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jhdVerse: Become A Star

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Given the lack of verbal support and me not voting in either round, I'm especially satisfied with Dread Nocturn's performance. While I don't think he'll win as we're seeing some people who are consistently near the top, this is way farther than I thought I'd get. Thank you much to my/his supporters.
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Given the lack of verbal support and me not voting in either round, I'm especially satisfied with Dread Nocturn's performance. While I don't think he'll win as we're seeing some people who are consistently near the top, this is way farther than I thought I'd get. Thank you much to my/his supporters.


I wouldn't worry about a lack of verbal support too much. Also, although there are a couple of 'big hitters' so far, the swing in scores is enormous between Rounds #1 and #2, so the potential for change in the next two is equally vast.


For example, Meido Machine was very highly rated in the first round (obviously being so creative and original), but was eliminated in this round despite (in my opinion) a good promo. In fact, like the other three, he was only just knocked out and until yesterday was actual in a 'safe' position.

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Oh well, I was looking forward to continuing with writing some more for Meido but looks like it just wasn't meant to be.


To be honest with the way the question's were worded in this round, I felt Meido might be in some trouble. I thought the promo got his character over, but was it suited to Dragon?- Perhaps not, maybe he chose the wrong promotion to try and get in, then again I think any promotion he doesn't quite 'fit'.


In alot of ways the competition, sums up what I wrote about Meido in the bio, his character's unique and original enough to get him work, but it's perhaps too unique for him to be World Championship material. At the end of the day, I created a comedy midcarder not 'the next superstar'.

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Oh well, I was looking forward to continuing with writing some more for Meido but looks like it just wasn't meant to be.


To be honest with the way the question's were worded in this round, I felt Meido might be in some trouble. I thought the promo got his character over, but was it suited to Dragon?- Perhaps not, maybe he chose the wrong promotion to try and get in, then again I think any promotion he doesn't quite 'fit'.


In alot of ways the competition, sums up what I wrote about Meido in the bio, his character's unique and original enough to get him work, but it's perhaps too unique for him to be World Championship material. At the end of the day, I created a comedy midcarder not 'the next superstar'.


I'm willing to say based on how the questions were worded, Meido got I think a 4 maybe a 5 for character and promo, but only a 3 on his overall success as a world champion.


It is that he would make a great comedy midcarder, and will do so for me when the mod is released and I download but in terms of winning what is a national competition, getting a contract and being seen as a future champion, I think he struggled.


It was like Santino being a world champion for me.

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Oh well, I was looking forward to continuing with writing some more for Meido but looks like it just wasn't meant to be.


To be honest with the way the question's were worded in this round, I felt Meido might be in some trouble. I thought the promo got his character over, but was it suited to Dragon?- Perhaps not, maybe he chose the wrong promotion to try and get in, then again I think any promotion he doesn't quite 'fit'.


In alot of ways the competition, sums up what I wrote about Meido in the bio, his character's unique and original enough to get him work, but it's perhaps too unique for him to be World Championship material. At the end of the day, I created a comedy midcarder not 'the next superstar'.


I really liked Meido, but I think you nailed it really. Trying to find questions to ask that are not simply 'who is your favourite' is actually more difficult than finding a topic for the round, but I really want to see the process select someone for a range of skills and not just look, or bio, or a single promo. I think Meido has the character to get noticed, and you definitely have the promo skills to move forward (you got a 5 from me, as it happens). Unfortunately the character that got Meido noticed was pretty much going to stop him from ultimately winning the competition. In-game, however, he usually ends up okay :D


But thanks for the submission TK - especially because of that uniqueness when I'm sure you could have gone down a more well-trodden road with ease.

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Okay, so the results are in and after 41 votes I can tell you that...


The Become A Star entrant with the best promo for Round #2 - as measured by both total score, and number of '5' scores - was...


Iago de Brún!


Not surprised by that, I must admit. That said, he was only one ahead of the second place participant in total scores.


And, the Become A Star entrant with the biggest promise so far, as measured by number of '5' scores only, was...


Iago de Brún!


But, the voters thought that the workers with the biggest promise based on total scores, with almost identical makeup of scores...


Christian Prophet & Johnny Hollywood!


As last time, good news unfortunately foreshadows the bad and I must reveal that the four Become A Star entrants to be eliminated after Round #2 of the competition are...


