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Tigerkinney's Anime Reviews


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TK you are doing anime fans proud with all the reviews. I do hope that you are sharing the reviews elsewhere too. I've found a few that i missed and the ones i've asked to be reviewed cause i dug them got good ratings. Great thread and now that the new season is upon us, you'll have to review the winter/spring stuff.


I'd dig a review of Plastic Memories. :)

Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon.

My teenage romantic snafu. Both seasons and if there isn't a third season, i shall calmly riot in my room.


Good stuff.


I've only been posting them up here for now, but part of the reason of reformatting some of the old reviews- is because I do eventually want to move everything to a proper website and as you say, get my reviews seen by more people.


I do really like the little anime 'community' we have here though, because the majority of the people who contribute to the thread, have reasonable views and expectations, when it comes to anime.


I can pick up that different people have their preferences, but I don't get either that fanboy vibe (where basically someone just likes one anime series, or one type of anime and dismisses everything else) nor does anyone come across as elitists/snobs that immediately turn their nose up at the more low-brow/ mindless fun/leave your brain at the door stuff, are over-critical about everything and take a form of entertainment way too seriously.


What I've always aimed to do with my reviews, is come across as someone who genuinely enjoys watching anime and isn't there to nitpick over every miniscule thing but at the same time criticize something, if I feel that it did take away from my enjoyment of watching the show. It's why only a handful of anime, will end up with the 'Avoid' rating from me, as I can normally find at least something positive in most anime, even if it's not really that good/or not particularly my cup of tea.


On the other end of the scale a series that gets a Highly Recommended, has got to be both something that impressed me from a critical standpoint when analyzing all the components that make up an anime (primarily the execution of the story, how enjoyable the characters were and the quality of the art and animation) but also something I really enjoyed on a personal level and basically the sort of anime, I could happily marathon in one or two sittings.


In my opinion, I see a lot of critics around (and this isn't just anime, it can be film, music whatever) and they just come across as trying too hard to be 'critical' as if to justify their position as one and to separate themselves from being just an ordinary fan/viewer.

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Rebuild project update


L is now done, and the following have been reformatted


Last Exile:



Last Exile- Fam The Silver Wing: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=738


Linebarrels of Iron:



Log Horizon: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=583


Love Hina:



After giving it some thought, I've downgraded Love Hina to a flat out Avoid from Mediocre. Whilst I have seen even worse anime than Love Hina (and I'm sure there are some even more terrible series out there), no anime probably pissed me off more than watching that one.


I just didn't find double standard female on male domestic abuse all that amusing and 'tsundere bitch' Naru and 'Wet Blanket' Keitaro rank as the lamest romantic couple in the history of anime.

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I just didn't find double standard female on male domestic abuse all that amusing and 'tsundere bitch' Naru and 'Wet Blanket' Keitaro rank as the lamest romantic couple in the history of anime.



Well, if i could see that Naru beating Keitaro, i would call a Madhouse so she would be restrained... permanently...


Never watched Love Hina, but i watched a few scenes of it... and i wasn't hyped to watch because of that...

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Rebuild Project Update

M has been done, with reformatted reviews completed for-

Magimoji Rurumo: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=775


Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=759

Mawaru Penguindrum:



Mayo Chiki: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=757

Modern Magic Made Simple:


My Neighbor Totoro: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=696

Mysterious Girlfriend X: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=600


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Sound! Euphonium

(aka Hibike! Euphonium)







Genre: Music, Slice of Life, Drama

Studio: Kyoto Animation Director: Tatsuya Ishihara Writer: Jukki Hanada Source: Novels by Ayano Takeda

Original Broadcast: January-April 2011 Episodes: 13


Synopsis: Euphonium player Kumiko Oumae, was in the school (brass) band in Junior High. Having enrolled at Kitauji High School, she checks out the school band, along with her new classmates Hazuki and Sapphire. However she hesitates to join the club, when she see's her former Junior High classmate Reina, having remembered an incident involving Reina during a brass band club contest in Junior High school.


Meanwhile the Kitauji High School club acquires Noburu Taki as their new advisor, who immediately asks the band, if they want to aim for the Nationals or just play for fun. Having voted to aim for the Nationals, Taki's strict instruction makes some members question their own place in the school band.


Recommended Viewing Age: Suitable for most ages- There really is no 'sexualized' fanservice to speak of, nor is there any violence. There is some hints towards Yuri (Girls Love) between two of the main protagonists, but it's so subtle that it will float over younger viewers heads anyway and in this day and age, unless you're staunchly conservative about that sort of thing, who really cares. The fact that the story leans more towards drama , rather than comedy- probably means it won't appeal to very young viewers, but is far from unsuitable viewing for 'tweenagers' around 10-12 of years of age.


Action Level: Non Existent- It's a slice of drama, set in a brass band club- unless you count someone blowing into a trumpet etc as action, then there is no action to be found here.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- Whilst not every member of the Kitauji High School band, are cute high school girls- most of the band consists of cute girls, including the primary protagonists.


Animation Quality/Art Style: It's a Kyoto Animation produced series, do I really need to let everyone know that this once again yet another beautifully animated series by them. No other studio squeezes so much 'eye candy' out of the kind of 'mundane' slice of life series, that many other studio's tend to just settle for 'competent' when it comes to the art and animation.


Character designs, as expected follow the trend set by K-On!, and by now you'll either like this style or you won't. More impressive in terms of character design, is that every character (even the most minor members of the school band) has been given their own individual character design.


It is of course during band's performances that the animation dazzles the most, with great care and detail taken in capturing, each and every band member playing their respective instruments.


Music: Much of the soundtrack itself, as one should expect is comprised of the pieces played the Kitauji High school band- so if you're a fan of brass band music, you're in for a treat here! Whilst I'm no brass band aficionado, I will safely admit that the piece(s) played by the band in the finale are particularly stirring and should be able to garner some form of emotional response from the viewer.


Opening theme 'Dream Sollister' by True is an upbeat slice of J-Pop, that fittingly for the series has a strong brass band backing, whilst ending theme 'Tutti!' sung by the seiyuu for the four primary first year girls (Kumiko, Reina, Midori and Hazuki) is a hyper energetic ska punk influenced song, that once again suitably incorporates brass band elements into the song.


Plot & Characters: The main overarching story of Sound! Euphonium, follows the Kitauji High School Band, who with their new advisor Noburu Taki, aim to make it to the nationals but it is also a series, driven by the individual stories of each band member, notably the series main protagonist and viewpoint character Kumiko Oumae.


