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DAVE: Survive (CV2001)

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Nemesis © vs Madman Boone for the DAVE Unified Championship

It's a good storyline, and the reasoning that J-Mar just cares about destroying Nemesis, not the title is a good one for justifying this match. Nemesis has to retain here obviously, there no way Boone is waltzing into DAVE and sweeping the title away. Hopefully Nemesis can get a good match out of Boone, he's okay at the midcard level but his weak performance stats might hamper him at this level


"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Johnny Martin

J-Mar obviously. This match could be really useful is getting over the new heel aspect of J-Mar, as the fans are used to seeing him as a face, so this a good opportunity for him to showcase all the new heel moves he has.


Kurt Laramee vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez


Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu vs The Animalz [#1 Contenders Final]

I'm betting Holmes and Kunomasu crack under the pressure and their rocky relationship bubbles to the surface, letting the Animalz nab the win.


The Darkness Warriors © vs Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu or The Animalz for the DAVE Tag Team Championship

I'm expecting the Darkness Warriors to F'N fly down to the ring the second the contenders match is over and to cream whoever wins. That, or if the contenders are some time to rest, I expect the Warriors to attack before the bell rings and absolutely prey on their opponents' exhaustion.


Alex Braun © vs Doug Peak or Eddie Peak for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship

I don't see either Peak as a singles champion yet, they're still building their personalities on Danger Zone TV and finding their spot on the show


10 Man Battle Royal featuring Guide, Scout, "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez, Valiant, Vin Tanner, JD Morgan, Frankie Future, Dog Fyte, Hardcore Killah, & "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex

Pablo pulls out he underdog win here: he's clearly on a singles push and has the momentum behind him for a win like this.


Thanks for the picks. Noticed you missed Laramee and Gonzalez, unless you're calling it a Draw.

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Also, really excited about the people that seem to be reading this. I've wanted to do a diary for the longest time, and DAVE in '01 seemed like the perfect opportunity.


I've got plans for the long haul and hope to keep people's interest as we go along.


Show will be booked tomorrow. Best guess on the write-up (since it's 2 hours instead of 1) is either Wednesday or Thursday.

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Getting in on this - may be too late to win, but I want to be around for the next round.


Nemesis © vs Madman Boone for the DAVE Unified Championship Would Vibert take the title off Nemesis? Maybe - it'd split attention on the main feud, but at the same time, Martin and Nemesis aren't feuding over the title... I don't think Boone'll be the one to take it, though.


"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Johnny Martin Keep Martin strong.


Kurt Laramee vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez Laramee's going to have the edge here - possibly through some Killah involvement.


Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu vs The Animalz [#1 Contenders Final] Holmes and Kuomasu break down - if not up.


The Darkness Warriors © vs Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu or The Animalz for the DAVE Tag Team Championship Have the Warriors even been on the shows? Animalz have the momentum, anyway.


Alex Braun © vs Doug Peak or Eddie Peak for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship I think it's Doug, and I think it's a setup for Eddie at a later date.


10 Man Battle Royal featuring Guide, Scout, "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez, Valiant, Vin Tanner, JD Morgan, Frankie Future, Dog Fyte, Hardcore Killah, & "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex Hard to choose, but Killah's just shading it in terms of exposure right now. I'm sure Laramee'd be able to think of something fun to do with the prize money anyway.

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Getting in on this - may be too late to win, but I want to be around for the next round.


Nemesis © vs Madman Boone for the DAVE Unified Championship Would Vibert take the title off Nemesis? Maybe - it'd split attention on the main feud, but at the same time, Martin and Nemesis aren't feuding over the title... I don't think Boone'll be the one to take it, though.


"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Johnny Martin Keep Martin strong.


Kurt Laramee vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez Laramee's going to have the edge here - possibly through some Killah involvement.


Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu vs The Animalz [#1 Contenders Final] Holmes and Kuomasu break down - if not up.


The Darkness Warriors © vs Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu or The Animalz for the DAVE Tag Team Championship Have the Warriors even been on the shows? Animalz have the momentum, anyway.


Alex Braun © vs Doug Peak or Eddie Peak for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship I think it's Doug, and I think it's a setup for Eddie at a later date.


10 Man Battle Royal featuring Guide, Scout, "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez, Valiant, Vin Tanner, JD Morgan, Frankie Future, Dog Fyte, Hardcore Killah, & "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex Hard to choose, but Killah's just shading it in terms of exposure right now. I'm sure Laramee'd be able to think of something fun to do with the prize money anyway.


Welcome aboard! It is too late to win this round, unfortunately.


As for the show, well I had a brief delay today and so couldn't get around to writing it up. It WILL, WILL, WILL be done by tomorrow night.

