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WLW Red Dragon Tour Show #7


MAIN EVENT: Red Guild (Dark Eagle, Silver Shark, & Magnum Kobe) vs. Def-REALM (Emerald Angel, Koji Kojima & Koki Ishibashi)


Yosuke Narita vs. Ketsueki Karasu


Acid vs. Hell Monkey (non-title match)

Okay since this is a non title match I can definately see Acid getting the win in this match which would set up a title match later on.


Insane Machine vs. Mokuami Maita


Americana vs. Beetle Kimura


Eagle Kawasawa vs. UK Dragon

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WLW Red Dragon Tour Show #7

Tuesday, Week 4, January 2010

Ibaraki Community Hall (Kanto Region)

Attendance: 938


Before the show begins, Kawasawa starts spreading rumors about Silver Shark backstage. This almost started a fist fight between the two which Kojima himself got involved in stopping the fight before it began. Kojima then personally gave Eagle a “slap on the wrist” and also reversed the decision in his match tonight. Eagle said he’d try not to let it happen again, Kojima told him it shouldn’t and that was that…

Eagle Kawasawa vs. UK Dragon

A short match to start the show as UK Dragon dominated and even used the ropes to get the pin after using his second Dragon Drop of the match.

Winnner: UK Dragon by pinfall

*This was Eagle’s punishment for his actions before the show. I originally picked him to win, interesting to see how Kojima runs his company. Probably could’ve cut the tension in the back with butter! Yikes!

Rating: D+


Americana vs. Beetle Kimura

In the second match of the night, we had another short match but this time a little more open match between these two masked wrestlers. Kimura was a little off as he botched a springboard attempt which Americana covered up quite well going for the pin almost immediately. Americana eventually won with his trademark Inferno Splash!

Winner: Americana by pinfall

Rating: C-


Insane Machine vs. Mokuami Maita

Really solid match between Machine & Maita as they played to both their strengths quite well. Maita did a good job working some heat and working Machine down to the mat. At one point the ref had to make sure Machine’s shoulders were down to count him down but Machine got his shoulders up every time. Eventually, Machine worked to get some momentum getting off the mat and running off the ropes but Maita stopped him nailing a sick lariat (sweat came off Machine’s chest)! Machine eventually got the upper hand and hit a sick top rope termination kick for a satisfying victory!

Winner: Insane Machine by pinfall

*Perkins, or Machine, told me he had to do something to get the crowd going and I told him I appreciated it.

Rating: C-


Acid vs. Hell Monkey (non-title match)

Almost the best match of the night as these two practically showed off they’re aerial ability for a good twelve minutes. They were able to have a very fast-paced match which saw some sick dropkicks, an impressive shooting star dive from acid on the outside, and even acid attempting a shiranui but Monkey reversing it into a back cracker for a false finish! The finish eventually came after Acid reversed a hurricanrana attempt into an awesome Acid Rain Bomb!

Winner: Acid by pinfall

*Of course, this is noted as a future Show Stealer title match down the line…

Rating: C


Yosuke Narita vs. Ketsueki Karasu

A really good back and forth match between these two guys. I could really say more but I know these two enjoyed going over this match in the back, I happened to eavesdrop on some of the stuff they were talking about. I’d say they had a good 20 minute conversation… 5 minutes of it was about the match itself. Ha! Anyways, Karasu nailed a sick spinning side kick from the top for an awesome false finish but it was Narita that caught a charging Karasu for a loud Thunder Shock at about 16 minutes for the win!

Winner: Yosuke Narita by pinfall

Rating: C+


Segment: Angel made an elaborate entrance and I knew it was a mistake. Kojima pushed Angel doing it over Kobe since he wants to get ready for Angel’s eventually title run and it would be good to show on a future highlight TV show…

Rating: C-


MAIN EVENT: Red Guild (Dark Eagle, Silver Shark, & Magnum Kobe) vs. Def-REALM (Emerald Angel, Koji Kojima & Koki Ishibashi)