Euphonium player Kumiko, was in the school band in Junior High and is interested in the school band at Kitauji, but hesitates when she see's her former middle school classmate and fellow band member Reina Kousaka enlist in the club. That's because Kumiko, is panged with guilt over an insensitive comment she made to Reina, in regards to a school competition, that the prodigious trumpeteer took much, much more seriously than Kumiko.


Kumiko eventually does get pulled into the band however, and despite efforts to try a new instrument, once again gets lummoxed with the Euphonium. When it comes to the vote on whether the band should take things seriously and aim for the nationals, Kumiko sits on the fence- as she does not really feel passionate enough to reach for such a goal, but on the other hand she is conscious about offending Reina again. As events over the course of the series unfold Kumiko, inspired by the drive and determination of her fellow band members, unearths new found depths in enjoying being part of the school band, and also for the Euphonium.


Reina Kousaka in contrast to Kumiko, has always taken being a member of the school band very seriously, with the prodigiously talented trumpet player, seeing it as her chance to be someone 'truly special'. Initially portrayed as a 'cold' stand-offish character, Reina gradually defrosts over the course of the series, though her drive, passion and talent ends up putting her at odds with some of the senior band members. Meanwhile the other prominent first year band members, are Sapphire Kawashima (who prefers to be called Midori, instead of her 'embarrassing' birth name) who despite her small stature is an experienced Contrabass player and enthusiastic but naive band rookie Hazuki Katou.


Though Sound! Euphonium, is primarily about the ambitions of the Kitauji School band, there is some possible hints at romance, thrown in to the mix, with Midori looking to set Hazuki, up with Trombone player Shuichi Tsukamoto- however Shuichi may well be more interested in his childhood friend Kumiko- though that isn't to say that Kumiko doesn't see them than anything more than just friends.


When the band does decide to go for the nationals, the methods of newly appointed advisor Noburu Taki, aren't always popular but they end up uniting the club and lighting a fire under each band member. Where as in previous years the club, struggled to deal with the split between those who wanted to take the band seriously and aim for the nationals and those who wanted to just play for fun, with such incidents in the past making senior members of the band considerably more jaded.


The club president Haruka Ogasawara feels somewhat overshadowed by the more charismatic vice president Asuka Tanaka, who's effervescence would make her the most obvious choice to be president, than the more reserved Haruka- however Asuka simply does not wish for the 'responsibility' of being predient, and it was Haruka who stepped into the role, to keep the club 'united' after the (serious/non serious) split in the club effectively tore it apart the previous year.


Other prominent senior club members, include trumpet section leader Kaori Nakaeseko, who is greatly admired by second year trumpet player Yuko Yoshikawa- who will go to obsessive lengths to see that Kaori, keeps her position as the most prominent trumpeter in the band, even if Kaori herself does not truly want such obsessive devotion/support in her favour. Whilst Natsuki Nakagawa, is a jaded second year Euphonium player, whose enthusiasm for the school band has been wilted by the incident of the previous year, and Saxophone player Aoi Satou- who finds herself at odds with the decision the school band takes in striving to reach the national competition.


Analysis: Sound! Euphonium, is the latest project to be helmed by Tatsuya Ishihara, who can count the Clannad, Haruhi Suzumiya and Chuunibyo franchises amongst his previous projects at Kyoto Animation (projects that have built up a strong reputation for both Ishihara as a director and Kyoto Animation as a studio), so it's safe to say that Sound! Euphonium came with strong expectations, even it's core subject matter the trials and tribulations of a high school (brass) band isn't typical fare for an anime with a considerable amount of hype behind it.


The first thing that will grab your attention with Sound! Euphonium, is of course the attractive art and animation, but in all honesty that's par for the course now for a Kyoto Animation produced anime. It's not to take such things for granted, but for Kyo-Ani to produce something, merely above average here would be seen as a disappointment. In context Kyo-Ani have raised the bar so high for themselves over the years, that they really can't go any higher in terms of art and animation quality.


Of course the bigger concern for Sound! Euphonium, is would there be any substance to the story itself, and essentially would there be more to this anime, than exquisitely animated sequences of high school kids blowing their trumpets. The answer to that crucial question, on the whole- is thankfully, yes.


I've not ever been a member of a school band myself, but the story manages to perfectly encapsulate that struggle within any after school club, between taking it seriously and striving to be the best that you can at the activity and just treating the activity as a bit of fun. What Sound! Euphonium is able to do is capture that internal struggle both collectively as a club and with the individual members that comprise the Kitauji High school band.


It's safe to say, that the story wouldn't have gone anywhere, if the school band decided on the lets just mess about after school option. However it is wise to the fact, that though some members may go along with the goal to start with, they soon baulk from such ambitions, when reaching their ambitions, requires hard work and dedication and how without strong leadership the band/club would once again become fractured or be torn apart.


With band having so many members, it is of course impossible for every member to feel important to the story, but Sound! Euphonium does do a stellar job of focusing on a considerable number of band members and helping to get across their own individual struggles within the band, whether this is Reina with her strong ambition to be a standout trumpet player, Haruka struggling to believe in herself as club president, Aoi struggling to come to terms with the band aiming for the national competition or Hazuki simply trying to get to a competent playing level and not see herself as a liability in the band. That of course is just a handful of the individual stories within the Kitauji High School band, and each one helps to comprise the collective story of the band as a whole.


The story is also wise to make the main viewpoint character of Kumiko, the one that is firmly in the middle ground at the start of the story, when it comes to that crucial conflict on whether or not to take band seriously or just see it as a bit of after school fun. In essence Kumiko's own internal struggles with this question, is a microcosm of the bands struggle as a whole.


Though Sound! Euphonium, in the end is much more about the characters and their interactions with each other, within the Kitauji High School band, than the music itself. Great care has been taken in capturing that aspect of the series, as the band grows from an out of time shambles playing bum notes to a cohesive collective, ready to take on the competition.


However Sound! Euphonium, isn't beyond criticism, as the story decides to throw in some hints at romance, that really add nothing to the story and actually end up making it feel unfortunately laboured at times, especially during the middle stretch of episodes. Thankfully the story does kick into gear, during the closing stretch and certainly once the tensions between Kumiko and Reina had been lifted.


The ending itself does leave things very much open for a second season, but provides a satisfying enough conclusion should the anime (which thus far has only partially adapted the original source material) continue no further.


Final Verdict: An attractively animated series, Sound! Euphonium manages to capture the feeling of being part of an after school club (in this case the brass band) and the struggle to strive for your ambitions, should your goals go beyond 'just for fun'.