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Attitude Adjustment

Monday, Week 2, August 2001

From The Den, New England, USA



10 Man Battle Royal

Participants: Frankie Future, Valiant, Dog Fyte, Vin Tanner, T-Rex, Scout, Pablo Rodriguez, JD Morgan, Hardcore Killah, Guide

*Winner receives a $10,000 prize*


All 10 men began in the ring. Dog Fyte and T-Rex were eliminated in the first minute by the returning Pablo Rodriguez. Guide and Scout teamed up to eliminated Hardcore Killah soon after, but the duo soon suffered the same fate after being double clotheslined out of the ring by JD Morgan. Valiant was the next to go, courtesy of Frankie Future who used his plastic light saber to push Valiant over the top and out. The final four were Pablo Rodriguez, Frankie Future, JD Morgan, and Vin Tanner. Tanner and Morgan were eliminated at the same time when Morgan attempted to throw Tanner from the ring, only The V Man held on and dragged Morgan out with him. Rodriguez and Future went back and forth for a minute or so until Future attempted to Power Bomb Rodriguez out of the match. "The Priest of Pain" reversed it into a Huracanrana, forcing Future over the top rope at 9:34 to win the 10k.
Winner: "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

Rating: 35



A video package plays for the live audience showcasing the past month of DAVE action including: Jim Force and Johnny Martin's attack on Nemesis, Nemesis attacking Phil Vibert, Johnny Martin abducting Emma Chase, Carl Batch burning Pablo Rodriguez, Shawn Gonzalez costing Kurt Laramee the Tag Team Tournament match, The New Jersey Devils and The Peak Brothers brawling backstage, Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu shaking the hands of The New Wave, and Madman Boone's run-in on Nemesis.




Mitch Naess: What an exciting battle royal to kick off our show here tonight. And what a return by "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez who returned less than two weeks after being burned by Carl Batch to pick up the victory.


Phil Vibert: I noticed his hands weren't bandaged. Perhaps Rodriguez oversold his injuries to hoodwink the other competitors. Very non-priest like behavior Mitch.


Mitch Naess: I strongly doubt Rodriguez was able to fake those injuries Mitch. And The Priest of Pain's victory was just the opening act of what's sure to be a great night. Of course, it'll all come down to the main event where Nemesis will defend his DAVE Unified Championship against Madman Boone.




*On cue, Nemesis' music hits and he strolls down to the ring, the DAVE Unified belt slung over his shoulder*


Nemesis: I know what y'all are thinking. That Madman Boone has the upper hand, that my problems with that son of a bitch Johnny Martin means I don't care about this belt...my belt. You're wrong. Four years I've spent in DAVE, the only place that would have me. And if I've gotten one thing from the boys in the back, it's that this title means a lot. It means I'm the best, that they respect me as the best. If you think Madman Boone can come in here and take it from me without a fight, well you're as crazy as he is. Boone is gonna be lying in that ring, shoulders down, as I stand over him, this strap still in my hands.

Rating: 64


There's one little problem, though. The man sitting right in front of me. The man who runs this place. Phil Vibert. I got mad and attacked him. Hell, I'd have said sorry if the word had ever come out of my mouth. Now, Phil wants to see to it, I don't have this belt, because his boy Johnny Martin wants what's mine. And he'll be at ringside tonight. Can't make him go away seeing as he pays the bills. Phil, look at me. If you step foot in this ring, if you try and cost me this title, which has my blood, sweat, and tears in it, Johnny Martin moves to #2 on my list. And you don't want to be #1.

Rating: 75


Mitch Naess: Nemesis sounds like he's prepared for everything and anything tonight. And he'll do whatever it takes to keep his title.


Phil Vibert: He's also delusional. I have no rooting interest in tonight's main event except to see a good show put on for the wonderful fans in attendance. Nemesis. Boone. It doesn't matter to me who wins.


Mitch Naess: I don't think anybody believes you for a second Phil.


Phil Vibert: Are you saying you don't believe me?


Mitch Naess: Of course I do, Phil. Nemesis versus Madman Boone is still to come, but first, the final match of the tournament to crown new #1 Contenders to the DAVE Tag Team Championship.





Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu vs The Animalz

*Final Match: DAVE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Tournament*


Holmes and Kunomasu once again came out separately and seemed largely disinterested in dealing with each other. The Animalz used this to their advantage, their superior teamwork isolating Kunomasu for a long stretch in the beginning of the match. Kunomasu eventually got the tag to Holmes and the technical specialist managed to gain the upper hand. Holmes was getting ready for a Cyclone Shock Kick when Kunomasu tagged himself in referee Ryan Holland forces Holmes to the corner. Kunomasu nailed The Wolverine with a Launching Knee Strike and got the pinfall at 8:39 as Holmes seethed in the corner.
Winners: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu

Rating: 39


Mitch Naess: Holmes, gearing up for the Cyclone Shock Kick. Wait! Kunomasu just tagged Holmes on the back. Ryan Holland forcing Holmes from the ring and declaring Kunomasu the legal man.


Phil Vibert: It looks like the mysterious martial artist wanted to get the victory for himself. And Bryan Holmes doesn't look too happy about it.


