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The Sammy Heizenger Story: TCW Calls

Guest codey

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The New Wave © vs The Machines for the belts

Tough one but when I doubt I go with champs.


Ino vs Law

Pretty much a coin flip.


Andrews vs Fortune vs Stone © vs Huggins for the All Action belt

Tough one like most of the matches on this card. Andrews getting the title seems like the most likely direction to go with Stone and Huggins not getting along, but I go with Edd retaining.


Golden vs Bach © for the International belt

This looks a little bit like step back on Golden considering that he was World Championship just few months ago. That said I doubt he gets the belt here as this looks more like a feud to put Bach over by having him beat former World Champ.


Benson vs Hawkins

Hawkins won the last PPv match so now it´s Benson´s turn.


Fighters vs Peak & ACID

Fighters aren´t anywhere near on top condition and that will give them reason to lose here.


Vessey vs Cornell

Vessey won last time so I give this one to Cornell via some cheating in order to set-up third match in next PPV.

Keith © vs Tornado for the World Championship

I expect Keith to retain his title on this feud and that means that he had to win here.

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The New Wave © vs The Machines for the belts

Ino vs Law

Andrews vs Fortune vs Stone © vs Huggins for the All Action belt

Golden vs Bach © for the International belt

Benson vs Hawkins

Fighters vs Peak & ACID

Vessey vs Cornell

Keith © vs Tornado for the World Championship

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he New Wave © vs The Machines for the belts

Ino vs Law

Andrews vs Fortune vs Stone © vs Huggins for the All Action belt

Golden vs Bach © for the International belt

Benson vs Hawkins

Fighters vs Peak & ACID

Vessey vs Cornell

Keith © vs Tornado for the World Championship

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The New Wave © vs The Machines for the belts

Ino vs Law

Andrews vs Fortune vs Stone © vs Huggins for the All Action belt

Golden vs Bach © for the International belt

Benson vs Hawkins

Fighters vs Peak & ACID

Vessey vs Cornell

Keith © vs Tornado for the World Championship

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Guest codey

In a bit of a spot here. My laptop monitor cracked during transportation, so I'm touching the thing as little as I can. Bad news, right?


The good is that the little bit of touching I did involved getting all my data on my external, so this is far from over. So just about a two week wait or so until I get my laptop and Just Another Day will be up!


And on the bright side, my laptop was ancient, so maybe this is a message to me to finally upgrade the damn thing

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest codey

Because you all thought it was dead...





Sunday Week 4, March 2010

In front of 28,747 fans in Nevada State Armory (South West)



Jason Azaria - Nemesis - Sara Silver


Ladies and gentleman, this is Just Another Day, but it isn’t just any day.


That’s right, tonight we’ve got eight matches, 4 title defenses, and an impressive twenty-two competitors scheduled to compete. Not only that…


We’ve got Nemesis on commentary.


And might I say, what an honor it is to sit next to you tonight.


Just doin’ what the contract tells me.


Can you elaborate on what exactly it is that contract has you do? You’ve been here a month and that’s still a little fuzzy.


I run ****, Sara. Tommy don’t want to do it, the board’s a bunch of nerds that just check their stocks, and TCW needed someone t oget down and dirty and do the day to day. Lucky for me, day to day in wrestling is more than pushin’ paper, it’s all about running a psycho circus.


Speaking of a psycho circus, we’re kicking the show off right now with a tag title match!







The New Wave © vs. The Machines for the Tag Team Championship


For some reason, the show opener was never able to reach the intensity that their previous encounters had reached.


The match started out with some standard back and forth technical wrasslin’ between Scout and both Machines, but when Scout tagged out to Guide the crowd erupted and the chaos began. Guide’s always been known for being a bit heavy handed in his approach toward wrestling, but tonight he reminded the fans in attendance that he’s equally as comfortable going to the air. You won’t see any dragonranas out of him anytime soon, but Guide’s heavily muscled frame looked like it was almost built for the crushing his opponents as he nailed a beautiful flipping plancha on John Anderson to the outside and a flying shoulder block on Brent Hill.


The latter almost earned the win, but John Anderson was able to break it up. Before he could continue any sort of attack on Guide, though, Scout came flying in, tackling Anderson over the top rop and sending both men tumbling to the arena floor as a result. Guide, seeing Anderson out, took a step back, waiting for Brent Hill to get up, and launched himself forward, splitting Hill in half with a Guided Missile (Spear) earning his team the 1, 2, 3!


The New Wave retain, 74






Those boys captured the spirit of DaVE with that one!


Well, it looks like The New Wave will continue to have The Machines numbers.


And after that showing and going 0-3 against them, I don’t think we’ll be seeing The Machines getting another title shot next month.







Koshiro Ino vs. Rick Law


The two men standing in the ring now have been at one another’s throats for months now, dating all the way back to when Law turned his back on Ino to take Brent Hill’s spot in The Syndicate. That partnership didn’t last very long, and Law’s been trying his damnedest to put Ino down without backup. So far, he hasn’t been successful, and this feud’s been a bloody one as a result.


The two circled to kick things off, with Law overpowering Ino once they locked up. Law didn’t attempt to wrestle Ino down, instead just leveling a few right hands and a boot right into his face. He followed up with a spinning neck breaker and went right into a chinlock. Ino got out of it quickly enough, elbowing his way free before running the ropes and hitting a few shoulder blocks followed by a snap suplex, a regular suplex, and finally, without ever letting him go, a long delayed suplex.


The Kobra only got a two count, but kept up the pressure for several more minutes until Law cowardly raked at his eyes. Law retreated to the outside and Ino gave chase, but Law was wise enough to spin around and get Ino with a drop toe hold, sending him face first into the steel steps. When Ino rolled over, a drip of blood was revealed to be running from a cut on his forehead and his busted nose. Law beat on him extensively before he decided to roll him into the ring and attempt the pin, but couldn’t get it. Frustrated, he hit a few boots on Ino before dragging him to his feet.


Ino, with a burst of energy, pushed him off of him, nailed a few stiff forearm blows to his chin, and turned and ran the ropes. Law wasn’t that dazed, however, and when he rebounded, Ino found himself victim to a Squad Car Slam (Spinning Sidewalk Slam)! Law stopped to grin and taunt Ino by dusting his shoulders off before making the cover, and that could be what cost him, because Ino recovered and kicked out at two. Furious, Law got to his feet and quickly pushed the ref into the corner, getting into his face and shouting him to count faster next time. His point made, Law looked back at Ino, now slowly gaining his feet, and began to remove his elbow pad. He stalked Ino, waiting, waiting, waiting…and when Ino finally turned around, Law launched off a viciously wound up Long Arm of the Law lariat…and found nothing but air.