Is the Dub Any Good: As expected at this moment in time, there is no dub for Sound! Euphonium. Pon-Can USA, the recently set up U.S distribution division of Japanese entertainment distributor Pony Canyon, has acquired the North American rights for the series. Thus only one of their acquistions has been given an English dub, however the fact that one series has been dubbed, should see an English dub emerge for Sound! Euphonium at some point in the future, especially as this is by far and away Pon-Can USA's most significant acquisition yet.

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Well, if i could see that Naru beating Keitaro, i would call a Madhouse so she would be restrained... permanently...


Never watched Love Hina, but i watched a few scenes of it... and i wasn't hyped to watch because of that...


zero no tsukaima is probably the worst offender of this in my book. At some point it gets ****ing annoying to see the dude get beat up simply for breathing.

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Rebuild project progress update


N and O is now done, and the following reviews have been reformatted


Nakaimo- My Sister May Be Among Them!:



Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=701


Night Raid 1931: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=705

Ninja Scroll: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=581

Nisemonogatari: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=681

Omamori Himari:


Otome Yōkai Zakuro: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=568

Ouran Highschool Host Club: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=748



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zero no tsukaima is probably the worst offender of this in my book. At some point it gets ****ing annoying to see the dude get beat up simply for breathing.


the protagonist getting beat up is pretty much a staple of harem series, especially ecchi ones. I am watching the To Love Ru series now and the main protagonist gets hit all the time, usually because of the standard prat fall ending up in them crotch sitting or accidently grabbing one of the girl's boobs.


I can only think of a few harem examples that doesn't have the main guy get hit for the 'misunderstandings' that occur. Though I do agree that zero no Tsukaima and bladedance of the elementalers ( both of which are very similar in terms of story and characters) that the main tsundere goes overboard every time they see the MC and another female.

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zero no tsukaima is probably the worst offender of this in my book. At some point it gets ****ing annoying to see the dude get beat up simply for breathing.


Zero no Tsukaima, never watched it neither, but i've seen a few photos of Louise "grumpy pink-haired girl" de la Valiere.


Regarding the recent review, i'm looking forward to watch it. :D

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it's actually entertaining overall, at least in my opinion. There's actually 3 seasons before the one that's available on crunchyroll.


That's one thing I dislike about crunchyroll, often times they will have the latest season or series but not the previous ones, and I hate getting into an anime 3\4 of the way through when you don't get to see the episodes that actually tell you who the characters are and what the premise is.

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the protagonist getting beat up is pretty much a staple of harem series, especially ecchi ones. I am watching the To Love Ru series now and the main protagonist gets hit all the time, usually because of the standard prat fall ending up in them crotch sitting or accidently grabbing one of the girl's boobs.


I can only think of a few harem examples that doesn't have the main guy get hit for the 'misunderstandings' that occur. Though I do agree that zero no Tsukaima and bladedance of the elementalers ( both of which are very similar in terms of story and characters) that the main tsundere goes overboard every time they see the MC and another female.


I know that it's a staple but as you said it's the overboard thing is what drives me crazy.


I'd understand if the characters were perverts who actually did the things they got punched for like Arata from Trinity Seven or Issei from DxD but they get treated WAY better in comparison. The MC's from both Zero no Tsukaima and Bladedance are both nice guys who get treated like total shit by the tsundere girl for things they don't even do. All 4 guys are brave, caring, and protective of their friends but the treatment difference is just unbearable.


Bladedance is actually one of the few anime I actually hate. That scene where the tsundere screws up big time and the MC basically has to become her slave just so she stop crying was pure bs and I instantly gave up on it. Later I powered through it just because it was on my anime bookmark folder but thankfully the princess and knight girl were pretty cool (at least enough to get me through) and I just skipped over the tsundere's scenes.

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Saikano: The Last Love Song On This Little Planet

(aka- She, The Ultimate Weapon)







Genre: Romance, Tragedy, Apocolyptic Fiction.


Studio: Gonzo Director: Mitsuko Kase Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: July- September 2002 Episodes: 13 (+ 2 OVA*)

* Note: The OVA episodes released in 2005, are titled Saikano: Another Love Song. I've not seen the OVA and the below review is based entirely upon the original 13 episode TV series.


Synopsis: In a sleepy Hokkaido town, Shuji and the timid Chise have just started dating, not entirely sure of their feelings for one another, they are willing to see if their friendship can truly blossom into love.


However the world is embroiled in a global war and one day that war comes close to home for Shuji, when during an excursion to Sapporo with his classmates he gets caught up in a bombing raid. In the aftermath of the raid, he comes to find the truth about Chise- she is not the shy and ditzy teenager he calls his girlfriend but she has in fact been transformed into a superpowerful cyborg- strong enough to be deemed the ultimate weapon. Having learned this secret, will Shuji be able to except for Chise for what she truly is and can their relationship survive amidst the backdrop of an apocalyptic war.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and Up- Saikano is a highly depressing anime, that see's the majority of it's principal cast featured in death scenes, some of which end up being both quite graphic and emotionally wrenching. There are also quite a few scenes, where the characters are thinking about having sex, but though the scenes are often suggestive, they aren't really that graphic. I wouldn't quite put Saikano to the level of adult's only, but it's probably not the appropriate viewing even for younger teens.


Action Level: Fairly Low- Despite it's war setting, and the odd bit of gunfire and explosions, action fans shouldn't get their hopes up too high for this anime. The story is much more about the emotional strain Chise is being put under by being chosen to be the 'Ultimate Weapon', rather than how awesome her fighting abilities are.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Whilst not necessarily a 'moe' anime from an overall sense and one that has a sombre and depressing mood throughout, Saikano does carry some moe appeal through it's female co-protagonist. When Chise is being a normal human girl her default demeanour is of a cute, timid and clumsy girl- the fact that she hides a tragic secret, only adds to her moe appeal.


Animation Quality/Art Style: It has to be said that the art style and animation for Saikano has not aged well, then again much of the anime from the early 2000's suffers from this problem. Whilst the art and animation of anime from the nineties and earlier tend to have a retro charm about them, but anime of the early 2000's era tends to just looked tired.


The character designs, are generic for the time period and not particularly memorable, whilst the background art lacks any kind of depth and the colours are dull and washed out. Also some of the animation, especially when it comes to Chise in her ultimate weapon, isn't exactly what you can call great, in fact the sight of her literally dropping missiles from her backside is pretty laughable. Whilst some slack can be cut in terms, that Saikano is a product of it's time, even during it's time, the art and animation on display here was mediocre at best.


