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The League, Season Six (Game Thread)

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I've decided to do away with the vLOG...mainly cause of LPW...


LPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Master Imoka (6-3, 9%) vs. Diamond (6-3, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (5-4, 11%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 16%)

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (3-6, 18%) vs. Pizza Mask III (5-4, 10%)

Gaius wins via no show. It's III, not Pizza Mask III!:p

The Phoenix (5-4, 14%) vs. Psycho Sam (4-5, 14%)

Johnny Triumph (3-6, 19%) vs. Scott Stevens (4-5, 10%)

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (3-6, 21%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-4, 16%)

Ian Carlisle (5-4, 25%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-2, 14%)

Jack Lightning (4-5, 16%) vs. Sebastian Moore (3-6, 23%)


Question: Shouldn't Bao be LPW Champion? I mean, he DID pin Diamond? Right?

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So close again. Dammit. :(



@SurviveTheSting! So close again. Frakking blows. I guess I'm not meant to win a tag championship.


@SurviveTheSting! @Diamond_Rocks I hope you show up to LPW this Thursday because I will be getting my belt back League rules don't protect you in a LPW arena.



WEEK TEN: Manchester, England (UK--North)

(Blood Loss Stoppage Enforced, No Ref Bumps Allowed, Regular Style Match)


LPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Master Imoka (6-3, 9%) vs. Diamond (6-3, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (5-4, 11%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 16%)

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (3-6, 18%) vs. Pizza Mask III (5-4, 10%)

The Phoenix (5-4, 14%) vs. Psycho Sam (4-5, 14%)

Johnny Triumph (3-6, 19%) vs. Scott Stevens (4-5, 10%)

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (3-6, 21%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-4, 16%)

Ian Carlisle (5-4, 25%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-2, 14%)

Jack Lightning (4-5, 16%) vs. Sebastian Moore (3-6, 23%)

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Ah Nuclear, you were so close to repeating ... if only there was some obvious difference your partner last season and this season that you could use as a comparison in order to find out who was a better partner and therefore the better wrestler. :p


LPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Master Imoka (6-3, 9%) vs. Diamond (6-3, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (5-4, 11%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 16%)

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (3-6, 18%) vs. Pizza Mask III (5-4, 10%)

The Phoenix (5-4, 14%) vs. Psycho Sam (4-5, 14%)

Johnny Triumph (3-6, 19%) vs. Scott Stevens (4-5, 10%)

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (3-6, 21%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-4, 16%)

Ian Carlisle (5-4, 25%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-2, 14%)

Jack Lightning (4-5, 16%) vs. Sebastian Moore (3-6, 23%)

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Ah Nuclear, you were so close to repeating ... if only there was some obvious difference your partner last season and this season that you could use as a comparison in order to find out who was a better partner and therefore the better wrestler. :p



*hoists his League Championship*


You mean this? :p

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LPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Master Imoka (6-3, 9%) vs. Diamond (6-3, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (5-4, 11%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 16%)

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (3-6, 18%) vs. Pizza Mask III (5-4, 10%)

The Phoenix (5-4, 14%) vs. Psycho Sam (4-5, 14%)

Johnny Triumph (3-6, 19%) vs. Scott Stevens (4-5, 10%)

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (3-6, 21%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-4, 16%)

Ian Carlisle (5-4, 25%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-2, 14%)

Jack Lightning (4-5, 16%) vs. Sebastian Moore (3-6, 23%)

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So, because of other projects (an LPW segment for The League) I'm working on and wanting to at least take a half-hour tonight to play other video games before being forced to go to bed for work, I'm posting the show early. Have fun!





Season Six, Week Ten

Manchester, England

July 24, 2012


<object width="400" height="25"><embed src="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfblGznVLJo?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="25" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>



There's no time for fancy introductions this week, we're starting with a title match!


LPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Master Imoka (6-3, 9%) vs. Diamond (6-3, 14%)


"You're the Best" blasts from the arena speakers as The League's lone Samoan emerges from the back, staring a hole through the ring as if by doing so, he can change it to his preferred medium of a martial arts mat. As he gets to ringside, he quickly lashes out and kicks the top half of the steel steps off the bottom half, snarling as he slides into the ring and stands motionless, waiting for the bell to sound.


Amelia Williams: Ladies and gentlemen, our opening match of the evening is scheduled for one fall and is for the LPW Championship! Introducing first, from the Isle of Samoa, weighing 214 pounds...Master Imoka!


Bob Sinclair: Hello, everyone, and welcome to the start of The League's second half! We're definitely starting off with a big match tonight, guys!


Tori Montgomery: Indeed, and for the winner of this match, there will be no rest for the weary as whomever is the LPW Champion is slated to make an appearance on their next show from Texas on Thursday night!


Frankie Garnett: So? Three League members already do that. Why should the LPW Champion be held to a lesser standard?


"Don't Cha" hits the arena to a mixed reaction as The League's lone female member emerges from backstage, with the LPW Championship strapped around her waist. There is a confident smirk on her face as she talks trash with some of the louder fans before sprinting into the ring by diving under the bottom rope. As she stands, she proceeds to the corner nearest the announce table, hands thrown in the air as the soaks in the crowd reaction while her manager stands outside, also applauding her client.


Amelia Williams: Her opponent, accompanied to the ring by Jayde, from Aberdeen, Scotland, weighing 137 pounds, she is the reigning and defending LPW Champion...Diamond!


Bob Sinclair: Tori, how do you think LPW would take having Diamond represent them Thursday night?


Tori Montgomery: As long as she can prove herself, there should be no problem.


Frankie Garnett: In Texas? Tori, you're out of touch. Diamond will get flash-lynched for getting in men's business!


Tori Montgomery: Which leads to the question of is the leader of the flash-lynch scum?


Frankie Garnett: Say what now?


Tori Montgomery: Never mind, never mind....


Diamond hit the Dropkick

Master Imoka moved and the Stomp missed!

Master Imoka hit the Legsweep Kick

Master Imoka hit the Knee Pull

Master Imoka applied the Nerve Pinch

Master Imoka hit the Stomp

Master Imoka picks up Diamond.

