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DAVE: Survive (CV2001)

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What do I remember? Hell, it's been years since I even thought about it. Memories might be a little fuzzy. After all, I did get the shit beat out of me. What I do remember is Phil meeting with me before the show and going over the plan. Told me to go out there and cut a promo to end the thing, really get the fans going crazy. I did my job, a job I really enjoyed doing. These two kids in the front row, couldn't have been more than 16, started yelling about what they were gonna do to my mother, my son, all this shit. Then, I get clocked in the back of my head. I thought a fan had jumped the barricade and landed a cheap shot on me. My first instinct was to get up and kick this guy's ass. That's when I saw the face paint.


Jimmy always worked stiff. I mean, he caught a lot of flack from a lot of guys because they thought he sucked or couldn't work or whatever. I'd never been in the ring with him, but I'd heard he could be a bitch to work with. So I stayed down, figured Jimmy would get his licks in and that would be that. Something didn't sit right with me when he kept going. And then I heard the fans laying into him. I'm no brain surgeon, but even I knew what Phil had done was smart. Made me a good guy without having to use one of our own. Jimmy got paid. I got the fans on my side. It was a win-win.


Johnny? I've got no ill will towards him now. You have to understand, they must have had this brewing for a while. A guy I trusted came up to me in the locker room right before that damn show and told me he heard Johnny telling some of the boys I was going to get what I deserved. Didn't make sense, you know? Everyone loved Johnny. He'd been a lifer, stuck it out when he could've jumped ship for more cash. Then, I thought about it. DAVE was his life. He was the guy. Then I come in and get paid the most, my t-shirts are up in front, I'm the one signing autographs while he sulks off to his beaten-up Ford which don't even start. But, what was Johnny gonna do? Kick my ass? When I saw him charging down the ramp, I knew what was coming. Those two SOBs actually knocked me out.


When I woke up in the hospital, Phil wasn't there, Johnny wasn't there, Jimmy wasn't there. Nobody was there except Ash, just a kid watching over his Daddy. I went crazy. Started kicking and screaming. A pretty, young nurse came in and tried to calm me down, but I wouldn't stop until somebody told me what happened. She said I'd suffered a mild concussion and some bruised ribs. Nothing serious. They did just enough to make it look real. I was on the verge of walking out of that hospital, finding Phil and Johnny, and beating the crap out of them. It was Ash who calmed me down. Told me "Dad, I'm sure there's a good reason for what happened." Kid was always smarter than me. I asked for a phone. That nurse, wish I could remember her name, brought one over. I called Phil at his office, ready to let loose on his machine. All sorts of threats were on the tip of my tongue. Course, the bastard picked up.


"Sorry John." Those were the first words he said. I was pissed. I told him I was coming for him and his errand boys. Phil, I mean, he wasn't the greatest businessman, but he knew wrestling. He told me he'd have a look at the tape, and see what happened. Told me Johnny hadn't shown his face yet. Told me Jimmy wasn't even supposed to be there. Told me we'd work it out. Phil Vibert told me a lot of things that night that weren't true. 'Course, knowing what I know now, it's the way I'd have played it too. Phil asked if I was sticking with him. And there was Ash again. Where could I go? Wouldn't want to work for Eisen again. Couldn't, even if I wanted to. Stallings? No way in hell I was working for someone I couldn't grab a beer with. Japan? Ash had settled in. I didn't want to move him halfway across the damn world. So I told Phil I was sticking with him. But, there was only one word running through my head: survive.


OOC: This is a taste of what's to come. I'm fairly particular when it comes to logos, belt pics, etc. and I've got to create 12 DAVE event logos and possibly 30 promotion logos (unless I delete the 30 or so companies that haven't opened yet without logos) for the CVerse2001 mod. I've got three more of these ready to go if the logo-making, Quality Control mission goes longer than expected. Also, any feedback on the font/colors/presentation/writing/story would be appreciated. Thanks to the re-render crew for Nemesis above since I'm at work and didn't have access to my pictures.

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Excellent start. Nemesis has been done a lot and your character is pretty much in keeping with those earlier efforts, but that's not a bad thing by any means. Really sets it up nicely for the next post - I'll be reading! As you asked, I'm not keen on the font (or the size). It's very readable but a bit too clunky for my liking.