Meido Machine, Mike Santorelli, Sam "Red" Bailey and The Flying Vergomov


Commiserations, and thank you for all your hard work. All of you flitted in an out of the 'relegation' zone several times in the course of the voting so don't, by any means, take this as a defeat. Merely a delay in your character's quest for glory :D


Congratulations to the remaining eight participants, instructions for Round #3 will be up tomorrow!



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Out of curiosity, if you've simmed with these guys in the data, jhd, how does J.A.G get on?


Very well, actually. I haven't got a long-term game to hand (I delete them after a while because once I've made the changes they are not much use), but he tends to make a splash in DRAGON, and he has been a tag team champion before now. A few of the latest watchers have seen DRAGON set up an almighty main event (seriously, the quality is so high it's ridiculous) so Garces was always going to be limited to a few years of midcarder.


I'm not just saying this, but I can't think of a single worker who doesn't get picked up by one roster or another within two years. It might not always be a cult fed (Flying Vergomov always ends up in POW), but they don't remain without a match either.

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jhdVerse Become A Star Round #3


Round #3 of Become A Star is here!


The aim of the promo rounds is to write the best promo you can - in character - on a specific topic. Round #3's task is to cut a promo explaining which one of eight wrestling legends inspired your character the most and why. The list of legends and their background will follow this post. In this round there will be no word or line limit.. I will allow people to include 'scene' information outside of this limit (so if you wanted to 'set the scene' either before or after the promo). Like the previous round, the content and setting of the promo is entirely up to you, as is the choice of legend.


Please PM me the finished promos and DO NOT post them in this thread! The deadline for the promos will be 1800 GMT Thursday 26th January 2012. If anyone desperately cannot make it please let me know and I'll try and extend the deadline. If I receive all of the promos before the deadline then obviously I will post them early.


If anyone has any questions please let me know - the eight legends will be revealed in the following post (with some background info), but if you need to know more just send me a PM.

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YEARS ACTIVE: 1950 - 1974



Álvaro Buey Sr was the best friend and tag team partner of Antonio Sabatino - arguably the man who made professional wrestling in the 1950s. Buey Sr was so close to Sabatino that the Puerto Rican retired from the sport entirely for three years following Sabatino's murder.


While never seeing the successes of his friend, Buey's career is still fondly remembered by the people of Puerto Rico. Always underrated by mainstream fans, Buey was often the glue that kept Sabatino's matches from descending into chaos, and in the years following Sabatino's death Buey was an exceptional gatekeeper for the WWWE.


Buey's eldest son, Álvaro Buey Jr, is the owner of Puerto Rican promotion the Legacy Wrestling Alliance - which also stars another son, Guillermo Buey, as the company's top heel.





YEARS ACTIVE: 1947 - 1969



Antonio Sabatino was an Italian-American professional wrestler who revolutionised the sport in the United States. A former bareknuckle boxer, Sabatino's rise from poverty to World Champion gave him an everyman aura that would see him become a national icon. Sabatino's fame coincided with the emergence of televised events and the "Italian Everyman" played a large part in the enduring success of the industry.


Sabatino often teamed with his best friend, Puerto Rican wrestler Álvaro Buey. In 1965 Sabatino was killed attempting to stop a robbery in New York, aged 39.





YEARS ACTIVE: 1936 - 1966



El Salvador, the Saviour, was a Mexican luchador, film star, and folk icon who is widely seen as the father of Mexican wrestling. The first true enmascarado, El Salvador helped professional wrestling become a national sport at a time when most Mexicans thought wrestling was just another American import.


A true gentleman of the sport, El Salvador wrestled until his 60th birthday, when, in his final match, he was finally defeated by his protege White Panther.


Legend has it that El Salvador never removed his mask, and when he died in 1986, aged 70, he was buried wearing the mask that had given him so much.





YEARS ACTIVE: 1973 - 1994



Fumetsu is perhaps the most influential Japanese wrestler behind the great Ozeki. Debuting in 1973, the young Shigeki Sato came along with a style that certainly wasn't popular, and wasn't widely accepted. Finding his first solid job in CMLL in '73, he became their champion within a year, inventing the Shinseina Driver along the way. Devising the character and mask of Fumetsu, he headed back to UPJ in 1977, and Japanese wrestling was never the same again.


