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Tigerkinney's Anime Reviews


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Looking back at my reviews, I'm actually thinking of changing up the format going forward (and may well gradually adjust the old one's to this new format). It's not a complete overall but more of an evolution.


Genre/ Studio/Director/Writer/ Source/Original Broadcast/ Episodes


As per before, no change needed there


Synopis: Same as what I already write for the 'plot' section but I'm renaming this as I'll be remaining the 'Drama' section plot and characters.


Recommended Viewing Age: Pretty much the adult content section- This will tell you how much fanservice/violence/adult situations the anime has, and whether or not it's appropriate viewing for younger viewers. Though obviously just take it as a guideline, rather than gospel. For instance my niece (who is pretty advanced for her age) can usually handle something a little 'older' than what will be my recommended viewing age for a fair few anime, but on the other hand you may get a child or teenager that falls the opposite way.


Action Level: Moving this nearer the top- Will go into less detail about what kind of action is in the series and will just give a brief indication of the amount and type of action to be expected. Something like High (Fighting/Explosions) or Low (Brief Comedy action)


Moe/Kawaii Level: Like action I'll go into less detail and just put where on the Moeblob to non Moeblob scale the show lies.


Art and Animation: This is fine as is already, as it already works as an analysis of the technical side of the anime.


Music: Ditto with that, I suppose I could change it to sound but to be honest I don't really comment on the sound affects, and only really comment on the soundtrack and Opening/Ending songs.


Plot & Characters: Just think it sounds better than Drama, as this is pretty much what I'm commenting on anyway, with trying to stay relatively spoiler free.


I will also be dropping the 'Comedy' section, as this is something I can combine with the old Drama section for Plot & Characters, especially when it comes to comedy focused anime.


Analysis: This will stay the same, as it already serves it's function in giving my thoughts on what I liked or disliked about the anime.


Final Verdict: This is perfectly fine too, as I like having that neat little wrap up statement at the end, to give my closing thoughts on the anime.


Is The Dub Any Good?: Still keeping this too, as I think it's good to let people know if (a) an anime has a dub and (b) If it's actually any good.

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Parasyte- The Maxim






Genre: Sci-Fi Horror


Studio: Madhouse Director: Kenichi Shimizu Writer: Shōji Yonemura Source: Manga by Hitoshi Iwaaki

Original Broadcast: October 2014- March 2015 Episodes: 24


Synopsis: One fateful night worm like aliens known as Parasytes fall to Earth and then attempt to take over the brains of humans (usually by crawling up their potential host's nose or into their ear)


One of these aliens tries to take over the brain of ordinary highschool student Shinichi Izumi, but due to the 17 year old wearing headphones....the parasyte burrows into Shinichi's right hand. Unable to crawl up into Shinichi's brain and take complete control of his host, the parasyte settle's for taking over Shinichi's right arm and co-existing with his human host (eventually being given the name Migi- Japanese for right).

From this strange situation, the pair gradually form a strong bond, working together to survive in the face of the constant threat from other parasytes.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens and up (Mostly for Bloody Violence, Mutilation and grotesque body horror).


Action Level: Medium (Plenty of battles between the main protagonist(s) and various parasytes throughout the series, but counter-balanced by a lot of personal/psychological drama that actually ends up feeling more like the main focus of the show).


Moe/Kawaii Level: Very Low


Animation Quality/Art Style: Parasyte has a relatively realistic look to it's characters and background art, that sit well with the tone of the story. The action sequences are well animated (even if they perhaps lack a degree of variation due to the parasites using pretty much the same form of weaponry/fighting style). Overall the quality on show here from this Madhouse studio's production is more quietly good than jaw droppingly excellent. It's the kind of anime that you'll watch and not be taken aback by the quality of the art and animation served up, but neither is there really anything wrong with it.


Music: Opening song 'Let Me Hear' is a slice of pretty generic screamo from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.......If you like screamo style hardcore punk, then you'll enjoy the opening, if not you'll probably skip it- saying all that the tone of the song, does blend quite well with the more action/horror orientated parts of the story.


Ending song 'It's The Right Time' is a wishy washy pop ballad by Daichi Miura, that couldn't be any more different from the opener if it tried. I can see where they were going with it, as it represented the more 'emotional' side of the story and for certain episodes it worked quite well but for the most parted I usually felt the urge to skip past this bland ballad.


Ken Arai's soundtrack, may be a little dubstep heavy for some but overall it does a good job of complimenting the drama and action taking place on screen and generally does a decent and commendable job as an OST.


Plot & Characters: Parasyte revolves around the relationship between a high school boy (Shinichi) and the parasitic alien invader (Migi), that ends up merging with his right hand. At first the host and the parasites, viewpoints on life are world apart but gradually as they 'merge' more with one another and various events that unfold over the course of the series, the two central protagonists get closer to one another's way of thinking, with Shinichi becoming colder and more 'rational' over the course of the story and Migi learning and adapting to the whims of his human host and the human race in general.


The Parasytes, initial remit was to take over the humans, and then feed on them as food, whilst also generally being hostile to each other with a survival of the fittest mindset drilled into them. Gradually though the Parasytes, evolve with groups learning to co-operate with another, whilst other's make a more concerted effort to understand humans and blend into society (notably Reiko Tamura, a 'parasyte' that is pregnant with a human child). This leads to the Parasytes developing individualism and having a difference of opinion.


As to be expected characters close to Shinichi are affected by what happened, such as his parents who he tries desperately to keep his sudden parasite induced affliction hidden from, but inevitably even his own parents are unable to escape the alien invaders, and when his parents do run into them, it triggers a major event, that causes Shinichi to significantly evolve beyond the somewhat meek and weak average schoolboy that he starts off as at the beginning of the story.


Then there is his highschool classmate and potential girlfriend Satomi Murano, who becomes concerned about the changes in Shinichi's personality over the course of the story and seems atuned to the fact that he is hiding something but can't quite place what it is that is different about him and why he has started to act to strangely. Their unstable relationship often results in Shinichi almost pushing Satomi away all together, but her nagging presence helps Shinichi maintain some of his old personality and stay attached to humanity, despite the growing influence of the Parasyte inside of him, and the horrors that await. It should be noted that Satomi, isn't the only girl to become interested in Shinichi, she faces competition from Kana, a girl with the ability to sense the Parasytes and thus becomes attracted towards Shinichi.


Generally as the story unfolds, it begins to ask questions of both it's main character and the audience in general about the role of humanity in the food chain, and whether or not we ourselves are in fact no better than the Parasytes- this especially becomes evident with the introduction of a human character that has less scruples than the man eating alien invaders.


Analysis: For the first few episodes I thought Parasyte was just going to be a relatively entertaining, if somewhat grotesque 50's B-Movie influenced body horror romp, with the somewhat wimpy teenage protagonist in an odd couple relationship with his amoral alien guest, as they try to hide their situation from family and friends, whilst fighting off/running from stronger Parasytes


Of course given the fact that the series ran for 24 episodes, I hoped/knew that there had to be some development beyond that, otherwise the initial novelty of the premise would of grown old, pretty fast.


Well no need to worry about the story developing or becoming much more interesting by the end of the series, as Parasyte manages to successfully do that with great aplomb- what starts out as a slightly kitschy sci-fi body horror, ends up become a thought provoking story about humanity's relationship to other species, without ever becoming over-preachy about it and presenting a rather balanced and rational viewpoint by the end of the story.


Even without the story becoming much more deeper than expected, it also never manages to lose sight about being a thrilling action filled romp from beginning to end, as Shinichi manages to take several levels in badassery, as he and Migi, get into various tense battles with other parasytes.


It's not just the overall story development that impresses, but certainly the character development that delivers too, which is of course most evident in the series main protagonists of Shinichi and Migi, but also notable in other parasytes, notably Reiko Tamura. Whilst as 'girlfriends' go Satomi's presence actually feels important to the story, rather than just serving the purpose of being a damstrel in distress.That's not to say that Satomi doesn't have her damstrel in distress moments, but the shakiness of her relationship with Shinichi, feels all the more convincing, than her simply being there to be the cute girl for the hero to rescue.


In terms of tone Parasyte also manages to get the balance right throughout, there's just the right mix of human drama, tension and edge of your seat thrills with just the right amount of dark humour to prevent the series from becoming too sombre for it's own good and remain entertaining, as well as enlightening.


From a technical standpoint (art,animation,sound) Parasyte isn't particularly groundbreaking or astounding, but Madhouse who have a strong history with handling this kind of darker material focused at the seinen demographic, do a very competent job of bringing the story to life on the screen. In all honesty the all real black mark for me was the ending song, and that's mostly down to my personal musical preference.


Given how great this story ended up being, I'm surprised it took as long as it did for an anime adapatation to emerge until now, as the original manga ran from 1988-1995, but perhaps not studio felt they could do the original source material justice prior to now. Now I don't know how faitfhul to the original manga, the anime actually is, but Madhouse's anime adaptation is fantastic regardless of that fact.


Final Verdict: What at first appears to be a B-Movie influenced slice of shock and gore ends up being both a thrilling and thought provoking story, featuring some of the most gripping plot and character development from any series in recent memory.


Highly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good: No dub yet, but Sentai Filmworks have acquired the North American rights, and I would be surprised if there won't be a dub eventually, as it doesn't strike me as the sort of series that be unsuitable for dubbing.

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Lucky Star






Genre: Slice of Life Comedy


Studio: Kyoto Animation Director: Yutaka Yamamoto/ Yasuhiro Takemoto Source: Manga by Kagami Yoshimizu

Original Broadcast: April-September 2007 Episodes: 24 (+1 Double Length OVA)


Synopsis: Lucky Star follows the daily lives of four girls attending highschool, most notable amongst them the anime/video game fanatic Konata Izumi.


The end of each episode also includes a segment called 'Lucky Channel' featuring Akira an ex Idol, who isn't as cutesy as she initially appears and her put upon assistant Minoru.


