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jhdVerse: Become A Star

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I was rooting for Fargo, but this does mean I can sign him when the mod comes out without having to worry about him being locked into a written contract.


I agree, thats the best thing about his creation, now we can all enjoy it :D


Congrats to the other 3 in the final, especially Derek Grace who went from being just a young up and comer for me to the ultimate underdog kind of guy.


But also, thankyou for the votes, means a lot that people are behind Hollywood.

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jhdVerse Become A Star Round #4


It's the final! Congratulations to SWF Fan, The Celt, mitsukaikira and TheEnforcer for making it this far, but the toughest challenge is yet to come. While winning over the masses and turning this final into a year long contract for your character may be difficult, the instructions for the round are simple enough. All you have to do is address the three following questions...


1) What will winning the Become A Star competition mean to your character?


2) What will your character winning the Become A Star competition mean to your chosen promotion?


3) What will your character winning the Become A Star competition mean to the wrestling industry as a whole?


You may answer these questions in any way, shape or form you choose. You can answer them directly or indirectly, you can cut a promo, an interview or simply rant at the world. There is no word limit, so run wild. As this is the 'biggest' challenge so far, the deadline for the final round will be a week from now - Tuesday 7th February at 1800 GMT. If all of the promos are in before the deadline then obviously they will be posted ASAP after the last submission - so if you want to get to voting quickly you'd better get writing!


Good luck, and most of all have fun!

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Wow! I'm surprised I made it this far, thanks guys! This is a lot of fun and is really working to breathe new life into TEW for me, at least.


Derek sends his thanks as well and promises that he'll bring his best in the final round.


...man, I love underdogs!


I'll be honest here, at first I thought Derek was one of the weakest characters in the competition, a generic indy cruiserweight- who looked little more than an indy midcarder at best....Early on I was drawn to the guys who had character and originality to their gimmick and Derek seemed pretty 'meh' to me....


But, the last two promo's you put out won me over, because they had depth- they got Derek over as a 'I'll do my talking in the ring' sort of wrestler and one with a quiet confidence in his own ability to reach the top. With a promotion like Dragon, who are more likely to be focused on delivering a quality in-ring product over anything else- Derek can become a star.

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I'll be honest here, at first I thought Derek was one of the weakest characters in the competition, a generic indy cruiserweight- who looked little more than an indy midcarder at best....Early on I was drawn to the guys who had character and originality to their gimmick and Derek seemed pretty 'meh' to me....


But, the last two promo's you put out won me over, because they had depth- they got Derek over as a 'I'll do my talking in the ring' sort of wrestler and one with a quiet confidence in his own ability to reach the top. With a promotion like Dragon, who are more likely to be focused on delivering a quality in-ring product over anything else- Derek can become a star.


:D Thanks a ton! Coming from one of my favorite dynasty writers, that means a lot. I knew he'd be a generic cruiser and was hoping his attitude and personality would get him over. I gambled, and I was right!... for now :p

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While I am of course extremely saddened and distraught by Fargo's exit, I'm looking forward to what this next round of no holds barred writing will bring. Previous rounds have proven that even if I do have my favorites, there's always room for surprises. Should be interesting.


Not sure I would have predicted these four when we started, but they have certainly proven that they deserve to be the final four. I would like to note that I have extemely high expectations for all of you to meet! :p


And of course a big "thank you" to everyone that supported Fargo throughout this.

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Just a quick note - although the deadline was about an hour ago one of the contestants has asked for an extension. Being the final round I'd rather do that than lose one participant, so I'll be posting the final four promos about this time tomorrow evening instead. :)
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[ A highlight package of The Prophet's Indy matches plays over The Song Hysteria by Muse]


Highlight Package ends.


Prophet: Wrestling as it is today has been a cruel mistress to me for far too long. After I win this "Contest" I'll take her off the life support she's been on these past few years!


And as she flat lines, A new day will come.


The Dead Wrestling Project has started.


And win or lose, I've already won!


You see, this little "Contest" was just a platform to spread my word.


I'm in your heads now, you know I exist!


I can either start with a written deal with AWF or be free to "Kill" each promotion one by one.


And the best part is.... the choice is yours!


So who will it be?


Let's look at our other finalists.


There's Iago who say's "I'll can be the honest hero". Uh, I honestly don't believe that anymore than one of your long winded promo's!


You remind me of toast, Dry and Stiff!


And here's Johnny! Johnny Hollywood, you only want to use wrestling to help you become a movie star.


Well Johnny I have your 1st starring role, in my movie!


And yes it's a horror film. Can you survive Johnny? Break a leg....or an arm... or your neck!


Last but not least we have the humble and honorable Derek Grace.


If you pull down that bandanna Derek you'll see who Christian Prophet was!


The underdog, the upstart. My whole career ahead of me. Now look at me!


This is your future! This business can change a man. 10 years from now, when you're broken and battered and they've taken everything from you. What will you be?


A monster like me!


You see this business can change a man, but it's time for a man to change a business.


I'm going to "Kill" Pro Wrestling as we know it!