Keep up the good work! :)

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Thanks for the feedback. Like I mentioned, I'm using these to set the stage mostly while I get the OCD-ness of logos, event logos, banners, tv networks, belts, and workers sorted out. I've got 5 of these lined up for each day this week followed by the first card over the weekend.


I'll change the font although I disdain this generic font.


I'll write each prologue chapter in a different font/size and let people vote on which they like best.

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Prologue Chapter Two






Phil came up to me about a month before that weekend and laid out the plan. I wasn't on board at first. How do you explain to the guys in the locker room that you pulled one over on all of them? And I took pride in being the most liked guy at DAVE. We'd just come out the other side of a war, I war I led the company through, and I earned that respect from the boys in the back. And Phil was asking me to throw it all away for a shot at what, glory, fame, money? Those things didn't matter to me. I'd have gone to Eisen or jumped on Stallings' ship when I had the chance if they did. I called Phil back a couple of days after he pitched the idea to me. Honestly, when he picked up, I was so nervous, I just blurted out "Yes. I'll do it."


Do I regret the decision? A little bit, yeah. Spreading those rumors, false things I didn't believe, was the toughest. I went up to guys I trusted and said horrible things about John, about Phil, about nearly everybody in the company. That was Phil's idea. He knew we were a close-knit group and word would travel quickly. Right before the show, I went up and told somebody John was going down that night without worrying about whether he'd get the message. I had literally become the character I was playing. When I said I regret the decision to go along with Phil's plan, I meant I regret one part of it. John didn't know.


Running down to that ring with Jim going to town on John, I've never been more scared. That's not a word I use lightly. Listening to the sheer anger coming from the fans, it felt like I'd stumbled into a riot. When I climbed inside, instinct took over. I started kicking John in the ribs, lightly at first, and then with more force to make it seem more real. Is that the right word, real? I grabbed John by the hair and he didn't move, didn't make a sound, I could see he was legitimately knocked out. For about ten seconds I played to the crowd, and then bailed with Jim. We both went straight for the back entrance where my car was parked. Somebody had already painted "Traitor" all over it.


Phil called me that night, maybe ten or fifteen minutes after I walked in the front door. He was ecstatic, repeating "that was fantastic" over and over again, without a care in the world. I asked him how he planned on getting John to ever step foot in a DAVE ring again. Phil said he would take care of it. When the articles came out, the reviews were overwhelmingly positive. DAVE was suddenly the new, hip kid on the block. I met Phil at a coffee shop about a week afterwards and simply told him I was uncomfortable continuing down the path, that we had to tell John what was going on. Phil took a long sip of his black coffee and smiled. "Johnny my boy, we're not going to tell him a damn thing. He's going to be there next time and so will you." Then, he gave me a warning that no punches would be pulled on my behalf. "He's going to hit you hard and hit you low Johnny. Be prepared. Remember the plan." I knew the end goal. Johnny Martin vs. Nemesis in a match so violent, so brutal, I was convinced one of us might not leave the ring alive. That is what I signed up for. Three months to go and I had one of the baddest men on the planet at my throat, ready to rip it out with his bare hands. Only one thing was running through my head: how in the heck am I going to survive this?


Phil Vibert was and is a genius when it comes to professional wrestling. But, he doesn't know the first thing about people.

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Looking forward to this: As the first person to do a CV2001 diary you'll always be in my heart bro, :D


Appreciate the kind words sir. Looking forward to getting started, but the logo work is such a pain in the ass. By the way, since you created the mod, once I get going, I'd like to maybe do a match booked by you once every 6 months or so along with a prize for whomever comes out ahead in the prediction contest.


Separate question: how important are all those random promotions without logos to the data set? Because I'd really like to delete them (there's 27 "Yet To Debut" promotions that I don't feel like making logos for).

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Appreciate the kind words sir. Looking forward to getting started, but the logo work is such a pain in the ass. By the way, since you created the mod, once I get going, I'd like to maybe do a match booked by you once every 6 months or so along with a prize for whomever comes out ahead in the prediction contest.


Sounds like a good idea


Separate question: how important are all those random promotions without logos to the data set? Because I'd really like to delete them (there's 27 "Yet To Debut" promotions that I don't feel like making logos for).


They're not important; they're hang overs from the CV1997 mod. Their purpose is just to add variety to looooooooooooooong plays of the game.

