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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Koto Arato


3-Way Elimination for Junior Tag Team Championship: New Solution (Hideki & Yamato) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs Zodiac & Talisman


Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)


Eikichi Minamoto vs Go Takashi


ShimiKuma vs Ebisawa & Mitsubishi


HUSTLE Umiro & Meido Machine vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


Hunter Wolfe vs Shiki Hirasi vs Soh Terajima

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento

I was going to pick Sairento first simply because other than he and Nori I would see Zodiac and Talisman (plus Incognito) as the closest challengers and I think that it would work better if someone else than Dragon holds the belt in order to avoid teammates going against each other´s. However I still go with Dragon because a) Sairanto is the last champ and B) Dragon only has one succesfull defense so far.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Koto Arato

Arato is the last champ so I don´t see him getting the belt back. That said I do wonder who will be the next challenger? GUSHIKEN? Minamoto? Or someone else who I´m overlooking right now?


3-Way Elimination for Junior Tag Team Championship: New Solution (Hideki & Yamato) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs Zodiac & Talisman

I think this is the most likely match to get a new champs and I was going to go with IMPERIOUS but again they are last champs so I would rather see someone else to win the belts next. Zodiac and Talisman could definitely win but I just don´t see them as proper tag team so I go with champs retaining instead.


Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori

Nori looks the most likely challenger for Super Junior title no matter who has it and Dark Wolf II isn´t nearly established enough to go over him.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)

I could see this one going either way but again Wrecking Crew has only one defense so far so I would let them hold the belts at least little bit longer.


Eikichi Minamoto vs Go Takashi

This match is here to give Minamoto an appearance in PPV and have Takashi to gain some overness via jobbing.


ShimiKuma vs Ebisawa & Mitsubishi

I won´t make the same mistake twice, ShimiKuma is the established team and this looks slighly easier match-up for them than Date & Takashi.

HUSTLE Umiro & Meido Machine vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara

I´m little bit unsure here, if it would have been Forgotten then I would have picked them but with Kotara as Hidaks´s partner... Yeah, I guess I go with the new team comedy or not as HUSTLE is still the top guy here in my books.


Hunter Wolfe vs Shiki Hirasi vs Soh Terajima

Terajima is the only one with something going on so he takes a rare win.

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento


Another tough choice. I'm tempted to pick a draw, that would keep Sairento indestructable, let PD keep the title, Nori claims it's his turn next for a shot. Sairento says...nothing but one of his lackeys says he deserves the shot since the champ didn't beat him and we end up with a 3-Way for the next title match. I can also see PD getting a flash pin or Sairento staying strong and giving Kuro another belt. But I'll be a contrarian and go with the draw.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Koto Arato


I'm a Arato fan, but Ichigawa wins this one.


3-Way Elimination for Junior Tag Team Championship: New Solution (Hideki & Yamato) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs Zodiac & Talisman


A tough choice. Long might be protected but not on this big of a match. I can see Soh trying to ambush Hideki, getting the black box kicked into his face again, but the distraction being enough for Zodiac to get the pin on someone.


Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori


Dark Wolf II has a win coming soon, but not over someone as high up as Nori. And it's for Wolf's own good, since Mio will be there.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)

Kuro needs belts. A win in only TWC's second defense gives plenty of grounds for trash talk and build up to another match.


Eikichi Minamoto vs Go Takashi


Typical young lions match.


ShimiKuma vs Ebisawa & Mitsubishi


When in doubt go with the established team. Mitsubishi is eh and Ebisawa has overness to gain.


HUSTLE Umiro & Meido Machine vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


Tough one. But as a team unless Hustle is turning into a total jobber, I think they get the win over a makeshift duo like Hidaka and Kotara.


Hunter Wolfe vs Shiki Hirasi vs Soh Terajima


It's very useful to give a groups designated jobber a win now and then.

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Great to see you back TK, and I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. :)


Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento

Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Koto Arato

3-Way Elimination for Junior Tag Team Championship: New Solution (Hideki & Yamato) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs Zodiac & Talisman

Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori

All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)

Eikichi Minamoto vs Go Takashi

ShimiKuma vs Ebisawa & Mitsubishi

HUSTLE Umiro & Meido Machine vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara

Hunter Wolfe vs Shiki Hirasi vs Soh Terajima

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O.O.C Note


Aim to have Neon Genesis Evolution up sometime during Sunday- this one always was going to take a little longer to write up being a PPV and all.


If you wish to put in predictions and haven't done so already, you have somewhere between 24 and 48 hours to do so.

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Koto Arato


3-Way Elimination for Junior Tag Team Championship: New Solution (Hideki & Yamato) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) vs Zodiac & Talisman


Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)


Eikichi Minamoto vs Go Takashi

ShimiKuma vs Ebisawa & Mitsubishi


HUSTLE Umiro & Meido Machine vs Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara


Hunter Wolfe vs Shiki Hirasi vs Soh Terajima

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Neon Genesis Evolution


Sunday 29th January 2012, Shizuoka Sports Park,

Chubu (5,000- Super No Vacancy)


And Live on PPV with PPV Japan.


Match 0: Hunter Wolfe vs Shiki Hirasi vs Soh Terajima


After just over five minutes of back and forth action between all three men, Hunter Wolfe thought he had the match won when he dumped Terajima with the X-PLODER suplex, but Shiki Hirasi took 'Ronin Thunder' down from behind with a chop-block and then applied the Ankle-Lock.


Wolfe was holding on not to tap out, but seeing that Wolfe was on the verge of tapping a recovered Terajima went to intervene with the Black Box- only to be cut off from doing so by referee Ochida. However that allowed for Terajima's Kuro Nadeshiko stable mate Blood Spider Jr to sneak into the ring and blow Poison Mist into the face of Hirasi, before nailing 'Shiny Dagger' with a high kick.


Terajima tossed away the box, and then took immediate advantage by planting the dazed Hirasi with the Eastern Misery (Forward Russian Legsweep) with Hunter Wolfe still too hobbled from being in the Ankle Lock to prevent Terajima from securing the win.


Result: Soh Terajima [w] by Hunter Wolfe + Shiki Hirasi [L] in 7:33 via pinfall (Eastern Misery


Rating: 41


Takayuki Balls: Terajima's pretty much been established as a 'garbage' heel, no one cares about Hirasi and Wolfe is unknown (and until we get a TV deal that isn't really going to change), so they did about as well as they could considering the fans apathy towards this match.




Main Show- PPV Broadcast Begins


The main show begins with the typical pay per view hype video, with highlights from the tour shows of how the various matches for the PPV have been built, with particular attention paid to the Super Junior Championship match between Prime Dragon and Sairento....



The offical music of DIASPORA- Hoshikuzu Kandelaar (Stardust Torch) by Stereopony comes blasting in over the speakers and we have a rundown of the card, whilst the song plays over it.


Rating: 76


Takayuki Balls: These hype videos are par for the course- I actually like the fact that DIASPORA follow a certain set format for their shows though with the card rundown to the same music- gives the promotion an immediate identity and when Hoshikuzu Kandelaar hits the speakers at a DIASPORA PPV, you knows it's time for the show to begin!



~Take Serious!~

Match 1: HUSTLE Umiro & Meido Machine vs

Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara






The bell rings but HUSTLE and Meido, are not in the mood for wrestling...there in the mood for dancing, only problem between them is that their arguing over what sort of dance routine they should do....HUSTLE whats to do some break dancing, whilst Meido wants to an 'idol' style routine, with glowsticks.


Hidaka and Kotara, have had enough of their opponents nonsense and start laying into the bizarre duo. They then go for stereo charges in the corner, but HUSTLE and Meido manage to move out of the way, but have a 'comedy' collision in the middle of the ring and Hidaka and Kotara are able to regain control again.


Kotara the clotheslined HUSTLE out of the ring, as Hidaka then got a snap suplex on Meido. But as 'Red Dog' went for a quick cover.. Meido lifted up his maid outfit, causing Hidaka to cover his eyes. 'The World's Most Dangerous' Otaku then tried to nab a quick roll-up on Hidaka but the 'Red Dog' was able to kick out at two...before then angrily stomping away on Meido.


Hidaka and Kotara were then able to keep Meido in their corner, looking in particular to work over the back of their bizarre opponent...that was to soften Meido up for Kotara's Bend of Will (Bow and Arrow Hold)....


But just as it looked like Meido may be forced to tap out, HUSTLE dived back in to make the save. HUSTLE then sent Hidaka out of the ring with a clothesline, and then stunned Kotara with a jawbreaker, before combining with Meido to take Kotara over with a double team snap-suplex- this was then followed by Meido doing a heart symbol with his hands and shouting 'MOE!' followed by HUSTLE producing a wad of Yen from his trunks, throwing them up in the air and then shouting 'MONEY!'



Meido then rolled Kotara up with the Moe Moe Clutch (Double Leg Nelson Pin), but Hidaka was able to dive back into the ring to make the save. Hidaka then went up top, and then combined with Kotara on a vertical suplex/diving cross body combo......


That looked to bring the de-facto version of 'The Forgotten' the win, but HUSTLE was able to recover to make the save. HUSTLE then nailed Hidaka with the Hustle Brother (Legsweep DDT) only to then be nailed from behind by Kotara.


Kotara then tried to set HUSTLE up for the North Lights Suplex, but 'the Ducker Diver' was able to block the attempt and then took 'Rough Rider' by surprise with the Out-Hustled (Backlside Pin)......


Kotara was unable to get his shoulders up, and with a recovered Meido able to hold Hidaka off from making the save....'Moe Money' managed to pull out a victory, in their first official outing as a team.


Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] & Meido Machine by Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara [L] in 8:52 via pinfall (Out-Hustled)


Rating: 55


Takayuki Balls: That was a fun opener, mixing some comedy with some surprisingly stellar wrestling by the end of the match. 'Moe Money' got the win here on their debut outing, because they are going to be a regular team.



