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Mamed Khalidov injured.

by Bret Lonsy.


UFC middleweight, Mamed Khalidov has injured his neck in training and going to be out for at least a year, following his surgery.


Khalidov posted this on his twitter, “Hate to say this, but need surgery on my neck, will be out for a long time.” It is not known how he injured his neck or how serious it is, but we hop he gets better.

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UFC 147: Silva vs. Sonnen II live play-by-play and results.

by Jos de Jesus Souza.


Alexandre Pantoja (@PantojaMMA) vs. Isao Hirose (@IsaoHiroseMMA)


Round 1:

 >A jab misses and Pantoja counters with a flurry of small strikes.
>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Pantoja.
>Pantoja doesn't get the takedown, Hirose was equal to it and pulls them into a clinch.
>The grapple breaks up after a short struggle, and the two fighters step apart.
>Pantoja comes in closer, looking to clinch with Hirose.
>Pantoja walks into a big left jab, landing right on the cheek.
>Hirose looks to be trying to close the distance between them.
>He pulls Pantoja into a grapple.
>Hirose is trying to push Pantoja so that his back is up against the cage.
>Hirose can't manage it, and Pantoja gets out of the grapple entirely.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Hirose throws a swift jab but doesn't do any damage.
>Pantoja doesn't let Hirose settle, stepping in closer to impose himself.
>Pantoja comes in with a couple of jabs, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.
>Hirose tries to avoid the takedown.
>The takedown is unsuccessful, Hirose avoided Pantoja.
>Pantoja is getting in closer to Hirose, perhaps looking for a clinch.
>Pantoja is surprised by a vicious countering right uppercut, but he avoids it at the last second.
>Pantoja throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.
>Hirose tries to step away from the takedown.
>Pantoja can't get the takedown, Hirose was too quick to back away.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Hirose avoids a flurry of rights and lefts.
>Pantoja looks to be trying to close the distance between them.
>Hirose keeps himself moving out of range, not wanting to grapple.
>The time runs out on round one.
>Incredibly close round, but Pantoja came out just ahead on my score card.


Round 2:

 >Hirose counters a flurry of punches with a left jab to the cheek.
>Hirose avoids a flurry of rights and lefts.
>A wild spinning back fist misses and allows Pantoja to counter with a jab.
>Pantoja comes in, looking for a quick takedown.
>Pantoja gets caught with a right though, and he is momentarily wobbly!
>Pantoja counters a left jab by hitting a quick series of punches.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Hirose uses a feint to get Pantoja off balance, but the flurry of rights and lefts that follow don't find their mark.
>A jab misses and Pantoja counters with a solid left jab.
>Hirose throws a speculative right, but it is nowhere near hitting.
>Pantoja doesn't press the issue, allowing Hirose to circle.
>Pantoja slams a crisp right into the gloves of Hirose, but can't follow up.
>Time slips away as Hirose doesn't press Pantoja, allowing him to circle.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>Pantoja looks to be trying to close the distance between them.
>Strikes from Hirose keep Pantoja from stepping in too close, and he is forced to step back.
>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.
>There was very little to separate them in that round, but I'll give that one 10-9 to Pantoja.


Round 3:

 >A feinted low kick sets up a right high kick attempt, and Pantoja is lucky to avoid it.
>A straight left fails to land and Pantoja is able to fire back with a crisp left hand punch.
>Pantoja counters an attempted teep with a crisp jab.
>Hirose looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Pantoja.
>He gets into range.
>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Pantoja hits a flurry of jabs and straight punches.
>Using good head movement, Hirose slips past a punch and hits a jab.
>A left jab misses, Hirose counters with a solid punch.
>Pantoja uses head movement to cause a left jab to sail harmlessly by.
>Hirose circles away, creating some distance between them.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>Pantoja is getting in closer to Hirose, perhaps looking for a clinch.
>Hirose keeps himself moving out of range, not wanting to clinch.
>Hirose narrowly misses Pantoja with a right uppercut.
>Pantoja steps in to put some pressure on.
>Hirose slips out of the way of a flurry of punches.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>Pantoja throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Hirose.
>Hirose attempts to avoid Pantoja as he shoots in.
>The takedown doesn't work, Hirose saw it coming and got out of range.
>Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.
>The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires.
>An extremely close round, could have gone either way, but personally I'll give it to Hirose 10-9.

Alexandre Pantoja def. Isao Hirose via Split decision (30-27, 28-29, 30-27).



Cristiano Marcello (@CristianoBJJ) vs. Ramsey Nijem (@RamseyNijem)


Round 1:

 >Marcello gets caught with a series of quick punches.
>Nijem nails Marcello with a series of quick jabs.
>Nijem is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Marcello.
>Marcello drops down and catches the advancing Nijem by surprise with a single leg takedown.
>Perhaps looking to create space for a leglock, Marcello tries to break the guard apart.
>Nijem can't maintain his guard and that allows Marcello to grab an ankle lock, forcing the submission!
>The winner, by submission; Cristiano Marcello!

Cristiano Marcello def. Ramsey Nijem via Submission (Ankle Lock) - Round 1, 1:49.



Carlos Eduardo Rocha (@CarlosEduJJ) vs. Mark Scanlon (@Scanlock)


Round 1:

 >Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything.
>Scanlon catches Rocha with a solid left jab.
>Scanlon looks to be trying to close the distance between them.
>Not keen on wrestling Scanlon, Rocha uses movement to keep out of reach.
>Scanlon circles, looking for an opening.
>Rocha seems to be waiting for Scanlon to make a move.
>Scanlon feints to the right, trying to draw Rocha into throwing a strike.
>Scanlon steps in but an exchange of strikes goes nowhere.
>Rocha steps in closer to force the issue.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Rocha looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Rocha is forced to use his gloves to deflect a sudden counter right.
>Scanlon comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Rocha.
>Rocha fires off a strike first, but it just misses.
>A flurry of rights and lefts miss, allowing Scanlon to hit back with a jab.
>There's under a minute left in this round.
>Scanlon gets Rocha with a punch to the ribs, but it lacked power.
>Not letting Scanlon settle at all, Rocha comes in closer.
>There's a short stalemate as both fighters advance and throw strikes, but neither hits.
>Scanlon looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Rocha.
>Rocha uses his strikes to stop Scanlon from getting close enough to grapple.
>Round one ends as time expires.
>Really bad round, there was a whole lot of nothing going on there.
>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Scanlon.


Round 2:

 >Scanlon hits a crisp left jab.
>They exchange strikes, but neither fighter inflicts any real damage.
>Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up clinched.
>Rocha is looking to muscle Scanlon back against the cage.
>Rocha achieves it, pinning Scanlon to the cage.
>Scanlon waits for Rocha to try some dirty boxing, then quickly uses wrestling to turn him around so that he now has his back to the cage.
>Scanlon catches Rocha with a knee strike to the thigh.
>Scanlon hits a knee strike to the thigh.
>Scanlon tries a foot stomp, but Rocha avoids it.
>Rocha avoids a foot stomp attempt.
>We move into the second half of this round.
>Scanlon looks for an elbow strike, but Rocha out-wrestles him and switches them around so that he is in the dominant position.
>Rocha tries to dirty box Scanlon, but finds himself out-wrestled and turned around so that he is the one against the cage.
>With the fighters having been stuck against the cage for quite a while, the referee bringing them back to the center.
>A straight left from Scanlon fails to land.
>Not letting up, Rocha quickly steps in closer to attack Scanlon.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>Rocha throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.
>Scanlon sees the takedown coming and tries to move.
>The takedown is completed, Rocha came in hard and fast and was too much for Scanlon.
>Scanlon ends up sitting, his legs trapped under Rocha, with his back pressed against the cage.
>Rocha starts trying to get Scanlon on his back so that he can gain a better position.
>He does well, and manages to get side control over Scanlon.
>Carlos Eduardo Rocha is breathing very hard.
>Round two is brought to an end as time runs out.
>I have to give that round to Rocha, but only a 10-9.


Round 3:

 >Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but neither does any damage.
>Scanlon looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Rocha.
>Scanlon grapples with Rocha, who made no attempt to escape.
>Scanlon is trying to push Rocha so that his back is up against the cage.
>Scanlon manages it, and controls Rocha up against the cage.
>Scanlon shows his grappling ability by pinning Rocha up against the cage and keeps him there for about sixty seconds.
>Rocha is controlled up against the cage and takes a hard foot stomp.
>Scanlon steps back from Rocha and looks to unleash some strikes.
>Scanlon throws a flurry of punches but Rocha covers up and takes them easily.
>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
>Moving in closer, Scanlon looks like he may want to wrestle Rocha.
>Seeing a takedown opportunity, Rocha goes for a single leg, but Scanlon is equal to it.
>Carlos Eduardo Rocha looks very, very tired.
>Scanlon looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Rocha.
>Seeing a takedown opportunity, Rocha goes for a single leg, but Scanlon is equal to it.
>Scanlon is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Rocha.
>Rocha ends up grappling for supremacy with Scanlon.
>Scanlon is trying to push Rocha so that his back is up against the cage.
>Scanlon achieves it, pinning Rocha to the cage.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Scanlon smothers Rocha up against the cage, keeping him stuck there for the remainder of the round.
>Mark Scanlon looks very tired out there.
>The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires.
>I think Scanlon took that round, 10-9 on my score card.

Mark Scanlon def. Carlos Eduardo Rocha via Split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28).



Antonio Braga Neto (@BragaNeto) vs. Chris Camozzi (@ChrisCamozzi)


Round 1:

 >A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning.
>Camozzi steps back to avoid a left jab.
>Moving in closer, Camozzi looks like he may want to wrestle Neto.
>Camozzi can't get close enough to grapple, Neto keeps him away with strikes.
>A speculative left hand from Camozzi doesn't find a home.
>Neto steps in closer to force the issue.
>Neto chooses to shoot in on Camozzi.
>Camozzi attempts to avoid Neto as he shoots in.
>Neto doesn't get the takedown, Camozzi avoided it.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Neto to fire back with a solid left jab.
>Camozzi avoids a jab and scores with a clean jab.
>Neto shoots in for a takedown.
>Camozzi sprawls to stop the takedown, then pulls Neto up close into a clinch.
>Using his wrestling skills, Camozzi is trying to push Neto up against the cage.
>Neto out-wrestles him though.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>Neto tries to pick Camozzi up for a slam.
>Camozzi defends it well though, and slips away from Neto.
>Neto shoots in, looking for a takedown.
>Camozzi tries to avoid Neto.
>The takedown doesn't work, Camozzi saw it coming and got out of range.
>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.
>Incredibly close round, but Camozzi came out just ahead on my score card.