Mitch Naess: The Wolverine is out of it. Here it comes. Launching Knee Strike! Wolverine flat on his back. Kunomasu covers. 1, 2, 3. That'll do it. Holmes and Kunomasu will face The Darkness Warriors later tonight.


Phil Vibert: If they make it that far. Holmes is in the ring and just shoved his partner.




*Kunomasu shoves Holmes back. Holmes cracks a smile before unleashing a punch right into the ribs of Kunomasu. 'Masu fights back and delivers a stiff kick to Holmes knee, sending his partner to the ground. The two continue to brawl until security comes in and separates them*

Rating: 52


Mitch Naess: The Darkness Warriors must be loving this right now. Their opponents are at odds, coming to blows, after picking up the victory.


Phil Vibert: Mitch, there's no guarantee these guys are even going to show up and team with each other later tonight after what just happened.


Mitch Naess: We'd have to get a ruling on whether the match would simply be forfeited or The Animalz will take their place.


Phil Vibert: I gotta believe it'd be a forfeit. It's unfair to the champs to face the #2 Contenders to their titles.


Mitch Naess: The DAVE Tag Team Championship will be on the line later, but coming up next, Alex Braun defends his DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship against either Eddie Peak or his brother, Doug. Let's go back to Scott Williams who is with the champ.




Scott Williams: Alex, you still don't know which Peak brother you'll be facing tonight.


Alex Braun: I'm tired of the question. Eddie or Doug? Eddie or Doug? Hell, I'll take 'em both on. One after the other. Don't matter to me. I've got Tank on my side. Back in the old neighborhood, we had a word for guys like the Peaks. Rats. No good, dirty rats. Kind of guys that would take a swing at you when they couldn't handle their booze. Now, we didn't mind them much alone. One rat you could handle. Problem was when they found a friend. Then you had two of these assholes thinking they were the top dog. What'd we do? Got a bunch of guys together, went down there, and kicked their teeth in. Only way to make 'em understand. Eddie, Doug, you'll be seeing the Devil soon.

Rating: 54






Alex Braun © w/Tank Bradley vs Eddie Peak w/Doug Peak for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship


The New Jersey Devils and The Peak Brothers came out together. Braun waited in the ring as the Peaks argued back and forth about who would get the shot. Eddie won out and stepped into the ring. The match was sheer carnage. Eddie and Alex traded blows back and forth at the start until Eddie landed a sickening chair shot to Braun's skull. Somehow, Braun kicked out at 2. Braun used his own set of brass knuckles (not the title) to regain momentum and land a near fall. The action spilled into the crowd until Braun managed to dump Eddie back over the guardrail with a Back Body Drop. That's when Doug intervened, nailing Braun with the title belt. Eddie rolled him in the ring, but Tank Bradley was there to break up the count. Eddie Peak got in Bradley's face, but Bradley nailed him with a hard right hand that sent Peak sprawling onto the canvas, blood coming from his nose. Bradley opened his fist to reveal a large rock. Braun regrouped and nailed Braun Damage. He draped an arm across Eddie's body as Tank kept Doug on the outside. R.M. Stones counted the pin at 10:31.
Winner: Alex Braun

Rating: 40


Mitch Naess: Braun, in trouble, after that shot with the belt. Eddie rolling the champ back in the ring. The ref with the count. 1...2...NO! Tank Bradley broke up the pinfall.


Phil Vibert: He can't do that! Eddie Peak had that match won.


Mitch Naess: Peak thinking the same thing. He's going after Tank. And Tank unleashes a big right hand. Oh my God! Blood gushing from Peak's nose. He's out cold on the mat.


Phil Vibert: Tank has something in his hand. He's showing the crowd. It's a rock. A horrid display of cheating here by The New Jersey Devils.


Mitch Naess: Braun is back on his feet. He lifts Peak up. Braun Damage! Braun Damage! 1...2...3! Alex Braun retains the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship.


Phil Vibert: In the shadiest of circumstances. Eddie Peak was just screwed out of the title.


Mitch Naess: You live by the sword, you die by the sword.


*On the video screen at the top of the ramp, we see Eric Tyler sitting alone in a locker room.*




Eric Tyler: My name is Eric Tyler. Most of you know me. I've been in this business a long time. Too long, probably. You know when it's time to hang it up? When you can't beat guys like Alex Braun or a rookie like Valiant onto the card. If I felt like those guys were better than me, I'd toss my boots in the trash right now, and walk away.


But they're not better than me. The problem is wrestling isn't wrestling anymore. Ask these young guys what a rear chin lock is and they look at you funny. Talk about Strong vs Chord in '81 and they don't know what the hell you're talking about. Chairs, tables, brass knuckles, this isn't a God damn bar fight. You want a trophy because you can bleed better than the other guy? Tough luck. I'm a wrestler, not a fighter. Next month, I'm going to be on this card and I'm going to teach. It'll be a clinic. Tradition will never die.

