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USPW: The Goal

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Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden and ??? vs. the debut of Good Lookin' Bunny

Comment: Two things I'm hoping for in this orgy...the mystery girl is Raven Robinson and Good Lookin' Bunny are dressed as bunny girls!!


T-Rex vs. Extraordinario, Jr.

Comment: I think my dad only comes for the women's matches, I don't know...because girls suck at everything! It's that Extra Dude again,,maybe Jr is short for Jobber?


Bob Casey and Ted Brady vs. Champion Force

Comment: My favorite team EVER, EVER, EVER !! No way can they lose, to these pair of jobbers.


Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Enygma

Comment: I HATE Peter Valentine, he's not a nice man.






Dear Mr Valentine, Please Go Away...because everyone hates you!

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Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden and ??? vs. the debut of Good Lookin' Bunny

Comment: I'll go with Bryden. GLB isn't quite ready to hang with the big dogs so to speak.


T-Rex vs. Extraordinario, Jr.

Comment: T-Rex will go over super-jobber.


Bob Casey and Ted Brady vs. Champion Force

Comment: Another no doubter


Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Enygma

Comment: I see a draw here. Valentine doesn't lose to anyone and I doubt you'd want to put Valentine over Enygma.



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Belle Bryden and ??? vs. the debut of Good Lookin' Bunny



T-Rex vs. Extraordinario, Jr.



Bob Casey and Ted Brady vs. Champion Force



Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Enygma



Signs: Hey Valentine--You Suck!!!

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Friday Week 1 February 2010

The Ministry (Tri State)

Attendance: 1,000

Show Rating: D+


Little Bill Lebowski defeated Lazy Joe...E

Teddy Powell defeated Thimbleby Langton...D

Steven Parker defeated Wooton Fitzpaine...D

Ash Campbell defeated Nelson Callum for the PSW National title...D

The Deadly Alliance defeated Dead Rage to retain the PSW Tag Team titles...D-

Grandmaster Phunk defeated Tank Bradley...D

Frankie Future defeated Johnny Martin to retain the PSW Championship title...C-



Tuesday Week 2 February 2010

Isaak Road Arena (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 11,904

Show Rating: B


Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Everest...C

Shady K against Akima Brave ended in a no contest...D+

Enforcer Roberts defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia...B-

Vengeance defeated Jack Bruce...B

Eric Eisen and Rich Money defeated Steve Frehley and Christian Faith...B+



Tuesday Week 2 February 2010

Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B


Joel Bryant defeated Sammy Bach...B

Freddy Huggins defeated Giant Tana...C

Charlie Thatcher defeated Aaron Andrews...C-

Joshua Taylor defeated Edd Stone to retain the TCW International title...C

The Syndicate defeated Freedom Fighters...B+

Bryan Vessey defeated Troy Tornado...B+

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USPW.com Exclusive




[Tuning in to USPW.com draws up a video that begins with the sounds of street cars within the background. The camera zooms in on the street that definitely looks more like a steel city industrial area than Huntsville, Alabama. Eric Tyler walks into the view of the camera. Tyler slowly turns to look at the camera and he smirks.]


Eric Tyler

"United States Pro Wrestling. USPW. What a *BEEP*ing joke. What a joke this company is and has become and has always been. This company has been the laughing stock of professional wrestling for years on end. It's where old wrestlers come to die. Though calling a lot of these men wrestlers is an insult to guys like myself who have busted our asses night in and night out to put on a good show inside the ring. Peter Valentine? He's Sam Strong's *BEEP*. That's right, I said it. So many people have been wanting to say that kind of shi*BEEP* for years and now here I am letting everyone know what the truth is."


[Tyler pauses and begins to pace along the sidewalk for a moment. He runs his fingers back over his bald head and then looks back up into the camera.]


Eric Tyler

"The truth is that I'm the only one with big enough ba*BEEP* to state the truth around here. America? It absolutely sucks to live there. People are fat and out of shape. They're ugly. And that is why I am announcing that I am leaving this country and this *BEEP*ing company. Sam Strong might come out and say that he fired me and yeah maybe he did. But the reason he fired me is because I'd rather work up in Canada. Yeah, I said it. Those Canadian fans have a lot more respect for me and for the business. They don't treat this business like a catchphrase. They don't treat this business like it's a *BEEP*ing circus. And that's exactly the way that USPW treats this business. It's a three ring *BEEP*ing circus here at USPW."


[someone who obviously works behind the scenes for the company steps out from behind the camera and gets into an argument with Tyler. Tyler throws a punch, knocking the man down and then shoves the cameraman down. The last image is of Eric Tyler's feet as he walks away.]

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That USPW.com exclusive was very interesting. So is Tyler gone now? Or is he just signed to CGC now and going to come into USPW by way of talent trades?


He became the brand new head booker of NOTBPW. Which, of course, means that on Wednesday nights he's going to choose them over us, meaning he won't be able to be seen on the weekly tv show.

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Belle Bryden and ??? vs. the debut of Good Lookin' Bunny

Comment: Belle is to beautiful to lose


T-Rex vs. Extraordinario, Jr.

Comment: Jurassic power


Bob Casey and Ted Brady vs. Champion Force

Comment: those jobbers will feel the force and will fear the power of the force because the force is awesome


Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Enygma

Comment: Valentine sucks so bad that his mere existence in the USPW roster makes them see like a bush league


Signs: "Strong Keep Valentine out of my TV"

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Oh wow I've never had that happen in any of my games. That does suck though.


It absolutely sucks. Especially since he was the manager of my USPW World Champion. But this is just one of the things that helps elevate others, right?


Loved how it was handled. A bad mo-fo like Tyler telling it like it is on the way out the door is one of the best ways to handle situations like this and generate some heat. Keep it up!! :cool:


I knew that people would respond to that interview one way or another. Am glad to see the positive response to it. But there is definitely more to come backstage on this situation. :)

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[Within hours of the Eric Tyler video going up on USPW.com, Timothy Hawk knew that he was going to be visited by several people. No, they were not the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. Though both of them would definitely fit in the Ghost of Christmas Past area, wouldn't they? The sound of the knock on the door to his apartment was nearly drowned out by the sound of the cue ball hitting another ball into the pocket. Timothy slid the pool cue up onto the table and then turned and looked toward his door. Did he really want to answer that door? The answer to that is no. But this is his job on the line. He walked over and opened the door. Before he could say hello, Sam Strong and Peter Valentine pushed their way into the apartment. Timothy just shrugged and closed the door behind them, walking over and sitting down on a chair.]


Sam Strong

"Don't you EVER do something like that again without my permission, brother. Do you hear me?"


Timothy Hawk

"It worked, though, Sam. We got a lot of hits on the website and people are already talking about the interview both good and bad. But we got people talking about USPW by using some real life in the program."