Recommended Viewing Age: 12 years old and up- There really isn't anything in the way of actual fanservice, though the show does sneak in some more adult minded jokes and suggestive themes (Konata's fathers lolicon tendencies, Hiragi's Yuri fantasies about her classmates)...


In all honesty it's the sort of show that could connect well with tweens as well as teenagers, but it depends on those older to decide whether or not some of the more suggestive stuff is appropriate viewing, or perhaps more to the point will sail over younger viewer's heads (as the contentious stuff here is more suggestion, than explicit).


Action Level: Pretty much non-existent, if you're looking for action in your anime, this isn't the show for you.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Extremely high- If you hate 'moe', you'll hate Lucky Star- Now take heed of the warning and go watch something else, instead of watching something like this and then bitching about it.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The art and animation for Lucky Star, is generally a little cruder than what would be expected from a Kyoto Animation production, from the slightly less detailed than usual background art, to the brightly coloured but somewhat crude character designs (That being said the character designs in Lucky Star are eye-catching in their own unique way, even if many will be turned off by their overt cutesiness)....


That being said the show occasionally does show flourishes of the kind of more high-end animation, expected from a Kyo-Ani project, such as in a series of skits involving the over pumped up staff of an Animate (Anime and Manga goods chain in Japan) store, done in an OTT shonen style. All in all it's not up to Kyo-Ani's usually impeccably high standards, but once you get used to the art-style of Lucky Star, it's really not bad for a slice of life comedy series.


Music: The opening song, Motteke Serafuku (Take It Sailor Uniform), is sung by the four seiyuu for the main characters, and is a manic and really quite addictive J-Pop number, complete with OP dance sequence.


The closing sequence for the first half of the show- doesn't actually have one regular song, but features the girls doing karaoke versions of J-Pop or anime/tokusatsu theme songs. The second half of the series, see's that weirdly replaced with Minoru Shiraishi singing (badly) and acting in live action sequences. The original ending idea was great, the second ending idea will likely elicit a WTF? reaction.


Plot & Characters: Lucky Star is a show that doesn't really have any on-going plot to speak of, it just follows the daily conversations etc of a group of Japanese schoolgirls, with each episode being divided into a series of skits/scenes of varying length- these can range from something as inane as having a conversation about how to eat a chocolate cornet to practicing a cheerleading routine for the school arts festival, and many more in between. As expected with these kind of Slice of Life shows, most of the usual staples such as Summer vacation, Sports Day and the aforementioned School arts festival, are covered, as we follow the lives of the core-cast from high-school sophomores at the start of the series, to highschool seniors at the end of the series.


The main protagonist of the series Konata Izumi, is short in stature but athletic, and also academically smart. However she hates studying, and would rather spend all her time attending to her otaku interests, such as watching anime and playing video games (in particular those of the dating sim genre). Being the hardcore otaku, that she is Konata needs to find a way to fund her habit, so she takes on a part-time job working as a waitress at a cosplay cafe in Akihabara.


The other core-members of the cast are the Hiiragi twins, air-headed Tsukasa, and more serious minded and studious Kagami, who gets frustrated with her ditzy sister and Konata's constant references to her otaku interests, and general laziness towards studying (which results in Konata labelling Kagami as a 'Tsundere')


Rounding out the core four, is well mannered and bespectacled Miyuki Takara, who is in the same home-room class as both Konata and Tsukasa. From a wealthy family and also intellectually smart, Miyuki however is very clumsy, which along with her well endowed figure, see's Konata label her as a 'walking definition of moe'


The supporting cast includes Konata,Tsukasa and Miyuki's home-room teacher Nanako Kuroi, who happens to play the same online RPG as Konata, plus Konata's lolicon father Soujirou and her policewoman cousin Yui Narumi (the running gag for her, being that she is far from the sort of responsible role model that you would expect from a law enforcer).


Later on in the second half of the series, the cast gets fleshed out, as a set of new first years are introduced, lead by Yui's, frail younger sister Yutaka, quiet and expressionless Minami, Hiyori (a Yaoi fangirl, who often fantasizes about the close friendship between Minami and Hiyori being more than just that) and over enthusiastic American exchange student and otaku Patricia Martin- who has a somewhat misguided impression of Japan, formed only from watching anime/reading manga.


Analysis: For many viewers Lucky Star is either going to be something that you will fervently adore or hate with a fire-burning rage- because unfortunately unlike me, many will not be able to forge a balanced viewpoint when it comes to a 'marmite' show such as this one.


To start things off Lucky Star is an anime for anime fans, or more particular an anime that caters for a particular section of the anime community, the hardcore otaku, that have fallen for the increasingly unstoppable influence of 'moe' over the last decade or so- and instantly those (regular anime viewers and non anime fans alike) who detest the influence 'moe' has had on the anime industry will instantly hate Lucky Star, without even watching a single minute of it- having probably already made their mind up, after seeing the overtly cute art style and bemoaning the fact that the supposedly 17 year old main protagonists, look as though they could shave 10 years off their age.


Initially reasons for instant irrational aside, another instantly off putting thing about Lucky Star, for those willing to give it a modicum of a chance beyond just looking at it and deciding 'I'm not watching that moe crap' is the fact that it is essentially a show about nothing, a sort of Japanese Seinfeld- except only one that features Japanese Highschool girls, instead of a set of bitter and jaded New Yorkers. Those looking for something with plot progression, or a story packed with tension and excitement, will know right away they aren't going to get that with Lucky Star.


But as much as Lucky Star is going to be derided by one set of people, the exact same things that would elicit hatred from that set, see's it adored by another. If you're either a young schoolgirl or a hardcore otaku (beyond just being a casual viewer) you will find a connection with this show. Schoolgirls will relate to the bonds of friendship between the primary protagonists, whilst otaku will instantly recognize themselves in the series main character Konata (whether that is they literally are Konata, or just parts of her personality).


There are those who will just see Lucky Star as vapid nonsense revolving around a set of schoolgirls where nothing really happens and/or an otaku love letter, but the show does actually have some good qualities if you look beyond that.


Despite two of the core four (Tsukasa and Miyuki) being interchangeable airheaded 'moe blobs', the other two Konata and Kagami do a fine job of anchoring the show, and giving it a sense of purpose, despite about not much at all. Konata is the definition of someone who just wants to have fun all the time, and not face up to responsibility, whilst Kagami is smart,hard working and gets frustrated with her friend putting all her energy and intellect towards superfluous interests. What makes the friendship believable, is the fact that Kagami isn't all work and no play, she's an avid light novel reader and understands Konata's passion for anime etc, it's just that she feels that Konata shouldn't spend all her time thinking about her otaku interests 24/7.


And though it perhaps doesn't do it enough, the show ends up bringing an odd moment of warm tenderness, between the manic comedy like most good slice of anime tend to do. The final (televised) episode was a fitting end, that did a good job of confirming the strong bonds of friendship between the girls over the course of the series and ending at the point, just before the girls in the senior year, would begin gearing towards their final exams. Whilst a segment, regarding Konata's, deceased mother Kanata and how she got together with her strange lolicon father Soujirou, was quite touching and actually went a long way to rounding out Konata's father, beyond being a slightly creepy running joke (He doesn't ever act out on his desires, but the fact that he clearly has a thing for schoolgirls- makes him one of Lucky Stars more controversial characters).


The main thing to consider though about Lucky Star, is that being a comedy, is it actually funny? The answer to that is that as with many comedies, is that your mileage is going to vary. The source of comedy for Lucky Star, either tends to be mined from the quirks and interactions of the characters or parodies/nods towards other anime/manga. If you're new to anime, or are just a casual viewer, then it's possible that many references littered throughout Lucky Star will sail over your head.


Even without that the comedy, in all honesty is hit and miss, ranging from the side-splitting running gag featuring the over the top anime shop manager and his repeatedly foiled attempts to get 'Legendary Girl A' (Konata) to buy something from the shop to forgettable misfires that end up coming across as nothing more than filler. The fact that at the end of every episode, they had the barely related to the rest of the show 'Lucky Channel' segments perhaps confirms the fact that the the show was being stretched to two cours, rather than being short changed. That being said the Lucky Channel segments, featuring the fake cute/bitter and twisted idol Akira, are some of the sharply funny of the entire series.


In regards to the constant nods towards anime, if you weren't already aware that Kyoto Animation, also produced the anime adaptation for Haruhi Suzumiya, and that the seiyuu for Konata (Aya Hirano) was also the seiyuu for Haruhi- then you'll surely twig that fact by the end of watching Lucky Star, because the Haruhi references are non stop. I'm a big of the Haruhi series but even I had to admit that the nods towards Kyo-Ani's pre K-On! cashcow went into overkill.


Final Verdict: Initial impressions aside, Lucky Star is when you boil down to it, a hit and miss slice of life anime comedy. Hardcore otaku that are into the 'moe' thing and girls probably a little younger than the main cast are the one's most likely to get the most out of the show.


And thus this is going to be one of those rare occasions, where I'm going to have to give two different ratings:


Recommended to Hardcore Anime Otaku.


Mildly Recommended to casual Anime viewers.


Is the Dub Any Good: Lucky Star, was a Bandai Entertainment Dub, and fittingly as with with the Japanese dub, the voice actress for Konata, is the same as the one for Haruhi (in this case Wendee Lee). Overall the dub, is a pleasant surprise, as often slice of life comedy dubs can fall a bit flat. They've wisely steered the dub towards finding the natural voices for the characters in English, rather than trying and failing to copy the original Japanese performances- with Wendee Lee's enjoyable performance as the central protagonist Konata being particularly notable for this.


However there is one major black spot on the dub, that may well send people switching over to the original Japanese- and that's Patricia Ja Lee's performance as exchange student Patricia Martin- for some absurd reason the character has been given a 'Minnie Mouse' type voice in the English dub- that is just ridiculous and ends up amounting to aural torture. As a singled out character performance in an English dub, Ja Lee's take on Patricia Martin, has to be amongst the worst of all time.