Round 2:

 >Neto counters a wayward right jab with a series of lefts.
>A jab misses and Neto counters with a clean jab.
>Camozzi counters a left jab by hitting a right jab to the cheek.
>Neto throws a left jab but Camozzi avoids it.
>A showdown where they both exchange strikes only results in a stalemate.
>They wind up in a tight clinch.
>Neto tries to wrestle Camozzi backward and up against the cage.
>He does so, and now has Camozzi pinned to the cage.
>We move into the second half of this round.
>Neto looks for a trip takedown.
>The takedown is completed, Camozzi is on his back and pulls guard.
>Neto looks to get past the guard.
>Camozzi can't do anything about the pass, and is left under side control.
>In side control, Neto catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.
>Neto tries to ensnare Camozzi in an americana.
>Camozzi fights off the americana attempt.
>Camozzi tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Neto punches down at Camozzi, but they are easily taken on the gloves.
>Neto throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.
>Neto tries to slip behind and take the back.
>Camozzi can't stop it and gives up his back!
>Round two is brought to an end as time runs out.
>I think Neto took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 3:

 >A flurry of punches fail to land, giving Camozzi the opportunity to counter with a nice jab.
>Camozzi comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Neto.
>Neto ends up grappling for supremacy with Camozzi.
>Camozzi is looking to muscle Neto back against the cage.
>Camozzi can't do it though, and ends up being out-wrestled in the grapple.
>Neto tries to wrestle Camozzi backward and up against the cage.
>Camozzi ends up backed against the cage.
>Antonio Braga Neto doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.
>Neto tries to take Camozzi down.
>The takedown is successful, Camozzi pulls guard.
>In guard, Neto begins working to pass to side control.
>Camozzi can't do anything about the pass, and is left under side control.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>In side control, Neto catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.
>Camozzi tries to sweep Neto but can't do it.
>Neto throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath.
>Using an underhook to set it up, Camozzi looks to scramble for position.
>There's under a minute left in this round.
>The scramble leaves Camozzi on top in side control.
>Antonio Braga Neto looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.
>Camozzi lets go of side control and stands up, then backs off, wanting the fight standing.
>Moving in closer, a tired-looking Neto apparently wants to strike from the pocket.
>Camozzi seems happy to engage with Neto in the pocket.
>Camozzi looks to be trying to close the distance between them.
>Neto moves in too, and they start to grapple.
>The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires.
>I have to give that round to Neto, but only a 10-9.

Antonio Braga Neto def. Chris Camozzi via Unaimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28).



Ednaldo Oliveira (@Ednaldolula) vs. Jon Olav Einemo (@JohnEinemo)


Round 1:

 >Einemo slips out of the way of a flurry of punches.
>A jab misses, allowing Oliveira to counter-strike with a flurry of quick punches.
>Einemo avoids a jab.
>Einemo shoots in, looking for a takedown.
>Oliveira tries to avoid Einemo.
>Einemo can't get the takedown, Oliveira was too quick to back away.
>Einemo looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Einemo is in the pocket, ready to attack Oliveira.
>Moving in closer, Einemo looks like he may want to wrestle Oliveira.
>Not wanting to grapple, Oliveira uses strikes to keep Einemo at a distance.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>Oliveira feints rushing in, but Einemo doesn't fall for it.
>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Einemo.
>The takedown is completed, Oliveira is on his back and pulls guard.
>The clock runs down as Oliveira is being smothered against the ground by Einemo.
>Einemo begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.
>Oliveira keeps his guard secure.
>Einemo leans back to avoid a couple of wild swings from Oliveira.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>In guard, Einemo begins working to pass to side control.
>Oliveira can't block the pass, and is left pulling half guard.
>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.
>Incredibly close round, but Einemo came out just ahead on my score card.


Round 2:

 >Oliveira tries for a left jab but Einemo moves out of range.
>Oliveira avoids a jab and scores with a right body kick.
>Oliveira counters an errant left jab with a swift right kick to the leg.
>Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.
>A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning.
>Einemo grabs a body kick and goes for the takedown, getting it! Oliveira manages to pull guard.
>Einemo attempts to pass guard.
>Oliveira keeps Einemo in guard.
>Oliveira throws out some punches, but Einemo leans back to avoid them.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>Einemo lies on top of Oliveira, basically smothering him.
>Einemo lies on top of Oliveira, basically smothering him.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>The clock runs down as Oliveira is being smothered against the ground by Einemo.
>The time runs out on round two.
>An extremely close round, could have gone either way, but personally I'll give it to Oliveira 10-9.


Round 3:

 >Both fighters go to exchange blows, but neither hits a telling strike.
>Oliveira tries for a left jab but Einemo moves out of range.
>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.
>Einemo uses a flurry of lefts and rights to get Oliveira to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.
>Oliveira tries to avoid the takedown.
>The takedown doesn't work, Oliveira saw it coming and got out of range.
>Einemo slips out of the way of a leg kick.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>Einemo slips out of the way of a jab.
>There's a takedown attempt from Einemo.
>Oliveira attempts to avoid Einemo as he shoots in.
>Einemo can't get the takedown, Oliveira was too quick to back away.
>Oliveira narrowly misses Einemo with a right uppercut.
>Einemo comes in closer to press the issue.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Einemo comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.
>To counter, Oliveira throws a big right hand which doesn't miss by much.
>Oliveira counters a left jab with a nasty-looking kick to the inside of the left knee.
>There's only so many of those strikes to the legs that can be taken before they become an issue.
>Einemo shoots in, looking for a takedown.
>Einemo walks into a big left jab, landing right on the cheek.
>Ednaldo Oliveira looks very tired out there.
>The time expires on round three, and that is the end of the fight.
>I have to give that round to Oliveira, but only a 10-9.

Ednaldo Oliveira def. Jon Olav Einemo via Unaimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 29-28).



Caio Magalhaes vs. James Te Huna (@JamesTeHuna)


Round 1:

 >A jab misses and Te Huna counters with a flurry of small strikes.
>Magalhaes throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.
>Te Huna stuffs the takedown attempt.
>Magalhaes is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Te Huna.
>Magalhaes grabs Te Huna and pulls him into a grapple.
>Magalhaes attempts to wrestle Te Huna to the ground.
>The takedown is successful and he gets side control too.
>Magalhaes attempts an arm triangle.
>Magalhaes gets the arm triangle, sinks it in deeply, but Te Huna is still trying to fight out of it!
>No! Te Huna manages to break free. Clearly the hold couldn't have been as tight as it looked.
>Te Huna tries to move to guard, but Magalhaes doesn't allow it.
>Magalhaes tries to lock Te Huna into an armbar.
>Te Huna fights off the armbar attempt.
>Te Huna tries to sweep Magalhaes but can't.
>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
>Magalhaes looks to roll Te Huna slightly and slip behind.
>Te Huna keeps Magalhaes from getting behind him.
>Te Huna tries a sweep from the bottom of side control, but doesn't budge Magalhaes.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Magalhaes begins trying to get himself into a mount.
>Te Huna doesn't allow Magalhaes to get the mount.
>Te Huna takes the opportunity and manages to pull half guard.
>Round one ends as time expires.
>That wasn't the most exciting round we've ever seen, hopefully things will pick up in the next one.
>An extremely close round, could have gone either way, but personally I'll give it to Magalhaes 10-9.


Round 2:

 >Te Huna counters a right kick to the legs with a series of quick lefts.
>Magalhaes avoids a flurry of punches.
>A barrage of punches miss and Magalhaes strikes back with a hard kick across the side.
>Te Huna looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Magalhaes now has Te Huna standing in the pocket.
>They both meet with strikes, but neither does any damage.
>Stepping back, Te Huna creates a bit of distance.
>Moving in closer, Te Huna looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.
>Magalhaes now has Te Huna standing in the pocket.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>Te Huna, in the pocket, throws a vicious right uppercut but Magalhaes covers up and absorbs it.
>Magalhaes ducks under a huge right hand and returns fire with a crisp left.
>James Te Huna looks very tired out there.
>Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.
>Not comfortable in the pocket, Te Huna steps back and creates some space.
>A straight left from Te Huna fails to land.
>It seems that Magalhaes is happy to let Te Huna circle for the moment.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>Magalhaes looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Magalhaes is now standing in the pocket.
>Good head movement allows Magalhaes to roll past an attempted knock out punch and hit a hard right kick across the side.
>From the pocket, Magalhaes catches Te Huna with a crisp jab.
>Time expires and we come to the end of round two.
>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Magalhaes.


Round 3:

 >Magalhaes drops a shoulder, trying to sucker Te Huna in with a faked single leg attempt.
>There's a takedown attempt from Magalhaes.
>He has the takedown! Te Huna pulls guard.
>Magalhaes looks to get past the guard.
>Te Huna finds his opponent too skilled, and Magalhaes passes guard into side control.
>Magalhaes begins trying to get himself behind Te Huna.
>Te Huna tries to escape but only succeeds in giving up his back!
>Magalhaes gets both hooks in, and is now in a really dominant position.
>With both hooks in and therefore great control of the body, Magalhaes tries to finish Te Huna off with a rear naked choke.
>Te Huna doesn't allow the arm to go under his chin.
>From the looks of things, I don't think James Te Huna has much energy left.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>With both hooks in and therefore great control of the body, Magalhaes tries to finish Te Huna off with a rear naked choke.
>Te Huna defends himself well against the choke.
>Magalhaes has good control, and starts pounding away on Te Huna.
>Te Huna had better start defending himself, or this will be over!
>The referee gives Te Huna time to do something, but eventually has to come in and stop the fight!
>The winner, by TKO, is Caio 'Hellboy' Magalhaes!

Caio Magalhaes def. James Te Huna via TKO (Strikes) - Round 3, 3:40.



Antonio Silva (@BigfootSilva) vs. Stipe Miocic (@smiocic)


Round 1:

 >Both fighters fire off strikes, neither produces any significant damage.
>From the missed strikes they clinch.
>Silva smothers Miocic when he tries to use some dirty boxing, and gains the upper hand in the grapple as a result.
>Silva tries to wrestle Miocic backward and up against the cage.
>Silva does it, Miocic is stuck with his back to the cage.
>Silva hits Miocic with a short, sharp right uppercut, wobbling him.
>Silva moves back from the grapple and looks ready to strike.
>Working from the pocket, Silva hits a nice combination.
>Good head movement allows Miocic to avoid a wildly thrown right hand.
>Moving in closer, Silva looks like he may want to wrestle Miocic.
>He pulls Miocic into a grapple.
>Silva is trying to muscle Miocic up against the cage.
>He does so, and now has Miocic pinned to the cage.
>Miocic is controlled up against the cage and takes an elbow to the face from the clinch.
>Miocic gets caught with a knee to the inside of the thigh, twice.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>With Miocic stuck against the cage, Silva tries to complete a takedown.
>Miocic cannot stop the takedown, and has to pull half guard.
>Silva looks to pass half guard and get side control.
>He passes guard with ease, moving straight into the mount.
>Silva pounds away on Miocic, but few of the shots lands clean.
>Silva fires away with punches, but Miocic deals with them fairly well.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Silva pounds away on Miocic with elbows, but few of the shots lands clean.
>Silva pounds away from the mount, but Miocic covers up and defends them well.
>Miocic tries to turn over and sweep Silva, but rolls too far and gives up his back!
>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.
>There's no question that Silva took that round, I'm giving it a 10-8 score.