Master Imoka hit the Elbow Strike

Master Imoka hit the Japanese Binta

Master Imoka hit the Legsweep Kick

Master Imoka applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Master Imoka hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Master Imoka picks up Diamond.

Master Imoka hit the Triple Kick Combo

Diamond blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

The Headbutt To Groin was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Diamond hit the Face Rub

Diamond hit the Seated Back Kick

Diamond hit the Stomp

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

Master Imoka moved and the Flip Legdrop missed!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Diamond blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Diamond recovers and stands up.

Master Imoka hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Diamond blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Master Imoka picks up Diamond.

The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

The Women's DDT didn't seem to hurt Master Imoka, whose head is just too hard.

Master Imoka blocked the Face Plant.

Master Imoka blocked the Rana. This is the second block in a row, and Master Imoka takes control.

Master Imoka hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

The Obliteration was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

Diamond hit the Legdrop To Groin

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

Diamond locks in the Florentine! How is Imoka going to escape?

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of five minutes and fifty seconds, and STILL the LPW Champion...Diamond!


Bob Sinclair: Diamond not wasting any time tonight, and now she has only forty-eight hours to recover before appearing in Texas!


Tori Montgomery: This should be interesting; there will be a lot of combustible elements in that arena at once!


Frankie Garnett: Should we be sending along someone as protection?


Tori Montgomery: Something tells me that Diamond will have that covered, Frankie.


Thor Hammerskald (5-4, 11%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 16%)


Anthrax's "Blood" hits the speakers, to a decent ovation he emerges from backstage, looking every bit the part of a Viking warrior as he strides to the ring with a determined look on his face...and scattering some of the fans away from the entrance ramp as he turns to glare at them. Making sure the fans are sufficiently cowed, he climbs the steps and enters the ring, his eyes never leaving the middle of the ring as he takes off his entrance gear.


Amelia Williams: This next bout is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Oslo, Norway, weighing 310 pounds...Thor Hammerskald!


Bob Sinclair: With Imoka's loss just now, Thor has a chance to take the lead in his pairing with a win here!


Tori Montgomery: I wouldn't put him past it, Bob. When Thor gets focused, he tends to get things done!


Frankie Garnett: Usually involving embarrassing me....


Psykosonik's "Panik Kontrol" echoes throughout the arena as our next participant emerges, nearly hidden amidst the red spotlights. As the beat continues, he calmly walks down the aisle, leaping onto the apron and somersaulting over the top rope, coming to a halt in the middle of the ring and looking ready to fight as the song fades and he removes his title belt.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Bien Hoa, Vietnam, weighing 177 pounds, he is one-half of the new Tag Team Turmoil champions...Ly Quang Bao!


Bob Sinclair: Bao continued his unlikely return by navigating the TTT gauntlet en route to winning the event with Tarik Nolan.


Tori Montgomery: He needs a win tonight to keep pace with Diamond in their pairing; a loss puts him three back with four to go.


Frankie Garnett: Given the look Thor is giving Bao, I don't see that happening, Tori.


Thor Hammerskald hit the Eye Gouge

The Knife Edge Chop was countered into a Punch.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Blow

Thor Hammerskald took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Thor Hammerskald hit the European Uppercut

Thor Hammerskald hit the Stomp

Thor Hammerskald picks up Ly Quang Bao.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Punch

Thor Hammerskald hit the Eye Gouge

Thor Hammerskald hit the Elbow Strike

Thor Hammerskald hit the Knife Edge Chop

Thor Hammerskald hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Thor Hammerskald applied the Nerve Pinch

Thor Hammerskald hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Giant Swing

Thor Hammerskald hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Thor Hammerskald really wrenching back with the Viking Longship...

Thor Hammerskald picks up Ly Quang Bao.

The Warriors Three Combination was countered into a Punch.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Elbow Strike

Ly Quang Bao hit the Punch

Ly Quang Bao hit the Slap Kick

Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Strike

Ly Quang Bao hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Mounted Elbow Smashes.

Ly Quang Bao applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Ly Quang Bao hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Ly Quang Bao picks up Thor Hammerskald.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Japanese Power DDT

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Bob Sinclair: Did you see the impact from that DDT?!


Tori Montgomery: Thor must have bounced about four inches off the mat from that impact, Bob. I'm surprised Bao didn't get three there!


Frankie Garnett: He might not act like it at times, but Thor can take a lot of abuse.


Ly Quang Bao hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Thor Hammerskald counters by fighting back.

Ly Quang Bao blocked the Blood Eagle.

The Mjolnir Flurry was countered into a Forearm Blow.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Thor Hammerskald rushed the Spirit Roar.

The Fenrir Strike was countered into a Punch.

The Strong Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Warriors Three Combination.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Ring Apron Slingshot

Thor Hammerskald climbs the turnbuckles.

Ly Quang Bao recovers and stands up.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Ly Quang Bao broke the Viking Longship by reaching the ropes.

Ly Quang Bao broke the Tiger Bomb.

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Japanese Power DDT.

Thor Hammerskald counters by fighting back.

The Warriors Three Combination was countered into a Strong Knife Edge Chop.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Thor Hammerskald counters by fighting back.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Strong Charging Forearm was countered into a Strong Open Handed Chop.

Thor Hammerskald rushed the Spirit Roar.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Tiger Bomb

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Ly Quang Bao broke the Sacrifice to Tyr.

The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Power Bodyslam.

Thor Hammerskald picks up Ly Quang Bao.

Thor Hammerskald grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

What an incredible combination move!

Thor Hammerskald hit the Ring Apron Suplex

Thor Hammerskald picks up Ly Quang Bao from behind.

Thor Hammerskald with a Slepnir Strike, sending Ly Quang Bao hard into the corner!

Ly Quang Bao moved and the Berserker Waraxe missed!

Thor Hammerskald easily broke the Japanese Power DDT.

Thor Hammerskald just wailing away on Ly Quang Bao with those double axe handles!

Thor Hammerskald climbs the turnbuckles.

Thor Hammerskald waits as Ly Quang Bao stands.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Flying Double Axe Handle


Bob Sinclair: And now Thor has the advantage as begins to pick Bao apart with those double axe handles.


Frankie Garnett: How do you pick apart someone with axe handles? That makes no logical sense!


Tori Montgomery: Figure of speech, Frankie. You'd think you would know this by now.