Rating: 56



*A video package plays highlighting the battle between Kurt Laramee and Shawn Gonzlaez. We see Gonzalez spear Laramee through a table, Carl Batch burning the hands of Pablo Rodriguez, and finally Gonzalez costing Laramee a shot at the DAVE Tag Team Championship*

Rating: 46




*Scott Williams is in the back with Kurt Laramee and Carl Batch. Laramee has a shirt on that reads 'Wolf = Bitch'.


Scott Williams: Kurt, as we saw, you've had your problems with "The Lone Wolf" recently.


Kurt Laramee: I've got 99 problems, but a wolf ain't one. Hit me!


*Laramee cackles*


Scott Williams: I don't understand.

Kurt Laramee: That should be a track you white bread mother f*****. Get one of the homies to record it, sell a million copies, and the play boy's rich. "The Lone Wolf". Hell, I showed up tonight and they told me we had a match. I didn't even know. Couldn't understand you last week. El lobo? What the hell is el lobo?


Scott Williams: It means 'wolf' in Spanish.


Kurt Laramee: Spanish? Only Spanish I know is "papi" because that's what Gonzalez's sister calls me. His mother too. See, man, Gonzalez be the type of man thinks he can hang with Kurt Laramee. He thinks he's a bad ass because he grew up in Mexico.


Scott Williams: I believe he's Puerto Rican.


Kurt Laramee: Don't matter. All full of taco-making, sombrero-wearing pussies. F*** Shawn Gonzalez. He gonna see what happens when you come at the big dog 'cause the playboy don't play boy.


*Carl Batch blows thick smoke from his cigar at Williams and the camera.*

Rating: 52



Kurt Laramee w/Carl Batch vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

*Last Man Standing Match*


The match was the brutal, bloody affair expected by many. The two men went back and forth for the first few minutes, until Carl Batch slid Laramee a chair who used it to knock Gonzalez down. "The Lone Wolf" managed to get up at 6. Gonzalez turned the tide when he ducked under a Laramee Clothesline attempt and nailed him with a Backbreaker. "The Lone Wolf" followed with a DDT, but that only put Laramee down for a 4 count. Both men ended up on the outside. Laramee Powerbombed Gonzalez onto the exposed concrete, but somehow "The Lone Wolf" stood up at 8. Batch, meanwhile, set up a table in the ring. Laramee tried to roll Gonzalez back inside, but caught an elbow to the face for his trouble. Gonzalez got Laramee up on the ENGLISH announce table and delivered a nasty Piledriver. The fans cheered as it looked like Gonzalez would emerge victorious, but Batch lifted Laramee to his feet at 9. The two men battled back and forth, all the way up the ramp to the stage. Laramee grabbed a chair and swung, nailing Gonzalez in the head as he charged. Gonzalez' forward motion carried him into Laramee and off the stage into a mess of equipment below. The crowd will Gonzalez to get up as it was clear Laramee was knocked out cold. Gonzalez stirred, but eventually collapsed back to the floor as R.M. Stones' count hit '10' at a time of 12:32.
Winner: None (Double 10 Count)

Rating: 49


Mitch Naess: Neither of these two men want to give in.


Phil Vibert: Gonzalez is gearing up for something. He doesn't see Laramee picking up that chair.


Mitch Naess: Holy crap. Laramee nailed Gonzalez right in the head with a steel chair as Gonzalez tackled Laramee off the stage. Both men are down Phil.


Phil Vibert: The ref counting. Come on Kurt! Get up!


Mitch Naess: Laramee doesn't like he's moving. Wait, signs of life from Gonzalez. He's propped himself up on one elbow. The crowd chanting "Lobo", "Lobo", trying to will "The Lone Wolf" to his feet.


Phil Vibert: 7...8. A slow count giving Gonzalez time to regain his senses.


Mitch Naess: That's 8. Gonzalez, trying to get back to his feet. 9. Oh, no, he just fell face first onto the floor. 10.


Phil Vibert: A draw?


Mitch Naess: That's what it appears. Both men failed to answer the 10 count.


Phil Vibert: I gotta believe the rivalry between these two men is far from...




*Phil Vibert and Mitch Naess mics are cut. The arena goes completely dark. An unfamiliar voice echoes throughout.*


?????: Old Man Winter is patient. He's plotting, scheming, but he is not alone. His friend, Autumn and Spring have allied with the villain to end the beautiful things. Wind and snow and rain. They are using these things to blind us to their machinations. Destruction is not what they seek. No, they seek the most frightening of things: change. Believe me, I beg of you, before it's too late. The enemy is not at the gates, they're already inside.


*The lights come back on.*


Phil Vibert: What the f*** was that? Scott! Production! What the f*** was that? That wasn't in my notes. Production? What do you mean it wasn't in your cut of the show? Somebody spliced it in at that last moment. It had to be one of you guys.


Mitch Naess: Folks, I'm not sure what we heard, but it didn't come from us.


Phil Vibert: Find out who it was!


Mitch Naess: While we try to figure out what is going on, let's go backstage where I'm told Johnny Martin wants to address the crowd.