Peter Valentine

"So is that how you really think about me? That I'm Sam Strong's bitch?"


[Timothy looked up at Peter for a moment and thought about how to answer that question. Luckily, he was interrupted before he could voice a thought.]


Peter Valentine

"I am the chosen one, kid. I was picked to hold this title belt when it came back and I am NEVER going to lose it. Do you understand me?"


[sam looked between the two men, hesitating and just standing there. Timothy, on the other hand, rose to his feet and got chest to chest with Peter.]


Timothy Hawk

"You'll do what I say, old man. If I tell you to lose the title then you're going to lose it. Or do I have to pull a screwjob ending and take the title from you that way?"


[Peter attempted to throw a punch, which Timothy dodged to the side. Timothy picked up Peter and ran him up against a wall. Peter grunted and clutched his ribs. Sam quickly moved to defuse the situation.]


Sam Strong

"Cooler heads need to prevail here, brothers. Peter, let's go. Timothy, I'm gonna be meeting with you soon."


[sam opens the door and escorts Peter out of the room while Timothy simply watches. It is going to be an interesting time here backstage in USPW.]

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 February 2010

Location: McGaw Arena (Tri State)

Attendance: 4,878

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 1.15




[The show begins with the arrival to the ring of the USPW Owner Sam Strong! The crowd cheers for Strong as he slips inside the ring and absorbs in the 'Strong' chant that echoes throughout the crowd. The first thing that Strong does is to apologize for the video that was on USPW.com of Eric Tyler ranting and raving. It never should have made it on the website. He knows that he got a lot of complaints about it, including some from some wrestlers. So, tonight, Peter Valentine is going to prove that he can win on his own when he faces the former USPW World Champion Enygma one on one. Or maybe he won't prove it. It's all up to him how it goes in the ring tonight, brothers. Now...






[strong's words are interrupted by the presence of a brand new wrestler here in USPW. The man is a former two time DaVE Unified Champion and 'The Professor Of Insanity' Henry Lee! Lee enters the ring and comes face to face with the USPW Owner Sam Strong. The Professor has a microphone and proceeds to tell Strong and the crowd that they need to shut up and listen for once. He says that Eric Tyler was right when he said what he did. And that it's about time that someone stood up and said what everyone is thinking. Now that Eric Tyler is fired, though, the Professor is going to have to be the man to do that. He tells Strong that he purchased the contracts of those wrestlers that Eric Tyler was at one time managing, including USPW World Champion 'The Demon From The Deep' Tyson Baine. Tyler left on his own terms but Henry Lee isn't going anywhere.]


[strong just smirks as he listens to the tirade from Henry Lee and then finally interrupts him. He says that he could easily just fire Henry Lee tonight like he did Eric Tyler. Of course, this would send him back to the ranks of the deathmatches over in Japan, brother, but that would be too easy. Instead, tonight, for the very first time in a USPW ring, Henry Lee is going to have a match. And he knows that Lee brought that 'Psycho' with him from Japan tonight so they're going to make it a tag team encounter. Their opponents will not be announced until bell time. Lee nods, saying he can take anyone from the geriatric ward that Strong puts in front of him. Tonight, class will be dismissed!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BelleBryden_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JoanneRodriguez_JSilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JessicaBunny.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/KatherineGoodlooks_Self3.jpg

Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez vs. the debut of Good Lookin' Bunny


[This is definitely a night of multiple debuts here in USPW. Jessica Bunny and Katherine Goodlooks come out, throwing stuffed bunnies into the crowd. They enter the ring and then out comes Belle Bryden introducing her new tag team partner: Joanne Rodriguez. The two ladies high five each other and then come out to the ring. This tag team encounter is very much back and forth, though Bryden and Rodriguez show some good chemistry together in the ring with quick and fluid tags. Toward the end of the match, all four men are still inside the ring. Bryden catches Goodlooks with a Dish Of The Day kick. Rodriguez catches Bunny with the twisting Face Crusher known as the J-Rocker. Rodriguez makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez (Via Pinfall @ 8:15)

Match Rating: D+


[The bell sounds and Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez begin to celebrate their victory. Bryden exits the ring and reaches underneath coming back up with two paper sacks. Bryden enters the ring and hands one to Rodriguez as they look toward the fallen bodies of the Good Lookin' Bunny. They begin walking over toward them...






[The sound of the crash draws all attention to the entrance ramp where the enormous Gorgon walks out. Bryden and Rodriguez get wide eyes and exit the ring quickly. Clearly they didn't plan this. Gorgon walks slowly down to the ring and steps up the stairs and inside. She looks over at Katherine Goodlooks and Jessica Bunny. Goodlooks comes over and tries throwing punches but Gorgon no-sells and then brings her down with a clotheslines. Gorgon stalks over to Jessica Bunny and picks her up -- Hydra Bomb! The Crucifix Powerbomb sends Bunny crashing to the mat. Gorgon smiles, laughing as she stands over the two women that she destroyed.]






[We head backstage at this point where Darryl Devine and Seduction are standing within a locker room area. Devine talks about the history of USPW and about the fact that he has had multiple injuries since being with this company. Those injuries make him worry about the safety of himself and about the safety of his girlfriend Seduction. With those thoughts in mind, he has decided to hire several bodyguards to keep them both safe from any and all backstage and in-ring assaults. These three men are being paid only to keep him and Seduction safe. He motions toward a door and three men walk in and stand around him.]




[Welcome to USPW Painful Procedure! Billy Jack Shearer, Man Mountain Cahill and Randall Hopkirk are all silent as they stand around Devine and Seduction. Devine says that he hired the best bodyguards that money could buy. And with these three men by his side and Seduction right here with him there's nothing that he cannot do. That includes winning titles. So Sam Strong he knows you're listening and Darryl Devine is requesting to be added to the USPW National title match. Sorry, Peter Valentine, but at the end of the day the USPW National title is going to be Mighty Fine.]






[Next we head to a video that is taken of some wrestling matches down in Mexico. The man that is focused on is none other than Antonio Ramoray from Mexico's biggest soap opera: The Young And The Fearless. Ramoray is shown catching an opponent with a Lazo. Then he catches the opponent with a bow and arrow leglock that also has the addition of an inverted sleeper, forcing the opponent to tap out. Ramoray releases and gets his arm raised. Then he is shown on the top turnbuckle in another match -- high elevation Frog Splash! He hooks the leg and gets the three count, another victory in Mexico for Antonio Ramoray. But he is now coming to the United States and USPW.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Extraordinario.jpg

T-Rex vs. Extraordinario, Jr.


