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WWE 2012: Attitude Adjustment

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The Rock & John Cena Wrestlemania Contract Signing Live on Raw


We are just 13 days away from the most anticipated match in WWE history at Wrestlemania when John Cena takes on The Rock. The two have traded insults and have tried to one up each other in a battle of smack talk but that will all be put aside this week on Raw. John Cena and The Rock will enter the ring to sign their contract for their Once in a Lifetime match at Wrestlemania. Will the insults turn to blows just 13 days from Wrestlemania?


Last week on Raw WWE Champion CM Punk and his challenger at Wrestlemania, The Miz, had an intense in ring confrontation but that would not be all. Once again The Miz interfered in a match between Punk and Wade Barrett costing CM Punk the win via countout. This week on Raw The Miz will step into the ring with World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan who is having issues of his own with Barrett and new challenger Dolph Ziggler. With less than two weeks until both titles are on the line could all hell break loose this week on Raw?


Last week The Undertaker made an emphatic statement when he announced in what is apparently his very last ride that he would accept Chris Jericho's offer for a match at Wrestlemania. After laying Y2J out Undertaker made clear his intention to go 20-0 at the showcase of the immortals. This week on Raw Jericho will be in action against Ted DiBiase. How will Jericho handle the humiliation bestowed upon him last week by the Deadman? Will The Undertaker show up again?


Finally two members of the Money in the Bank ladder match as well as two former friends turned hated enemies, Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne, will collide in one on one action. Will they take each other out before going for gold at Wrestlemania?


Wrestlemania is 13 days away! Don't Miss Raw SuperShow LIVE Tonight on USA Network!


Confirmed Matches:


The Miz vs World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan in a non title match


Chris Jericho vs Ted DiBiase


Kofi Kingston vs Evan Bourne


WWE Tag Team Championship


Hunico & Camacho vs WWE Tag Team Champions The Uso's w/Rikishi

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The Miz vs World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan in a non title match


Chris Jericho vs Ted DiBiase


Kofi Kingston vs Evan Bourne


WWE Tag Team Championship

Hunico & Camacho vs WWE Tag Team Champions The Uso's w/Rikishi

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <iframe width="640" height="360" src="</p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/r9MNnwrEJzE?feature=player_detailpage" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/embed/r9MNnwrEJzE?feature=player_detailpage"</a> frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

[The show opens with a video package of last week’s highlights including Rowdy Roddy Piper informing John Laurinaitis that he’ll be at WrestleMania with Shane McMahon, Lita’s shocking return to help Trish Stratus, and CM Punk losing to Wade Barrett by a count out thanks to the Miz.]</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Santino Marella & Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio & Jack Swagger w/Vickie Guererro</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sheamus begins the match and dominates the other team. Santino gets the tag and gives up that advanatage when he falls for a distraction from Vickie allowing Swagger to jump him from behind. Del Rio gets the tag and goes to work and Santino is in trouble. When he’s nearing a tag, Vickie climbs onto the apron to distract the referee. Sheamus advances on her and as she’s retreating Swagger runs all the way around the ring to hit him from behind and drive him into the post. Meanwhile, Del Rio gets Santino in his arm bar </p><p>

submission and it’s quickly over. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners by submission Alberto Del Rio & Jack Swagger</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

[A flashback is shown of one of the most famous contract signings in WWE history]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7boj7T22_9g?feature=player_detailpage" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/embed/7boj7T22_9g?feature=player_detailpage"</a> frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>===COMMERCIAL BREAK===</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

[The Smackdown Rewind is shown reminding the audience of Kane’s promo at the end of Smackdown in which he threatened Triple H’s wife Stephanie McMahon.]</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

[backstage, Daniel Bryan and AJ are in their dressing room.]</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan: “AJ, you know I would go crazy if you were accidentally hurt, or worse, intentionally. Carrying this belt makes me…and you…a target. You saw what Wade Barrett did to Dolph Ziggler. What if he comes after me and hits you?”</p><p> </p><p>

AJ: “Daniel, I’m a big girl, and I can handle myself.”</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan: “Just stay back here tonight and be safe. That’ll be a huge burden off my mind.”</p><p> </p><p>

AJ: “But….”</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan: “No buts AJ.” [He leaned down and kissed her forehead.] I’ll see you later.”</p><p> </p><p>

[bryan leaves as AJ begins pouting but a minute later her phone beeps and she instantly smiles.] </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kofi Kingston vs Evan Bourne</strong></p><p> </p><p>

These two former tag team champions haven’t met since Kingston attacked Bourne and ended the era of Air Boom. Bourne is ready for some revenge from the opening bell, laying into Kingston which sends Kofi to the outside twice in the opening minutes to slow down Bourne but that doesn’t work when Bourne flies over the ropes and floors Kingston. Bourne throws his opponent back in the ring and climbs to the top but Kingston is holding his knee and appears to be in a great deal of pain and Bourne hops down and approaches, clearly concerned about his former friend. The referee checks on him, and then turns to say something to the ring announcer and that’s when Kingston strikes. Clearly playing possum he low blows Bourne, then hops up and nails Trouble in Paradise. When the referee turns around he doesn’t know what happened but he counts 1-2-3.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by pinfall: Kofi Kingston</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

[The second historic contract signing flashback is shown.]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/uo7LhpdYh6A?feature=player_detailpage" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/embed/uo7LhpdYh6A?feature=player_detailpage"</a> frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>===COMMERCIAL BREAK===</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8_DA6l5aHu4?feature=player_detailpage" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/embed/8_DA6l5aHu4?feature=player_detailpage"</a> frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

[John Laurinaitis is in his office watching the show when his phone rings.]</p><p> </p><p>

Laurinaitis: “Hello…yes, how are you?.....Yea, I just watched that video, it really takes me back. Those were some great times. I do have to tell you I was disappointed to learn about WrestleMania from Roddy Piper last week. I should have been in the……yes…..yes….well…no. I’m just saying I deserve to know the whole plan. Hello? Hello?”</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

[A vignette shows the camera point of view travelling down a wealthy neighborhood, turning into a gated driveway and going around the side of a huge house until it sits poolside. Criss Moore lays there, sunning himself while bikini clad girls tend the pool, bring him food and drinks, and otherwise look good.]</p><p> </p><p>

Moore: “Are you missing me yet? I sure as hell am not missing a single one of you. And why should I? You people never respected me. You never gave me a chance. You never recognized my talent or my greatness. I came within a hair of defeating the WWE Champion and even that couldn’t get me respect. So I’m done with the WWE Universe and I’m done with being disrespected. I’ll come back on my time, and for my reasons. Until then you can suffer by watching inferior talent and lackluster entertainment. Now if you’ll excuse me, you’re in my sun.”</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ted DiBiase vs Chris Jericho</strong></p><p> </p><p>

An even match at the beginning, Jericho’s veteran knowledge benefits him as he’s able to take the low road when the referee isn’t watching to gain the momentum. DiBiase puts on a comeback of sorts, and almost has Jericho in position for Dreamstreet when Jericho twists his way out of it, takes down DiBiase with a trip, then quickly locks in the Walls of Jericho for the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by submission: Chris Jericho</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

[Jericho won’t release DiBiase, taunting him to scream more when the lights go out and the gong hits as the ring is cast in a blueish light. Jericho instantly drops the hold and is almost spinning to see where the attack may come from. Two bolts of lightning come from nowhere and hit the big screen which suddenly shows a tombstone with Jericho’s name on it. As the show goes to break, Jericho stares at it with eyes wide.]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>===COMMERCIAL BREAK===</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

[The final historic contract signing flashback is shown.]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XAj_lCynSJg?feature=player_detailpage" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/embed/XAj_lCynSJg?feature=player_detailpage"</a> frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWE Unified Tag Team Championship</strong></p><p><strong>

The Usos © w/Rikishi vs Hunico and Camacho</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The challengers don’t stand a chance in this contest. The Usos are all over them as the bell rings and use their size and speed to dominate. Using quick tags they keep Camacho cut off from his partner and pummel him. Hunico complains to the ref which allows the champs to hit a double team maneuver of a standing side kick into a belly to back suplex with a bridge for the pin. Jey keeps Hunico from breaking it up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners by Pinfall and still WWE Unified Tag Team Champions: The Usos</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

[backstage we see Chris Jericho, duffle slung over his shoulder and still in his wrestling gear quickly heading out of the building. Matt Striker cuts him off, blocking the back door exit.]</p><p> </p><p>

Striker: “Chris, real quick, why are you running? Are you afraid of the Undertaker?”</p><p> </p><p>

Jericho: “I don’t have time for this.”</p><p> </p><p>

Striker: “Are you regretting issuing the chall…”</p><p> </p><p>

[striker doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before Jericho drops him with a right hand, then slumps him out of the way before exiting out the back in a hurry.]</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

[Matt Striker tries to pick himself up following Chris Jericho’s sucker punch when a set of hands helps him up. Strike turns with a fist cocked out of instinct but stops when he sees it’s….the Miz.]</p><p> </p><p>

Miz: “You alright?”</p><p> </p><p>

Striker: “Yea…just didn’t see that coming.”</p><p> </p><p>

Miz: “Well, just do like I always say. Do onto them before they do onto you.”</p><p> </p><p>

Striker: “Thanks again…champ.”</p><p> </p><p>

[Miz and Striker share a grin before the Miz walks off.]</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

((Writer’s note: We have no way of editing out the Benoit footage as WWE could do on TV. So we’re asking you to use a little editing in your minds and imagine the following video with no mention of him)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6co5aUVf3ik?feature=player_detailpage" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/embed/6co5aUVf3ik?feature=player_detailpage"</a> frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y224/Consrvtve/TEW/rawbreak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

[The camera sees WWE Champion CM Punk on his way down the hallways. He’s headed to ringside for a birds eye view of the main event between the Miz and World Champion Daniel Bryan…next!]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>===COMMERCIAL BREAK===</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Non Title Match</strong></p><p><strong>

The Miz vs Daniel Bryan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Miz controls the early moments but Bryan comes on strong, showing why he’s a champion. Methodically he picks Miz apart as CM Punk sits ringside, taking mental notes. The Miz looks like he’s in trouble until he dodges a charge into the corner, allowing Bryan to go shoulder first into the post. He attacks and keeps piling on the damage hitting an old fashioned shoulder breaker. It’s not clear it he’s playing to the crowd or the WWE Champion. The Miz has Bryan in position, waiting for him to get up so he can nail the Skull Crushing Finale when CM Punk jumps up onto the apron. Miz diverts his attention to Punk and they jaw at each other for a moment before Punk drops down, holding up his hands as if saying you win. When Miz turns around he walks right into a high snapping kick to his skull. Laying face down, he’s easy pickings for Bryan to slap in the Yes Lock. Miz has no option but to submit as he and Punk lock eyes, the challenger with a grimace and the champion with a smile.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by submission: Daniel Bryan</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>===COMMERCIAL BREAK===</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

[When we come back from the break, John Laurinaitis is already in the ring. He calls out Cena first who comes to the ring sharing a look of dislike with Laurinaitis. Then the Rock comes out, playing to the crowd at each corner while sharing a cold glare with Cena. Finally both of them sit at the table, it clear that each man is on edge.]</p><p> </p><p>

Laurinaitis: “Now, we will have the contract signing for the biggest match in not only WrestleMania history, but in all of the WWE’s history. It is therefore fitting that I, as the most deserving WWE executive will be the man who signs the contract formalizing this match. I can think of no one more deserving than myself, no one who’s put more of himself into the success of this company and if I may say so…</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1ISJsUQKjCg?feature=player_detailpage" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/embed/1ISJsUQKjCg?feature=player_detailpage"</a> frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </p><p> </p><p>

[Laurinaitis stops in his tracks as both men stand from their chairs when the Chairman of the WWE comes power strutting down the ring, and after a silent glare, Laurinaitis hands him the mic.]</p><p> </p><p>

McMahon: “Mr. Laurinaitis…..get out of my ring, I’ll take it from here.”</p><p> </p><p>

[The crowd pops and serenades Laurinaitis as he pouts all the way up the ramp.]</p><p> </p><p>

McMahon: “Now, where were we? Ah, the contract. I’m going to say a few words myself before we do this. Looking at the two of you, I have no doubts about anyone saying this is the biggest match of all time. You’ve both reached the pinnacle of the mountain, you’ve given this business and the WWE Universe all you have, and I expect to see one hell of a fight in Miami so let’s get this thing signed.”</p><p> </p><p>

[First Cena signs, he gives the contract a cursory glance before signing it, then glaring at the Rock. The Rock does the same, and finally Mr. McMahon signs, sealing the deal. Both men stand and Cena comes around the table. Always one for a photo op, Vince positions himself between them raising both their arms, then he steps back and gestures that they ought to shake hands. They both look resistant to do it, but when he barks the order Cena sticks out his hand. The Rock looks at the crowd, as if judging their opinion, then accepts the handshake. However, when Vince turns his back on them, The Rock pulls Cena to him and hooks in the Rock Bottom, driving Cena through the table. Vince swirls around in shock as the Rock looks down on John Cena who is in great pain, and gives him a sharp salute as RAW goes off the air.]</p>

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Raw scored it's highest rating ever with 7.68 up from last week's 7.62


*Dark Matches:


Davey Richards def William Regal,


Christian def Damian Holmes



*No injuries from last night's show.


*Internally the Undertaker-Jericho segment was rated at 100, and the main event of Miz vs Bryan scored a 98. Two of the best segments of the year.