These two factions had a great match which saw a lot of crazy spots. Red Guild carried heat on Kojima, nailing some really good double team and triple team moves. At one point, Shark swept Kojima while Eagle nailed a leg lariat and Kobe followed with a springboard splash. Eventually, Kojima made the hot tag to Ishibashi and he started cleaning house along with Angel. They nailed a cool looking wheelbarrow slam as Kojima then gave Dark Eagle a dropkick to the face! The tide turned back to the Guild, and Ishibashi eventually got a hot tag to Angel who cleaned house again. He nailed a spinning Angel Fury on Silver Shark for the win while staring down Magnum Kobe who was on the outside holding his Universal title very closely…

Winners: Def-REALM by pinfall

Rating: C+


Show Rating: C




We could call this the night of rematches as we have the board of director's calling the shots with a rematch from the super-show Fame & Fortune, Acid/Kojima II! Also, Hisato and Narato will square off again. Also, a rematch the fans have been waiting for between Narita and Kobe! Will the respective challengers in these rematches be able to redeem themselves?! Find out! Come out and see us in our halfway point in our Red Dragon Tour! Sponsored by Blue Devil energy drinks! ;-)




MAIN EVENT: Yosuke Narita vs. Magnum Kobe (non-title match)


The Great Hisato vs. Kazuma Narato


Acid vs. Koji Kojima (The board’s choice)


Insane Machine vs. Toyokuni Hardcore (Streetfighting title match)


Ketsueki Karasu vs. Panda Mask II


Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey) vs. Unlikely Union (Mokuami Maita & Silver Shark)

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MAIN EVENT: Yosuke Narita vs. Magnum Kobe (non-title match)

non-title matches usually means that the champion will not win.


The Great Hisato vs. Kazuma Narato

The Great Hisato will probably tell you he wants to win this match because he has been doing that in my WLW save so I am going to go with him.


Acid vs. Koji Kojima (The board’s choice)

I will go with Acid on this one but if Koji were to win I wouldn't care because I like both guys in this match.


Insane Machine vs. Toyokuni Hardcore (Streetfighting title match)

Insane Machine will probably win it eventually but its probably to early for Toyokuni to lose it.


Ketsueki Karasu vs. Panda Mask II

Panda Mask II doesn't match up to Ketsueki in my opinion.


Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey) vs. Unlikely Union (Mokuami Maita & Silver Shark)

I am really high on Hell Monkey so I can't bet against him unless it would mean him going onto bigger and better things. However in this match that is not the case so that is why my choice is above and below.

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I am going to do very crappy on these picks...


MAIN EVENT: Yosuke Narita vs. Magnum Kobe (non-title match)


The Great Hisato vs. Kazuma Narato


Acid vs. Koji Kojima (The board’s choice)


Insane Machine vs. Toyokuni Hardcore (Streetfighting title match)




Ketsueki Karasu vs. Panda Mask II


I have no clue as to who Karasu is so I shall think with who I know.


Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey) vs. Unlikely Union (Mokuami Maita & Silver Shark)

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MAIN EVENT: Yosuke Narita vs. Magnum Kobe (non-title match)


The Great Hisato vs. Kazuma Narato


Acid vs. Koji Kojima (The board’s choice)


Insane Machine vs. Toyokuni Hardcore (Streetfighting title match)


Ketsueki Karasu vs. Panda Mask II


Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey) vs. Unlikely Union (Mokuami Maita & Silver Shark)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ThriceP86" data-cite="ThriceP86" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32978" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Toyokuni Hardcore is the champ. Apologies if I did not clarify that.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah I went back and changed my pick I should have known that Toyokuni was the champ because his name was listed second.</p>
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  • 1 month later...

WLW Red Dragon Show 8

Thursday, Week 4, January 2010

Iwata Hall (Tohoku Region)

1000 SELL OUT!


Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey) vs. Unlikely Union (Mokuami Maita & Silver Shark)

Both teams were on their “A” game as Angel & Monkey dominated with their aerial assaults early on but then Maita & Shark eventually cut the ring in half to work over Monkey. The finish came when Angel nailed the Angel Fury on Shark but the ref had to call the bell for time limit as Angel went for the cover.

Angel & Monkey argued with the ref for a little bit but he didn’t budge.

Winner: Draw via time limit

Rating: C


Ketsueki Karasu vs. Panda Mask II

A short match that saw Karasu nail the Raven Driver III after catching Panda Mask’s crossbody attempt.