Ino wisely ducked under the haymaker, grabbed Law’s head from behind, and twisted him around into a spiking Kobra’s Bite (Roll inverted DDT). Ino rolled through the entire move with Law and wound up on top of him when it was all said and done, and the ref immediately counted 1, 2, 3!


Ino wins, 79.






I’d say that’s a little karma for ****in’ with the ref, wouldn’t you?


It did seem like a lot of wasted time, yes.


Ino lost some blood to get that win, but I’d say he’s to that by now.


Anyone with even a little success in this business knows what it’s like to have to bleed to win.







The camera cuts from Ino’s bloody celebration to that of the backstage area, where Tommy Cornell was nervously speaking to someone on the phone.


Just help me call off the match. I can’t override the decision alone, but with you, I can definitely get this done.


Tommy paused, waiting for the reply.


But…I’m sick! Yeah. That’s it.


Tommy let off a few overly dramatic coughs.




Again, a pause.


Well **** you, too, ya wanker!


Tommy hung up the phone with a single impressive press of a button and stored it in his coat pocket.


What’s the point of being the boss if I can’t do whatever I like?







Heh heh heh…


Something funny?


He signed away the rights to “do whatever he likes” to me, that’s what. I’ve still gotta answer to the board, but they ain’t just gonna veto everything I want.


And what do you want right now?


Two things. One: Bryan Vessey vs. Tommy Cornell. Two: I Want you to shut the **** up and stop asking me so many damn questions.


Yes, sir…







Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer for the International Championship


Rocky Golden took control early on with a bit of classic offense: heavy handed, not subtle in the slightest, power wrestling. It was a wise move, too, because Bach’s signature high flying onslaught can’t get going if he’s being repeatedly slammed on the ground. A vertical suplex attempt from Golden allowed him to do just that, though, as Bach slipped lithely behind him and executed a nice dropkick to his back. As Golden staggered forward Bach followed him, spring boarding off of the ropes to hit a weird little snap mare on Golden. When the duo landed, Bach rolled through and nailed a sick little kick to Golden’s chest when he began to sit up.


Bach began to really get on roll now, flying around with reckless abandon. The reckless abandon part really started to come in to play, too, as Golden was able counter him quite a bit, both by avoiding Bach’s aerial assault altogether and by catching him with some brutal slams.


The finish came nicely as Bach flying at Golden with a cross body block. Golden, displaying his power, rolled through the move and lifted Bach up before flipping him back onto his shoulders, right into The Rack! Before Golden could begin cranking it, however, Bach slipped his legs free, falling to the ground. Quick as a whip, he punched on Golden, locking in the Bach on Your Back choke, dragging to Golden to the ground. Once he locked the body scissors in with his legs, the match was all but decided, and Golden tapped out soon enough.


Bach retains, 79.






Bach just submitted the last world champ!


This kid’s got some serious potential. I’ve said it ever since we first locked up back in DaVE.


Well Rocky Golden might have disagreed with you, but Bach just proved him wrong.


Is that a compliment for Sammy Bach, Sara?


Not at all. He’s still a creep and I don’ like him at all.









Aaron Andrews vs. Chance Fortune vs. Edd Stone © vs. Freddy Huggins for the All Action Championship in a ladder match


Stone set a furious pace at the beginning by immediately going for the belt using a ladder already set up in the middle of the ring. He could have really used someone whispering “It’s a trap!” in his ear, though, because Aaron Andrews easily spinebustered (not power bombed) him off of the ladder, Chance Fortune followed with a diving leg drop, and Freddy Huggins finished off the sequence with a springboard moonsault.


From there, all hell broke loose, and all four men came dangerously close to snagging the title belt hanging over the ring at one point or another. The real interesting action came when it boiled down to tag partner vs. tag partner. Fortune and Andrews seemed to go out of their way to merely neutralize one another, not wanting to do too much to their good friend.


But Stone and Huggins? After that opening moonsault, all bets were off. With the way Huggins has taken a backseat to his partner in recent times, it’s easy to forget that he owns the record for most All Action title reigns at 4, and he did a big time awakening of the crowd to his abilities. The past couple of weeks heavily foreshadowed a rift between the two (Well, mostly on Edd’s part), and they gave a payoff to all of that teasing with a surprising amount of animosity toward one another. In fact, it was that animosity that eventually led to the finish.


Freddy Huggins, perhaps growing a bit too cocky for his own good, lifted Edd up for a power bomb. Edd was unable to counter into a Party’s Over (!), but he was able, after a bit of panicking, to pull off a hurricanrana, sending both him and Huggins over the top rope and tumbling down to the floor!


Almost simultaneously, Andrews and Fortune were jockeying for position on the top turnbuckle. Andrews finally gained control, grabbed a hold of Fortune’s legs, and dove off, delivering a ring-shattering spine buster from the top rope! Andrews was a little woozy, but still able to make his way to his feet and begin a slow ascent of the ladder. Midway up, Edd Stone, slightly recovered, began to mess with him a bit. A few boots to his jaw sent Stone sliding right back down to the mat, though, and Andrews was able to get to the top of the ladder where he freed the title belt, making him the new All Action Champion!


Andrews wins the belt, 69 (Again Edd? Grow up, man.)






New champion!


I’m telling you, Andrews reminds me a lot of me back in the old days. Not too flashy, but with enough punch to spice crap up.


And a spine buster like that definitely adds some kick to a match.


He certainly looks…good…with that title belt.


Sara, are you blushing?


…No. Shut up, Jason.







Backstage, and Jasmine Saunders was standing by with World Champion Sam Keith and Rocky Golden. Golden looked to happy to be there, but Keith looked like a covered pot about to boil over.


Sam, people are saying that last week, Troy Tornado crossed the line when--


You’re damn right Tornado crossed the line last week. Business is business and family is family, and Tornado went out of his way to put those two together when there was no damn need to. I never went out my way to hurt Tornado or go after one his damn groupies. This was always about wrestling for me. But now? No, I’m going to hurt Troy Tornado. I’m going to break Troy Tornado. I’m going to kill Troy Tornado.


And with that, Keith turned and left, leaving Jasmine to find a way to salvage the rest of the interview.


Well…Rocky. You had a match earlier tonight and the results didn’t exactly go your way. How are you feeling after losing a match you went into so confidently?


Rocky flashed that easy going smile that only he can, and chuckled a little.