~In The Hunt~

Match 2: ShimiKuma (Aki Shimizudani & Horiuchi Inokuma) vs

Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi

http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AkiShimizudani.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoriuchiInokuma.jpg





After an evenly contested back and forth opening couple of minutes, ShimiKuma were able to take control when they Shimizudani sent Mitsubishi out of the ring with a Shimu-Lariat and then combined with Inokuma on a double uranage slam on Ebisawa for a two count.


ShimiKuma then looked to wear down Ebisawa, before Inokuma locked on the Python Vise (Anaconda Vise), but 'Forceful Dagger' showed his fighting spirit by gathering up the energy to rise to his feet and then take Inokuma over with a Belly to Belly Suplex for a two count......


Inokuma manged to get the tag back into Shimizudani first, but Ebisawa was able to duck a Shimu-Lariat before nailing 'S-Pulse' with a Dozer (Spear). Ebisawa then gathered up enough energy to then get the tag into Mitsubishi.


'Fist of Granite' then nailed Shimizudani with the Mitsubishi Power Punch, causing 'S-Pulse' to immediately collapse to the mat in a heap.......


But Inokuma was able to break into the ring and make the save just in time, 'Learning Lion' then ducked a Power Punch attempt from Mitsubishi, before nailing 'Fist of Granite' with the Sea-Change (Spinning Side Slam).


Ebisawa was able to make the save, but before he could follow up with any offence he was nailed with a Chin-Marker (Jumping Knee) from Shimizudani.


Inokuma then planted the still-dazed Mitsubishi with the Kamikochi Suplex (Northern Lights Suplex) to secure the win for ShimiKuma.


Result: Aki Shimizudani & Hirouchi Inokuma [w] bt Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 8:04 via pinfall (Kamikochi Suplex)


Rating: 55


Takayuki Balls: Though this match had no build, I think because it was on PPV both teams worked their socks off to put on a solid tag team contest. ShimiKuma winning here was a no brainer, as they are the established team and I'm not even sure I see much of a long term future in the Ebisawa-Mitsubishi pairing anyway.



~Have Spirit~

Match 3: Eikichi Minamoto vs Go Takashi



Minamoto decided to engage Takashi in some mat wrestling, only for the newcomer to be a consistent step ahead, to 'Rumble Heart's' surprise/frustration. Minamoto then picked it up a bit, changing to a more brawling tactic, that put Takashi on the back-foot, but when he went to set up for the Gurugu Mawaru (Airplane Spin Samoan Drop), Takashi had it scouted slipping off the shoulders and then taking down Minamoto with a hangman's neckbreaker.


'Nippon Hart' then continued to build momentum for himself with a trio of snap suplexes for a two counter, before lifting Minamoto up with a wheelbarrow to deliver the Bartender's Swing (Giant Swing).....a disorientated Minamoto then staggered up to his feet, where he was nailed with a rolling elbow from Takashi for a two count.


'Rumble Heart' then scrambled out of the ring, to re-group but Takashi wasn't going to let him halt the momentum and went for a diving shoulder block off the apron- however Takashi's impatience proved to be his undoing as Minamoto moved out of the way and 'Nippon Hart' ended up colliding with the guard-rail.


Minamoto then pitched Takashi into the ring, and simply went for a cover, but Takashi was able to kick out at two. Minamoto then tried for the Gurugu Mawaru again, but just as earlier Takashi slipped off and then after a double leg take down turned Minamoto over into the Dollars (Inverted Cloverleaf).....


It looked as though Minamoto was on the verge of tapping out, but 'Rumble Heart' managed to grit through the pain and gather up enough energy to force the rope-break. Takashi still looked to be in complete control though and looked to be setting up for the DRRR!!! (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver), but 'Rumble Heart' managed to fight off the attempt with a series of side elbows and then countered with a slingshot suplex......


Takashi staggered back up to his feet only to be met with a boot into the mid-section, Minamoto butterflyed the arms and then drilled Takashi with the Harima DDT (Double Arm DDT) - decisively for Minamoto, leaving Takashi stunned enough for referee Ochida to slap the mat three times.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Go Takashi [L] in 8:47 via pinfall (Harima DDT)


Rating: 66


Takayuki Balls: We played the established talent being 'overconfident' card here and it translated into a decent competitive match- Takashi proves he can compete at this level, whilst Minamoto still manages to get the decisive win to remain looking strong himself. Everyone's a winner!


Post Match Comments:


Eikichi Minamoto: Perhaps I did understimate Takashi-san's capabilities, I thought he was as insignificant as a Kentaro Nara, but he showed that he had the spirit of a Haruki Hanai. But I have come through this tricky test and the next time I step into the ring on a PPV, I want to, no in fact I need it to truly mean something.


Go Takashi: On this occassion Minamoto-san was better, but I believe that I can beat the very best here in DIASPORA, I did not come here to take a kicking night in night out, I came here because I believe in my ability.



~Prove Dominance~

Match 4: All Asia Tag Team Championship:

Tokyo Wrecking Crew ( Hiro Date & Oda Yamakawi) vs

Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono)







Our first title match of the night, see's the All Asia Tag Team titles on the line, with the Tokyo Wrecking Crew making their second defence of the belts against the Kuro-Nadeshiko's heavyweight duo Udon Noodle Killers.


Before the bell has even rung both sides are squaring up to one another, and soon as it does ring this one unsurprisingly explodes into an all out brawl, and whilst the UNK have the size and power advantage...the Wrecking Crew's dynamism puts the Kuro pair on the backfoot.


The chaotic brawling soon spills to the floor with the Noodle Killer's attempting to regroup, it's a tactic the Wrecking Crew regrettably fall for, as out on the floor the UNK are able to take more advantage of the Chaos.....sneaking in the cheap shots that the Wrecking Crew, feel they are above dishing out. When the match finally settles down Hiro Date has been powerbombed into a row of chairs by Chojiro Ono.....leaving Oda Yamawaki at the mercy of GUSHIKEN, who drives 'Fearless' against a ringpost before tossing Yamawaki back into the ring.


GUSHIKEN covers for a two count, and then gets another after a bodyslam. The UNK then proceeded to 'toy' with Yamawaki....feeling that they had the match and titles in the bag, with Date still recovering out on the floor, but their arrogance allowed 'Fearless' to recover and Yamawaki was able to duck a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash) before pulling out a flurry of drop-kicks on the UNK.


Yamawaki then tried to get the tag out to Date, but unforunatelty for 'Fearless' Date still wasn't available to take the tag, and Kuro's super heavyweight duo were able to drag Yamawaki back to their corner.


Yamawaki then showed great fighting spirit by kicking out of a GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) at two, and then had enough left in the tank to manouevre himself away from a Tsunami (Big Splash) attempt from Chojiro Ono)....'Fearless' then ducked another GUSHIKEN Smash, before finally getting the tag out to a fired up Hiro Date.


'Stampeding Bull' took down GUSHIKEN with a flying shoulder tackle, and then felled Ono with a chop-block. Date then went to turn Ono over into the Date With Pain (Elevated Boston Crab).....


Only for GUSHIKEN to intervene, that then drew Yamawaki back into the ring, and we had another two on two melee on our hands as referee Sugimura struggled to keep control. The Tokyo Wrecking Crew, were then able to seize control ducking clothesline from their opponents and their incredibly, despite giving up a huge amount of size to their opponents, dumping the UNK with stereo Rejection II's (Backdrop Suplexes)!!


However neither were able to go for the pin at both of the UNK landed near the ropes, and feeling that control of the match was slipping away from them bailed out of the ring for a powder. The Tokyo Wrecking Crew were determined to retain their titles in a decisive manner however and came crashing into their opponents with stereo dives.......


But despite that the UNK, were able to fire back out on the floor- in fact it soon degenerated to the point that on either side of the ring, it had become a back and forth stalemate with non of the four men involved backing down, leaving referee Sugimiura no other choice but to call for the bell and declare the match a double count out draw. The Tokyo Wrecking Crew retain the titles, but given S.H.I.P's pride and philosophy in doing things the 'right way' such a 'victory' will not sit well with them.


Result: Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki vs GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono ended as a double count-out draw in 10:24


Tokyo Wrecking Crew make V2 Defence of DIASPORA All Asia Tag Team Championship


Rating: 69


Takayuki Balls: Of course with a finish like this we run the risk, of the fans not taking well to at all, but they got caught up in the intesity of the match and it does a good job of setting up further matches between these two teams, without already hot-shotting the belts off the Wrecking Crew.


Post Match Footage:


The Tokyo Wrecking Crew and Udon Noodle Killers, were still brawling with another into the backstage area and amongst the merchandise stalls....eventually some security personnel get between the two teams, trying desperately to keep them apart and prevent them from causing more chaos.



~Call With Fury~

Match 5: Dark Wolf II vs Hiroto Nori



During Nori's walk down the entrance ramp, the camera cannot help pick up an attractive female fan practically screaming at him to do his best!! Color Commentator Tadashi Saga observes that this same fan seems to be at every show and ponders if she's some sort of stalker and then jokingly comments that perhaps Nori should actually be worried by such obsessive support.


Dark Wolf II shows his aggression right from the start, by jumping Nori before the bell and then proceeds to dominate the opening minute with a relentless brawling approach...eventually pitching Nori out to the floor. The 'Howling Menace' then went to whip Nori into the ring-steps but Nori held his ground and began to fire back.....


Just when it looked like this might end in a disappointing double countout, both realised that referee Ochida had a twenty count going. The back and forth brawling continued back in the ring, until Dark Wolf II took control again with a sneaky knee to Nori's lower regions. The 'Howling Menace' then drilled Nori with a DDT for a two count...before heading up top.


Nori however got back to his feet and nailed Wolf with a leaping kick, before setting up for a hurrcanrana, but Dark Wolf II managed to shrug off the attempt, shoving Nori back down to the canvas and then nailing 'Battle' with a diving shoulder block.


