to get TV time, there would be great chemistry too! My wink didn’t make him amused…

Rating: C-


American Machine vs. Black House for the Tag Team titles

American Machine got the advantage early on as they both simultaneously dove on their opponents on the outside within the first five minutes! Black House eventually got control after Maita caught Americana in mid-air with a sick single-arm DDT! Black House then worked on Americana’s arm but he then tagged in Insane Machine for a hot tag! Machine cleaned house and then caught Narato with a tiger driver for a nearfall! Black House then quickly nailed their double brainbuster for a 2.999 count! After some back and forth, Narato reversed a sunset flip and held onto the ropes for the win!

Winners: Black House (Defense #2 of the tag titles)

*Chomei noted to me again that Mr. Miwa, Narato’s manager, did good work at ringside.

Rating: C


Dark Eagle vs. Eagle Kawasawa

These two had great heat but it didn’t match up as well as I thought it would. Early on, Dark Eagle got the upper-hand and really played up his heel work since he wanted to make a point with Kawasawa. The Dark One grounded Kawasawa with some good mat work and then the match started to shift when Kawasawa nailed a stiff dropsault! Kawasawa got some good offense in with a reverse hurricanrana and also an asai moonsault on the outside! Both men traded finishers for false finishers and then the finish came when Kawasawa went for the Vision Quest again but Dark Eagle reversed it, nailed a low blow while the ref wasn’t watching and the nailed another Eagle Shock for the win!

Winner: Dark Eagle by pinfall

*Chomei noted that Dark Eagle is improving in rumble skills

Rating: D+


Angle... Kobe comes out and talks trash at Emerald Angel, who is in the ring for the main event. They both stare each other down while The Great Hisato comes down to the ring. Kobe motions at his title and tells Angel he will never get it back!

Rating: C+


MAIN EVENT: Emerald Angel vs. The Great Hisato

A great twenty minute match that the fans enjoyed. Kobe didn’t do much outside except for mildly distracting Angel at certain points of the match. These two tore the house down as they even answered each other’s moves. They both nailed missile dropkicks on each other, and also did the rolling pinfall spot mid-way through the match going back and forth between pins and two counts. Towards the end, Angel never let Hisato nail his finisher as he nailed Hisato with a desperate and sick looking dragonrana for the win!

*Chomei noted that The Great Hisato is improving in Performance skills.

Rating: C-


Show rating: C-



TakerNGN74: 5/6

Midnightnick: 5/6

Boltinho: 4/6


Good job to Taker & Midnightnick with predictions... too bad Boltinho, maybe next time!




WLW Red Dragon Tour Show #7


MAIN EVENT: Red Guild (Dark Eagle, Silver Shark, & Magnum Kobe) vs. Def-REALM (Emerald Angel, Koji Kojima & Koki Ishibashi)


Yosuke Narita vs. Ketsueki Karasu


Acid vs. Hell Monkey (non-title match)


Insane Machine vs. Mokuami Maita


Americana vs. Beetle Kimura


Eagle Kawasawa vs. UK Dragon

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MAIN EVENT: Red Guild (Dark Eagle, Silver Shark, & Magnum Kobe) vs. Def-REALM (Emerald Angel, Koji Kojima & Koki Ishibashi)


Yosuke Narita vs. Ketsueki Karasu


Acid vs. Hell Monkey (non-title match)


Insane Machine vs. Mokuami Maita


Americana vs. Beetle Kimura


Eagle Kawasawa vs. UK Dragon

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MAIN EVENT: Red Guild (Dark Eagle, Silver Shark, & Magnum Kobe) vs. Def-REALM (Emerald Angel, Koji Kojima & Koki Ishibashi)


Yosuke Narita vs. Ketsueki Karasu


Acid vs. Hell Monkey (non-title match)


Insane Machine vs. Mokuami Maita


Americana vs. Beetle Kimura


Eagle Kawasawa vs. UK Dragon

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