Jazz, I’m doing the best I can be. You win some you lose some, you know? I just happened to lose this one. But believe me, this thing with me and Sammy Bach isn’t over. He came out on top tonight, but he isn’t better than me. Not by a longshot. Hell, even if he was, I still don’t think he could beat me again. You don’t get to the top of this mountain like I did by thinking otherwise.






I’ve wrestled Sam Keith, and I’ve seen that look in his eyes before. I don’t like Tornado’s odds tonight.


That’s not very different from most nights for me. I always give the champ the advantage.


Simply because they’re the champ?









Ben Benson vs. Wolf Hawkins


Ben Benson came out first, high fiving the fans along the ramp as he made his way to the ring. Reaching it unscathed wasn’t in his cards tonight, though, as Wolf Hawkins made an early entrance, sprinting down the ramp to nail Benson with a Full Moon Rising (Running enzigiri) before the match even started! Hawkins dragged the limp Benson to the ring, ordered the ref to start the match, and covered him one…two…kick out! Benson survived!


Hawkins wasn’t pleased with that in the least, and continued his onslaught for several more minutes until Benson finally began to make a comeback, at first countering a charging Wolf with a high knee, and then using the turnbuckles to get a little extra lift on a Tornado DDT. A springboard moonsault followed, but it couldn’t get the job done, and Benson went back to work. Shortly later, Hawkins came roaring back when the duo engaged in a stiff forearm exchange which Hawkins came out on top of. A few kicks to the gut later, and Hawkins planted Benson with a sitout power bomb, and nearly got the pin out of it.


Wolf’s immediate reaction was to go the ref and complain about faster counts, and when he turned around he snatched Benson up, locking up both his arms for his trademark Wolf’s Call (Full nelson suplex). Benson threw his head back, connecting with Hawkins’ nose, and the hold was broken. Like a flash, Benson grabbed Hawkins and wound him up for the Shockwave from Next Year (Spinning reverse STO), but as he spun him toward the ground, Hawkins put out one hand and impressively car wheeled right out of the situation. When Benson popped up to his feet, Hawkins roared forward once more, nailing him with a Full Moon Rising for the second time this evening. This time, it was good enough to get him the win.


Hawkins wins, 83.






Benson survived that early onslaught, but it looks like it was enough to get Wolf the win in the end.


It looked underhanded is what it looked like.


Hey, give Wolf some credit. Kid came with a gameplan and executed perfectly.







War Pigs hit next, and Joey Minnesota, looking exceptionally stern, came stomping out to the ring. RDJ, his tag partner, was nowhere to be seen.


The Freedom Fighters vs The Hellfire Club. That’s what everyone came to see, but that’s not what’s going to happen. I’m sure everyone saw what happened last Tuesday. I know I’ve seen the replays about a hundred times over the past week. Peak and his goons broke Ricky’s arm, and he isn’t here tonight. That means I’m alone, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to settle the score. I had a long talk with Nemesis this morning, and we came to an agreement.


No, this isn’t going to be a handicap match. I’m here for revenge, not suicide. No, tonight, it’s just going to be me and Peak. But this isn’t going to be a wrestling match. No, no, no. Tonight, this is a street fight. So Eddie, get out here and take your ass kicking like a man!




The lights dimmed, replaced with a deep crimson hue, and smoke billowed down the ramp as Eddie Peak’s chilling entrance music kicked on. Through it all, the grinning monster, the bloody handed god could be seen stalking down the ramp, a massive grin showing through his shaggy beard. As his music continued to play, he raised a microphone to his lips.


Joey, Joey, Joey, don’t you understand? This is what I wanted the entire time! All I’ve ever wanted was you. To bleed a star, a shooting one at that…it’s exhilarating! There’s a challenge here, an opportunity to paint the ring crimson with both of our blood. With Ricky Dale Johnson, that doesn’t exist. At one point, he was a worthy opponent, but the Total Legend is dying, and you are replacing him. Are you worthy, Joey? Can you stare down the beast? Gaze into the gates of hell? We shall find out!




Joey Minnesota vs Eddie Peak in a Street Fight


Minnesota struck almost immediately, taking a running dive and colliding with Peak before he even reached the ring. But when he tried to drag Peak to his feet, he was met with debilitating throat thrust from Peak, who quickly began to unravel his wrist tape. He aimed to choke out Minn, but the smaller man countered by charging forth, causing Peak to collide with the ring post. With Peak dazed, Minn struck with tornado DDT, using the apron t get a little extra kick before spiking the monster on the ring floor. Minn drug hum up and forced him back into the ring, but when he followed, he was the unfortunate recipient of a double leg takedown, taking several heavy handed shots immediately afterwards.


After the hard shots, Peak went on the offensive, nailing Minn with several bone shattering moves before grabbing a chair from ringside. Peak raised it high over his head, aiming to destroy Minn, who had made his way to his knees. Desperately, Joey struck forth, delivering several elbow blows to Peak’s gut, interrupting his attack and causing him to drop the chair. Quick as a cat, Joey snatched up the chair, took aim, and leveled the weapon across Peak’s back, staggering him. When he didn’t fall, Joey cracked it on him again, and again, and again. Finally, with Peak still standing, he leveled one huge shot right over his head. Peak toppled, and when he rolled over, a bloody stream could be seen trickling from his forehead. Minn immediately went to cover, but amazingly, Peak kicked out at 2.


Joey kept up his offensive, but soon enough, he would make a mistake. As he attempted a corner splash on Peak, the monster was able to snatch him by the neck, and use his own momentum to splatter him with a choke slam. He didn’t get the pin afterward, but he retained control. The trademark power and that raging bull mentality allowed Peak to absolutely devastate his much smaller opponent, and Minnesota found himself being ragdolled about the ring. Luckily, he was able to slip out the back as Peak attempted his trademark Peak of Perfection. He quickly snatched up the chair once more, but when he spun around, he found Peak staring him down, grinning wildly as blood trickled down his face.


Thinking quickly, Joey knew he wouldn’t be able to strike Peak with the chair, so he wound back and hurtled the weapon like a fast ball, colliding directly with Peak’s head, toppling him. Immediately, he picked the chair back up and set it up as well as he could on its four legs. Dragging the woozy Peak to his feet, he hoisted the massive man up and spiked him down into the chair with an Empire Spiral (Back suplex side slam), collapsing the chair and Peak simultaneously! With urgency, Joey hooked Peak’s leg and scored the 1, 2, 3!


Minnesota wins, 90






Hell yeah!