Johnny Martin: I'm not sick. Everybody saw that I, ahem, ushered Emma Chase into my car last week. Don't worry, she's fine, I haven't touched a hair on her head. Can't say that goes for other parts of her body, though. Chris, you should've known better. I warned you. Stay out of it. Walk away. You refused. You got the lovely Miss Chase to try and get inside my head. It didn't work. I turned the tables on you. You're sitting back here, somewhere, wondering "Is she okay?", "What's that bastard doing to her?" "The Hardcore American". What good is a chair or a table or barbed wire against me? You're weak Chris. Too weak to stand against me. I wonder what will happen tonight, when you see poor Emma coming down to the ring by my side. Let your aggression get the best of you Chris. Stop thinking. Become "The Hardcore American". That's all I'll need to put you down for good.

Rating: 66


Mitch Naess: After three long weeks, one team has made it to this point...to challenge The Darkness Warriors for the DAVE Tag Team Championship.


Phil Vibert: No, I don't want to know where it was spliced in. I was out here. I know when it happened. I want to know who did it.


Mitch Naess: Sorry, Phil is still trying to determine what that mysterious voice was earlier.


*Unfamiliar music hits.*


Mitch Naess: Whose music is that? Have Holmes and Kunomasu stepped aside and let two unknown challengers take their spot?




*Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu come out TOGETHER, wearing the same exacts tight, black trunks with 'Fair Play' written down the side in red lettering*.


Mitch Naess: I'm not sure what we're witnessing here folks. Less than an hour ago, these two were at each other's throats. Now, they've come out to the same music, wearing the same gear. Is it possible? Was this all a show to throw their opponents off guard? Have Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu been on the same page all along?


*Holmes lifts up the rope and Kunomasu enters the ring. Holmes bows to Kunomasu. Kunomasu bows back. The pair shake hands.*

Rating: 51





The Darkness Warriors © vs Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu for the DAVE Tag Team Championship


While the fledgling team of Holmes and Kunomasu didn't exhibit any unnatural chemistry, they displayed a variety of tag moves. The Darkness Warriors had brief periods of offense, but were quickly shut down by the stiff striking ability of both Holmes and Kunomasu. The end came at 12:07 when Kunomasu delivered a nasty German Suplex to Raul Darkness. As Raul tried to get back to his feet, Kunomasu quickly tagged in Holmes. The pair delivered simultaneous Superkicks to the chin of Darkness. Kunomasu held Jay Darkness at bay as Holmes covered Raul for 3.
Winners & New DAVE Tag Team Champions: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu

Rating: 35


Mitch Naess: Oh! Raul Darkness on the receiving end of a German Suplex by Kunomasu. The quick tag to Holmes. It's amazing how well these two are working together, isn't it Phil?


Phil Vibert: Yea sure Mitch. Get Scott out here right now. What do you mean you can't find him?


Mitch Naess: Holmes and Kunomasu both look to be gearing up for...a Double Superkick! Holmes covers. Kunomasu knocks Jay off the apron. 1...2...3! We have new DAVE Tag Team Champions. Holmes and Kunomasu win four straight to capture gold.




*Backstage, the audience can hear Madman Boone talking. The cameraman nudges the door open. Boone is alone*


Madman Boone: Tell him. Tell him how to beat Nemesis. You have to get him on the ground. I know that. Use your size. I know that too. I'm extreme. Yes, you are. I can win. Yes, you can. I need your help. There's nothing he can do to stop me. Don't take him lightly. I'm mean. So is he. Shut up! Shut up!

Rating: 55


Madman Boone: Nemesis. I'm a Madman. I'm a bad man. You're my Nemesis. That's what Johnny said! He said I could have your belt. I'm the most extreme Madman, badman in the world. Not you. You don't hear him, do you? He talks to me. Nemesis Arrow. Right through the back. I know about you. You pretend. Hair on fire. My hair is black as night. Tonight, I make you suffer.

Rating: 68




*A video package plays highlighting the feud between Johnny Martin and Chris Caulfield*

Rating: 70


Mitch Naess: It is time! "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin will do battle in this very ring. Martin took exception to Caulfield's challenge. Caulfield has taken exception to Martin's recent tactics. Which man will come out on top?


*Caulfield comes out first, intensely focused on the ring in front of him. He doesn't slap hands with the fans on the way down like normal.*




*Emma Chase comes out next wearing a white tank top and bikini bottom. A pair of handcuffs dangles from one wrist. Johnny Martin follows behind her. He leads Emma down to ringside and latches the cuffs onto the barricade.*