Ly Quang Bao broke the Viking Longship.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Thor Hammerskald counters by fighting back.

The Strong Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Elbow Strike.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Ly Quang Bao hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Ly Quang Bao used the Spirit Roar

Ly Quang Bao picks up Thor Hammerskald.

The Strong Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Throat Thrust.

Ly Quang Bao slipped out the back of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Thor Hammerskald moved and the Field Goal Low Blow missed!

Ly Quang Bao moved and the Fenrir Strike missed!

The Strong Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Knife Edge Chop.

Thor Hammerskald picks up Ly Quang Bao.

Thor invokes the spirits of Asgard to deliver a Warriors Three Combination!

Ly Quang Bao blocked the Loki's Lariat.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Ring Apron Suplex

Ly Quang Bao counters by fighting back.

Thor Hammerskald slipped out the back of the Japanese Power DDT.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Back Suplex Pin

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...

Kick Out At The Last Second!

Ly Quang Bao blocked the Sacrifice to Tyr.

The Fenrir Strike was countered into a Forearm Blow.

Thor Hammerskald counters by reversing on Ly Quang Bao.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Twisting Powerslam

Thor Hammerskald picks up Ly Quang Bao from behind.

Ly Quang Bao slipped out the back of the Back Suplex Pin.

Thor Hammerskald moved and the Field Goal Low Blow missed!

Thor Hammerskald calls upon the wrath of the heavens and delivers a Fenrir Strike!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of sixteen minutes and twenty seconds...Thor Hammerskald!


Bob Sinclair: And Thor assumes the lead in his division due to tie-breaker!


Tori Montgomery: Thor and Imoka have split their season series, so right now Thor has the edge by match rating. But this run for the playoffs is far from over!


Frankie Garnett: Yeah, like nearly two months from being over....


Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (3-6, 18%) vs. III (5-4, 10%)


Disturbed's "Indestructible" hits the arena as The League's resident monk emerges from the back, looking surprisingly at ease despite the hard beat of the song. Jumping onto the apron from the floor, he steps between the ropes and calmly walks to the far corner of the ring, waiting for the bell to get the match underway.


Amelia Williams: This bout is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from the Island of Tria, weighing 205 pounds...Eidenhoek Gaiaspade!


Bob Sinclair: It sounds odd at this point in the season, but right now 3-6 is enough for Gaius to be in playoff contention.


Frankie Garnett: It shouldn't be, dammit!


Tori Montgomery: Regardless, it is, and Gaius needs every win he can get at this point!


"Reaping Stone" by Iced Earth starts to play, the somber melody of the intro a far cry from what we're used from the man now known as III. As soon as Jon Schaffer's guitar kicks up III emerges from the curtains, in a long flowing robe in the pattern of a star chart. He takes his time getting to the ring, where he leaps over the top rope, then stands on the second turnbuckle as he slides his robe off, revealing his tights, black pleather with a white III on the left leg, and a Celtic armor belt with the words "Cosmic Destiny" written on the front. He takes off the belt as well before handing his entrance gear to a ring crew member and stretches out a bit.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from The Third Altar of the Third Tier of the Third Pyramid, weighing 199 pounds...III!


Frankie Garnett: Here's a question, Tori. Your database thingy there keeps track of career records and such, right?


Tori Montgomery: Yeah....


Frankie Garnett: Is he listed as III or Pizza Mask III in it?


Tori Montgomery: I fail to see what that has to do with anything!


Bob Sinclair: Look, we have a match to call; can the argument you guys.


III hit the Dropkick

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade moved and the Stomp missed!

The Kick To Thigh was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

III hit the Kick To Gut

III hit the Snap Mare Takedown

III applied the Surfboard

III picks up Eidenhoek Gaiaspade.

III hit the Arm Drag

III hit the Seated Back Dropkick

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade slipped out the back of the Giant Swing.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Judo Sweep

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Knee Pull

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Stomp

III moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

III hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

III hit the Slingshot Senton Bomb

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade moved and the Seated Dropkick missed!

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Running Dropkick

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Splash

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Flip Legdrop

III moved and the Slingshot Legdrop missed!

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade blocked the Giant Swing.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade counters by fighting back.

The Earthshard was countered into a Roundhouse Kick.

III picks up Eidenhoek Gaiaspade from behind.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade counters by fighting back.

III moved and the Springboard Rana missed!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

III climbs the turnbuckles.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade shook the ropes to stop the Flying Body Press.

III counters by kicking Eidenhoek Gaiaspade away.

III hit the Top Rope Diving Rana

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade moved and the Arabian Press missed!

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade picks up III from behind.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Full Nelson Legsweep

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of six minutes and ten seconds...Eidenhoek Gaiaspade!


Bob Sinclair: Gaius gets a huge win to put pressure on Triumph!


Tori Montgomery: III didn't look like he was mentally ready this week.


Frankie Garnett: Of course not, Tori. Not when certain people keep giving him an identity crisis!


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, are you defending III?


Frankie Garnett: No, I'm trying to keep from having him kick me in the face again!


Bob Sinclair: I should have guessed....


The Phoenix (5-4, 14%) vs. Psycho Sam (4-5, 14%)


A rather non-descript rock theme plays as the League's newest member emerges from the back, striding towards the ring with the look of a cold-blooded psychopath on his face. Behind him, his chosen manager seems to be overwhelmed by the thousands of people in attendance as he tries to shrink into his robe of many rocks and stay on his client's heels as best he can.


Amelia Williams: Our next match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, being accompanied by The Rock, from the Island of Alcatraz, weighing 296 pounds...Psycho Sam!


Tori Montgomery: Now there is a guy who scares me.


Frankie Garnett: And just think, he's going to be beating up on your boyfriend, Tori!


Tori Montgomery: One, Phoenix and I are maintaining a business-only relationship. And two, I was referring to The Rock. Seriously, how can he breathe wearing that?


Bob Sinclair: I agree, Tori. I've been trying to figure that out for weeks now.