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I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job

(a.k.a 'Yu-Sibu')







Genre: Fantasy Romantic Comedy


Studio: Asread Director: Kinji Yoshimoto Writer: Masashi Suzuki Source: Light Novels by Jun Sakyou


Original Broadcast: October 2013- March 2014 Episodes: 12 (+1 OVA)


Synopsis: In an alternate world where items are powered by magic, there are those who train to become heroes in order to challenge the Demon Lord, amongst those is Raul Chaser. However when the Demon Lord is defeated, the 'Hero Program' is shut down before Raul can realise his dream of becoming 'hero'. Now with the world no longer in need of 'heroes' Raul finds himself in rather more mundane employment as a retail clerk at Magic Shop Leon.


However Raul's reluctantly mundane existence is about to get a whole lot more interesting, when Magic Shop Leon's new recruit, happens to be the daughter of the defeated Demon Lord.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older teens (around 15 plus and up): Heavy amounts of fanservice (bouncing boobs, panty shots etc), though not that much full nudity. There is also some scenes of sexual harrassment from a 'dirty old man', that aren't explicit and are played for 'laughs' but the fact that they are just brushed over without any consequences for the harrasser, doesn't exactly send out the right message.


Action Level: Despite the fantasy element in the show, action level is pretty low for most of the series- though it does increase towards the end with some big battle scenes, still they probably won't be enough to satisfy those in need of an action fix.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Pretty High (This is one of those series that features a male protagonist surrounded by lots of one dimensional cute girls)


Animation Quality/Art Style: Visually 'Yu-Sibu' is one of those anime, where's there is nothing really to complain about, but nothing really to get excited about either. For a modern anime, it does the job perfectly fine, but in a rather generic and unastounding manner.


Music: I'm putting in minimal effort for this section, because I'm pretty sure minimal effort was put into putting together the soundtrack for this series, that ends up comprising of a couple of passable but forgettable and generic slices of J-Pop as both the openings and endings, and a passable but forgettable OST composed by Masaru Yokoyama.


Plot & Characters: 'Yu-Sibu' revolves around the two main characters, former hero in waiting 'Raul Chaser' and the daughter of the deceased Demon Lord 'Fino Bloodstone' and their respective personal struggle to adapt to a life where there is no more need for heroes.


Raul is initially fairly apathetic towards his job, not to the point where he doesn't try, but he can't get passionate about selling magical goods (which look rather like electrical items in real life), than he would about becoming a demon slaying hero- however over the course of the series due to unfolding events and the positive carefree outlook of Magic Shop Leon's new recruit.

That new recruit happens to be the daughter of the Demon Lord, and Fino's initial cluelessness about human etiquette and obvious love of the maccabre, intially see's her struggle to adapt to working as sales clerk in the human world- however her positive outlook and determination, see's her gradually become a real asset to the shop, whilst her cuteness despite being a Demon goes a long in leading to Raul to gradually see her than more than just a friend.


Though working at Magic Shop Leon was initially just a job that pays the bills for Raul, he finds heroic endeavour from his job, when Leon are under threat from a bigger, more slickly run 'Magical Items' store opening up in town and an urge to protect Fino when she finds herself under attack, due to her Demon Lord heritage.


The supporting cast include the fellow staff at Magic Shop Leon- Cheery manager Seara , assistant manager Visor (who often teases Raul, not to get up to anything inappropriate with the female staff members), clumsy assistant Nova and stoic mechanic/delivery driver Lore, whilst next door at convenience store Lawson Station, there is Elsa who holds unrequited feelings for Raul and is fascinated by Magical items, and devilish assistant Lamdimia de Accimemor, who gets annoyed with people if they shorten her pretentiously long name to Lam-Chan.


Fellow students from the shut-down hero programme, also make an appearance throughout the story, the most prominent of them being Airi, a tsundere type that was an 'honor student' of the Hero Progamme, and like Raul is struggling to adapt to a world where heroes are no longer needed.


Analysis: Yu-Sibu (I'm using the shortened Japanese throughout this review, because the English one is too damn long) is one of those series that look as though it would be a fun concept on paper, but doesn't really deliver like you would hope it would.


In all honesty, I was hoping that 'Yu-Sibu' was going to revolve around the wannabe hero, struggling to adapt to working a regular job and putting his foot in it throughout the course of the series because he has no real world common sense or social skills. As it turns out the main protagonist Raul Chaser, ends up being a generic, straight man protagonist and the one struggling to adapt to using human social skills and somewhat putting their foot in it, is demon girl Fino Bloodstone.


The essence of the story ends up being about Raul finding within himself that a 'hero' isn't necessarily someone who is 'employed' to slay monsters, which is fine in itself and the moral being told ends up being a solid foundation to build the story around but the expectations were there for this to be something a little less generic, and those hopes are dashed after only the first couple of episodes.


Whilst it was disappointing that Raul himself ending up being 'bland anime protagonist #1547', Fino Bloodstone as the Demon Lord daughter, who initially struggles with human social skills, ending up being a highly amusing character and to some extent saves the 'Yu-Sibu' from being a total dud and helps to raise the series up into the status of 'not great but watchable'.


Along with Raul, Fino's the only character that really develops over the course of the series but where as Raul's development is just plot driven and his generally bland personality doesn't really change, you see Fino gradually become more 'human' over the course of the series, without losing that mischievious streak that made her such a fun character in the first place. Everyone else with a somewhat prominent role are generic cookie cutter anime character types, that have little (if any) development over the course of the series.


Admittedly Fino's antics do raise a smile here and there, but overall the comedy potential of the series ends up being a flat disappointment, with a reliance on over-used fanservice based gags and whilst I'm far from a prude when it comes to entertainment, the minor character of the skirt lifting dirty old man, wasn't really funny to begin with and the fact that he doesn't face any consequences for his inappropriate actions made it harder to swallow.


In 'Yu-Sibu's defence the final couple of episodes, do end up being quite exciting (even if the series didn't end up taking the turn I initially wish it would), highlighted by a genuinely fun battle sequence revolving around the use of household electrical goods, but it's just not enough to save 'Yu-Sibu' from being condemned with mediocrity.


Final Verdict: In conclusion 'Yu-Sibu' is just one of many mediocre fan-service driven romantic-comedy's, albeit one with a mild fantasy twist- that ends up being no where near as interesting as it's intriguing title would like to believe. It's far from the worst anime ever to be created, but unless you really really can't get enough of fanservice comedies, Yu-Sibu doesn't really do enough to even earn a mild recommendation.




Is the Dub Any Good: Sentai Filmworks have the North American license for the series, but thus far have not announced that they will doing a dub. In all honesty out of everyone to get the North American license for this show, I would have expected it to be Sentai, as they tend to pick up quite a lot of the 'trashy' stuff that Funimation or Aniplex have decided to pass over.

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Ah, this show, I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job. I wanted to like it but i dropped it after a hand full of episodes. I have to agree that really, only the Devil girl, Fino, turns out to be good. The rest just, bleh. Maybe i've just seen to many of these style of shows, the weak MC and the much better supporting cast.


It had a good idea but they didn't mine it well.

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Genre: Slice of Life Drama


Studio: Dogakobo Director: Yasuhiro Kuroda Source: Visual Novel developed by Yeti


Original Broadcast: October-December 2007 Episodes: 13


Synopsis: After five years away 16 year old highschool student Sana Hidaka returns to his hometown of Sakuranomori (a fictional town- apparently based on Wakayama in Kansai).


Having decided to move back to Sakuranomori on his own, Sana resides in an apartment building run by the parents of childhood friend Aoi. As he transfers into his new highschool he reconnects with his childhood friends Aoi and the Wakatsuki twins but receives a harsh reception from his childhood sweetheart Nanaka, whose demenour has worryingly changed from sweet and caring to cold and moody during the years Sana was away from Sakuranomori.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (15+) and upwards: Very light 'bikini level' fanservice (mostly during an episode that takes place at a water park) with Aoi-Chan's ample assets being commented on, more than shown off. However the show does have some dark dramatic themes such as attempted suicide that pushes Myself,Yourself towards being a show only really suitable for more mature viewers.


Action Level: Non existant


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium - One of those shows that features cute looking heroines, and Aoi-Chan's demeanour is very 'moe' but the dark turn that is show takes makes it little less cutesy then some shows- then again cute girls with tragic stories are the epitome of moe for some.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Par for the course for a mid to late 2000's slice of life anime based on a visual novel game. Background art is decent enough but not outstanding, whilst the relatively generic character designs are what is to be expected. All in all the art and animation here isn't bad, it's just not all that inspiring either.


Music: Opener 'Tears Infection' by KAORI is your typical slice of energetic J-Pop with a slightly rocky feel, that is matched up to a rather misleading opening sequence, that shows the main cast playing together in a band (which they never do) but it does work quite well in creating the illusion that this is going to be a 'happy' series.


Ending song 'Kimi to Yozora to Sakamichi to' by Kanako Ito, is still very much J-Pop but has a slightly darker feel, that suits the underlying darkness to be found within the story, as the show progresses.


Plot & Characters: Myself;Yourself is one of those stories, that appears to be a relatively light and fluffy slice and life comedy drama at first glance, but gradually reveals itself to be a much darker show, revolving around the various deep seated problems of the main characters, which drive them to breaking point at various points over the course of the story.