Round 2:

 >Miocic counters a wayward left jab with a solid left.
>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.
>Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but neither does any damage.
>In close proximity from the strikes they threw, they fall into a messy clinch.
>Silva hits Miocic with some short strikes to the side of the head while grappling.
>Silva tries to wrestle Miocic backward and up against the cage.
>Silva does it, Miocic is stuck with his back to the cage.
>Silva smothers Miocic against the cage, then hits him with a knee strike to the ribs.
>Antonio Silva is looking really tired.
>Unable to get free, Miocic is smothered up against the cage for well over sixty seconds.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Silva hits Miocic, who is pressed up against the cage, with a nice short uppercut.
>Showing his ability to exert control, Silva smothers Miocic up against the cage for about a minute.
>From the looks of things, I don't think Antonio Silva has much energy left.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>The referee decides that there is a lack of progress being made and separates them.
>Miocic counters a left jab by hitting two punches.
>Time expires and we come to the end of round two.
>That round goes to Silva, 10-9 on my card.


Round 3:

 >Miocic tries for a right body kick but Silva moves out of range.
>Miocic drops his shoulder as a feint, trying to draw a strike.
>Miocic counters a wayward left jab with a quick left.
>A couple of wild punches go sailing past, giving Silva the opportunity to counter with a nice jab.
>Miocic counters a left jab by hitting a left.
>Backing out of range, Miocic circles tentatively.
>Silva seems to be waiting for Miocic to make a move.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>A tired-looking Silva throws a couple of ragged punches to get Miocic to cover up, then tries a takedown.
>The takedown is successful, Miocic couldn't quite stay on his feet.
>Miocic is left seated, with his back to the cage, with Silva holding him down.
>Silva pushes forward against Miocic, basically smothering him against the cage wall.
>Not liking his options, Silva looks to get a better position over Miocic.
>Miocic gets turned onto his back, and is mounted!
>There's under a minute left in this round.
>Silva pounds away from the mount with elbows, but is unable to land many clean shots on Miocic.
>Antonio Silva looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.
>Silva unloads with big elbows from the mount, but Miocic is able to deal with most of them.
>Miocic has a large gash above his eye from that strike.
>Silva fires away with elbows, but Miocic deals with them fairly well.
>The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.
>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Silva.

Antonio Silva def. Stipe Miocic via Unaimous decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-26).



Diego Brandao (@DiegoBrandaoMMA) vs. Max Holloway (@BlessedMMA)


Round 1:

 >A weak right kick is countered by Brandao with a flurry of jabs and straight punches.
>Holloway avoids a flurry of rights and lefts and hits a stinging left jab.
>Brandao moves in quickly after a wayward punch and hits a quick series of punches.
>A left jab misses and Brandao counters with a series of quick lefts.
>Brandao looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Keen to maintain some distance, Holloway uses strikes to keep Brandao away.
>A wayward right kick to the body allows Brandao to hit a solid left.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Brandao darts in, feints a jab, darts back out.
>Brandao counters a right kick to the body by hitting a quick right that lands flush, knocking Holloway down!
>Brandao doesn't have time to capitalise though, as Holloway recovers his wits quickly.
>Brandao leans in and hits Holloway with a powerful shot, but doesn't get pulled down into guard.
>Brandao leans in and hits Holloway with a solid right hand, but doesn't get pulled down into guard.
>Holloway grabs a kick and uses it to pull Brandao down into guard.
>Brandao pounds away with right hands from the guard, but doesn't really do a great deal of damage.
>Brandao blocks Holloway as he tries a sweep from the guard.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Brandao throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.
>Holloway tries to pull Brandao in close and pepper him with short strikes, but can't.
>The time runs out on round one.
>That round certainly got the fans going.
>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Brandao.


Round 2:

 >Holloway counters a left jab with a nice jab.
>Holloway slips past an attempted big right hand and counters with a kick to the ribs.
>Brandao counters an errant left jab with several big right hands, putting Holloway down, dazed!
>Holloway recovers his wits quickly, and waits for Brandao to make a move.
>On his back, Holloway watches as Brandao comes in looking to get a dominant ground position.
>Brandao dives in, but Holloway pushes him away and starts to scramble.
>The scramble fails to secure either fighter a dominant position, and they both end up standing.
>Holloway circles as he plans his next move.
>Not letting Holloway settle, Brandao moves in closer.
>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
>Brandao comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.
>Strikes from Holloway keep Brandao from stepping in too close.
>Brandao looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Keen to maintain some distance, Holloway uses strikes to keep Brandao away.
>Brandao avoids a body kick.
>Holloway looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Holloway is in the pocket, ready to attack Brandao.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>A left jab misses, giving Holloway the chance to hit back with a thudding right hook to the body.
>Brandao lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with some heavy right hands...Holloway tries to cover up but is knocked down!
>Brandao senses victory and starts to unload with punches!
>Brandao pounds away on Holloway, landing several great shots that threaten to knock him out!
>The referee is forced to jump in and stop the match!
>The winner, by TKO, is Diego 'Ceara' Brandao!

Diego Brandao def. Max Holloway via TKO (Strikes) - Round 2, 4:57.



Thiago Tavares (@TavaresMMA) vs. Kamal Shalorus (@kamalshalorus)


Round 1:

 >A left jab misses and Tavares counters with a leg kick.
>Tavares throws a combination of rights and lefts, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.
>Tavares doesn't get the takedown, Shalorus was equal to it and pulls them into a clinch.
>Using his wrestling skills, Shalorus is trying to push Tavares up against the cage.
>Tavares out-wrestles him though.
>Using his wrestling skills, Tavares is trying to push Shalorus up against the cage.
>Tavares manages it, and controls Shalorus up against the cage.
>Tavares tries to take Shalorus down.
>Shalorus cannot stop the takedown, and has to pull guard.
>Tavares throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.
>Looking to catch his breath, Tavares is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Tavares throws a few right hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead.
>Shalorus raises his legs and tries to get Tavares into a triangle choke.
>Tavares doesn't let Shalorus get it.
>Tavares is trying to pass guard.
>He can't quite manage to get past guard on this attempt.
>Shalorus uses his legs to push Tavares back, and tries to scramble for position.
>He may regret that choice, as it gives Tavares the perfect opportunity to come over the top and get side control.
>Tavares throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>Tavares tries to lock Shalorus in an armbar.
>An armbar is applied, Shalorus is trapped!
>Tavares loses the hold! Somehow Shalorus got his arm free. That was incredibly close to a finish though.
>Shalorus looks ready to try and scramble, but Tavares is quick to move to prevent that.
>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.
>I have to give that round to Tavares, but only a 10-9.


Round 2:

 >Shalorus drops his shoulder, faking going for a double leg, trying to draw a response.
>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.
>From the missed strikes they clinch.
>Tavares tries to wrestle Shalorus backward and up against the cage.
>He does so, and now has Shalorus pinned to the cage.
>Shalorus is controlled up against the cage and takes a hard foot stomp.
>Tavares attempts to wrestle Shalorus to the ground.
>The takedown is successful and he gets side control too.
>Tavares tries to lock Shalorus into an armbar.
>Shalorus blocks it.
>Shalorus looks ready to try and scramble, but Tavares is quick to move to prevent that.
>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
>Tavares starts trying to work to use side control as a way to get behind Shalorus.
>Tavares isn't able to get behind Shalorus this time around.
>Shalorus tries to pull guard on Tavares but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt.
>Tavares attempts to roll Shalorus slightly and take his back.
>Shalorus keeps Tavares from getting behind him.
>Using an underhook to set it up, Shalorus looks to scramble for position.
>Thiago Tavares is breathing very hard.
>The scramble leaves Shalorus on his back pulling half guard.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Tavares tries to pass the half guard.
>He can't quite manage to get past half guard on this attempt.
>Shalorus attempts to guillotine Tavares from the bottom of half guard.
>Tavares pulls free before the guillotine can be applied.
>Breathing very hard, Kamal Shalorus is looking ragged.
>The time runs out on round two.
>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Tavares.


Round 3:

 >Tavares counters an attempted knock out punch with a right kick to the thigh.
>Strikes to the leg like that will take their toll.
>Tavares swiftly avoids a barrage of big punches.
>Shalorus throws a left jab but Tavares avoids it.
>A tired-looking Tavares throws a couple of ragged punches to get Shalorus to cover up, then tries a takedown.
>Shalorus sees the takedown coming and tries to move.
>The takedown is unsuccessful, Shalorus avoided Tavares.
>Kamal Shalorus looks like he doesn't have a lot left to give.
>Tavares comes in closer, despite his tiredness, looking to attack from the pocket.
>Backing off, Shalorus makes sure to keep out of range.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Shalorus tries for a left jab but Tavares moves out of range.
>Moving in closer, a tired-looking Shalorus apparently wants to strike from the pocket.
>Shalorus moves into the pocket.
>Tavares catches Shalorus with a hard kick to the outside of the knee.
>Thiago Tavares looks like he doesn't have a lot left to give.
>Tavares catches Shalorus with a hard kick to the outside of the knee.
>Kamal Shalorus is obviously limping.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Shalorus slips past a straight punch and hits a great right hand, Tavares took it full in the face and is knocked out!
>Kamal Shalorus takes the victory by way of Knock Out!

Kamal Shalorus def. Thiago Tavares via KO (Punch) - Round 3, 4:14.



Erick Silva (@ErickSilvaMMA) vs. Dan Hardy (@danhardymma)


Round 1:

 >An errant jab sets Hardy up to counter-strike with a straight left.
>An exchange of blows doesn't really produce any damage or a clear advantage.
>Silva looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Hardy.
>Hardy finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.
>Silva uses dirty boxing and gets in a few crisp punches on Hardy as they grapple.
>The grapple breaks up after a short struggle, and the two fighters step apart.
>Silva feints going high, but Hardy doesn't buy it.
>Hardy counters a wayward left jab with a right kick to the thigh.
>A jab misses and Hardy counters with a hard leg kick.
>Strikes to the leg like that will take their toll.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>A left jab misses and Hardy counters with a nice one-two combination.
>Silva just avoids a combination of short sharp punches and hits a series of hard rights!
>Looking glassy-eyed, Hardy staggers backward...he may have been stunned by that last blow!
>Silva runs in and tries to finish with a barrage of big punches, but Hardy recovers quickly enough to cover up and absorb them.
>Silva looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Hardy.
>Silva can't close the distance, Hardy keeps him away with strikes.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Silva avoids a leg kick and scores with a barrage of big right hands, forcing Hardy back!
>Hardy uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a swift leg kick.
>Erick Silva is now clearly favouring one leg.
>Hardy is doing the smart thing by targeting the legs.
>Silva is less of a threat on his feet if he is limping around.
>Silva goes down hard, and it looks like he may have gotten caught low by accident!
>Luckily he looks like he will be able to continue.
>The referee gives him one minute to recover, with the fight clock stopped.
>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.
>I think Hardy took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 2:

 >Silva steps back to avoid a left jab.
>Moving forward, Hardy counters a series of wayward big punches with a straight left.
>Hardy counters a left jab by using a clean left.
>Silva looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Hardy uses his strikes to stop Silva from getting too close.
>Hardy throws a left jab but Silva avoids it.
>Silva avoids a body kick.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Silva looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Hardy.
>Keen to maintain some distance, Hardy uses strikes to keep Silva away.
>Silva counters a weak right kick with a nice left hand.
>Silva comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.
>He gets into range.
>Hardy lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a kick to the outside of the left leg.
>Erick Silva is limping, he clearly has a damaged leg.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>Seeing a low kick coming, Silva strikes first with some big rights, Hardy can do nothing but try and cover up!
>Getting destroyed, Hardy falls to the ground...but the blows keep on landing!
>The referee jumps in and saves Hardy from taking any more shots!
>By TKO, the winner is Erick Silva!