Music: Both the opening (Koisuru Kimochi) and ending (Sayonara) are sung by Yuria Yato. Both songs have a very 'dated' sound, to go along with the equally dated visuals, and on the whole are largely forgettable and skippable, though out of the two the gentle ballad of Sayonara holds up a little better.


The OST soundtrack, which uses a fair amount of guitar (both acoustic and electric) ends up being more memorable and ends up being one of the most striking (in a positive sense) about Saikano.


Plot & Characters: Saikano is set during a time, where the world is embroiled in an apocalyptic war. At the beginning of the story, the war has come to Japan but Hokkaido has yet to come under fire, we are also introduced to Shuji and Chise, two high schoolers that have just begun dating. However after Sapporo gets bombed, Shuji finds out the shocking truth about Chise....the fact that she has been manipulated into a super powerful cyborg capable of taking out an entire army by herself alone.


Despite being faced with this horror, Shuji vows to stick by Chise and continue their relationship. However the constant threat of Chise being called upon/tracked down by the military and the pressure of keeping Chise's true identity a secret from friends and family, puts a huge strain upon their relationship.


And whilst Chise may be the 'ultimate weapon' she is extremely frail in her normal human form, and reliant on medication to maintain her health- whilst the strain of constantly being called upon to heap destruction upon every possible threat, see's her struggle to maintain what thread of humanity she has left, whilst the 'weapon' she has become gradually starts to take total control.


Whilst Shuji and Chise are very much the central protagonists of the story, there are several supporting characters that play an important role in the story, these include Shuji's childhood friend Akemi, Shuji's best friend Atsushi (who eventually decides to join the JSDF in order to protect the girl he loves), Fuyumi (Shuji's former senpai, whom he once had a relationship with but is now married to a JSDF soldier, battling on the frontlines) and Tetsu (a JSDF regiment leader, who knows what Chise is, but does his best to still treat her like an ordinary girl).


These characters all have important interactions either with Shuji or Chise, that usually end up having an effect on the central relationship between the two main characters, as they struggle to stay together, under the constant threat that their next day together may be their last.


Analysis: As a studio Gonzo, would eventually build up a reputation for producing stylish looking anime, with a tendency to lean towards western inspired story concepts with stylized action sequences, so a series that is both sombre in tone and modest in art and animation quality in Saikano, comes as something of a surprise that it would be produced by a studio that in the end pushed itself too hard. However it has to be said that Saikano, was produced during Gonzo's formative years and prior to what people would consider to be the studio's peak period in the mid 2000's.


In all honest modest, may be kind to the quality of art and animation on display during Saikano. But good art and animation, is never the be all and end all of a good animation, and certainly from my perspective a strong story and and engaging set of characters, is far more important in establishing whether or not the anime I had just viewed, was worthy of the time I invested into watching it.


Sadly however, I can't personally say that Saikano provided a satisfying experience in terms of story and characters either. Saikano it has to be said is a depressing anime, that hits the viewer with one tragedy after, that takes place in a setting where all hope is lost for humanity. It's not that I can't handle dark, depressing anime series, it's just that Saikano is trying way too hard to be a dark and depressing anime, that the constant stream of tragedy, ends up having no effect what so ever.


It's not that I'm heartless either, I'm not ashamed to admit that I've cried rivers of tears over an anime before- but where as something like a Clannad earns it's 'feels' by showing you the characters in a happier state, before the tragedy gradually starts to seep in and takeover, Saikano pretty much whacks the viewer over the head with the fact that the story is going to be doom and gloom from beginning to end and in the end all that will lead to is becoming numb to the tragedy unfolding before your eyes.


The idea of Saikano, is admirable enough- a tragic love story, where the two protagonists struggle to maintain their relationship in extraordinary circumstances but the heavy handed execution of their predicament, leaves alot to be admired. As far as the main protagonists go, Chise is admittedly cute in her non weaponized form and it's easy to see why Shuji would fall for/would want to continue to protect her. Shuji however is less engaging and likeable as a character, though the wooden acting by both the lead actors in both the original Japanese and the English dub, doesn't help.


Whilst the focus is on the relationships, affected by the on-going war- we never actually know why this war is taking place. It may not be the main focus of Saikano, but just a brief background on the war taking place, would have been helpful. Instead you are left with absolutely nothing, and just an unexplainable mess of a conflict, where it just looks anyone in an army uniform is killing anyone else in an army uniform or perhaps more to the point 'Ultimate Weapon' Chise is wiping out anything- with no discrimination against whether the object is moving or not. I have a feeling that the reasons for the war and who is fighting who is explained a little more in the following OVA episodes 'Another Love Song' but the general mediocrity of the TV series, hardly inspires me to put that theory to the test.


Saikano's, Evangelion influenced art ending that is open to audience interpretation, may feel frustrating to some but for this ended up 'saving' the series somewhat, providing the despair driven story with a conclusion that felt fitting, and interestingly enough could be interpretated as both a downer ending or a bittersweet one, depending on the viewers perspective.


Final Verdict: I wouldn't go as far, as saying that Saikano is a series people should go out of their way to avoid watching, but for me this series ultimately failed in what it was trying to achieve, simply by trying too hard to be an emotionally gut wrenching tragic love story.


Perhaps Saikano, will end up being more 'moving' for others, than it did for me, but the combined mediocrity of the story and the visuals left me on the whole unimpressed.




Is the Dub Any Good: VIZ Media's dub, features a largely unknown cast- whilst this shouldn't lead to expectations of mediocrity or worse, in the end the English dub here on the whole is no better than passable.


In the lead roles Melissa Hutchinson (whose voice acting experience lies more in Video Games than anime) is actually pretty good as Chise, however Mark Atherlay's peformance as Shuji can only be described as wooden, though in fairness the original Japanese actor Shirou Ishimoda, was equally wooden in his delivery, so Atherlay was only following the original performance.


When watching Saikano - I viewed the English first, switched to the Japanese and then switched back, coming to the conclusion that the series was just as mediocre in Japanese than it was in English.

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Rebuild Project Update


P is now done. Reformatted reviews for:




Perfect Blue



Phantom ~Requeim For The Phantom~:


Porco Rosso:http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=713

Psycho Pass: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=726

I've bumped Psycho Pass up to a Highly Recommended, it's at the lower end of Highly Recommended but I personally enjoyed it enough to put it in the highest rating bracket. At the end of the day I thought, if I had all the time in the world could I happily watch the series the whole way through again? And in Psycho Pass' case that would be a yes from me.