"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Johnny Martin


As soon as the bell rung, Caulfield went on the attack, hammering Martin with lefts and rights as Emma cheered him on. Caulfield showed no remorse, grabbing barb wire from under the ring no less than five minutes in and raking it across Martin's forehead, causing blood to pour down Johnny's face. Caulfield tried to end it after that, but Martin ducked a chair shot and quickly hit a DDT onto the chair, but Caulfield managed to kick out at two. The two men traded blows back and forth, the momentum shifting nearly every minute. I a particularly sick sequence, Caulfield dumped Martin over the top rope and through a table. While it looked like "The Hardcore American" would soon have the victory he coveted, Martin managed to kick out a two-and-a-half. Martin rolled to the outside and threatened to hit Emma sending Caulfield after him in a rage. Martin used this to his advantage, and sent Caulfield into the steel steps. Martin then nailed another DDT on the steps which seemingly put Caulfield in a precarious position. Finally Martin rolled Caulfield back in the ring and hit a Twist On The Rocks. Using the ropes for additional leverage, Martin pinned Caulfield at 20:58.
Winner: Johnny Martin

Rating: 48


Mitch Naess: Caulfield charging after Martin. Oh! Martin moved and "The Hardcore American" crashed into the barricade, narrowly missing Emma. Martin has Caulfield. DDT on the steel steps!


Phil Vibert: That's why Johnny Martin is the most dangerous man in DAVE, Mitch.


Mitch Naess: Martin rolls Caulfield's limp body back in the ring. This one might be over. Twist On The Rocks.


Phil Vibert: And look at that. Taking no chances, Martin's got his feet on the middle rope for leverage.


Mitch Naess: 1, 2, 3. Johnny Martin outlasts Chris Caulfield. Wait, what's Martin doing?


*Johnny Martin looks at Emma, then back at Chris Caulfield. Martin grabs a chair from ringside and slides back in. Emma tries everything she can to break free from the barricade, but to no avail. Martin slams the chair into Caulfield's head over and over as Emma screams in horror. The audience can hear Johnny yelling at Emma, "This is what happens when you f*** with Johnny Martin." Martin ends the assault by picking up Caulfield's unconscious body and delivering one more DDT onto the steel chair. A pool of blood forms in the ring around Caulfield's head. Johnny Martin tosses Emma a key. She unlocks the handcuffs and bolts into the ring, kneeling at Caulfield's side*

Rating: 68


Mitch Naess: What a sickening display by Johnny Martin. Caulfield was beaten. He only wanted to add injury to the insult.


Phil Vibert: I can assure you Chris Caulfield and Emma Chase will think twice from now on about getting involved with business that doesn't concern them.




*A music video plays showcasing the events of the past weeks involving Nemesis and Madman Boone, starting with Boone's attack on Nemesis and finishing with Nemesis hitting a Nemesis Arrow last week on Danger Zone TV*

Rating: 69


Mitch Naess: Finally, it's time for our Main Event. Madman Boone versus Nemesis for the DAVE Unified Championship. This is sure to be a war, Phil.


Phil Vibert: With a psychopath like Boone, you can be sure of that. Somehow, I can't imagine Nemesis surviving in the ring for too long with the Madman.




Nemesis © vs Madman Boone for the DAVE Unified Championship


Madman Boone went on the offensive early, seemingly content to hurt Nemesis instead of pin him. Unfortunately, he couldn't keep the champ down forever and Nemesis took control midway through the match. Boone used a chair shot to turn the tide, but once again didn't attempt a pinfall. Boone exposed a turnbuckle, but it backfired him when Nemesis blocked Boone's attempt and Boone got his head slammed into the cold steel instead. Both men went down at one point after a Double Lariat, but it was Boone who got back to his feet first. Boone attempted to plant Nemesis on a steel chair set-up in the ring. The champ survived, however, reversing the move into a Brainbuster. Boone, somehow, kicked out at 2.
Mitch Naess: Both men fighting a war of attrition, unable to get a 3 count.


Phil Vibert: I think it's time I put a stop to this.


Mitch Naess: Phil, don't do it.




As Nemesis dragged Boone to his feet, Phil Vibert entered the ring with a chair in hand. With Nemesis' back turned, it seemed like Vibert would have his revenge. Instead, the DAVE Owner pushed Nemesis out of the way and brought the chair down on the head of Madman Boone! The audience could hear Vibert say "You're welcome Joh" before exiting the ring as Nemesis stared at him in shock. Nemesis couldn't do anything about it, though, and used Vibert's interference to hit Madman Boone with a Nemesis Arrow and cover him for the 3 count at 17:37.
Winner: Nemesis

Rating: 49


Mitch Naess: Phil Vibert with a death wish here. Nemesis has Boone up, but doesn't see Phil with the chair. What? Phil just pushed Nemesis out of the way. Oh! A sickening chair shot to the head of Madman Boone. I don't know what Phil Vibert is thinking, but he has handed Nemesis the victory here. The champ seemingly as confused as everybody else is. Nemesis has Boone...Nemesis Arrow! Nemesis Arrow! 1...2...3! Nemesis retains the DAVE Unified Championship thanks to the help of Phil Vibert. Silence here in the arena. Unfortunately, we're out of time. Tune in to Danger Zone TV this Friday where, hopefully, we'll get an explanation about what happened here tonight. Good night folks.



