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So I picked up the second season of Baka and Test on the cheap recently, and have just finished watching it. This therefore has given me an opportunity to do a combined review of both seasons, to replace the frankly quite rubbish review I did of the first season. :p


I have just re-written over the old review, so here is a link (which as always will also be on the first page) to the new and improved Baka and Test review that now covers both seasons 1 and 2.



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Witchcraft Works






Genre: Supernatural/Fantasy Action


Studio: J.C Staff Director/Writer: Tsutomu Mizushima Source: Manga by Ryū Mizunagi

Original Broadcast: January-March 2014 Episodes: 12 (+1 OVA)


Synopsis: 'Ordinary' high schooler Honoka Takamiya sits next to Tougetsu Academy's annointed 'princess' Ayaka Kagari in class, but never speaks to her as even the slightest interaction will result in her obsessive fanclub beating him up. However one day Honoka is saved from an attacker by a Fire Witch, who just so happens to be Ayaka.


Honoka then finds himself dragged into an ages old conflict between two powerful factions of witches, the Workshop witches who us their magic to protect the world and the Tower Witches who want to use their powers to inflict chaos. Honoka learns that the witches are after the powerful 'white stuff' that resides within him, whilst Ayaka vows to protect the boy she refers to as her 'princess'.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 12 and up- The main female character Ayaka is pretty well endowed, but apart from one instance where she's dressed in a 'sexy' nurses outfit- fanservice is virtually non existent. There are also some hints towards subject matter that some people may find a little 'taboo' for younger viewers such as the well trodden 'Oni-Chan' little sister/big brother incest trope and lesbianism.


Witchcraft works is also packed with a fair amount of fantasy violence, including a rather psychopathic villain that is prepared to use some pretty grave and drastic tactics- though due to the story's often comedic mood, fantasy world rules and the fact that we often don't get to see the consequences of the villain's cruel destruction means that the show does not end up being as dark as it could have ended up being.


Action Level: Fairly High- Though not the entire focus of the show is on action, Witchcraft Works does feature a fairly hefty dose of fantasy style action, some of it fairly conventional (the female lead use flame based attacks), some of it a little more eccentric- such as characters battling with giant armour clad rabbits and giant stuffed bears. The battle sequences on offer here tend to be more short but impactful, rather than long dragged out affairs.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- The eccentricities amongst a fair number of the witches could be seen as cute, but on a whole Witchcraft Works isn't as 'moe' or 'kawaii' as many other shows out there, but isn't so dark/serious as to not have that kind of 'appeal' what so-ever. It is in short, one of those anime that falls somewhere firmly in the middle on the moe scale.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Witchcraft Works on the whole is a visually appealing show that uses a vibrant colour palette to bring it's urban fantasy setting to life. In terms of character design the main male lead Honoka is rather generic looking but there is good deal of variation and imaginative thought put into the character designs of the various witches, whilst still sticking to a collective aesthetic. The consistently striking background art, is backed up by the often dynamic animation- especially during the generally short but visually impactful battle sequences between the witches.


Music: Opening theme Divine Intervention by Fhana, is an energetic but ultimately generic and forgettable slice of J-Pop. The cute and catchy pop of Witch Activity performed by the KMM Gang (which is all the seiyuu for the hapless Ivory Quintet) is an infectious ear-worm of a song, that is made all the more memorable by the perfectly executed end sequence visuals (which I will expand upon more in the analysis section).

Plot & Characters: Witchcraft Works takes place in what appears to be everyday modern Japan- but this version of our world is secretly inhabited by witches- one band that calls themselves the Workshop and use their magical powers to help protect ordinary citizens from being exposed to destructive magic, whilst on the other side you have the Tower Witches who use their magical power to try and descend the world into chaos, because causing destruction just simply amuses them.


The series protagonist Honoka Takamiya, goes to Tougetsu Academy and appears to be an average high-schooler, just one who has to endure sitting next to the schools annointed princess Ayaka Kagari. This is a pain for Honoka, because simply 'existing' in the next seat to Ayaka is met with disdain from her sycophantic fanclub, which pretty much extends to the entire school.


Anyway Honoka soon finds out that neither himself nor Ayaka are all they seem, when Honoka suddenly comes under attack from one of the Tower Witches only to be rescued by Ayaka who reveals herself to be a fire wielding witch. Ayaka then reveals that she has been assigned to protect Honoka that's why they ended up sitting together in class) and that the Tower Witches are after Honoka's 'White Stuff'. His White Stuff, fortunately isn't something you might see in a Hentai but happens to be a superpowerful spirit known as The White Princess 'Evermillion'. Honoka must not break the seals that keep Evermillion in place, as though it will give him great power it will also put him in grave danger, but throughout several antagonists force Honoka to break one of the seals, in spite of the strong and stoic Ayaka's best efforts to protect him.


As it turns out near enough everyone involved with Tougetsu Academy and the town that Honoka lives in, is either a witch or has a strong connection to one. Ayaka's mother Kazane Kagari is the head of the Workshop witches in the town and at the same time the principla of Tougetsu Academy, whilst Honoka's little sister (who has a pretty major big brother complex) also reveals herself to be a witch.