You should all embrace your Prophet.


I invite you all to join The Dead Wrestling Project.


Help me "Kill" Pro Wrestling.


The Prophecy starts today!




[You hear a ding, indicating you have received an email. Looking at it, you see it's addressed to DRAGON-fans@dragonpro.com and it's sent by Derek Grace. Curious, you read...]


Hey Dragon fans!


It seems that I've made it to the finals of the Become A Star competition! I cannot begin to express my thanks and gratitude toward you all for bringing me this far! I was recently contacted by Jung Dragon himself, letting me know that he is in charge of the final portion of the contest. He has only posed me three questions, and has asked me to reply to them in any manner I see fit.


What better way than speaking directly to the people who put me in this position?


1) What would winning this competition mean to you?


Winning Become A Star would let me know that I was not wrong in leaving my old life to become a wrestler. I KNOW it is my future and I KNOW it is the right thing for me. Winning would serve as a catalyst to drive myself even further and harder than I already have! Winning BAS, while an incredible honor in and of itself, would be a start to my inevitable climb to the top!


2) If the fans vote and you Become A Star, what will you bring to Dragon Pro Wrestling?


I would say I will bring integrity, honor, determination and an extreme spirit of competition... but Dragon Pro is already FULL of those qualities! What I will bring to Dragon Pro... well, there are two things. Number One, I will bring myself. Dragon has the best wrestlers in America working for it so in joining Dragon I would add my talents and personality to the greatest show in the squared circle in the USA. Number Two, I will bring the fiercest competition that Jung DRAGON has ever seen! I WILL start at the bottom, because that is where you should start, but I will NOT remain there!


3) What will winning Become A Star bring to the industry as a whole, not just Dragon Pro Wrestling?


The state of wrestling in the US is one of sports entertainment, over the top characters and gimmicks that belong on Sesame Street! The one bastion that fans have to see excellent competition is Dragon Pro. Once I become champion, I will bring a sense that entertainment is best left to sitcoms and romantic comedies. Wrestling is sport, not sports entertainment. I will bring a fresh face, a sense of true competition and the unwillingness to back down from ANY challenger! I will not change wrestling overnight, I won't even change it in a year or two, but hear me well: Wrestling WILL change, and change for the better! Along with the rest of the Dragon Pro Wrestling roster, together WE will change wrestling!


As a final note, to everyone who has helped me get this far... our fight isn't over yet! Even if I don't win BAS, I am still a wrestler, competitor and fearless! Winning will help me greatly, but if I don't I will NOT back down nor give up!


My most sincere thanks and gratitude,

"Expat DRAGON" Derek Grace




Interviewer: Iago de Brún, as you enter into the final four of the become a star competition and the chances of you winning are greater than ever, I have to ask: What will winning the Become A Star competition mean to you?


Iago: What would it mean to me? It would so many things. Primarily, it would mean hope, hope that the masses are not a complete lost cause. Iago de Brún winning would be a statement from the public that not all of them are sheep and mindless drones, dully nodding their heads in agreement with whatever they’re told. It would signal that out the somewhere exist noble men who recognize their intelligent superior when they see him, and trust in his wisdom, and that’s gives me hope.


Interviewer: If you were to win, what impact do you think you’d have on Pro Wrestling Intensity?


Iago: A tremendous one. Given my skill, cunning and intellect, it wouldn’t be long before the promotion was under my thumb. I would be a powerful man, and powerful men can make changes, and I will make changes, necessary changes, to PWI. Cast down will be the false idols such as the British Hart Foundation, with their wicked tongues full of lies. I would use my position to make clear to the public the true nature of life; that the strong take from the weak and rise. No more will the public perception be clouded by concepts of honour and virtue, instead true competition will be king. The Harts hold themselves up as heroes...they’re no different from the rest of us, they just know how to manipulate perceptions better than most.


I, honest Iago, would never succumb to such base flaws.


Interviewer: Finally, what kind of impact would you say winning the become a Star competition would mean for the sport of wrestling as a whole?


Iago: The importance of such a moment, such a victory, could not be understated. I winning would be as radical as any change ever to this sport. It would be the end of the era of false idols, false prophets, and myths designed to hold the masses down. I have the power to shatter this sick illustration cast by these supposed heroes. I can make wrestling fans see life for what it truly is, not the fantasy painted for them. All it takes is just one brilliant man such as my myself to rise to start a revolution. Once I make my ascend, there shall be no turning back: the facade will be shattered and the of so called heroes will be over. The people will see the truth and will be unable to stomach anymore of their lies. It’ll be a chain reaction unlike anything seen before.


It will be nothing short of a total upheaval, and I shall be immortalised for it, and the people will worship me for it, for I will have given them the greatest gift of all...the truth!


That is why they MUST vote for me, they MUST commit themselves to me and my ways


I say to you the public, do not let this opportunity pass, gasp now or forever regret it. Make the best decision your lives will ever know and embrace me as the saviour of wrestling!


I am Iago de Brún, and I urge you to make the right choice.