Within Temptation's "Stand My Ground" hits the arena speakers as the reigning League Champion emerges from the back, through a wall of flame pyro. His face gives no emotions away as he walks to the ring, stopping at the ring steps to lay his title belt on the top step. A moment later, he slams both fists into the second-highest step before looking up the heavens with a cry of "For the Fallen" coming from his lips. With no further ado, he grabs his belt and steps between the ropes, ready to go to war once again. At ringside, Tori drops her headset to the table and walks towards his corner, her mental transition from color commentator to manager complete.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, joined at ringside by Tori Montgomery, from the End of Nowhere, weighing 337 pounds, he is the defending League Champion...this is The Phoenix!


Frankie Garnett: If there is a God, he'll let Sam destroy the fat boy quickly.


Bob Sinclair: Now why would you say that?


Frankie Garnett: Because I can feel us losing viewers by the droves!


Psycho Sam hit the Comedy Eye Gouge

Psycho Sam hit the Jab Punch

The Bell Clap was countered into a Punch.

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Strike

Psycho Sam took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Psycho Sam hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Psycho Sam hit the Kitozon Chop

Psycho Sam hit the Forearm Strike

Psycho Sam hit the Bell Clap

Psycho Sam hit the Comedy Eye Gouge

Psycho Sam hit the Jab Punch

Psycho Sam hit the Discus Punch

The Phoenix slipped out of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

The Punch didn't seem to faze Psycho Sam, who just stood there and glared at The Phoenix.

Psycho Sam broke the Front Facelock.

Psycho Sam hit the Flying Inverted Rana

Psycho Sam picks up The Phoenix.

The Phoenix broke the Rana Sunset Pinfall.

The Foot Stomp didn't seem to faze Psycho Sam, who just stood there and glared at The Phoenix.

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Strike

The Forearm Blow didn't seem to faze Psycho Sam, who just stood there and glared at The Phoenix.

The Punch didn't seem to faze Psycho Sam, who just stood there and glared at The Phoenix.

The Phoenix hit the Single Leg Trip

Psycho Sam suddenly sits up, then stands.

The Phoenix applied the Front Facelock

Psycho Sam moved and the Triple Forearm Blow missed!

The Phoenix slipped out of the Head Drop Suplex.

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

The Phoenix applied the American Figure Four Leglock

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Psycho Sam suddenly sits up, then stands.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Camel Clutch was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

The Phoenix hit the Diving DDT

Psycho Sam broke the Eternal Requiem.

The Discus Punch was countered into a Punch.

Psycho Sam slipped out the back of the Dragon Screw Leg Whip.

Psycho Sam takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Psycho Sam hit the Cheating Roll Up

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Psycho Sam hit the Trapping Headbutts

The Rana Pinfall was countered into a Punch.

Psycho Sam slipped out of the Slingshot Suplex.

The F*** You Lariat was countered into a Kick To Knee.

The Fading Aria was countered into a Eye Gouge.

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Psycho Sam is invoking the Venomous Wrath of the God Sullivan, b****!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Psycho Sam hits with a finisher whose name we cannot say on air!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of seven minutes and twenty seconds...Psycho Sam!


Frankie Garnett: That ran about four minutes too long, but it works! I'll buy that for a dollar!


Bob Sinclair: What? You're notoriously cheap except when it comes to gambling, Frankie. Why waste your money?


Frankie Garnett: Because I just made three thousand on the over/under for match length!


Bob Sinclair: I had to ask....


Johnny Triumph (3-6, 19%) vs. Scott Stevens (4-5, 10%)


A remixed version of "Ecstasy of Gold" hits the speakers, which is nearly drowned out in jeers as he emerges from the entryway. Instead of taking the steps closest to him, he walks around to the opposite side of the ring, drawing in more jeers as he finally climbs the steps and enters the ring, deciding to enter on his terms and his terms alone.


Amelia Williams: This bout is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Des Moines, Iowa, weighing 228 pounds...Johnny Triumph!


Bob Sinclair: With Gaius winning earlier on, Triumph needs a win to keep pace in his pairing.


Tori Montgomery: I still find it mind-boggling that with as terrible a record as Triumph is sporting, he's still in the playoff picture.


Frankie Garnett: I find it just as baffling that you continue to deal with that choke artist Phoenix each week!


Bob Sinclair: Will you stop?!


The lights in the arena go pitch black, as red lasers and spotlights light up the area. The video screen lights up and flashes across the screen, "Nothing survives my sting!" The crowd starts booing as Dave Mustaine's voice echoes throughout the arena, "I am the Scorpion, whoa!" The jeering intensifies as a mash-up of "I Stand Alone" and "Amazing" hits the speakers, drawing out the former Legacy Pro Wrestling champion. Walking down the aisle, he talks trash the entire way while raising a fist at a few of the more vocal bashers. As he finally gets to the ring, he climbs the nearest turnbuckle and stares down his opponent, an icy glare and the throat slash gesture his only actions as he drops to the mat.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Houston, Texas, weighing 256 pounds...Her Goddess Selket's favorite Arachnid, The King of Sting, The Venomous One and Only... he is "The Scorpion" Scott Stevens!


Bob Sinclair: So, Tori, you're the main one of the three of us to keep abreast of the stipulations with the LPW title. When Diamond appears there Thursday, can Stevens fight for the title?


Tori Montgomery: I don't think so. LPW's co-owner, Mason Hardt, doesn't control the majority of shares to overturn the anonymous co-owner's ruling.


Frankie Garnett: "Think?" You don't think so? What good are you?


Tori Montgomery: At least I have an answer, Frankie. Can you say likewise?


Frankie Garnett: ....


Tori Montgomery: Didn't think so!


Johnny Triumph hit the Punch

Johnny Triumph hit the Kick To Gut

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Clothesline

Johnny Triumph hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Scott Stevens blocked the Rear Chinlock.

Scott Stevens recovers and stands up.

Johnny Triumph hit the Slap To Chest

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Scott Stevens tries to take the blow, but doesn't have the necessary momentum on his side.

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Boston Crab.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Scott Stevens hit the Forearm Strike

The Slap Kick was countered into a Single Leg Trip.

Scott Stevens blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Johnny Triumph hit the Knee Pull

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Johnny Triumph picks up Scott Stevens from behind.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Triumph-plex.

Johnny Triumph moved and the Dropkick missed!

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the S.T.O..

Johnny Triumph moved and the Kick To Thigh missed!