Dark Wolf II then levelled Nori with a Lariat and then planted the S.H.I.P leader with a German Suplex for a two count. 'The Howling Menace' then feeling that the momentum was truly building in his favour whipped Nori into the ropes to set up for the Howling Fury (Slingshot Powerbomb) but Nori used the momentum to flip himself over the top-rope and then take Dark Wolf by surprise with a springboard drop-kick.


The 'Howling Menace' rose back to his feet and then immediately tried to level Nori with a lariat, but 'Battle' was able to duck under and then catch Wolf with the Yakisoba (Tilt-A-Whirl Cross Arm Breaker)......


Nori had the excrutiating submission hold locked on right in the middle of the ring, but somehow Dark Wolf II managed to grit through the pain and gather up the strength to lift Nori up, before powerbombing 'Battle' against the turnbuckle.


Dark Wolf II then planted Nori with another German Suplex Hold but was unable to maintain the bridge for a full three count. 'Battle' remained rooted to the mat however and Dark Wolf II then headed up top and came crashing down with the Wolf's Rain (Diving Elbow Drop)......








Nori kicked out but Wolf remained in control, and the 'Howling Menace' tried once again to set up for the Howling Fury but Nori stood his ground and countered with a Reverse STO. Wolf managed to get right back up but suddenly found himself on the end of a relentless barrage of kicks from Nori....but the 'Howling Menace' managed to duck the high kick that would complete the Endless Nori sequence for the S.H.I.P leader and fired back with a lariat......


Dark Wolf II then clutched at this arm (obviously still feeling the effects of Nori's Yakisoba from earlier) but maintained control when he planted Nori with a sideslam.......


The' Howling Menace' then waited for Nori to begin rising back to his feet, before nailing 'Battle' with the Wolf's Call (Sliding Lariat)......








Dark Wolf II hadn't quite hooked the leg strongly enough and Nori was able to kick out. The 'Howling Menace' remained in control though and planted Nori with a scoop powerslam, before once again going back to the Wolf's Call (Sliding Lariat) but this time 'Battle' moved out of the way and then nailed Dark Wolf II with a basement drop-kick.


Dark Wolf II then staggered back up to his feet but was suddenly planted with the Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO).......








Dark Wolf II managed to kick out and then rise back to his feet, but Nori was now in fully control and the S.H.I.P leader peppered the 'Howling Menace' with the Endless Nori kick flurry.......


Nori then decided to head up top and with Dark Wolf II unable to move off the canvas, 'Battle' was able to land the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press)......








Dark Wolf II had given Nori a tough match, but in the end it was the leader of S.H.I.P who found a way to win and avoid the upset.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] bt Dark Wolf II [L] in 12:30 via pinfall (Flying Bonito)


Rating: 76


Takayuki Balls: The result may have been predictable, but Nori-san and Wolf-san put together a well worked action packed match, that had both of them coming out looking strong by the end of the match.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroto Nori: I'll give Dark Wolf II some credit,he is a strong competitor. In fact it kind of saddens me that someone as strong as him, feels the need to follow the lead of Sairento. He showed me tonight that he is better than a mere misguided follower, but as long as he remains a misguided follower of Sairento he shall remain my enemy.



~Overcome Surprise, Emerge Strongest!~

Match 6: Junior Tag Team Championship:

New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs

IMPERIOUS (Incognito & Tian Long) vs

Zodiac & Talisman







It was now time for the Junior Tag Team Championship, with New Solution facing their toughest test yet as champion, facing not one, but two challengers- the forme champions IMPERIOUS and the newly formed but packed full of potential pairing of Zodiac & Talisman.


Yamato, Talisman and Incognito start out, with the 'Second Coming' out-manouevring both of his opponents with a pair of spinning headscissor takedowns. Hideki comes in however and nails Talisman with a drop-kick to the floor. Zodiac comes in but gets caught with a drop-kick himself and 'Integral Prowess' winds up to take a dive to the floor only to be cut off with a stiff chop from Tian Long.


Long and Hideki then engage in a strike battle, Long seems to have worn down Hideki enough to go for the chokeslam, but all of a sudden Yamato nails Long with an Enziguri off the second turnbuckle and Hideki reverses into a Fisherman's suplex......


That only gets a two as Incognito slingshots in to make the save with a guillotine leg-drop. Incognito then nails Yamato with a spinning heel-kick before planting Hideki with a tilt-a-whirl russian leg-sweep. 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' then heads up, but is cut off by Talisman who then send Incognito crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana. Color-man Tadashi Saga actually questions Talisman's reasons for intervening, when it's an elimination rules match.


Talisman is then cut off by Tian Long, who plants the 'Second Coming with a Chokeslam, only for Zodiac to take down 'Imperial' with a springboard leg-lariat. 'Innovations God' then gets nailed with a jumping knee from Yamato, who then tries to set up for the Gurren Driver (Scoop Slam Piledriver) but a recovered Talisman is able to intervene with a gamengiri and Zodiac uses that counter into a Zodiac Sniper (Sunset Flip Powerbomb).....








Hideki makes the save and then manages to connect with stereo superkicks on both Zodiac and Talisman. However he is then taken down with the IMPERIAL combo (spinning heel-kick/backdrop suplex combination) by IMPERIOUS.......








Yamato makes the save, but then falls to the same IMPERIAL Combo from as his partner......








This time Hideki makes the save, and IMPERIOUS then go to IMPERIAL combowell one too many times, as Incognito ends up nailing Long with the spinning heel-kick. Hideki then connects with a Superkick on Incognito........








Incognito kicks out, but Yamato is back up and 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' suddenly finds himself in a two on one situation.......


The champions then combine to plant Incognito with the Keiyakusha (Superkick assisted German Suplex)........








But no referee Sugimura is being distracted by a Black Box wielding Soh Terajima......



And football (soccer) fans complain about their referees ?!


Terajima was the decoy however for Blood Spider to sneak into the ring and blow Poison Mist into the face of Yamato, however Hideki saw the attack coming and nailed the 'new nightmare' with a Superkick. However a disorientated Yamato then accidently connected with a leg lariat on his own partner, before being met with a kick into the gut by Tian Long and then drilled into the mat with the Emperor Driver (Sitout Side Powerslam)......








Hideki made the save and then connected with another Superkick, before planting Long with the Shiranui (Backlfip Inverted DDT)........


In a desperation move Soh Terajima then actually entered the ring and went to strike out at Hideki with the Black Box.......


Same result as always however....as Hideki once again Superkick's the box right into his face......


But Incognito has recovered from the Keiyakusha earlier and sneaks in a low blow on Hideki.....before planting 'Integral Prowess' with the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver)......






Yamato is back up to try and make the save, but he is cut off by Tian Long.......




New Solution have been eliminated !!, DIASPORA wiill crown new Junior Tag Team Champions.....


First Fall: Incognito [w] bt Shintaro Hideki [L] in 9:28 via pinfall (Incognito Driver)- New Solution are eliminated.....


IMPERIOUS are celebrating in the ring as though they have actually won the titles, but they had clearly forgotten that a third team was involved in this match, and are taken by suprise by Zodiac and Talisman who take the Kuro pair down with a stereo springboard head-scissors take downs. Whilst IMPERIOUS were engaged in battle with New Solution, it must have dawned on the Guardians pair that it is an elimination match and the best thing to do was simply bide their time out on the floor.


IMPERIOUS get right back up but are met by stereo drop-kicks that send them out to the floor, Zodiac & Talisman then took flight- soaring over the top rope with stereo plancha's to the floor.


Talisman then pitched Incognito back into the ring, and then headed up top....but over on the other side amidst the chaos Soh Terajima layed out Zodiac with a Black Box shot, allowing for Tian Long to sneak round and prevent Talisman from taking flight.....a recovered Incognito then brought Talisman crashing back into the with a hurracanrana, whilst Tian Long then followed up with a senton.......






Talisman was able to kick out that time, but IMPERIOUS had taken full control and the 'Second Coming' found himself isolated in the wrong corner. IMPERIOUS then set about, methodically working over Talisman - leading to Long trying to synch in the Dynasty Lock (Inverted STF) on the 'Second Coming'


But Talisman digs down and manages to fight off the attempt, flipping onto his back and caterpulting Long into the turnbuckle......Talisman then tries for a quick roll up but Incognito intervened.


Talisman then ducked a spinning heel kick from Incognito, that then errantly nailed Long....before the 'Second Coming' then drilled 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a Tornado DDT......


Talisman then looked to make the tag to Zodiac, but 'Innovations God' wasn't ready for the tag and a recovered Long was able to nail Talisman from behind and then plant the 'Second Coming' with a Chokeslam.


That got a two count and the Imperial One then headed up top, but all of a sudden he was sent crashing back into the ring with a springboard cutter from Zodiac!


Talisman then scrambled across to make the save........








Incognito dived across to make the save, and then nailed Talisman with a spinning heel kick, only to then be nailed with a drop-kick from Zodiac, who then followed up with the Flame Haze (Tilt-A-Whirl Crucifix Arm Bar).....


But before Zodiac could truly synch in the painful submission hold, a recovered Tian Long was able to make the save. Talisman was heading up top, but Incognito managed to conveniently stagger into the ropes, causing the 'Second Coming' to be crotched on the top turnbuckle, whilst Long then clotheslined Zodiac to the floor......


Long then sent crashing Talisman crashing back into the ring with a superplex, before Incognito then followed up with the Sueno Permante (Inverted DDT, transitioned into a Sleeper Hold)


Unfortunately for IMPERIOUS, they hadn't done enough to take Zodiac out of the picture and Innovations God was able to make his way back into the ring and save his partner from being choked out.


Talisman was still in the Sueno Permanente long enough though to be a non factor for the time being and Zodiac found himself having to try and fend off a two on one situation, and after being clubbed from behind he was dumped with the IMPERIAL Combo (Spinning Heel kick assisted Backdrop suplex)......








Zodiac showed great fighting spirit by kicking out, but was then replanted onto the mat with a scoop slam from Tian Long....Incognito had headed up top and then came crashing down upon Zodiac with the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton)......