Winner: Ketsueki Karasu

Rating: D


Insane Machine vs. Toyokuni Hardcore (Streetfighting title match, table match)

The table match announcement came right when both wrestlers were about to start. They did a unique start to the match by both grabbing tables and nailing each other with them! Hardcore got the best of Machine when he caught Machine’s springboard attempt and powerbombed him through a table!

Winner: Toyokuni Hardcore (2nd defense)

Rating: D+


Segment: Magnum Kobe cuts an interview talking about his match later on in the night with Narita, even mocking him by calling him “the artist formerly known as Awesome Thunder.” While laughing, he said he’d make Narita a footnote in the history of Japanese wrestling!

Rating: C+

Acid vs. Koji Kojima (The board’s choice)

In their rematch from Fame & Fortune, Acid was on top of his game to win a measure of redemption. Kojima, however, seemed intent on breaking Acid, figuratively and literally working on his arms and even attempting the Kojima Clutch twice. Eventually, Acid stopped Kojima in his tracks and nailed a spinning Acid Rain Bomb for the victory!

Winner: Acid

Rating: C-


The Great Hisato vs. Kazuma Narato

Back and forth action saw these two duke it out and Hisato also being intent on gaining a measure of redemption. Narato nailed some nice kicks in the corner followed by a vicious snap double arm suplex.He followed up with a second rope leg drop for a nearfall. Narato worked Hisato over some more but Hisato came back with some strikes of his own. Hisato nailed a plancha to the outside! He then nearly followed it up with Mystic Dragon Wave but Narato reversed it and attempted a Narato Stunner but Hisato reversed it and nailed the Dragon Wave for the win!

Winner: The Great Hisato

Rating: C


MAIN EVENT: Yosuke Narita vs. Magnum Kobe (non-title match)

The match of the night saw these two face each other with their last encounter ending with Narita taking off the Awesome Thunder mask. Narita was out to prove himself as he looked focused. However, Kobe got the best of him at the beginning even mocking his Thunder taunts after nailing some dropkicks, suplexes and stiff chops. Narita then popped up and nailed Kobe back with his own brand of kicks, suplexes and chops! They did a sweet spot where Narita had Kobe on the top rope but Kobe pushed him off. Narita, not phased, then ran back up and caught Kobe with a sick throw off the top! This brought the crowd to their feet as they rallied around their hero! Narita eventually went for the Thunder Shock but Kobe got out of it and got the refs attention to the crowd as he low blowed Narita and nailed the Kobe Bomb for the victory at around the 20 minute mark!

Winner: Magnum Kobe

Rating: C+


Show Rating: C+


Quick Results:

Above & Below drew with Unlikely Union

Ketsueki Karasu defeated Panda Mask II

Toyokuni Hardcore beat Insane Machine to retain Streetfighting Title(Table Match)

Acid defeated Kojima

Great Hisato beat Kazuma Narato

Magnum Kobe defeated Yosuke Narita(non-title)



TakerNGN74- 4/6

BHK1978- 3/6

Midnightnick- 5/6


I gave you guys a curve ball with the time limit draw opener… ;-)

I needed a break but now back into this. Any of you guys ever see the movie UP? Yeah, I get “squirrel moments.” :p

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Main Event Hussle: February 2010


Kojima brought me into his office as Chomei and Ishibashi were both sitting in as well. Uh oh…


Kojima, realizing my nervousness, explained to me that there was nothing to be alarmed about and that he just wanted to go over some things that Chomei and Ishibashi brought to his attention. That’s when Chomei chimed in even calling me some sort of Gaijin… obviously not a very flattering way to call me a foreigner. He said I was bullying him during the shows and threatening him… even by telling Chomei to shave his goatee (which was true but… C’MON!)


I explained my side of the story and said I was just having fun and told Chomei to lighten up! I said that of course we’re here to do business but wrestling should be fun too! Kojima sided with me on this issue and even told Chomei that he should also shave his eyebrows. Koki and Koji laughed for some reason as Chomei left shaking his head… I didn’t get it, it must’ve been an inside joke.