News Center:


*Brent Wellington's developmental contract is nearing its end and he's expected to be contacted about renewing it.


*Randy Orton is said to be very focused about his return to action.


*Despite what some are saying the Rock didn't "go into business for himself" on RAW. The spot with the table was fully planned ahead.


*There will be a new backstage interviewer on RAW beginning in two weeks following WrestleMania.


*It may not be getting the hype of some other matches but when it comes to pure excitement between the competitors, it's hard to out do the women's tag match. Sources say Beth Phoenix and Natalya are almost giddy at being able to work arguably the two biggest divas of all time and they plan on putting on a show.

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Last week on Smackdown Kane went over the line and made his inferno match with Triple H at Wrestlemania deadly personal. Speaking in a darkened room the Big Red Monster threatened burning Triple H alive but it is what Kane did at the end of his appearance that has taken this feud to new lows. Kane claimed that he will have to "settle for her" and then dropped a lighter to the ground setting a trail of fire that burned pictures of Triple H's wife, WWE Executive Vice President Stephanie McMahon!! Has Kane turned his hatred of Triple H to The Game's wife? Kane may have finally gone too far and this week on Smackdown Triple H will be in the building. What will the COO do after the maniacal Kane's deadly threat?


In just 9 days at Wrestlemania Daniel Bryan will have to defend his World Heavyweight Championship against 2012 Royal Rumble Winner Wade Barrett and new Smackdown star Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler has been upping the ante with attacks on both Barrett and the champion. This Friday on Smackdown Barrett at least get's his chance for a measure of revenge as he will step into the ring with Dolph Ziggler. What will happen when two of the three men who will fight for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania collide in the ring?


Christian and Mark Henry have been locked into a battle that is nothing but personal ever since Henry injured Christian's best friend, Edge, at Elimination Chamber. In 9 days at Wrestlemania Christian and Henry will finally do battle with Edge in Christian's corner but this week on Smackdown they will square off in a tag team contest. Christian will team with Zack Ryder who has his own Wrestlemania showdown with Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes. Rhodes will team with Henry to take on Ryder and Christian. With 9 days to go how will these four men react when they're face to face on Smackdown?


And finally in 9 days at Wrestlemania it will be a Divas of the past versus Divas of the future showdown when Trish Stratus and Lita take on WWE Divas Champion Beth Phoenix and Natayla. But this week on Smackdown Natayla will fight Brie Bella and WWE.com has learned Trish Stratus plans to be there to say "hello". What will happen with the legendary Diva returns to Smackdown?


Wrestlemania is 9 Days Away!! Don't Miss Smackdown this Friday on SyFy!


Confirmed Matches:


Dolph Ziggler vs Wade Barrett


Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes & Mark Henry vs United States Champion Zack Ryder and Christian


Brie Bella vs Natayla w/Beth Phoenix

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<iframe width="640" height="360" src="

http://www.youtube.com/embed/GgagfeuEZk0?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




[smackdown opens with Daniel Bryan in the center of the ring sitting in a chair. He has a serious look on his face as he begins speaking with a microphone.]


Bryan: "When you are the World Heavyweight Champion it means you are the man. It means that you are the best in the entire world. It means you have reached the pinnacle of your industry but it also means that night in and night out you have to prove that you are the best and you have to earn the right to be champion. Over the last three and half months I have dispatched of every single person that has come at me because that is part of the gig. I get that I am the hunted and I accept that. But what does not come as part of the gig and what I do not accept is someone trying to mess with my personal life.


"Both of you need to listen and listen to me good. Leave A.J. out of this and get ready for Wrestlemania. In 9 days Dolph, Wade will I break one of your arms? YES! In 9 days Dolph, Wade will I end one or both of your careers? YES! In 9 days will I walk out of Wrestlemania still the World Heavyweight Champion? YES! YES! YES!


See you at Wrestlemania."


[Daniel kicks the chair and leaves the ring]







<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OPGnI31Pzdc?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






Sheamus vs Drew McIntyre w/William Regal


The early test of strength doesn’t bode well for McIntyre as Sheamus uses it to gain the advantage. When William Regal gets on the apron to distract the referee, Sheamus sends him flying with a forearm shiver. McIntyre uses the moment to knee Sheamus in the back and begins with work him over, but it doesn’t last long as Sheamus ducks a running clothesline, then bounds off the ropes, dropping McIntyre with a flying shoulder block. But before Sheamus can further capitalize, the Big Show makes his presence known by coming down to ringside and climbing over the top. The referee moves to remove him but he’s flung out of the ring. When Sheamus turns, he’s KO’d. Then when McIntyre gets to his feet, he’s met with a big right hand as well. Regal looks on in horror as the Big Show looks down at both men, and then quietly lifts his fist into the air as the referee calls for the bell.


Winner: No Decsion




[A replay is shown of how the Big Show interfered in the match causing a no contest and knocking out both Drew McIntyre and Sheamus in the process.]




[backstage, Eden stands by with Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes and the World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry.]


Eden: “Gentlemen, tonight you’ll face your individual WrestleMania opponents in a tag match. With your big matches just about ten days away, what are you thinking going into tonight’s match?”


Rhodes: “Eden, for my part it’s simple. Title versus title, champion versus champion, and at the biggest stage of them all the cream rises to the top. I am infinitely better than Zack Ryder. I am a better champion, a better wrestler, and a better man in every aspect. I’ll handle him and I’ll take his title at WrestleMania but tonight….tonight Mark and I are going to do our best to make sure neither of them even make it to WrestleMania. Isn’t that right?”


Henry: “Straight talk. Christian, congratulations, you’ve gotten what you wanted. You got under my skin. The same skin I had to get stitches in after you slammed a cage door into my head. Tonight it’s about delivering pain. At WrestleMania, it’s about ending careers and quality of life. First you, then your little buddy Edge. He should have learned the hard way but I’ll be glad to give a second lesson.”






[The RAW Rewind is shown reminding the audience of what happened between WWE Champion CM Punk and the Miz, where Punk got a small taste of retribution by causing the the Miz’s defeat at the hands of World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan.]




Santino Marella vs Kofi Kingston


Kingston has some swagger going into the match but that is wiped off his face when Santino takes it to him from the opening bell. Kofi leaves the ring to settle down the pace but Santino follows when Kofi turns around, Santino floors him with a right hand and then throws him back in the ring. However when Santino slides back in, Kofi drops an elbow on the back of his neck, then goes to work. Once he’s in control, Kingston makes sure everyone knows it. He taunts Marella while picking him apart. When he finally appears bored, he hits the Trouble in Paradise for the victory.


Winner by pinfall: Kofi Kingston




[Eden is backstage in the interview set with Christian and Zack Ryder]


Eden: "Gentlemen each of you have important and history making matches at Wrestlemania but tonight you will team up to face off against your respective Wrestlemania opponents. What are your thoughts?"


Ryder: "I think it was stupid of those two bro's for accepting this match. Henry, Rhodes man you two are idiots. You each have pissed us off bro and instead of making us wait until Wrestlemania you are going to face us tonight? Well woo woo woo"


Christian: "Woo, woo, woo is right. Tonight I get to get my hands on you Mark Henry. Tonight I get to give you a taste of the hell you are in store for at Wrestlemania. Cody Rhodes I could care less about you Zack has big plans for you. Mark after what you did to my best friend in February and after the attacks you have done to me before this match is over you will pay. I promise you Henry I am not going into this tag team match tonight just to wrestle, Zack is not coming into this match just to wrestle. We are coming for a fight and we're going to take just an inch of our anger out on both of your asses.....You Know It."






[A vignette plays showing a snowy mountain. A long figure skis down with precision, going around trees and making jumps. Finally the person comes to a stop before the camera.]




Cesaro: “Hello. I remember you from last week. Beautiful isn’t it? (motioning to the mountain) “For most people this mountain is unconquerable. But it’s not even a challenge for someone of my talents. Someone once said people climb mountains because they are there. I’m coming to the WWE to climb its mountain not because it’s there, but because it’s my destiny to be recognized as the best. I’ll be seeing all of you in two short weeks. I’ll remind you now that my name is Antonio Cesaro, because once you see me in that ring you won’t need reminding again.”




Cody Rhodes and Mark Henry vs Christian and Zack Ryder


The match starts just as Christian and Ryder promised with the baby faces in unison attacking Henry and Rhodes. After a few minutes Henry and Christian take to the floor and are battling toward the back leaving Ryder and Rhodes alone in the ring. Rhodes tries to take control but Ryder just grounds him with a punch to the face and starts kicking at Rhodes. After several near falls Rhodes is desperate and throws a thumb to the eye of Ryder just as Mark Henry starts to come back to the ring. Henry is on the apron as Rhodes tags him in and Henry starts laying into Zack.


Henry traps Ryder into a bear hug that he almost passes out from before fighting back only to be clotheslined to the ground. Henry lifts Ryder up and goes for the World's Strongest Slam but Ryder slides down and tries to wrap Henry into a pinfall but he only gets two. Finally Henry makes a mistake when he charges Ryder in the corner but Ryder moves out of the way and sends Henry chest first into the turnbuckles. Henry falls backward and as he does Christian, hurt, finally comes back out to the ring. Ryder makes the hot tag to Christian as Henry tags in Cody who is immediately hit with a drop kick. Cody tries to charge Christian but he is met with a spear for a 2 count broken up by Henry. Now Ryder charges Henry and the two hit the floor and are fighting on the floor distracting Christian. Rhodes sneaks up behind and tries to hit the Cross Rhodes but Christian reverses it and nails the Kill-Switch for the 1..2..3.


Winners by pinfall: Christian and Zack Ryder




[A video is shown to remind the audiences of one of the most infamous moments in WWE history, also serving to hype the upcoming interview with Shane McMahon at WrestleMania.]




<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kZbZseTuQ1I?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






[The camera finds HHH pacing in his office backstage, seething with anger.


The camera pans over to find his wife Stephanie McMahon and the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels both of whom look concerned.]


Stephanie: “Hunter, please don’t do this. He’s just playing mind games with you. He wouldn’t think about actually doing something to me or the kids.


Michaels: “She’s right. You go out there and you’re walking into a trap.”


HHH: “I don’t care if he’s setting a trap for me in that ring. That means he’s gotta step through the ropes to get me and when I get my hands on him we won’t make it WrestleMania because I’m going to rip him in half tonight! Shawn, stay here with her and keep the door locked. I’ll be back when I’m done.”


[He storms out, leaving the two of them exchanging worried glances.]







<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hezg-gKEDPY?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


[HHH wastes no time in coming down the ramp and getting into the ring.]


HHH: “Kane, I’m not out here to be cute or to do a lot of talking. You know what you did and you know I won’t let that slide until WrestleMania. You stepped over the line and made it personal and now I’m going to make it personal all over your face. So get your ass in this ring.”


[After making him wait several minutes, Kane appears on the titantron, standing in HHH’s office, the door hanging on one hinge.]


Kane: “You never learn do you Hunter? You’re so predictable. It’s funny what makes people freak out. I may end your career in ten days…I may even burn you alive and you don’t bat an eyelash but I set a few pictures on fire and you lose your mind. I’m sorry to disappoint you but I won’t be coming to that ring tonight. That’s what you want me to do but I had more pressing business.”


[The camera pans over to see a broken mirror, and Shawn Michaels laying on the floor unconscious, bleeding from his forehead surrounded by broken glass. Stephanie is crouched against the wall in the corner, crying in fear.]


Kane: “It wasn’t a trap for you Hunter, it was for them. And you pushed them right into the middle of our…disagreement. They have you to thank for this. But after WrestleMania when you’re laying in a burn ward of a hospital, pain racking your entire body, the only people you’ll have to thank for that, will be me…and you.”


[Triple H runs out of the ring, as Kane’s laughter fills the arena. The camera follows him into the back and he runs through the hallways finally bursting into the office but Kane is gone. Stephanie flies into his arms and once she’s steady, they both check on Michaels. As the show goes to commercial Triple H’s face is conflicted with anger and blame.]







<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YzFLlBTk-sQ?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






Natalya w/Beth Phoenix vs Brie Bella w/Nikki Bella


Beth orders the Glaminions to stay up on the stage and watch for Trish Stratus or Lita. Natalya controls the early moments with help from Beth who takes advantage of any chance to give Brie the business on the outside. That comes to an end when Nikki’s had enough and runs around the ring, dropkicking Beth into the barrier. Inside the ring, Natalya is having her way. Beth is almost ready to take revenge on Nikki when Trish’s music hits. Beth’s attention is on the stage where the Glaminions appear anxious and wary at the same time. Meanwhile Natyalya has Brie in the sharpshooter but the referee is also distracted by the action on the stage. From the crowd behind the announcers, Trish hops the barrier, slides into the ring and nails the Chick Kick on Natalya. Nikki Bella slides into the ring, and rolls her sister out, covering Natalya. The referee turns and makes the three count. By the time Beth and the Glaminions figure it out it’s too late. As they hit the ring, Trish and the Bellas are on their way up the ramp, all smiles.