That’s one of the best matches we’ve seen in some time!


And Minnesota gets a huge measure of revenge for Dale Johnson.







Bryan Vessey vs Tommy Cornell


There’s something about these two that just doesn’t click. That doesn’t stop them from putting on a good, exciting match, but it does stop them from having the excellent match they should.


It just felt… stagnate. They wrestling in the beginning was crisp as they traded blows, each man ratcheting up the action as best he could. And then Tommy made effective use of an eye rake, and took over. He spent the better part of the match peppering Vessey with moves and techniques that have earned him a place among the best wrestlers in the world.


Vessey came roaring back, literally, with several forearms before spinning in place and nailing a roaring elbow that floored Cornell. He fought hard, hitting a brainbuster at one point that nearly ended it all. When it didn’t, Vessey decided to take what some might call an unnecessary risk as he hoisted TC up onto the top turnbuckle, clearly aiming to nail a Super Vessey Plex. As he climbed up with him, however, he found that Tommy wasn’t nearly banged up enough, and found himself the victim of several headbutts that sent him crashing back down to the mat. He recovered quickly enough, but was sent right back down when Cornell dove off the top and nailed him with a Three Inch Shrink.


With Vessey down, Tommy quickly latched on the Guilt Trip (Judo Choke), and the submission victory was his before long.


Cornell wins, 81.






Tommy Cornell takes the win back from Vessey, and does it by looking pretty good.


He showed some fight, yeah.


But you didn’t like it all that much?


I just think the match could’ve been better if Vessey had brought it a little more.


Fair enough.







Troy Tornado made his entrance for the main event first, swaggering down to the ring.


How about that opening act Tuesday night!?


Tornado beamed as the crowd showed their disapproval.


Tornado vs Keith, a complete and total squash. Utter domination. Tuesday night, you witnessed me completely dismantle a younger, stronger, faster, more athletic version of the man I’m fighting tonight. I ain’t a fortune teller, but I don’t need to believe in magic to tell you that I’m walking out as champ tonight. The Rock God Troy Tornado isn’t gonna let that dinosaur bore you anymore! Sam, you can have your Hall of Immortals, you really can. But me? I’m gonna settle for the World Championship. Now get down to my ring, and let’s make some music, baby!





Sam Keith © vs Troy Tornado for the World Championship


For all the rage Sam Keith is feeling, he’s smart enough to reign it in and not let it take over. As such, he and Tornado had an entertaining opening few minutes that saw both men go back and forth with no real frontrunner coming out ahead. That’s not to say that Keith wasn’t adding in a little extra crank to his submissions and Tornado didn’t have an extra snap in his strikes.


With a belly to belly suplex, Keith earned the first bit of extended offense, and that’s when the rage started to come through. Instead of locking Tornado down, he leveled a hard stomp right down on Tornado’s leg. And another. And ANOTHER. He then locked on a leg lock that he held for sometime, only breaking it once Tornado threw a few bionic elbows his way, forcing the break.


Keith wasn’t done there, and continued to tear into Tornado’s leg, but that didn’t stop Troy from throwing a few side kicks his way. He was wobbly, and they lacked his usual snap, but they were still powerful, and eventually Tornado retook control. He kept up his crippled assault, fighting through Keith’s comeback attempts repeatedly until finally he made the mistake of going for the Star Maker (Springboard forearm smash). As soon as he popped up on the top rope, he collapsed, and Sam Keith struck. Dragging him up, he nailed a Neutron Plex. Not satisfied, he dragged Tornado up once more and nailed another Neutron Plex, finally following it up with yet ANOTHER Neutron Plex! With the trio complete, Keith sneered down at his unmoving opponent. A moment later, he as twisting his leg around and bridging backwards, locking in the Proton Lock, forcing Tornado to feebly tap out quickly enough. Keith held the hold for a moment after before finally releasing it, getting up with a look of fury on his face.


Keith retains, 85.





Total: 83


Buy rate: 1.84


This has been a presentation of…



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Nice show, nice show.


Minnesota vs. Peak, for some reason, is pretty much an awesome match waiting to happen. Nothing to do with chemistry etc, they just gel really, really well and are good enough to bring it home. In my own TCW 2010 game I had them get several A*s. So in the interests of not rambling... unsurprised to see that grade, good matchup to keep in mind.

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Guest codey
That's one of the worst chemistries you can get. Sucks.


I actually found out about it at the last PPV. Since I had planned for Tommy to eventually win anyway, I had to move the plans to finish the feud up early. Chemistry really sucks sometime :(


Nice show, nice show.


Minnesota vs. Peak, for some reason, is pretty much an awesome match waiting to happen. Nothing to do with chemistry etc, they just gel really, really well and are good enough to bring it home. In my own TCW 2010 game I had them get several A*s. So in the interests of not rambling... unsurprised to see that grade, good matchup to keep in mind.


Thanks. Minnesota and Peak are two of my favorite workers in the promotion right now. A lot of people don't like working with Minnesota because he's kind of a ****, but I've never really had any problems. Of course, I was lucky enough to book around four years of MAW with minimal problems from Jay Chord, so...


I guess what it comes down to is treating them with the respect their obvious talent deserves. Don't make them lose to people vastly less over or talented than them and there shouldn't really be a problem. If you do, it's easy enough to make them happy again with bonuses and vacations.






Matt Keith wasn’t on the show, still selling his injuries from Tuesday night, but he was on deck immediately when Sam Keith stepped through the curtain backstage, wrapping his dad up in an embrace built on pure emotion. Sam, a guy you wouldn’t usually expect to show emotion, was returning it in kind. At the ripe old age 49, he just solidified a title reign in the soon to be number one promotion in the world and ensured that he wouldn’t be just a transitional champ.


Honestly, it was a beautiful moment to see. Here was one of the most talented father/son duos in the business, one just starting his career, and the other winding his down as World Champion. If Matt ever complained about not having a role model, he was crazy. There’s a lot worse guys you could have to model your career after.


So we had Sam and Matt Keith, and then we had Eddie Peak and Joey Minnesota, the two guys that absolutely tore the house down tonight. Peak was talking excitedly with Minnesota as a medic struggled to stitch him up, and I couldn’t help but admire Minnesota, who improved in a hardcore match and came up with something way better than the booking team had planned. The image of Minnesota wrapping that steel chair around Peak’s head with that fast ball toss is going to stick in the minds of the TCW faithful for some time, and it’s not even what we had mapped out.