Erik Silva def. Dan Hardy via TKO (Strikes) - Round 2, 4:21.



Mauricio Rua (@ShogunRua) vs. Brandon Vera (@Verafied)


Round 1:

 >Vera steps back to avoid a one-two combination.
>Vera looks to be trying to close the distance between them.
>Shogun is pulled into a grapple.
>Vera is looking to get Shogun in a Muay Thai clinch.
>Shogun can't fight it off, and ends up caught.
>Using the clinch, Vera hits a vicious knee to the body! Shogun got rocked!
>From the clinch, Shogun gets caught with a vicious elbow to the side of the head.
>Shogun grabs an arm and pulls Vera out of the Muay Thai clinch and into a regular wrestling clinch instead.
>Vera is trying to muscle Shogun up against the cage.
>Vera does it, Shogun is stuck with his back to the cage.
>Shogun takes a hard knee strike to the inside of his own knee.
>Vera tries to keep him up against the cage with wrestling, but Shogun reverses so that he is the one in control.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Vera takes a knee strike to the inside of his own knee.
>Shogun looks for a foot stomp, but Vera is fighting too hard and it makes it impossible to balance properly to deliver the strike.
>Shogun stomps down on his opponent's foot.
>Shogun steps back from Vera and looks to unleash some strikes.
>Using head movement, Shogun slips past a right jab and counters with a jab.
>They exchange strikes, but neither fighter inflicts any real damage.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>Vera comes in closer, looking to clinch with Shogun.
>Vera ends up grabbing Shogun in a Muay Thai clinch.
>Using the Muay Thai clinch, Vera blasts Shogun with a big knee to the face! Shogun falls to the ground, out cold!
>Brandon Vera takes the victory by way of Knock Out!

Erik Silva def. Dan Hardy via TKO (Strikes) - Round 2, 4:21.



Edson Barboza (@EdsonBarbozaJR) vs. Melvin Guillard (@Young__Assassin)


Round 1:

 >Guillard feints rushing in, but Barboza doesn't fall for it.
>Barboza covers up to absorb a tidy combination of punches and then hits a clean jab.
>Guillard counters a left jab by hitting a spinning back fist, putting Barboza down on the ground!
>Almost immediately Barboza has shaken it off and is ready for Guillard.
>Guillard tries to come in and secure a ground position.
>Barboza is unable to prevent Guillard from getting side control.
>Guillard unloads with big punches from side control, landing several that clearly hurt Barboza.
>Guillard attempts the mount.
>Guillard takes the back instead, Barboza rolled over rather than get mounted.
>Guillard unloads with big right hands, landing several that clearly hurt Barboza.
>Guillard increases his control by getting both hooks in.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>With both hooks in, Guillard tries to flatten Barboza out for the rear naked choke.
>Barboza stops Guillard from getting his arm under the chin and completing the choke.
>With both hooks in, Guillard tries to flatten Barboza out for the rear naked choke.
>Barboza defends himself well against the choke.
>Barboza tries to improve his chances of survival by breaking free of the hooks, but they're too tight.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Guillard tries to pound on Barboza, but can't balance properly due to the squirming going on, and cannot hit anything cleanly.
>Guillard keeps both hooks, despite Barboza trying to pull them apart.
>Guillard pounds away with punches, hitting several big shots.
>Round one ends as time expires.
>I have to give that round to Guillard, but only a 10-9.


Round 2:

 >Guillard avoids a series of wayward big punches and counters with a clean jab.
>Guillard slips past a left jab and counters with an excellent combination.
>Guillard counters a right kick to the body by hitting a couple of shots to the body and a nice right uppercut.
>Guillard throws a speculative right, but it is nowhere near hitting.
>Not letting up, Barboza quickly steps in closer to attack Guillard.
>Barboza avoids a quick jab and hits a nice left hand.
>Moving in closer, Barboza looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.
>Guillard now has Barboza standing in the pocket.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Guillard slips past a jab and scores with a series of quick, sharp punches.
>Guillard throws an excellent combination but Barboza covers up well.
>Barboza backs away from Guillard, creating some space between them.
>Barboza looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Guillard.
>He gets into range.
>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Barboza hits a crisp left.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything.
>Barboza slips past a tidy combination of punches and then hits a series of big punches, trapping Guillard against the cage!
>Guillard collapses to the ground and is still getting pounded on!
>The referee jumps in and saves Guillard from taking any more shots!
>Edson Barboza takes the victory by way of TKO!

Edson Barboza def. Melvin Guillard via TKO (Strikes) - Round 2, 4:46.



Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira (@Minotauromma) vs. Roy Nelson (@roynelsonmma)


Round 1:

 >Nelson avoids a quick jab and hits a series of quick lefts.
>A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Nelson to fire back with a flurry of jabs and straight punches.
>Nogueira tries for a left jab but Nelson moves out of range.
>Nogueira chooses to shoot in on Nelson.
>A good sprawl stops the takedown, and Nogueira is brought down to the mat in a loose front facelock.
>Nelson unloads with massive punches, Nogueira is getting destroyed!
>With Nogueira taking a beating, the referee has to stop the match!
>The winner, by TKO; Roy Nelson!

Roy Nelson def. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira via TKO (Strikes) - Round 1, 1:45.



Vitor Belfort (@vitorbelfort) vs. Wanderlei Silva (@wandfc)


Round 1:

 >Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.
>They wind up in a tight clinch.
>Silva tries to wrestle Belfort backward and up against the cage.
>Belfort ends up backed against the cage.
>Belfort gets caught with a knee to the inside of the thigh, twice.
>Belfort is pinned up against the cage and takes two elbow strikes to the face from the clinch.
>Belfort gets caught with a knee to the inside of the thigh.
>Belfort takes a hard knee strike to the inside of his own knee.
>Silva nails Belfort with a hard right hand to the side of the head, stunning him.
>Belfort is trapped against the cage and Silva punishes him with two big elbow strikes to the face.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Silva tries to use some elbows from the clinch, but Belfort is able to stop them.
>The referee thinks there has been too little progress, and brings the two fighters back to the center.
>Moving in closer, Silva looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.
>Silva can't get near enough to engage, Belfort uses strikes to keep him out of range.
>Silva steps back to avoid a one-two combination.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>Silva steps back to avoid a one-two combination.
>Silva avoids a low kick.
>Silva is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.
>Belfort uses his strikes to stop Silva from getting too close.
>The time runs out on round one.
>That round goes to Silva, 10-9 on my card.


Round 2:

 >Silva avoids a nice combination.
>Belfort counters an attempted knock out punch with a left kick to the thigh.
>There's a short stalemate as both fighters advance and throw strikes, but neither hits.
>They wind up in a tight clinch.
>Belfort is trying to muscle Silva up against the cage.
>Silva isn't going anywhere though, and manages to slip out of the grapple entirely.
>Belfort uses a feint to get Silva off balance, but the nice sequence of punches that follow don't find their mark.
>Belfort tries for a spinning back kick but Silva moves out of range.
>Silva steps back to avoid a barrage of big punches.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Belfort circles as he plans his next move.
>Silva doesn't let Belfort settle, stepping in closer to impose himself.
>Both fighters fire off strikes, neither produces any significant damage.
>Wanderlei Silva is breathing very hard.
>Silva fakes a lunge.
>Belfort presses in closer to attack.
>Silva slips out of the way of a jab.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>There's a short stalemate as both fighters advance and throw strikes, but neither hits.
>They wind up in a tight clinch.
>Belfort is trying to muscle Silva up against the cage.
>Silva isn't going anywhere though, and manages to slip out of the grapple entirely.
>A straight right from Belfort fails to land.
>Silva steps in closer to force the issue.
>Round two is brought to an end as time runs out.
>I think Belfort took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 3:

 >Silva feints stepping in.
>Belfort tries for a left body kick but Silva moves out of range.
>A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Belfort to fire back with a couple of nice shots.
>Vitor Belfort doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.
>Moving in closer, a tired-looking Belfort apparently wants to strike from the pocket.
>Keen to keep space between them, Silva backs away.
>Belfort slams a crisp left into the gloves of Silva, but can't follow up.
>The fight slows as Silva sits back and allows Belfort to circle.
>Wanderlei Silva looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Belfort still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.
>Belfort is now standing in the pocket.
>Standing in the pocket, Silva shows excellent head movement to dodge a huge right hand.
>Belfort dodges a jab, and fires back with a kick to the ribs.
>Silva covers up to safely defend against a flurry of rights and lefts.
>Silva circles away, creating some distance between them.
>Belfort comes in closer, despite his tiredness, looking to attack from the pocket.
>Belfort cannot get close enough to the elusive Silva.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>Belfort counters a left jab by hitting a clever combination that finishes with a nice left cross.
>Moving in closer, a tired-looking Belfort apparently wants to strike from the pocket.
>Belfort is now standing in the pocket.
>The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.
>I think Belfort took that round, 10-9 on my score card.

Vitor Belfort def. Wanderlei Silva via Unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).



Jose Aldo (@josealdojunior) vs. Hatsu Hioki


Round 1:

 >Aldo avoids a jab and scores with a barrage of hard rights!
>Hioki falls to the ground! Aldo continues to pound away, sensing victory!
>The referee pulls Aldo away, stopping the match!
>The winner, by TKO, is Jose 'Scarface' Aldo!

Jose Aldo def. Hatsu Hioki via TKO (Strikes) - Round 1, 0:23.



Anderson Silva (@SpiderAnderson) vs. Chael Sonnen (@sonnench)


Round 1:

 >Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.
>Silva darts in and out of range quickly, trying to get Sonnen to commit to throwing a strike.
>Sonnen steps back to avoid a wild spinning back fist.
>Silva looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Sonnen.
>Sonnen lets Silva get closer.
>A showdown where they both exchange strikes only results in a stalemate.
>Silva lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a kick to the side of the ribs.
>Silva throws an excellent combination but gets too close and that allows Sonnen to pull him into a clinch.
>Sonnen is trying to push Silva so that his back is up against the cage.
>Silva doesn't let himself be driven back though, and gains a dominant position in the grapple instead.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Silva is trying to force Sonnen into a Muay Thai clinch.
>Silva manages it, and now controls Sonnen by the back of the head.
>From the clinch, Sonnen gets caught with a vicious elbow to the side of the head.
>Sonnen partially blocks a knee strike, enough to allow him to wrestle free of the clinch.
>Both fighters come toe-to-toe and strike, but none of the strikes result in significant damage being done.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Silva goes to the body and then to the head with a tidy combination to get Sonnen to cover up, then shoots in.
>Silva can't get past the sprawl of Sonnen, and finds himself pushed face-down to the ground.
>Silva doesn't let Sonnen roll him onto his back.
>Sonnen tries to roll Silva and get a side mount, but can't do it.
>The time runs out on round one.
>I think Silva took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 2:

 >Sonnen feints left, then right.
>Sonnen avoids a low kick.
>Sonnen looks to be trying to close the distance between them.
>Silva strikes first and manages to rock Sonnen with a solid left hand, sending him down to the ground, stunned!
>Sonnen recovers his wits quickly, and waits for Silva to make a move.
>Silva hovers, wary of up-kicks, then darts in to hit a great left hand before retreating again.
>Sonnen is hit with a sharp kick to the calf.
>On his back, Sonnen watches as Silva comes in looking to get a dominant ground position.
>Silva comes around the raised legs and gets side control.
>In side control, Silva catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.
>Silva blocks Sonnen as he tries to get enough separation to scramble up.
>Silva looks to roll Sonnen slightly and slip behind.
>He rolls Sonnen over a little...and slips behind to take the back!
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>Silva attempts to set up a rear naked choke on Sonnen.
>Sonnen defends himself well.
>Silva blocks an attempt to roll him off of the back.
>Sonnen is in huge trouble now, as Silva successfully gets both hooks in.
>With both hooks in, Silva tries to flatten Sonnen out for the rear naked choke.
>The rear naked choke is fully applied, Silva has Sonnen flattened out completely, there is no option but to tap out!
>Anderson Silva takes the victory by way of submission!