Winner by pinfall: Brie Bella






<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Mb0FgEwQzkw?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






[smackdown announcers Michael Cole and Booker T are looking at the camera "Invincible" from MGK begins to play]


Cole: "Ladies and gentlemen we are 9 days away from the showcase of the immortals - Wrestlemania and the return of the Money in the Bank Ladder Match to Wrestlemania"


Booker: "Kingston, Swagger, Alberto, Sheamus, Santino, Bourne, Big Show, DiBiase, McIntyre and a mystery man will all step into the match where the winner is almost guaranteed gold Cole. No Money in the Bank ladder match winner has ever cashed in his briefcase and not walked away champ"


Cole: "And that bodes well for the 10 competitors in this match at Wrestlemania. Also at Wrestlemania we will see the return of the Piper's Pit with special guest Shane McMahon"


Booker: "After months of confusion it is time to tell the world what Shane-o is doing or I swear he will pay the Piper. But Cole a match I can't wait for is the Divas collision at Wrestlemania, man"


Cole: "Trish Stratus and Lita return to the WWE to take on Divas Champion Beth Phoenix and Natayla in a match pitting the past of the Divas' division with their future. Speaking of past and future is a match pitting champion against champion as United States Champion Zack Ryder faces Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes with one title being retired forever"


Booker: "Cole I have held both titles in my career and I cannot tell you how big this is. Both titles have rich history and one will be gone forever at Wrestlemania but as big as that is someone's career could come to an end when Christian take on Mark Henry."


Cole: "Henry tried to take out his anger on soon to be WWE Hall of Famer Edge and nearly put him into a wheel chair. Now Edge's best friend seek's revenge at Wrestlemania and that one is getting personal. But a match that is already deeply personal is the showdown between Triple H and Kane. It has been since Wrestlemania 15 since these two last met at Wrestlemania and this match will make history."


Booker: "Your right Cole it will because never before at Wrestlemania have we had an Inferno Match but that will change. Kane and Triple H will try to burn each other alive at Wrestlemania. And while it is a new ride at Wrestlemania between Kane and Triple H it is possibly the last ride at Wrestlemania for The Undertaker."


Cole: "This is expected to be the very last match of the Phenom and Chris Jericho is determined to be the one to end the Undertaker's storied career at Wrestlemania. That match is one of four main events at Wrestlemania the next being the World Heavyweight Championship."


Booker: "Daniel Bryan will not go into this match as the odds on favorite Cole. Dolph Ziggler or Wade Barrett could easily walk out of Miami as the new World Champion. And so could The Miz."


Cole: "No kidding. He was WWE's most must see WWE Champion a year ago and he gets his chance once again when The Miz challenges CM Punk for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania. And then its a match that happens only once in a lifetime - John Cena versus The Rock at Wrestlemania"


Booker: "I have been in the ring with both of these men. I have been beaten by both of those men. Cole I cannot wait to see what happens when The Rock and John Cena go one on one in 9 days at Wrestlemania."






Dolph Ziggler vs Wade Barrett


Ziggler and Barrett come out but before their match can begin Daniel Bryan's music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion with his girlfriend, AJ, comes out and is at ringside to observe the match. Ziggler and Barrett are both hesitant as they keep glancing toward Bryan who has a grin on his face enjoying their discomfort. Finally Ziggler sucker punches Barrett and the match quickly turns into a fist fight. Both men trade punches and chops and whips into the corner before eventually going to the floor. On the floor Barrett whips Ziggler into a barricade and slams him chest first onto the guardrail. He puts Dolph against the ring post and charges but Dolph ducks and Wade clotheslines the post.


Dolph drags Barrett over to the announce booth and slams him chest first into the table. Dolph throws Wade into the ring and grabs a chair and gets in the ring. The referee takes the chair from Dolph and throws it out of the ring. Dolph, furious, is distracted arguing with the referee and turns around into a big boot for a two count. Barrett sets him up for the Barrage but Dolph squirms out and drops Barrett with a DDT. On the floor AJ races around to where the chair is and grabs it to throw it into the ring but Daniel stops her and shouts "what are you doing?" They start arguing and in the ring Barrett whips Dolph into the ropes. AJ has grabbed the chair back from Bryan and nails Dolph with the chair as he comes to the ropes causing a disqualification.


Barrett is furious and starts shouting at AJ and at Daniel from inside the ring for costing him the victory. While this is happening Dolph has gotten up and when Barrett turns around he is hit with the ZigZag.


Winner by disqualification: Dolph Ziggler




[As Daniel Bryan questions AJ on the outside about what she’s done, Dolph Ziggler is all smiles in the ring. Wade Barrett, holding his back and in obvious pain looks between his two opponents, face full of hate as the show goes off the air.]

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*Smackdown scored a 4.09, up from last week's 3.99. WWE has to be happy that for the last few weeks Smackdown's ratings have increased as they head into Wrestlemania.


*Dark Matches saw the Briscoes defeat Primo and Epico as well as WWE Champion CM Punk successfully defend his title against Damien Holmes which is notable since Holmes has not even debuted on tv yet. WWE sources say that match was about getting Holmes some more experience.


*Superstars drew a abysmal .10 rating this week.


*No injuries of any sorts were reported although Alberto Del Rio is now 100% from his ankle injury (he has been working hurt) which is good news heading into Wrestlemania.





*Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon sat down this week to hash out the long term storyline for Shane. They had been working with a general outline of where they will go with the angle and they knew the pay off but the finer details we're told were not set in stone until this week. Vince and Shane are on much better terms now than when Shane left the company last year as evidenced by his return to tv.


*With this being the last weekend before Wrestlemania WWE cancelled the house shows for the weekend.


*Tonight will be a Raw/Smackdown supershow with WWE taping Smackdown after Raw goes off the air. The entire WWE crew will then head down to Miami for Wrestlemania week.





*Sources say that WWE does not yet know the layout of what matches will happen at Wrestlemania. There was a meeting today with creative before Raw to discuss the layout of the show and in particular the main event. There was some friction during this discussion as some are advocating for The Rock and John Cena to close the show while others believe either one of the title matches or Jericho-Taker should close the show. The opening match has been decided on and we're hearing that will be the Inferno Match between Kane and Triple H. It is being done for logistics as it will take too much time to set up and break down the inferno rig from the ring. Both Triple H and Kane are completely fine with this.


*WWE has reached out to numerous legends for on camera appearances at Wrestlemania. And many past WWE superstars (not just legends) are planning to be in the crowd at Wrestlemania to see The Undertaker's 20th (and likely last) Wrestlemania match.


*Jim Ross will be at Wrestlemania and is expected to call a match or two during the show.


*Don't expect that all will be revealed during the Shane McMahon-Roddy Piper segment at Wrestlemania. We're hearing it will only be the beginning of what is a storyline expected to go through spring and into summer.


*D'Lo Brown and Al Snow have re-upped with TNA this weekend and Alex Shelley signed a exclusive contract with TNA after working on a pay per appearance deal so that he could do Japan tours.


*In what could be a bigger story a month from now WWE and NBC Universal (the parent company of both USA and SyFy which are the broadcast homes for Raw and Smackdown respectively) are cutting it pretty close with their negotiations for Smackdown. The contract for Smackdown is set to expire near the end of May and NBC Universal has told WWE they are not yet ready to discuss an extension of the show. One source said that WWE wants to start talking now and NBC wants to hold off until May perhaps to keep WWE from leveraging for a better deal as Smackdown's ratings have gone up in recent weeks. Raw's deal with USA is fine for several more months. Sources say WWE does expect to renew with SyFy but NBC is just dragging their feet a little.

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Wrestlemania is this Sunday Live on Pay Per View. At Wrestlemania there will be an epic encounter that can only happen once in a lifetime. For a year the bad blood has been brewing and this Sunday at Wrestlemania it will boil over when John Cena takes on The Rock. Due to their heated rhetoric and the recent physical altercations between these two iconic WWE Superstars the Chairman of the WWE, Vince McMahon, has barred both Cena and The Rock from Raw this Monday. Instead Good Ole' JR will moderate a face off between the two Live on Raw. What will happen with The Rock and Cena get one one final verbal confrontation in before their epic match at Wrestlemania on Sunday?


This Sunday at Wrestlemania CM Punk and The Miz are scheduled to come face to face for the WWE Championship but will that match happen? Raw Interim General Manager John Laurinaitis has ordered a blockbuster main event for the final Raw before Wrestlemania. WWE Champion CM Punk will defend his championship against Alberto Del Rio. If Del Rio wins he goes to Wrestlemania to face The Miz and Punk goes into the Money In the Bank Ladder Match. Will CM Punk walk into Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion to face The Miz this Sunday? Find out on Raw.


This Sunday at Wrestlemania Triple H and Kane will face off for the first time in a match at Wrestlemania in 13 years. As if that match was not historic enough it will be for the first time ever at Wrestlemania an Inferno Match where one man will literally be set on fire. But those stakes have not been high enough for Kane who has taken this feud to a even more personal and evil level. For the last several weeks Kane has threatened Triple H's wife, WWE Executive Vice President Stephanie McMahon, his best friend Shawn Michaels and even Triple H's children. Monday on Raw Triple H has promised to be in the building and he will be looking for Kane. Will Triple H and Kane collide just 6 days before they walk into a pit of fire at Wrestlemania?


This Sunday at Wrestlemania both Christian and Wade Barrett will be busy in their respective matches. Christian will be fighting for vengeance for his best friend Edge against the dangerous Mark Henry and Wade Barrett will be in a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship but this week on Raw they will square off in one on one competition.


And finally at Wrestlemania we will see the Divas of the past and the Divas of the present collide when Trish Stratus and Lita return to the WWE to take on Beth Phoenix and Natayla. After several weeks of embarassment Beth and Natayla have promised some payback on Trish and Lita Monday on Raw. What do the Glamazon, the Hart Dynasty and their Glaminions have in store for Trish and Lita?


Wrestlemania is THIS SUNDAY! Don't Miss Raw SuperShow LIVE Tonight on USA Network!


Confirmed Matches:


WWE Championship

Alberto Del Rio vs WWE Champion CM Punk


Wade Barrett vs Christian


Dolph Ziggler vs WWE United States Champion Zack Ryder - Non Title

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[Raw opens with Triple H tearing around the backstage screaming for Kane. He grabs a production assistant and demands to know if Kane is in the building but the PA says he has not seen him. Triple H heads to the basement of the building and sees red light. He picks up a pipe and heads toward the light screaming for Kane. When he gets there he sees painted in DX paint on the wall "I'm Not Down Here, Keep Looking". Triple H angrily throws the pipe at the wall and storms upstairs as we cut to the opening package of the show]



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[John Laurinaitis is in his office when CM Punk barges in.]


Laurinaitis: “Punk, what’s the meaning of…”


Punk: “Shut up. I’m sick of your excuses. I’m less than a week away from defending this title at WrestleMania and I have to defend it tonight against Alberto Del Rio?”


Laurinaitis: “Well the Miz will be action on Smackdown so it’ll be fair, plus if you do lose tonight you’ll take Alberto’s spot in Money in the Bank. That’s something you’ve got experience with.”


Punk: “I don’t care about him. I care about me. I have to bust my ass, and risk injury while the golden boys, John and Dwayne, get to sit with JR and hold a group therapy session. I’m not blind or stupid, I know what’s going on here.”


Laurinaitis: “Punk, I don’t know anything about that. I don’t play favorites, I listen to the people. And the people want to see you in action so that’s what’s going to happen.”


Punk: “You don’t play….(chuckles)…alright Johnny, have it your way, but I want you to know that I am walking out of WrestleMania as champion and I will never allow you or your nepotism loving bosses to drag me down.”


[Punk storms out, while Laurinaitis straightens his tie with disdain on his face.]




The Big Show, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, and Kofi Kingston vs Ted DiBiase, Sheamus, Santino Marella, and Evan Bourne


The match isn’t even underway yet when an eight man brawl breaks out. Finally after a few minutes it settles down into Swagger and Sheamus. Swagger uses some key distractions and double teams from his partners to keep Sheamus in their corner and dominate the action. Eventually Sheamus is able to make the tag which sets off a flurry of tags and quick attacks. As one person is nailed with a finishing maneuver, someone else comes in to hit their own. Santino floors Kingston with the Cobra but when he turns around he’s hammered with a WMD right hand from the Big Show. Show makes the cover for the victory.


Winners by pinfall: The Big Show, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, and Kofi Kingston




[Trish Stratus and Lita are backstage signing autographs when the Glaminions attack them from behind. The divas fight back and have their attackers on their heels when Natalya and Beth Phoenix jump into the mix and now it’s four on two. Beth shouts orders and they drag Lita and Trish over toward the makeup area. Beth says they need a makeover for WrestleMania and forces them to kneel, arms held behind their backs. She spends the next few minutes plastering them with makeup, making them look horrible, then pouring bottles of water over their head, causing the makeup to run, blurring on their faces. Finally, they’re both slapped several times, and thrown face first into the floor. The four of them walk off, with a not-so-friendly ‘see you this Sunday.’]






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[Mason Ryan and Justin Gabriel are talking backstage when the World Tag Team Champions rush them from behind, knocking both to the ground. When one appears to be able to fight back, Rikishi steps in and helps subdue them again. He orders his son Jey to grab a wrench backstage and he knocks Gabriel out cold with it. Mason is beginning to fight back when he tastes the wrench as well. It takes two shots and several stomps to knock him down for good. Their deed done, the champions retreat as officials begin to flood the area, checking on the injured.]