“I’m king of the world! Here’s...Johnny.


In reality however, I am cut from a different cloth to the rest of my competitors, to the rest of the industry, I’m a guy that can lead it forward into the future.


You want me to come out and say that this competition means nothing to me right? That I didn’t just bust my ass to turn around and say I’m better than it, to say that I don’t need it and I can make my own way. I could say that, because it’s all true. One way or another Johnny Hollywood is a man that you will never forget in this industry, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but someday...I will be remembered for my legacy.


But you know what, greed, for lack of a better word, is good. See it’s good to be recognized, to be seen as the top of your field. A nationwide search brings us down to just four people. Lets round up the usual suspects.


Some crazy B movie horror genre rip off, some pre-adolescent yuppie and a guy who believes himself to be stuck in the Shakespearean era. Then there’s me. I came so far, on my own merits. I insulted legends, I insulted champions, I stood out from the crowd, and they say there is nobody else like me? THATS BECAUSE I’M REAL. When I go home I don’t go home to play with Baby painted prophet, or lie to my mother like Iago, I go home and I make films and I create glory everywhere I go. I DESERVE my recognition, I DESERVE my respect! Johnny Hollywood should get his academy award, because there isn’t a damn person in the world that can match up to me. You want a future world champion, take this blond hair, blue eyed angel with a heart of fire and stick him in there and he’ll kick the c—p into everything in sight.


This isn’t just for me. It is for this industry, it is for the AWF. America needs its leading light, its cue to take over the industry that it created all over again. There’s no brighter spotlight than Johnny Hollywood’s. People have come and gone and come and gone and COME AND GONE! Wanting to be as charismatic or brilliant as me, none have succeeded. You really wish to let some second rate guy that couldn’t carve out his own career, a guy who looks like a Colin Farrell stunt double or some young, unknown upstart be the centre of an industry for years to come. Or me? The guy who worked his way up from the independents, who spilt blood and sweat and tears for 50 paying fans a night. I did everything to pay my dues and wait for my time, they say genius takes years to mature, well I’m in the right place at the right time now.


Vote for me, don’t vote for me, do whatever the hell you want. Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn but remember this. You had the chance to save your industry and put the spotlight on somebody who could carry it, did you make the right choice? Or did you feel the need to go too mainstream? Did you sell out?


That’s a wrap.”

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I loved the final round! To me there can be only one winner and I am not revealing my choice just yet.


Actually, there can be two winners :D


Completely agree with you though - it's a fantastic quartet of promos to top off (in my opinion) an all round great project. Well done and thanks everyone! :D

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You've seen sixteen become four, but now it's time to decide who will win the jhdVerse Become A Star contest! Your task is simple - rank the four participants in order, with 1 being your favourite and 4 being your least favourite. The two individuals with the lowest overall scores will win the competition, and will begin the jhdVerse with a year-long contract with the cult promotion of their choosing.


Once again I'd like to thank all the participants of the project, and everyone who has voted during it. Voting for the final round is, as always, open to contestants, forum members, guests and lost souls - lets see if we can beat the previous record of 44! :D


Voting will close on Friday 17th February 2012 at 1800 GMT.


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Congrats to the other 3 that made it through to the final. I've only really just got full computer back so I haven't had a chance to read everyone's until today.


Even if I do only get to 3rd or 4th place its been an honour to get this far on your votes, so thankyou for that. Hope I gave you something entertaining to read.


And just remember,


There's no bigger star...than Johnny Hollywood


That's a Wrap.

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This really was the finest performances from everybody involved. Main event worthy, indeed. :p


Can't wait to see who takes home the contracts. I do have my favorites, but this whole things has been full of surprises.


Again, good job to everybody who made it this far.


Just wanted to say Fargo was one of my favorites, thought he'd be in the the finals for sure. Great job on him.

I'm going to sign him when I'm able to play the jhdverse.

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Thanks a lot, guys. Much appreciated. Good to know somebody enjoyed the all that nonsense I thought up.


Honestly, I'll probably be predisposed to hire a lot of the characters from this contest when the mod is out. They all have captured my imagination to some degree, though admittedly I feel more of a connection with the ones that made it further, because they became more fleshed out over time. For instance, I started out thinking Prophet would be little more than a cool render, but that character really grew on me as did Grace. De Brún and Hollywood, though... Boy, did those guys expose themselves as just terrible human beings. :p


I also still really dig Red Bailey despite his early exit and I feel there could be uses for pretty much all the entrants because they all have their own unique personas and built-in angles to some extent.


I think I may even do a small promotion solely with the characters that didn't win this. Could be fun, and certainly the diversity is there for some fun angles.

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Hollywood is not a horrible person....


It's just acting ;)


Nah really he is a complete jackass haha.


But yeah have to agree, can see me starting a company with all the characters in the tournament that didn't end up with a contract. They all seem much more real as we've seen how they act. Especially Kris Bryant and Mike Santorelli who if Hollywood doesn't win the contract, will be apart of a stable of The A-List for sure.

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