Anderson Silva def. Chael Sonnen via TKO (Strikes) - Round 1, 0:23.




#HEEL 10/16



Fight of the Night: Erick Silva vs. Dan Hardy

KO of the Night: Brandon Vera

Submission of the Night: Anderson Silva

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UFC on FX 3: Johnson vs. Benavidez

June 22, 2012

Atlantic City, New Jersey

Boardwalk Hall


Main Card (FX)


Demetrious Johnson (10-2) vs. Joseph Benavidez (16-2), for the flyweight title

Shane Del Rosario (11-0) vs. Stefan Struve (22-5)

Dan Miller (13-6) vs. Court McGee (14-1)

Brian Ebersole (49-14-1-1 NC) vs. Josh Neer (33-10-1)

Ian McCall (11-3) vs. Yasuhiro Urushitani (19-5-6)


Preliminary Card (Fuel TV)


Rich Attonito (10-5) vs. Myles Jury (10-0)

Antonio Carvalho (13-5) vs. Daniel Pineda (16-8)

Nick Penner (11-2) vs. Fabio Maldonado (18-4)

Azamat Gashimov (7-1) vs. Jared Papazian (14-7-1 NC)

Gunnar Nelson (8-0-1) vs. Dan Stittgen (7-2)

Dan Christion (20-7) vs. Dave Huckaba (16-4)

Yan Cabral (10-0) vs. Diego Bautista (7-1)

Abdul Mohamed (20-8-3) vs. Ali Maclean (9-6-1)

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Silva vs. St-Pierre.

by Javier Demoss.


At yesterday’s post-fight press conference, Dana White dropped a bomb shell, saying that if St-Pierre was to beat his next opponent, he will be moving up to middleweight and could be facing Anderson Silva, should Silva beat his next opponent. The fight everyone has been waiting for could be possible.

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Matches to make following UFC 147

by Mike Brockerly.


With UFC 147: Silva vs. Sonnen done, it’s time to look at matches to make after the event.


Erick Silva vs. Mike Swick- The UFC has two things they could with Silva, give him high level fighters and see how well he does or give him some mid level fighters and have him rise up the standings slower. For the sake of things, I am chosing Swick as he is returning soon and could be looking for a good fighter to return against and Silva has the ability to beat Swick, but Swick has the ability to test Silva.


Dan Hardy vs. Yoshihiro Akiyama- Why not have this bout, since last night at the post fight press-conference, Dana White said these two will fight next, with the winner getting the boot.


Brandon Vera vs. Thiago Silva- Silva won the first time these two met, but was then turned into a NC, next Vera and Silva were to meet again, but Vera got injured. Third time is the charm.


Edson Barboza vs. Anthony Pettis- Barboza vs. Pettis would be an awesome fight as both guys love to strike and throw creative strikes. If these two were to match-up I’m sure the fans would love to watch the fight and wouldn’t complain about it.


Vitor Belfort vs. Winner of Michael Bisping and Alan Belcher- Vitor Belfort has bounced back from his highlight reel knockout to the foot of Anderson Silva and a fight against the winner of Michael Bisping and Alan Belcher could give the winner of that fight a title shot against the Middleweight champion, something Belfort wants, badly.


Wanderlei Silva vs. Brian Stann- It might be time for Silva to retire, but why not let him have one more fight in a striker vs. striker match with Stann, have this fight in Brazil and I’m sure Silva won’t turn it down.


Jose Aldo vs. Dustin Poirier- Beating Chan Sung Jung in his last match, who was thought of fighting Aldo at this event, Poirier deserves a title shot, beating two top contenders, with a Decision and two submission victories in between.


Hatsu Hioki vs. Chad Mendes- The last two victims for Aldo could fight and see who gets back on track towards a title shot and who doesn’t, should be a good fight if they were to fight.


Anderson Silva vs. Winner of Chris Weidman and Mark Munoz- Dana White announced last night that the winner of Weidman and Munoz will face Silva, loser will face Sonnen.

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Main Card (FX)


Demetrious Johnson (10-2) vs. Joseph Benavidez (16-2), for the flyweight title

Shane Del Rosario (11-0) vs. Stefan Struve (22-5)

Dan Miller (13-6) vs. Court McGee (14-1)

Brian Ebersole (49-14-1-1 NC) vs. Josh Neer (33-10-1)

Ian McCall (11-3) vs. Yasuhiro Urushitani (19-5-6)


Preliminary Card (Fuel TV)


Rich Attonito (10-5) vs. Myles Jury (10-0)

Antonio Carvalho (13-5) vs. Daniel Pineda (16-8)

Nick Penner (11-2) vs. Fabio Maldonado (18-4)

Azamat Gashimov (7-1) vs. Jared Papazian (14-7-1 NC)

Gunnar Nelson (8-0-1) vs. Dan Stittgen (7-2)

Dan Christion (20-7) vs. Dave Huckaba (16-4)

Yan Cabral (10-0) vs. Diego Bautista (7-1)

Abdul Mohamed (20-8-3) vs. Ali Maclean (9-6-1)

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UFC on FX 3: Johnson vs. Benavidez live play-by-play and results.

by Paul Sorrens.


Abdul Mohamed vs. Ali Maclean (@alisane1)


Round 1:

 >Mohamed catches Maclean with a barrage of punches, although only a couple landed properly.
>They come together and strike, but neither can land a clean shot.
>Mohamed comes in quick and hits a quick series of punches.
>Mohamed stings Maclean with a series of quick lefts.
>Maclean avoids a low kick.
>A flicked jab from Mohamed only finds gloves.
>Not letting up, Maclean steps in closer to pressure Mohamed into action.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Maclean throws a couple of wild punches as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.
>Mohamed strikes first and manages to rock Maclean with a solid right!
>Both fighters exchange strikes, but neither hits anything significant.
>Maclean swings with a couple of wild punches, then chooses to shoot in on Mohamed.
>A counter left catches Maclean above the eye.
>Maclean slips out of the way of a flurry of punches.
>There's under a minute left in this round.
>Maclean avoids a jab.
>Maclean chooses to shoot in on Mohamed.
>The takedown is completed, Mohamed is on his back and pulls guard.
>Maclean looks to get past the guard.
>Maclean passes to side control with ease.
>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.
>I think Mohamed took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 2:

 >It sounded like his corner told Maclean to attempt to get Mohamed to the floor in this round.
>Advancing, Mohamed counters a left jab by using two hard right hands!
>Mohamed slips past a jab and scores with a solid punch.
>Mohamed catches Maclean with a hard kick to the outside of the knee.
>An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything.
>Standing in the pocket, Maclean chooses to shoot in for a double leg on Mohamed.
>Maclean gets caught out and eats a stiff left jab.
>Mohamed slips past a left jab and fires back with a series of quick lefts.
>Maclean catches a right body kick and shows his judo roots by instinctively going for a trip takedown, and gets it! Mohamed pulls guard.
>Maclean starts trying to work to get past the guard.
>He passes to side control.
>We move into the second half of this round.
>Maclean looks to roll Mohamed slightly and slip behind.
>He rolls Mohamed over a little...and slips behind to take the back!
>Maclean attempts to set up a rear naked choke on Mohamed.
>Mohamed doesn't allow the rear naked choke to be applied.
>Maclean blocks an attempt to roll him off of the back.
>Abdul Mohamed doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Maclean attempts a rear naked choke.
>Maclean flattens Mohamed out with the rear naked choke in deep and forces the tap!
>The winner, by submission, is 'Insane' Ali Maclean!

Ali Maclean def. Abdul Mohamed via Submission (Rear Naked Choke) - Round 2, 4:31.



Yan Cabral (@yancabral1) vs. Diego Bautista (@DiegoBautistaSF)


Round 1:

 >Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.
>Both fighters go to exchange blows, but neither hits a telling strike.
>Both fighters throw strikes, no significant damage is inflicted by either.
>They wind up in a tight clinch.
>Cabral tries to use his dirty boxing skills, but Bautista uses wrestling to smother the attacks.
>Clinched with Bautista, Cabral looks to try and take him down.
>He has the takedown! Bautista pulls guard.
>In guard, Cabral begins working to pass to side control.
>Bautista comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Cabral in guard.
>Bautista attempts to lock on a triangle choke.
>Cabral blocks the attempt.
>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
>Cabral starts trying to work to get past the guard.
>Cabral struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.
>Bautista glances an elbow strike off the top of the head of Cabral.
>Cabral tries to smother Bautista, but he squirms free.
>Bautista, working from the bottom, clips Cabral with an elbow.
>Cabral tries to pass the guard.
>Bautista is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Cabral firmly in guard.
>Using his leg strength to push Cabral back a bit, Bautista looks to scramble for position.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>The scramble results in Bautista having to turtle, with Cabral holding him down while facing him.
>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.
>I think Cabral took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 2:

 >A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Bautista to fire back with a kick to the ribs.
>Cabral avoids a flurry of punches.
>An errant jab sets Bautista up to counter-strike with a series of quick jabs.
>Cabral steps back to avoid a kick to the body.
>Bautista narrowly misses Cabral with a right uppercut.
>It seems that Cabral is happy to let Bautista circle for the moment.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Cabral keeps his cool as Bautista fakes shooting in.
>Bautista throws out a quick left jab.
>Time slips away as Cabral doesn't press Bautista, allowing him to circle.
>Bautista is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.
>Cabral seems happy to engage with Bautista in the pocket.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Cabral, standing in the pocket, is close enough to grab a body kick and go for the takedown, getting it! Bautista manages to pull guard.
>Cabral tries to smother Bautista, but he squirms free.
>Bautista raises his legs and tries to get Cabral into a triangle choke.
>Cabral pulls free before the triangle can be locked in.
>Cabral starts trying to work to get past the guard.
>He can't find a way past the guard.
>Round two ends as time expires.
>That was a bit of a snoozer, hopefully the next round brings a little more action.
>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Bautista.