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Cheesed off with Crunchyroll


Really hacked off with CR right now. Why is that you may ask?


Well I have a Samsung TV, which was one of the few TV's to support a CR app, allowing me to watch CR in my living room, rather than on my computer.


Which was great, but for some BS reason they have decided to no longer provide an app to Samsung TV- meaning I'm once again forced to watch CR on my computer. It's just a backwards move, that makes absolutely no sense to me.


They say there will be other ways to support watching CR in the living room (i.e watch through a games console) but I'm not a console gamer, haven't been one for about a decade now.


This is such an annoying decision by CR, that I'm seriously thinking about not renewing my premium subscription, when it comes up for renewal next year- especially as I have an ad blocker installed on my computer, which cuts out the crappy ads when you watch the free version.


So I'm not saying that I will no longer review any anime streaming on CR, but that I seriously feel like sticking it to them, over a decision which shows they are pretty flippant about providing the best service to their subscribers.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Cheesed off with Crunchyroll </strong></span><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong> </strong></span></p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong> </strong></span>Really hacked off with CR right now. Why is that you may ask?</p><p> </p><p> Well I have a Samsung TV, which was one of the few TV's to support a CR app, allowing me to watch CR in my living room, rather than on my computer. </p><p> </p><p> Which was great, but for some BS reason they have decided to no longer provide an app to Samsung TV- meaning I'm once again forced to watch CR on my computer. It's just a backwards move, that makes absolutely no sense to me. </p><p> </p><p> They say there will be other ways to support watching CR in the living room (i.e watch through a games console) but I'm not a console gamer, haven't been one for about a decade now. </p><p> </p><p> This is such an annoying decision by CR, that I'm seriously thinking about not renewing my premium subscription, when it comes up for renewal next year- especially as I have an ad blocker installed on my computer, which cuts out the crappy ads when you watch the free version. </p><p> </p><p> So I'm not saying that I will no longer review any anime streaming on CR, but that I seriously feel like sticking it to them, over a decision which shows they are pretty flippant about providing the best service to their subscribers.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That sucks about the smart Tv :/</p><p> </p><p> If you don't have a ps3/4 of xbox360/one there are other options for streaming to the TV, but obviously they are also an additional purchase, so may not be a good solution.</p>
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so did they remove the app from Samsung entirely or it just doesn't work now if you already have it downloaded?


I have a Samsung smart tv as well and while I mostly watch Crunchyroll on the computer ( as the tv is in the living room and the computer is in my office when I normally work) I have watched it on my tv in the past from the app.

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so did they remove the app from Samsung entirely or it just doesn't work now if you already have it downloaded?


I have a Samsung smart tv as well and while I mostly watch Crunchyroll on the computer ( as the tv is in the living room and the computer is in my office when I normally work) I have watched it on my tv in the past from the app.


So this is the e-mail that I received from Crunchyroll, regarding the discontinuation of the app on Samsung Smart TV


Thank you for supporting Crunchyroll and the Anime Industry.


We wanted to reach out and let you know that as of July 15th, 2015, we will no longer be supporting the following devices: Samsung TV, Panasonic TV, Google TV, and Ouya. We are discontinuing support on these devices to focus our development teams and improve the Crunchyroll experience across other platforms. This doesn't mean we won't consider supporting these devices in the future, but for now, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Though service for these devices is being discontinued, we are aware of the demand for and importance of the ability to enjoy our content in your living room. We will continue to work our hardest to be able to offer access in as many ways as possible.


Click here to view our full list of supported devices. If you have any questions regarding your subscription or your service, please feel free to respond directly to this email and we'll help you out!



The Crunchyroll Team


It actually managed to work about a week after the stated discontinued date, so I was given false hope that the app might still work on my TV.


There are other devices I could fork out on other than a games console, such as a Chromecast- but it's an utter pain to have to fork out extra money, when my TV was already set up to receive Crunchyroll.


Normal service should resume this week with a couple more reviews and some more updates to the rebuild project. But I haven't just been stewing over the disappearance of the Samsung smart TV app :p Been busy with the NJPW G1 Climax, whilst I'm also having my niece over on and off for the next six weeks and been watching anime I've already seen with her.


Examples of what we watched last week and how my niece reacted to them.


Fruits Basket: Found it a little slow and boring at first, but gradually got more into the series and did a complete 180 and said that it was a really good anime when it had finished.


Full Metal Panic? Fomoffu: Appeared to find this pretty funny, though admittedly some of the more subtle elements of the humour went over her head. One observation she made, is how can Kaname Chidori fit a fan into her swimsuit, during the beach episode.


Other anime she has watched and really like are K-On!, Haruhi Suzumiya (she's even started reading the manga for that one), Lucky Star, School Rumble, Girls Und Panzer, Squid Girl and Rozen Maiden.

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No Game No Life






Genre: Fantasy Adventure


Studio: Madhouse Director: Atsuko Ishizuka Writer: Jukki Hanada Source: Light Novels by Yuu Kamiya.

Original Broadcast: April-June 2014 Episodes: 12


Synopsis: In the world of online gaming, exists an undefeated player known as [ ] 'Blank'. In the real world 'Blank' is hikikomori step siblings Sora and Shiro. One day they are challenged to game of online chess.


Upon defeating their opponent Tet, they are offered to live in a world that centers around games. Believing the offer to be a joke, they accept- but are then transported to another reality, known as Disboard where it turns out that Tet is the 'god' of that world.


In this world, without war but inhabited by mythical beings such as elves and warbeasts- conflicts are settled by games, with each nation adhering to the 'Ten Pledges'. Cheating is grounds for an instant loss- but those cheating will only lose- if proven to do so...with magical abilities providing many of the races, the ability to gain an upper hand in the game.


At the bottom of the rankings is Elkia, the nation inhabited by humans- whose lack of magical abilities has held them back. Learning of Elkia's decline and the near impossible odds stacked against them, 'Blank' become determined to use their superior gaming abilities to help the nation rise up the rankings and eventually challenge Tet- the god of 'Disboard'.


Recommended Viewing Age:Approx 15 and up- Some mid level fanservice (some of which many may find a bit creepy and inappropriate, when part of that fanservice features an 11 year old loli) and the odd bout of pervy humour, steers No Game No Life towards adults only territory.


What's there isn't all that strong, but unfortunately this isn't something you can sit down to watch with younger viewers.