[This is an absolute squash as Henry Lee looks on with pride from ringside. Nothing Extraordinario, Jr. tries to do works against the massive power of The Jurassic Power T-Rex. T-Rex catches Extraordinario in a bear hug but releases before the luchador can tap out. The Jurassic Power drops a leg across the throat of Extraordinario, Jr. and then rises up, playing to boos from the crowd. T-Rex picks up his opponent and then raises him up on his shoulders -- The Extinction! The fallen luchador is left on his back as T-Rex places his boot on the man's chest: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: T-Rex (Via Pinfall @ 5:25)

Match Rating: D






[As T-Rex celebrates in the ring, we head backstage where Captain USA is once again surprised by the presence of the Patriotic Fox. USA says he thought he only dreamed about the Fox a few weeks ago. But Patriotic Fox says that he is very real and he has come to raise the expectations for Captain USA. He has come to show that the American spirit will not die. These colors will never run and that the Patriots will rule this country once again. USA nods and Fox winks at the camera before the two walk off. As they move down the hallway, another figure slowly descends into view of the camera.]




[This masked man is descending upside down on a rope within Captain USA's locker room. The masked man flips and finds his footing on the ground and releases the rope. He tilts his head while looking into the camera and then raises one finger to his lips in a 'shhhhh' motion. He lowers down, moving stealthily from the room and out through the locker room door and away as we see a throwing star come right at the camera. Just as it comes into full focus, we cut away.]






[Where we cut away to is the audience in attendance here in USPW. The crowd members are all on their feet cheering, especially when the camera focuses in on their section. A man comes walking down through the crowd and the cameras zoom in on him. Danny Jillefski, the head announcer, announces that this is the Lone Wolf Shawn Gonzalez! He questions what the former DaVE wrestler is doing here in USPW. Gonzalez takes a seat in the front row and Jillefski says that EVERYONE wants in on the USPW wrestling action!]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BobCasey.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TedBrady_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/NickyChampion_jhd2-1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JimForce_jhd1.jpg

Bob Casey and Ted Brady vs. Champion Force


[bob Casey and Ted Brady are definitely two guys who are disliked here in USPW. As polar opposites, Nicky Champion and The Force are well-liked and respected by the fans and their peers alike. Upon entry, The Force pauses at a young man who is holding up a sign reading: 'CHAMPION FORCE BEST TEAM FOREVER!!!' The Force autographs the sign but Champion tells him to focus on the match at hand. Casey and Brady are two wiley veterans but Champion Force is a much stronger team and it shows in this match. The Force is the workhorse of the match, taking on both of the opponents. The Force catches Bob Casey with the Full Force but Nicky Champion tags himself in! Champion picks up Casey -- Hawkeye Hammer. The Force looks a little annoyed as Champion makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Champion Force (Via Pinfall @ 4:58)

Match Rating: C-






[The crowd roars their approval as the #1 contender to the USPW World Title: Bruce The Giant walks out from the back and heads toward the ring. He steps in by way of stepping over the top rope and is given a microphone. He looks to the crowd for a moment and a 'Bruce, Bruce, Bruce' chant moves through the McGaw Arena. Bruce says that USA is his adopted home. This is the place where he has done so much in the wrestling business. This is the place where he belongs. And speaking of belongings, in a few weeks he is scheduled to face the USPW World Champion Tyson Baine and get one of his belongings back. He talks about balance and since he is a former 2 time SWF World Heavyweight Champion it's time for him to become a 2 time USPW World Champion. But why wait until Red, White And Blue? Why not have their match tonight? He calls out Tyson Baine to come to the ring. He stands in the center of the ring, watching the aisle. As he watches, something begins to happen behind him. The ring begins to tear and seperate.]




[it's Tyson Baine! The Demon From The Deep is crawling out from under the ring! He's got a tire iron in hand and he strikes Bruce in the back of the knee with it! Bruce drops to his knees and Baine grabs him by the legs. Bruce's eyes go wide as Baine begins dragging him straight to hell! Bruce turns his body, twisting, trying to break free. He uses his good leg to kick Baine! He kicks Baine again! Again! Again! Finally, Baine releases the hold on Bruce's leg. Bruce scrambles back with wide eyes and an explosive fire pyro comes up from the hole as Baine disappears back inside. Mist pours out from the hole, leaving the #1 contender with wide eyes, watching what he almost became a part of.]






[After that crazy scene is left within the ring, we head backstage to a locker room area where Shane Sneer is standing by with Steve Flash. Sneer looks into the camera and talks about what an ungrateful brat Aaron Jackson has been. The major accomplishments in his career have been because of the Sneer Corporation. Because of Shane Sneer, Aaron Jackson is a former USPW Television Champion. Without Shane Sneer, Jackson is nothing. And the man standing beside Sneer right now, Steve Flash, is going to prove that at Red, White And Blue according to Shane Sneer. This man is in the perfect shape, unlike 'Jumbo.' And that stamina will be the undoing of the shrimp.]






[We head to another area backstage to show the USPW National Champion Peter Valentine. Valentine, however, is not alone. Instead, he is standing side by side and talking with the man introduced to the world as Carl Batch. Batch tells Valentine that he has a plan for him to keep the USPW National Champion and he also has a plan for him to move ahead. Everyone wants to get ahead in life, right, playa? And getting ahead in the wrestling industry means becoming the USPW World Champion. Batch says that he has a plan that can make all of Valentine's dreams come true. And it begins tonight.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/PeterValentine_alt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

Non Title

Peter Valentine vs. Enygma


[Peter Valentine comes out with his brand new manager, Carl Batch, for this matchup against the former USPW World Champion Enygma. Both of these men are more well-known for their brawling skill than anything else so it comes as no surprise to anyone that this match is a slugfest from the very beginning. The momentum shifts several times with Valentine hitting such moves as a running clothesline, atomic drop and side suplex. Enygma comes back with moves like the pancake, neckbreaker and knee bar. The signs are definitely out against Valentine in this match with signs like: 'Strong Keep Valentine out of my TV,' 'Hey Valentine--You Suck!!!,' 'Dear Mr Valentine, Please Go Away...because everyone hates you!' and 'Peter Valentine? Get this slug off my show!' Enygma sets up Valentine for the Enygma Variation when T-Rex comes out from the back and heads toward the ring. Carl Batch gets the attention of the referee on the other side and T-Rex takes out Enygma with a kick between the legs and The Extinction! Valentine gets to his feet and picks up Enygma -- Heart Breaker! Valentine makes the cover as Batch drops off the apron: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Peter Valentine (Via Pinfall @ 6:51)

Match Rating: D+




[in what can definitely be classed as the biggest upset of the year so far, Peter Valentine has defeated Enygma! T-Rex enters the ring and mows down Enygma with a clothesline as Enygma tries to stand using the ropes. The Jurassic Power moves over and hooks the swinging full nelson known as The Jurassic Crush on Enygma! Enygma struggles to get free but he cannot break the hold of the mighty T-Rex! T-Rex holds Enygma for two minutes before releasing and tossing him down to the mat. T-Rex beats his chest and roars to boos from the crowd.]