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Prologue Chapter Three





There are works. There are shoots. There are worked shoots. That night, there wasn't a word to describe what was going on. There still isn't. People know I'm about pushing the envelope, that in order to survive, the industry must evolve. DAVE exists because we refused to build around work rate or cartoon characters or money. I built DAVE on the principle that anything which could happen...would happen. Some call me the Anti-Christ, some call me the Savior. Frankly, I don't give a damn. Jim Force and Johnny Martin attacking Nemesis blurred the line between reality and fiction. It pushed DAVE forward, it pushed the industry forward. I'm not the symbol of anything except innovation.


People ask me if I feel bad about the way it went down, if I could do it again, what would I change. Would I tell John? My answer's the same as it's always been: No way. Every little detail was plotted months ahead of time by myself and my team. Nothing was left to chance. John had nowhere else to go. DAVE was his home. Plus, I had an ace in the hole. John's not the type to back down from a fight and I could offer him what no one else could...a chance at meeting Johnny Martin in a ring.


After the incident, Johnny was ecstatic, just thrilled it went the way it did. John wasn't as happy, but the next time I talked to him, I got him off the ledge. He wanted Johnny in the ring three weeks from then. I told him we were going to keep building the tension and that he'd face one or two guys either on our payroll or brought in from the outside that be played up as Johnny's cronies with the payoff two or three months down the line in a DAVE Extreme Rules match where they could go after each other however they wanted. I could hear him swearing under his breath as he thought about the offer. Finally, he said, "Phil if I don't get that son of a gun in the ring soon, I'm going to find you and make you pay for what he did." His language was a bit different, but that was the gist of it.


That's when I had my second great idea. We'd tell John right before he walks out for that match against Johnny, let him use that anger about being played. Johnny wouldn't know John was aware of what's going on and play the cowardly heel because he'd really be terrified of John killing him. Whether it'd work wasn't my concern at the time because I had confidence we could pull it off. Keeping Johnny and John in the fold after we screwed both of them would be more difficult. If DAVE lost their two biggest stars right after putting on one hell of a show, the momentum we'd gathered would vanish. A feeder league for the big leagues, that's how they'd see us. And I couldn't help but wonder how we'd survive.


OOC: Here's where I stand. I have one, possibly two more chapters of the prologue to put up, plus the roster overview. Right now, I have 4 event logos, 1 promotion logo, 2 promotion banners, and 5 tv show logos to create before I get started with the game.

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really looking forward to this one. I like the take on the this that it was a shoot to give it the air of believability. Looking good so faqr so please keep it up.






I've actually completed my OCD-related work (minus the various missing title pictures which I can go back and add later). Expect a roster breakdown post followed by the first card either tonight or tomorrow afternoon.


Also, just a tease, but since the in-ring payoff is a ways away, expect some nasty things to be said by Johnny and Nemesis.

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DAVE Roster Part One





Name: Alex Braun

Nickname: "Ice Man"

Age: 40

Disposition: Face

Position: Midcarder

Team: The New Jersey Devils w/ Tank Bradley

Finisher: Braun Damage (Brain Buster)

Championships Won: CZCW SoCal (x3) / DAVE Brass Knuckles (x2) / 1994 King of the Indys / RPW World (x2)



Name: Big Cat Brandon

Age: 25

Disposition: Face

Position: Upper Midcarder

Team: The Animalz w/ The Wolverine

Finisher: Big Cat Pounce (Sit-Out Power Bomb)

Championships Won: DAVE Tag Team (w/The Wolverine as The Animalz, x2)



Name: Bryan Holmes

Age: 30

Disposition: Heel

Position: Upper Midcarder

Team: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu w/Kunomasu

Finisher: Cyclone Shock Kick (Spinning Heel Kick)

Championships Won: DAVE Tag Team (w/Kunomasu)



Name: Buddy Gaines

Age: 41

Position: Road Agent

*Member of Creative Team*



Name: Carl Batch

Age: 23

Disposition: Heel

Position: Manager

Manages: Kurt Laramee / Hardcore Killah



Name: Cat Jemson

Age: 22

Disposition: Heel

Position: Manager

Manages: JD Morgan



Name: Chris Caulfield

Nickname: "The Hardcore American"