Then it was Ishibashi’s turn and he said I had been letting things go unnoticed especially in getting some of the workers annoyed leaving them off certain shows. We discussed it in detail and there were times Koki showed some tension, almost like he wanted to add something, but he didn’t so all we discussed was that and even Koji mentioning getting a TV deal which I highly recommended. I stated it may not get high ratings but it will be exposure.


All in all, I felt good about the meeting and shook hands, after being pleased with the financials, with both guys before leaving the office. However, I still felt tension from Ishibashi… Did he still want the booking position? I couldn’t even ponder for a second as I ran into Chris Perkins, better known as Insane Machine!


Chris told me he was going to work Mark “Fox Mask” Murdoch at the next CZCW show and how he respected the guy but was really annoyed that Murdoch wanted to script the match in great detail. I then asked how much he enjoyed working in Japan and specifically in WLW and he said he loves it and can’t wait to come back over whenever he has to work shows in the states. He just loves how much respect Japan has for pro wrestling… and how easy it was for him to get what he called “Asian delight” while winking at me. I laughed it off while he mentioned how much Americana wanted to do a longer program with Black House for the tag titles. I said I’d think about it and we shook hands and walked our separate ways…


WLW Red Dragon Show #9 Card

MAIN EVENT UNIVERSAL TITLE MATCH: The Great Hisato vs. Magnum Kobe©


Dark Eagle vs. Emerald Angel


*Best of seven, 3rd match: Acid vs. Koji Kojima

~Kojima requested another match, I answered it better, let's count the last two matches in a best of seven series!


Koki Ishibashi vs. The Tic


Eagle Kawasawa vs. Silver Shark vs. UK Dragon vs. Beetle Kimura


Tag Title match: American Machines vs. Black House©


Hey guys, I forgot to add that there is no more face/heel divide. It was a rotten idea.

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MAIN EVENT UNIVERSAL TITLE MATCH: The Great Hisato vs. Magnum Kobe©


Dark Eagle vs. Emerald Angel


*Best of seven, 3rd match: Acid vs. Koji Kojima

~Kojima requested another match, I answered it better, let's count the last two matches in a best of seven series!


Koki Ishibashi vs. The Tic


Eagle Kawasawa vs. Silver Shark vs. UK Dragon vs. Beetle Kimura


Tag Title match: American Machines vs. Black House©

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MAIN EVENT UNIVERSAL TITLE MATCH: The Great Hisato vs. Magnum Kobe©


Dark Eagle vs. Emerald Angel


*Best of seven, 3rd match: Acid vs. Koji Kojima

~Kojima requested another match, I answered it better, let's count the last two matches in a best of seven series!


Koki Ishibashi vs. The Tic

Eagle Kawasawa vs. Silver Shark vs. UK Dragon vs. Beetle Kimura


Tag Title match: American Machines vs. Black House©

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MAIN EVENT UNIVERSAL TITLE MATCH: The Great Hisato vs. Magnum Kobe©

I don't think the title should change hands just yet


Dark Eagle vs. Emerald Angel

Could go either way but I will go with Dark Eagle although if Emerald Angel has creative control (Which he might) then he might block that from happening.


*Best of seven, 3rd match: Acid vs. Koji Kojima

~Kojima requested another match, I answered it better, let's count the last two matches in a best of seven series!

I like the idea of having these guys have a best of seven series.


Koki Ishibashi vs. The Tic


Eagle Kawasawa vs. Silver Shark vs. UK Dragon vs. Beetle Kimura

No idea for this one but I will go with Shark for the win


Tag Title match: American Machines vs. Black House©

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WLW Red Dragon Show #9

Thursday Week 1, January 2010

Doshisha Athletic Center (Kinki)

Attendance: 876


Before the show, I had a lengthy conversation with some of the members of The New Circle of Blood and the direction they wanted to take the stable. They might not all be great workers, like SPEED D, but it was good to see how much they’re involved even if they are on the bottom of the card.


WLW Tag Team Title Match

American Machines vs. Black House©

I could definitely see improvements in skills between Machine and Maita in this match, they both even had a good spot where Maita tried a flying body press but Machine nailed him with a spinning kick to the face! It looked sick! The finish came when Americana was thrown out of the ring as Black House nailed their double brainbuster finisher around the 10 minute mark.