[When the ring clears and the boos stop, cheers fill the arena as the USPW World Tag Team Champions The People's Team come out toward the ring through the fans. The crowd members give Freddie Datsun and Des Davids a hug as they come down and step over the guardrail and into the ring. Davids drops down in a three point stance and runs chest first into the turnbuckle, grunting. Datsun has a microphone and talks about winning these tag titles back in November. He talks about how proud he is that he is a champion in this company. He also says they will defend against all comers. Davids yells something about where would Joe Theismann be without Lawrence Taylor. Or where would Michael Irvin be without his 750th catch? The two men get interrupted by the presence of not only one person but four people.]




[it is yet another debut tonight as tonight seems to be the night for the debut. What we see are several people that everyone knows from their stints in major companies. Queen Emily leads what she calls her Queen's Court down to the ring. She introduces her champion Hell's Bouncer and her two foot soldiers Grunt and Stink. Since The People's Team are fighting champions, she is going to let the Queen's Foot Soldiers take those belts from around their waists. Datsun moves in to disagree but Hell's Bouncer moves between Datsun and Emily. It is, however, Des Davids running with a football tackle on Grunt that ignites the fire between these men. Datsun and Davids end up getting laid out after each suffering a Double DDT at the hands of the Queen's Foot Soldiers. Queen Emily laughs and stands tall with her new stable. But something tells me this situation is far from over.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DougPeak_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JohnnyMartin_jhd1.jpg

The American Psychos vs. The Hardcore Americans


[it's main event time and what a main event we have for you this evening. Henry Lee comes out with the man that Sam Strong called Dangerous: Doug Peak. The American Psychos take on the team that was hand-selected by Sam Strong: Chris Caulfield and the debuting Johnny Martin. Caulfield and Martin start things strong within the first few minutes as all four men are in the ring. Lee and Peak end up getting tossed out of the ring. Caulfield and Martin toss USA bandanas out to the crowd and high five, focusing in on The American Psychos. The match goes to one on one and The American Psychos take control. Henry Lee catches Johnny Martin with a forward russian legsweep, getting a two count on a pin attempt. Lee drops Martin again with a short arm clothesline and then points to his mind, showing he is smarter than everyone here. Lee drops an elbow on Martin and makes another cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! Lee tags in Peak, who continues the assault on Martin. Peak strikes with a bionic elbow just as Jack Griffith comes down to the ringside area. Griffith, of course, has had his troubles with Chris Caulfield as of late. Peak draws a two count with a powerslam. He brings Martin up and over his shoulder and runs toward the corner but Martin slips out the backside, pushing Peak into the corner face-first. Martin quickly moves over and tags out to Caulfield.]


[Chris Caulfield comes in with fists a flying! He punches Doug Peak and then turns and punches an incoming Henry Lee! Caulfield turns back to Peak -- inverted atomic drop! Caulfield sends Peak to the ropes -- Hot Shot! In comes Johnny Martin to cut off Henry Lee! The battle and brawl is on! Caulfield with a short arm back elbow on Peak. Peak is stunned and Caulfield moves in for the kill -- Danger Drop! He connects with his finisher! Caulfield makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Jack Griffith yanks the referee out of the ring! Griffith argues with referee Baby Jamie outside the ring and Baby Jamie calls for the bell due to the interference.]


Winners: The Hardcore Americans (Via Disqualification @ 10:06)

Match Rating: C+




[Jack Griffith slugs referee Baby Jamie and then enters the ring, attacking Chris Caulfield from behind! But he's not the only outside man that enters the ring! Out from the back comes the USPW World Champion Tyson Baine and The Jurassic Power T-Rex! With a double team against both of them, Johnny Martin and Chris Caulfield are easily outnumbered by Henry Lee's group! Lee catches Martin with a Leaping Piledriver, also known as the Asylum Buster! Chris Caulfield is dropped with yet another Jack in The Box! Henry Lee motions to the wrestlers to lay Caulfield and Martin side by side. Then he stands the group over them with their arms raised. Henry Lee, Tyson Baine, T-Rex, Doug Peak and Jack Griffith! Who can stop a unit like this? Maybe we'll see next week. We'll see you then! According to Heny Lee: Class is dismissed!]

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Solid show as always, angel. Sorry I haven't been predicting on this one - I've gotten bad for that. But I'm reading and trying to keep up.


Always enjoy your vision of USPW.


It's the same that I had gotten bad for posting on your diary, BP, so it's all good. Am glad you've enjoyed the diary so far. Was a little worried about all those debuts happening on this latest show. But I think it's going to work out well. Thanks, again, for the comments!


Wow! Was not expecting a Valentine win, even with interference, but I like the direction you're going.


I don't think that anyone was expecting the Valentine win, at least not by looking at the predictions. But I do have a purpose for things involving him in the future. Glad you like the direction, though. Hope I can keep it up with everyone enjoying things.

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


No perfect scores this week but most got 3/4 this week. Congratulations to juggaloninjalee, Tigerkinney, borman_48, Emark and pennyone!


1.Emark=5 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=4 Wins

3. juggaloninjalee=3 Wins

pennyone=3 Wins

5. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

Rayelek=1 Win

borman_48=1 Win

10. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3 February 2010


Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Suzanne Brazzle



Queen's Foot Soldiers vs. The Hillbillys



Anger vs. Bruce The Giant



Steve Flash vs. Timothy Hawk



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield




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Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Suzanne Brazzle



Queen's Foot Soldiers vs. The Hillbillys

Comment: Hillbilly's = tag team turd-dom...


Anger vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Isn't it time to put Anger out to pasture??


Steve Flash vs. Timothy Hawk

Comment: Tough one to call but will go with the experience


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Even 'Hardcore' can't stop this monster...


Signs: Hey Valentine--You Still Suck!!!

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Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Suzanne Brazzle



Queen's Foot Soldiers vs. The Hillbillys



Anger vs. Bruce The Giant



Steve Flash vs. Timothy Hawk



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


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Prediction Key:


Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: Last week I saw something uglier than my ex wife, thanfully that 'thing' doesn't appear to be in this match...but we do have the return of the total hottie that is Raven Robinson !!!! And that's all this match or any USPW show really needs. Jimmy will tell you otherwise, but he's just a dumb kid.... Oh crap he's coming back with the food, hope the little idiot didn't hear that.....