Non-Title Match

Zack Ryder vs Dolph Ziggler w/Vicky Guererro\


The United States Champion is on fire as the match starts and has Ziggler on his heels in the opening minutes. Ziggler tries to go to the outside for a breather but Ryder brings him back in by his hair. Ziggler doesn’t catch a break until Ryder leaves him an opening by telegraphic a charge into the corner and Ziggler sends him in shoulder-first. Ziggler controls the next few minutes but Ryder digs down deep and clotheslines him over the top. Ryder catches his breath leaning on the ropes with the referee facing Ziggler and beginning the count. Suddenly, Cody Rhodes comes running down the ramp and clocks Ryder in the head with the Intercontinental belt. Ziggler sees his opportunity and hurries back into the ring, waiting Ryder out before hitting the Zig Zag for the 1-2-3.


Winner by pinfall: Dolph Ziggler




[Matt Striker is standing by with the Miz.]


Striker: Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to introduce the number one contender to the WWE Championship, the Miz.”


Miz: “What else am I?”


Striker: “The future WWE Champion?”


Miz: “That’s exactly right. Less than a week away and I’m right back where I belong. A WrestleMania title match. And just like last year I will walk out with that belt around my waist. CM Punk is flustered and worried about things that don’t matter. He’s crying because he has a match. He’s crying because Rock and Cena don’t have one. I don’t care about anything other than you and that title Punk. I’m going to take care of business because while you’re worried about people pulling strings against you, I’m gonna cut those strings. I’m gonna cut you down and end your title reign and then…then…Matt you’ll be introducing me as…”


Striker: “The NEW WWE Champion.”


Miz: “Simply…awesome.”






[When the show returns, Chris Jericho is already in the ring.]


Jericho: “I’m out here to correct some misconceptions which have been running rampant since last week. Some of you are saying I’m afraid of the Undertaker. I’m not afraid of him. If I were afraid of him, why would I have challenged him in the first place? What you mistakenly saw as fear was merely me on my way out of the building because I had better places to be. I’m a busy, busy man. I won my match…convincingly I might add….and I decided my night was over. To say that I, the first ever undisputed champion, am afraid of anyone is the height of stupidity, which is not saying much for all of you here. I am Y2J….I am the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla….I am….”




<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3LjbFgQPliM?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



[Jericho is standing in the ring, mouth agape, just staring at the screen and slowly shaking his head as the segment ends.]






<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/HB4qOI7xxn0?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





Wade Barrett vs Christian


The match is even in the beginning of the match with Barrett’s strength being matched by Christian’s veteran skills. When the action spills to the outside, Christian flies off the top and hits a cross body block on Barrett. Christian is in firm control and rolls Barrett back into the ring. However when the referee turns his back, Mark Henry comes running down the ramp and attacks. Barrett keeps the referee distracted as Henry picks up Christian and rams him back-first into the ring post, not once but twice. Henry backs off and Barrett goes outside to collect Christian. He rolls him back into the ring, then hits the Wasteland for the victory.


Winner by pinfall: Wade Barrett






[A replay is shown of Mark Henry’s attack on Christian before the break. Several replays are shown of him ramming Christian’s back into the ringpost.]




[Matt Striker is backstage.]


Striker: "Ladies and gentlemen, WWE Champion CM Punk."


[CM Punk walks up to him, championship belt resting on his shoulder.]


Striker: "Earlier we saw how upset you are about the match."


Punk: "It's not the match. I'll win tonight becuase I'm the best in the world but it's about the blantant unfairness of the situation. Matt I'm the WWE Champion and I get the feeling that everywhere I turn I have to be on the defensive. I have Miz after me. I have the lockeroom. I have the bosses and the brass who hate that someone like me carries this title. At WrestleMania I expect three things. I'll walk in as champion. Miz and I will have a hell of a match and tear the place down. I'll walk out the champion. But there are those who want to distract me from these things but I will not allow them to succeed. Best in the world isn't just a catchphrase, it's a way of life for me, no less than straight edge is. I don't blame Del Rio, if I was in his shoes I'd want a title shot too. I don't blame Miz because its in his interests to see me stumble headed into our match this Sunday. No, I blame the powers that be. Because they most of all have had it out for me since I sat down on their show and blew up their little bubble with the cold hard truth of what they'd let this business and this company become. Tonight is part of their revenge and I have no doubt something wacky will happen this Sunday but I'll keep overcoming because that's what I do, better than anyone in the world."




[The Smackdown Rewind is shown reminding the audience of what happened at the end of Smackdown when AJ accidentally caused Wade Barrett to be disqualified in his match with Dolph Ziggler.]




Non-Title match

Cody Rhodes vs Daniel Bryan


The YES YES YES chants are out in full force as the World Champion and the Intercontinental Champion square off. Rhodes uses some cunning and underhanded maneuvers to take the early momentum but Bryan is never to be counted out. Reversing an Irish Whip into a short arm clothesline, Bryan goes on the offensive lighting up Rhodes with stiff kicks. Rhodes gives Bryan a poke to the eyes and drops him with a DDT. Then he goes to the outside to grab a belt. Zack Ryder comes running down and chases Rhodes back into the ring. With the referee distracted in telling Ryder to leave, Rhodes tries to go to the well again with a low blow but Bryan catches his arm and rolls, eventually tying him up in the YES Lock. Rhodes is almost at the ropes, hanging on by a thread, when his last grasp meets nothing but air and he is forced to tap.


Winner by submission: Daniel Bryan






[Jim Ross is shown in the backstage area sitting in a chair. It is a close up of good ole JR as he speaks]


JR: "Ladies and gentlemen after a year of buildup this Sunday at Wrestlemania will be a match that happens only once in a lifetime. The Rock and John Cena are arguably two of the greatest WWE superstars in history and each man has been the standard bearer of their respective generations. In recent weeks tensions have been running incredibly high and that is why WWE Chairman Vince McMahon has ordered these two competitors to not be at Raw tonight. Instead they have agreed to a face off live via satellite. Rock, John thank you both for being here tonight."


[Camera pans back to see two screens one with the Rock with the words "Live in Miami" and John Cena with the words "Live in Boston".]


Rock and Cena in unison: "You're welcome JR"


JR: "Gentlemen in six days at Wrestlemania you two will meet in a match that has been a year in the making. After all the insults and the cheap shots from both of you I wanted to get your final thoughts before your epic encounter this Sunday at Wrestlemania. John let's start with you."


Cena: "My thoughts, JR? I cannot wait for Sunday. I wish it was now. I cannot wait to walk down the aisle in Dwayne's hometown and pin him in front of a worldwide audience on the biggest stage in our industry. Ten years ago when I came into this company The Rock was the man. He was the guy around here and my dark secret is I wanted to be him. I idolized him and everyone told me that I couldn't cut it. I was told I would never be at this stage and you know what? They were wrong. And this Sunday at Wrestlemania is my opportunity to prove it."


Rock: "They told you that you couldn't cut it John because you are not good enough. You’ve never been John. On my worst day I am better than you and I always will be. You know why you wanted this match? Because somewhere deep inside you know that no matter how much Vince McMahon loves you and shoves you down the throat of the people that you will never be as good as The People's Champion."


Cena: "And that right there is why I wanted this match. You can't just escape being The Rock for one minute can you Dwayne? You say that Vince shoved me down the throat of the people, well you know what maybe he did but here's the thing....I may have been shoved down the people's throats but at least I have been here every day for a decade for those people. What have you done Dwayne?"


Rock: "I have done successfully what you have failed at several times John and that is to become a movie star. I don't apologize for that. This company gave me amazing opportunities and I spent 6 years of my life giving it everything I ever had and Vince McMahon asked me to make movies. He asked me to be an ambassador to Hollywood for the WWE. You want me to drop The Rock stuff fine. John look into my face, this is Dwayne talking, I don't like you. I sure as hell don't respect you and this Sunday at Wrestlemania I need to beat you."


Cena: "Well hell we finally have something we agree on. You don't like me or respect me? Well Dwayne I don't like you or respect you. You see I looked up to you and you let me down, son. You walked away and what eats at me is that these people love you still. I have been here every day busting my ass for a decade to earn their respect because I respect them and you waltz in here like it is 2002 all over again - well it's not. You're right I am the big dog around here and if you want that spot back then you will have to take it from me."


Rock: "That is exactly what I will do. Make no mistake John you want to win this Sunday at Wrestlemania. I need to win. I need it because there are people that think I walked away. There are people that think this business was never in my blood but John what you and they need to get is I could never escape this industry. It is my family, it is in my DNA man. So yes I need this match. I need to show the world that I am still The Rock because there are people, even me sometimes, that doubts that. But do not doubt this Cena...this Sunday I will give you every drop of blood and every drop of sweat I have. This Sunday at Wrestlemania our lives will be defined by this match and everything that has ever made me The Rock I will give on your ass. When that night is over I will be celebrating victorious because I simply need it more than you."


Cena: "You may need it more than me Rock but I want it more than you. You're not going to walk over me, I have something to prove too. And this Sunday get ready to learn that you can't hang with me. For all the naysayers that have said I do not belong in this spot I will prove once and for all that this kid can hang, that this kid does belong and Rock that this kid will kick the ass of The Great One. I have no choice - I own you on Sunday."


[JR talks to the camera]


Jim Ross: "Well ladies and gentleman there is nothing left to say. I thank you John Cena and The Rock for being here tonight and I wish you both the best of luck at Wrestlemania. Folks if you have not ordered the show yet do not miss this match. These two men have shown us tonight they will do anything they have to do to walk out victorious. It is a match that will define a generation. It is a match that is once in a lifetime. And it will only happen this Sunday at Wrestlemania."










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WWE Championship

CM Punk © vs Alberto Del Rio


The match starts off with both men trying to get a advantage on each other and after a thumb to the eye Alberto takes control and begins working on CM Punk's arm. He locks Punk into several arm submission holds such as the arm bar but each time Punk battles back. Punk gains control and whips Del Rio into the turnbuckle and comes charging. Del Rio side steps the champion and Punk crashes shoulder first into the ring post. Punk stumbles back and swings at Del Rio who ducks and grabs Punk's injured shoulder and locks in the arm breaker. Punk is screaming in pain and tries to find his way to the ropes but Del Rio lets go and drags Punk to the center of the ring and locks it back on.


The Miz runs down to the ring with a microphone in hand and gets in the line of sight of Punk screaming into the microphone for him to tap out. Just as Punk is about to he looks at Miz dead in the eye, screams no and fights his way to the ropes breaking the hold. Del Rio charges and is met with a kick to the head from the champion. Punk climbs the turnbuckle and flies off with a clothesline with his good arm but he cannot lift Del Rio up for a GTS. Miz comes to the apron, ducking a punch from Punk and holds the champion for Del Rio to charge but Punk moves out of the way and Del Rio crashes into The Miz. With his one good arm Punk rolls Del Rio up from behind for the 1...2...3


Winner by pinfall and still WWE Champion: CM Punk




[With the champion’s music playing the Miz walks up the steps, dropping his mic and stands nose to nos with Punk in the middle of the ring. Slowly Punk raises the title belt, both men glancing to it before locking eyes again. The show fades to black to the beat of Cult of Personality.]

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Raw scored it's highest rating ever with 7.76 up from last week's previous all time best 7.68. This is seen as a very encouraging sign for the company headed into WrestleMania this weekend.


*Dark Matches:


Roderick Strong defeated William Regal.


Mick Foley gave the fans a thrill in defeating Damian Holmes. Holmes appears nearing a full fledged debut.


*No injuries from last night's show.


*The Rock-Cena-J.R. interview was tremendously received by the audience, being rated 10 out of 10.


*The Superstars taping which was held before RAW saw Seth Rollins defeat Heath Slater, and the Briscoes defeat McGillicutty and Otunga. It appears that the former Nexus members may be reforming their tag team on a permanent basis.


News Center:


*There may be a lot of pink slips following WrestleMania. WWE has signed some very good talents in the last several months and there's a feeling that its time to clear away some undercard dead weight and give these new faces a try. There's a lot of worried folks in the back tonight for Smackdown. This may be some of their last chances to impress.


*Behind the scenes meetings continue to take place about the layout for next month's Extreme Rules. One thing we do know is that a face from the world of MMA will be a very big part of it.


*If the plans we're hearing come to pass, you will not want to miss the end of the next RAW--which we remind you, will be the first WWE show in some time not to be under the PG rating.


*Some early names being kicked around for next year's hall of fame: Jake Roberts, Demolition, Madusa, Lou Thesz, Stan Hansen, and Goldberg.


*The John Cena homefront story continues to develop. Those close to him say he may be nearing a breaking point professionally and personally.


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We are just two nights away from the Showcase of the Immortals, Wrestlemania! In two nights WWE Champion CM Punk will defend his WWE Championship against The Miz but what will be the condition of the champion by the time he makes it to Wrestlemania on Sunday? This past Monday on Raw Punk defended his title against Smackdown's Alberto Del Rio. This week on Smackdown Punk will square off against The Big Show in a non title match. Will Punk even make it to Wrestlemania in tact? Speaking of The Miz he too will be in action this week on Smackdown when he takes on Sheamus who will look to make a statement before competing in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania.


Monday on Raw Triple H was searching for the demented Kane but Kane was not there and has been playing games with The Game. Will Kane continue the mind games this week on Smackdown days before he faces Triple H in an Inferno Match at Wrestlemania?


This Sunday at Wrestlemania Cody Rhodes will put his Intercontinental Championship on the line against Zack Ryder who will put his United States Title on the line. But before we get to that title unification match Cody will square off with a former Intercontinental champion himself in Santino. Will the 3rd generation superstar make an example of Santino two days before he faces Ryder at Wrestlemania?