Innovating the Super Junior style, Fumetsu fought with blistering skill and pace - poles away from the hard hitting heavyweights, which by the '70s were at their weakest point in UPJ. Arguably, Fumetsu's presence helped save the company from ruin as his matches were commercially and critically successful, and the company wisely built the Junior division around him. Having worked as a road agent in UPJ, in 2010, he took the side of the wrestlers that see him as the icon of Junior wrestling and jumped to DIASPORA.





YEARS ACTIVE: 1947 - 1969



Ozeki is one of wrestling's greatest ever stars. Like El Salvador in Mexico, and Antonio Sabatino in the United States, the former sumo champion single-handedly transformed the sport in Japan. Pioneering the puroresu style that is known synonymous with the country's wrestling, Ozeki helped United Promotions Japan to become the world's #1 promotion.


Despite having a large family, none of Ozeki's sons ever went into the wrestling business. In fact, it wasn't until 2002 when his nephews Jun and Kenji Matsumoto bought out the promotion Ozeki had made famous that a member of his family had been part of the industry in almost 35 years.


Ozeki died in 1980, aged 58.





YEARS ACTIVE: 1977 - 1995



Richie Santana was one of the greatest performers of his generation. His famous feuds with Guy Lothario during the late 1980s produced some of the finest matches of the time outside of the WWWE. A real gentleman, Santana's contentment with his situation was probably what stopped him from becoming a true icon.


His WrestleAid '88 match with Guy Lothario stole the show, a fact that has caused friction between Santana and WrestleAid headliner Terry Thunder ever since.








For an entire generation of fans Terry Thunder IS professional wrestling. 6'6'', charismatic and with an awesome moustache, Thunder was the face of the industry for most of the late '80s and early '90s. At the height of his popularity, the only person who came close to Thunder was New Yorker "Ravishing" Guy Lothario. Unfortunately for fans, the very real rivalry between the two stopped them ever working for the same promotion.


Thunder is currently taking some time away from the industry to record a reality TV dancing and dating show entitled "Thunderhips".








White Panther was once the biggest name in lucha libre. A charismatic technician, Panther's slick chain wrestling was a joy to watch throughout the 1970s and early 1980s. As the face of Mexican wrestling Panther toured the world, even headlining the star-studded WrestleAid 1988 alongside Terry Thunder.


Although Panther still wrestles his recent matches haven't been up to his usually high standards and many young fans forget that the white mask was once the symbol of the sport.

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[ Christian Prophet sits down for an interview to be seen on AWF TV, Wearing a black trench coat with the hood cover all his face but the mouth]


Interviewer: Christian thank you for sitting down with me. You've caused quite a stir in pro wrestling. Can you tell me who inspired you to become a pro wrestler?


Prophet: Christian's Dead.


Interviewer: OK? Prophet who inspired you?


Prophet: Antonio Sabatino was a true legend, but the man who inspired me most is Terry Thunder.


Interviewer: Oh the Great Terry Thunder.


Prophet: Yes..The face of WWWE when I was growing up. Larger than life. The face of Wrestling it's self.


Interviewer: So you want to be the face of Wrestling for today's generation of fan? Like Terry Thunder was for yours.


[B]Prophet: [/b]The Face of Wrestling... Terry Thunder has inspired me. When you look at the Face of wrestling today what do you see?


A bunch of wanna be Terry Thunder's! I used to be one. But when I look into mirror now at the face of Pro Wrestling all I want to do is...


(Pulls his hood off) Change the Face!!!


Interviewer: My Lord!


Prophet: You see when you strip the flesh from a man, what do you see inside? Your True Self! Just blood and bone. I will fulfill my Prophecy... I will change the Face of Pro Wrestling!




[Derek Grace is sitting down in a wingback chair under a DRAGON banner, being interviewed by someone off camera]


Interviewer: "First Derek, thanks for agreeing to the interview."


Derek Grace: "You are very welcome. Any chance to show why I belong in DRAGON is gratefully accepted."


Interviewer: "Excellent. Let me ask right out...who is the one person that woke your desire to become a wrestler?"