Age: 27

Disposition: Face

Position: Main Eventer

Finisher: Danger Drop (Death Valley Driver)

Managed By: Emma Chase

Championships Won: DAVE Unified



Name: Chris Morisette

Age: 28

Disposition: Face

Position: Upper Midcarder

Finisher: The Storm Stretch (Walls Of Jericho)

Championships Won: CGC Canadian (x4) *Current Holder* / PPPW Tri-State / XFW World



Name: Doug Peak

Nickname: "Dangerous"

Age: 22

Disposition: Heel

Position: Lower Midcarder

Team: The Peak Brothers w/ Eddie Peak

Finisher: House Of Horrors (Reverse Neck Breaker)



Name: Eddie Gonzalez

Age: 30

Disposition: Heel

Position: Lower Midcarder

Finisher: San Juan Rush (Spear)



Name: Eddie Peak

Age: 25

Disposition: Heel

Position: Midcarder

Team: The Peak Brothers w/ Doug Peak

Finisher: Peak Of Perfection (Pedigree)

Championships Won: DAVE Brass Knuckles *Current Holder*

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DAVE Roster Part Two





Name: Emma Chase

Age: 25

Disposition: Face

Position: Manager

Manages: "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield



Name: Eric Tyler

Nickname: "The Traditionalist"

Age: 41

Disposition: Heel

Position: Main Eventer

Finisher: Tradition Lift (Camel Clutch)

Championships Won: CGC World (x2) / DAVE Extreme / DAVE Unified (x3)



Name: Frankie Future

Age: 31

Disposition: Heel

Position: Midcarder

Tag Team: Future Past w/T-Rex

Finisher: Futureshock (Killswitch)

Championships Won: XFW World (x2)



Name: Guide

Age: 23

Disposition: Face

Position: Lower Midcarder

Tag Team: The New Wave w/ Scout

Finisher: Guided Missile (Leaping Clothesline)

Championships Won: DAVE Tag Team (w/Scout as The New Wave)



Name: Hardcore Killah

Age: 34

Disposition: Heel

Position: Opener

Finisher: Detroit Drop (Power Slam)

Managed By: Carl Batch

Championships Won: 4C Tag Team (w/Nathan Black as The AK-47s) *Current Holder*



Name: Henry Lee

Age: 32

Disposition: Face

Position: Main Eventer

Finisher: Asylum Buster (Brain Buster)

Championships Won: DAVE Extreme / DAVE Unified



Name: Jay Darkness

Age: 26

Disposition: Heel

Position: Upper Midcarder

Tag Team: The Darkness Warriors w/ Raul Darkness

Finisher: Fade To Black (Reverse DDT)

Championships Won: DAVE Tag Team (w/Raul Darkness as The Darkness Warriors, x3)



Name: JD Morgan

Age: 33

Disposition: Heel

Position: Midcarder

Finisher: Cross Atlantic Stretch (Crossface Chicken Wing)

Managed By: Cat Jemson

Championships Won: DAVE Extreme (x3) / MOSC UK (x4)



Name: Johnny Martin

Age: 32

Disposition: Heel

Position: Main Eventer

Finisher: Twist On The Rocks (Slingshot Suplex)

Championships Won: DAVE Extreme (x4) / DAVE Unified / PPPW Tri-State / RPW World / XFW World

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DAVE Roster Part Three





Name: Kurt Laramee

Age: 25

Disposition: Heel

Position: Main Eventer

Finisher: Switchblade Powerslam (Power Slam)

Managed By: Carl Batch

Championships Won: DAVE Brass Knuckles (x2)



Name: Madman Boone

Nickname: "Icon of Insanity"

Age: 25

Disposition: Heel

Position: Upper Midcarder

Finisher: Boone & Bust (Rock Bottom)



Name: Marcus McKing

Age: 46

Position: Road Agent

*Member Of Creative Team*



Name: Mitch Naess

Age: 25

Position: Announcer

*Member Of Creative Team*



Name: Nemesis

Age: 43

Disposition: Face

Position: Main Eventer

Finisher: Nemesis Arrow (Falcon Arrow)

Championships Won: DAVE Extreme / DAVE Unified (x2) *Current Holder* / SWF North American



Name: Pablo Rodriguez

Nickname: "The Priest Of Pain"