Scott Stevens broke the Hammerlock Kick.

Scott Stevens hit the Spinning Backhand Blow

Scott Stevens applied the Rear Chinlock

Scott Stevens hit the Stomp

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Scott Stevens blocked the Horns of Victory.

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Camel Clutch.

Scott Stevens hit the Kick To Thigh

Scott Stevens hit the Punch

Scott Stevens hit the Slap Kick

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

Johnny Triumph moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

Johnny Triumph picks up Scott Stevens.

Johnny Triumph hit the S.T.O.

Scott Stevens blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Johnny Triumph picks up Scott Stevens from behind.

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Hot Shot

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Johnny Triumph gets into the ring.

Johnny Triumph has Scorpion locked in the Horns of Victory!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of seven minutes even...Johnny Triumph!


Bob Sinclair: With the exception of one match, everything has been going quick tonight!


Tori Montgomery: No one wants to waste time when they can put an opponent away, Bob. Get the win and get out before your opponent can recover!


Frankie Garnett: I actually approve that tactic. Why give away anything you've locked up?


Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (3-6, 21%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-4, 16%)


"Here Comes the Money" hits the speakers, as one of last season's surprises emerges from the back, with a beautiful woman hanging off his left arm. A cocky grin plastered on his face, he arrogantly walks to the ring, turning up his nose at those in the audience that he deems to be beneath one such as himself. Arriving at ringside, his manager gives him a kiss for good luck before he slides in under the bottom rope and stands in the nearest corner, facing the center of the ring.


Amelia Williams: This bout is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Missy Callistra, from Providence, Rhode Island, weighing 224 pounds...Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr.!


Bob Sinclair: With Phoenix losing earlier on, Stanton can make up some ground with a win.


Tori Montgomery: He's going to have to go through someone who seems revitalized after last week.


Frankie Garnett: Well, gee, I wonder why?!


"Regulate" hits the speakers, immediately drawing the ire of the crowd as a large figure stands in the entryway, backlit by a clear spotlight. Pyro explodes on the stage, causing the light to shut off as the figure finally emerges onto the stage proper. Laughing at the boos hurled in his direction, he takes his time walking to the ring and subsequently entering it for his next match as he adjusts the belt around his waist.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Shreveport, Louisiana, weighing 292 pounds, he is one-half of the new Tag Team Turmoil champions...Tarik Nolan!


Bob Sinclair: Nolan joins Phoenix as the only two-time winners of Tag Team Turmoil, and that win had to be a morale booster for the big man from Louisiana.


Tori Montgomery: Nolan seemed to have been struggling this season, but with his second TTT win behind him now, can he use the momentum to propel himself into a playoff spot?


Frankie Garnett: I think it's a definite possibility, Tori.


Tori Montgomery: You're only saying that because he's in earshot, aren't you?


Frankie Garnett: Just a bit....


Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Forearm Blow

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. applied the Front Facelock

Tarik Nolan blocked the Punch.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Kick To Gut

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Knife Edge Chop

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Punch

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Forearm Blow

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Tarik Nolan moved and the Stomp missed!

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Stepping

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Rub

Tarik Nolan hit the Fist Drop

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. moved and the Seated Back Kick missed!

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. applied the Front Facelock

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Punch

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. applied the Side Headlock

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Running Clothesline

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Seated Dropkick

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. applied the American Figure Four Leglock

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. climbs the turnbuckles.

Tarik Nolan shook the ropes to stop the Flying Legdrop.

Tarik Nolan throws Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. off the top rope.

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Kick

Tarik Nolan hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan picks up Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr..

Tarik Nolan hit the Running Knee Lift

Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan picks up Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr..

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Plant

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

The Small Package was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. picks up Tarik Nolan from behind.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Cheating Roll Up

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr..

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. slipped out the back of the Sidewalk Slam.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Dropkick To Outside

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. leaves the ring.

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. picks up Tarik Nolan.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Triple Forearm Blow

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

Tarik Nolan blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.

Ben Stanton catches Nolan with the Grand Decapitator!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of nine minutes even...Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr.!


Frankie Garnett: The heck just happened?!


Bob Sinclair: Stanton pulls out another upset, taking down half of the tag champs just a week after they won the titles!


Tori Montgomery: Stanton may have some impact yet the rest of the season, as Nolan just found out!


Ian Carlisle (5-4, 25%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-2, 14%)


Linkin Park's "What I've Done" blares through the arena as the upset specialist of The League steps into the arena, a look of determination on his face. A moment later, he sprints towards the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope and heading to a corner to appeal to the fans, mentally preparing himself for his next battle.


Amelia Williams: This bout is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Blackpool, England, weighing 222 pounds...Ian Carlisle!


Bob Sinclair: If you had been told that at the halfway point, Ian Carlisle would be leading his pairing, would you have believed it?


Frankie Garnett: I still don't believe it, Bob. There's no way this guy should be leading anything except the line to cash a loser's paycheck!


Tori Montgomery: Carlisle is drawing inspiration from Stanton's run last season, and looks to do the same this go-round. Right now, he's in position to do just that!


Billy Idol's "Shock to the System" hits the speakers, bringing the crowd to their feet in ovation as one of the League's more recognizable faces emerges from backstage and across the green-tinted stage. Behind him, shouting final words of wisdom at him as he strides to the ring, is his manager, who seems unfazed by the surroundings. As they reach the bottom of the ramp, Nuclear raises his arms in the air, causing twin mushroom clouds to explode on the entrance stage before he slides into the ring, ready to go.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, accompanied to the ring by Coach Robert Greene, from Atlantic City, New Jersey, weighing 278 pounds...Nuclear Templeton!


Bob Sinclair: Nuclear and his partner, Scott Stevens, came within a match of winning TTT last week.


Tori Montgomery: Many people blame Stevens for keeping Nuclear from winning the belt, but I think there was some communication issues between the two that caused it.


Frankie Garnett: Lies! Nuclear choked again in a tournament, and cost Stevens his shot at the TTT title!