Queen's Foot Soldiers vs. The Hillbillys


Comment: I don't like the look of this Queen and her foot soldiers, something tells me they are bad people. I like the Hillbillys, they are nice people. Nice people should always win!


Anger vs. Bruce The Giant


Comment: Bruce is going to be even stronger now that he is fighting for good...Anger doesn't have a chance of winning.


Steve Flash vs. Timothy Hawk


Comment: I don't know much about this Hawk guy yet, but he has not shown to be a bad man yet, unlike Flash who associates himself with that nasty Shane Sneer. Anyone who hangs around with Sneer is a loser!!!



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


Comment: Tyson Baine thinks he is scary....I'm not scared of Baine and neither is Chris Caulfield. Caulfield will beat Baine, and show Baine for the silly bully that he is!




Raven- my ex wife is outta town...let's hook up!


Steve Flash is a puppet!


Caulfield does not fear Baine!!

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3 February 2010


Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Suzanne Brazzle



Queen's Foot Soldiers vs. The Hillbillys



Anger vs. Bruce The Giant



Steve Flash vs. Timothy Hawk



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield




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Thursday Week 2 February 2010

The Kettley Arena (Mid South)

Attendance: 30,000

Show Rating: B-


Captain Atomic and Everest defeated The Biggz Boyz...C-

John Greed defeated Cheetah Boy...D

Death Row defeated The Samoan Wildboyz...C-

Marc DuBois defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia...B-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Steve Frehley and Angry Gilmore...B+

American Machine defeated Jungle Lord...B-

Enforcer Roberts defeated Paul Huntingdon...B-

Robbie Retro defeated Roger Cage...C-

The Amazing Bumfholes defeated The Pain Alliance...C

Rich Money defeated Vengeance...A

ANGLE: Skit involving Jessie and Dawn The Cheerleader...A

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defeated Squeeky McClean and Brandon James to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles...B

Marat Khoklov defeated Christian Faith...B

Eric Eisen defeated Steve Frehley to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...B-



Tuesday Week 3 February 2010

The Friedman Building (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B-


Frederique Antonio Garcia defeated Kid Toma...C

Jungle Lord defeated John Greed...C+

ANGLE: Skit involving Jack Bruce and Vengeance...A

Robbie Retro defeated Shady K...D+

Brandon James defeated Gregory Black to retain the SWF North American title...B-

Remo defeated Steve Frehley...B



Tuesday Week 3 February 2010

Iowa State Fayre (Mid West)

Attendance: 12,405

Show Rating: B+


Joshua Taylor defeated Genghis Rahn to retain the TCW International title...C-

John Anderson defeated Chance Fortune...C

Edd Stone defeated Aaron Andrews to retain the TCW All Action title...C

Freddy Huggins defeated Guide...C

Rocky Golden defeated Wolf Hawkins...B-

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Tommy Cornell...A

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3 February 2010



Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: J-Ro is so amazing


Queen's Foot Soldiers vs. The Hillbillys

Comment: Awesome name = Awesome team = Awesome Win


Anger vs. Bruce The Giant



Steve Flash vs. Timothy Hawk



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: the champion is awesome


Signs: "Lets go Hawk"


"J-Ro is to sexy for TV"

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 3 February 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.13




[The show opens not inside the arena but with a video. The video recaps the happenings of last week's USPW American Wrestling show just in case you missed it last week. The show was filled with debuts and new wrestlers coming soon to USPW, including Joanne Rodriguez, Good Lookin' Bunny, Gorgon, Painful Procedure and more. The video begins with Henry Lee's debut announcing that he is taking over the contracts once held by Eric Tyler. The video ends with Henry Lee and the rest of his group standing tall at the end of the night. Will the same thing happen this week? How will everyone respond to the brand new Henry Lee, Doug Peak and the others? Tune in tonight and find out!]






[Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr welcome everyone to USPW American Wrestling. A graphic appears on the screen detailing tonight's main event. That is a singles match for the USPW World Title as Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield. Micky explains that Caulfield earned this title shot after agreeing to compete last week against Henry Lee and Doug Peak. But Danny says that this will end up being the biggest mistake in Caulfield's life as he will get destroyed by The Demon From The Deep. Jillefski shakes his head for a moment and Micky Starr cannot find the words to argue with him.]






[speaking of The Hardcore American, Chris Caulfield steps out from the back with his patriotic music blaring in the background. The fans are shown smiling in the background, showing their support for Caulfield as he walks down to the ringside area. He pauses and takes off his U.S.A. bandana, sliding it onto the head of one of the young fans here in USPW. He steps inside the ring and looks around as the crowd begins a 'USA' chant. He seems a little taken aback by the chant and raises his arms, getting the chant louder and louder.]


[Caulfield has a microphone in hand and he raises it to his lips, beginning to talk about dreams. Everyone in this building has a dream. His dream growing up was to become a professional wrestler. He has completed that dream. Then his dream was to become a World Champion. He is a former three time DaVE Unified Champion. He beat Eric Tyler. He beat Bryan Holmes. He beat Henry Lee. Now, tonight, his dream is to become the USPW World Champion. In order to accomplish that dream, he has to go through the man known as The Demon From The Deep. He has to go through Tyson Baine. Is it an impossible feat? Some might say so. But this is America. This is the land where dreams are made. This is the land where dreams are...]




[broken. At least according to the Professor Of Insanity Henry Lee. Lee is not alone as he walks out from the back. He stands to the front and the second line are the USPW World Champion Tyson Baine and T-Rex. The third line consists of Doug Peak and Jack Griffith. The five men walk toward the ring with no hesitation in their steps. Chris Caulfield looks on toward them and takes a few steps back but then lowers into a fighting stance. Lee has the group surround the ring and then climb onto the apron all together.]


[Caulfield immediately throws a punch to Lee! The others begin climbing in with Caulfield throwing punches and trying to fight off but the numbers are obviously just too much for The Hardcore American. T-Rex hooks Caulfield in the Jurassic Crush! Caulfield struggles but takes several shots to the head and stomach by Jack Griffith. Griffith stands back slightly and Henry Lee comes over. Lee tucks Caulfield between his legs -- Asylum Buster! Caulfield is laid out in the center of the ring. Tyson Baine looks down toward him for a long moment and then reaches down. He picks up Caulfield by the throat with both hands -- Hades Bomb! Caulfield's head bounces off the mat. Will he even be able to compete tonight? Henry Lee gives a devious smile as Baine raises his arms up. He brings them down and fire erupts from the four turnbuckles. Who can step in the way of this group?]