Age: 23

Disposition: Face

Position: Midcarder

Finisher: Final Judgment (Shooting Star Press)

Tag Team: The Latin Kings w/"Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

Managed By: Salcita

Championships Won: Campeon de Herencia de Mundo MPWF (x3) / DAVE Brass Knuckles / DAVE Tag Team (w/Shawn Gonzalez as The Latin Alliance) *Current Holder*



Name: Phil Vibert

Age: 28

Position: Color Commentator

*DAVE Owner*



Name: R.M. Stones

Age: 22

Position: Referee



Name: Raul Darkness

Age: 29

Disposition: Heel

Position: Midcarder

Tag Team: The Darkness Warriors w/ Jay Darkness

Finisher: Demonic DDT (DDT)

Championships Won: DAVE Tag Team (w/Jay Darkness as The Darkness Warriors, x3)



Name: Ryan Holland

Age: 29

Position: Referee

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DAVE Roster Part Four





Name: Salcita

Age: 22

Disposition: Face

Position: Manager

Manages: "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez / "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez



Name: Scott Williams (User)

Age: 27

Position: Backstage Interviewer

*Member Of Creative Team*



Name: Scout

Age: 23

Disposition: Face

Position: Opener

Tag Team: The New Wave w/ Guide

Finisher: Special Force (Rolling Neck Breaker)

Championships Won: DAVE Tag Team (w/Scout as The New Wave)



Name: Shawn Gonzalez

Nickname: "The Lone Wolf"

Age: 30

Disposition: Face

Position: Upper Midcarder

Tag Team: The Latin Kings w/"Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

Finisher: Latino Crab (Boston Crab)

Managed By: Salcita

Championships Won: DAVE Brass Knuckles / DAVE Tag Team (w/Pablo Rodriguez as The Latin Alliance) *Current Holder* / XFW World (x3)



Name: Tank Bradley

Age: 24

Disposition: Face

Position: Lower Midcarder

Tag Team: The New Jersey Devils w/ Alex Braun

Finisher: Tank Crush (Scoop Slam + Leg Drop)



Name: The Wolverine

Age: 36

Disposition: Face

Position: Midcarder

Tag Team: The Animalz w/Big Cat Brandon

Finisher: The Maul (Spear)

Championships Won: DAVE Extreme (x2) / DAVE Tag Team (w/Big Cat Brandon as The Animalz, x2)



Name: T-Rex

Nickname: "The Jurassic Power"

Age: 26

Disposition: Heel

Position: Opener

Tag Team: Future Past w/Frankie Future

Finisher: Jurassic Crush (Gorilla Press Slam)



Name: Valiant

Age: 21

Disposition: Face

Position: Enhancement Talent

Finisher: V-Split (Standing Split-Legged Moonsault)



Name: Vin Tanner

Nickname: "The V Man"

Age: 34

Disposition: Face

Position: Midcarder

Finisher: V For Victory (Razor's Edge)

Championships Won: DAVE Brass Knuckles (x2) / DAVE Extreme (x2)


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DAVE Champions





DAVE Unified Championship (89)

Current Holder: Nemesis


(2nd Reign)

def. Eric Tyler in May 2001at Total Disruption


Previous Champions:

Eric Tyler [3] (December 2000 - May 2001)

Henry Lee (October 2000 - December 2000)

Eric Tyler [2] (March 2000 - October 2000)

Chris Caulfield (January 2000 - March 2000)

Eric Tyler (July 1999 - January 2000)

Nemesis (July 1998 - July 1999)

Johnny Martin (March 1998 - July 1998)




DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship (63)

Current Holder: Eddie Peak


def. Alex Braun in October 2001 at The Annual Wrestlerave


Previous Champions:

Alex Braun [2] (May 2001-Week 2, October 2001)

Kurt Laramee [2] (February 2001 - May 2001)

Vin Tanner [2] (October 2000 - February 2001)

Pablo Rodriguez (March 2000 - October 2000)

Kunomasu (December 1999 - March 2000)

Kurt Laramee (July 1999 - December 1999)

Shawn Gonzalez (March 1999 - July 1999)

Alex Braun (September 1998 - March 1999)

Vin Tanner (June 1998 - September 1998)




DAVE Tag Team Championship (51)