Round 3:

 >Bautista moves in quickly after a wayward punch and hits a right body kick.
>Cabral avoids a barrage of big right hands.
>A left jab misses and Bautista strikes back with a couple of hard rights!
>Retreating, Cabral looks punch-drunk...he may be in big trouble!
>Cabral is knocked off his feet by a barrage of big rights!
>Bautista starts pounding away on Cabral, looking to finish him off!
>Bautista pounds away with punches, hitting several big shots.
>The strikes are stopped when Cabral manages to pull Bautista down into side control.
>Diego Bautista doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.
>Bautista relinquishes side control and stands up, letting Cabral stand too.
>Bautista throws out a quick left jab.
>Not letting Bautista settle, Cabral moves in closer.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Cabral comes in swinging wildly, using the strikes as cover so that he can shoot in.
>Bautista tries to counter with a right hand, but is too slow.
>Cabral has the takedown! Bautista pulls half guard.
>Cabral tries to lock Bautista into a kimura.
>Bautista doesn't allow the kimura to be applied.
>Bautista tries to sweep Cabral but doesn't get anywhere.
>There's under a minute left in this round.
>Cabral looks to pass half guard and get side control.
>Cabral gains side control after getting his leg free from half guard.
>Cabral starts trying to work to use side control as a way to get behind Bautista.
>He shows excellent control to move Bautista over and take his back.
>Bautista is in huge trouble now, as Cabral successfully gets both hooks in.
>The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.
>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Bautista.

Diego Bautista def. Isao Hirose via Unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).



Dan Christion (@DanTheSandman) vs. Dave Huckaba (@DaveHuckaba)


Round 1:

 >They exchange strikes, but neither fighter inflicts any real damage.
>Huckaba counters a left jab by using a flurry of quick punches to sting Christison.
>There is an exchange of strikes, but neither fighter does any damage.
>Christison is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Huckaba.
>Christison can't get near enough to engage, Huckaba uses strikes to keep him out of range.
>Huckaba looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Huckaba is now standing in the pocket.
>Huckaba throws rights and lefts, but Christison covers up well and none of the shots find a home.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>Christison uses head movement to cause a left jab to sail harmlessly by.
>A left jab misses, giving Huckaba the chance to hit back with a flurry of jabs and straight punches.
>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Huckaba hits a crisp left jab.
>Huckaba throws rights and lefts, but Christison covers up well and none of the shots find a home.
>Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Huckaba hits a crisp left hook to the body.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>Huckaba throws a flurry of punches but Christison covers up well.
>Christison uses head movement to slip past a punch, then hits a crisp left jab.
>A left jab misses, Huckaba counters with a left jab to the cheek.
>Good head movement allows Christison to avoid a flurry of rights and lefts.
>The time runs out on round one.
>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Huckaba.


Round 2:

 >Christison steps back to avoid a flurry of punches after falling for a clever feint.
>Christison avoids a flurry of rights and lefts.
>A jab misses and Huckaba counters with a series of lefts.
>Christison throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.
>Huckaba attempts to avoid Christison as he shoots in.
>Christison can't get the takedown, Huckaba was too quick to back away.
>Huckaba fakes a lunge.
>Christison presses in closer to attack.
>A jab misses, allowing Huckaba to counter-strike with a flurry of small strikes.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>A jab misses, allowing Huckaba to counter-strike with a series of quick jabs.
>Huckaba slips past a left jab and fires back with a flurry of jabs and straight punches.
>Huckaba counters a left jab with a flurry of quick punches to sting Christison.
>Christison comes in with a couple of jabs, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.
>Huckaba sees the takedown coming and tries to move.
>The takedown doesn't work, Huckaba saw it coming and got out of range.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>An errant jab sets Huckaba up to counter-strike with a clean jab.
>Christison circles around Huckaba.
>Huckaba seems to be waiting for Christison to make a move.
>Round two is brought to an end as time runs out.
>That was a bit of a snoozer, hopefully the next round brings a little more action.
>I think Huckaba took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 3:

 >A left hand misses, allowing Huckaba to counter with a series of quick lefts.
>Christison comes in, looking for a quick takedown.
>Huckaba tries to avoid the takedown.
>The takedown doesn't work, Huckaba saw it coming and got out of range.
>Christison looks to be trying to close the distance between them.
>Huckaba snaps off a strong left jab as a counter, but it misses the target.
>Dave Huckaba doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.
>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Christison.
>Huckaba sees the takedown coming and tries to move.
>Christison can't get the takedown, Huckaba was too quick to back away.
>Christison looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Huckaba.
>To counter, Huckaba throws a big right hand which doesn't miss by much.
>Christison is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Huckaba.
>To counter, Huckaba throws a big right hand which doesn't miss by much.
>Christison avoids a jab.
>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
>Christison avoids a quick jab and hits a clean jab.
>Christison glances a strike off the side of the shoulder.
>Time slips away as Huckaba doesn't press Christison, allowing him to circle.
>There's under a minute left in this round.
>Christison chooses to shoot in on Huckaba.
>Huckaba cannot stop the takedown, and only catches Christison in half guard.
>From the looks of things, I don't think Dave Huckaba has much energy left.
>Christison begins trying to get his leg free of the half guard.
>Christison shows his skill, slipping from half guard straight into a mount with minimum fuss.
>Christison tries to ensnare Huckaba in an americana.
>Huckaba fights off the americana attempt.
>The time expires on round three, and that is the end of the fight.
>That round goes to Christison, 10-9 on my card.

Dave Huckaba def. Dan Christison via Unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).



Gunnar Nelson vs. Dan Stittgen (@dantheanvil)


Round 1:

 >Stittgen counters a wayward low kick by catching it and shooting in for a takedown, but it is stuffed.
>Moving forward, Nelson counters a left jab with a flurry of small strikes.
>Stittgen comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Nelson.
>They start grappling, Nelson looks happy to engage Stittgen at close quarters.
>Stittgen is trying to push Nelson so that his back is up against the cage.
>Stittgen does it, Nelson is stuck with his back to the cage.
>Nelson is controlled up against the cage and takes an elbow to the face from the clinch.
>Stittgen pins Nelson up against the cage and stomps down hard on his foot.
>Stittgen tries to use his dirty boxing skills, but Nelson uses wrestling to prevent any strikes from being launched.
>Nelson takes a sharp stomp to the foot.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Unable to break free, Nelson is smothered up against the cage, taking short blows to the body, for about thirty seconds.
>Nelson takes a sharp stomp to the foot.
>Stittgen looks for an elbow strike, but Nelson out-wrestles him and switches them around so that he is in the dominant position.
>Having been stuck against the cage for a while without any progress, the referee brings them back to the center.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>Moving in closer, Stittgen looks like he may want to wrestle Nelson.
>Nelson moves in too, and they start to grapple.
>Stittgen tries to wrestle Nelson backward and up against the cage.
>Stittgen manages it, and controls Nelson up against the cage.
>Nelson is trapped against the cage and held there, unable to do anything, until the round ends.
>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.
>That round goes to Stittgen, 10-9 on my card.


Round 2:

 >They come together and throw strikes, both miss.
>Both fighters throw strikes, no significant damage is inflicted by either.
>An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything.
>Nelson comes in closer, looking to clinch with Stittgen.
>He pulls Stittgen into a Muay Thai clinch.
>Nelson can't maintain his hold, and Stittgen wrestles his way into a wrestling clinch.
>Nelson tries to wrestle Stittgen backward and up against the cage.
>Nelson can't do it though, and Stittgen gets a more dominant position in the grapple instead.
>Dan Stittgen looks very tired out there.
>Stittgen and Nelson separate and we're back to a stand-off.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Stittgen avoids a flurry of rights and lefts.
>Nelson throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.
>Stittgen attempts to avoid Nelson as he shoots in.
>The takedown is unsuccessful, Stittgen avoided Nelson.
>Stittgen keeps out of range, assessing the situation.
>Nelson quickly gets in closer, looking to attack.
>A jab misses and Nelson counters with a left jab to the cheek.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>Moving in closer, Nelson looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.
>Nelson is now standing in the pocket.
>Nelson comes in closer, looking to clinch with Stittgen.
>Stittgen finds himself pulled into a Muay Thai clinch.
>Breathing very hard, Gunnar Nelson is looking ragged.
>Nelson tries a knee strike, but Stittgen blocks it and wrestles his way out of the Muay Thai clinch.
>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.
>Really bad round, there was a whole lot of nothing going on there.
>I have to give that round to Nelson, but only a 10-9.


Round 3:

 >Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.
>Stittgen counters an errant left jab with a crisp jab.
>Stittgen counters a flurry of punches by hitting a crisp jab.
>A tired-looking Nelson throws a couple of ragged punches to get Stittgen to cover up, then tries a takedown.
>Stittgen tries to avoid the takedown.
>The takedown doesn't work, Stittgen saw it coming and got out of range.
>Despite being tired, Nelson looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Stittgen.
>Stittgen keeps himself moving out of range.
>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
>Nelson comes in closer, despite his tiredness, looking to attack from the pocket.
>He gets into range.
>A low kick is checked by Stittgen.
>From the pocket, a tired-looking Nelson shoots in for a double leg.
>The takedown doesn't work, Stittgen stuffed it.
>Gunnar Nelson looks very, very tired.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>A left jab misses and Nelson strikes back with a series of quick lefts.
>Stittgen steps back to avoid a left jab.
>A wayward low right kick allows Stittgen to hit a jab.
>The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.
>I have to give that round to Stittgen, but only a 10-9.

Dan Stittgen def. Gunnar Nelson via Unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).



Azamat Gashimov (@AzamatGashimov) vs. Jared Papazian (@jackhammer135)


Round 1:

 >Both fighters fire off strikes, but neither does any significant damage.
>Gashimov gets a vicious inside leg kick on Papazian.
>Gashimov scores with a series of quick lefts.
>Papazian avoids a low kick.
>There is an exchange of strikes, but neither fighter does any damage.
>Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up grappling.
>Papazian is trying to muscle Gashimov up against the cage.
>Papazian can't do it though, and Gashimov gets a more dominant position in the grapple instead.
>Gashimov hits Papazian with some short strikes to the side of the head while grappling.
>Gashimov tries to wrestle Papazian backward and up against the cage.
>He does so, and now has Papazian pinned to the cage.
>Gashimov breaks the grapple and prepares to launch some strikes at Papazian.
>Gashimov gets a vicious leg kick on Papazian from the pocket.
>There's only so many of those strikes to the legs that can be taken before they become an issue.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Gashimov throws a leg kick but Papazian checks it easily.
>Not comfortable in the pocket, Gashimov steps back and creates some space.
>A wayward low right kick allows Papazian to hit a stinging left jab.
>Papazian narrowly misses Gashimov with a right uppercut.
>Gashimov doesn't let Papazian settle, stepping in closer to impose himself.
>Gashimov slips past a left jab and fires back with a left jab to the cheek.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Gashimov moves in quickly after a wayward punch and hits a nasty-looking kick to the inside of the left knee.
>They exchange strikes, but neither fighter inflicts any real damage.
>They wind up in a tight clinch.
>Papazian and Gashimov separate and we're back to a stand-off.
>Round one ends as time expires.
>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Gashimov.


Round 2:

 >An exchange of strikes goes nowhere.
>Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up clinched.
>Gashimov tries to wrestle Papazian backward and up against the cage.
>Papazian ends up backed against the cage.
>Gashimov smothers Papazian against the cage, then scores with a left to the side of the stomach.
>With the cage trapping Papazian, Gashimov looks to be attempting to set up a judo throw.
>Gashimov gets side control off a superb outside leg trip!
>Gashimov lets go of side control and stands up, then backs off, wanting the fight standing.
>Papazian uses a right hook to the body, but misses.
>Time slips away as Gashimov doesn't press Papazian, allowing him to circle.
>Gashimov is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Papazian.
>Papazian uses movement to keep out reach, meaning Gashimov cannot get close enough to grapple.
>We move into the second half of this round.
>Papazian throws a swift jab but doesn't do any damage.
>It seems that Gashimov is happy to let Papazian circle for the moment.
>A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>A flurry of punches miss Papazian and allow him to counter-strike with a solid left jab.
>Papazian steps in but an exchange of strikes goes nowhere.
>The fight slows as Gashimov sits back and allows Papazian to circle.
>Round two is brought to an end as time runs out.
>That round goes to Gashimov, 10-9 on my card.