The Forearm Strike was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

Ian Carlisle hit the Knife Edge Chop

Ian Carlisle applied the Side Headlock

Ian Carlisle hit the Slap Kick

Ian Carlisle hit the Punch

Ian Carlisle hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Ian Carlisle applied the Side Headlock

Ian Carlisle hit the Running Clothesline

Ian Carlisle hit the Knee Pull

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Stomp

Nuclear Templeton hit the Face Rub

Nuclear Templeton picks up Ian Carlisle from behind.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm To Back Of Head

Ian Carlisle blocked the Backslide.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Enzuigiri Kick

Nuclear Templeton hit the Knee Drop

Nuclear Templeton hit the Face Rub

Nuclear Templeton picks up Ian Carlisle.

The Jab Punch was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

Ian Carlisle hit the High Knee

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Seated Back Dropkick missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike

Nuclear Templeton hit the DDT

Ian Carlisle counters by fighting back.

Nuclear Templeton blocked the DDT.

Ian Carlisle hit the Leg Lariat

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Splash missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Ian Carlisle slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the High Knee missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Ian Carlisle blocked the Belly To Belly Suplex.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Charging Forearm

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Ian Carlisle slipped out the back of the Seated Guillotine Choke.

Ian Carlisle hit the Neckbreaker

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Ian Carlisle hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Ian Carlisle hit the Splash

Nuclear Templeton broke the Carlisle Clutch by reaching the ropes.

Nuclear Templeton is in a world of hurt thanks to that Cradle Piledriver!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of seven minutes and ten seconds...Ian Carlisle!


Bob Sinclair: Carlisle scores another huge upset, as he puts the perennial contender away!


Frankie Garnett: I did not see that just happen.


Tori Montgomery: Oh, it happened, Frankie. Carlisle just upset Templeton, and this crowd doesn't know what to make of it!


Jack Lightning (4-5, 16%) vs. Sebastian Moore (3-6, 23%)


Metallica's "Ride the Lightning" hits the speakers as the first Canadian to enter The League emerges from the back, looking surprisingly at ease as he steps onto the ring apron and leaps over the top rope. Climbing onto the turnbuckles, he raises an arm in the air and drinks in the cheers of the crowd before dropping back to the mat and preparing for his match.


Amelia Williams: This match is our main event of the evening and is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from London, Ontario, weighing 233 pounds...Jack Lightning!


Bob Sinclair: After what just happened, you know Lightning has to be focused on the match ahead if he doesn't want to fall further behind.


Tori Montgomery: He can't be too cocky, though. His opponent can get it done in—


Frankie Garnett: Tori, please. I might not think too much of Lightning but even I know he should have this wrapped up already.


It is to Muse's "Assassin" that he emerges, an arrogant smirk crossing his face as he soaks in the jeers of the crowd. Looking up at the spotlight for a moment, his smirk seems to get even bigger as he walks down the ramp, ignoring the catcalls of the crowd as he ascends the steps, wipes his feet on the apron, and steps through the ropes, looking more at ease than the casual fan may think.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Manchester, England, weighing 237 pounds...Sebastian Moore!


Bob Sinclair: The former LPW Internet Champion has struggled since returning to The League, though he has a rare chance to gain ground on Templeton tonight.


Frankie Garnett: Won't happen.


Tori Montgomery: Let me guess, Frankie—you have money on this match too?


Frankie Garnett: Two hundred on Lightning at 5-2.


Tori Montgomery: How did I guess?


Jack Lightning hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Sebastian Moore broke the Rear Chinlock by reaching the ropes.

Jack Lightning hit the Foot Stomp

Jack Lightning hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Jack Lightning picks up Sebastian Moore.

Jack Lightning hit the Running Clothesline

Jack Lightning applied the Rear Chinlock

Jack Lightning hit the Elbow Drop

Jack Lightning hit the Stomp

Jack Lightning hit the Legdrop

Jack Lightning applied the Rear Chinlock

Jack Lightning hit the Knee Drop

Sebastian Moore slipped out of the La Magistral Cradle.

Sebastian Moore hit the Punch

The Forearm Strike was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

Sebastian Moore counters by fighting back.

Sebastian Moore hit the Kick To Thigh

Jack Lightning blocked the Side Headlock Takedown.

Sebastian Moore hit the Forearm Strike

Sebastian Moore hit the Punch

Sebastian Moore hit the Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Sebastian Moore applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

Sebastian Moore hit the Knee Pull

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sebastian Moore hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

Sebastian Moore used the La Magistral Cradle

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Sebastian Moore hit the Short Arm Clothesline

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Jack Lightning blocked the Kneeling Kick Rush.

Sebastian Moore applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Kick Combo

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sebastian Moore is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.


Tori Montgomery: I think you may be out some money, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: Match ain't over, Tori. Don't jinx it!


Bob Sinclair: Moore looks like he wants to put Lightning away in a hurry here.


Sebastian Moore picks up Jack Lightning.

Jack Lightning blocked the Chonan Lock.

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.

Jack Lightning blocked the Kneeling Kick Rush.

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Jack Lightning slipped out the back of the Heel Hook Leg Grapevine.

Jack Lightning hit the Back Suplex

Jack Lightning hit the Seated Dropkick

Jack Lightning hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

Jack Lightning used the La Magistral Cradle

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Jack Lightning hit the Dropkick To Knee

Jack Lightning hit the Rolling Senton

Sebastian Moore broke the La Magistral Cradle.

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Kick Combo

Jack Lightning blocked the Kneeling Kick Rush.

Sebastian Moore picks up Jack Lightning from behind.

Jack Lightning slipped out of the German Suplex.

Jack Lightning hit the Running Dropkick

Jack Lightning picks up Sebastian Moore from behind.

The Springboard Rana was countered into a Dropkick.

Jack Lightning broke the Heel Hook Leg Grapevine by reaching the ropes.

Jack Lightning blocked the S.T.O..

Jack Lightning broke the Explosion Suplex.

Jack Lightning climbs the turnbuckles.

Sebastian Moore moved and the Second Rope Rana missed!

Jack Lightning blocked the Kneeling Kick Rush.

Sebastian Moore applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore applied the Heel Hook Leg Grapevine

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

No, there is the escape!

Sebastian Moore hit the Leg Lariat

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Jack Lightning broke the Heel Hook Leg Grapevine by reaching the ropes.

Sebastian Moore with the takedown, and he has that Chonan Lock on tight, Frankie!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of ten minutes and fifty seconds...Sebastian Moore!