Winners: Black House (defense #3)

Rating: C


Elimination Fatal Four Way

Eagle Kawasawa vs. Silver Shark vs. Beetle Kimura vs. UK Dragon

The crap match of the night as the match turned into a cluster#&$. Although, I’ll give all four of them credit in putting together back to back pinfalls with UK Dragon picking up the win with a sweet looking Dragon Drop on Silver Shark. Both Dragon and Shark improved a little in the ring.

Winner: UK Dragon

Rating: D


Koki Ishibashi vs. The Tic

A short match where they actually made it competitive even with Tic almost getting a quick pin but Ishibashi got out of it and finished it with a Koki Revolution at the 6 minute mark.

Winner: Koki Ishibashi

Rating: C


Angle… Magnum Kobe is in the backstage area shining up his Universal Title, getting ready to face The Great Hisato later on when Yosuke Narita comes up to him. Narita tells Kobe that he should be giving more respect to the guys in the back then he is right now and that he can’t wait until Kobe loses the title. Then in a weird occasion, Hell Monkey appears and shows off his Show Stealer title to the camera as Kobe and Narita just have puzzled looks on their faces...

Oddly enough, this helped Hell Monkey get better at performance skills…

Rating C+


Best of 7, Match #3

Acid vs. Koji Kojima

A great back forth match that even showed some good psychology when they did some spots that happened in their two other matches. One of them was when Koji put Acid in a tree of woe, only this time Acid got out of the way of the baseball slide, then followed up with a sick looking double foot stomp for a nearfall! Koji worked on Acid’s arm more and more but he couldn’t lock on the Koji Clutch again and got rolled up instead!

Acid sold his arm some more after the match as Koji looked legitimately pissed off being down 2-1 in the competition.

Winner: Acid

Rating C+


Dark Eagle vs. Emerald Angel

Lots of high flying action in this match as these two pulled out almost anything to get the win. Eagle obviously wanted to send a message to Angel and his stablemate, Magnum Kobe in getting a victory. One cool spot happened when Angel tried a springboard attempt only for Eagle to slide out of the way, Angel was on his knees as Eagle then followed up with a sick looking shining wizard for a false finish! However, Eagle’s attempts at gaining a victory proved false as Angel caught him off guard with an Angel Fury for the pinfall!

*Eagle looked busted up the hard way on the corner of his eye as he looked defeated in shame.

Winner: Emerald Angel

Rating C-


WLW Universal Title Match

The Great Hisato vs. Magnum Kobe©

Kobe, as always, looked very confident going into this match even by mocking Hisato’s attack just weeks ago. These two went back and forth until Kobe got control. He gave Hisato dropkicks, arm drags and a sick looking spin kick! Hisato eventually came back by pushing Kobe off him in the corner and crotching him over the ropes and followed with a sick forearm to the face! Kobe doubled over in pain as Hisato worked on him with an aerial assault of his own. The finish came when Hisato tried for a Jade Warrior Plunge but he got reversed into the Magnum Deathlock! Hisato tried to fight out of it but Magnum brought him in the middle of the ring and he had no choice but to tap out around the 20 minute mark!

Winner and still Universal Champion: Magnum Kobe (defense #4)

Chomei told me that the match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. I asked him what Kojima and Ishibashi were talking about with that eyebrow comment the other day. He just looked at me stone-faced for a moment and walked away. Japanese pride, go figure…

Match Rating: B-


Show Rating C+


Quick Results

Black House defeated American Machine to defend WLW Tag Titles

UK Dragon beat Kawasawa, Kimura & Silver Shark in elimination fatal four way

Koki Ishibashi bested The Tic

Acid beat Kojima (2-1 in best of 7)

Emerald Angel defeated Dark Eagle

Magnum Kobe beat The Great Hisato to defend WLW Universal Title



Boltinho- 5/6

Midnightnick- 3/6

TakerNGN74- 4/6




WLW Red Dragon Show #10


Acid Dragon vs. Unity Two (Kojima & Ishibashi)


Tap Out Title Match

Eagle Kawasawa vs. Americana vs. Rogue Matsuo SF©


Mokuami Maita vs. Insane Machine


Ketsueki Karasu (a.k.a. Blood Raven) vs. Silver Shark


Non-title Champion vs. Champion

Hell Monkey vs. Magnum Kobe


Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel


I'm really glad I got rid of the face/heel divide! :D

By the way, the roster post is updated. If you want a link click here

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Acid Dragon vs. Unity Two (Kojima & Ishibashi)

this ones a total guess.