Round 3:

 >Gashimov catches Papazian with a kick to the outside of the left knee.
>Jared Papazian is limping, he clearly has a damaged leg.
>Papazian shakes off the effects.
>Azamat Gashimov looks very tired out there.
>After a flurry of punches miss, Papazian is able to strike back with a crisp jab.
>Both fighters come toe-to-toe and strike, but none of the strikes result in significant damage being done.
>Not comfortable in the pocket, Papazian steps back and creates some space.
>Papazian uses a right hook to the body, but misses.
>The fight slows as Gashimov sits back and allows Papazian to circle.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>Moving in closer, Papazian looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.
>Gashimov throws a big right first, but it just misses.
>Moving in closer, Papazian looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.
>Papazian can't get near enough to engage, Gashimov uses strikes to keep him out of range.
>Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but neither does any damage.
>Azamat Gashimov looks very, very tired.
>Gashimov sneaks a glance at his corner.
>Not letting Gashimov settle at all, Papazian comes in closer.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Papazian avoids a kick to the leg and hits a jab.
>An attempted inside leg kick misses, giving Papazian the opportunity to counter with a jab.
>The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires.
>I have to give that round to Papazian, but only a 10-9.

Azamat Gashimov def. Jared Papazian via Unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).



Nick Penner (@nickpenner) vs. Fabio Maldonado (@MaldonadoMMA)


Round 1:

 >A weak right kick is countered by Maldonado with a nice one-two combination.
>After a one-two combination narrowly misses, Penner is able to strike back with a sharp kick to the shin.
>A jab misses and Maldonado counters with a solid left.
>Penner throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Maldonado.
>Maldonado attempts to avoid Penner as he shoots in.
>The takedown doesn't work, Maldonado saw it coming and got out of range.
>A weak right kick is countered by Maldonado with a solid left jab.
>Maldonado keeps his cool as Penner throws a feint to the left.
>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
>Maldonado bobs and weaves.
>Not letting up, Penner quickly steps in closer to attack Maldonado.
>Maldonado counters a left jab with a clean jab.
>A left hand misses, allowing Maldonado to counter with a solid left.
>Penner chooses to shoot in on Maldonado.
>Maldonado tries to avoid Penner.
>The takedown doesn't work, Maldonado saw it coming and got out of range.
>There's under a minute left in this round.
>An attempted inside leg kick misses, giving Maldonado the opportunity to counter with a clever combination that finishes with a nice right cross.
>A left jab misses and Penner counters with a right body kick.
>Penner avoids a barrage of big right hands.
>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.
>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Maldonado.


Round 2:

 >There is an exchange of strikes, but neither fighter does any damage.
>Maldonado counters a left jab with a thudding right hook to the body.
>A wayward low right kick allows Maldonado to hit a solid left jab.
>Several big right hands miss, setting Penner up to counter-strike with a right body kick.
>Penner slips out of the way of a combination of short sharp punches.
>A weak right kick is countered by Maldonado with a left.
>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
>Penner fakes a lunge.
>Maldonado doesn't press the issue, allowing Penner to circle.
>A speculative right hand from Penner doesn't find a home.
>Maldonado comes in closer to press the issue.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>An attempted inside leg kick misses, giving Maldonado the opportunity to counter with a nice combination.
>Maldonado uses a right hook to the body, but misses.
>Penner doesn't press the issue, allowing Maldonado to circle.
>The time runs out on round two.
>That was a yawner of a round, and I think both fighters are now a bit frustrated.
>That round goes to Maldonado, 10-9 on my card.


Round 3:

 >A jab misses, allowing Penner to counter-strike with a scything low kick to the legs.
>Fabio Maldonado won't want to take too many unchecked strikes to the legs like that.
>Maldonado moves in quickly after a wayward punch and hits a couple of jabs and a beautiful right hook to the body.
>Moving in closer, Maldonado looks like he may want to wrestle Penner.
>Penner uses movement to keep out reach, meaning Maldonado cannot get close enough to grapple.
>Maldonado looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Penner.
>Maldonado moves into the pocket.
>Moving in closer, Maldonado looks like he may want to wrestle Penner.
>Not keen on wrestling Maldonado, Penner uses movement to keep out of reach.
>A speculative right hand from Penner doesn't find a home.
>Maldonado doesn't press the issue, allowing Penner to circle.
>Nick Penner is breathing very hard.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Maldonado counters an errant left jab with a straight left.
>A straight left from Penner fails to land.
>Time slips away as Maldonado doesn't press Penner, allowing him to circle.
>A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Maldonado to fire back with a nice combination.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Maldonado comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.
>Maldonado cannot get close enough to the elusive Penner.
>Maldonado counters a left jab by using a couple of jabs and a right cross.
>We reach the time limit and this fight is over.
>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Maldonado.

Fabio Maldonado def. Nick Penner via Unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27).



Antonio Carvalho vs. Daniel Pineda (@DanielPitPineda)


Round 1:

 >A left jab misses and Carvalho strikes back with a straight left.
>Pineda feints left and tries to get Carvalho to commit to a strike, but gets no joy.
>Carvalho doesn't get drawn in as Pineda feints a kick.
>A nicely executed one-two combination sets up a takedown attempt from Carvalho.
>Pineda tries to counter with a right hand, but is too slow.
>Carvalho drives forward, and despite the best efforts of Pineda to stay upright, the takedown is completed!
>Pineda ends up sitting, his legs trapped under Carvalho, with his back pressed against the cage.
>Carvalho tries to improve his position.
>Pineda gets turned onto his back, and is left under side control.
>Trapped under side control, Pineda takes an enormous knee strike to the ribs!
>Carvalho tries to lock Pineda into an armbar.
>An armbar is applied, Pineda is trapped!
>Out of the blue, Pineda pops his arm free! Carvalho must not have had it locked in as tight as it looked.
>Carvalho feels Pineda prepare to scramble for position and makes sure it doesn't happen.
>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
>Carvalho is trying to move from side control to mount.
>He finds himself unable to get the mount on this attempt.
>Pineda attempts to get some separation in order to try to stand, but can't.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>With no progress being made, the referee brings the fighters back to their feet.
>Carvalho looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Pineda.
>Carvalho cannot get close enough to the elusive Pineda to grapple.
>The time runs out on round one.
>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Carvalho.


Round 2:

 >Carvalho avoids a jab.
>A jab misses and Pineda counters with a left jab to the cheek.
>Pineda steps in, feints a kick, then darts back out.
>An attempted inside leg kick misses, giving Pineda the opportunity to counter with a clean jab.
>Pineda looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Carvalho.
>Carvalho counters with a right hand that catches Pineda flush, rocking him!
>Carvalho uses a smart combination to get Pineda to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.
>Carvalho can't complete the takedown, and has to settle for pushing Pineda up against the cage.
>Unable to get free, Pineda is smothered up against the cage for about sixty seconds.
>We move into the second half of this round.
>Carvalho tries to keep him up against the cage with wrestling, but Pineda reverses so that he is the one in control.
>Pineda hits a knee strike to the thigh.
>Pineda launches an elbow strike but Carvalho is ready and uses some wrestling to turn around so that Pineda is the one against the cage.
>Carvalho tries to take Pineda down.
>The takedown is completed, Carvalho would not be denied.
>Pineda is left seated, with his back to the cage, with Carvalho holding him down.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>Carvalho tries to improve his position.
>Pineda gets turned onto his back, and is left under side control.
>Carvalho starts trying to work to use side control as a way to get behind Pineda.
>Carvalho takes the back, Pineda could do nothing about it.
>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.
>I think Carvalho took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 3:

 >Carvalho avoids a flurry of punches.
>Carvalho avoids a jab.
>Pineda drops a shoulder, trying to sucker Carvalho in with a feint.
>Pineda looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Pineda is now standing in the pocket.
>Using good head movement, Pineda slips past a tight combination and hits a clean left jab.
>Carvalho slips past a jab and scores with a crisp left jab.
>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes but neither hits.
>Daniel Pineda doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.
>There's a double leg attempt from Carvalho, from the pocket.
>Carvalho finds his takedown blocked with a sprawl, and Pineda promptly wrestles him to the ground, taking his back in the process.
>Antonio Carvalho is looking really tired.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Pineda tries to get both hooks in, but can't quite manage it.
>Carvalho tries to turn over and sweep Pineda but can't do it.
>Pineda tries to hook Carvalho in a rear naked choke.
>Carvalho fights off the rear naked choke attempt by rolling and then sharply turning over, brilliantly ending up in guard.
>Pineda paid the price for not getting his hooks in first.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Carvalho seems to be trying to loosen the guard in an attempt to create a leglock opportunity.
>Loosening the guard, Carvalho is able to secure a leg and apply an ankle lock, Pineda has to tap!
>Antonio 'Pato' Carvalho takes the win by submission!

Antonio Carvalho def. Daniel Pineda via Submission (Ankle Lock) - Round 3, 4:33.



Rich Attonito (@RichAttonito) vs. Myles Jury (@FuryJury)


Round 1:

 >A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Jury to fire back with an uppercut that knocks Attonito off his feet!
>Jury senses victory and starts to unload with punches!
>Jury fires away with punches, Attonito is taking powerful shot after powerful shot!
>The referee has no option but to leap in and stop the fight!
>The winner, by TKO; Myles Jury!

Myles Jury def. Rich Attonito via TKO (Strikes) - Round 1, 0:37.



Ian McCall (@Unclecreepymma) vs. Yasuhiro Urushitani


Round 1:

 >There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes but neither hits.
>McCall feints rushing in, but Urushitani doesn't fall for it.
>Several big right hands miss, setting Urushitani up to counter-strike with a hard right kick to the legs.
>Backing out of range, McCall circles tentatively.
>Not letting McCall settle, Urushitani moves in closer.
>There is an exchange of strikes, but neither fighter does any damage.
>McCall fakes a lunge.
>Not letting up, Urushitani quickly steps in closer to attack McCall.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Several big right hands miss, setting Urushitani up to counter-strike with a kick to the outside of the left knee.
>Moving forward, McCall counters a left jab with a nice left hand.
>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes but neither hits.
>McCall sneaks a glance at his corner.
>Not letting McCall settle, Urushitani moves in closer.
>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
>Urushitani counters a wayward left jab with a scorchingly fast combination.
>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.
>I think Urushitani took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 2:

 >Urushitani feints left, then right.
>Both fighters exchange strikes, but neither hits anything significant.
>From the missed strikes they clinch.
>McCall is looking to muscle Urushitani back against the cage.
>McCall does it, Urushitani is stuck with his back to the cage.
>McCall breaks the grapple and prepares to launch some strikes at Urushitani.
>Urushitani lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a nice sequence of jabs.
>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.
>Urushitani uses good head movement to avoid a huge right hook and counters with a flurry of small strikes.
>Urushitani slips past a jab and scores with a hard leg kick.
>Those strikes to the legs are going to take their toll.
>A left jab misses, giving Urushitani the chance to hit back with a right body kick.
>We move into the second half of this round.
>Urushitani lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a swift leg kick.
>A left jab misses the mark and allows McCall to counter with a great right hook which lands perfectly and knocks Urushitani out!
>Ian McCall takes the victory by way of Knock Out!