Derek Grace: "That's a great question and I'm happy to answer. Most people won't know how I got started as a wrestler but it began when I was 17. I was at a friends house and he was watching a tape of a Japanese wrestling show. There was one man I saw and he absolutely blew me away with his lightning-speed, fluid moves and totally unorthodox style and as I was watching him wrestle, I KNEW that wrestling was what I wanted to do. That was, of course, Fumetsu. I saw in his wrestling a chance to break free of traditional thinking, prove that I have no fear and forge my own legacy!"


Interviewer: "There's something to be said about Fumetsu, for sure. Why him?"


Derek Grace: "...my start in wrestling saw difficulty just as his did. My father disowned me and removed me from his will when I said I wanted to move to Japan to train to be a wrestler. I had nothing else to lose so that's exactly what I did with only the shirt on my back! I figured, who better to learn from than the best!? I tried for a year to get accepted to a dojo in Japan where I could learn from Fumetsu, but I was never accepted to his dojo. I was too green to train with a legend like him. Once I found a dojo, got a few years of training and returned to the United States, I promised myself that I would become the Golden Dragon champion to prove that I have what it takes to learn from a legend!"


Interviewer: "Derek, it's plain to see how much wrestling means to you and we at DRAGON thank you for the interview. Is there anything you'd like to add before we're done?"


Derek Grace: "Actually, there is."


[Derek addresses the camera, leaning forward, elbows on knees]


Derek Grace: "I'm not a 'catch-phrase' kind of wrestler. I'm not a show-boater or gloater. What I am, though, is... confident. Able. Focused. Honorable. Determined...and I fear nothing. All of the traits Fumetsu had as he helped change the face of wrestling. Someday, I will meet the legend, my hero and I will show him the Golden Dragon championship and thank him for driving me to be what I will become...and that will be, Golden Dragon champion."




[The camera cuts to a home interview – or as close to a home interview we will get – with DISCO Fox. He is in a busy nightclub, managing to stand out in his trademark large afro, bright orange suit on and still wearing his fox mask. The cameraman manages to persuade DISCO to come over for a couple of minutes.]


“My all-time favourite wrestler? Got to be White Panther man. That cat could move like the best of them. His style blew me away. I remember the first time my pops took me to see him wrestle. It was a birthday gift, and we were standing in line to get into the arena. I could hear the crowd screaming, I looked to see what all the noise was about. And standing there, maybe about five or six feet away from me was this incredible man, all dressed in white. Like an angel. He turns around and starts walking towards the crowd, directly where I was. I was in awe. I thought to myself, “DISCO, you gotta become like this man.”. The best part of that whole experience? I got an autograph from Panther. I did always wonder why a cat was wrestling.”


[The cameraman cuts in here to tell DISCO that White Panther wasn’t actually a panther.]


“Not even part cat? Whatever, the cat had style. And now 10 years later, here I am. Trained in the style of the great white cat. Now if you excuse me, I can hear some fiiiiiiiiiine ladies calling my name. And I hate to keep the people waiting, you hear me? I’m a man of the people.”


[With this final comment, DISCO Fox struts back to the dance floor, in amongst “his” people. The final shot we see is of DISCO cutting some ridiculous dance moves on the dance floor, dance moves that were popular in the 70's and would be considered embarassing in today's society, and to the cameraman’s audible amusement, the people join in.]



[The scene opens with a graphic on the screen with the explanatory title of "Eye on the Indies: Zane Quinn aka Dread Nocturn". The graphic fades and the shot goes to a small room. Seated in a chair is the well muscled former MMA competitor Zane Quinn, who holds the Dread Nocturn mask in his hands, but seems to not be thinking about that right now as he looks towards the camera contemplatively.]


Quinn: Who inspired me the most? It's hard to say really. I mean, without a guy like Fumetsu, I'd never have been able to go over to Japan to train, and a lot of other styles have found their way into professional wrestling, and without him, none of that could happen. But the guy that really made me want to do this was Antonio Sabatino. He was way before my time, sure, but my grandpa used to go see him all the time in the '50s and he would tell me fantastic stories, like the time Sabatino knocked out a bear with a right hook. It didn't really matter if the stories were true; when I was a kid, this was the guy I wanted to be like. So I trained to be a great striker. I modernized the style a bit to include kicks and stuff, but that right hook...If I could ever throw a hook like that, I wouldn't need this mask or lighting effects or anything like that. I'd just be the man, you know?