Tap Out Title Match

Eagle Kawasawa vs. Americana vs. Rogue Matsuo SF©

He may lose and if he does I am fine with it but I will go with Rogue for the win.


Mokuami Maita vs. Insane Machine

Should be a good match regardless of who wins but I will go with Insane Machine because I like his look and he is a good wrestler as well.


Ketsueki Karasu (a.k.a. Blood Raven) vs. Silver Shark

Hes awesome!


Non-title Champion vs. Champion

Hell Monkey vs. Magnum Kobe - Draw

Okay the reason I bolded both is because I believe that this match is going to be a Draw. The reason being because I don't think its a good idea to hurt one of your champions momentum by having them lose to the other


Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel

My thinking here is that if you try to have Yosuke win you wont be able to do so because Emerald Angel will probably use his creative control on you because he did in my save when it was going.

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Acid Dragon vs. Unity Two (Kojima & Ishibashi)


Tap Out Title Match

Eagle Kawasawa vs. Americana vs. Rogue Matsuo SF©


Mokuami Maita vs. Insane Machine


Ketsueki Karasu (a.k.a. Blood Raven) vs. Silver Shark


Non-title Champion vs. Champion

Hell Monkey vs. Magnum Kobe


Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel

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Acid Dragon vs. Unity Two (Kojima & Ishibashi)


Tap Out Title Match

Eagle Kawasawa vs. Americana vs. Rogue Matsuo SF©


Mokuami Maita vs. Insane Machine


Ketsueki Karasu (a.k.a. Blood Raven) vs. Silver Shark


Non-title Champion vs. Champion

Hell Monkey vs. Magnum Kobe


Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel

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WLW Red Dragon Show #10


Acid Dragon vs. Unity Two (Kojima & Ishibashi)


Tap Out Title Match

Eagle Kawasawa vs. Americana vs. Rogue Matsuo SF©


Mokuami Maita vs. Insane Machine


Ketsueki Karasu (a.k.a. Blood Raven) vs. Silver Shark


Non-title Champion vs. Champion

Hell Monkey vs. Magnum Kobe

Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel


Nice to see a WLW diary on here though I admit to not really noticing or reading until now. I think it is cause I am a visual guy and when I scan a diary I don't pay much attention to it without pictures of some sort unless it is brought to my attention by praise of others. KUTGW though and will try to make my visits more regular.

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Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel

My thinking here is that if you try to have Yosuke win you wont be able to do so because Emerald Angel will probably use his creative control on you because he did in my save when it was going.


He hasn't pulled any creative control yet especially since most of his losses have been against fellow main eventer, Magnum Kobe. :D


I love WLW and so far I'd like to say you're doing a bang up job with them. I hope this keeps going I'd love to have someone give WLW a long run. Such a unique company.


Thanks, Cade! I agree that WLW is a unique company which is why I'm doing this diary. Stick around and predict if you like.


Nice to see a WLW diary on here though I admit to not really noticing or reading until now. I think it is cause I am a visual guy and when I scan a diary I don't pay much attention to it without pictures of some sort unless it is brought to my attention by praise of others. KUTGW though and will try to make my visits more regular.


Thanks, Jack! I do believe Eidenhoek also started his own WLW diary as well (unless my eyes are deceiving me). Although, it would be awesome to see more diaries based on Japanese companies like Burning Hammer, Pride or GCG. I was actually tempted to do Pride or GCG until I stuck with this one. Anyways, I'm not much of a picture guy although my reasons may not be good ones (like too lazy to insert pics and stuff).


I'm breaking one of my own rules (#21: Not to announce when results will be up) but I will have the results up for the next show next Monday night around 11pm central time, if not then Tuesday around same time. Predictions are still welcome until then!