The main protagonist Sana, appears to be a well adjusted teenager returning to his hometown but by the end of the story, you will come to learn that even he has his own dark secret. Whilst Sana is the core protagonist of the story, it is Nanaka's story that drives the main plot. Sana's childhood sweetheart of sorts, Nanaka's personality has taken the turn for the worst since he moved away- whilst Nanaka is far from likeable and all Tsun rather than dere at the start of the story- there is good reason for her icy personality, relating to a major trauma that happened between the years Sana left and then returned to Sakuranomori. Once Nanaka warms up again to Sana, she becomes jealous when ever other girls are close to him, especially Asami (a gentle girl, that volunteers at an old people's home)


Also amongst Sana's childhood friends, are the Wakatsuki twins Shusuke and Shuri, whose relationship with their politician father and stepmother is difficult, whilst their own relationship with each other may well be more than just platonic. The bookish, yet enthusiastic and childlike Aoi is the only character not to have any crippling problem by the end of the series and is in effect the 'comic relief' character.


There is also the aforementioned Asami, who at first glance appears to be one of the most normal characters, but is eventually revealed to have major problems of her own, Sana's homeroom teacher Yuzuki and Hinako an elementary school kid (who likes to think that she is mature for her age), that grows a crush on Shusuke, when he rescues her from school bullies- though Shusuke understandably doesn't reciproatate her feelings towards him, she becomes close friends with him and the rest of the main cast, especially Aoi, who she looks up to as a surrogate 'big sister'.


Analysis: Myself;Yourself is a series that will draw comparison to the infamous School Days, for a number of reasons, both were adapted from visual novels, they have a similar art-style, both were released in the same year and both are slice of life/romance anime that get considerably darker and more disturbing as the story progresses.


The major difference between the two is that though Myself;Yourself does contain plenty of moments where you have to suspend your disbelief at the over the top melodrama that unfolds over the course of the story and the fact that near enough every character has deep seated problems- it never quite reaches the levels of absurdity that School Days manages to reach. And whilst both series feature characters, making dumb decisions that end up having major consequences, most of the stupidity is initially caused by the actions of the supporting adult characters (parents/teachers) rather than the main (teenage) characters themselves.


Though admittedly it does take some buying into virtually all of the main cast, be cursed with crushing personal problems and tragedy, on the most part it does a decent job of handling it's characters issues with sensitivity. Nanaka starts off as a far from pleasant character at the start of the series, but as the story unfolds it does a commendable job of gradually getting you to sympathise with her situation and by the end you are rooting for her to pull through and overcome her problems, whilst the Wakatsuki twins issues regarding their potentially incestuous bond with each other, was handled particularly well with admirable subtly and sensitivity.


On the other hand some characters development (Hoshino and Sana) were a bit jarring and felt like they were shoe-horned in to add some 'shocking' plot-twists towards the end and just pile on more misery, to really ram home the point that almost everyone in the story is '****ed up.


With all the misery that ends up enveloping much of the cast by the end of the series, Aoi-Chan's presence as the 'light relief' character is most welcome, with her caring and energetic but clumsy personality being really quite endearing- well that is if you can put up with her shrill high pitched voice (which may well end up being too annoying for some). From a general perspective the light relief in Myself;Yourself of which often Aoi and/or Hinako are the primary instigators is rarely side ripping stuff, but it often manages to raise at least a smile and manages to blend in well with the more serious elements of the story.


Whilst the pacing of the series does feel a little rushed towards the end- the ending itself is only a 'bad' one if you're the type of viewer who needs everything spelled out to you- because all in all it does a good job of bringing closure to the series, especially in regards to the central relationship between Sana and Nanaka.


It might be possible that the switch from relatively light hearted slice of life to heavy melodrama, may be a tad jarring for some but in all honesty it should only be jarring for those who aren't familiar with these kind of shows.

I personally found it pretty easy to read, that Myself;Yourself had a dark undercurrent running through it during the earlier/lighter episodes, so I was prepared for the more depressing turn it was going to take as the series progressed. Besides if I managed to 'survive' School Days, I could certainly survive whatever twisted drama this show was going to throw at me.


Final Verdict: Myself;Yourself is not perfect by any means and there are plenty of things it could have done better, but as a slice of life drama that gets 'darker' as the story progresses it compares favourably to the similar(ish) School Days.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good: The series did receive a North American license via the relatively obscure Maiden Japan, but received a sub only release. At this stage it's unlikely this series will ever get a dub.

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A series I think is worth checking out is My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU


It's beginning it's second season now and has some interesting characters, especially the MC.


Unfortunately this is one of those series, that isn't on UK Crunchyroll and part of Animax UK- which means forking out an extra subscription. I'm probably going to have to bite the bullet on that on eventually (as there are shows on there I would like to watch), but will only do so, when it becomes available as an app on my TV, like I can do with CR.


Anyway your other suggestion a few pages back 'Your Lie in April' is currently in the review queue.


Seeing as Crunchyroll UK, doesn't have quite the same choice as American Crunchyroll - I think I will have to do 'request' month in a different way.


Something along the line's of this.....


I give around 5 choices for series I'm interested in watching, in three different categories.....


* Recent series (Any completed series from the past year)


* Older series (Any older anime airing on Crunchyroll)


* Sequel (A sequel series, to something I have already reviewed)


I probably won't do that until round about June, but it's what I have in mind for when I decide to do another request month.


Outside of request months, I've got a 'russian roulette' system in place, that ensures I don't just 'cherry pick' the good stuff on Crunchyroll and occasionally land on a duffer of a series, I can tear into :p

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Horizon In The Middle Of Nowhere

(aka- Kyōkaisen-jō no Horaizon)






* Note: There have been two seasons thus far but decided to do a combined review of both seasons, as the start of the second season is a direct continuation of the events from season 1.


Genre: Sci-Fi Fantasy Action Adventure


Studio: Sunrise Director: Manabu Ono Writer: Tatsuhiko Urahata Source: Light Novels by Minoru Kawakami

Original Broadcast: October-December 2011/ July-September 2012 Episodes: 13+13


Synopsis: In the distant future the only inhabitable land are the islands of Japan. In order for the world's population to be held within Japan, pocket dimensions are formed and humanity turns to a book known as the Testament to reenact the World's history, with every move watched over by The Testament Union.


Amongst all this the original inhabitants of Japan, now find themselves living a nomadic existence aboard the city-state airship Musashi. Aboard the Musashi is the Ariadust Academy, whose student president Torii Aoi saw his girlfriend Horizon Ariadust die before him. However an android called P-01's who looks just like Horizon has caught his attention.


As the mysterious cut off date of the Testament approaches, Tori is determined to bring back his beloved 'Horizon' even if that means defying the history laid out by the Testament.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (15+) and up: Mostly for heavy amounts of fanservice, revolving around heroines with ridiculously sized backbreaking mammaries. The main male protagonist is also very pervy and spends much of the second season walking around in his birthday suit, plus there is also some fantasy violence to take into account.


Action Level: Pretty High: This is a fast paced series with plenty of battle scenes, whether they be of the personal variety or battleship on battleship action. Plenty of variation in the types of attacks used, which can be quite quirky and creative at times, with one country employing a 'baseball' themed attack squadron amongst their arsenal.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- I wouldn't really call this one a 'cute/moe' type of show, it's more fanservicey than anything else, but it does feature a tonne of potentially cute heroines for the viewer to possibly come attached to.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The character designs are very much of that fanservicey variety, where it's pretty obvious that the source material was either a light novel or visual novel game. Individually there are some striking character designs here and there, but the overall style is quite generic. However the background art and animation, is quite vivid and striking and overall Horizon manages to be visually engaging anime with a generally high quality of art and animation throughout, as should be expected from a powerhouse studio like Sunrise.


Music: First opening 'TERMINATED' by Minori Chihara, is a rousing techno infused J-Pop- that suits the anime pretty well. Chihara also provides the opening for the second season 'ZONE/ALONE' which manages to have a really epic and dramatic feel, to it- and at least does a good job of getting you pumped up for what lies ahead.


There are several endings for both seasons, all of which tend to be energetic J-Pop, pretty generic stuff but they suit the generally upbeat and energetic mood of this anime pretty well. Tatsuya Kato's soundtrack and mix of orchestral and electronica pieces, is very solid and does a stellar job of complimenting the series.


Plot & Characters: Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere, has way too many characters worth going into any great detail to mention- but the general story is a hodge podge of sci-fi action adventure, historical re-enactment (the second season revolves are re-enacting the Spanish Armada's invasion of England), political intrigue, a touch of romance and some lewd comedy thrown in for good measure. Whilst the fate of the world appears to hinge on superpowered weapons, known as the Mortal Sin Armanents, something that the titular female protagonist of the series Horizon Ariadust has a strong connection to.


Whilst the overall big picture of the story, revolves around Musashi (effectively Japan) defending itself against the other nations, such as KPA Italia (in season one) and Tres Espana (Spain) in season two, the heart of the story belongs to it's main male protagonist the perverted but determined Tori Aoi, who wants to bring back the love of his life Horizon Ariadust.


In fact more than the battles between the nations, it's the personal romance that drives both seasons, in the first season it revolves around Tori and Horizon, whilst in the second season it revolves around the ninja Tenzo (a minor character in season 1) and a hooded girl from England called Scarred (who is actually a key figure in Tudor period English history).


Analysis: Horizon In The Middle of Nowhere, or ADHD- THE ANIME as it should be called is one of those series that clearly wants to be a grandiose epic series, but unfortunately it ends up falling flat on it's face by trying way too hard to appease every kind of otaku out there. Right from the start this series, bombards you with both it's attempt at a plot and it's zillion different characters, as though the screenwriter, was buzzing on a cocktail of LSD and Speed.


In fact the first few episodes are an absolute mess, and whilst to it's credit 'Horizon' does settle down after those episodes, it remains an unfocused hodge podge of a show throughout it's thus far two season run (Because the source material goes on way after this and the ending after two seasons is far from what you can call conclusive).