Honoka thought that the biggest obstacle in his life was simply surviving enduring sitting next to Ayaka in class, but that is nothing compared to having to endure being the target of an onslaught of witches hell bent on getting their hands on his power to cause chaos and destruction. The first set of Tower Witches to target him are the Ivory Quintet and their boss Medusa (who just as with the greek myth, can turn her enemies into stone) however these end up being small-fry that are quickly reduced to bumbling comic relief. Causing more of a challenge are the affable but still 'evil' Chronoire Schwarz, who enjoys a somewhat 'frenemy' like relationship with Ayaka's mother Kazane, and the psychopathic Weekend who is prepared to do anything it takes to get her hands on Honoka's 'white stuff' and send the world into total chaos.


Analysis: Lets get straight to the point, when it comes to Witchcraft Works and that point is that here we have what is by and large a fun show with some neat ideas but ultimately something that had the potential to be a more enriching experience. Admittedly the anime adaptation is hamstrung by the fact that a story with a rich fantastical world such as this is crammed into 12 episodes (plus the a 'fluff' OVA). We get hints to things such as a connection between the two main protagonists (Honoka and Ayaka) during their childhood but it never gets explained upon, and it's pretty much left to the viewer to source the original manga to delve deeper- unless of course a probably unlikely second season happens to materialize at some point in the future.


A second season probably is unlikely for a number of reason, because despite not fully exploring it's full potential, it does wrap things up fairly decisively and neatly in terms of the protagonists overcoming the obstacles put in front of them and whilst the series did reasonable sale sales figures in Japan, it wasn't so massive that there is overwhelming demand for a second season and in all honesty that is what ultimately dictates whether or not a second season will be greenlit, regardless of critical reputation and/or potential to squeeze more out of the story.


The backdrop of Witchcraft Works is the on going war between the two factions of witches but the very heart of the story is a role reversal relationship, that see's the male lead placed in the position of being the damsel in distress, whilst the female lead is the heroine. The only problem is that both the leads are kind of dull. I've seen other reviews that describe Honoka as being as interesting as Oatmeal, and they wouldn't be far wrong- his personality is basically nice guy that is too weak to do anything but is desperate to grow stronger, so that he can be more useful.


Ayaka as the stoic, overpowered badass determined to protect Honoka is a little bit better, as her lack of social skills does lend itself towards some comedic potential, but after a while there is only so much one can do with ridiculously strong and stoic and in the end it becomes pretty much that the two dullest people that exist in the world of Witchcraft Works happen to be the one's we are supposed to be most invested in.


Thankfully the supporting cast end up making the show a pretty fun watch. Because of the sheer enormity of the cast, many of the characters lack depth but that doesn't stop them being able to leave their mark. Most notable among these are the five Tower Witches, known as the Ivory Quintet, that act as the initial antagonists in the game- these basically end up being a gang of near harmless villains due to be utterly incompetent, in the grand tradition of Team Rocket from Pokemon. There really isn't much more to them than that, but their bumbling ways bring a much needed dose of comic relief and in all honesty the story always felt more fun when they were on screen, than when Witchcraft Works was trying to be more serious.


That being said the villainous witch of Weekend, made for an effective antagonist later on in the series, due to her psychopathic ways and ability to be one step ahead of the heroes, which makes her oh so irritating and very easy to hate, which is exactly as it should be.


Admittedly Witchcraft Works does also benefit greatly from being a visually appealing series, whilst the direction in terms of the battle sequences is also to be applauded- with the fights between the witches throughout the series never feeling long and drawn out but always impactful enough to leave their mark with the viewer, and who couldn't fail to be impressed by a slugging match between a giant stuffed bear and an giant armored rabbit?!


Finally special mention must be given for the delightful ending song animation, which I suppose you could refer to as being horrific yet adorable at the same time. The really quite genius end sequence, see's the hapless Ivory Quintet in chibi form singing the ending theme, whilst being shown to endure various forms of torture and execution witches might have been subjected to in the middle ages (such as being put on the rack or burned at the stake). Though there was more to Witchcraft Works in the end that it's cute yet slightly disturbing end sequence, that end sequence admittedly provides the enduring image of Witchcraft Works anime adaptation.


Final Verdict: Witchcraft Works is a fairly enjoyable fluff time filler, delivering a decent mix of comedy, action and drama and presenting it with a somewhat intriguing role reversal premise. Unfortunately it doesn't fully realise the rich potential of it's setting, whilst the leading protagonists are unfortunately the two least interesting characters in the entire story.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good: Though it's still relatively early days, seeing as this series was released last year, Witchcraft Works hasn't actually received an English license of any kind, which is slightly surprising, seeing as whilst the show wasn't a massive hit, it wasn't you would consider a flop either.

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I enjoyed Witchcraft Works quite a bit, especially its kind of role-reversal between the main characters where its the male that is the one that has to be protected by the female. The over the top comedy and action also helped make it entertaining for me as well. if it doesn't get a second season that will be disappointing but the whole magical witches and school\academy anime scene has had a lot of entries over the past few seasons so I can see it getting kind of lost in that crowd.
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I found witchcraft boring overall. Both the anime and the manga.