Finally with only two days before the return of the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania four of the competitors in that match will square off in tag team action. Be there when Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyre square off against Ted DiBiase and Evan Bourne.


Wrestlemania is This Sunday!! Don't miss the final stop on the Road to Wrestlemania this Friday on SyFy!


Confirmed Matches:


The Big Show vs WWE Champion CM Punk - Non Title Match


The Miz vs Sheamus


WWE Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes vs Santino - Non Title Match


Kofi Kingston & Drew McIntyre vs Ted DiBiase and Evan Bourne

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[World Champion Daniel Bryan and AJ pull up in their car and are about to walk into the building when Wade Barrett strikes. He jumps Bryan from behind, delivering several forearms to the back of his head to disorient him, then slams him head first into the windshield, cracking it. AJ screams for help as Barrett kneels over an already bleeding champion and peppers him with right hands, spreading the blood even more. Barrett stands and leaves with a smirk as AJ continues yelling for help.]




Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyre w/William Regal vs Evan Bourne and Ted Dibiase


The former tag champions begin the match and it ebbs and flows but McIntyre and Regal on the outside help gain the advantage and they hold it while Bourne is kept in the enemy corner. DiBiase is going crazy in the corner, dying to make the tag. Finally they make it but Regal had been distracting the referee and he forces DiBiase out of the ring. Bourne suffers more punishment until he ducks a clothesline and floors McIntyre with a springboard dropkick. Finally he makes the tag and DiBiase begins cleaning house. Kingston is the legal man and he’s on his heels as DiBiase hits a string of moves until Kofi doesn’t know which end us up. Ted sets him up for Dream Street, and when he makes the cover, Bourne flies into the ring to keep McIntyre busy while the ref counts to three.


Winners by pinfall: Evan Bourne and Ted Dibiase




[As CM Punk enters the building, Eden Stiles is there to meet him.]


Eden: “Champ, do you have any reaction to your match tonight?”


Punk: “Well I’d like to say I’m surprised but the powers that be in this company make that impossible. A few days from WrestleMania and I have a five hundred pound angry giant in my path? That’s par for the course for me ever since I won this title. So bring on the Big Show, then bring on the Miz. Just remember the most important thing…..hashtag…..best in the world.”





<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MLAJ03i6JdY?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






[AJ walks out of the first aid room, it appears she’s been crying and when she takes a turn, she almost runs into Dolph Ziggler.]


Ziggler: “Hey AJ, you alright?”


AJ: “Yea, it’s just Daniel..he’s really hurt.”


Ziggler: “I’d be lying if I said that didn’t give me a better chance at WrestleMania but I’m sorry to see you so upset.”


AJ: “Thank you.”


Ziggler: “If you need to talk, you know how to get a hold of me.”


[AJ simply nods and he moves on, but not before gently touching her elbow. She watches him walk away between sniffles.]





<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sbVjiShsqPs?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






Non-Title match

Cody Rhodes vs Santino Marella


Everyone knows Rhodes has a mean streak and it’s on full display in this match. He doesn’t give Santino room to breathe, even going so far as to continually call Santino “Ryder” as he stomps and punches him. Santino tries to get his second wind but its shut down by the Intercontinental champion with a knee to the gut. A moment later Cody hits the CrossRhodes for the 1-2-3.


Winner by pinfall: Cody Rhodes




[Just as on RAW, Triple H is backstage looking for Kane. He finally receives a tip when some technical workers tell him they saw Kane earlier in the building. His hope renewed, Triple H hurries off to find the Big Red Machine.]






[The RAW Rebound is shown]


Jericho: “I’m out here to correct some misconceptions which have been running rampant since last week. Some of you are saying I’m afraid of the Undertaker. I’m not afraid of him. If I were afraid of him, why would I have challenged him in the first place? What you mistakenly saw as fear was merely me on my way out of the building because I had better places to be. I’m a busy, busy man. I won my match…convincingly I might add….and I decided my night was over. To say that I, the first ever undisputed champion, am afraid of anyone is the height of stupidity, which is not saying much for all of you here. I am Y2J….I am the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla….I am….”



<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3LjbFgQPliM?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



[Jericho is standing in the ring, mouth agape, just staring at the screen and slowly shaking his head as the segment ends.]




[Eden is backstage with Mark Henry]


Eden: "Mark in two night’s time you will step into the ring with Christian who is trying to avenge your brutal attack on his best friend, Edge, at Elimination Chamber in February. Let's take a look."


[A video is shown replaying Henry's attack on Edge]


Eden: "What are your final thoughts before Sunday?"


Henry (smirking at the monitor and at Eden): "It’s funny that you say final thoughts because that is a question you need to ask Christian. You see Christian made a mistake one that ultimately will be fatal. When I beat up Edge in February I did that to make a point. I had no beef with Edge. It was not personal, it was business. I wanted to make a point to Teddy Long and that’s it.


Now I understand why you were mad at my actions Christian and when you demanded this match I had no problem with you. I had no beef with you. I did not care about this match at all but your flaw, your mistake is that now I do. A couple weeks ago on Smackdown you slammed a steel cage door into my head. You made me care about hurting you and that will be your final mistake. I don't give a damn on Sunday if I win this match all I care about is sending you to the hospital and that is exactly what I will do and none of your peeps or even your best buddy can save you.


Christian you have two days left in your career. Enjoy them. Hug your family. And give Edge this piece of advice...if he gets in my way Sunday I will finish what I started in February. Two days man, that's all you have left. Sunday at WrestleMania say goodbye to your career."


[Henry walks off with Eden staring at him with a little fear in her eyes]




The Miz vs Sheamus


It’s apparent from the beginning that the Miz is not happy with this match. He avoids Sheamus in the early moments, but the Hooligan catches up with him on the outside and the fight is on. Sheamus’ power comes into play early and he almost gets a victory on a spinning powerslam. The Miz catches his second wind, and begins to take control. Following a series of moves designed to attack the neck, Miz is setting up for the Skull Crushing Finale when suddenly CM Punk’s entrance begins to play. The Miz instantly turns to watch the ramp but Punk doesn’t appear. Miz turns back to Sheamus and steps right into a Brogue Kick to the face. That got the 1-2-3.


Winner by pinfall: Sheamus




[A limo pulls up in front of a ritzy busy hotel.]




[The driver gets out and opens the door. From within, Antonio Cesaro steps out in an expensive looking suit, leaving behind a few beautiful women in the car.]


Cesaro: “Oh, it’s you again. As you can see I told the truth. I’m here in America and I’m going to where a man of my talents can truly show he is the finest athlete in the world…the WWE. It doesn’t matter who I’m in the ring with, they’ll all learn one of the hardest lessons of life: no matter who you are, I’m better than you. See you next week…Ciao. ”


[He enters the hotel being pampered by the doorman, bellhop and hotel manager as the doors close.]






[Triple H is still storming through the backstage area looking for Kane when he sees him ahead. Kane talks into a side room and Triple H is hot on his trail with the camera trying to keep up. Triple H enters the room ahead of the camera and we see a large fireball. When the camera arrives, Kane is gone and Triple H is laying on the ground holding his left arm and writhing in pain. His arm appears to be burned.]




WWE Tag Team Championship

The Usos © w/Rikishi vs Alex Riley and Johnny Curtis


This match wasn’t even a contest. The Usos dominate from bell to bell, toying with both Riley and Curtis. About half way through the crowd begins to chant for the Briscoes, which seems to infuriate then tag champions. When their father tells them to call it a night they follow his orders to a tee, setting up their standing side kick/german bridge suplex finisher for a never-in-question title defense.


Winners by pinfall and still WWE Tag Team Champions: The Usos




[Folllowing the match Justin Gabriel and Mason Ryan run down to the ring and the fight is on. Officials flood the ring but its slow going to end the brawl. As officials separate the two teams in different corners, General Manager Teddy Long comes to the stage to tell them to save it for Sunday. On the WrestleMania pre-show, the Usos will defend their titles against Mason and Gabriel!]







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[Eden stands by backstage]


Eden: “My guest at this time…the Big Show. Big Show, we’re days away from WrestleMania your opportunity to win the Money in the Bank match but tonight you face CM Punk…”


Show: “An opportunity? Let me correct you. I will win the Money in the Bank. Every other man in that match has to climb that ladder and reach way up to touch their fingertips on that briefcase. Hell, Evan Bourne might have to jump up to touch it. But me? I don’t have to climb to the top of a ladder. I don’t have to jump. I just have to knockout nine men with this big right hand, and claim my title shot. Now Eden, you might think I’m confidant but I’m more than that. I am dead certain that I will win this match. As a matter of fact I like to self-motivate myself so this weekend I’m going to put it all on the line. If I don’t walk out with that briefcase……I’ll retire on the spot.”




[Michael Cole, Booker T, and Josh Matthews give the audience the rundown of this weekend’s WrestleMania 28.]


























Non Title match

CM Punk © vs The Big Show


Earlier in the night, the Miz had tried to avoid his stronger opponent. WWE Champion CM Punk takes the opposite route and goes right for the Big Show, hitting a running knee lift to the jaw before the giant can get out of the corner. Punk keeps piling on the attacks, but when he comes off the ropes, he’s grabbed around the throat and dropped with a chokeslam. 1…2….kickout. The Big Show has his way with the champion using his size and strength until Punk holds down the top rope and Show tumbles over it in a charge. Suddenly the Miz comes running down to ringside and stops to look at the Big Show….before kicking him in the shin. The Big Show yelps asking Miz what the hell’s wrong with him but when the referee calls for the bell, the former tag partners share a grin.


Winner by disqualification: The Big Show




[Punk is incensed and wastes no time in going out after the Miz. He catches him up on the stage area and the brawl is on! The crowd erupts again as World Champion Daniel Bryan comes from the back, dragging Wade Barrett along with him by the head. With both their backs turns, Dolph Ziggler takes advantage and flattens them both with a double clothesline. Before you know it, all known Money in the Bank participants have come out and they’re all fighting too. From the stage to ringside it’s total chaos and as the show goes off the air the camera slowly pans up away from the carnage to focus on the WrestleMania logo hanging far above.]

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*Smackdown scored a 3.96, down from last week's 4.09. While the drop in the ratings is disappointing, all eyes are on WrestleMania this Sunday and the feeling is that the show helped push a few of the story lines to the finish line.


*Dark Matches:


-Alexa and Allison Danger def Bella Twins.

-Damian Holmes def Tommy Dreamer

-Sara Raydell def LuFisto


*After the ending brawl, Teddy Long came out and told the fans they deserved better so he made a match on the spot which saw Zack Ryder, Christian, and Daniel Bryan defeat Mark Henry, Wade Barrett, and Cody Rhodes.


*Superstars raised their rating this week to .11.


*No injuries of any sorts were reported.





* Ric Flair will absolutely be in attendance for the Hall of Fame induction of the 4 Horsemen.


*The WWE Tag Team Title match will be live on wwe.com and their You Tube channel with a start time of 6:30 pm est. Remember, WrestleMania is a 4 hour show and will begin at 7 pm est.


*We've got from good sources that the Inferno match will begin the show and to the surprise of many, Cena-Rock will not close the show. Both of them met with Vince McMahon this week and offered their suggestion as to their placement on the show and he has apparently taken their idea to heart.


*Jim Ross will be at WrestleMania and we think he will somehow take part in the broadcast.


*We'll see two familiar faces return to the WWE this Sunday.






*Look for up to a dozen people to be sent down to developmental if not outright released as early as Monday morning.


*The Tag Team division will soon host upwards of eight steady teams with the hopes to energize that facet of the company and give some established singles wrestlers something to do who may have lost some momentum or fallen out of favor for a singles push.


*Thanks to a few backstage friends, we've learned the replacement for Matt Striker as the new RAW backstage interviewer.




She'll be going by the name Talia when she debuts this Monday.


*Another blast from the past whom we've seen off and on will be coming back to the roster full time. It helps to have friends in high places.


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*Tonight is Wrestlemania and there is said to be a an aura of nervousness around the show. Some of the key matches feature relatively young talent at the top (both world title matches) and WWE wants to see if they can deliver on the biggest stage to usher in a new era of young stars for the company.


*Last night's Hall of Fame was very emotional on several levels. Ric Flair's speech as a member of the Four Horsemen left many with the impression that if he could leave TNA he would return to the WWE. Lanny Poffo, the brother of Randy Savage who accepted the induction for both Savage and Elizabeth, had the line of the night when he said "their on air wedding at SummerSlam was dubbed A Match Made In Heaven and now they're both in heaven. Randy, I love you brother, hoist Liz up on your shoulder for the angels to see". That moment had many in tears. All of the HOF inductee's including Ric Flair will be at Wrestlemania tonight.


*With WWE promoting that this match with Chris Jericho is the Undertaker's "Last Ride" and numerous past WWE Superstars are expected to be in attendance to watch this match. We are told that The Undertaker personally asked for Chris Jericho to be in this spot for anyone wondering why Jericho was chosen.


*Wrestlemania will open tonight with the singing of America The Beautiful by Lillian Garcia.