With it's connection to World History, I'm pretty sure that Sunrise, were thinking they might have another Code Geass on their hands with 'Horizon', accept that even at it's most bombastic and over the top Code Geass, was a much more focused show than this. Well the major difference between a truly epic show like Code Geass, and a failed attempt at epic, is that tonally the former exactly knows what it wants to be. For the most part Code Geass tone was serious (with the odd light relief episode thrown in) where as 'Horizon' veers wildly from an (attempt to be) serious to goofy and over the top, not just from episode to episode but literally from scene to scene. This is literally a show where drama to potentially get emotionally invested in, can be wiped away by the idiotic main protagonist suddenly appearing like a desperate attention seeking streaker (both figuratively and literally).


Instead of keeping the story focused on a core of important characters like it should, 'Horizon' ends up getting bogged down with side-stories from it's bloated cast- very few shows can juggle such as large cast of characters and make them feel as though add real value to the story, and 'Horizon' simply doesn't have the episode count and pacing to achieve that feat, nor is it a Full Metal Alchemist.


Perhaps the most frustrating thing about 'Horizon' is that it does show flashes of the quality show, it could have been- the art and animation from Sunrise is of a high standard, with the action sequences often both creative and exciting- and there are even moments where the romance element can be quite touching and the comedy admittedly amusing at times. It's just that those who put this anime together, don't seem to know how to bring everything together into a cohesive narrative.


Final Verdict: If you like scattershot storyelling with an in-cohesive narrative, then Horizon In The Middle of Nowhere should be right up your alley- but I imagine most people aren't really fans of the anime equivalent of picking up all the paints and splashing them all over the canvas.


From a technical standpoint (art/animation/soundtrack) 'Horizon' scores pretty well (so credit where credit's due) but ultimately it was a series that ended up having very little substance and one I found a slog to get through.




Is the Dub Any Good: Sentai Filmworks did the dub for this show and despite various cast changes between both the first and second seasons, I would have to say that the dub they put together here is one of their more stellar efforts, it's just a shame that it's wasted on such a mess of a show.

Special praise should go to Josh Grelle who puts in a stellar turn as lead character Tori Aoi (even if I did find the character itself grating at times), and Maggie Flecknoe who turns in a fun and sassy performance as Tori's sister Kimi.



Extra Note: If anyone's wondering why I would slog through effectively two seasons of such a mediocre mess of an anime such is 'Horizon', rather than bail out at the end of the first season..... It was a second hand DVD pick up I made at at a shop called Computer Exchange. Somehow I think I'll be exchanging it in for something else. :p Oh well can't win them all.

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Wasn't sure where else to post this but...






Well this does seem to have also become the de-facto anime discussion thread, despite technically being a place where I post my anime reviews. :p


I know I'm incredibly odd, when it comes to how I got into anime but I never got into the Dragon Ball thing in a big way.


Then again I got majorly into anime past the point, where a lot of people think I should have probably grown out of it. As I said I'm odd, I'll freely admit that.


In all honesty, I was kind of into anime as a kid/teenager (though I remember watching a bunch of stuff- which probably wasn't age appropriate at the time) but then drifted out of it.


Then I really got back into it again roughly about five years back. I generally got into Japanese stuff through wrestling and from there I rediscovered anime and obviously got into a big way- otherwise I wouldn't be doing these anime reviews. I pretty much missed out on anime between 2000-2009 (which of course I kind of regret doing now- but I can't turn back the clock, I was just more into other things during that time period), which I suppose is why I like to consume both old and new stuff and why I don't religiously follow the 'seasons'.


I've dabbled a bit with reading manga, but always come away thinking that the pictures would be more interesting, if they were in colour and animated (pretty shallow I guess- but that's my honest opinion). To be honest I prefer Light Novels, when it comes to reading material and would read more of them, but they tend to be very hard to get hold of, outside of Japan (especially in the U.K).




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Your Lie In April

(aka Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso)







Genre: Drama/Romance


Studio: A-1 Pictures Director: Kyohei Ishiguro Writer: Takao Yoshioka Source: Manga by Nashoki Arakawa

Original Broadcast: October 2014- March 2015 Episodes: 22


Synopsis: Middle schooler Kousei Arima was a prodigious piano player during his childhood and dominated competitions, however following the death of his mother (who was also his instructor) he suffered a mental breakdown whilst performing a recital and has been unable to hear the sound of piano since that day.


Kousei has not played the piano since that day and is content to live out his life with his close friends tomboy Tsubaki and Watari- that is until he meets the free spirited Kaori Miyazono, whose approach to music, eventually helps Kousei to face his fears and return to the piano.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (13 plus) and up: There is no fanservice to speak of, but the show tackles some darkly dramatic themes, such as chronic illness, depression and child abuse and that will probably be a little too 'heavy' for younger viewers.


Action Level: None what so ever- If you're looking for high octane action, you'll definitely want to look elsewhere.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Pretty Low- Kaori has that 'Manic Pixie Dream Girl' thing going on, that admittedly some people will find cute, but overall I feel this show doesn't really give out a 'moe' vibe and is a slice of life drama/romance that can be enjoyed by those normally put off by that kind of thing.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Your Lie In April succeeds in showing that you don't need bombastic action sequences to make a visually compelling anime, the striking of piano keys has never looked so vivid.


The art and animation here from the character designs to the background art isn't anything groundbreaking, but in all honesty nothing rarely is these days and everything here is executed beautifully. Most important of all the art and animation on show in Your In April, isn't just all flash with very little substance, it truly does enhance the emotion of each and every scene, especially during the series set pieces- the piano recitals.


Music: Seeing this anime is based in the world of classical music, you would expect some real life classical music pieces and so it does bringing the works from composers such as Chopin to life, and delivering them in such a way, that even non classical music buffs can't help but be completely captivated by the performances delivered throughout.


Masaru Yokoyama's BGM soundtrack along with the masterful piano/violin recitals throughout did a fine job of bringing this very emotional anime to life. Meanwhile the opening and ending tracks aren't bad, but leave little impression in comparison to the soundtrack itself- though second ending the mournful sounding 'Orange' does a good job of capturing the underlying melancholy of at least one of the characters eventual plight.


Plot & Characters: Your Lie In April revolves around (at the start of the series) former piano prodigy Kousei Arima. Dubbed a human 'metronome' he was basically drilled into playing the score perfectly by his extremely strict mother, but suffered a breakdown at a recital when his mother passed away and has been unable to return to the piano ever since. That changes when he meets Kaori Miyazono after she requests that he set her up with his friend Ryota Watari, who also happens to be a violinist but her approach to music is much more care-free, caring little for following the original score to the letter which draws the ire of the competition judges but captivates the audience.


As things progress Kaori through a combination of stubborn persistance and the ability to show Kousei a new approach to musical, eventually manages to coax the one time prodigy back to the piano, overcome his fears and face up to his dark past. However we also come to learn that Kaori has some real problems of her own to overcome (which end up affecting both herself and Kousei) and that her positive outlook on life is a bit of a mask.


As Kousei and Kaori grow closer, through their shared passion over music, Kousei's childhood friend the tomboyish Tsubaki Sawabe realises her own feelings for Kousei beyond mere friendship and starts to become jealous of the growing closeness between Kousei and Kaori. Meanwhile mutual friend the easy going soccer team captain Watari, is set up to be Kaori's boyfriend but he knows deep down that Kaori has a deeper bond with Kousei, though his piano playing friend does not think he is much competiton for ladies man Watari.


The supporting cast also introduces several characters from the world of competitive music recitals, such as Kousei's rivals such as the determined Takeshi Aiza (whose goal is to catch up and surpass his eternal rival) and Emi Igawa (who was inspired to take up the piano from a performance by Kousei). Whilst other supporting characters include Hiroko Seto (a nationally renowned pianist and a friend of Kousei's mother whilst in college), Nao (Tsubaki's friend from the softball team) and Saito (the former captain of the Junior High baseball team and Tsubaki's crush prior to her realising her feelings for Kousei)


Whilst the story does have a competitive sports element to it (despite being centred around music) with the judged piano/violin recitals that feature throughout Your Lie In April's 22 episode run, it is much more about the lead characters personal struggles and overcoming the adversity that is holding them down- most of all it ends up being a story about living life to the full, realising your full potential no matter what stands in your way and having the determination to overcome setbacks.


Analysis: Who would have thought that an anime based in the world of competitive classical music recitals could be so compelling- Certainly not me, but Your Lie In April had me gripped and most important of all emotionally invested from start to finish. And whilst the series treats the classical music world it is set in with great respect, you certainly don't have to be an aficionado of Chopin, Ravel or Tchaikovsky to get enjoyment out of this series, because it's dramatic themes transcend and connect far beyond it's setting.


Your Lie In April is part sports drama (only one with musical instruments and not balls) and part romance, delivered with both heartbreaking and heart warming emotion, brought to life by the vivid animation and soundtrack. The technical art of Your Lie In April, isn't merely flash to add glittery bells and whistles, here it truly helps bring to life a series that ebbs and flows with the emotion of it's characters.


The three main characters Kousei, Kaori and Tsusbaki all receive excellent character development and go a long way in getting the viewer emotionally invested in both the series as a whole and their personal struggles. Kousei is not so overtly wimpy, that you do want to see him overcome his fears/demons from his past, Kaori is believable as the 'manic pixie dream girl' who brings 'colour' back to Kousei's monochrome world, as is Tsubaki as the childhood friend who struggles to comes to terms with her jealousy over the growing bond between Kousei and Kaori.


Meanwhile the supporting cast does what it is supposed to do, support the story- whilst letting the main characters shine the brightest. Some characters might not receive all that much character development but from Kousei's piano playing rivals to Tsubaki's friend Nao, they all manage to enrich the story.


Admittedly though, Your Lie In April does suffer some flaws, that perhaps see it fall just short of being an indisputable classic. First off the comedy (which is mainly of the typically face-fault based slapstick variety) isn't terrible in itself but it's more that the timing of the comedy can sometimes be a little 'off' and at times feels a little jarring compared to the rest of the series. It's understandable why it's there, as the series would perhaps become too dark and too emotionally draining, but the execution in incorporating in the light relief element could have been a whole lot better.