Match #1




Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Suzanne Brazzle


[Our opening contest here on USPW American Wrestling this week is a six woman tag team encounter showing the major growth of the womens division. Danny Jillefski explains that Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez wish to be known collectively as The Beautiful People and they both come down with paper bags in their hands, ignoring the fans, even the one with the sign reading: 'J-Ro is to sexy for TV!' The opening minute of the contest has all six women in the ring doing battle with each other. The battle explodes to outside the ring and J-Ro and Strong are the official starters of the match as they are the two women left inside the ring.]


[The match is rather short by six person standards but definitely fast-paced as all six women get in the match to some degree. Things break down toward the end of the match with all six women battling yet again just as they did during the beginning of the match. The legal women: Raven Robinson and Belle Bryden, remain firmly in the ring. Bryden has control and sends Robinson to the corner. She follows in with a clothesline -- Robinson moves out of the way! Bryden hits hard in the corner and then bounces out. Robinson catches her with a clothesline and poses for the crowd. She waves and blows a kiss to the fan with the sign reading: 'Raven- my ex wife is outta town...let's hook up!' Bryden slowly moves to her feet and Robinson moves in -- kick to the gut -- Night Faller! Robinson makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Suzanne Brazzle (Via Pinfall @ 5:55)

Match Rating: C-






[We are taken backstage as the crowd cheers for the three women that won the last encounter. The office is filled with some USPW memoribilia, including a large picture with Corporal Doom holding up the USPW National title belt as the first ever USPW National Champion. The camera slowly zooms out to show a desk and Commissioner Doom seated behind the desk. There lies some papers on the desk and he is hard at work signing some contracts. We have had a lot of debuts here recently here in USPW, right? The Commissioner just finishes filling out a form when there comes a knock at the door. He tells whoever it is to come in and then looks up from his seat.]


[stepping into the light are four men and a woman. Darryl Devine and Seduction stand side by side, while Billy Jack Shearer, Man Mountain Cahill and Randall Hopkirk form a second row. These three men all have muscle shirts on and their arms crossed over their chests, looking as angry and menacing as they always look. Devine steps forward and says that he thought about what he said last week and decided to come to the man really in charge of things here in USPW. He decided to come to the Commissioner. He tells Doom that he has two options. Option A is that he agrees to include Darryl Devine on the National title match at USPW Red, White And Blue. Option B is they make him add Darryl Devine to the match. Doom looks up at the three men behind Devine for a moment and then back at Devine. He looks to Seduction for a moment and then back to Devine. He extends a hand and tells Devine that he has a match. But, tonight, he is dismissed!]






[Our next scene begins upon the set of a movie down in Mexico. There is a lot of Spanish being spoken by actors, producers and directors as we are on the set of the Mexican soap opera 'The Young And The Fearless.' The camera pans around the bedroom set and then focuses in on Antonio Ramoray, who is seated by a catering table. Antonio looks into the camera and he talks about his history within his native country of Mexico. He was the star on this, the most popular Mexican soap opera 'The Young And The Fearless.' And that is exactly what his ring style is. He is fearless when he steps into the ring. He says he will be bringing that blend of Mexico lucha libre and eastern styles to the ring soon in United States Pro Wrestling. When he arrives, this company will never be the same again.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Stink_jhd-1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Grunt_jhd-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/QueenEmily_jtlant.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HellsBouncer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/AltheHillbilly_dse81.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/PetetheHillbilly_dse81.jpg

Queen's Foot Soldiers vs. The Hillbillys


[Our second match of the evening is tag team action as the Queen's Foot Soldiers step into the ring with resident USPW favorites: The Hillbillys. The Foot Soldiers have a long history as a tag team, which is documented by the announcers. They are former two time TCW World Tag Team Champions and they are the aggressors throughout this match, much to the happiness of Queen Emily and the chagrin of the fans, who try to root the Hillbillys into the match. Grunt and Stink show their tag team prowess, hitting both Hillbillys with double clotheslines and double vertical suplexes. When thrown outside the ring, Hell's Bouncer takes the opportunity to smash both Hillbillys into the guardrail. Back inside the ring, Grunt picks up Pete and brings him down a short-arm samoan drop. Grunt makes the tag and Stink picks up Pete -- Gutwrench Powerbomb! At one time, that move was known as the Stink Bomb. Grunt comes back in and the two hook Pete -- Double DDT! Stink makes the cover as Grunt knocks Al off the apron: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Queen's Foot Soldiers (Via Pinfall @ 4:36)

Match Rating: E+






[We head backstage as the crowd boos while Queen's Foot Soldiers and Queen Emily celebrate inside the ring. We are taken to a slightly darkened locker room area where The Hardcore American Chris Caulfield is shown sitting on a bench and getting looked at by a trainer. Sam Strong enters the room after a couple of minutes and shakes hands with Caulfield. Strong asks Caulfield if he thinks he is going to be able to make it later on tonight in the USPW World title match or if the match needs to be cancelled. Caulfield looks up into Strong's eyes and motions toward his new bandana. He asks Strong to look closely at the colors in that bandana. They're red, white and blue. Those colors don't run. So later on tonight he is going to be ready to step into the ring with Tyson Baine and he is going to walk away as the brand new USPW World Champion. Strong tells him that that is exactly what he wanted to hear, brother. Strong turns and walks away as the camera turns, focusing in on a strand of rope that is slowly lowering down.]




[Coming down that strand of rope is that mysterious masked man that was in Captain USA's locker room last week. The masked man is lowering upside down until he gets low enough, flipping to let his feet find purchase on the floor, standing upright then. He hides behind a locker when Chris Caulfield turns and looks in his direction. Caulfield shrugs and turns his focus back onto the trainer. The masked man peeks out from behind the locker slowly, seeing Caulfield with his back still to him. The masked man moves along the locker slowly, making no sound as a ninja. He makes it to the door and slips through the door without being detected. Caulfield looks toward the door and sees it still open. He shrugs again and the camera moves through the door to see if he can get a picture of that masked man. As the cameraman exits the room, a throwing star can be seen headed in that direction. It clinks against the camera and the camera is dropped, showing only feet moving away as we head elsewhere.]






[We head to another area backstage, a different locker room area. Inside this locker room area, the USPW National title belt gets the first focus as we are zoomed in to the belt and the nameplate reading: Peter Valentine. We zoom out to see the belt laying on a bench with Peter Valentine pacing back and forth beside the bench, looking very agitated. Carl Batch steps into the picture and puts his hand on Valentine's shoulder. Valentine jumps and then looks very angry toward Batch. Valentine asks Batch just what is going on here. He asks him about another wrestler being put in the match at Red, White And Blue. He definitely seems unhappy about that. Batch tells him to 'calm down, playa.' He says that this was a little unfortunate timing but it is necessary. It fits right into his plans to look toward the future and see USPW World Champion Peter Valentine. Batch tells Valentine to trust him. Valentine turns and picks up the belt, cradling it to his chest. He yells about being the chosen one. Batch just nods to him and we head out to the ringside area.]