Once in a Lifetime

The Rock vs John Cena


Taker's Last Ride

Chris Jericho vs The Undertaker


WWE Championship

The Miz vs WWE Champion CM Punk


World Heavyweight Championship

Dolph Ziggler vs Wade Barrett vs World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan


Inferno Match

Kane vs Triple H


Mark Henry vs Christian w/Edge


Title Unification Match

United States Champion Zack Ryder vs Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Jack Swagger vs Santino Marella vs The Big Show vs Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston vs Ted DiBiase vs Alberto Del Rio vs Evan Bourne vs Drew McIntyre vs a Mystery Man to be revealed at Wrestlemania


Beth Phoenix & Natayla vs Trish Stratus & Lita


Piper's Pit: Special Guest Shane McMahon



**A reminder folks that we are concluding our Pick 'Em contest with Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania matches are worth double points and the winner of the contest will choose the stipulation for a match at Extreme Rules. Wrestlemania should be posted on Monday.**


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Once in a Lifetime

The Rock vs John Cena


Taker's Last Ride

Chris Jericho vs The Undertaker


WWE Championship

The Miz vs WWE Champion CM Punk


World Heavyweight Championship

Dolph Ziggler vs Wade Barrett vs World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan


Inferno Match

Kane vs Triple H


Mark Henry vs Christian w/Edge


Title Unification Match

United States Champion Zack Ryder vs Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Jack Swagger vs Santino Marella vs The Big Show vs Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston vs Ted DiBiase vs Alberto Del Rio vs Evan Bourne vs Drew McIntyre vs a Mystery Man to be revealed at Wrestlemania

Beth Phoenix & Natayla vs Trish Stratus & Lita


Piper's Pit: Special Guest Shane McMahon



**A reminder folks that we are concluding our Pick 'Em contest with Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania matches are worth double points and the winner of the contest will choose the stipulation for a match at Extreme Rules. Wrestlemania should be posted on Monday.**



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Once in a Lifetime

The Rock vs John Cena

-A total toss-up. I went with Cena just because it's the opposite result of the actual show.


Taker's Last Ride

Chris Jericho vs The Undertaker

-You seem to be suggesting that this is Taker's final match, so the odds of him losing and the streak ending are increased. That said, if you were going to do it I think you'd give it to a younger guy who could use the boost. Jericho doesn't need that boost, so I say Taker goes out on top (if this is indeed his final match.)


WWE Championship

The Miz vs WWE Champion CM Punk

-No reason to stall Punk here.


World Heavyweight Championship

Dolph Ziggler vs Wade Barrett vs World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan

-I'm convinced that AJ is going to screw Daniel Bryan; the only question in my mind is who she sides with. Ziggler seems like the more obvious choice, so I'll go with Wade.


Inferno Match

Kane vs Triple H

-HHH is part-time and doesn't need the win.


Mark Henry vs Christian w/Edge

-I'll go with Christian and the feel-good 5 second pose after the match.


Title Unification Match

United States Champion Zack Ryder vs Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes

-Cody is better than Zack, and the IC title means more than the US.


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Jack Swagger vs Santino Marella vs The Big Show vs Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston vs Ted DiBiase vs Alberto Del Rio vs Evan Bourne vs Drew McIntyre vs a Mystery Man to be revealed at Wrestlemania

-I could see it going to Kofi or maybe even Bourne as a career-defining moment, but I'll take a gamble on the mystery entrant.


Beth Phoenix & Natayla vs Trish Stratus & Lita

-I could see Trish or Lita getting the pin on Beth if they're sticking around for a bit post-Mania, setting up a title match in the future. But if this is a one-shot, it makes the most sense for the currently active members to win.


Really strong line-up; can't wait!

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[A video opens the show, reliving some of the greatest moments in WrestleMania history. Voices like Monsoon and Ross, performers like Hogan, Hart, Austin, and Michaels are spotlighted. When it ends, we get a bird’s eye view of the stadium and the pageantry.]




[before the action begins, Lillian Garcia opens the show with her rendition of America the Beautiful.]



<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KZEogjjAKm0?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





[A hype video is shown for the following match]






Inferno Match

Triple H vs Kane


Kane enters first and then Triple H makes his entrance. His left arm is bandaged from the fire attack on Smackdown. When they’re both in the ring, the referee leaves and the fire is ignited. The battle is brutal and without a doubt filled with mutual dislike. Both men rely on early power moves to control the tempo. At one point Kane has Triple H down in the corner and tries to use his boot to push his face into the fire but Triple H escapes it. A few moments later Triple H attempts a pedigree but Kane reaches down and pulls his legs out from under him before he has it hooked in. Kane reaches down and grabs Triple H by the throat, bringing him to his feet before delivering a big chokeslam. Kane climbs to the rop, from the inside of the ring, wanting to deliver a flying clothesline when Triple H rushes him and shoves him off the top, and over the flames to the floor below. Climbing to the top himself, Triple H waits and when Kane finally gets up, he flies off with a double axe handle, ala Randy Savage. As soon as his boots hit the floor, the flames explode around the ring.


Triple H walks around to the timekeeper’s area and to the crowd’s delight he produces a sledgehammer, the crown masked in the same type of skull mask he himself wore in a previous WrestleMania. He takes the mask off and walks around the ring. Coming up to Kane from behind, he jabs it into his back. Getting in front of Kane, he glances at the hammer, then reels back and swings it sideways but Kane catches the hammer, and uses it to swing/whip Triple H towards the ring. Triple H tries to put on the brakes but his bandaged arm goes into the flames and he immediately drops to the ground, screaming in agony. Referees standing by begin dousing him with the fire extinguishers as the head referee calls for the bell.


Winner by Stoppage: Kane




[stephanie McMahon sprints down to the ring, as the EMTs attend to Triple H. Kane watches with a deranged smile, until he notices the sledgehammer on the ground. He picks it up, and walks in her direction. Suddenly the crowd erupts as Shawn Michaels runs down to the ring, and grabs the hammer out of Kane’s hands. Kane turns around and catches it in the stomach. HBK hops back and connects with some Sweet Chin Music flattening Kane. Michaels guards his best friend and wife as they move him to the back but Mr. WrestleMania’s expression is one of complete anger.]




[backstage, Teddy Long and John Laurinaitis are side by side watching the show on a monitor.]


Long: “That was an awesome beginning to the night.”


Laurinaitis: “I concur and the next match will be even better.”


Long: “You mean when Smackdown’s Intercontinental title trumps RAW’s

United States title?”


Laurinaitis: “I think you have that backwards.”


Long: “No way Playa. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Long Island Iced Z, but Cody’s got it going on tonight.


Laurinaitis: “Maybe you’re forgetting your place.”


Long: “My place?”


Laurinaitis: “You know what I mean Teddy..I didn’t mean…”


Long: “Oh I know what you mean….”


[Long shoves Laurinaitis, hard enough to send him to the floor after the chair he almost sat in rolls out from under him. Laurinaitis jumps to his feet and a host of people separate the two General Managers before things get more physical.]




[A hype video is shown for the following match]






Intercontinental and United States Championship Unification

Cody Rhodes © vs Zach Ryder ©


Cody and Zack tie up and Zack gets the upper hand which frustrates Cody who takes a breather on the floor. He comes back and says "again" and this time Zack smacks Cody who again goes to the floor. Zack, frustrated, bails to the floor and Cody runs back inside. As Zack is getting in Cody drops a leg on the back of Ryder's neck and is on him immediately with punches to his face.


Cody whips Zack into the ropes and nails a drop kick for a 2 count. A brainbuster also gets 2 before Zack backdrops Cody over the ropes and to the arena floor. They battle on the floor trading chops and punches before both are back in the ring. Ryder hits a northern lights suplex for a two count and drops Rhodes face first with a DDT. Ryder goes to the top and fist bumps to the crowd which allows Cody time to run and scale up the turnbuckles grabbing Ryder and taking him off with a huge overhead belly to belly. Both men are down on the mat and the ref counts - Cody is up at 8 and goes to Ryder who rolls him up into a small package for 2.


Zack whips Cody into the turnbuckle and charges. Rhodes drags the referee in the way and the ref gets sandwiched. Rhodes pokes Ryder in the eye and drops him with a knee drop to the head. Rhodes bails to the outside and goes for the IC belt bringing it into the ring and takes a swing at Ryder who ducks and gives Rhodes a spine buster. He sets Rhodes up for the Rough Ryder but Cody moves and grabs Zack from behind and nails the CrossRhodes onto the title belt. Rhodes slides the belt from the ring just as the referee comes too and makes the count for the 1...2..3


Winner and new Unified Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes




[Eden Stiles is backstage when she tells her camera man to hurry up and we see her run up to Stone Cold Steve Austin who is walking backstage trailing a cooler of beer on wheels behind him.]


Eden: “Stone Cold! What are you doing here?”


Austin: “What am I doing here?”




Austin: “It’s WrestleMania.”




Austin: “Granddaddy of them all?”




Austin: “Biggest night in sports entertainment?”




Austin: “I’ll tell you what I’m doing here. I won titles, I made careers…..I ended my career at WrestleMania.”




Austin: “We’ve already seen history with a title unification. We’ve seen Triple H set on fire. I’m here for that. I’m here for two title matches, two grudge matches, a crazy ladder match, a once in a life time match between John Cena and someone I know very well…the Rock….and I’m here to see the end of the streak any which way it comes out.”




Austin: “That sound good of a reason for you honey?”




Eden: “Do you have any prediction for that match?”


Austin: “Both are tough, both are veterans, but you don’t piss on John Wayne’s boots, and you don’t bet against the Undertaker at WrestleMania. And that’s the bottom line…cause Stone Cold said so!”




[backstage AJ is pacing nervously, when she turns to walk back the way she came and walks right into Dolph Ziggler.]


AJ: “Hi.” (sheepishly)


Ziggler: “Hi. I know tonight puts you in an awkward position and I just wanted to let you know that I can keep business and personal separated.”


AJ: “Oh…okay.”


Ziggler: “And after tonight it’ll all be settled.”


[AJ nods vacantly, clearly in thought. He lightly touches her arm and moves on. When he’s gone, she gives a small smile.]




[Howard "The Fink" Finkel is in the ring to announce the members of the WWE Hall of Fame. First out is former two time WWE Champion Mr. Bob Backlund accompanied by Brie Bella. After that is the first African American World Champion ever, Ron Simmons, who is accompanied by Nikki Bella. Following that is Barry Windham, JJ Dillion, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Ric Flair - The Four Horsemen and they are accompanied by former WWE Diva Torrie Wilson. Next is Lanny Poffo accepting for Macho Man Randy Savage & Miss Elizabeth and he is led out by former WWE Diva Maryse and finally The Rated R Superstar, Edge, is brought out and he is led out by his former girlfriend, Lita who will fight later tonight. The Hall of Famers are giving standing ovations as they wave to the crowd one last time.]




[A hype video is shown for the following match]






Money in the Bank

The Big Show vs Sheamus vs Drew McIntyre vs Evan Bourne vs Jack Swagger vs Ted DiBiase vs Alberto Del Rio vs Santino Marella vs Kofi Kingston vs ???


The competitors come out one by one each staring at the black Money in the Bank Briefcase high above the ring. Once they get in they stare to the back to see who the mystery man is when suddenly the titantron plays:



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The Miami crowd comes alive as Carlito makes his return to the WWE. He comes out all smiles and soaks in the cheers and while this happens The Big Show lays waste to every man in the ring. One by one he sends them flying out the ring and goes outside to grab a ladder. He gets in the ring to climb the ladder but as he does Carlito comes in and spits an apple in his face. Big Show is furious and charges Carlito who sidesteps him and rams Big Show into a ladder. Outside Bourne and Kofi are fighting it out and Drew McIntyre is back up and setting up two tables on top of each other.


Big Show charges Carlito and sends Carlito over the ropes and again climbs the ladder. This time DiBiase, Del Rio, Drew, and Swagger come into the ring and just as Big Show reaches the top they push the ladder over sending Show flying off and crashing through the two tables on the floor.


All of the others now race into the ring to grab a ladder and as one scales the ladder another pushes them off. The next big spot comes when Santino is alone in the ring and climbs the ladder but is stopped by Alberto who hits him with a second ladder. He climbs it and grabs Santino's arm and wraps his legs around it bringing Santino off the ladder in a arm breaker bomb off the ladder wiping both men out and officials rushing to the ring to check Santino's arm.

Sheamus takes charge next putting a ladder on his head and wiping out Drew, Evan, DiBiase, and Swagger but Sheamus is injured when Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise onto the ladder sending Sheamus face first and his throat lands onto the run of the ladder. Kofi grabs another ladder and runs up the ladder grabbing the briefcase but Carlito is back in and takes the ladder out from under him. Evan Bourne is on the top turnbuckle and flies off with a missile drop kick nailing Kofi who flies off the rung doing a somersault as he crashes to the mat.


Carlito takes the ladder and slams it into Evan's face sending him out the ring and sets it back up. He runs up the ladder but Drew is in and drags him down. Drew tries to hit Carlito's face into the ladder but Carlito ducks and hits the back cracker. The crowd is alive as Carlito climbs the ladder when all of a sudden a woman runs down to the ring. Carlito doesn’t see it but she runs down and pushes the ladder sending Carlito crashing off the ladder and wiping out about 6 guys on the floor. She picks the ladder up and helps Drew up encouraging him to race up the ladder. He does so and as Sheamus runs in this woman kicks him low just as Drew grabs the briefcase and becomes Mr. Money in the Bank.


Winner and recipient of Money in the Bank: Drew McIntyre




[A replay is shown to highlight the surprise return of Carlito, the action of the match, and then the appearance of a mystery woman who helped Drew McIntyre capture the briefcase above the ring.]




Michael Cole: “Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday the Rock filmed a message for John Cena as part of the WWE Universe You Tube experience. Let’s watch that now.”