Then there is the depiction of Kousei's, abusive mother Saki in several flashback scenes, the first half of the series build her up to be a vile monster, whilst the second half tries it's best to soften her and make the posthumous character more sympathetic. I could see what they were going for, but they made Saki such a nasty piece of work early on the series, it was hard to come round on the 'she's not so bad after all' narrative they were mining for with her characters narrative.


However the flaws it does have end up being almost entirely forgiven due to a masterpiece of a final episode, that brings a fitting climax to a series that manages to be both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. If you have not shed even a single tear by the end of Your Lie In April's final episode, then your heart may as well be made of stone.


Final Verdict: Whilst not completely flawless, Your Lie In April is an emotionally captivating slice of life drama/romance that happens to set in the world of classical music, rather than an anime that is about classical music. It's warm story brought vividly to life by both the animation and soundtrack and capped off by a perfectly delivered final episode.


Highly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good: Thus far no dub has been released, but it's early days yet and the North American license has been picked up by Aniplex of America- so it seems likely there will be an English dub of this classy series at some point.

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Almost gave Your In April, the revered A Rating because of the flawless ending (which might be the best executed ending I have seen in any anime) but in the end the flaws were just enough that I couldn't quite justify handing out the top mark.


Also, whilst the two shows are nothing like each other- it also didn't surpass Psycho Pass, in terms of my overall enjoyment, which basically right now is my barometer anime if I feel I can justify giving an anime an A Rating over a B Rating.

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Although it is a complete 180 from the standard harem anime I enjoy, I really found Your Lie in April compelling as well, and I am not that much of a fan of classical music ( although I did enjoy the movie The Competition with Amy Irving and Richard Dreyfuss from the 80's).


Partially as a result of this topic, but also from me getting older and broadening my horizons so to speak, I have come to enjoy a far wider range of anime genres than I did even a few years ago, when I watched mostly action stuff like Gundam, Bleach or Naruto.

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Genre: Sci-Fi/Action/Horror


Studio: Gonzo Director: Ichiro Itano Source: Manga by Hiroya Oku

Original Broadcast: April- November 2004 Episodes: 26


Synopsis: On a platform of the Tokyo Metro, cynical highschool student Kei Kurono runs into Masaru Katou, the childhood friend he has not seen for years. When a drunk hobo falls onto the train tracks, whilst everyone else is just looking on doing nothing, Katou decides to go and try to rescue the drunk- and against his normally selfish outlook Kurono eventually decides to aid his old friend. However after helping the drunk back onto the platform, they are unable to get out of the way of an oncoming train.


The next thing they know, they are suddenly in a sparse apartment with just a mysterious black sphere and several others who have just 'died'. The sphere called Gantz, then tells the people they have gathered, that their lives belong to it and gives them missions that involve hunting down various types of aliens.


Recommended Viewing Age: Adults Only: This one certainly earns the 18/R certificate- Gratuitious violence with several instances of decapitation, plus strong sexual content that includes a pretty full on (almost hentai level) sex scene. This is definitely a series that if you're a parent, you will want to keep well away from children.


Action Level: Intense- Those who like their action extreme and bloody, should have their cravings satisfied by Gantz.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Nothing cute about this series.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Gantz is one of those anime, that probably looked pretty high quality when it originally aired over a decade ago, but now looks a bit dated compared to today's anime.


The character designs hold up very well, and themselves have dated very well, probably because they are in that slightly more realistic vein that tends to stand the test of time better than whatever the bishojo/moe style of the day was at the time. However the background art lacks depth compared to today's anime and the early 2000's CGI is rather conspicuous by it's presence. That being said the animation level during the many fight sequences is pretty impressive and helps Gantz to hold up reasonably well in the technical department.


Music: Opening song 'Super Shooter' is provided by Japanese hip hop collective Rip Slyme- I'll fully admit to being more of a 'rock' fan than anything else but this opening with it's drum and bass style backing, ended up being quite addictive and actually a decent fit for this action packed anime.


'Last Kiss' by Bonnie Pink is your typical stirring ballad with orchestral backing, it's a bit generic and predictable as a choice, but it does work reasonably well in connecting with the 'emotional' torment that the characters are forced to go through. Whilst the largely electronica based soundtrack, works well with the series dark sci-fi setting.


Plot & Characters: Gantz basically revolves around a sort of survival game that takes place, in a sort of purgatory for people that have just died. The recently 'deceased' are given missions by a mysterious black sphere that involve killing aliens.


The black sphere known as the Gantz, opens up to reveal a bald and naked man with a breathing mask and various wires attached to him, but also provides the 'participants' with futuristic guns and black skin tight body suits (that serve as a sort of power suit) to help them complete the missions. After each mission is complete, those that survive can go back to their normal lives, but they will keep getting called back to Gantz, until they have killed enough aliens to earn 100 points.


Overall as the various missions take place, the story of Gantz tends to deal with how people deal with killing others, and shows a sliding scale of morality amongst it's cast, from those who live by a selfish survival to the fittest attitude to those who refuse to kill, even if that means putting not only themselves but others in danger.


Gantz has a fairly large cast of characters, many of whom end up dying during the missions- that include a biker gang and a pair of murderers that target the homeless. However in order not to spoil too much, I will only talk about the initial main four......


The series primary protagonist is Kei Kurono, a selfish high school student with a perverted streak, that used to be a much more fearless and braver as a child. He initially starts out as a reluctant hero but during each mission, he gradually becomes a less selfish and much braver person again.

The secondary protagonist of the series is Kuruno's childhood friend Masaru Kato, who looked up to Kurono when they were in grade school together.


Physically big and strong Kato, protects weaker students at school from bullies (which in turn see's him gain a false reputation as a delinquent), whilst he also lives with an abusive aunt who reluctantly took Masaru and his younger brother after their parents passed away. Kato struggles with having to kill the aliens, and wants to do his best to help everyone come back alive during each mission, which puts him at loggerheads with more selfish members of the team.


The third primary character during the story, is Kei Kishimoto who due to her large breasts becomes an object of lust for Kurono, however Kishimoto (much to Kurono's frustration- with Kurono's sexually frustrated inner thoughts providing a fair deal of light relief) is more into the morally upstanding Kato. Kishimoto who slit her wrists in a bathtub, due to self-esteem related issues- starts of a girl who is overtly dependant on others but gradually becomes a stronger willed character over the course of the series.


Serving as a kind of initial antagonist is the character of Joichiro Nishi, a selfish middle-schooler, that has a 'social darwinist' outlook on life and whose brutal honesty rubs the other members of the team up the wrong way- naturally that see's him butting moral heads with Masaru Kato in particular. Despite his attitude rubbing everyone else up the wrong way, he has the most experience of carrying out Gantz missions.


Analysis: Gantz has a rather infamous reputation for adult content that really pushes the boundaries- ultra violent, twisted and with sexual content that is several levels stronger than your average ecchi fan-service show, Gantz is certainly a show that will not be for the faint of heart or the prudish. It's quite possible that you may watch Gantz and feel that it pushes the boundaries of taste and decency a little too much. Maybe you do have to be somewhat numb to more extreme adult content to fully enjoy something like Gantz, but the question is does it rely entirely on it's ability to shock the audience to make a impact?


Whilst the boundary pushing adult content and shock factor are certainly a factor in seeing a show like Gantz make an impact, it is a shallow show and does have the basis for an intriguing story with somewhat intelligent commentary on the human psyche and how it deals with 'killing', most interesting of all is when less scrupulous members of the cast, get you to think about human hyprocrisy in regards to the extreme survival game that the recently deceased find themselves participating in.


The insight into the characters and their development however, ends up being much more impressive than the execution of the overall plot. The dichotomy between the series main protagonists Kei Kurono and Masaru Kato makes for a strong foundation, with the more selfish Kurono representing the kind of person that a good number of people are like (even if they probably wouldn't want to admit to it) and Kato representing a more idealistic character- the kind that people look up to. As Kurono develops over the series and becomes less selfish and more pro-active, he moves more inton the middle ground, between a wide-eyed idealist like Kato and those with more unsavoury outlooks on life, such as the brutally honest Nishii.


Kei Kishimoto as Gantz main provider of fanservice and the girl at the centre of a 'love triangle of sorts' can be a bit grating with her useless damsel in distress act and worship for idealistic Kato. But she does provide a believable 'unattainable' object of affection for Kurono, and she does at least develop as a character, before her story comes to an end.

Each mission, also reveals supporting cast members that add to the story, rather than just being there to make up the numbers, whilst the 'antagonists' that Kurono, Kato etc are forced to go up against are all unique and interesting, with each mission arc feeling signifcantly different enough from the one that came before.


On to the execution of the overall plot however and whilst the shock value of the show, may be the one thing that will make or break Gantz for many people, it's here where Gantz's weakness actually lies. Originally written as a Manga, the anime adapts the first 8 volumes (there ended up being over 30 all together) and comes up with an anime original ending for the final arc, that feels far too sudden and comes off feeling a little flat with too many questions left unanswered. Most of all by the end of the anime adaptation of Gantz the audience are left with only a vague idea of what the Gantz is and are left with absolutely no clue as to why it's forcing those it has chosen from the recently departed to take part in it's sick and twisted survival game. Gantz is certainly at it's best when the protagonists are going all out, against the various alien oddities they are forced to go up against, rather than the in between episodes that end up feeling like a wasted opportunity in providing more exposition in more regards to what 'the Gantz' itself is all about.


Shaky plot execution and weak ending aside however, Gantz is a show that moves along at a good pace and will be hard to break off from once you get into it, due to exhilarating action sequences that also manage to pull the viewer in emotionally due to the high stakes at hand- due to being one of those shows where everyone is vulnerable at any point and being all the better for it.