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WLW Red Dragon Show 10

Saturday, Week 1, February 2010

Shimonoseki Hall (Chugoku region)

Attendance: 300 SELL OUT!


Before the show, I had a talk with Dark Eagle and he had mentioned some ideas with Kobe and Angel’s feud. He is a funny guy and very talkative too.


Acid Dragon vs. Unity Two

Acid Dragon proved too much for Unity Two as Acid did a plancha onto Ishibashi on the outside while Dragon hit the Dragon Drop on Kojima for the win around the twelve minute mark.

Winners: Acid Dragon

UK Dragon is Improving in flying skills and made an impression on other workers

Match rating: C


WLW Tap Out Title Match

Eagle Kawasawa vs. Americana vs. Rogue Matsuo SF©

Once again, it’s very hard to book a short triple threat elimination style match but it is what it is. Back to back victories again as Kawasawa made Rogue tap out to a modified STF then Americana followed up with a hurricanrana and did a scissored armbar for the victory!

Winner and new Tap Out Champion: Americana

General Hayashi did some good work at ringside in Rogue’s corner while Rogue Matsuo SF is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: D

Mokuami Maita vs. Insane Machine

In a rare occasion, Narato made a run-in to attack for his tag partner against Machine but he sidestepped him as Narato super kicked Maita instead! Machine then followed up with a sick looking Termination Kick for the win!

Winner: Insane Machine

Match Rating: D+


Angle: The Great Hisato calls out Magnum Kobe and Dark Eagle and they eventually do. Hisato tells off both guys not just getting in Kobe’s face but also stepping up to Eagle and putting him on the spot for being with the arrogant Kobe. That’s when they both started attacking Hisato. It spilled outside of the ring and as Kobe went for a chair shot but Emerald Angel came out from nowhere and took it from him! There was a short scuffle but eventually the Red Guild members fled through the crowd as Angel helped out his fellow Def-Realm member in Hisato.

Promo Rating: C+


Ketsueki Karasu vs. Silver Shark

The opening spot was cool as they went for nearfalls at the beginning with Karasu then catching Shark with a suplex to the outside! They eventually came back in the ring and Shark reversed the Raven Driver III into the Jaws of Life for the submission victory at around eleven minutes!

Winner: Silver Shark

Match Rating: C-


Non-title Champion vs. Champion

Hell Monkey vs. Magnum Kobe

These two gave it their all as they both wanted something to prove to themselves. Monkey nailed a top rope dropkick and followed up with a springboard elbow for a two count. Kobe eventually got back in tripping Monkey up in one of the corners and nailing a split legged moonsault for a nearfall. They eventually traded signatures with Monkey even nailing the Hell Fire Kick and Tumbling Monkey to no avail. The finish then came when Kobe locked in the Magnum Deathlock but Monkey tapped out after the time limit expired!

Winner: Draw via time limit

The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown... go figure. Magnum Kobe is improving in Rumble skills (as he should since Monkey is more of a brawler than a high flyer!)

Match Rating: C+


Yosuke Narita vs. Emerald Angel

These two had a great match with a hot crowd. They began the match trying to outdo each other with dropkicks and reversals to no avail. Narita gained control after nailing Angel with a stiff elbow in the corner, then followed up with a cradle for a nearfall. Angel came back with a sick looking facebuster and a running dropkick to the face for a nearfall. The finish came as they traded finishers and Narita reversed a roll up for the win!

Winner: Yosuke Narita

Emerald Angel is improving in Rumble skills.

Match Rating: B-

I received some heat after the show for having Monkey and Kobe go to a time limit draw but I wanted to keep both of them strong so I told them that’s my reasoning. Kobe didn’t say anything to me in the back but he did make it a point to run into my shoulder and gave me a mean mug in the hallway…


Show Rating: C+


Quick Results

Acid Dragon beat Unity Two

Americana defeated Eagle Kawasawa and Rogue Matsuo SF for the Tap Out Title

Insane Machine beat Mokuami Maita

Silver Shark defeated Ketsueki Karasu (a.k.a. Blood Raven)

Magnum Kobe and Hell Monkey went to a time limit draw

Yosuke Narita beat Emerald Angel



TakerNGN74- 2 out of 6

Boltinho- 3 out of 6

Midnightnick- 2 out of 6

Jack Hood- 0 out of 6

^Ouch! I did not book the show to do this on purpose... or maybe I did? :D;)

Taker, good call on the draw!