But Zodiac got the knees up winding Incognito. Tian Long however was able to keep IMPERIOUS in control, clubbing Zodiac from behind and then dumping 'Innovations God' with a Dragon Suplex.....








Talisman broke up the pin with a springboard leg-drop !


The 'Second Coming' then took down Tian Long with a Spinning Headscissors, immediately transitioning into the God Knows crucifix pin......








Incognito made the save, and then nailed Talisman with a spinning heel-kick before setting up for the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) but before he could deliver it, he was nailed with an Enziguri from Zodiac before being planted with a legsweep DDT by Talisman.


Zodiac then met Tian Long with a boot into the mid-section, before taking the IMPERIAL one out with the same move he used to defeat Long at the preceding tour show in Hokkaido- the Zodiac Sniper X (Front Flip Piledriver) .....


With Incognito still layed out on the canvas Talisman had headed up top, but all of a sudden Soh Terajima, nailed the 'Second Coming' with a Black Box shot, only to then be taken out with a Superkick by a returning Shintaro Hideki.....eager to dish out immediate revenge on the man who inadvertantly cost New Solution retaining the titles earlier in the match.



Blood Spider Jr however had sneaked into the ring and nailed Zodiac with the Poison Mist (Asian Mist attack, followed by a high head kick), but the 'New Nightmare' was then taken out by Kotei Yamato , who drilled Blood Spider Jr with a Gurren Mk II Driver (Sitout Side Driver)


Meanwhile Talisman was still left dazed on the top-rope and Incognito had recovered, 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' climbed up to the top, and attempted to bring Talisman crashing back into the ring with an Avalanche Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver)...but the 'Second Coming' was able to block the attempt and shove Incognito down to the canvas, before taking flight with the Golden Idol (Shooting Star Press).....


Only to crash and burn when Incognito was able to roll out of the way.....


Incognito was unable to switch the momentum back in his favour however, when he was met with a gamengiri from a recovered Zodiac, who then drilled 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' into the canvas with the Card of Doom (Cross Legged Sitout Scoop Slam Piledriver).......








Tian Long managed to dive back in at literally the last split millisecond to keep IMPERIOUS title hopes alive......


But the momentum was still in the favour of the Guardians duo who nailed the Imperial One with a Double Enziguri. Zodiac then lifted Long up with a wheelbarrow, before driving Long's face into the knees of his tag partner Talisman (a move Kogara on commentary calls the Steins Gate)


Talisman then made the pin on Long.....






Three !!!


Zodiac & Talisman are the new DIASPORA Junior Tag Team Champions, winning the belts for the first time...the newly formed duo causing something of a shock by besting their two more experienced opponents.


Deciding Fall: First Fall: Talisman [w] bt Tian Long [L] in 22:02 via pinfall (Steins Gate)- IMPERIOUS are eliminated


Result: Zodiac & Talisman defeated New Solution and IMPERIOUS in 22:02; the order of elimination was New Solution first, and finally IMPERIOUS.


Zodiac & Talisman become 4th DIASPORA Junior Tag Team Champions


Rating: 78


Post match the new champions are presented with the Junior Tag Team Championship belts- somehow DIASPORA have managed to rope into rope in a couple of members from a hugely popular idol group to do the honours.....which must have added even more to the smiles on Zodiac and Talisman's faces.....


After receiving the belts the new champions get on the microphone....


Zodiac: There was probably those who thought we come unstuck here, because we were facing two teams who had years of tag experience over us.... But this man right here next to me Talisman, has been under my tutelage for years and it was his time to blossom


Talisman: This right now is the greatest day of my career, but this is only the beginning and I hope to have many more great days.....


Zodiac: Great days still await us, for we shall prove that this victory was no one off, Whispered shall build a legacy as a tag team, one of the greatest legacies this sport has ever seen!!


The new champions then leave the ring, their victory met with a largely positive response from the DIASPORA fans.


Rating: 70


Takayuki Balls: As much as I like New Solution as a team, and it really wrenched at me to end their reign as champions- the belts needed to change here, because their commitments to Dragon Pro are leaving them knackered right now, something that also played into why they were somewhat disappointingly taken out fairly early with the first fall coming in under ten minutes. The second fall was full of excitement though and Whispered (that will be Zodiac & Talisman's team name from on) semi-shock victory was met with a good response from the fans.


Post Match Comments:


Shintaro Hideki: Everyone can see that Kuro screwed us out of being champions but what goes around comes around , as they say and you're not the one's celebrating at our expense!


Kotei Yamato: Zodiac, Talisman we respect you as opponents but you did not beat us to become champions- if you are the competitors we think you are, you will give us the re-match that we deserve and then we will truly see who the best tag team is in DIASPORA.



~Be Champion, Be Respected!~

Match 7: Heavyweight Championship:

Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Koto Arato



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyotaruIchigawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KotoArato.jpg


The semi final see's the Heavyweight Championship on the line, as Koto Arato makes his third attempt at trying to win back the title he lost to the current champion Hyotaru Ichigawa.


Both wait until the bell actually rings and then circle a bit before laying into one another, but it didn't take long for this to descend into an all out brawl. It was a war of attrition however, as neither man looked likely to back down and when both went for a clothesline off the ropes it ended in a double takedown int the middle of the ring.


Both managed to pick themselved up off the canvas, as referee Ochida applied the double count and then went right back to laying into one another. Soon enough though, it appeared that engaging in a straight up striking brawl was favouring the more powerful Arato.


A series of stiff fore-arms that had Ichigawa reeling, appeared to put Arato in the drivers seat, and it appeared that the defending champ as dazed enough for 'Strong Dreamer' to apply a waist-lock and set up for a German Suplex.....


But Ichigawa somehow managed to squirm free and then force a standing switch, before attempting the Dragon Suplex.......Arato stood his ground however and after a series of back elbows planted 'White Light' with a Uranage Slam. Arato then waited for Ichigawa to rise back to his feet, before levelling the defending champion with an Arato Lariat.....








Arato came close to winning back the title right there, but before he could follow up and maintain the momentum Ichigawa managed to roll out of the ring to try and re-group. Arato decided not to give chase, and invited the defending champion back into the ring. 'Strong Dreamer' then went to try and level Ichigawa with another Arato-Lariat but 'White Light' managed to duck and then nailed Arato with a Decapitator (Running Bicyle Kick) that sent the S.H.I.P man out of the ring.


Referee Ochida then applied a 20 floor count upon Arato......'Strong Dreamer' managed to get himself up on the apron, but was then knocked back to the floor by the defending champion- who then then went out onto the apron himself and came crashing towards Arato with a Flying Double Axe Handle. However Arato managed to move out of the way and after nailing Ichigawa with a stiff elbow shot, 'Strong Dreamer' then dumped Ichigawa with a German Suplex out on the floor.....


Arato then rolled back into the ring as referee Ochida started a twenty count. However when the count got to ten, it suddenly dawned on Arato that though he would win the match, he would not win the title, as DIASPORA's championships do not change hands on a count-out.


Ichigawa was playing possum and he went to whip Arato against the ring-post, but 'Strong Dreamer' manged to reverse the momentum and 'White Light' ended up colliding with the ring-post......


Arato then went to level Ichigawa with an Arato-Lariat but 'White Light' managed to move out of the way and Arato ended up colliding with the ring-post. Ichigawa admittedly followed that up with a stiff kick, that sandwiched Arato's arm against the cold steel of the ring-post.


Just about avoiding a double count-out Ichigawa pitched Arato back into the ring, and after trying for a quick cover, continued to work over Arato's right arm. Ichigawa then feeling that Arato was sufficiently weakened enough then applied the Crucifix Arm Bar.....


'Strong Dreamer' was in absolute agony, but he somehow managed to gather up the strength to lift flip Ichigawa onto his back with a belly to belly suplex......


Ichigawa refused to release the Arm Bar straight away, but Arato just wouldn't tap and 'White Light' was forced to release the hold to kick out. 'Strong Dreamer' then blocked an immediate attempt from Ichigawa to re-apply the arm bar, before planting the defending champion with a Uranage Slam.


Arato then levelled Ichigawa with an Arato-Lariat, but then immediately clutched at his arm, falling to the mat in agony unable to follow up with an immediate cover....


They then exchanged chops and punches in the middle of the ring, before Ichigawa tried to nail Arato with the Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) only for Arato to move out of the way, and then after nailing Ichigawa with a stiff fore-arm plant 'White Light' with a Release German Suplex.


Arato then nailed Ichigawa with a shoulder charge into the corner, before rebounding off the ropes to level 'White Light' with an Arato Lariat......








Arato wasn't quite able to hook the leg properly due to the weakness in his arm. Ichigawa remained rooted to the mat though and Arato lifted the defending champion up for the Gotch Suplex (Dead Lift German Suplex)..... But Ichigawa managed to suddenly come back to life, just as Arato was about to plant him onto the canvas, but Arato was just as determined to complete the move and with another burst of energy got Ichigawa over and planted onto the canvas......








Ichigawa kicked out but then suddenly found himself locked into the Dreamland (Rear Naked Choke).......


'White Light' looked to be in real trouble and appeared to be fading.....


Referee Ochida raised Ichigawa's arm......


No response.....


Ochida raised it again......


Still no response.......


Ochida gave Ichigawa one last chance to prove he still had some fight life......


Unfortunately for Arato, Ichigawa did have some fight left and it also appeared Arato's grip on the submission hold was weakening, and perhaps more than anything this allowed for Ichigawa to battle his way out of the choke based submission.


The defending champion eventually managed to slip out and after building momentum with a flurry of chops, went for a Decapitator (Bicycle Kick).....Arato automatically went to block with his arm, and then immediately clutched at it, leaving him open to another Decaptitator.......


Arato crumpled to the mat and Ichigawa went for the cover........








Arato emphatically kicked out but was then caught once again in the Crucifix Arm Bar ......


'Strong Dreamer' tried to lift Ichigawa up, but his arm was weakening too fast and he was unable to get Ichigawa up and he was forced to collapse back onto the mat, his only hope was to try and battle his way through the pain and force a rope-break.....