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[A hype video is shown for the following match]






World Heavyweight Championship

Daniel Bryan © vs Wade Barrett vs Dolph Ziggler


Barrett and Ziggler go after Bryan as soon as the bell rings, and their cooperation lasts no longer than it needs to. Namely, as soon as they dump Bryan over the top, Barrett jumps Ziggler, knocking him face down and going to work on his neck. Stomps, knee drops, and elbows are the weapons of choice and Barrett gets a two count but it’s broken up when Bryan pulls him out by his legs and lays into him with chops and stiff kicks. Every time he chops him or kicks him, Bryan (and the crowd) chant ‘YES!’ Ziggler uses this time to recoup and when he’s ready he runs to the opposite side of the ropes, then leaps with a suicide dive, wiping out both Bryan and Barrett.


AJ comes down to the ringside area, taking a seat down by the timekeeper. Ziggler keeps up the attack on both of his opponents, putting Bryan back into the ring, and going for the pinfall but it’s not even a two count. Barrett is in and when Ziggler turns around he’s picked up and slammed down with the Wasteland. Before he can capitalize, Bryan clotheslines him over the top rope, and Barrett looks to land awkwardly around his neck. Bryan makes the cover 1…2…kickout. Ziggler looks dazed and Bryan goes up to the top rope. AJ slowly moves over, picking up the title belt, hugging it protectively. Bryan flies off with a headbutt but Ziggler rolls out of the way at the last second and the referee is clipped in the process. Ziggler collects his bearings and sees AJ standing ringside with the belt. He slides out, and tries to grab it but she turns the belt away. Ziggler, in a rush, turns her back to face him by the shoulders and kisses her flush on the lips. She drops the title, eyes wide. As soon as she drops it, Ziggler grabs it and slides back into the ring. Barrett is just climbing back into the ring and Ziggler clobbers him with the belt, knocking him off the apron. When Bryan stands, barely off his knees, Ziggler smacks him in the side of the head with the title. AJ looks horrified, hands covering her mouth. Ziggler drags the ref over and makes the cover. He begins the slowest count of the night: 1…….2……..3.


Winner and new World Heavyweight Champion: Dolph Ziggler




[A long white limo pulls up. The driver gets out, walking to the back and

opens the door. After a moment the crowd erupts when Shane McMahon emerges with a small smirk. He heads into the arena after tipping the driver.]




[Matt Striker is backstage with the WWE Champion, CM Punk]


Striker:: "CM Punk in a matter of minutes you will defend your WWE Championship against The Miz. What are your final thoughts?"


CM Punk: "My final thoughts are that it is finally here. For weeks I have had to put up with all the crap from WWE Management and The Miz trying to stack the deck against me. Well not anymore. The time is…."


Striker: “Excuse me…technical issues.”


[striker moves to the right, causing Punk to adjust how he’s facing him.]


Punk: “As I was saying. The time is almost over and soon Mike you will no longer have any excuses and no more chances. Tonight your ass is mi..."


[Punk is cut off with a chair to the back by The Miz. Striker just stands there with a dumb grin on his face as The Miz lays into the fallen champion. He drives the top of the chair into Punk's stomach twice before referee's and officials rush in. Punk is in pain and Miz is smirking as he looks down at his opponent.]


Miz: "Excuse that....champ."


[Miz and Striker shake hands and walk off as officials check on Punk.]




[A hype video is shown for the following match]






Mark Henry vs Christian w/Edge


Christian starts by attacking Henry with a flury of punches right out the gate surprising the World's Most Dangerous Man. Henry bails and Christian chases him on the outside slamming Henry's head against the announce table. Henry goes for a clothesline but Christian ducks and rams Henry to the ring post and rolls the big man in. Christian comes off the top rope for a splash that gets a two count. The tide turns when Christian goes for the killswitch and Henry pushes Christian forward out of the hold and when Christan turns around Henry clotheslines him down.


Henry starts working on Christian's back with a bear hug and with multiple splashes. While in the bear hug Henry rams Christian into the turnbuckles and then slams him hard to the mat. Mocking Edge Henry puts Christian on the turnbuckle and climbs up. Christian pushes Henry off and Henry crashes to the mat. Christian again goes for a pin but Henry powers out and Christian lands on the ref. Henry splashes them both and goes to the outside to get a chair. He brings it in and goes to nail Christian but Edge is in the ring ripping the chair out. Henry punches Edge in the face and throws him to the turnbuckle about to splash him with Christian comes running off the ropes and hits a spear. He covers and Edge revives the ref for the 1...2...3.


Winner by pinfall: Christian




[Following the match Edge and Christian hug and celebrate. Henry is on the outside looking at them furiously. Edge and Christian get in the 5 second pose and that is when Henry strikes rushing them both from behind. Edge grabs his neck the second he goes down. Henry grabs Christian and gives him 3 World's Strongest Slams with the last one being on the chair before going for Edge. The referees arrive to prevent him from huring the Hall of Famer and he bails with a sick smile on his face as they attend to Christian.]






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[A hype video is shown for the following match]






John Cena vs the Rock


[The Rock is the first one out, ushered in by Flo Rida’s performance after which his music hits.]



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[Next, Machine Gun Kelly performs as John Cena’s surrogate, but when Cena emerges, the crowd is met with an old school theme to match his mentality for tonight’s match, including chain around his neck.]



<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/02Etw4L7oG8?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Following some basic cold stares with neither man trash talking the other the bell rings. They lock up and Cena shoves the Rock into the corner. The favor is returned on the next lockup. With each man having showed something they really get down to it and both of them trade control of the match as the crowd ebbs and flows—the ever popular “Let’s go Cena---Cena Sucks!” chant prevalent throughout the match. The Rock seems to be finding his stride, looking like he hasn’t missed a beat. Cena tries to bound off the ropes but he walks right into a Rock Bottom. 1….2…kickout.


When the Rock tries to go for it again, Cena fights out of it, out of instinct if anything and then goes on the offensive with rights and lefts, the bodyshots lifting the Rock off the canvas. Cena presses the action, keeping the Rock on his heels. He tries for a pinfall but the Rock kicks out. The Rock heads to the outside and Cena follows, but the Rock picks him up and delivers a spinebuster on the outside out of nowhere. Both men, nearing exhaustion climb into the ring before the ten count. In the middle of the ring, they trade right hands, neither man backing down. The Rock throws and Cena ducks, hitting a sit down power bomb. It’s time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but the Rock hops up to his feet from flat on his back and hits another Rock Bottom. 1…2…kickout. Now the Rock is frustrated and as he’s picking Cena up to deliver another, Cena has the presence of mind to slip out and take the Rock down with a leg lock before slapping on the STF. Rock is close to giving up but he’s almost to the ropes. Cena breaks the hold, drags him to the middle of the ring and applies it again. The Rock tries heroically to drag them both to the ropes, reaching out with all his might, and reaches the bottom rope with one last gasp. Cena whips the Rock into the ropes intent on hitting a flying shoulder block but the Rock flies first, nailing a forearm to the head. The Rock presses his advantage, kicking in Cena’s arm and bounding to the ropes to deliver the People’s Elbow, but Cena hops up and the Rock runs right into an Attitude Adjustment. 1…2…3!


Winner by pinfall: John Cena




[both men can barely make it to their feet, then locking eyes. Hobbled as they are, they come to the middle of the ring, and Cena offers his hand. The Rock, looks at it, contemplating before looking at the crowd, then gives a slight nod and shakes Cena’s hand. The Rock leaves the ring as Cena celebrates.]






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[A hype video is shown for the following match]






Beth Phoenix and Natalya vs Trish Straus and Lita


Lita and Natayla start the match with Natayla trying to work on Lita's lower back to set up a sharpshooter. Natayla constantly keeps Lita near Beth's corner. Natayla goes for a bridge suplex pin but Trish comes in to break it up and while the referee argues with Trish Beth comes in and drops Lita with a back breaker.


Natayla nails Lita with a power bomb for a 2 count and then quick tags in Beth. Beth slaps on a bear hug and points at Trish while Lita screams. Finally Lita hits an enzuguri on Beth and begins to crawl to Trish but Natayla comes in and drags Lita to her corner and is tagged in. Lita ducks a clothesline and wraps Natayla up in a spinning leg scissors which sends the Hart family member to the outside. This allows Lita to finally tag in Trish who jumps to the top rope and flies off with a cross body onto Natayla on the floor.

Beth drops down to the floor and the ref forces her back to her corner which allows Lita and Trish to double stomp Natayla while the crowd cheers. Trish rolls Natayla in and throws her to Beth's corner demanding Beth to tag. She does so and Trish and Beth square off...Beth charges and Trish does the matrish ducking the charge and running Beth into a turnbuckle. She wets her hand and slaps it down hard onto Beth's chest and hits a bulldog for two. Trish goes for the chick kick but Beth ducks and lifts Trish up into the Glamslam. Not going for the pin she taunts Lita who rushes in...Natayla comes in as well and Lita and Natayla brawl to the floor. Beth turns around and is met with another bulldog while the referee is distracted by Lita and Natayla.


Right on cue here comes the Glaminions but as they get to the ring two women jump the barricade. It’s Hall of Famer Sunny and Molly Holly and both have kendo sticks in hand. The Glaminions charge and Molly and Sunny whack them in the legs forcing Beth's lackeys to run back to the back with the two legendary Divas chasing after them. Beth, watching all of this, does not see Trish get up behind her...Beth turns and is met with a Chick Kick for the 1...2....3


Winners by pinfall: Trish Stratus and Lita




[Eden Stiles is standing by with Chris Jericho.]


Eden: “I’m here with the man who will face the Undertaker tonight, Chris

Jericho. The Undertaker is 19-0 at WrestleMania. What makes you think you’re the man to finally get the job done?”


Jericho: “Because I’m me. I’m the man who unified world titles. I’m the man who shocked the world when I dared to interrupt the supposed Great One. I’m the man who’s done it all…except one thing. Tonight I use my cunning, my skills, my knowledge, and my immense talents to put the Undertaker, finally, six feet under, if you’ll excuse the pun.”


Eden: “But, every man who’s said that over nineteen years has left WrestleMania in defeat.”


Jericho: “I know you’re new here so I’ll forgive your ignorance. I’m going to offer you a vision of the future. Tomorrow night, live in front of the world, you’re going to see me standing in the middle of the ring, and my hand will still be raised in victory. Because tonight I get my, as they say, WrestleMania moment. Everyone will remember, and none will forget, the night Chris Jericho sent the immortal Undertaker out to pasture. “




[backstage there is a poker game going on. Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Golddust, Micheal Hayes (in Freebird Dixie attire), and Sgt. Slauhter are all out of the hand. Stone Cold Steve Austin is seated at a smaller table in the back of the room, boots on the table top and what’s left of his cooler sitting in his lap. At opposite ends of the table JBL and the Million Dollar Man eye each other over what is already a huge pot with stacks of hundred dollar bills.]


JBL: “I’ll raise you a million.”


Dibiase: “I’ll raise you two.”


JBL: “I’ll raise you my private plane.”


Dibiase: “I’ll raise you my summer home in Palm Springs.”


JBL: “I’ll raise you my condo in the islands.”


Dibiase: “I’ll raise you my islands.”


JBL: (eyeing him suspiciously). “You’re bluffing.”


Dibiase: “Bluffing? I’ll even raise you more.” [He snaps his fingers and I.R.S. steps into the picture and opens his attaché. The room is filled with light as everyone stares at…whatever…is in the case.]


JBL: “….fold. What’d you have?”


DiBiase: “Busted straight.”


JBL: “What?! I had a full house!”


Dibiase: “Had is right. (Trademark MDM laugh). I always get my way.”


[JBL is flustered beyond belief, ready to throw a fit when new Hall of Famer Ron Simmons walks into the room, looking at the scene before him. Everyone quiets, as Simmons’ face shows a wealth of emotions, especially concerning his old friend and partner…and they wait for it.]


Simmons: “DAMN!”


[JBL grabs his hat and storms off as Hacksaw begins to deal and Simmons takes JBL’s seat.]




[A hype video is shown for the following match]






WWE Championship

CM Punk © vs The Miz


Punk comes to the ring with his ribs taped up and in the beginning moments, it’s clear that he’s not in good shape. The Miz targets his injury immediately, going to work on the ribs. Miz gets several close pinfalls but he can’t keep Punk down for three. Punk makes a small comeback but its ended as soon as Miz launches another knee to the ribs. Miz’s cockiness comes back to bite him when he misses a charge into the corner, and when he stumbles back to the middle of the ring, Punk is waiting. Punk scoops up Miz on his shoulders but when he tries to push him off to deliver the Go To Sleep he’s too weak and he accidentally launches Miz into the referee, the two of them collapsing, followed shortly by Punk to all fours.


With the referee down, Matt Striker jogs down to the ring and grabs a chair, throwing the timekeeper from his seat. He slides in, intent on whacking the WWE Champ but Punk senses someone behind him and hits the dirt. The Miz was just starting to get up when Strikes swings the chair down, connecting solidly on the top of the head. Striker looks shocked losing some color in his face as Punk grabs him by the back of the neck and flings him over the top. The Miz staggers to his feet, blood running down the front of his face in a thin red line, as Punk scoops him up, pain evident through gritted teeth, and delivers the GTS. He nearly collapses himself, before making a lose cover. 1,2,3.