Frankie Garnett: Dammit, Lightning, you let me down you worthless bum!


Tori Montgomery: Moore manages to gain some ground on Templeton, but will time run out for him before he can make up any more?


Bob Sinclair: Folks, we're out of time this week; we'll see you next week from Cancun, where the question is "Will Diamond still be LPW champion when we go live next week?" Tune in and find out!




1. Diamond (7-3) def. Master Imoka (6-4)

* Time of Match: 5:50

* Match Grade: F

* Winner's Offense: 36%

* Diamond's Body Condition: Head 88, Body 93, Arms 99, Legs 86

* Master Imoka's Body Condition: Head 77, Body 86, Arms 99, Legs 85

* 5 winners in the prediction pool each earn 1.20 points towards their season totals.


2. Thor Hammerskald (6-4) def. Ly Quang Bao (4-6)

* Time of Match: 16:20

* Match Grade: B

* Winner's Offense: 60%

* Thor Hammerskald's Body Condition: Head 26, Body 90, Arms 99, Legs 94

* Ly Quang Bao's Body Condition: Head 50, Body 72, Arms 88, Legs 86

* 3 winners in the prediction pool each earn 2.00 points towards their season totals.

* This is the Match of the Night (10 for Thor Hammerskald, 5 for Ly Quang Bao)


3. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (4-6) def. III (5-5)

* Time of Match: 6:10

* Match Grade: E

* Winner's Offense: 45%

* Eidenhoek Gaiaspade's Body Condition: Head 75, Body 86, Arms 96, Legs 88

* III's Body Condition: Head 72, Body 85, Arms 99, Legs 97

* 2 winners in the prediction pool each earn 3.00 points towards their season totals.


4. Psycho Sam (5-5) def. The Phoenix (5-5)

* Time of Match: 7:20

* Match Grade: C

* Winner's Offense: 56%

* Psycho Sam's Body Condition: Head 74, Body 95, Arms 100, Legs 95

* The Phoenix's Body Condition: Head 64, Body 86, Arms 98, Legs 93

* 2 winners in the prediction pool each earn 3.00 points towards their season totals.


5. Johnny Triumph (4-6) def. Scott Stevens (4-6)

* Time of Match: 7:00

* Match Grade: F

* Winner's Offense: 65%

* Johnny Triumph's Body Condition: Head 83, Body 97, Arms 99, Legs 96

* Scott Stevens's Body Condition: Head 63, Body 88, Arms 94, Legs 84

* 2 winners in the prediction pool each earn 3.00 points towards their season totals.


6. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (4-6) def. Tarik Nolan (5-5)

* Time of Match: 9:00

* Match Grade: F

* Winner's Offense: 62%

* Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr.'s Body Condition: Head 60, Body 96, Arms 99, Legs 99

* Tarik Nolan's Body Condition: Head 78, Body 92, Arms 99, Legs 84

* 1 winner in the prediction pool earns 6.00 points towards their season total.


7. Ian Carlisle (6-4) def. Nuclear Templeton (7-3)

* Time of Match: 7:10

* Match Grade: F

* Winner's Offense: 52%

* Ian Carlisle's Body Condition: Head 61, Body 95, Arms 98, Legs 98

* Nuclear Templeton's Body Condition: Head 76, Body 90, Arms 99, Legs 98

* 2 winners in the prediction pool each earn 3.00 points towards their season totals.


8. Sebastian Moore (4-6) def. Jack Lightning (4-6)

* Time of Match: 10:50

* Match Grade: C

* Winner's Offense: 61%

* Sebastian Moore's Body Condition: Head 81, Body 88, Arms 99, Legs 96

* Jack Lightning's Body Condition: Head 74, Body 87, Arms 99, Legs 62

* 3 winners in the prediction pool each earn 2.00 points towards their season totals.






1. Jman2k3: 94.15 points (6.20 last week), 42 total picks correct.

2. OctoberRaven: 88.17 points (15.20 last week), 49 total picks correct.

* This week's winner, with 5 out of 8 correct (including the only person to pick Stanton)

3. mjdgoldeneye: 86.11 points (4.20 last week), 44 total picks correct.

4. Psycho Sam: 78.80 points (9.20 last week), 46 total picks correct.

5. Ranson: 66.46 points (6.20 last week), 44 total picks correct.

6. Derek B: 65.60 points (7.00 last week), 43 total picks correct.

7. moon_lit_tears: 48.52 points (0.00 last week), 28 total picks correct.

8. CJAlex: 43.32 points (0.00 last week), 27 total picks correct.

9. masterded: 30.84 points (0.00 last week), 22 total picks correct.

10. I effin rule: 24.28 points (0.00 last week), 17 total picks correct.

11. Prophet: 4.95 points (0.00 last week), 4 total picks correct.






The Phoenix (5-5, 2.100 AMR)

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (4-6, 4.900 AMR)


Psycho Sam (5-5, 3.700 AMR)

Tarik Nolan (5-5, 3.200 AMR)


Ian Carlisle (6-4, 4.700 AMR)

Jack Lightning (4-6, 5.000 AMR)


Johnny Triumph (4-6, 2.400 AMR) (wins third tie-breaker [strength of Schedule])

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (4-6, 2.400 AMR)


Thor Hammerskald (6-4, 5.800 AMR)

Master Imoka (6-4, 3.400 AMR)


Diamond (7-3, 2.900 AMR)

Ly Quang Bao (4-6, 3.400 AMR)


III (5-5, 4.800 AMR)

Scott Stevens (4-6, 3.900 AMR)


Nuclear Templeton (7-3, 3.500 AMR)

Sebastian Moore (4-6, 3.700 AMR)




WEEK ELEVEN: Cancun, Mexico (Mexico—South Eastern)

(Martinetes are illegal, Ref Bumps Allowed, Spot Monkey style match)


Ly Quang Bao (4-6, 21%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (4-6, 3%)

CAGE MATCH: Scott Stevens (4-6, 7%) vs. Master Imoka (6-4, 19%)

Jack Lightning (4-6, 14%) vs. III (5-5, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (6-4, 13%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-3, 16%)

Psycho Sam (5-5, 9%) vs. Ian Carlisle (6-4, 21%)

Johnny Triumph (4-6, 14%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (4-6, 17%)

The Phoenix (5-5, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-5, 15%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP* CAGE MATCH: Sebastian Moore (4-6, 20%) vs. Diamond © (7-3, 17%)

(* barring title changing hands at LPW Action Packed on Thursday)






Pages will be updated tomorrow.