But Ichigawa had ring positioning in his favour and it would take an almighty effort from the rapidly weakening Arato......


'Strong Dreamer' tried to shift himself and Ichigawa across to the ropes........


But in the end the pain was just too much too take and 'Strong Dreamer' was forced to tap out.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] bt Koto Arato [L] in 15:30 via submission (Crucifix Arm Bar)


Hyotaru Ichigawa makes V8 defence of DIASPORA Heavyweight Championship


Rating: 82


Takayuki Balls: There was nothing flashy at all about this match, and yet the DIASPORA crowd lapped it up, which just goes to show that what we are all about isn't a one dimensional thing, The old school heavyweight contest that these two put together, provided a fine contrast to the flashy lucha influenced action in the Junior Tag Title match that preceeded it.


Post Match Comments:


Hyotaru Ichigawa: Arato-san surely now you must see I am better than you...I don't not mean to sound arrogant but the fact's do not lie....this is the third time you have challenged me, since I defeated you to become champion. There was a time where your strength would be too much for me, but that time has long since past and it appears that you time has past too.


Koto Arato: Lesser men would stand before your utterly broken, but this defeat has made me even more determined to regain that championship. Yes for now, it appears I do not have the answers to defeat Ichigawa-san but I will work to become stronger. I know that for now I have blown my latest opportunity and that I will have to prove myself worthy of challenging once again. I WILL prove myself and I WILL once again become champion.



~Obliterate, Extreme Prejudice!

Match 8: Super Junior Championship:

Prime Dragon vs Sairento




The main event was now upon us....could Sairento complete what appears to be an unstoppable march towards regaining the Super Junior Championship or would Prime Dragon get the better of Sairento just as he did in October to become the 3rd DIASPORA Super Junior Champion- this match isn't just about the title, it's the very seed to the war between two men worlds apart in the way they see the world- and to the eyes of many of the fans in attendance a struggle between the purely good and the insanely evil.


You can feel the tension during the pomp and ceremony of the introductions, that these two just want to tear into one another as soon as the bell rings to start the match. When the bell does indeed ring, Prime Dragon takes Sairento by surprise by nailing the 'Silent Reaper' with a Rolling Wheel Kick.


It only staggers Sairento but Dragon immediately follows up with a pair of drop-kicks that back peddle Sairento in the corner. 'The Grand Pillar' then connects with a spinning heel kick into the corner, before flipping onto the apron and planting Sairento with a springboard bulldog.


Dragon then goes for a quick cover, but Sairento easily kicks out of that and goe to level Dragon with a clothesline....the champion ducks and then takes Sairento back off a vertical base with a basement drop-kick. 'The Silent Reaper' immediately tries to get right back up but is met with another rolling wheel kick. Dragon then lifted Sairento up and drilled the Kuro leader with a Brainbuster.


That got a two count and Dragon decided to head up top and set up for a moonsault, but Sairento sat right back up in his customary eerie fashion, and all of a sudden was right behind Dragon on the top turnbuckle. The 'Grand Pillar' tried to shrug Sairento off with a series of back elbows.....and though they did send the 'Silent Reaper' back down to the mat, Sairento just got right back up again and sent Dragon crashing back into the ring with a belly to back superplex.


Sairento then seized control with a charging elbow, before lifting Dragon upon his shoulders only to have a Death Valley Driver attempt countered into a crucifix bomb......






Sairento kick out with authority, and then levelled Dragon with a Yakuza kick. Sairento then whipped the 'Grand Pillar' into the corner and followed up with a Yakuza kick into the corner.....Dragon stayed on his feet but was then levelled with another Yazuza kick, that forced him to slump to the mat.


The momentum was started to shift in Sairento's favour, and the 'Silent Reaper' wasn't going to let up in his relentlessy vicious attack, immediately following up with a facewash. Sairento then scooped the dazed Prime Dragon upon his shoulders and then climbed up the turnuckle- as he looked to plant the 'Grand Pillar' with an Avalanche Death Valley Driver.....


But Dragon suddenly found another burst of fighting spirit, fighting off the attempt with a series of elbow shots..... and then hopping off the turbuckle to nail Sairento with an apron Enziguri. Sairento staggered back on the canvas and Dragon went for a slingshot cross-body....but that proved to be a mistake as Sairento caught Dragon in mid flight before delivering a gutbuster.


Sairento then levelled the winded champion with another Yazuza kick, and then drilled Dragon with a Brainbuster. That got a two count, before Sairento then took control of Dragon's arms and delivered a vicious Kuro Stomp (Surfboard Curb Stomp)......


Sairento went for the cover but Dragon defiantly kicked out at just one! That seemed to just incense Sairento more though, he kept control with a flurry of stiff kicks to the still seated Dragon before once again driving the 'Grand Pillars' face into the canvas with a Kuro-Stomp...except thus time the 'Silent Reaper' didn't go for the cover he followed up with two more Kuro-Stomps!








Prime Dragon kicked out again, but this time he was just barely able to and Sairento lifted the dazed Dragon up for the Death Note (Spike Brainbuster) but the champion managed to hold off the attempt and then counter into a Brainbuster of his own, before collapsing to the mat himself.....unable to follow up with a immediate cover......


Referee Sugimura applied a double ten count, as the fans urged Dragon to get back to his feet...but it was Sairento who eerily sat up first and after seeing Dragon begin to stir back to life, went in for the kill, with the Absolute Terror (Front Knee Strike To The Face).......


But Dragon managed to block the attempt and then catch the foot to deliver a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip. Dragon followed that up with another Dragon screw, before heading up top. Sairento hobbled back up to his feet but was nailed with a missile drop-kick and Dragon went for a quick pin.....






Sairento kicked out but was nailed with a palm strike from Dragon, who then drilled the dazed Sairento with the Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver).......








Sairento kicked out but remained rooted to the mat and Dragon saw the opportunity to go for the Dragonsault (Springboard Moosault).......


But all of a sudden Sairento eerily sat up again and just as Dragon was set to go for the Dragonsault he was shoved off the top-rope to the floor....crashing into the guard-rail. Sairento then slid out to the floor himself, delivering a series of vicious looking knee lifts into the gut of Dragon, before scooping the 'Grand Pillar upon his shoulders and drilling the champion with a Death Valley Driver onto the ring-steps.


Sairento then broke up the twenty count, and then placed the dazed Dragon against the ring-steps before following in with a facewash, ending with a sickeningly vicious looking knee strike to the side of Dragon's head (basically it was a variation on the Absolute Terror)


The legions of kids in replica Prime Dragon masks, looked absolutely distraught at this point.


Sairento then pitched the dazed Dragon back into the ring and then went for what looked to be an academic cover, the crowd still left in a state of numb silence....with the feeling that Dragon could well have been knocked unconcious.....






But instead of waiting for referee Sugimura to slap the mat for a third time the sadistic Sairento, lifted Dragon back up....


Sairento then taunted Dragon to get back to his feet, but when he got no response he simply gesured to referee Sugimura to make the ten count and declare himself the winner by knockout.


The crowd were trying to will Dragon back to his feet, but it just didn't look like it was going to happen.....








Somehow Dragon managed to stir back into life and stagger his way back up to his feet, to the immdediate frustration of Sairento who came charging right at the champion and connected with a Yazuka Kick........


Dragon may have kept himself alive, but the momentum was still with the 'Silent Reaper' who then scooped Dragon upon his shoulders........


But all of a sudden Sairento found himself trapped in the Dragon's Bite (Inverted Facelock Sleeper), the 'Silent Reaper' managed to stay up-right though and battle his way out of the submission hold, before slipping out and then peppering Dragon with a series of fore-arm shots.


Sairento then whipped Dragon into the corner and followed in with a corner Yazuka Kick......the 'Silent Reaper' then scooped the dazed Dragon upon his shoulders and once again looked to set up for an Avalanche Death Valley Driver......


Only for Dragon to come alive again and once more ensnare Sairento into the Dragon's Bite.....


Of course where Dragon was applying the hold was deemed illegal and referee Sugimura applied the five count....the champion just about let go on five and then with Sairento struggling to respond, the 'Grand Pillar' lept back into the ring before nailing Sairento with a leaping palm strike. Dragon then climbed back onto th second turbuckle, and then after sent the 'Silent Reaper' crashing back into the ring with an Avalanche Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)......


But before Dragon could scramble across to make the cover Sairento, eerily say right back up.......


Only to then be nailed with his own move the Absolute Terror (Front Knee Strike to the Face) by the 'Grand Pillar' !!.......








Sairento kicked out, but Dragon managed to remain unfazed by such an act of defiance from his challenger and once again scooped Sairento up....this time drilling the Kuro-leader with the Prime Driver 2000 (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver).......








Sairento still wouldn't go down and Prime Dragon began to pace around in frustration........


The 'Silent Reaper' remained rooted to the mat however and Dragon went for the Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault)......


Except Sairento was able to roll out of the way, the champions pacing around in frustration having given him time for some of his senses to start returning.


Dragon however managed to land on his feet and then nail the 'Silent Reaper' with a rolling wheel-kick, before planting the dazed Sairento with Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver).......Dragon then once again went for the Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault)......


This time he connected........








This time Sairento was unable to kick out in time......


Prime Dragon had done it, he had retained the title against a seemingly unstoppable Sairento. And there were times where it looked like the Silent Reaper could not be stopped, but Dragon showed that he had the bloody minded determination to remain champion and out-survive the sadistic challenger and perhaps Sairento will look back that his sadistic nature cost him the match...when he decided to abort his pin attempt, when Dragon seemingly had nothing left and arrogantly tried to win the match by count-out.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Sairento [L] in 22:54 via pinfall (Dragonsault)


Prime Dragon makes V2 defence of the DIASPORA Super Junior Championship


Rating: 79


Takayuki Balls: This still turned out to be a very good main event, due to the crowd being rabidly into the contest.....but this wasn't as great as it should have been. For some reason, everything felt slightly 'off' between these two as though the struggled to have any real 'chemistry' as opponents....which is a bit of a pain really, as this is supposed to be one of the key rivalries, if not THE key rivalries in DIASPORA right now. Their ability and the crowd's unwavering support/hatred of them will always lead them to having good matches but the lack of chemistry will unfortunately prevent them from delivering the MOTYC they should be capable of.