[The fans within the Huntsville Fairgrounds shoot up on their feet as the cameras begin panning the sold-out crowd. Everyone is standing and cheering and raising their signs. One of the signs picked up on camera here is: 'Hey Valentine--You Still Suck!!!' A few pretty girls are picked out in the audience and focused on as Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr speak briefly on Peter Valentine and his situation. Then a disturbance is shown in the crowd. A few cheers ring out as the focus turns to 'The Lone Wolf' Shawn Gonzalez making his way through the crowd. Gonzalez shakes hands with a fan or two as he heads down through the crowd and into a seat in the front row. Jillefski and Starr talk about his presence here last week and now this week. Just what is Shawn Gonzalez doing here in USPW?]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DemonAnger.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BruceTheGiant_sockpuppet.jpg

Anger vs. Bruce The Giant


[if anyone thought that the former tag team specialist Anger had any chance within this match against the #1 contender Bruce The Giant they would be proven wrong within the first minute of the bout. The top contender, Bruce, dominated from the opening bell, using moves early on like the Giant Headbutt and the Brucie Bonus in the corner. Anger struggled to stay on his feet early and often. Bruce hits Anger with a Domination Powerbomb, sending Anger face-first down onto the canvas. Bruce roars to the crowd, drawing cheers from the fans who at one time were booing Bruce out of the building. Bruce picks up Anger as Shane Sneer shakes his head and lifts him onto his shoulders -- Snake Eyes in the turnbuckle. Anger staggers back and Bruce grabs him around the throat. He raises Anger into the air, spinning to every side, drawing in cheers -- Giant Choke Slam! Anger's body bounces on the mat and then he lies still. Bruce places his foot on Anger's chest: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 5:11)

Match Rating: D+






[We head to a pre-recorded interview session that took place within a set with a USPW logo background. In the foreground stand the tag team known as Champion Force. Nicky Champion talks about the fact that he didn't know what to make of The Force when the tag team was first conceived back in 2008. But now he knows that The Force is someone that he can carry all the way to the top with him. Champion calls himself 'Mr. Wednesday Night' and says that he is the King of Wednesday night wrestling. The Force growls at him and Champion flashes a smirk, saying that what he meant was that they are the Kings of Wednesday night wrestling together. Nicky Champion and Jim Force. But everyone knows that Nicky Champion is everyone's favorite wrestler. Don't worry, Jim, he says, you can be everyone's second favorite wrestler and they can all buy your merchandise because Nicky Champion tells them to. But everyone wants to see Nicky Champion...and his partner Jim Force in action winning the USPW World Tag Team titles. The Force barely gets in any words during the interview before we cut away.]






[We head backstage here at the Huntsville Fairgrounds and the crowd boos as it is obvious that the camera is following the Jurassic Power T-Rex. The menacing super heavyweight is walking down the hallway seemingly without a thought or care in the world. He shoves open a door and yells for Enygma but there is no one inside. Apparently, he is indeed searching for someone. He steps back out in the hallway and a loud scream is followed by a green blur moving by the camera. A crack is heard and as the camera focuses again, Enygma can be seen holding a green baseball bat and cracking the knees of T-Rex! T-Rex goes down to his knees and the baseball bat is shattered over his back! The masked former USPW World Champion has lost it after that vicious assault last week by T-Rex! Enygma begins choking T-Rex with what is left of the baseball bat and then he drives the jagged end into the forehead of T-Rex, busting him wide open! T-Rex's arms flail for a moment as he tries to cover up. Only security guards and officials stepping in save T-Rex from a worse fate. They yank Enygma back, holding him off from T-Rex as crimson runs red down the forehead and chest of The Jurassic Power.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/SteveFlash_jhd1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TimothyHawk_jhd.jpg

Steve Flash vs. Timothy Hawk


[The fans are in definite shock after what transpired between Enygma and T-Rex. But those who focus in on this match get a pretty decent encounter that shows some great chemistry between these two wrestlers. Before the match begins, Shane Sneer gets into an argument with a young fan holding up a sign reading: 'Steve Flash is a puppet!' The matchup stays focused mostly on the mat between the two, exchanging holds like a knee bar, single leg boston crab and an arm bar by Flash. Hawk fires back with a camel clutch, rear chinlock and powerslam. The match takes a speedy turn around five minutes into the bout with both men exchanging quick moves.]


[both men draw near falls at this point in the bout but both men also start to tire a little bit. Aaron Jackson slowly makes his way down to ringside and Shane Sneer keeps his distance from his former protege. Jackson stands beside a fan and points to the sign he is holding up reading: 'Lets go Hawk!' This seems to energize Hawk and he manages to irish whip Flash into a corner. For some reason, though, Jackson enters the ring. Jackson charges the corner -- Jumbo Avalanche! Flash goes down but it was in full view of the referee! As Jackson stands over Flash, the referee calls for the bell, disqualifying Hawk.]


Winner: Steve Flash (Via Disqualification @ 8:03)

Match Rating: C






[We are taken back to the locker room of the man who will be fighting for the USPW World title later on tonight: Chris Caulfield. The trainer has left the room and Caulfield is tightening the laces on his boots. A knock on the door and into the room comes Bruce The Giant. Caulfield stands immediately and looks up toward the #1 contender. These two men waged a war from September to January. Bruce won the war but saved Caulfield after the match from a beatdown from Jack Griffith. Bruce extends his hand and Caulfield shakes it. Bruce tells Caulfield good luck tonight in his match with Tyson Baine. He says that he hopes that Caulfield wins the title because it would be an honor to face him one more time inside the ring at Red, White And Blue for the World title. Caulfield nods and thanks Bruce and then says he better finish getting ready because the match is coming up. Bruce nods and exits the locker room. The camera focuses on Caulfield and he looks focused.]






[A video is fired up at this point focusing in on the USPW World Champion 'The Demon From The Deep' Tyson Baine. Baine is shown mowing down wrestler after wrestler here in USPW. Just this year he defeated Nicky Champion, Savage Fury in a handicap match and Enygma for the USPW World title. He is shown raising his hands and bringing them down, causing fire to explode from all four corners of the ring. He is then shown from last week, rising up from inside the ring and grabbing for Bruce The Giant, nearly dragging Bruce down to hell. Bruce got away but the fires and mist show exactly what would have happened to the Giant if he had not been so lucky. Now the major question on the minds of each and every one of the fans is who will be the one to stop The Demon From The Deep?]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

USPW World Title Match

Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


[Our main event this week and it is a doozy and should be one of the most hard-hitting matches of the night. The Hardcore American Chris Caulfield is the first man to come down to the ring. He pauses at ringside and slides off his red, white and blue bandana. He sees a young fan holding up a sign reading: 'Caulfield does not fear Baine!!' This makes him smile and he slides the bandana on the young fan's head, shaking hands with his father before turning and entering the ring, standing in the far corner. Then the crowd begins to boo as the lights dim within the arena. The USPW World Champion Tyson Baine walks out from the back alongside Henry Lee. The two men walk slowly toward the ring, taking their time and drawing things out. Henry Lee remains at ringside and Baine enters the ring staring across toward Caulfield with a dead stare. The USPW World title belt is given to referee Baby Jamie, who raises it up in the air and then sets it out of the ring before calling for the bell. Baine and Caulfield meet face to face in the center of the ring with Baine growling slightly. Baine raises his arms and then drops them as fire explodes from the turnbuckles on all four sides of the two men.]