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Ly Quang Bao (4-6, 21%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (4-6, 3%)

CAGE MATCH: Scott Stevens (4-6, 7%) vs. Master Imoka (6-4, 19%)

Jack Lightning (4-6, 14%) vs. III (5-5, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (6-4, 13%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-3, 16%)

Psycho Sam (5-5, 9%) vs. Ian Carlisle (6-4, 21%)

Johnny Triumph (4-6, 14%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (4-6, 17%)

The Phoenix (5-5, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-5, 15%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP* CAGE MATCH: Sebastian Moore (4-6, 20%) vs. Diamond © (7-3, 17%)


Awesome. Both times Bao and Thor have faced off, it was MotN. I doubt this one will make Match of the Season, though. I was kinda hoping for another medical DQ, but recalling his stats, that didn't seem likely.

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WEEK ELEVEN: Cancun, Mexico (Mexico—South Eastern)

(Martinetes are illegal, Ref Bumps Allowed, Spot Monkey style match)



Ly Quang Bao (4-6, 21%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (4-6, 3%)

CAGE MATCH: Scott Stevens (4-6, 7%) vs. Master Imoka (6-4, 19%)

Jack Lightning (4-6, 14%) vs. III (5-5, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (6-4, 13%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-3, 16%)

Psycho Sam (5-5, 9%) vs. Ian Carlisle (6-4, 21%)

Johnny Triumph (4-6, 14%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (4-6, 17%)

The Phoenix (5-5, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-5, 15%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP* CAGE MATCH: Sebastian Moore (4-6, 20%) vs. Diamond © (7-3, 17%)

(* barring title changing hands at LPW Action Packed on Thursday)

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Ly Quang Bao (4-6, 21%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (4-6, 3%)

CAGE MATCH: Scott Stevens (4-6, 7%) vs. Master Imoka (6-4, 19%)

Jack Lightning (4-6, 14%) vs. III (5-5, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (6-4, 13%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-3, 16%)

Psycho Sam (5-5, 9%) vs. Ian Carlisle (6-4, 21%)

Johnny Triumph (4-6, 14%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (4-6, 17%)

The Phoenix (5-5, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-5, 15%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP* CAGE MATCH: Sebastian Moore (4-6, 20%) vs. Diamond © (7-3, 17%)

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Holy crap I won???


And Scott Stevens lost?


There is a god after all :D


Ly Quang Bao (4-6, 21%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (4-6, 3%)

CAGE MATCH: Scott Stevens (4-6, 7%) vs. Master Imoka (6-4, 19%)

Jack Lightning (4-6, 14%) vs. III (5-5, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (6-4, 13%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-3, 16%)Psycho Sam (5-5, 9%) vs. Ian Carlisle (6-4, 21%)

Johnny Triumph (4-6, 14%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (4-6, 17%)

The Phoenix (5-5, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-5, 15%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP* CAGE MATCH: Sebastian Moore (4-6, 20%) vs. Diamond © (7-3, 17%)

(* barring title changing hands at LPW Action Packed on Thursday)


Tweets For Glory

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I beat @<a href="https://twitter.com/GloriousRequiem">GloriousRequiem</a> on my first go. Something @<a href="https://twitter.com/SurviveTheSting">SurviveTheSting</a> cannot do.</p>— Psycho Sam (@Psycho_Sam_BBW) <a href="https://twitter.com/Psycho_Sam_BBW/status/228037998141399040" data-datetime="2012-07-25T08:04:30+00:00">July 25, 2012</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I have to say that @<a href="https://twitter.com/GloriousRequiem">GloriousRequiem</a> put up one hell of a fight though. <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%2523BattleOfGreatness">#BattleOfGreatness</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%2523OnceInALifetime">#OnceInALifetime</a></p>— Psycho Sam (@Psycho_Sam_BBW) <a href="https://twitter.com/Psycho_Sam_BBW/status/228038783080210432" data-datetime="2012-07-25T08:07:37+00:00">July 25, 2012</a></blockquote>

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Psycho Sam's Spot Monkeh Skillz will beat Carlisle.


Also suprised that Sam has not got a DQ yet.

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Ah Nuclear, it seems any time I change your moveset you go through a spell of having to adjust to it before you remember that you're supposed to win matches. Hopefully Coach can remind you of that for this match, I won't be happy going on a 3 match losing streak! :p


Ly Quang Bao (4-6, 21%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (4-6, 3%)

CAGE MATCH: Scott Stevens (4-6, 7%) vs. Master Imoka (6-4, 19%)

Jack Lightning (4-6, 14%) vs. III (5-5, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (6-4, 13%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-3, 16%)

Psycho Sam (5-5, 9%) vs. Ian Carlisle (6-4, 21%)

Johnny Triumph (4-6, 14%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (4-6, 17%)

The Phoenix (5-5, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-5, 15%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP* CAGE MATCH: Sebastian Moore (4-6, 20%) vs. Diamond © (7-3, 17%)

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@III- I do have to admit, it's hard to care about my matches knowing that no matter what, Scott Stevens will never catch up to me.

@III- I was also worn out by something else- (link to a photo)*

@III- If we ever have another season, and with this format again, can my head-to-head be against someone who isn't pathetically incompetent?


*The photo is a shot of a Texas vanity plate reading "MRS STVNS"



Ly Quang Bao (4-6, 21%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (4-6, 3%)

CAGE MATCH: Scott Stevens (4-6, 7%) vs. Master Imoka (6-4, 19%)

Jack Lightning (4-6, 14%) vs. III (5-5, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (6-4, 13%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-3, 16%)

Psycho Sam (5-5, 9%) vs. Ian Carlisle (6-4, 21%)

Johnny Triumph (4-6, 14%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (4-6, 17%)

The Phoenix (5-5, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (5-5, 15%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP* CAGE MATCH: Sebastian Moore (4-6, 20%) vs. Diamond © (7-3, 17%)

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