Winner and still WWE Champion: CM Punk




[As the Miz licks his wounds on the outside, CM Punk climbs the ropes and celebrates with his fans, holding the belt high in the air and screaming ‘Best in the World!’]




[Cody Rhodes is walking backstage holding the United States Championship and the Intercontiental Championship in his hand when he stops and looks disgusted at something. The camera pans around to see his father The American Dream Dusty Rhodes who is smiling.]


Dusty: "Cody my boy while I may not agree with your methods tonight you have made history. I just wanted to be the first to wish you congratulations and to say I am proud of you son."


Cody (with disgust on his face): "Yeah, thanks..whatever"


[Cody tries to walk away but Dusty stops him]


Dusty: "Son what is that for?"


Cody: "Oh so now I am important to you Dad? My entire life its all been about Dustin and how much he mattered. I did this on my own. I did not do this with you, I did not do this for you...I did it for me. For once I am the star and you just want to be in my spotlight. You're just jealous. Wrestlemania is my night to shine because I did something the great Dusty Rhodes could never do and you know what Dad? When all is said and done I am going to be the true legend in the Rhodes family."


[Cody walks away with his belts leaving Dusty looking shocked and hurt.]





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The sound of bagpipes fill the air and the crowd is on their feet as Rowdy Roddy Piper makes his way to the ring which has been decked out in plaid with two stools a few feet away from each other. Piper collects a microphone and lets the crowd go for a few moments before putting up his hands to silence them.


Piper: “Before we get the festivities started I just wanted to take a minute for myself and look around a little bit. I was here twenty seven years ago, in this ring against Hulk Hogan and that scum of a motherless dog Mr. T. I was here twenty five years ago and shaved Adrian Adonis bald. I was here twenty three years ago in a ring that looked just like this with Morton Downey and Brother Loooooove. So yea, I've been around. I've seen'em come and I've seen'em go but professional wrestling stays. Lately there's been a lot of questions about my guest tonight. He had some videos on for a few months, then he made several appearances since the turn of the year and everyone's wondering what's he up to. That's where I come in. It's WrestleMania...it's Piper's Pit....let's get it on. Shane McMahon...come on down.”


[Cue Shane's music and entrance]


Piper: “Now I've known you since you were kneehigh to a grasshopper (leveling his hand with his knee). You've been in this business almost your whole life. I remember as a kid you would always be hanging around whenever you could to learn from the boys and your dad about what made this company tick. We haven't seen you in a while so I'll say welcome back and where'ya been?”


Shane: “You'd have to ask my father where I've been.”


Piper: “Me and him don't get along real well. Well let's skip that and ask the important thing. Why'd you come back?”


Shane: “I came back because this business that I have grown up in is in danger. And I am here to save it.”


Piper: “Why do you think it's in danger?”


Shane: “Have you looked around this place Roddy? Look at what this business used to be and where we as a company used to be. You helped build this company you must see how bad it has gotten. WWE used to be the perennial pay per view powerhouse now it gets beat by Justin Bieber pay per views. Raw used to be the #1 rated show on television and now it’s a miracle if it beats a local newscast. There comes a time when a change has to be made and when a new vision has to be ushered in. That time is now.”


Piper: “Mighty powerful words there. But there's a lot of people who have found fault with this company or other companies and said they were here to save the day. What are you going to do to make these changes...this new vision happen?”


Shane: “Well there is a obstacle in my way and unfortunately that obstacle is my father. I am here today to ask him for the good of his company and for the good of this industry to step aside. It is time for a new vision and for new leadership for this company.”


Piper: “Now I've taken some hits to the head, and some will say I wasn't quite right to begin with but even I know that your father will never do that. So what's plan B?”


Shane: “If my father forces my hand my plan B won't be a mystery for long. Thank you for your time Hot Rod.”


Piper: “Wait a minute, wait a minute...I'm not done with you. I call the shots in the Pit. It seems like half the time when you show up it's to make sure CM Punk kept his title. There something going on there?”


[shane glares at him and just walks out of the ring. Piper makes a few gestures to invite him back in, then begins playing to the crowd a bit as McMahon walks with confidence to the back.]




[A hype video is shown for the following match]






[before the match, ‘Boomer Sooner’ plays and Jim Ross comes down to ringside, shaking hands with the other announcers, even Michael Cole, to call the main event.]


The Undertaker vs Chris Jericho


Jericho rushes the Undertaker before the bell rings but that turns out to be a big mistake. Taker sidesteps and pounds Jericho in the corner, peppering him with heavy rights and lefts. As soon as the ref moves Taker back, Jericho heads to the outside. When Taker reaches down to grab him, Jericho pokes him in the eyes. When he backs off, Jericho pulls a table out from under the ring and sets it up. Climbing up to the apron, Jericho tries to suplex him over the ropes but Taker blocks it. He punches Jericho in the ribs, and brings him back into the ring through the ropes. But Jericho is on his way back out soon enough. Taker launches a knee into his chest, and then picks him up for the Last Ride but instead of heading to the middle of the ring Taker walks to the ropes, and puts Jericho right through the table he himself positioned.

After a moment, Taker goes out and collects Jericho, putting him back in the ring. When the referee turns his head for a moment, a desperate Jericho low blows the undertaker twice in quick succession. Weary, but full of anger Jericho spends the next several minutes taking out that anger on the Undertaker, almost getting a submission with the Walls of Jericho but Taker got to the ropes. Jericho delivers a standing neck breaker and then waits for Taker to slowly get to his feet before he hits a Codebreaker. He hooks the leg 1…..2…..kickout!


Jericho can’t believe he kicked out of the Codebreaker. He runs to the ropes and hits not one, but two Lionsaults. He then climbs to the top, his back to the ring and flies off with a Lionsault from the top. He makes another cover. 1….2….kickout! Jericho looks ready to tear his hair out. He goes to the top, intent on delivering another one, when the Undertaker sits up, snaping his head to look at Jericho. Y2J has no idea that Undertaker is on his feet and when he flies off, he’s caught in mid air, upside down. Undertaker turns towards the middle of the ring and drops delivers a Tombstone. Putting Jericho’s hands on his chest he makes the cover. 1….2…..3.


Winner by pinfall: The Undertaker




[As a huge ‘20-0’ flashes on the screen, Taker drops to a knee, blue light flooding the ring. “Thank-You-Ta-Ker” breaks out with the crowd, made especially more clear when his music is cut to allow the crowd to serenade him, which for a moment seems to especially strike him. As the show ends, the Undertaker stands alone in the ring, one arm raised to the crowd momentarily waving goodbye.]




[A video closes the show highlighting the action of the night and some of the backstage action as well. Whether it’s the fury of the Inferno match, the high flying of Money in the Bank, the emotion of the one-time-only clash of generations in Rock and John Cena or the Undertaker putting an exclamation point on his twenty year old streak WrestleMania 28 now belongs to the ages.]

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Great WrestleMania; really lived up to the hype! For fun, I'm going to repost my predictions and then comment on how things ACTUALLY went:


Once in a Lifetime

The Rock vs John Cena

-A total toss-up. I went with Cena just because it's the opposite result of the actual show.

Right on the money here. And if you're intending to honor the 'Once in a Lifetime' tag (something I don't think WWE is going to do in reality), Cena winning is the right choice.


Taker's Last Ride

Chris Jericho vs The Undertaker

-You seem to be suggesting that this is Taker's final match, so the odds of him losing and the streak ending are increased. That said, if you were going to do it I think you'd give it to a younger guy who could use the boost. Jericho doesn't need that boost, so I say Taker goes out on top (if this is indeed his final match.)

2-for-2. When you said Cena/Rock wasn't going to headline, I figured this would be the match to get that spot. With it apparently being Taker's last match, it's hard to argue with that placement. Taker winning was also the best decision, for the reason I stated originally.


WWE Championship

The Miz vs WWE Champion CM Punk

-No reason to stall Punk here.

Yup. I liked Striker's involvement, though. That was something you'd been building to for weeks, and it felt very logical and organic that it happened when it did. It also momentarily made me think that Miz was about to win, so it was handled perfectly.


World Heavyweight Championship

Dolph Ziggler vs Wade Barrett vs World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan

-I'm convinced that AJ is going to screw Daniel Bryan; the only question in my mind is who she sides with. Ziggler seems like the more obvious choice, so I'll go with Wade.

This one caught me by surprise. I was right that AJ would cost DB the belt, but kudos for throwing in that curveball of it being completely unintentional on her part. I'm not sure where that storyline is headed now, which makes it all the more interesting to me.


Inferno Match

Kane vs Triple H

-HHH is part-time and doesn't need the win.

I think this was the right result. Liked the surprise appearance from HBK too.


Mark Henry vs Christian w/Edge

-I'll go with Christian and the feel-good 5 second pose after the match.

Well, I was partially right. The 5-second pose didn't go all that well though. :D


Title Unification Match

United States Champion Zack Ryder vs Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes

-Cody is better than Zack, and the IC title means more than the US.

This was probably the most clear-cut result for me. Cody's confrontation with The American Dweem was a great moment.


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Jack Swagger vs Santino Marella vs The Big Show vs Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston vs Ted DiBiase vs Alberto Del Rio vs Evan Bourne vs Drew McIntyre vs a Mystery Man to be revealed at Wrestlemania

-I could see it going to Kofi or maybe even Bourne as a career-defining moment, but I'll take a gamble on the mystery entrant.

Yeah, so I whiffed on this one. You've been booking Drew really strong, so I feel like I should've anticipated this.


Beth Phoenix & Natayla vs Trish Stratus & Lita

-I could see Trish or Lita getting the pin on Beth if they're sticking around for a bit post-Mania, setting up a title match in the future. But if this is a one-shot, it makes the most sense for the currently active members to win.

This went the opposite way, so hopefully my first sentence is true and we'll be seeing a Beth/Trish match for the belt in the near future.


I also wanted to mention that the Piper's Pit was good; it raised more questions than it answered, and drummed up interest in that storyline. The JBL/Dibiase thing was really funny--funnier than most of what passes for "comedy" in the real WWE these days.

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*WrestleMania brought in a 7.93 rating, the biggest of the year for WWE. That rating is essentially 396,500 buys.


* As previously reported, John Cena and the Rock were the ones who pushed for the Undertaker-Jericho to end the night. When he learned of the development the Undertaker was said to have become emotional, overcome with the amount of respect being paid to him.


*There were no injuries coming out of WrestleMania.


* The Miz and Punk match were rated backstage as the strongest of the night.


*The Piper's Pit segment was done entirely impromtu. Nothing had been rehearsed in the hopes that it would come off as more genuine.


* For those who didn't tune in to the You Tube Tag Team Championship dark match, the Usos defended their titles against Mason and Gabriel. It was mostly even but when the crowd began to chant for the Briscoes, it flipped a switch with the champions who turned up the brutality level more than one level. By the end of the match both of the challengers were bleeding and the champions were loving every minute.




*By now everyone's seen the WWE's latest surprise.




Her appearance and subsequent interference to help Drew McIntyre to win the Money in the Bank shows that we've not seen the last of her. Don't expect however for her to keep the same character as she was years ago.


*Rey Mysterio has returned from injury.


*The Big Show met privately with Vince McMahon over a month ago and requested the angle which we saw on Sunday where he "quit" after not winning the Money in the Bank match. Show is soon to be a father and at this point in his life wanted to be off the road. As they say the door is always open.


*In the month of April, Smackdown will air live on Syfy. This is a test run to decide once and for all whether the show should be live afterall. The show will airing on Tuesday nights.


*Matt Bloom (Albert, A-Train, etc) has signed to return to the WWE. He's spent the last several years in Japan.


*Beginning in the second week of April both brands will be on foreign tours. Smackdown will head to Ireland while RAW will head to Mexico. These will be non-televised tours. For Smackdown, they will head out of the country following the live show.



(((And last but not least, we want to congratulate Final Countdown for winning the pick'em. It was close but he pulled it out with some good WM picks. We'll be in touch with you concerning your Extreme Rules prize.)))

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What is The Fallout from Wrestlemania?


Last night at Wrestlemania The Undertaker went 20-0 in the match that was dubbed "Taker's Last Ride". In an epic encounter The Deadman defeated Chris Jericho in the main event of Wrestlemania. Tonight on Raw The Undertaker will be on hand to address his future. Was last night really the last ride for the Phenom? Tune in to find out.


Speaking of epic encounters it was a match that happens once in a lifetime when John Cena squared off against The Rock. In a match that lived up to the year long hype John Cena suddenly nailed an Attitude Adjustment on The Great One to pull off the win. What is next for the leader of CeNation and The Rock?


Last night at Wrestlemania we started to get a glimpse into what the agenda of Shane McMahon actually is. In an appearance at Piper's Pit Shane said he was back in WWE to save it from his father. The appearance left more questions than it answered and WWE.com has learned that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon will be on Raw and he plans to call out his son. What will happen when the Boss calls out his son?


Last night at Wrestlemania WWE Champion CM Punk successfully defended his WWE Championship against The Miz. What is next for Punk and for The Miz?


Last night Carlito made his surprising return to the WWE. Tonight he will make his return to Raw when Carlito takes on The One Man Band Heath Slater.


Don't Miss the Night After Wrestlemania! Don't Miss Raw SuperShow LIVE Tonight on USA Network!


Confirmed Matches:


Alberto Del Rio vs Sheamus


Ted DiBiase vs 2012 Money in the Bank Winner Drew McIntyre


Heath Slater vs Carlito


Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne

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