No, what was supposed to happen was similar, but it wouldn’t have been near as effective. Minnesota was supposed to TOSS it at Peak, Peak would catch it, and Minnesota would use the chair to assist in a Minnesota Salute. Fortunately for him, he happened to be in the ring with one of the craziest and toughest bastards and was able to improve like he did, because it put him over as a killer.


On top of that we had a bunch of the young guys celebrating. Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins have both bonded in recent years having been the first two products of the TCW training system, and both of them took two big wins tonight. Hawkins looked like a rabid animal in his win over Benson, and Andrews himself was put over big time following that huge spinebuster from the top rope.


Overall, a lot of talent got put over big time, and that’s a very big thing, especially considering that with our recent expansion to broadcast our PPVs in both Mexico and Canada, we’re going to need to start building stars that our able to resonate with those markets. Until we get television broadcasts in Mexico as well, midcard acts like Mystery Men and a the old hand of Sam Keith will due for there, but Canadian stars are becoming increasingly important.


We’ve got two stars lined up to bring in to bolster our tag team division already, and we’ve also got Edd Stone, who, despite being run out of Canada by his father of all people, still resonates with them to this day. And that’s not all. Thanks to Edd, we were able to hook up with one of his family members that still chooses to associate with the kid. We’re an international company now, but it’s going to take building stars from all corners of the Earth to finally pass up SWF and truly become a global phenomenon.

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Guest codey

Just Another Day is done, and that's all I'm going to treat it as. I lost, yeah, but I'm not letting that get to me. This week on Total Wrestling, I get a little revenge when I team up with Joey Minnesota to take on Troy Tornado and Sammy Bach. After we win that match, I'm gonna go on to take back my win from Bach. He got lucky once, but it won't happen again.


Other than that, The New Wave are going to be putting their belts up against Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins. The guys the beat, The Machines, try to get back on track against Machine Gun Mason and my little buddy, Matt Keith. Matt got banged up last week, but I'm putting that up to first match nerves. He's been in the ring now, so this week I think we'll see what happens when you get first hand training from Sam Keith.


We got some All Action action on deck, too, with Davis Wayne, Gino Montero, and Harry Allen in a triple. Plus, Kid Leone and big Brandon Smith will take on Mystery Men. On top of that, Ben Benson tries to get his career back on track after losing to Wolf Hawkins in a match with all caps himself, ACID.


And to answer a few rumors, it looks like both Tommy Cornell and Koshiro Ino are gonna be in action. Plus, I've got it from the man himself that Sam Keith will announce his next challenger. Sorry, Troy, looks like he's leaving you in the dust



Quick Pick:

The New Wave © vs The Canadian Animals for the belts

Davis Wayne vs Harry Allen vs Gino Montero

Ben Benson vs ACID

Matt Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs The Machines

Mystery Men vs Kid Leone & Brandon Smith

Joey Minnesota & Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado & Sammy Bach

??? vs Tommy Cornell

Koshiro Ino vs ???

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The New Wave © vs The Canadian Animals for the belts

Davis Wayne vs Harry Allen vs Gino Montero

Ben Benson vs ACID

Matt Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs The Machines

Mystery Men vs Kid Leone & Brandon Smith

Joey Minnesota & Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado & Sammy Bach

??? vs Tommy Cornell

Koshiro Ino vs ???

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WooHooo, my 1000th post...


The New Wave © vs The Canadian Animals for the belts

Davis Wayne vs Harry Allen vs Gino Montero

Ben Benson vs ACID

Matt Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs The Machines

Mystery Men vs Kid Leone & Brandon Smith

Joey Minnesota & Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado & Sammy Bach

??? vs Tommy Cornell

Koshiro Ino vs ???

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The New Wave © vs The Canadian Animals for the belts

Animals are having troubles with each other´s, not that they would win anyway but that just underlines the fact even more.


Davis Wayne vs Harry Allen vs Gino Montero

Allen is the most established guy here so that´s the way I go. Won´t be surprised if winner ends up being someone else, though.


Ben Benson vs ACID

Tough one but I count Benson´s feud with Hawkins as slighly higher profile feud that ACID´s feud with RDJ/Minnesota (simply because ACID was just a henchman and not the main opponent) so I´d say that Benson is the one who is slighly higher on pecking order.


Matt Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs The Machines

Not much question here.


Mystery Men vs Kid Leone & Brandon Smith

Tough one but I go with real team over random pairing.


Joey Minnesota & Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado & Sammy Bach

Another tough one as both Golden and Tornado could use bounce back win after PPV loss. However I´d say that Golden needs the win more.


??? vs Tommy Cornell

It´s Cornell after all.


Koshiro Ino vs ???

I assume that this is the main event since it´s last on the list and in that case I expect pretty big name guy here and that´s likely means that Ino won´t be winning.

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The New Wave © vs The Canadian Animals for the belts

Davis Wayne vs Harry Allen vs Gino Montero

Ben Benson vs ACID

Matt Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs The Machines

Mystery Men vs Kid Leone & Brandon Smith

Joey Minnesota & Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado & Sammy Bach

??? vs Tommy Cornell

Koshiro Ino vs ???

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Guest codey

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Tuesday Week 1 April 2010

In front of 9,558 fans in Evanovich Riverside (Tri state)







Jason Azaria – Kyle Rhodes – Sara Silver


Jason Azaria:
Welcome to Total Wrestling, where we’re set to experience the fallout of Just Another Day firsthand! Sam Keith, Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins, and Joey Minnesota are all here, and—


I’m back!


Yes. Yes you are.


And where Nemesis could give you little insight into the world of TCW, I’m here to pelt you with little nuggets of knowledge all night!


Please don’t.


I’d watch what you say about the boss, Kyle.







Fresh off of his impressive title defense Sunday evening, Sam Keith came down to the ring with the World Championship snapped securely around his waist. An uncharacteristic little smirk could be seen on his face.


What did I tell you when I won this belt? I said that there wasn’t a man in this company that could top me. I said that I would never lose this belt. I said that it would retire alongside me. I ain’t saying that I’m retiring anytime soon, but I am saying that after Sunday night, all the naysayers got shut up. I’m going to do what I said I was going to, and now everyone knows it. I’m done telling you what’s going to happen. Now, I’m going to ask a question: who’s next?





A moment passed, and then Koshiro Ino emerged from the back and quickly made his way to the ring. Without a word, he pointed at Keith’s championship belt and then made a belt motion around his own waist. Keith stepped up to him and extended his hand, but before Ino could accept the gesture, Breaking the Law hit and Tommy Cornell burst out of the back.