When my grandpa died in 2003, he left me all his old Sabatino tapes and one night I just sat down and marathoned them. The way the crowd was behind him was really impressive for that day, and he became a national icon like you wouldn't believe. That's when I stopped doing MMA and started getting serious about this whole wrestling thing. And now here I am today. And so what if people out there never got to see Sabatino live? All the fans out there get to see me, right?

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[The following scene is taken from a series of internet promotional videos put out to emphasize different wrestling legends' effect on the current state of the business. This is part four of a twelve part feature on Terry Thunder.]


[Fargo Korben is standing outside a small armory humming and playing air guitar to a song that we have to assume is playing in his head as a voice-over guy is explaining that Fargo is a part of the current generation of independent wrestlers. We then cut to an interview with Fargo sitting on a couch. He may or may not be drunk and/or high.]


Fargo: It's the moustache, blother! That's why some people make it and some don't. I have no idea how you grow a moustache, unfortunately. No matter how much I focus my energies and auro-aurim-aura and whatnot, I can't seem to make my facial hair grow in only a specifactic area of my face. I don't know what it is...


[Fargo closes his eyes and concentrates really, really hard, holding his breath and clenching his fists while his face goes red.]


Fargo: *GASP* See? I don't have what Terry Thunder's got. That's why I knew that it wouldn't be enough to base myself around my facial hair like he did. I knew that I had to become a superlativetacular scientaftic grapstler! That's why I know all the moves, blother! All. The. Moves.


[Fargo leans forward and stares stone-faced and wide-eyed into the camera for a good 10 seconds before continuing.]


Fargo: I invented the open-hand slap.


[Fargo continues staring for a few seconds before he looks at the interviewer off-camera with a look of “but where was I?” on his face.]


Fargo: But you were asking me how Terry Thunder has influenced me? I am taking up ballroom dancing, blother! I'm gonna be in season two of Tango Thunder, lemme tell ya! Tango's a ballroom dance, right...?


[The video moves on to someone with an actual insightful analysis of Terry Thunder's impact on pro-wrestling...]




[Once again, as your browse through your youtube newsfeed, you see an upload from PWI: this one is simply entitled "Inspiration". You spot Iago de Brún in the thumbnail and click it. This time Iago de Brun is sitting infront of a thick oak desk, with numerous old photos and articles of wrestling legends spread out before him]


Tonight, I've been asked to speak for a moment, and to answer a simple question: Which legend in this sport has inspired me the most? My answer is a simple one: Terry Thunder.


As a child, I grew up on Terry Thunder. Footage of the WWWE would air years out of date in the early 90s in Ireland, and thus I, from an early age, was exposed to the peak of Thunder's reign as the leading light in wrestling. Exposed...yes, that's an excellent term for it, similar to how one can be exposed to a virus or a disease.


Those are apt terms to describe Thunder. He's the plague of lies upon impressionable minds that thankfully yours truly has managed to become immune to. For you see, Thunder had everyone believe he was a man of the people, a champion of the working man...when actually, he's not like the common folk at all.


Cast your minds back to the years and years of Thunder's reign at the top: He cast down any man who dared assault his position, that he himself brutally seized from his predecessors. Thunder did what the common man cannot: Break from his norms, and do what is necessary to become powerful, and that means climbing over your peers.


And yet, men like Thunder simple cannot admit to these deeds, but instead argue and reason like madman they kept the upmost honour in the dealings. It's amazing how two-faced these people can be: I cannot lie like that.


Yes, Terry Thunder has inspired me...inspired me to tear down men like him. Thanks to Terry Thunder I can no longer stand liars and frauds, and with my upmost focus will endeavour to cast such men out of our sport.


My name is Iago de Brún, and I can be the honest hero men like Terry Thunder couldn't not. Trust in me, and all this will become so clear.




You know it’s funny, you ask me who my idols are? Try Hitchc*ck, Quentin Tarantino, Pedro Almodóvar, Martin Scorsese. Those guys are true visionaries, those guys are people who made differences in the world through their films, one way or another they were special. In my life I want to be those people, to be appreciated for what I do.