Final Verdict: Gantz does have it's problems in terms of the execution of the plot, that pretty much stem from adapting a manga too early in it's run and the 'shock' factor of the series, may well be an instant turn off for many. However if you do want high octane action, with plenty of shocks and thrills then it is a series that delivers them in bucket loads. At the end of the day, unless you really don't like this sort of thing, Gantz succeeds in being entertaining, warts and all.




Is the Dub Any Good: Dub is provided by the now defunct ADV Films, with Christopher Ayres in the main role of Kei Kurono. Whilst I'm not going to come out and say that the dub is the way to go for this series, it's a long way from being terrible. Those who generally prefer dubs, shouldn't be left disappointed by the performances here but don't go in expecting something that will be comparable to something like Cowboy Bebop or Black Lagoon in terms of the English dub performance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Okami & Her Seven Companions </strong></span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong> </strong></span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>


<span>http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/ookami-san-to-shichinin-no-nakama-tachi-3102-15.jpg</span><span>http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/ookami-san-to-shichinin-no-nakama-tachi-3102-5.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/ookami-san-to-shichinin-no-nakama-tachi-3102-6.jpg</span><span>http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/ookami-san-to-shichinin-no-nakama-tachi-3102-7.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Genre:</strong> Romantic Comedy with Action</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Studio</strong>: J.C Staff <strong>Director: </strong>Yoshiaki Iwasaki<strong> Source:</strong> Light Novels by Masashi Okita </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Original Broadcast</strong>: July-September 2010 <strong>Episodes:</strong> 12</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Synopsis:</strong> Tough girl Ryouko Okami is a member of the Otogi Bank, a club at Otogi Academy that assists fellow students with their problems in return for favours. </p><p> </p><p>

One day the meek Ryoushi Morino, declares his love for Okami but gets shot down for being 'too weak', however to prove what he has what he takes to be her 'prince charming' Ryoushi joins the Otogi Bank and does all that he can to win Okami over. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Recommended Viewing Age:</strong> Teens and up: Moderate violence, light fanservice, some sexual references such as the narrator making remarks about the girls breast sizes. The series also gradually reveals some surprisingly dark back-stories, that further make it cautionary viewing for the under teens. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Action Level:</strong> Medium- At first glance this doesn't seem to be the kind of series that would barely feature any action, despite the fact that Okami is seen fighting off some thugs in the opening sequence. In the end the series features a fair amount of battles between Otogi Academy and rival school made up of delinquents. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Moe/Kawaii Level</strong>: Moderate- Some characters could be interpreted as having 'moe' traits but overall the vibe isn't overtly enough to be off putting for those turned off by cute/moe shows. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Animation Quality/Art Style:</strong> Though there are more spectacular looking series, the art and animation for Okami-San is very solid and is one of the better looking series from the J.C Staff catalogue <em>(which may or may not have to do with the one couer series length</em>). The character designs are typical of those lifted from a light novel series, whilst Okami looks like a taller version of another J.C Staff tsundere Taiga from <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=664" rel="external nofollow">Toradora</a>. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Music:</strong> Opening theme 'Ready Go' by May'n is bog standard J-Pop fare, not terrible but hardly likely to stay in your brain after the event. Ending theme "Akazukin-chan Goyoujin" by OToGi8 is at least a little more unique, combining J-Pop idol vocals with backing music that sounds as though it's been lifted from an old school 8 Bit era video game. Both songs nod towards the shows quirky, fun side rather than any of the hidden darker depths that is actually contains. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Plot & Characters</strong>: From a broader scope Okami-san and her Seven Companions, revolves around the Otogi-Bank an organization within Otogi Academy that assist/protect students in return for favours- these tasks range from sorting out matters of love to fending off thugs. The thugs come from the rival Onegashima High School, a school that houses all of the 'delinquent' students, as opposed to Otogi which house the 'nice' students. </p><p> </p><p>

As the series progresses we learn that the main antagonist and the leader of the Onegashima Student Council, has personal issues with a member of the Otogi Bank, whilst most viewers should also pick up on the references to and twists upon various fairy-tales and fables <em>(both Western and Eastern)</em> that make up the various plot-arcs throughout the series. </p><p> </p><p>

However despite the twists on 'fairy tales' dressing and individual episodes occasionally focusing more on the supporting cast, the story primarily revolves around the slow burning relationship between tough girl Okami-san and timid Ryoushi. Okami will draw obviously draw comparisons to another waifish but tough J.C Staff tsundere in Taiga from Toradora <em>(and not just for her similarish look</em>s) in the fact that she acts all tough and independent on the outside, but as the series progresses we learn that she has a more vulnerable, soft side and that the tough girl act is a protective facade. </p><p> </p><p>

Ryoushi on the other hand is the polar opposite to Okami, in the fact that he initially appears to be a weak and hapless character, but over the course of the story we see his inner determination and resolve gradually come through and see Okami's initially lowly opinion of him turn more favourable, the more Ryoushi-san proves himself to be dependable. </p><p> </p><p>

The other members of the Otogi-Bank also get their chance to be in the spotlight. Primary among these is Okami's best friend Ringo, a petite girl who resembles Little Red Riding Hood with a personality that is alternately cheerful and scheming. Meanwhile the other members of the Otogi-Bank include the Kiriki cousins (the laid back but clever president Liszt and the organized secretary of the club Alice), Otsu (the clubs 'maid', and a girl who has an obsession for returning favours to others), ladies man Taro and his mildly yandere girlfriend Otohime and finally mad scientist Majolica, who along with Liszt primarily serves a purely comic relief role in the series. </p><p> </p><p>

Other supporting characters from Otogi Academy, include the well-endowed <em>(a source of jealousy for the more flat-chested characters</em>) head of the disciplinary comittee Momoko, who along with her followers serves as 'back up' in Otogi's battles with Onegashima, Mimi Usami <em>(a stuck up girl that has had a rivalry with Otohime since elementary school) </em>and Ringo's half sister Yumeno. The final thing to note, is that the series is presented as though someone is reading a book <em>(another nod towards it's literary references</em>) in the form of an 'old lady' narrator that often makes derogatory remarks towards the characters- which occasionally leads to the 'fourth wall' being broken with the characters reacting to the narrators observations. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Analysis:</strong> If there is one things that the animation studio J.C Staff loves more than anything else, it's female protagonists that are waifish 'tough on the outside, soft on the inside' tsunderes. Ryoko-Okami even feels like a re-tread of Taiga from Toradora. I know that technically J.C Staff aren't ripping themselves off here, and it's the writers of the different original series of Light Novels that have come up with similar characters, but it's surely no coincidence that J.C Staff have been drawn towards yet another series revolving around their favourite character archetype. </p><p> </p><p>

That being said though, the relationship between the initially cold tsundere and her determined suitor, is one we have seen plenty of times before, Okami and Ryoushi's 'romance' and their individual character arcs that were ultimately a mirror image of one another, were generally well handled and helped glue the series together.</p><p> </p><p>

It's possible some viewers might have a problem with the initially tough Okami, eventually becoming more dependent on getting assistance from a man, but I never really felt as though the series was based on gender issues and that Okami's arc was ultimately revolving more around the fact that sometimes you can't do everything yourself. I think those looking for 'Okami-san' being a commentary on female identity issues, will ultimately be over-analyzing the series to the point of being over critical. </p><p> </p><p>

'Okami-san's' unique selling point is of course, it's consistent allusions towards various fairy-tales, with it's approach to utilizing this element being relatively subtle. However such an approach presents something of a double-edged sword. Whilst it is nice that the series doesn't hit you over the head with the references, I also came away with the feeling they could have done more with the idea, and overall it felt like they wasted an opportunity to present something more interesting. Ultimately though I think it comes down to the fact that the series is yet another one based around the over-used idea of all powerful high-school student councils. </p><p> </p><p>

The initial impression that the series gives out, is one that is light in tone, especially with the presentation provided in the form of the consistently disparaging narrator, but as the series unfolds it reveals a darker under belly, with individual character arcs dealing with themes such as abuse, estrangement and self esteem issues. Now whilst the changes in tone, could have ended up being jarring, 'Okami-san' generally does a steady job in cohesively blending it's lighter and darker elements together. Ultimately the short series length, doesn't really give the series enough chance to delve deeper into some of it's dramatic elements, though in terms of tonal shift I've seen series that are much more jarring in switching between madcap comedy and emotional drama. </p><p> </p><p>

The battle scenes between Otogi Academy and Onegashima are on the whole good fun too, even if they are rather one-sided with only the suitably vile and scenery chewing main villain putting up much resistance. </p><p> </p><p>

Unfortunately though the series does end rather weakly, with the climax coming in the penultimate episode and leaving things largely unresolved <em>(it's one of those endings, where you know that you will only get closure for these characters if you decide to read the light novels)</em>. Also whilst Okami-san doesn't necessarily do anything badly, it never quite reaches the heights it possibly had the potential to do so. In the end the light relief is amusing but will rarely have you splitting your sides with laughter, the plot and character development is handled quite well given the series short length but ultimately lacks depth and the twist on fairy tales element is perhaps handled too subtly for it's own good. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Verdict:</strong> Okami-san and her Seven Companions, is a series that whilst far from being bad, feels like something of a wasted opportunity. In the end it's a mildly entertaining series balanced equally between action, drama and comedy, that will come with a stronger recommendation to those who love tsundere leads as much as J.C Staff obviously do. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;"><strong>Mediocre </strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Is the Dub Any Good</strong>: Funimation took on the dub for this one, with Brina Palencia cast as titular character Ryouko Okami and Joel McDonald in the role of co-protagonist Ryoshi. I think you know the drill by now, it's the usually solid effort from Funimation that shouldn't offend anyone but the most ardent of the anti dubbing brigade. Special kudos once again goes to the talented Luci Christian, who showed off yet more of her exceptional range, by taking on the role of the old woman narrator.</p>