Action Level: Medium- Whilst the conflicts do not feature traditional 'fighting' be it of the hack and slash or shootout and explosions variety, the 'game' contests in 'No Game No Life' are presented in an innovative, imaginative and thrilling manner- with the prime example being an imaginative game of chess, presented as a 'battlefield', rather than merely two people moving pieces on a board.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- No Game No Life, features a number of cute girls with some typical 'moe' personality traits, primary among them the being series co-protagonist 'Shiro'- who fits the 'emotionless girl' trope of moe personality types.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The one word I would use to describe the art and animation for 'No Game Nof Life' is vibrant- with the brightly coloured and imaginatively designed world of Disboard, making the viewer believe in the fact that Shiro and Sora are happy to believe behind their drab holed up existence in the real world.


Character designs aren't particularly unique (not straying too far from the current trend for character design) but remain relatively memorable, particularly in the case of Shiro. From the look of the characters, I was surprised that the series was produced by Madhouse, but the studio has struggled to produce 'hits' in recent years, so if that's the case, it's not all that much of a surprise that the studio should produce something with a look and design that is currently 'on trend' in the anime world.


Music: Opener 'This Game' sung by Konomi Suzuki, is on paper an unremarkable slice of J-Pop with a slightly rocking base- but the song is indeed catchy enough and delivered with enough emotional oomph by it's singer, that it actually manages to be an effective and memorable opener.


Ending theme 'Oracion' performed by Shiro's seiyuu Ai Kayano- is much like the opener, on paper largely unremarkable, being yet another indie-rock influenced J-Pop number, but once again the delivery here lifts the song and makes it both memorable and effective, with Kayano's vocal performance done largely in character (singing in Shiro's shy,breathy voice) adding an emotional punch to the song. There is also a particularly effective 'broken' version of the ending, mid-series that ties in brilliantly with an episode- where it appears things are about to fall apart for our protagonists.


The largely electronica based soundtrack composed by Shinji Hosoe (aka MEGATEN) in collaboration with fellow composers Ayako Saso, Takahiro Eguchi and Fumihisa Tanaka, provides No Game No Life with an effective backing that suits the mood and setting of the show.


Plot & Characters: No Game No Life, introduces us to 'Blank' an unstoppable on-line gaming guild, that actually consists of two hikikomori's (shut in) Sora (a highschool age boy) and Shiro (an elementary school age girl) who are revealed to be step siblings and have a very close bond with each other, so close in fact- that they cannot bear to be apart from one another.


After winning and on-line game of chess- they then find themselves transported to another world, where conflict between nations is decided by playing games, rather than through military might. Though taken a-back at first, and not quite believing in the new world they have been transported into, 'Blank' quickly accept the new reality, and it doesn't take them long to start engaging with their new surroundings and competing in 'games'.


What they find out is that the world is inhabited by several races, and that they are all vying for territory and status. Right at the bottom of the rankings and with the smallest amount of territory (Elkia) are the humans (referred to as Immanity), with their lack of magical powers holding them back and that the previous King of Elkia, ended up losing most of their territory.


When 'Blank' witness his grand-daughter and heir Stephanie Dola, being cheated out of victory by a fellow Immanity (Kurami) that is in league with the Elves- they vow to help her and become motivated to show that they can help restore Elkia to it's former glory, and show that even though 'Immanity' does not possess the powers of their opponents, they can overcome the other races through skill. Confident in their own gaming abilities having never lost a game as a team (the only time they have lost individually is to each other) and having an unwavering believe in each other, 'Blank' however have a harder time convincing the rest of 'Immanity' that they can beat the stronger races such as 'the Warbeasts', 'the Elves' and the 'Flugels'.


The central protagonists 'Blank' drive the story and dominate the screen in 'No Game No Life' and though both are shut-in gamers, they do have distinct personalities and playing styles of their own. Sora is the more out-going and charismatic of the pair (though it has to be said that he is no where near as confident in himself, in the real world), he excels at putting together strategies and reading his opponent. Shiro is less emotional (at least on the surface) and out-going, and is more methodical player, excelling at calculations and logical game-play.


Prominent supporting characters include Stephanie Dola (the naive granddaughter of the former King of Elkia), Kurami Zell (initially introduced as a stuck up human, who believes that the only way Immanity can survive is to be in league with one of the other races), the Flugel Jibril, the Warbeasts (including their young ambassador Izuna Hatsuse and her grandfather Izo) and Tet (the god of disboard).


Analysis: Anime and it's related media (Light Novels/Manga) currently has a fascination with the stories protagonist(s) being transported into a fantasy game world, with the likes of Sword Art Online, Accel World and Log Horizon coming to mind as anime series in recent years to follow this trend. Saying all that, whilst No Game No Life, shares that similarity- the story isn't about the protagonists being transported into an RPG but rather just a world, where scores are settled by the playing of games- and by game that could range from the most simplistic of games such as guessing a coin toss or rock, paper scissors to more complex one's such as chess.


No Game, No Life at it's very essence is a celebration of two people or more, pitting themselves against one another in competition and seeing who is the best. What it also provides is a riveting underdog story, with the stories protagonists having to use their skill and nous to overcome opponents with a serious advantage (in this case magic). Mind you, I doubt anyone ever believes that 'Blank' will end up on the losing side of each contest- given how much the story likes to remind you of their supreme gaming abilities- but it's the 'how' and 'why' of each of their victories- that becomes so compelling, rather than whether they will win.


This is a story, that manages to make the game of 'Rock/Paper/Scissors' edge of your seat stuff, and that's all down to the brilliant strategies and gameplay of it's two co-protagonists, the charismatic Sora and the methodical Shiro. The vibrant visuals help a lot too, in helping to present a sense of wonder and excitement to each contest that 'Blank' engage in, but it's the consistently surprising ways they manage to overcome what looks to be impossible odds, that will have the viewer on the edge of their seat and fully engaged with Sora and Shiro's quest to conquer this world of games, that they find themselves transported into.


And that's another thing to make note of, the story quickly dismisses the notion that the two protagonists, want to find a way out of this new world to return home. For Sora and Shiro, who struggle within the real world and love nothing more than to play games- Disboard is like heaven to them- why would they want to go back to reality? Especially as it appears they have nothing really to go back for.