Show Rating: 51

Attendance: 1,668

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Nice swerve there on the Holmes-Kunomasu angle, very TV friendly plot.


Fun show, shame the match ratings aren't quite up to snuff. By the way, are you aware of prefect show theory? One of the big things about it is that the 3rd best match of the card should be the opener to get the crowd hot, and it'll have a big influence on your final card rating.


Kurt Laramee is quickly becoming DAVE's version of Scott Steiner; I was literally thinking the other day he should be saying sh*t like "Gonzalez! Tell your b*tch to stop calling me! My phone bills are through the roof!", and I'm glad to see something similar appear here anyway.


Can't wait to discover who the mystery man is.


Chase in handcuff was interesting too. A bit over the top to think J-Mar got away with kidnapping her for a week or so without the cops kicking down his door, but a nice way to catch heat.


Finally, was this an actual PPV? Because less than 2,000 for a PPV live audience seems crazy.

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Nice swerve there on the Holmes-Kunomasu angle, very TV friendly plot.


Fun show, shame the match ratings aren't quite up to snuff. By the way, are you aware of prefect show theory? One of the big things about it is that the 3rd best match of the card should be the opener to get the crowd hot, and it'll have a big influence on your final card rating.


Kurt Laramee is quickly becoming DAVE's version of Scott Steiner; I was literally thinking the other day he should be saying sh*t like "Gonzalez! Tell your b*tch to stop calling me! My phone bills are through the roof!", and I'm glad to see something similar appear here anyway.


Can't wait to discover who the mystery man is.


Chase in handcuff was interesting too. A bit over the top to think J-Mar got away with kidnapping her for a week or so without the cops kicking down his door, but a nice way to catch heat.


Finally, was this an actual PPV? Because less than 2,000 for a PPV live audience seems crazy.


That Holmes-Kunomasu thing was my baby that I wanted to hint at with the handshake deal, but also build up the animosity. I think it makes sense two tacticians would use the same formula out of the ring.


I was not aware of the perfect show theory, surprisingly. Would've led with Gonzalez and Laramee then.


Speaking of Laramee, man is that fun dude to write. I am treating him like a gangsta version of Big Poppa Pump where he's cocky and crazy and everything else under the sun.


I can say much about the mystery man except that his little interruption is part of my 2nd big angle (the 1st being J-Mar, Nemesis, and Vibert) that will build up slowly.


Come on Celt, this is wrestling! Brian Pillman (RIP) broke into Steve Austin's house with a gun and nothing happened to him. Wrestling survives on the implausibility of certain things. And, maybe, Chase wasn't exactly kidnapped...


Unfortunately, I don't have a PPV deal. None of the carriers would pick me up so it was a 'Medium' event which accounts for the low attendance. Plus, it's New England which is my 2nd best territory right now.


Also, there's a post-show post coming shortly because I was forced to fire a member of the DAVE roster.

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There's two things I always remember about the first major show I ever booked. First, was what I'll call "The Blackout". When those lights dark, I don't think anybody knew what was going to happen. Besides, of course, myself, the production guy I bribed to splice it into the show, and the man behind the voice. Phil didn't know. He wasn't too happy with me after the show but when I explained my plan, Phil came around. I believe he said, "Innovative. That's what I'm f****** talkin' about."


Second, was letting go Frank. You could do about anything backstage at DAVE. Drugs, smoke, eat, hell half our guys would work a match with a 12-pack in 'em. The one thing you can't do...beat up the boss. There was some debate about the finish of the main event. Frank didn't like it. Phil was insistent and I believe he called Frank a "Doc Brown-looking bitch". Frank lost it. He leapt over the table and got two good shots in on Phil before everybody pulled him off. It took me about two seconds after everyone cleared out to tell Frank he was done. He thought Phil was overreacting. I told him it wasn't Phil. I made the decision. Why? What kind of message does it send if a guy is allowed to keep his job after landing two solid rights to the jaw of Phil Vibert? Not a good one. Frank had to go. Now, I was looking for another Road Agent and some more T&A.

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Show Prediction Results:

*1/2 point awarded to anybody who picked the Laramee/Gonzalez match*

jtnlange 5.5/7

Midnightnick 5.5/7

Oregano Jensen 5/7

The Celt 4/7

Timber 3.5/7

James Casey 3.5/7


Overall Prediction Results:

The Celt 22/28

jtnlange 21.5/28

Midnightnick 20.5/28

Oregano Jensen 20/28

Charasmatic Enigma 13/28

arwink 12/28

Timber 3.5/28

James Casey 3.5/28


New cycle starts with the next Danger Zone TV so a whole new chance to win. This cycle's prize...a creative decision which I will PM the winner.

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Whelp, looks like Fab Frank is getting blackballed for the next...forever.


I'm just glad it wasn't somebody important. Caulfield, Emma, Johnny, and I believe Nemesis all have positive relationships with Phil, so it was unlikely to be them. But, Boone would've problem. And who knows what that crazy cat Laramee would do?


