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MMA Betting Game


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I've pondered this idea already in the thread. Not a lot of people were all that enthousiastic or might not have seen it. Anyhow, I still think this can be a lot of fun and will still launch it. Also, we won't be doing this for pro-wrestling since that would be, well, pretty retarded. :p I searched for the most reliable odds and found http://www.mmabettingblog.com, which combines various rates on sites. I opted for bodog as the supplier of our first rates. To make things easier to process, I will round down or up any rates to the nearest 100 so you will not be having 24863$ at some point (well, it will still happen at some bets, but it will be kept to a minimum this way). If you guys know any better sites or methods, please mention that and we'll apply them next event.


The rules as I see them are as follows. Every participant gets a 5000$ buy-in and can spend a minimum of 100$ when betting, and a maximum of 500$ each fight, 1000$ each card. This is to prevent people from 'gassing out' early and having to buy-in again. If this does happen, I'd propose we let them miss out on the next 2 bets and put an asterix after their name to signify they were bankrupt already. If a decent number of people apply, we could also work with a 'joker' system that could double the bet output on 1 fight each card. To start, we'll only bet on the main card matches. Betting will close at midnight before the actual event. This first time could be an exeption as the event will be held soon. Again, if there are any objections, please mention.


For those that do not know how betting lines work. Each fighter gets a -xxx or +xxx appointed. -300, for instance, means that you will need to bet 300$ to win an additional 100$ if the fighter wins. +200 means that for each 100$ you bet, you gain 200$ sur'plus'. The same system is used in WMMA so I thought we could take that one. If there is a draw, you keep the money you bet on that specific fight.


UFC 144:


Edgar (-100) vs Henderson (even)


Bader (+200) vs Rampage (-300)


Kongo (-300) vs Hunt (+200)


Shields (-300) vs Akiyama (+200)


Okami (-500) vs Boetsch (+300)


As an example, I will bet first and calculate a potential outcome:


200$ on Henderson (win: +200 ; loss: -200)

300$ on Bader (win: +600 ; loss: -300)

200$ on Hunt (win: +400 ; loss: -200)

200$ on Akiyama (win: +400 ; loss: -200)

100$ on Okami (win: +20 ; loss: -100)


I did not exceed 1000$ so this would be a valid bet. Imagined all the favourites win their match, I would lose... a lot (-880 in total).


Hope many people jump in and have fun. It's obviously more fun to watch the programming if you 'bet' on it, even if it's for funz. :cool:


March schedule:
March 02: Alves vs Kampmann
March 03: Tate vs Rousey




- damonster: 6400$

- Target Practice: 6300$

- Blackman: 6133$

- Sabu: 5322$

- Pokerking88: 4800$

- Trypio: 4466$

- BrashleyHolland: 4800$

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Ok thanks everybody for participating, and thanks trypio for pointing out that little error. :p


Feel free to make the calculations yourselves. I'll edit the main post after that to incorporate the results. In any event, I'll try to get it done asap.


After UFC 144, TP (+1300) takes the lead as Damonster (+1100) bet really smart but a little too careful. Blackman takes third (+900) and Trypio had tough luck this time (-534).


Betting lines for next week will be up in a minute. Remember that you don't HAVE to bet if you don't want to. Also feel free to join up now, even if you don't plan on betting regularly. :)


From 5Dimes this time:




Tate (+200) vs Rousey (-300)


UFC on FX 2


Alves (-100) vs Kampmann (+100)

Benavides (-900) vs Urushitani (+600)

Johnson (-300) vs McCall (+300)


Bellator 60


Warren (+200) vs Curran (-300)

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Getcha, had a brain fart there :-p


Right then...




Tait - $300

(No odds for Daley/Misaki, Noons/Punk, Smith/Sayers, Jacare/Marunde?)




Kampmann - $200

McCall - $500

Urushitani - $100 (at those odds, I've got real money on him!)

With those picks, I would have rather you sent me that cash as a donation. :(

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With those picks, I would have rather you sent me that cash as a donation. :(


Lol, why? They're all great value underdog picks. And one crazy Hail Mary.


A pal of mine had a crazy winner/method parlay on last night....everything came in and it all came down to the last fight for which he needed....


....Kampman by submission :-D

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I guess we could work with 'jokers' where you could predict the finish which could double or nothing your bet. Or something like that.


Sabu was the biggest winner this weekend at +388. Many bet on McCall, but the split decision loss (I thought) tasted kinda bitter for most of us. :p


Next week is just Bellator i guess.


btw: I personally don't think those odds made Tate a value underdog pick. :p McCall was probably the best value pick, but yeah...

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for skipping the latest TV show in Sweden. I didn't think it was worth the trouble. UFC 145 coming up.


Jones (-500) vs Evans (+400)


Mills (+400) vs McDonald (-500)


Rothwell (+200) vs Schaub (-300)


Hominick (-600) vs Yagin (+400)


Allesio (+300) vs Bocek (-400)


McDonald (-100) vs Torres (-100)


Source: gamblerspalace.com/lines/martial-arts/mma-ufc

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