Post match and after the usual pomp and ceremony of the title celebration.......an exhausted Prime Dragon gets on the microphone.


Prime Dragon: I was in a war tonight that's for sure, it's a war I could have very well lost but my heart, my sheer determination saw me through to victory. Sairento may well be a cold blooded, merciless tyrant but I showed I could stand up to their tyrant and through my ability to beleive in myself, and with the help of you fans believing in me too...I could show that I am stronger!


I know this war will not be over until I rid DIASPORA of Sairento's poision and that he will be remain relentless in his pursuit to destroy DIASPORA and push his desperate vision upon us all. It's something I simply will not allow and as long as I remain champion DIASPORA shall remain a place where strong but fair competition shall be allowed to flourish.


If this Super Junior Championship around my waist, were to fall into the hands of a Sairento, DIASPORA would be plunged into chaos, I simply cannot allow that to happen...I WILL never allow that to happen, and that's something you have to believe in never happening, because with your support behind me - Sairento shall remain defeated and Kuro-Nadeshiko will be crushed.


Thank you for believing in me, thank you for believing in DIASPORA !! Together we march forward, together we can make DIASPORA number one !!


Prime Dragon then leaves the ring, making sure to give the front-row fans some high fives on the way out, and event get some photo's with some kids in replica Prime Dragon masks.


Rating: 71



Overall: 79


Takayuki's Final Verdict: This wasn't a home run of a PPV, but I still though we put on a pretty strong show and for the first DIASPORA pay per view under my book it didn't think it was bad effort, I just hope Dragon-san agrees. Then again if he argues it should have been better, I can point to the fact that his match with Sairento should have been better....how the hell was I to know that he and Sairento lacked 'chemistry'!!

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Negative Chemistry between Prime Dragon and Sairento? Ouch.


Unforeseen negative chemistry is bad enough, but it gets really annoying when it's between two people who you would expect to have good, or at least neutral chemistry based on their bios and history. I thought getting negative Tag Chemistry in a team clearly designed to be pure tag guys was bad, but getting it between your two top stars in the main feud of the company is even worse.


Still it was a very good show and well written even if the final grade wasn't what it could have been.

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Result: Soh Terajima [w] by Hunter Wolfe + Shiki Hirasi [L] in 7:33 via pinfall (Eastern Misery


Pretty sure that needs a ) at the end. Aside froim that, pretty typical dark match. Terajima gets a win so he's not totally irrelevant, Wolfe gets some exposure.


I'm surprised the hype video got such a good rating, must have had all the big names on it.


Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] & Meido Machine by Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara [L] in 8:52 via pinfall (Out-Hustled)


This rating was also better than expected. Nice to see the comedy team make a little splash. It's not going to win any titles, but it's a nice change of intensity/pace for the normally serious DIASPORA.


this was then followed by Meido doing a heart symbol with his hands and shouting 'MOE!' followed by HUSTLE producing a wad of Yen from his trunks, throwing them up in the air and then shouting 'MONEY!'


Of course, Moe is pronounced Moh-eh, says No-Fun Miko. Still, it's a fun bit for the team.


Result: Aki Shimizudani & Hirouchi Inokuma [w] bt Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 8:04 via pinfall (Kamikochi Suplex)


causing 'S-Pulse' to immediately collapse to the mat in a heap.......


I can't read this without thinking of the S-Pulse soccer team all simultaneously flopping to the ground. Red Card!

I would agree Ebi-Mitsu are not a long term team, just a convinient pairing. If they stay together they need to be called BishiEbi or Diamond Shrimp.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Go Takashi [L] in 8:47 via pinfall (Harima DDT)


Good rating for a fighting spirit match. This is more a of a breather match for Tiger before he has a long write up for the title match coming next.


Result: Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki vs GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono ended as a double count-out draw in 10:24


The UNK then proceeded to 'toy' with Yamawaki....feeling that they had the match and titles in the bag

Will they never learn.


manouevre himself away from a Tsunami


Maneuver. But he was probably too desperate to worry about spelling.


A weak match for SHIP, given their philosophy, so a good build up to the next match and whatever stips will prevent a repeat of the countout.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] bt Dark Wolf II [L] in 12:30 via pinfall (Flying Bonito)

Dark Wolf II needs a moonsault or something called Howl's Flying Castle. Good match, nice long write up and good rating, which seems to suggest Dark Wolf is going to continue to be featured. With luck he'll be getting a win soon.

then jokingly comments that perhaps Nori should actually be worried by such obsessive support.


And a big hello to Mio! A side aside to Ms. Yandere's presence.


Result: Zodiac & Talisman defeated New Solution and IMPERIOUS in 22:02; the order of elimination was New Solution first, and finally IMPERIOUS.


Super long write up and I'm assuming Tiger had fun with this one.

Soh Terajima, nailed the 'Second Coming' with a Black Box shot


No comma needed. But yes, Terajima finally connects! Only to be taken out a second lonter by Hideki, again.


Plenty of interference, chaos, etc etc as befits such matches.


Zodiac, Talisman we respect you as opponents but you did not beat us to become champions


Plenty of storyline material here. The former champs were not defeated by the current champs. The Kuro Duo did defeat the champs but didn't get the title. We'll be seeing these three teams together in the ring again.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] bt Koto Arato [L] in 15:30 via submission (Crucifix Arm Bar)


Koto Arato makes his third attempt at trying to win back the title


This makes me think 'shortage of good heavies' more than anything else. And I -like- Arato. But with an 82 rating it's easy to see why DIASPORA would keep going back to this matchup. Good write up, strong match. I just wasn't feeling the emotion for some reason.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Sairento [L] in 22:54 via pinfall (Dragonsault)


But instead of waiting for referee Sugimura to slap the mat for a third time the sadistic Sairento, lifted Dragon back up....


And so his fate was sealed. Sairento's, not Dragon's. No one ever comes back from aborting the certain pin in a big match.;) It fits with the sadist, though.


I'm fully in favor of defining chemistry in the database for cases like this. Based on past history, they should at least have average chemistry, not bad chemistry. Still a good match and a good card, but the rating could have been so much better.

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The negative chemistry in the Prime Dragon- Sairento match was a real kicker. At least their overness and ability still carried them to a reasonably good grade but with at least neutral chemistry- the match could very well of got into the mid 80's.


Still it's the hand I've been dealt and I can't go back on it now, nor am I going to make it an excuse to abort the diary. I've come too far and have been having way too much fun with the story I've been telling with this one.


Annoying it may be, but I'm determined to find ways round this problem. Besides things can become rather dull, when it all becomes too easy.

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January News and Notes from Around the Wrestling World




Worker Signings:


Lethal Steel Wrestling have brought in Shinjoo Ono, to be the spokesman/ringside manager for 'The Scourge' tag team of Abdullah Hachirobei and Sheik-Adul Wahid.


Title Change:


Kozue's first reign as UPJ's Junior Champion ended up being a short one, with the legendary Silver Beetle defeating Kozue to win the belt for a third time.






Pro Wrestling Sux wrestler Scott Cross, became the surprise new Head Booker of the Seattle Wrestling Alliance- a promotion whose traditional approach is worlds apart from the controversial hardcore fed that Cross has built his reputation in.


Former CWT and WWWE cruiserweight Nicky Sanders has been handed the book at America's premier women's feds American Women's Wrestling - many feel this a smart appointment by owner Mo Pryde- as since his retirement Sanders has been growing a reputation as having one of the most creative minds in the business.


Worker Signings:


Former WWWE and CWF wrestler Todd Wayne has joined AWF as a road agent, in an intriguing twist he effectively replaces his former tag partner Marcus 'Magnum' Kirchart who departed the AWF to become the head road agent for AWW.


Dragon Pro Wrestling have been busy boosting their roster ranks , these include Kosmo Supreme (a member of the Hart Wrestling family), Derek Grace (an entrant in the Become a Star competion), LWA stalwart Poco Loco and former NCAA amateur wrestling standout Marcus Franklin. In non wrestling roles Jaxson Gilette joins the announce table, Piper 'Ieshia' Bryant has been offered a contract as a ringside valet and referee Josiah Crockett has been rehired by Dragon Pro Wrestling- despite earlier being fired for the rather bizarre reason of not removing his trademark Coonskin cap.


Puerto Rican based promotion Legacy Wrestling Alliance have also been busy, with CWT's Kris Phoenix and Sean Riley adding LWA to their commitments, as well as PWI's Tyler Mercury. Alberto Rodriguez will be taking over the color commentator duties at LWA, DeShawn Bank$ joins as a manager and AWF referee Shane Tedeschi also adds LWA to his schedule.


PWI referee Gabe Renston, like Tedeschi obviouslty feels he could do with some extra income, by joining PW Sux.


Backstage Gossip:


LWA's Cordero Calderon had plenty of good things to say about Bruiser Cassidy on a Puerto Rican Radio show.

Title Change:


Poisonous Apathy (Mikey Melancholy & Crmydyne) became two time PW Sux Daredevil Duo champions, ending the reign of South Central (OG Sweet & Lil' Swag) in their very first defence of the titles.




Worker Signings:


Champagne, whose problems with alcohol have become widely known has been given yet another chance by Imperio de la Lucha Libre. Valet Lucia Della Vega has also somewhat controversially joined the promotion, despite also still working for rivals CLMM.


Title Change:


Joe Havana, Negro Guerrero and Pista Del Perro became the new CLMM Campeones de Trios, ending the latest (and rather brief) reign of Los Numeros.




CLMM veteran Nego Guerrero is suffering from a Swollen Calf Muscle, but has stated that he will work through the injury.