Current Holders: The Latin Alliance {"The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez & "Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez}


def. Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu in November 2001 at Danger Zone TV


Previous Champions:

Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu (Week 2, August 2001-Week 2, November 2001)

The Darkness Warriors [3] (January 2001-Week 2, August 2001)

The New Wave {Guide & Scout} (August 2000 - January 2001)

The Animalz {Big Cat Brandon & The Wolverine} [2] (December 1999 - August 2000)

The Darkness Warriors [2] (June 1999 - December 1999)

The Animalz (November 1998 - June 1999)

The Darkness Warriors (June 1998 - November 1998)

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DangerZone TV




The fallout from The Extreme Doubleheader begins Friday on DangerZone TV. When the lights went off last Sunday, Nemesis was left unconscious in the middle of the ring, the victim of a brutal, unexpected assault at the hands of Jim Force. DAVE has learned Force has fled the country for fear of retribution and will not be in action Friday night. The man who masterminded the attack on Nemesis won't be so lucky. Johnny Martin will take on Vengeance and DAVE's own "Avenging Angel" has promised to make Martin pay for the attack on Nemesis. The stakes couldn't be higher as DAVE brass has ordered the winner of the match to be named #1 Contender to Nemesis' Unified Championship. And it's a good bet Nemesis will be in the building and will be looking to inflict some payback on Martin himself.


Plus, no chairs, no barbed wire, no fun? Not for Bryan Holmes and the mysterious Kunomasu. These two technical wizards will face off this Friday and it's possible the winner might be in line for a shot at Alex Braun and the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship. But, will either of them take the challenge of competing for the title, TEW Magazine called "the most obscene, hardcore recognition in wrestling today"?


A tag team rivalry renewed! The Darkness Warriors, fresh off another successful defense of their DAVE Tag Team Championship, will fave off against long-time adversaries, The Animalz. Will the Warriors be able to escape the youngster Big Cat Brandon and the veteran Wolverine. Or will The Animalz be able to take a bite out of them?


Also, some of your DAVE favorites will be in action including "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez, "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex, the Tri-State's own New Jersey Devils, Hardcore Killah, and Dog Fyte.


Don't forget to catch an all-new episode of DangerZone TV, this Friday at 10PM only on East Coast Today!


Prediction Key:

Johnny Martin vs Vengeance

Bryan Holmes vs Kunomasu

The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors© for the DAVE Tag Team Championship

"The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez vs "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex

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Johnny Martin vs Vengeance

J-Mar has nuclear heat off the back of the Nemesis attack; it wouldn't surpise me if he's pelted with garabe on the way to the ring this episode. With that kind of momentum Vengeance is going down.

Bryan Holmes vs Kunomasu

This is a really, really tough one to call. Both men are super talented. Kunomasu is on a par with our world's Great Muta and Bryan Holmes in-ring work is as good as anyone in DAVE (shame about the hole in the charisma department). In the end I choose Kunomasu winning to counter balance J-Mar winning in the main

The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors© for the DAVE Tag Team Championship

If this wasn't for the titles I've have gone with the Animalz to to give them credability as challengers, but that's not the case. I don't see the titles changing hands on TV, at least not yet but then again I could get swerved here and you want the titles straight off them for some reason

"The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez vs "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex

Rodriguez has unparalleled potential in DAVE; T-Rex will need work before he even gets a minor push.


Also, I suspect you'll be testing Dog Fyte and Hardcore Killah out as a tag team to see if they have any chemistry.

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Johnny Martin vs Vengeance


Vengeance sounds like the gatekeeper in this scenario...


Bryan Holmes vs Kunomasu


Either one of them could win, right? I think we'll see plenty of both... they're both awesome.


The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors© for the DAVE Tag Team Championship


The Darkness Warriors were in DAVE? Weird... I can't imagine they're good even in 2001, so you'll probably want to get the titles off them. But it seems like a waste to just flip them automatically like this.


"The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez vs "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex


I don't know if you're planning a monster heel push for T-Rex or not... I'm not sure he fits in with DAVE as a concept, but he's clearly a guy who could soak up a lot of overness and momentum quickly with squashes. (And then stink it up in the upper card because he doesn't have the talent to compete in a performance-driven federation like DAVE.) But why do it against a good worker like Rodriguez?

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