Now wait just a minute! Of all people, you’re going to give HIM a shot? Just because he walked out here first?


That’s the idea, yeah.


Well think again Sammy boy. Ino may be coming off a win of Law, yeah, but I beat Bryan Vessey Sunday night. Now Vessey might be a joke, but his reputation means a little bit more than a mall cop. So Ino, step aside and get out of my ring.


Yeah, no. That’s not how this works. I gave Ino the shot. That’s my right as champ. You want that, you can challenge Ino and try and take it from him, but for now, it remains his. I’m not your enforcer anymore, Tommy. I make the shots now.


Cornell: That’s how you two want it? Right, then. Ino, I was going to spare you a beating and let you walk away, but you’ve pissed me off. Tonight, you and me. I’m going to take your shot, sunshine.


Ino didn’t say anything, as he often does(n’t), instead simply nodding his head slowly up and down, apparently accepting Cornell’s challenge.






Looks like we’ve got our main event of the evening.


I like this for two reasons: one, we haven’t seen these two compete against one another yet. Two: It’s Tommy Cornell in the main event! That always makes for a good show.








The New Wave © vs The Canadian Animals w/ Laura Huggins and Charlie Thatcher for the Tag Team Championship


Huggins and Thatcher were certainly a distraction on the outside, but that didn’t stop The New Wave from doing what they do best as they used their tag team experience to tear into Stone and Huggins from the get go. It didn’t help that Stone and Huggins were still experiencing some visible friction and couldn’t get on the same page. Edd grew so desperate as to beg Scout to powerbomb him. When he refused, Edd practically threw his head between Scout’s legs. Surprised, Scout was unable to see Huggins come out of nowhere and blast him with a Huggins Kiss (Superkick). Edd, in turn, was too busy celebrating that he was unable to spot Guide come flying across the ring to nail him with a Guided Missile (Spear) that sent him flying straight through his tag partner. With both opponents down, Guide drug Scout on top of Stone to score the win.


The New Wave retain, 76






The New Wave almost made that look easy.


The two of them have such a perfect understanding of one another.


It’s what makes them so fantastic. Seperately, they’re good, but not great. Together, they’re practically unstoppable.







After the commercial break, the camera opened with a shot of the Crippler Position and The New Wave stepping into it. They were conversing with each other about the previous match when two semi trucks blindsided them. At first, it was kind of weird that two semi trucks would be backstage in the first place, but after a moment, it became clear that it was just American Buffalo and Genghis Rahn. The duo laid waste to the tag champs, finishing them off by laying Scout on a table and powerbombing Guide through both his partner and the table. As quickly as they came, Buffalo and Rahn disappeared, having absolutely destroyed The New Wave.






No, no, no!


That was completely unprovoked!


That was just a mugging!







Davis Wayne vs Harry Allen vs Gino Montero


The young talent of TCW was on full display tonight as these three went at it. Allen, long known as one of the quickest hands in TCW, actually seemed to be a step behind Wayne and Montero when this one kicked off, but experience lent him the edge he needed and he was able to keep pace well enough. Soon enough, though, he got caught with a big wheel kick from Newton, dropping him. When Newton popped up, he found himself wrapped up by Montero, who drilled him with a Destiny Explosion (Samoan Driver) by Montero, giving the young Mexican the win.


Montero wins, 67




Aaron Andrews and Carl Batch stepped out onto the stage after the match.


Ladies and gentleman, let me present to you your NEW All Action Champ, Aaron “Ace” An-DREWS!


The crowd cheered and Andrews took it all in, but Montero looked less than pleased.


Thanks everyone, really. I just wanted to come out here to say one thing, and that’s that I’m going to be the fighting champion that this division has always needed! That starts here and now, because I want to issue a challenge to Gino Montero. Gino, you won tonight, so as far as I’m concerned, you earned a shot. So how about it? Next week, you can step into the ring with me and we can see if you have what it takes.


Montero seemed to perk up having heard that announcement and quickly motioned for a microphone.


You want to lose your title so soon? You got it amigo! I’ll be happy to take it off your hands.






Montero picks up a good win, and earns himself a title shot in the process.


Andrews needs to be careful with this one. Montero’s one of a number of young stars we’ve seen come in in recent months with loads of talent.


Our fans in Mexico and even some in California might remember how far his dad, Luis Montero Sr. got in the business, as well. If he’s inherited any of his father’s talent, he’s going places.







Ben Benson vs ACID


Benson and ACID both had good reason to put everything on the line and take the win here. Benson because he lost Sunday night, and ACID because he had his PPV spot ripped out from under him when his tag match was turned into a street fight between Eddie Peak and Joey Minnesota.


There were some stiff shots thrown, mainly from ACID, but the match really came down to speed and technique. Benson and ACID blazed about the ring, creatively attacking and slipping about with what seemed like ease. Benson at one point hit an awesome looking corkscrew plancha that elicited a huge pop, but it didn’t get the win when he rolled ACID back in the ring.


Later, ACID deviated from the plan a bit switched to his power game, hoisting Benson up for an Acid Rain Bomb (Sitout powerbomb). Benson had the presence of mind to fight out, punching ACID repeatedly in his masked face before he dropped him back down to his feet. Almost instantaneously, Benson grabbed onto him and nailed him with a Shockwave from Next Year (Reverse spinning STO) to score the win.


Benson wins, 80.




It wasn’t Benson’s music that played after the match. No, instead the lights shut out and the opening notes of Eddie Peak’s music hit. A second later the red hued lights associated with Peak snapped on and the monster, sporting stitches running across his forehead, appeared in the ring. He immediately charged Benson, but the bandana’d star wisely dipped out of the ring, backing quickly up the ramp. As he did so, wide eyed, Peak grinned maniacally back, drawing both thumbs across his throat, slashing it in both directions before bursting out in laughter.






I think…Benson might have been better off losing that match.


I’m not sure that would have changed Peak’s mind from targeting him.


Peak doesn’t pick targets because he has grudges. He just wants to fight. He doesn’t care that he lost to Minnesota, and I don’t think he’ll care if Benson can best him either.


“If” being the key word.









Matthew Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs The Machines


Keith may have looked a little more confident coming down to the ring this week, but there was still some trepidation as he stepped into the ring with the duo that earned their name for being cold hearted wrestling purists. He and his partner Mason were able to get in a little bit of offense here in there, but it was mostly little spurts and coughs that led to nothing in the end. The Machines still broke a sweat on the way, but they also showed why they were just challenging for the tag titles as they tore into the new comers on route to a win via Hill’s King of the Hill splash.