General News


New Talent:


Todd Pendergast- A young road agent who has been working the school gym circuit in North America, is now actively looking for employment with a more established fed.


Gregory Berry- A teenage announcer, who does commentary for backyard wrestling on the internet. Has made his intentions know that he wants to do wrestling announcing professionally.


* These are a couple of generated workers.

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Annoying it may be, but I'm determined to find ways round this problem. Besides things can become rather dull, when it all becomes too easy.


Maybe there is some legit heat between them that lead to a minor lack of cooperation in the match? Not enough to sabotage, but enough but enough it was noticable Sairento was selling less than usual for PD or something.

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Well it could be worse, in my game Diaspora is in massive debt and about to go out of business. They're putting on great shows, but the single digit Economy and Wrestling Industry in Japan is a killer.


On the bright side Diaspora has some amazing talent, so one instance of Negative chemistry isn't going to kill you. Obviously it hurts that it's the big storyline you've been building, but you've got other great juniors like Nori, Zodiac, and Incognito who could be in the main event title picture.

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Well it could be worse, in my game Diaspora is in massive debt and about to go out of business. They're putting on great shows, but the single digit Economy and Wrestling Industry in Japan is a killer.


On the bright side Diaspora has some amazing talent, so one instance of Negative chemistry isn't going to kill you. Obviously it hurts that it's the big storyline you've been building, but you've got other great juniors like Nori, Zodiac, and Incognito who could be in the main event title picture.


I can at least count myself lucky that the wrestling industry and economy ain't in the toilet- though I did make sure of that before starting the diary game :p


The poor chemistry between my top heel and top face is a set-back but it's not one that can't be overcome.


Diary Update:


On the first page of the diary, I have updated the title histories and also the stable alignment posts (some adjustments made to the non affiliated section)

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The Dotonbori Summit- Part One (A Crabby Exchange)





The day after Neon Genesis Evolution, I was summoned to a meeting by Prime Dragon...I guess there was going to be some kind of post PPV review, so I wasn't worried about what was ahead. A little strange Dragon-san may be, but he did not come across thus far, as some boss who had unreasonable demands and would fire me at even the slightest sign of failure.


I was in fact going to be 'home' for this meeting...we were running our next show at the Dotonbori Athletic Center in Osaka, as part of a Kansai double header- with the next show set for the Hyogo Prefectural Gymnasium in Kobe. Anyway the meeting place was set up to be the Kani-Doraku crab restaurant...which made me wonder if Dragon-san had come into some personal windfall or something, because crab ain't exactly cheap and thus far the boss had shown himself to be a little tight- I mean just for once it would be nice to be put up in something other than a basic business hotel.....well at least I had my flat to head to in Den Den Town- which admittedly ain't exactly the height of luxury but at least I would be back in my own bed.






When I entered Kani-Doraku, not only Dragon-san was there but also Nori-san and Zodiac-san too- only one missing from the ownership group was Sairento. Which shouldn't have surprised me, but I still asked anyway why he wasn't here


Nori-san piped up on that one ' Oh he's very much the silent partner'.......


It seems as though Sairento, takes the whole silent partner thing a little too literally.


'Oh he lives and breathes the whole silent deal, does Sairento. That's just how Sairento is' said Zodiac.


So how does Sairento have any say really on how DIASPORA is run- I mean the guy has a bigger stake in the company than Nori-san here, and yet Nori-san shows up


Actually perhaps I shouldn't really be here myself, I forgot to tell Mio-chan


I knew I could be about to open a can of worms here, but I just had to ask Nori-san, why he is constantly at Mio Mio's beck and call


It's not like that at all, but I don't think I could live with the consequences if I were to like you know......


More like he was scared of her and he didn't wan't to suffer any consequences. It then occured to me that those very thoughts, actually escaped out of my mouth and I suddenly had a rather enraged Nori-san just inches away from my face......the look on his own not exactly one of serenity.


Are you implying that my Mio-chan is a psycho, is that what you're implying?!


I was struggling for a reply here, I had obviously hit a nerve with Nori-san and he looked like he was about to sock me one, when Dragon-san came between us....


Look just calm down here, i'm sure Kunomasu-san did not mean to cause offence.


In order to calm things down further, I played the part of the bigger man and apologised to Nori. But I knew deep down the reason he got so agitated with what I was saying, is because it was the truth....the guy is just too afraid to break up with his over possessive girlfriend....I would be too, if I got into it that deep with someone like that.


Our meeting was then briefly interrupted by the waitress taking our order.


I'll have the Asuka Crab Kaiseki Lunch, a grilled crab, some Crab Tempura, Crab Karaage, a Crab salad, Crab Pilaf, King Crab Sushi, Crab Paste Sushi, Crab Futomaki Sushi, a bowl of noodle and some nabe vegetables.


After what I witnessed when I first met Nori-san, I shouldn't have been surprised by the ridculous order.


Overdoing it? That's a light lunch!


How the hell isn't Nori-san fat? I mean seriously, the amount he eats, he should be ready to enter for the latest sumo tournament.


I don't know?- Guess I've been blessed with good genes.


Why couldn't I be blessed with Nori-san's good genes- I have to watch my weight after just ordering the Kaiseki and yet he's ordering about a zillion additional dishes and yet his waistline won't ever suffer for it.


Don't you think, it's also something of a curse for Nori-san? chimed in Zodiac


I pondered what possibly could Zodiac-san have met by that very comment. Surely there was only an upside to be able to eat all you want, without ever piling on the pounds...surely that was something everyone woud wish for?


I'm talking about Nori-san with the fact he needs to eat so much, to even just be slightly satisfied. I mean this food here ain't cheap and he's going to be the one footing the bill for his own order. Unless you're prepared to.......


Perhaps because I felt a bit guilty earlier about getting under Nori-san's skin, regarding his relationship with Mio, I saw this as an opportunity to further smooth things over, and offered to pay towards his meal


It's cool, I can cope with paying for my order...always have done, no need to chip in Kunomasu-san. I've always paid my own way, no need to bail me out here. But Zodiac-san does have a point, I do end up spending most of my money on food and as much as I love my food, it means I don't really have much left for anything else......


And look you don't have ask about Mio-chan, she's got good money behind her....more money than me. If anything she's been a real life saver. Don't know where I'd be, if I didn't meet her.


Nori-san's words just then, seem to bring out a rather pensive atmosphere, as if everyone was reflecting upon themselves and their own relationships.....


However the reflective mood was broken, when the first set of dishes came out, and Zodiac piped up with:-


Why the hell did we have to go for crab?! Having to pick the flesh out of the shell drives me nuts!

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The Dotonbori Summit- Part Two (Urusai!!, Urusai!! Urusai!!)








If you've got a problem with the shells, then why didn't you just go for the dishes that don't have any crab shell?


Because the Kaiseki looked good value, I mean you get about six dishes for about 5000 yen.....how could I possibly resist such good value?


Had they forgotten why we were actually meeting, I mean for sure the crab's nice and all, even if all Zodiac can do is moan about having to shell the crab, but the whole point of meeting here wasn't to discuss the value of Kani-Doraku's crab kaiseki.


I think we should stop talking about the crab now, lets get on with the meeting at hand


All of a sudden it had occured to Zodiac that we were here to talk about DIASPORA and yet he was the one who kept bleeting on about the crab


Of course, lets talk Neon Genesis Evolution, our first PPV since Kunomasu-san took over the book from you Zodiac


I thought he did a pretty good job, I was especially pleased with the way my tag title victory alongside Talisman-san went down


Hmm considering Talisman san's behaviour not so long ago in Hiroshima, do you not think this is something of a risky move?


Look Talisman's a good kid, just has a bit of an ego sometimes...we were all like that once


But giving him a championship is hardly the way to keep someones ego in check


I chimed in at that point and said, that I knew it was a risk but I trust Zodiac to keep Talisman on the right path.


I appreciate the approach you have taken here Kunomasu-san. You have shown yourself to be the bigger man, by letting the incident in Hiroshima pass over...I'm sure Talisman-san is grateful for giving him an opportunity to truly show his worth. Under my guidance, I am sure he will not let us down again.


Well lets be honest here, the fact that Zodiac is not just Talisman's tag partner but mentor has probably helped him not only stick around but get him a title round his waist. It also helps that Talisman-san is a very bright prospect and had a man with half his talent pulled the crap he did in Hiroshima, he probably would have been shown the door.


Look I know you had reasons for the title change, what with Hideki-san and Yamato-san's schedule running between us and Dragon Pro, but why didn't you consider putting the belts on IMPERIOUS?


Well I did consider it, but I thought the story arc created from the match with IMPERIOUS pinning the out-going champs but not winning the belts was much more intriguing than them just winning the belts back and Whispered being shoved into the match for some 'experience'


It's just that I think we need to keep Tian-Long looking strong........


I think Long is still a good talent, but at his age he should be putting the young talent over, not pushed to the moon. I thought Dragon-san formed DIASPORA to get away from the nepotism that plagued UPJ, but he's just as guilty of it here with his desire to keep Tian Long near the top tier.


Long-san needs to be treated with much respect, he is a legend and needs to be booked as such


Rather more Dragon-san desires him to be booked as such, he's pushing 50 and must be close to retirement....what was really the point of wasting a strong push on him, when he could be helping to bring through the next generation of talent.


Dragon-san clearly did not agree with such an assessment......


At the end of the day Kunomasu-san remember who it is that employed you?


Had he forgotten, that he employed me because he was desperate to have me, I know I said earlier that I did not feel Dragon-san was a boss who had unreasonable demands but his desire to see his old friend Tian Long still pushed to the moon, was now bordering on the obsessive.


Dragon-san, I'm sure Kunomasu-san does not have any plans to 'bury' Long-san, I think you need not worry in that sense, you need to let him do his job.....remember we need Kunomasu-san....please do not drive him away with such ridiculous demands


We did not need him Zodiac-san, you needed him....you needed him because you wanted the spotlight back on you.