The fact that they are so willing to escape reality and fully embrace their new surroundings, however does bring us to one of No Game's, No Life's possible negatives- and the feeling that the show appears to celebrate the life of unsocial shut-in's that spend all their time wrapped up in a fantasy world and escaping reality. From my own personal perspective, it didn't bother me, as I never felt the story was trying to comment on that expect of society and in itself is pure escapism. In essence No Game, No Life may feature a protagonists with similar real life social problems, to those to be found in series such as 'Welcome to the NHK' but whilst one the likes of 'NHK' provide a thought provoking look at the socially awkward, No Game No Life is merely entertainment, featuring protagonists that just happen to be socially awkward. Such criticism, that Sora and Shiro celebrate a lifestyle that is largely frowned upon by wider society is understandable but largely redundant.


There are however more pressing concerns in regards to the presentation of the main protagonists and their relationship to one another. Sora and Shiro's close bond and their unshakeable belief in one another is at times hugely admirable, but there are times where the relationship pushes the boundaries and veers towards a squicky incestuous vibe, especially as Shiro is an elementary school aged girl, who has yet to even it puberty. And whilst we (thankfully) don't see Sora and Shiro make out with another, the suggestion that their relationship goes beyond a mere platonic nature, is strong enough to leave an unfortunate bad taste, and it's these needless pushing of the boundaries that sometimes make you feel a sense of shame, as an anime fan.


Even without the inappropriate fanservice for under-aged Shiro, the fanservice in general feels entirely needless, and just ends up bumping up the appropriate viewer age. This could have easily been an anime accessible to younger viewers, instead the pointless fanservice and at times pervy humour, means that the show is cautious viewing for mid teens and pushes towards the boundaries of adults only.


Usually the fact that Sora ends up gathering a harem of ladies, would normally be another eye-rolling factor, but weirdly enough it becomes a positive here, as it at least shows he is still interested in ladies who are more well developed and not just his under-aged sister and though there are some amusing moments to be found, the series over reliance on cliched sex humour, means that it's attempts at comedy often end up missing the mark.


Despite the series glaring flaws though, it's strengths not only end up saving the series into being merely watchable but overcome the negatives so much, that No Game No Life, is actually a joy to watch. Ending wise, things were very much left in the open, so the ending isn't all that conclusive or satisfying, though the possibility of a season 2 cannot yet be ruled out.


Final Verdict: No Game No Life has it's flaws. Flaws that would usually be a game-breaker for series with a flakier premise. However the series basic story is executed extremely well, with the game world showdowns (the stories key set pieces),providing plenty of thrills and surprises- helped along by a top notch and vibrant presentation.




Is the Dub Any Good: Sentai Filmworks have produced the dub for No Game, No Life with Scott Gibbs cast as Sora and Caitlynn French as Shiro. To be honest, I watched the entire series in sub on Crunchyroll and haven't seen enough of the dub to form an opinion. My suspicions given Sentai's track record, that it will be passable but unable to impress me more than the original Japanese performances but those are just my own preconceptions.

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tbh I never saw that incestuous vibe between Sora and Shiro. I do see the soulmate aspect that would be normal with lovers between them but instead of romance it seemed like pure dependence. They basically developed into not being able to survive without each other but I can't imagine any romantic feeling between them.
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tbh I never saw that incestuous vibe between Sora and Shiro. I do see the soulmate aspect that would be normal with lovers between them but instead of romance it seemed like pure dependence. They basically developed into not being able to survive without each other but I can't imagine any romantic feeling between them.


There are a couple lines, especially in the first couple episodes that kind of hint at that kind of possible romantic connection between them, but its never really acted on or taken further.

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There are a couple lines, especially in the first couple episodes that kind of hint at that kind of possible romantic connection between them, but its never really acted on or taken further.


This is pretty much what I said in my review- that hint of incest and the inappropriate fanservice for Shiro, are two elements I don't think were needed and ended up being unfortunate black marks on an otherwise excellent series. However despite those concerns, they certainly didn't ruin 'No Game, No Life' for me, otherwise I wouldn't have given it a recommended rating - they were more just flaws/issues, I felt couldn't be ignored/glossed over.

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(Lunar Legend) Tsukihime






Genre: Supernatural Mystery/ Romance


Studio: J.C Staff Director: Katsushi Sakurabi Writer: Hiroko Tokita Source: Visual Novel developed by Type Moon.

Original Broadcast: October- December 2003 Episodes: 12


Synopsis: Since an accident that left him gravely injured Shiki Tohno has been able to see strange lines on the objects around him, and if these lines are cut by Shiki, the objects themselves end up broken. Shiki is then given a pair of glasses than can suppress his visions of the lines by a mysterious woman, and advised to keep them on until he feels the need to protect someone.


Years later Shiki, has moved in with the sister he has been estranged from since the accident but finds discomfort in his new living arrangement, whilst the town around him has been plagued by a series or murders whilst Shiki himself has been suffering from a strange nightmare, involving a beautiful blonde woman.


One day Shiki meets the beautiful lady that has been plaguing his dreams, who then reveals that she was killed by Shiki, and to make things even more shocking, then reveals that she is a centuries old vampire called Arcueid Brunestud , then instead of enacting revenge on Shiki- she decides to enlist him in her fight against opposing vampires, and as Shiki becomes involved with Arcuied, the mystery surrounding his own strange ability is revealed.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (Approx 13+) and up- The show has a darkly gothic atmosphere and the somewhat expected bloodshed that comes along with it, though the violence and blood is never overly graphic. Fanservice is kept to a relative minimum, but there is an implied 'love making' scene (though it's the kind where you don't see anything, just some kissing and the couple huddling up in bed). The suggestiveness and blood therefore is enough to keep this one away from kids but should be alright for most teens.


Action Level: Medium- Tsukihime features some supernatural fights, though most of them tend to be rather brief and probably won't satisfy full on action junkies.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Whilst the general mood and atmosphere of Tsukihime, doesn't feel all that 'moe'- the stories various heroines (in particular Arcueid) could be viewed as 'moe' type of personalities.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The character designs are on the whole unremarkable, but have actually aged pretty well for a early to mid 2000's anime, whilst the background art is also pretty decent and does a solid job of getting across the stories gothic mood, without being outstanding but the animation itself is a times a little bit stilted. All in all Tsukhime's art and animation, is not bad especially considering it's now over a decade old, but it's nothing that will be blowing anyone away.


Music: Opening theme 'The Sacred Moon' by Toshiyuki Omori is a moody piece, that does a good job of instantly displaying the stories ominous and gothic atmosphere, and this continues onto the orchestral soundtrack that is also composed by Omori.


Ending theme 'Rinne no Hate ni' sung by Fumiko Orikasa is an old fashioned ballad with an orchestral backing- I personally found it quite skippable but on the upside, it's a relatviely appropriate fit as an ending theme.