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WLW Red Dragon Show #11 Card Breakdown


We’ll be stopping over in the Hokkaido region for this next show as we make our way to the next supershow Power & Glory in the next couple shows! My goal within these next couple weeks is to sell out the Miyagi Athletic Field which holds 2,000 butts! Now, onto the card breakdown:


Kazuma Narato vs. Toyokuni Hardcore

After running in on Maita’s behalf against Insane Machine in the last show, I took it upon myself to book him against Toyokuni Hardcore in a regular match and with Mokuami Maita banned from ringside!



Just two shows ago, I had sat down and talked with these guys and their dediction made me take a gamble on booking them against each other for the first time! Here’s hoping the crowd gives SPEED D a chance…


Triple Threat Elimination Match

Silver Shark vs. Insane Machine vs. Koki Ishibashi

I’m making the elimination style match part of WLW culture and maybe, just maybe, I might even create a triple threat title down the line. Anyways, all three of these men have looked really well lately and I’m hoping they come out with a great match regardless of the winner.

WLW Tap Out Title Match

Nichiren Amagawa vs. Americana©

With Americana just winning the title, Amagawa sent him a challenge so I figured why not make him a fighting champion and make it for the next show!


WLW Show Stealer Title Match

Acid vs. Hell Monkey©

Both of these men have momentum on their side: Acid practically beating Kojima almost every show for the past couple shows in their best of 7 series and tag matches while Hell Monkey has kept the Show Stealer title on three different occasions and even going to the time limit draw with Magnum Kobe on the last show! This should be a good match.


Def-Realm’s The Great Hisato & Emerald Angel vs. Red Guild’s Magnum Kobe & Dark Eagle

After the last show’s confrontation with all four of these men I couldn’t help but jump on the chance to make this match! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that Angel & Kobe will eventually have their big match to settle this feud! I’m just thinking though… I might raise the stakes depending upon what happens between now and Power & Glory!


WLW Red Dragon Show 11 Quick Picks


Kazuma Narato vs. Toyokuni Hardcore


VILLAINS vs. Heroes


Silver Shark vs. Insane Machine vs. Koki Ishibashi


WLW Tap Out Title Submission Match

Nichiren Amagawa vs. Americana©


WLW Show Stealer Title Match

Acid vs. Hell Monkey©


Def-REALM’s The Great Hisato & Emerald Angel vs. Red Guild’s Magnum Kobe & Dark Eagle

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Kazuma Narato vs. Toyokuni Hardcore


VILLAINS vs. Heroes


Silver Shark vs. Insane Machine vs. Koki Ishibashi


WLW Tap Out Title Submission Match

Nichiren Amagawa vs. Americana©


WLW Show Stealer Title Match

Acid vs. Hell Monkey©


Def-REALM’s The Great Hisato & Emerald Angel vs. Red Guild’s Magnum Kobe & Dark Eagle

DRAW! This is pure ratings

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0 for 6!!! NICE!!!!!


WLW Red Dragon Show 11 Quick Picks


Kazuma Narato vs. Toyokuni Hardcore


VILLAINS vs. Heroes

Silver Shark vs. Insane Machine vs. Koki Ishibashi


WLW Tap Out Title Submission Match

Nichiren Amagawa vs. Americana©


WLW Show Stealer Title Match

Acid vs. Hell Monkey©


Def-REALM’s The Great Hisato & Emerald Angel vs. Red Guild’s Magnum Kobe & Dark Eagle

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Kazuma Narato vs. Toyokuni Hardcore


VILLAINS vs. Heroes


Silver Shark vs. Insane Machine vs. Koki Ishibashi


WLW Tap Out Title Submission Match

Nichiren Amagawa vs. Americana©


WLW Show Stealer Title Match

Acid vs. Hell Monkey©


Def-REALM’s The Great Hisato & Emerald Angel vs. Red Guild’s Magnum Kobe & Dark Eagle

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