The Machines win, 81.






Welp, The Machines didn’t seem to let their loss to The New Wave get to them.


No. No they did not.







Mystery Men vs Kid Leone & Brandon Smith


This tag match was considerably more even than the previous one. Mystery Men have been teaming for a while now and had the experience edge, but the young duo of Leone and Smith just seemed to have the perfect combination of strength and speed to counter that despite their inexperience.


Before we get to the result, here’s a little background on these guys. Electrico is a veteran of the Mexican wrestling scene, and he took an interest in the much younger El Leon, leading to the two getting signed by TCW. Smith is a former defensive end from the University of Minnesota and apparently took a few training lessons from the legendary Rip Chord. As far as Leone goes… well, the man’s a mystery, and that’s how he wants it. What is known is that he’s very skilled and made it clear to Nemesis that when he signed he didn’t want his identity to be known at all.


As Rhodes, Azaria, and Silver explained this to the fans on commentary, the match was picking up pace rapidly, finishing off fantastically when Smith tossed a charging Leone high in the air and Leone caught him on the way down with a Blue Light Special (Cutter) to score the win.


Leone & Smith win, 64






Smith was trained by Rip Chord, but something tells me Leone had some prestigious training as well.


He’s too young and too good to not have had some serious time with someone very talented.







After the match, the camera cut to the catering area, where Bryan Vessey was seen making an absolutely stacked turkey sandwich. Off camera, someone began a slow clap and Wolf Hawkins stepped into view.


Congratulations Bryan. I think you might be the first bonified main eventer in TCW to NOT put on an entertaining match with Tommy Cornell. Hell, Tyson Baine actually had better showings than you did Sunday night.


Vessey stopped putting his sandwich together for a moment and turned to Hawkins.


Is there a reason you’re here other than to talk a bunch of bull ****?


Hit a little too close to home? I’m sorry, because I just really, really think it’s important that you just how bad you looked. So much so that next week, I’m going to take it upon myself to show you what a TCW star should really look like in the ring. I don’t want to be the one to do this, Bryan, but someone needs to. It’s for your own good.


Vessey stared at Wolf, confused. Finally, he shook his head.


Son, you wanna make a name for yourself, be my guest. But if you do it at my expense, be ready to get your ass kicked.


Ooooooh, I’m scared! Pffft. Your time is over old man, you just don’t know it yet. The moon is rising on the Wolf Hawkins era of wrestling, and it’s falling faster than ever for your generation. If I have to be the one to make you realize it, then I’m more than happy to do so.






Wolf’s just been looking for fights since The Syndicate split up.


He’s on a quest to validate his career. He’d been living in Tommy Cornell’s shadow since he started training under him at age 17.


Still, Vessey’s a tough, tough fight to set yourself up for.







Joey Minnesota & Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado & Sammy Bach w/ Karen Killer


Tornado and Bach’s deviant lifestyles mean their teaming up makes a lot of sense, and indirectly led to them having pretty good chemistry together. The duo seemed to know exactly where to be at all times, and that led to Minnesota and Golden having their hands full with the rockers.


Despite the teamwork disadvantage, Minnesota still performed extremely well. Coming off of a big win against Eddie Peak, the youngster looked incredible, more than holding up his end of his partnership. Golden, on the other hand, was struggling. Unable to keep up with the speed of both Tornado and Bach, Golden had to rely on his power game that just wasn’t cutting it. He occasionally caught someone with a big slam, but you can only do so many of those before the offense becomes predictable. And predictable is exactly what he became, as Bach slipped out the back of a powerslam attempt and shoved him forward directly into a Star Maker from Troy Tornado. Bach immediately fell on him for the pin as Troy popped up and caught Minnesota with a devastating flying…hug…that kept Joey from breaking up the three count.


Bach and Tornado win, 86.






Well, Bach, Tornado, and Minnesota looked good.


Can’t say the same for Golden.


I think losing the World Championship really hit him hard. He hasn’t been the same since.








Koshiro Ino vs Tommy Cornell


It says a lot that Tommy Cornell, who’s never wrestled a minute in a Japanese ring, is just as good at the puroresu style of wrestling as Koshiro Ino, and that’s exactly what this match was. Tommy, arrogant as he is, set out to best Ino in his area of expertise, and the two hit one another with stiff strike after stiff strike building up to head drop after head drop. Tommy even had a warrior’s spirit moment, made famous in BHOTWG, when Ino hit him with his trademark flying knee, popping up immediately afterward to nail Ino with a lariat only to collapse directly afterward.


The sequences were all slick and entertaining, and Ino, no technical wrestler himself, managed to hang in there with Tommy Cornell on the mat. In fact, the match was so even that both men began throwing out their big guns with reckless abandon.


Ino ducked a second lariat from Cornell, wrapped him up for the Kobra’s bite, and Tommy managed to twist out of it. Tommy then attempted to lift Ino for a Rough Ride, but before he could get lift off Ino kneed him hard, dropped back down, took a running start, and nailed another one of his burtal knees, sending Tommy tumbling through the ropes to ringside. Ino then took aim, ran, and dived through the ropes…only for Tommy to move at the last instant, causing Ino to collide head first with the ringside barrier!


Both men were down, and the ref’s slow count to ten seemed to last an eternity, but he finally reached his goal, and both men were counted out, with neither winning the match.


The match is a count out draw, 88.




Total: 80


Rating: 5.78


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Guest codey
I just want to take a little time to say that it's pretty awesome that even with the month-long hiatus I'm still getting comments and views (yeah, I admit it: I'm a thread view counter). It feels pretty cool that I've built a fan base that'll stick along with me. So thanks, everyone. As someone that wants to make money off of his writing someday, it feels pretty nice.
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Guest codey


Saturday Week 1, April 2010

In front of 1,815 fans in Pennsylvania Park (Tri state)




Davis Ditterich – Kyle Rhodes – Sara Silver




  • The show kicked off with a big tag match between The LA Connection and Gino Montero & Brandon Smith. Montero was aiming to prove himself worthy of his All Action title shot the entire time, and did a fine job of it. So good was his showing, in fact, that he and Smith were able to fight The LA Connection to a double countout after Chance Fortune became increasingly frustrated and took the fight to Smith on the outside.
    Draw, 68.

  • The second match of the show saw Davis Wayne, Jimmy Foxx, and Rhino Umaga competing in a triple threat match. The majority of the match was spent telling the story of how Wayne and Foxx would be able to counter the rampaging Samoan. Taking him off of his feet was no easy task, but a stereo low dropkick brought him to his knees, followed up by a second stereo dropkick to the head. With Umaga down, Wayne and Foxx were able to focus all their attention on one another, and Wayne finished the match soon after when he trapped Foxx in the STF.
    Wayne wins, 52.