On the positive side, Phil Vibert is now loyal to me. So it's unlikely I'll get fired unless I do a really bad job.


Also, Celt, I'll be PM'ing you names of the girls who fit the criteria I'm looking for tomorrow. As winner of this cycle, it's your choice dude.

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I've been reading this for a little while, but held off on commenting until the PPV. Well, let me say once and for all that this diary has me hooked! While I have a lot of fondness for Wrestling promotions where Real Wrestlers Wrestle, while talking about Wrestling, playing the characters of Wrestlers who Wrestle, I yearn sometimes for crazy swerves, tasteless angles, and the pushing of less talented guys because they can get good results once in a while. I love seeing Kurt Laramee getting some focus. Kidnapping Emma Chase was just the sort of thing a crazy hardcore shock-loving fed like DAVE would do. The Holmes/Kunomasu swerve was a thing of beauty.


Never change, DAVE. Never change.

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I've been reading this for a little while, but held off on commenting until the PPV. Well, let me say once and for all that this diary has me hooked! While I have a lot of fondness for Wrestling promotions where Real Wrestlers Wrestle, while talking about Wrestling, playing the characters of Wrestlers who Wrestle, I yearn sometimes for crazy swerves, tasteless angles, and the pushing of less talented guys because they can get good results once in a while. I love seeing Kurt Laramee getting some focus. Kidnapping Emma Chase was just the sort of thing a crazy hardcore shock-loving fed like DAVE would do. The Holmes/Kunomasu swerve was a thing of beauty.


Never change, DAVE. Never change.


Thanks for reading! And I wholeheartedly agree with your point that, hey, there's a place for the Stones and there's a place for guys like Laramee. So get ready for more craziness, more obscene violence, and more scantily clad babes in this diary. Because, I don't see any point in stopping now.

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Man missed it by half a point.


Great show SM. Like the story. This is going to be a fun ride I think.




You think? You think? You KNOW this is going to be a fun ride. I wouldn't have it any other way.


And, yea, you came really close to taking home to the prize. There's always the next cycle.

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Phil Vibert helped Nemesis retain the DAVE Unified Championship at Attitude Adjustment. Let us repeat that. Phil Vibert, who has a restraining order against the champ, helped Nemesis retain his title. The Owner of DAVE has spoken about his motives, but we're sure to hear from him this Friday. And it's a good bet Nemesis will have something to say as well.


Two men who suffered defeat at Attitude Adjustment square off. "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield was the victim of a heinous attack by Johnny Martin, but got his girlfriend Emma Chase back. Friday, Caulfield will do battle with the man who had Nemesis on the ropes, Madman Boone. Both Caulfield and Boone will be looking to pick up the victory and wash the taste of Attitude Adjustment right out of their mouth.


"The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez will be looking to get some payback as well when he takes on Kurt Laramee. You'll remember Rodriguez' hands were burned by Laramee's right-hand-man Carl Batch two weeks ago. "The Priest of Pain" came back sooner than expected and managed to win a battle royal and 10,000 dollars at Attitude Adjustment. Laramee might not be 100% after his war with Rodriguez' friend Shawn Gonzalez, but one has to imagine the self-proclaimed "Playboy" will have a few tricks up his sleeve.


Also, Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu pulled one over on everybody. The two men, seemingly at each other's throats the past few weeks, were working in tandem all along. The ruse allowed them to capture the DAVE Tag Team Championship at Attitude Adjustment. This week on Danger Zone TV, they'll make their first defense against another DAVE Champion. That's right it'll be The New Jersey Devils vs Holmes & Kunomasu for the DAVE Tag Team Championship.


And a special treat for those in attendance, Eric Tyler issued a challenge at Attitude Adjustment, for any member of the DAVE roster to beat him in an actual wrestling match. We're told the first man to answer the bell is none other than "The V Man" himself Vin Tanner.


All that and more, this week on Danger Zone TV only on East Coast Today.


Prediction Key:

"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone

Kurt Laramee vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The New Jersey Devils

Dark Match: Eric Tyler vs "The V Man" Vin Tanner


OOC: No idea when the show will actually be up. Going away for Valentine's Day this weekend and spending all next week preparing to move into a new place next Saturday. I'm gonna shoot for Tuesday or Wednesday.

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Quick Picks:

"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone

I like Caulfield alot but looks Boone gets the push and the win.


Kurt Laramee vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

Pablo builds off of his win from the last show.


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The New Jersey Devils

Champs retain.

Dark Match: Eric Tyler vs "The V Man" Vin Tanner

Tyler gets the win.

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"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone

Enormous schmozz as everyone and their dog runs in, leading to the match being thrown out.


Kurt Laramee vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

More dastardly dealings will give Laramee the win. It'll take a PPV for the Priest to go over.


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The New Jersey Devils

Swerve me once, shame on me. Swerve me twice, shame on you!


Dark Match: Eric Tyler vs "The V Man" Vin Tanner

Because seriously, he's Eric Tyler!

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