Plot & Characters: Tsukihime, revolves around Shiki Tohno, a highschool boy who has a special ability known as the 'Mystic Eye's of Death Perception' and Arcueid Brunestud, a Vampire known as a 'True Ancestor'- whose path's are brought together when Shiki kills Arcueid. The story then interweaves two arcs, Arcueid's quest to hunt down and rid the world of a dangerous ' Dead Apostle' Vampire known as Roa and the truth behind Shiki's own mysterious ability. Shiki is on the surface a regular highschool boy with a kind and honest personality, but his ability when left unsuppressed can result in him having dark and deadly urges.


Despite the fact that he killed her, Arcueid see's that Shiki's ability could be useful in helping her bring down Roa. However through her interactions with Shiki, Arcueid becomes curious about wanting to experience and enjoy what normal human's do. As a 'True Ancestor' Arcueid is one of the original people of the Vampire race, but despite displaying supernatural powers does not display typical Vampire tendencies such as an urge to suck people's blood (even going as far, as hating the sight of it) and the inability to go out in daylight. In contrast Dead Apostle's are vampires, that have been killed by another Vampire and then revived as one themselves.


Meanwhile Shiki has just moved in with the sister he has been estranged from for years Akiha Tohno, whose strict house rules, make things uncomfortable for Shiki. He remembers Akiha being more pleasurable during the time they played together as a children, but now she is grown up and with the passing of their father, has become the head of the household and expects Shiki to adjust to their somewhat old fashioned way of life. Though at first it seems as though Akiha is being unreasonably strict, she is in fact trying to protect her brother from the dark secrets that lie within the Tohno family, and feels that keeping strict house rules is the best way of achieving that, even if she portrays herself in a negative light to her brother- though the arrival of Arcueid into Shiki's life, means that her house rules are frequently flouted by Shiki. Serving the Tohno household are two twin sister maid's the more outgoing Kohaku and the quieter Hisui, whose bond with the family goes beyond merely being employed as their servants.


At school Shiki's closest group of friends include Ciel, as senior student who isn't all she seems and knows who Arcueid is, Satsuki Yumizuka, a shy girl who has an unrequited crush on Shiki and Shiki's best friend Arihiko Inui, who feels a competitive urge to try and get a girlfriend before Shiki does and exists primarily as the stories light relief character.


Analysis: In some quarters this anime apparently ' Does not exist'. For those who have played the Tsukihime visual novel game produced by Type Moon (the developers that went on to produce the even more popular Fate series), the anime adaptation does not exist- that's because they feel it's a poor adaptation of the game, that fails at trying to cram together the visual novels two separate story arcs- the first which revolves around Skiki's involvement with the centuries old vampire Arcueid, and the second involving the secrets of the Tohno family.


I myself have never played the game, but the adaptation certainly does suffer from that difficult dilemma when trying to convert a visual novel game with diverging story lines into a more linear format of storytelling.

That dilemma always is do the adapters put their eggs into one basket, with the risk of aggravating fans of the original source material by ignoring alternate scenarios or do they try to find a way of combining the various scenario's but run the risk of not doing any of them justice. J.C Staff who did the anime adaptation went for the latter, and it seems like fans of the original visual novel were left unimpressed- though J.C Staff certainly do not help their cause by trying to cram the entire contents of the Visual Novel into just 12 episodes.


So fans of the original visual novel were left unimpressed but how does Tsukihime hold up for viewers like myself, who hasn't actually played the game and more than likely never will. Whilst I can certainly recognize the issues fans of the visual novel would have with the adaptation, with the Tsukihime anime somehow achieving the bizarre sense of being both rushed and slow paced at the start time, I have to admit that I was relatively gripped by the two interweaving stories, without entirely being blown away. I was left with a feeling of mild satisfaction after the conclusion of the series and it was only after I had researched Tsukihime's origin's that I learned of the vehement disgust those who have played the original Visual Novel have for it's anime adaptation.


Where the anime adaptation of Tsukihime mainly manages to succeed is in maintaining an ominous mood throughout, helped largely by it's well judged orchestral soundtrack, and though there are some clunky explanations, especially regarding the origin's of the vampires- it does manage to interweave both of the games separate plots towards a satisfying conclusion, even if fans of the game have probably convinced themselves otherwise.


The central relationship between Shiki and Arcueid, also becomes surprisingly endearing with Arcueid's slightly ditzy persona making for one of the more unique 'vampires' in anime- so much so that along with Shiki, you question whether she really is one, despite displaying supernatural abilities. Their gradually budding relationship from Shiki being forced into what pertains to nothing more than a 'business arrangement' with Arcueid, to Shiki caring for and genuinely wanting to protect the vampire from harm, is what ultimately will keep the viewer invested in the story.


In terms of the supporting cast, the anime also does a solid job of setting up rival heroines, Shiki's senior classmate Ciel and his sister Akiha as both ambiguous allies or antagonists. This is especially the case with Akiha, whose overprotective obsession with her brother is likely to irritate the viewer at first, but does a fine job of setting up Akiha as someone to be suspicious of.


Also though Tsukihime is largely a gothic supernatural series, it does manage to find time to work in some light relief and is relatively successful at doing just that, without taking away from the general mood of the series. This is especially highlighted in an episode where near enough all of the main protagonists and much of the supporting cast take a day trip to the Tokyo Dome City amusement park (called some other 'Bland Name Product' for copyright reasons in the anime itself) where the primary heroines of the series all end up bitching at one another over Shiki- and rather amusing it ends up being. Though it is perhaps disappointing in one sense, that the episode that largely appears to the most fillerish of episodes on paper, ends up being the most entertaining of the entire series.


It also cannot be ignored, that the supernatural battles that take place in the series are on the whole brief and not all that exciting- but these never felt like the primary focus of the series and aren't as big of an issue, than if the story felt like it hinged upon them.


Final Verdict: Those who have played the visual novel will probably disagree but despite it's issues the anime adaptation of Tsukihime manages to be a fairly entertaining gothic mystery.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good: The English dub was produced by Geneon/Bang Zoom entertainment, featuring L.A based talent, with Steve Staley as Shiki, Michelle Ruff as Arcueid, Wendee Lee as Ciel and Julie Ann Taylor as Akiha, cast in the stories key roles.


However despite featuring a cast of veterans, that have produced stellar work in other roles, the dub here ends up feeling a little flat- it's not terrible and decent enough to persevere with (should you choose to watch dub over sub) but I'm pretty sure for most of the cast, many won't be counting this as amongst their best work.

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