[Caulfield ignores the pyros and throws punches instead! He grabs Baine by the head and slams heavy fists to the head of Baine. He ducks a punch thrown by Baine and then shoves him back into a corner! He climbs up and begins throwing punches that are counted by the crowd. He gets to ten and drops back down. He ducks a clothesline attempt by Baine. He scores with a kick to the gut and then drags Baine to the ropes -- Hardcore American Clothesline! Both men go over the top rope and spill onto the arena floor! The fans go absolutely wild at this early turn of events! Caulfield stands up and yells 'USA' to the crowd, getting the 'U.S.A.' chant going! Caulfield picks up Baine and smashes him against the ring apron. He shoves Baine back inside the ring and mows down Henry Lee with a clothesline as Lee comes around to interfere! Caulfield slides in the ring and drops an elbow on Baine. He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[Tyson Baine sits up following the kick out but Caulfield keeps on the attack with punches and a running knee lift. Baine is staggered by this assault by The Hardcore American. Caulfield waits for Baine to get to his feet and bounces off the ropes -- sidewalk slam by Baine! Caulfield got caught by The Demon From The Deep and got planted. Baine rises to his feet and places his boot on the face of Caulfield, rubbing his boot into the face, drawing boos from the crowd. At this point, Jack Griffith comes from the back and moves to ringside, checking on Henry Lee. Baine picks up Caulfield and spikes his head off the mat with a DDT. Baine plays to the crowd for a moment, drawing their ire and boos. Baine bounces off the ropes and then stands over Caulfield -- legdrop across the throat. Caulfield grabs his throat and Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up!]


[Caulfield barely got that shoulder up and the next few minutes are spent with Tyson Baine in full control over his challenger. He sent Caulfield out of the ring where Jack Griffith and Henry Lee took turns attacking him. Caulfield possibly shouldn't even be out here after the assault he took early on this evening. Caulfield bounced between in and out of the ring several times as Baine continued his control over the Hardcore American. 'U.S.A.' chants broke through the hopeful fans that Caulfield could somehow manage a comeback. Baine sends Caulfield to the ropes again -- spinebuster -- DDT! Caulfield reverses the spinebuster attempt into a DDT! Both men are laid out on the mat. The 'U.S.A' chant really picks up some steam as it looks like Caulfield might come back while the referee counts both men out on the mat.]


[The referee's count is slower than normal because this is a World title match and no one wants to see this match end in a draw. Tyson Baine sits up and begins climbing to his feet. Caulfield uses the ropes to get to his feet. Baine stomps over toward Caulfield but Caulfield throws a punch! He throws another! Another! He ducks a swing by Baine and throws another! Caulfield rams Baine back into the corner and then lifts him up. Caulfield climbs the turnbuckles and hooks Baine -- Superplex! The crowd is absolutely shocked as Baine is brought down with a superplex by Chris Caulfield! Caulfield crawls over and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! Baine gets his shoulder up at the last moment! What a match, folks!]


[Caulfield pushes to his feet and then runs over, throwing a punch toward Henry Lee. Lee drops off the apron where he had climbed up to avoid the punch. Caulfield turns -- clothesline by Baine -- ducked! Caulfield steps in to Baine -- Neckbreaker! Caulfield stands up, basking in the 'U.S.A.' chants! He looks toward Baine, who is still on the mat and signals for the Danger Drop! Could we see a brand new USPW World Champion? Caulfield picks up Baine and hooks him from behind -- Henry Lee climbs on the apron! Lee gets the referee's attention. Caulfield points toward Lee but keeps Baine in a prone position. He's not going to let Lee distract him -- CRACK! The sound echoes through the arena as Caulfield is nailed in the back with a chair by Jack Griffith. Griffith exits the ring, hiding the chair underneath the ring before the referee can turn back around. Lee drops off the apron and Baine suddenly comes alive. Baine grabs Caulfield by the throat with two hands -- Hades Bomb! A bandaged T-Rex and Doug Peak walk toward the ring as Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 10:19; Tyson Baine retains the USPW World title)

Match Rating: B-




[The boos filling the arena are louder than the sound of the chair was as Tyson Baine is announced as the winner of the match. Four men enter the ring with Tyson Baine: Henry Lee, T-Rex, Doug Peak and Jack Griffith. Lee hands Baine the USPW World title and he tosses his head back in evil laughter, taking in the boos of the fans here as he holds the belt high above his head. Baine looks back down toward his fallen opponent. He bends over and grabs him by the throat again -- Hades Bomb! A second Hades Bomb plants Chris Caulfield in the center of the ring with an unmoving body. Caulfield lays still as Tyson Baine stands over him victorious, having defended his title tonight against the Hardcore American. Jack Griffith steps in for a moment and picks up Caulfield. He is going for the Jack in The Box! But as Griffith holds Caulfield up, a cheer echoes through the crowd.]




[it's Bruce The Giant! Bruce comes rumbling down toward the ring as quickly as he can. Griffith drops Caulfield down to the mat, ready to focus on the incoming wrestler. Bruce steps in over the top rope and meets Doug Peak first -- Giant Headbutt! A clothesline comes for Jack Griffith! T-Rex gets shoved into the corner -- Brucie Bonus! Peak comes after Bruce again and is tossed over the top rope! Over the top goes Griffith as well and then T-Rex, who probably shouldn't be out there after that vicious assault by Enygma earlier! All that is left in the ring is Bruce The Giant, Henry Lee and Tyson Baine. Baine growls at Bruce as they stare each other down. Two of the largest men in professional wrestling. Bruce makes a motion, daring Tyson Baine to come after him. Henry Lee is standing in front of Baine, keeping the USPW World Champion from attacking Bruce for some reason. Baine slowly raises his arms and then brings them down -- fire and brimstone! Pyros explode on all four corners as Baine and Bruce have a stare down in the center of the ring. And that's all we have here tonight! We'll see you next week right here on USPW American Wrestling!]

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