Ian McCall def. Yasuhiro Urushitani via KO (Punch) - Round 2, 3:13.



Brian Ebersole (@TwasEbersole) vs. Josh Neer (@joshneer)


Round 1:

 >Neer avoids a low kick.
>Neer catches a left body kick and goes for a takedown, down goes Ebersole! He pulls guard though.
>Neer begins trying to pass the guard.
>Ebersole is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Neer firmly in guard.
>Ebersole tries to sweep Neer but doesn't get anywhere.
>Neer looks to pass guard and get side control.
>Ebersole keeps Neer in guard.
>Neer blocks an attempted sweep.
>We pass the halfway mark of this round.
>In guard, Neer begins working to pass to side control.
>He can't get free of the guard.
>Ebersole tries to pull Neer in close and smother him, but doesn't get anywhere with it.
>Neer tries to control Ebersole against the ground, but finds it a struggle.
>Neer blocks an attempted sweep.
>Ebersole is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Neer off of him.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>Neer starts trying to work to get past the guard.
>He can't find a way past the guard.
>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.
>I think Neer took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 2:

 >Neer slips out of the way of a body kick.
>Neer slips out of the way of a jab.
>A right jab misses and Neer counters with a left.
>Moving in closer, Neer looks like he may want to wrestle Ebersole.
>Not keen on wrestling Neer, Ebersole uses movement to keep out of reach.
>Ebersole throws out a quick right jab.
>Neer seems to be waiting for Ebersole to make a move.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Ebersole bobs and weaves.
>Neer steps in closer to force the issue.
>Neer looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Neer is in the pocket, ready to attack Ebersole.
>Neer comes in, looking for a quick double leg takedown from close range.
>The takedown is unsuccessful, Ebersole blocked Neer.
>There's under a minute left in this round.
>Ebersole looks to move in and stand in the pocket.
>Standing his ground, Neer looks happy to engage Ebersole in the pocket.
>Using good head movement, Neer slips past a punch and hits a jab.
>A right jab misses, Neer counters with a solid punch.
>Neer slips past a flurry of rights and lefts and hits a barrage of hard rights!
>Ebersole falls to the ground! Neer continues to pound away, sensing victory!
>With Ebersole taking a lot of big punches, the referee has to stop the match!
>'The Dentist' Josh Neer takes the win by TKO!

Josh Neer def. Brian Ebersole via TKO (Strikes) - Round 2, 4:58.



Dan Miller (@DanMiller185) vs. Court McGee (@Court_McGee)


Round 1:

 >McGee moves in quickly after a wayward punch and hits a crisp left hand punch.
>Moving in closer, McGee looks like he may want to wrestle Miller.
>McGee grabs Miller and pulls him into a grapple.
>McGee uses some dirty boxing as he grapples with Miller.
>McGee uses dirty boxing and gets in a few crisp punches on Miller as they grapple.
>Using his wrestling skills, McGee is trying to push Miller up against the cage.
>He does so, and now has Miller pinned to the cage.
>McGee shows great control, keeping Miller pressed against the cage while punishing him with sharp strikes to the body for roughly a minute.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>Miller is controlled up against the cage and takes an elbow to the face from the clinch.
>Miller is trapped against the cage and held there, unable to do anything, for about a minute.
>Having been stuck against the cage for a while without any progress, the referee brings them back to the center.
>A straight left by McGee keeps Miller from advancing.
>Miller steps in closer to force the issue.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Miller feints left and tries to get McGee to commit to a strike, but gets no joy.
>Miller chooses to shoot in on McGee.
>McGee stuffs the takedown attempt and then pulls Miller into a clinch.
>McGee is trying to muscle Miller up against the cage.
>McGee manages it, and controls Miller up against the cage.
>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.
>That round goes to McGee, 10-9 on my card.


Round 2:

 >Miller just avoids a combination of short sharp punches and hits a stinging leg kick.
>Miller doesn't get drawn in as McGee feints a kick.
>McGee comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Miller.
>Miller moves in too, and they start to grapple.
>Miller tries to wriggle free, but McGee controls him well and gets in a few close-range punches too.
>Using his wrestling skills, McGee is trying to push Miller up against the cage.
>Miller ends up backed against the cage.
>McGee catches Miller with a knee strike to the thigh.
>Miller is trapped up against the cage and takes repeated small punches to the body from that position. This goes on for roughly a minute.
>We are now at the halfway point of the round.
>McGee uses a hard foot stomp.
>Miller is pressed up against the cage and held there, taking the occasional short punch to the ribs and stomach, for roughly a minute.
>With no progress being made, the referee separates the two fighters.
>Moving in closer, Miller looks like he wants to strike from the pocket.
>The two fighters move closer, ready to strike.
>We're into the final minute of the round.
>McGee looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Miller.
>Miller is pulled into a grapple.
>McGee is looking to muscle Miller back against the cage.
>McGee manages it, and controls Miller up against the cage.
>McGee smothers Miller up against the cage while using the occasional short sharp punch to the body, keeping him stuck there for the remainder of the round.
>Time expires and we come to the end of round two.
>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of McGee.


Round 3:

 >McGee avoids a barrage of big right hands.
>Miller avoids a flurry of rights and lefts.
>Court McGee doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.
>There's a takedown attempt from Miller.
>McGee stuffs the takedown attempt and then pulls Miller into a clinch.
>McGee uses some dirty boxing as he grapples with Miller.
>McGee hits Miller with some short strikes to the side of the head while grappling.
>Breathing very hard, Dan Miller is looking ragged.
>The grapple breaks up after a short struggle, and the two fighters step apart.
>There's a ragged-looking takedown attempt from a visibly tired Miller.
>Miller can't get the takedown, McGee defends it well and pulls them into a clinch.
>McGee is trying to muscle Miller up against the cage.
>McGee manages it, and controls Miller up against the cage.
>Court McGee seems to be fighting against exhaustion.
>We go past the halfway point of this round.
>Miller is trapped against the cage and McGee punishes him with some dirty boxing.
>From the looks of things, I don't think Dan Miller has much energy left.
>Miller gets caught with a knee to the inside of the thigh.
>Miller takes a sharp stomp to the foot.
>With the cage trapping Miller, McGee gets the underhooks in and looks for a takedown.
>Miller stops the takedown attempt, then uses his wrestling to take control of the grapple and put McGee against the cage.
>Miller tries to take McGee down.
>McGee keeps his composure, and Miller cannot get past his takedown defence.
>McGee creates a little bit of space, and that's enough for him to circle away out of the grapple and back to the center.
>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.
>Advancing, McGee counters a left jab by using a jab.
>Time runs out and that's the end of the fight.
>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of McGee.

Court McGee def. Dan Miller via Unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27).


Shane Del Rosario (@Delrosariomma) vs. Stefan Struve (@StefanStruve)


Round 1:

 >An attempted inside leg kick misses, giving Del Rosario the opportunity to counter with a series of heavy punches, each one landing hard on Struve who is desperately trying to cover up!
>Struve gets knocked down and Del Rosario keeps up the pressure with punch after punch!
>With Struve taking a lot of big punches, the referee has to stop the match!
>By TKO, the winner is Shane Del Rosario!

Josh Neer def. Brian Ebersole via TKO (Strikes) - Round 2, 4:58.



Demetrious Johnson (@MightyMouseUFC) vs. Joseph Benavidez (@JoeJitsu)


Round 1:

 >Benavidez counters an errant left jab with a jab.
>Moving in closer, Benavidez looks like he may want to wrestle Johnson.
>Johnson counters by dropping down and hitting a single leg, Benavidez is forced to pull guard.
>Johnson starts trying to work to get past the guard.
>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.
>Benavidez manages to scoot them both backward until they are against the cage.
>Using the cage, Benavidez stands up. Johnson still has control though.
>Johnson has gotten underhooks in and is looking to take Benavidez to the ground.
>Johnson tries hard but cannot get Benavidez off of his feet.
>Benavidez tries to uses a whizzer to turn Johnson, but is blocked from doing so.
>We move into the second half of this round.
>Johnson has worked in the underhooks and looks to take Benavidez down.
>Benavidez shows stubborn resistance to the takedown, but Johnson does manage to slip behind him so that he has the back.
>A whizzer almost allows Benavidez to create enough space to get free, but Johnson shuts that opportunity down.
>Johnson looks for a trip takedown while holding Benavidez from behind.
>Benavidez digs in and manages to defend the takedown.
>We have one minute of the round remaining.
>Grappling from behind, Johnson attempts to wrestle Benavidez to the ground.
>Benavidez keeps his composure, and Johnson cannot get past his takedown defence.
>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.
>There are some audible boos from the crowd, that wasn't the most exciting round we've ever seen.
>An extremely close round, could have gone either way, but personally I'll give it to Benavidez 10-9.
>Round two begins!
>Johnson avoids a barrage of big left hands.
>A flurry of rights and lefts miss, allowing Benavidez to hit back with a body kick.
>A flurry of rights and lefts miss, allowing Benavidez to hit back with two hard left hands!
>Johnson uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a straight right that lands right on the button...and Benavidez is knocked clean out!
>The winner, by Knock Out; Demetrious Johnson!

Demetrious Johnson def. Joseph Benavidez via KO (Punch) - Round 2, 1:32.




#HEEL 7/13



Fight of the night: Abdul Mohamed vs. Ali Maclean

KO of the night: Demetrious Johnson

Submission of the night: Ali Maclean

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UFC 148: Trilogy

July 07, 2012

Las Vegas, Nevada

MGM Grand Garden Arena


Main Card (PPV)


Dominick Cruz ( C ) (18-1) vs. Urijah Faber (26-5) 3, for bantamweight title

Forrest Griffin (16-10-1) vs. Tito Ortiz (18-7) 3

Diego Sanchez (23-5) vs. Sean Sherk (36-4-1)

Clay Guida (29-12) vs. Joe Lauzon (21-7)

Cheick Kongo (18-6-2) vs. Todd Duffee (6-2)


Preliminary Card (FX)


Leonard Garcia (15-8-1) vs. Ross Pearson (13-5)

Dennis Hallman (51-14-2) vs. Cody McKenzie (12-2)

Kyle Kingsbury (11-3-1 NC) vs. Aaron Rosa (18-4)

Jonathan Brookins (12-5) vs. Henry Martinez (7-2)

Eric Schafer (12-7-2) vs. Constantinos Philippou (9-3-1)

Che Mills (14-5-1) vs. Justin Edwards (7-2)

Jared Hamman (13-5) vs. Tim Credeur (12-4)

Mackens Semerzier (7-3-1 NC) vs. Robert Peralta (15-3-1 NC)

Buddy Roberts (11-3) vs. Magnus Cedenblad (9-4)

Stephen Abas (4-0) vs. Yuki Yasunaga (8-5)

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