  • The camera cuts to the interview area, where Jasmine Saunders is standing by with Kid Leone, Gino Montero, and Brandon Smith. Montero starts off the interview by angrily stating that in three nights at Total Wrestling, he will take the All Action title off of Aaron Andrews. Leone then took over, smugly stating that the three of them were the next generation of wrestler in TCW, already better than anyone on the roster. Tonight, he said, he would prove that when he would dismantle Machine Gun Mason.

  • The Guns earned a shot of revenge against The Specialists last week, and they put in a good showing trying to topple their foes. But the Specialists have been on quite a run lately – partly through underhanded tactics —and The Guns unfortunately found themselves their victims once again. JD Morgan made his presence known, grabbing the foot of Harry Allen and distracting him long enough for Joel Bryant to hit him with the brainbuster and steal the win.
    The Specialists win, 67.

  • The Canadian Animals’ locker room is the next stop of the evening, where it’s clear the duo are still having communication problems. In fact, they’re seated literally back to back, and Edd Stone’s arms are crossed defiantly, his bottom lip stuck far out. Finally, after a moment of viewing the uncomfortable awkwardness Laura Huggins explodes. She begins chastising the two of them, pointing out that their differences are too small and petty to let get in the way of their careers. She demands they put them aside, and after a bit of prodding, they agree to try. It should be noted, however, that neither sounded all that sincere.

  • In an interesting match up, three of TCW’s tag teams did battle. What makes it interesting, you ask? Well, I tell you, it’s a six way, pitting tag partner against tag partner! The Machines, The Dragons, and Mystery Men all took part, and everyone had a chance to show off their particular skill sets. Only one could be crowned the victor, though, and that crown went to John Anderson when he hit El Leon with an Ammo Dump.
    Anderson takes the win, 75.

  • Backstage, The Traditionalists (Bryant, Oxford, Morgan) are all laughing and cutting up following their victory over The Guns when Nemesis approaches. The man in charge congratulates them on the win, but then goes on to say that it’s kind of a double edged sword. The won tonight, but pretty soon someone would come along to put them down. He finished the conversation with two words: watch out. As he walked off, The trio looked after him with sour expressions.

  • In a rematch from Total Wrestling, Ben Benson once again clashed with ACID. The masked one did his damnedest to take the win this time around, but Benson was able to cut him off at every turn. Benson finished it up with an emphatic Shockwave from Next Year. Eddie Peak didn’t make an appearance this time around, but he did play some mind games by replacing Benson’s entrance music with his own.
    Benson wins, 73.

  • The main event of the evening featured Bryan Vessey teaming up with newcomer Machine Gun Mason to take on Wolf Hawkins & Kid Leone. The match featured a little bit of everything: brawling, mat work, and even a bit of high flying on the part of Hawkins and Leone. The deciding factor came down to the rookies. Leone was able to keep up with Vessey, but Mason had a harder time working against Hawkins, and eventually fell to a Full Moon Rising, giving Leone and Hawkins the win.
    Leone & Hawkins win, 78

Total: 73


Rating: 0.54


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Guest codey
Just caught up with this Codey. Good stuff.


Just a little tip for you as I know you'd want to be right;


Its bona fide (not bonified).




Thanks Bolt!


And I'd be lying if I said I didn't wonder how the hell to spell that as I was typing it.

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Guest codey
<p></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33210" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> Last week, we saw Koshiro Ino and Tommy Cornell go to war for the right to face Sam Keith for the World Championship. Their battle ended in a draw, and that’s sure to be addressed, but this week we’ll see the man they fought for an opportunity at, Sam Keith, in action as he takes on the burly brawler Rick Law. It’s a non-title match, but expect Law to come out of the gates looking to make a name for himself off of the champ.</div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> The semi-main event of the evening should be good as well, pitting former champion Rocky Golden against Wolf Hawkins. It’s not the first time these two have been matched up, and history says that whenever they get put together, it’s a highly competitive bout with show-stealing potential. Golden’s taken all of their previous encounters, but who’ll be able to steal it this time around?</div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> The all action division will have a strong presence as well. First up, Edd Stone finds himself in one on one action against rising star Joey Minnesota, and Sam Keith’s own son Matt will be taking on Kid Leone and a newcomer, the highly reputable American Elemental in a triple threat match. Finally, Aaron Andrews will be putting his championship belt on the line against Gino Montero, who won a triple threat of his own last week. And last but not least, though certainly not in the all action division, Genghis Rahn and American Buffalo will take on Party Down. Buffalo and Rahn made a huge statement by attacking The New Wave last week, and this time around they’re looking to make one in the ring. </div></div></div></div></div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Sammy%20Heizenger/TotalWrestling.jpg</span><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div></div><div></div></blockquote><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Quick Picks: </strong></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> Joey Minnesota vs Edd Stone</div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> Aaron Andrews © vs Gino Montero for the All Action championship</div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> Buffalo & Rahn vs Party Down</div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> Matt Keith vs American Elemental vs Kid Leone</div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> Rocky Golden vs Wolf Hawkins</div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> Sam Keith vs Rick Law</div></div></div></div>
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Joey Minnesota vs Edd Stone

Aaron Andrews © vs Gino Montero for the All Action championship

Buffalo & Rahn vs Party Down

Matt Keith vs American Elemental vs Kid Leone

Rocky Golden vs Wolf Hawkins

Sam Keith vs Rick Law

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Joey Minnesota vs Edd Stone

Minnesota is simply higher on pecking order.


Aaron Andrews © vs Gino Montero for the All Action championship

Too early for a title change


Buffalo & Rahn vs Party Down

If Buffalo & Rahn want to challenge New Wave they must get past Party Down. Besides Hellsfire Club might not care about winning but they have to get some wins in order to look dangerous ouside of angles.


Matt Keith vs American Elemental vs Kid Leone

Kid Leone seems to be getting big push right at the beginning so I asssume that he gets another win here.


Rocky Golden vs Wolf Hawkins

Rocky had done rather poorly in big matches and I don´t see that changing here as based on comments in last match Golden loosing seems to start becoming a storyline on it´s own.


Sam Keith vs Rick Law

I could see this one going either way depending on if you want to include Law in the title picture too but with Tommy and Ino already in it I doubt it will happen espesially since Law and Ino just feuded with each other´s.

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