Well if I wanted the spotlight back on me, then explain why you're still Super Junior Champion


Oh this was just great Zodiac tried to be the mediator between myself and Dragon-san, yet he has started arguing wth Dragon-san himself....all this because I didn't put the Junior Tag belt on Tian Long?


Shut Up! Shut Up ! Shut Up! You're ruining the wonderment of this crab pilaf, with your petty arguing.


As stupid as Nori-san's reasoning for telling us to shut up was, he was right to tell us to do so... we just needed all to calm down.

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I agreee, if anyone can do it, it's Zergon.


Wait, does that mean that I´m responsible if/when Talisman gets his big ego in a way of Tigerkinney´s plans? :p


If so then we are all doomed, well or Talisman and me are anyway. :D

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I blame the swapping Zodiac for Zergon error on the strain of man-flu I started to pick up on Monday night- got worse yesterday, which is why no further entry on the Dotonbori Summit....It's like I tried to get myself motivated (because i'm not bed ridden) but I just couldn't....I knew I'd just end up typing something like we need to keep Infernalmiko strong or I have plans to push BigPapa42 :p
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The Dotonbori Summit - Part Three (Genius)






Despite nearly coming to blows earlier, over Nori's relationship with his possessive girlfriend Mio Hirasawa. It was Nori-chan, who truly came to my defence or perhaps rather reminded Dragon-san why he hired me in the first place....


Are you forgetting that the Dragon Gate promotion in Extreme Puroresu Revenge's Tanahashiverse, practically inspired the faction warfare we got going down in here is DIASPORA. I mean the starting storyline where Takagi Shingo betrays BxB Hulk to set up Real Hazard is one of my favourite storylines man




It's Extreme Puroresu Revenge- Tanahashiverse!!

Dragon Gate Promotion- Cult Size (Location: Kansai, Japan)


Yeah that story's genius, absolute genius


And you know who the genius is, who thought that up, well he's right here in our prescence. So cut him some slack, because I'm sure if we keep the faith, he's going to have us competing with UPJ.


Dragon-san then spoke up......


I'm sorry things have got to be this heated, I admit that I have over-stepped the mark here. Someone I do not want to become like is the Matsumoto's, Nori-san is right I should give you more room, more time to prove yourself.


I then told Dragon-san, that I respect him as a boss and that I wasn't looking to bury Tian-long at all, but that he needed me to book things out my way and if it don't work out, it don't work out. I after all was a games developer by trade and if this wrestling booker thing ends up in failure, I've always got that to go back on. Right now DIASPORA need me, more than I need them. I think after that latest exhange, that sentiment finally sunk in with Dragon-san. Besides if I was tryng to 'bury' Tian Long, he wouldn't be involved in several high profile matches and I'd have him slumming it in matches against The Forgotten and such like.


After the air had been cleared, we finally managed to move on to the next topic of conversation....with Dragon-san asking me what the buy-rate was like for Neon Genesis Evolution on PPV Japan.


But just as I was about to answer Nori-san was interrupted by a phone-call- the screechy female voice blasting out of the phone, could only have come from one source.....


OK, OK I'm coming, I'm coming....I''ll be right there.......


Sorry guys got to dash..err....something's come up


More like the leash was being put back on the dog. But somehow Nori-san- still managed to wolf down whatever was left of his excessive crab feast he had ordered, before dashing out of the door.


0.13? Hmmm, I suppose it's not too bad, better than what UPJ did for their last PPV.


Zodiac pointed out ' Reason we only get better buy-rate than UPJ, is because this is the only time people get to see us on screen'


I agreed with Zodiac, and said that our priority for this month is to get a TV deal set up. I actually pondered why one wasn't set up in the first place, but having just put out the flames on one argument, I though it best not to potentially fan them on another.


It then also occured to us, that we would have to split Nori-san's bill,as he had forgotten to leave us the cash to pay for his ridiculous order, before he dashed out to meet his mistress....I mean girlfriend Mio.


What the hell , there's no crab left....how the hell did he get all that out of the pesky shell, I'm still struggling here.... I'm still only on the first course!

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Haven't posted since this started, but I've really enjoyed what you've done so far. I keep meaning to make a post, but I R stoopid and I forget:p


However, Tanahashi-verse makes me smile. Although I say nay nay, it should be Okada-verse! All hail the Rainmaker!

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Haven't posted since this started, but I've really enjoyed what you've done so far. I keep meaning to make a post, but I R stoopid and I forget:p


However, Tanahashi-verse makes me smile. Although I say nay nay, it should be Okada-verse! All hail the Rainmaker!


Nice to know that you're still on board. What you have to remember is when Takayuki Kunomasu made the Tanahashiverse, Okada wouldn't have been the all conquering World Champion he is now- he'd be some young lion jobber, doing a 'learning' excursion in TNA. Quite what he learned in TNA, is a complete mystery to anyone.

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At DIASPORA's Neon Genesis Evolution, we saw new Junior Tag Team champions crowned in the form of Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) whilst Prime Dragon succesfully saw off the relentless challenge of Sairento to retain the Super Junior Championship in the main event. Now DIASPORA continue the Full Metal Panic! Tour, as they head to Kansai for a double shot of shows...the first being at the Dotonbori Athletic Center in Osaka on Tuesday 31st January.


Main Eventing the show will be six man tag action pitting The Guardians of DIASPORA, up against S.H.I.P. Lining up for the Guardians team will be a trio of champions Prime Dragon, Hyotaru Ichigawa and Zodiac, but facing them for S.H.I.P will be three men motivated to show that they are not only on the Guardian's level but also have what it takes to beat them Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato and Shintaro Hideki.


There will be more six man action in the semi-final, this time between Guardians and Kuro-Nadeshiko. The Kuro team will consist of the dominant heavyweight tag team of the Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) alongside Soh Terajima, whilst the Guardians trio facing off against them will consist of Eikichi Minamoto, Taheji Ebisawa and recently crowned Junior Tag champion Talisman.


Kuro will also be represented in a series of Junior Division singles matches with leader Sairento looking to get back on track following his failed bid to become champion when he takes on the unpredictable Xtinction. Whilst Dark Wolf II and Incognito will face off against seperate halves of one of DIASPORA'S strangest duo's MOE! MONEY! , with Wolf up against HUSTLE Umiro and Incognito taking on Meido Machine.


In tag team action Tian Long teams up with fellow Kuro member Blood Spider Jr to take on Kohei Hidaka and Yachi Kotara, whilst there will be further six man action with the S.H.I.P trio of the All Asia Tag champions the Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) and Go Takashi up against ShimiKuma and Shiki Hirasi.


Bonus pre-show action see's two young talents from the heavyweight division Kan Mitsubishi and Hunter Wolfe, go at it one on one.



Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 10 of the the Full Metal Panic! Tour.....



Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show #10


Dotonbori Athletic Center, Osaka, Kansai

Tuesday 31st January 2012.


~Better Than Your Best ~

Final (45 Min Limit): Star Quality Six Man Battle

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Super Junior Champion-Prime Dragon,

Heavyweight Champion- Hyotaru Ichigawa


Junior Tag Team Champion- Zodiac


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Shintaro Hideki


Semi Final: (30 Min Limit): Six Man Battle

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) &

Soh Terajima


'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Junior Tag Team Champion-Talisman,

Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa


5th Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Singles Challenge

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'





4th Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Singles Challenge

'Representing Kuro Nadeshiko'



'Representing MOE! MONEY!'

Meido Machine


3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Singles Challenge

'Representing Kuro Nadeshiko'

Dark Wolf II


'Representing MOE! MONEY!'



2nd Match (20 Min Limit): Heavyweight Six Man Tag

ShimiKuma (Aki Shimizudani & Hirouchi Inokuma)

& Shiki Hirasi


'Representing S.H.I.P'

All Asia Tag Champions-

Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki) &

Go Takashi


1st Match (20 Min Limit): Openweight Tag

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Tian Long & Blood Spider Jr


Yachi Kotara &

'Representing The Forgotten'

Kohei Hidaka


Match 0 (10 Min Limit)- Heavyweight Singles Challenge

Kan Mitsubishi vs Hunter Wolfe





Predictions Form


Prime Dragon, Hyotaru Ichigawa & Zodiac vs Hiroto Nori, Koto Arat & Shintaro Hideki


GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono & Soh Terajima vs Talisman, Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa


Sairento vs Xtinction


Incognito vs Meido Machine


Dark Wolf II vs HUSTLE Umiro


Shimizudani, Inokuma & Hirasi vs Date, Yamawaki & Takashi


Tian Long & Blood Spider Jr vs Yachi Kotara & Kohei Hidaka


Kan Mitsubishi vs Hunter Wolfe


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Prime Dragon, Hyotaru Ichigawa & Zodiac vs Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Shintaro Hideki


Tough one as all the SHIP guys could be contenders, but I'd argue to keep the champs strong.


GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono & Soh Terajima vs Talisman, Eikichi Minamoto & Soh Terajima


I don't think Terajima is really on the Guardians side. :p


Sairento vs Xtinction


Haha, no.


Incognito vs Meido Machine


Also no.


Dark Wolf II vs HUSTLE Umiro


I like hustle, but Dark Wolf II needs a win.


Shimizudani, Inokuma & Hirasi vs Date, Yamawaki & Takashi


I know ShimiKuma have gotten a couple wins over faction teams before, but I don't think they have what it takes to beat the all asia champs and Hirasi seems like he's mostly just here to eat a pin.


Tian Long & Blood Spider Jr vs Yachi Kotara & Kohei Hidaka


Teaming up the oldest and the youngest members of your roster, eh? I actually had to think about this one because I was thinking it was the Forgotten vs Long and Spider, but then I remembered that Kotara is just replacing Kasuse, so it's not a real team anyway and you might as well give the win to the relevant people.


Kan Mitsubishi vs Hunter Wolfe


Wolfe has more potential than Mitsubishi, but he's also still building up his popularity and isn't so talented that he really needs to be pushed up the card, so I'll take Mitsubishi here.

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