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<p>It's kinda late, but i have to admit that i loved Akame Ga Kill! Even with it's defects. (Not to mention that Sheele is my favorite character).</p><p> </p><p>

The only thing i never liked from AGK is the abrupt transition between drama and comedy. (For example an instance where Tatsumi is mourning Iekasu and Sayo, when he's interrupted by Leone who humorously puts her chest over his head and insists Tatsumi to join the Night Raid). That doesn't give the audience time enough to pass an emotion to another one.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well this does seem to have also become the de-facto anime discussion thread, despite technically being a place where I post my anime reviews. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, if you don't mind then, there is something that always bothered me about cutesy anime that I was wondering if anime fans were even aware of; and, if I may, I would like to hear your thoughts on this concern that I have.</p><p> </p><p> It has come to my attention that there is a persisting epidemic in the Asian world that involves people rejecting physical features which are common of the Asian ethnicity. Features such as the Epicanthic fold, straight dark hair, flat or broad noses, and tan skin. People go as far as to submit their children to surgical procedures to remove these distinct physical characteristics.</p><p> </p><p> Most would agree that this race shame is disturbing and appalling. This is essentially self-subjected racial purging.</p><p> </p><p> Now, I can't help but notice that anime in general - though there are many exceptions - epitomizes racial shame. Eyes aren't just drawn round and not brown, they take up most of the face and are often unnatural colors. Hair isn't just colorful and voluminous, it defies gravity and is usually unnaturally colored. Noses aren't just straight and narrow, they are almost invisible from front-view and come to an extreme point. Lastly, skin is usually of a pure white, with only a slight pink hue. I've heard that Asians also prefer thinner lips as they are considered very western looking, even though westerners seem to prefer fuller lips. Lips are almost non-existent in anime, which, if my observations are true, would be another example.</p><p> </p><p> The manga style is very unique, distinct, and very widespread throughout Asian culture. As distinct as it is, it's perfunctorily imitated by many Asian artists. No other style, as distinct as the anime style is, is as persistently widespread across a single culture. Why are Asian artists so compelled to recreate this one style? I believe it is because of the shame over their physical features that is ingrained in their culture.</p><p> </p><p> All of the undesirable Asian features among Asians are not just avoided in the manga style, but they are reversed to the extreme. This, to me, is strong evidence that the drawn style of anime embodies racial shame.</p><p> </p><p> Do you agree with this? Is it something you are already aware of? Also, is it okay to enjoy anime in this style knowing that it is the product of racial shame?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mr_Tricky" data-cite="Mr_Tricky" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well, if you don't mind then, there is something that always bothered me about cutesy anime that I was wondering if anime fans were even aware of; and, if I may, I would like to hear your thoughts on this concern that I have. etc etc etc.....</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Not sure if you're trying to strike up some debate here or just 'trolling' the thread, as you've rocked up before (a long while back) on this thread with a bit of an anti anime/manga agenda. </p><p> </p><p> Look I don't know about anyone else, but the short answer from me is NO...</p><p> </p><p> It doesn't bother me in the slightest, whether or not the Japanese generally draw an art-style that doesn't look them in real life. Many people (myself included) enjoy the manga/anime art-style as entertainment and aren't really pondering about deeper cultural/political implications. </p><p> </p><p> I will admit I was going to rip into you for over-generalizing the art style of anime/manga but you did at least cover yourself with the line 'though there are many exceptions'.</p><p> </p><p> Only thing I agree with you on being of some concern, are Asian's deciding to have surgical procedures to look more 'westernized' but to me that falls into the same category, as people who commit violent crimes and then placing the blame on something like video games. </p><p> </p><p> If the art style of many anime and manga, does bother you personally, that's your problem but what you mentioned above isn't going to discourage me from watching more anime.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LordofGustav" data-cite="LordofGustav" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's kinda late, but i have to admit that i loved Akame Ga Kill! Even with it's defects. (Not to mention that Sheele is my favorite character).<p> </p><p> The only thing i never liked from AGK is the abrupt transition between drama and comedy. (For example an instance where Tatsumi is mourning Iekasu and Sayo, when he's interrupted by Leone who humorously puts her chest over his head and insists Tatsumi to join the Night Raid). That doesn't give the audience time enough to pass an emotion to another one.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I have to say Sheele, deserved more screen-time! Though personally I liked Chelsea the most. I was impressed by her stealthy way of getting the job done, in contrast to all the flashy nonsense of the other characters <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I agree that the transition between the more serious stuff and light relief, is the biggest weakness of the series <em>(though I'm sure you would already be aware of that, from reading my review).</em> </p><p> </p><p> In the end, I gave AGK a<span style="color:#808000;"><strong> C</strong></span> grade, which means I enjoyed it but there were a few too many defects for me to rate it any higher. I'm guessing you'd be more nearer to a<span style="color:#006400;"> B </span>Grade in my reviewing scale, which I wouldn't scoff at, as at the end of the day it was an entertaining series, flaws and all.</p>
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<p>Tricky your last sentence says it all.</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also, is it okay to enjoy anime in this style knowing that it is the product of racial shame? [/Quote]<p> This is just trolling.</p><p> </p><p> You're basically putting all the blame on one factor while ignoring everything else just to specifically piss off people on this thread.</p></div></blockquote>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have to say Sheele, deserved more screen-time! Though personally I liked Chelsea the most. I was impressed by her stealthy way of getting the job done, in contrast to all the flashy nonsense of the other characters <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> I agree that the transition between the more serious stuff and light relief, is the biggest weakness of the series <em>(though I'm sure you would already be aware of that, from reading my review).</em> </p><p> </p><p> In the end, I gave AGK a<span style="color:#808000;"><strong> C</strong></span> grade, which means I enjoyed it but there were a few too many defects for me to rate it any higher. I'm guessing you'd be more nearer to a<span style="color:#006400;"> B </span>Grade in my reviewing scale, which I wouldn't scoff at, as at the end of the day it was an entertaining series, flaws and all.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I also liked Chelsea, even if she said that Sheele and Bulat failed as assassins, it was very cruel the way she died. (Also, by the point i made this post, i'm having Sheele as my avatar)</p><p> </p><p> Actually... to be honest, i knew that BEFORE i readed your review O_O.</p><p> </p><p> Keep up the good work <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mr_Tricky" data-cite="Mr_Tricky" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>.<p> </p><p> Do you agree with this? Is it something you are already aware of? Also, is it okay to enjoy anime in this style knowing that it is the product of racial shame?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's kind of like saying is it ok to enjoy looking at Victoria's secret supermodels even though they deliver a non realistic stereotypical depiction of what the ideal female form is supposed to look like and cause hundred of thousands of girls to suffer depression, undergo cosmetic surgery and deal with eating disorders in order to live up to that 'unrealistic' ideal.</p><p> </p><p> In the final analysis, rarely is anyone truly happy with who they are , or how they look or some other feature or characteristic of their life or their body.</p><p> </p><p> So why do I need to add to the many problems I already face in the world by taking on added guilt of someone else's expression of dissatisfaction with themselves? No thanks. I'll just enjoy the anime that lots of people created for the entertainment its supposed to be, and I'll lust after the supermodel and bang her if the opportunity ever comes without worrying about Jane Doe feeling inadequate.</p><p> </p><p> Next you'll be telling me I should feel guilty about listening to soul music and rock and roll which was heavily influenced by it in the early days because it grew out of the oppression of black people.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It doesn't bother me in the slightest, whether or not the Japanese generally draw an art-style that doesn't look them in real life. Many people (myself included) enjoy the manga/anime art-style as entertainment and aren't really pondering about deeper cultural/political implications.<p> </p><p> Only thing I agree with you on being of some concern, are Asian's deciding to have surgical procedures to look more 'westernized' but to me that falls into the same category, as people who commit violent crimes and then placing the blame on something like video games. </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm suggesting that you should probably be more aware of the cultural implications of enjoying a racist style of art. Even though you have no nefarious intentions by watching anime, everyone has some responsibility not to encourage self-imposed racism.</p><p> </p><p> It's like putting on black-face make-up without realizing that it exists to disparage black people, even if that isn't why you enjoy putting it on and singing "Mammy".</p><p> </p><p> The video game example doesn't really apply because we're not talking about anime causing racism. If a specific video game encouraged violence against women - blatantly - then yes, that video game should probably be protested. The manga style pretty blatantly is a product of self-imposed racism.</p><p> </p><p> I also should have prefaced by saying that I enjoy anime, but I believe most people watch it for the wrong reasons. You can do amazing things with a well-funded animation that is able to be provocative, poignant, or satirical, but a lot of it is just dumb and cute.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dragonmack" data-cite="Dragonmack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That's kind of like saying is it ok to enjoy looking at Victoria's secret supermodels even though they deliver a non realistic stereotypical depiction of what the ideal female form is supposed to look like and cause hundred of thousands of girls to suffer depression, undergo cosmetic surgery and deal with eating disorders in order to live up to that 'unrealistic' ideal.<p> </p><p> In the final analysis, rarely is anyone truly happy with who they are , or how they look or some other feature or characteristic of their life or their body.</p><p> </p><p> So why do I need to add to the many problems I already face in the world by taking on added guilt of someone else's expression of dissatisfaction with themselves? No thanks. I'll just enjoy the anime that lots of people created for the entertainment its supposed to be, and I'll lust after the supermodel and bang her if the opportunity ever comes without worrying about Jane Doe feeling inadequate.</p><p> </p><p> Next you'll be telling me I should feel guilty about listening to soul music and rock and roll which was heavily influenced by it in the early days because it grew out of the oppression of black people.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> We're not talking about ugly people drawing themselves beautiful, we're talking about a race re-imagining themselves as another race.</p><p> </p><p> What if a black artist drew black people white, and said that he felt that black people are ugly and white people look superior; would you find that acceptable? The only difference here is that manga artists aren't saying it, but the evidence is saying it very clearly.</p>
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