However in this world, do I really respect anyone? Honestly, no. You see it’s a little bit funny, people say I’m disrespectful because I spit on the ‘legacies’ of the people that came before me. Am I supposed to respect some degrading old fool like Terry Thunder? God no. Terry Thunder is the type of no talent hack that nearly ruined this industry. Yeah because you think you have a good look you obviously have the skills to be in front of a camera and wow audiences. Thunder, I’m the type of guy who makes those decisions, somebody like you..would never cut it in my league.


Which legend inspired me to be me? None of them, because while I may be in an illustrious pack in the film world, with REAL, TRUE greats, in the wrestling world, there never has, there never will be ANYONE as good as Johnny Hollywood.


Legends...f*** the legends, I’m the only one deserving of a walk of fame.


That’s a wrap.




[Highlights of the latest edition of Thunderhips conclude in the arena where the legend, Terry Thunder made his name. As they draw to a close Tombstone is seen in the ring glaring at the titantron.]


“Growing up all I ever wanted to do was emulate my idol, Terry Thunder, years I spent replicating his ring style, perfecting the trademark moustache, knowing that one day I would be the next Terry Thunder, one day I would become the WWWE Champion, the next icon for a generation."


[The fans seem confused as a bitter frown appears on the face of Tombstone.]


"That is of course until I got into the industry, and I found that my icon, the legend that is Terry Thunder is nothing but a sell-out. A prostitute who will do anything for the next pay check. Now I know that Terry Thunder was nothing more than a false prophet, and I was lured into believing he was something more. Thunderhips destroyed the love I had for Terry Thunder, it was, as it where, the final nail in his coffin. And now, I will not stop until I have annihilated the legend of Terry Thunder, I will keep going until I have gone on to do everything and more than Terry Thunder ever could have. Terry Thunder was once the inspiration for thousands of kids to become a wrestling legend, now he is doing everything he can to sully his reputation, I can’t let that happen. Thunder is still motivating me to better myself, to become the greatest wrestler in the world, so that I can finally lay to rest a career that should have ceased 10 years ago. Terry Thunder is a legend whose been holding on for far too long, for years the career of the greatest icon this industry has ever had has been dead, and it has become my job to bury it.”

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Once again I'd like to begin this post by thanking the remaining eight contestants for their time and effort in getting their promos to me not only excellently written, but on time as well! :D


Anyone who actually read the instructions for Rounds #1 and #2 will probably not need to do so again - I've just copied and pasted the last one, although given MJStark's eagle eyes I've been more careful about editing this one! As always, click on the link below to head to the survey - ratings for question one are once again on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being 'great' and 1 being 'not so great'. Question 2, however, runs on a slightly different scale where you are asked to order the eight participants. Although it is possible to have two people in slot #1 please try to give each participant a different score! Voting for Round #3 will close on Tuesday January 31st at 1830 GMT.


Once voting is closed, the votes for each question will be transformed into a workable scale. Once those scores have been calculated, four participants will be eliminated, and the remaining four will progress to the Become A Star final.


You must give every participant a score for both questions or you won't be able to submit your answers (you don't need to fill in the last text box though).


Oh, and I advise people to open the survey in another window, as you'll might need to read through the promos again as you answer the questions (I did!).


Voting is open to entrants themselves, anyone else on the forum, and even guests, if they can see the link (I can't remember what the limits for guests is anymore).


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I'm absolutely loving it. I had a real hard time writing Derek's promo!* I knew it was going to be incredibly stiff competition but NO idea this round would be so awesome. I would love it if Derek made it to the Final Four, but even if not this has been so fun. This mod is going to breathe some new life into TEW for me. Can't wait!


*even though I sent it to jhd in like 15 minutes after him posting it. >_> what? I'm lucky to have a job where I can do that. =P

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Comments that this round was the tightest yet were not joking. I've watched one character go from last to first in a day, and vice versa with another character. After an astonishing 44 votes the results are even more amazing. I honestly could not have called this one at all!


First of all, I'd like to congratulate 'The Eight' on getting this far and thank them for all there hard work. Unfortunately, only four can get through the the final round (details of which will be posted tonight). The four individuals with the lowest scores, and are thus eliminated from the Become A Star competition are...


DISCO Fox, Dread Nocturn, Fargo Korben, and Tombstone


Commiserations to you four. That means the biggest congratulations must go to Christian Prophet, Johnny Hollywood, Derek Grace and Iago de Brun - of which, two will win a year's contract with their chosen promotion.


Craziness :D

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