The MC is pretty much the stereotype of this genre and while I like emotionless girls in comedies this one was just meh.


Not even the quirkier secondary characters caught my attention which is one of the only ways for me to force myself to finish an anime I find boring.

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Ore Monogatari!!

(aka My Love Story!!)







Genre: Romantic Comedy


Studio: Madhouse Director: Morio Asaka Writer: Natsuko Takahashi Source: Manga by Kazune Kawahara

Original Broadcast: April-September 2015 Episodes: 24


Synopsis: 'Gentle Giant' Takeo Goda fails to attract the attention of girls, due to his unconventional size and looks. Any girl he would like to ask out, end up falling for his bishonen best friend Sunakawa, who much to Takeo's frustration keeps on rejecting the advances of the many cute girls Takeo dreams of being with.


However one day Takeo's fate suddenly changes when he saves a petite highschool girl called Yamato from a groper on the train to school. Takeo can barely believe his luck when his paths cross with the cute Yamato-chan again, and finds himself falling for her- though given his (lack of) history with the opposite sex, he immediately thinks that Yamato must have eyes for his handsome best friend Sunakawa. However unbeknownst to Takeo this is not the case and Yamato-san has in fact fallen head over heels for him!


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 12 and Up- In terms of possibly objectionable content Ore Monogatari is virtually fanservice and violence free and it's only really the odd (usually mild) hint towards situations of a more adult nature, such as the groper on the train incident that sets up the unusual romance at the start of the story, that has me not quite recommending this as being suitable for all ages.


Action Level: Very Low- Takeo is an athletic freak of a man, but if you're looking for lots of action, you aren't going to find it with this series.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- This show might end up giving you diabetes it's so sickly sweet at times. Rinko Yamato is painfully cute, with her petite looks, sweet personality and high pitched voice (something that might grate with some people, for me it's right on that borderline of being cute rather than annoying), whilst the general lovey dovey nature of the central protagonists romance is practically the anime equivalent of being fed sweets whilst surrounded by pink fluffy bunnies.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The art and animation from Madhouse studios for Ore Monogatari is consistently solid, rather than outstanding- which is perfectly fine for a romantic comedy such as this. The colour palette is light and bright, suiting the fluffy mood of the show, whilst the big framed, almost gonkish lead Takeo Goda leaves an impression with his memorable character design. Everyone else (co-lead Rinko Yamato included) is a bit more generic in their design but that only serves to make the stories unconventional protagonist stand out more.


Music: The soundtrack in general is probably the weakest part of Ore Monogatari, it's not ears plugs at the ready bad but both in terms of the OP and ED songs and the OST, it's just kind of 'there'. The opening song 'Mirakei Answer' by Trustrick is a perfectly fine but pretty bog standard slice of J-Pop (though it was fun to see the song performed in Karaoke form by a couple of the characters in one of the episodes- something I always find amusing in an anime), whilst the ending song "Shiawase no Arika" by Local Connect is your standard fare mid-tempo ballady number, whilst the OST put together by instrumental group S.E.N.S Project is serviceable rather than impactful.


Plot & Characters: Ore Monogtari's plot is a pretty basic one, that simply follows the seemingly unlikely romance between a hulkish high school boy and a pretty, petite high school girl with a love of baking cakes. The central couple of Takeo Goda and Rinko Yamato, fall deeply in love with each other- there is very little in the way of a will they/wont they get together narrative to the story, and it's more about them overcoming little hurdles and misunderstandings that could jeopardize their relationship.


Takeo is big, loud and energetic but one that has a big heart and is always willing to what he can to help people. His 'gorilla' like physique and intensity often sees him mistaken for being intimidating by strangers that do not know him, but those who do know Takeo, know that he is generous, gentle giant. It's this generosity and kindness, that immediately strikes at the heart of Rinko during the train groper incident, that see's the couple at the heart of this unique love story cross paths. Takeo may be strong physically and also have a big heart, but he's not the sharpest tool on the box and often has problems misreading the feelings of his girlfriend and their are several points where his old fashioned ways cause several mini crisis for the relationship.


Rinko Yamato, the girl that falls in love with Takeo is a pretty, petite girl with a shy, cute personality. She would have no problem getting more conventionally handsome guys to fall for her, so it's a real shock to her friends when she introduces Takeo as her boyfriend and not his bishonen friend Suna. Rinko like Takeo is kind hearted, but has a more quieter, demure personality in contrast to her loud boyfriend, and it's this shyness which causes some of the miscommunication that leads to the little drama's that put their otherwise rock solid and loved up relationship in jeopardy at several points in the story.


Whilst the story of Ore Monogatari is primarily about Takeo Goda and Rinko Yamato, it's arguable that the 'Bromance' between Takeo and his best friend since elementary school Makoto Sunakawa is just as important to the show. At first you will wonder how the seemingly aloof 'Suna' ever managed to be friends with Takeo but it soon becomes apparent that this is a strong friendship, with their chalk and cheese personalities complimenting one another, rather than clashing. The studious, level headed Suna is the calming influence that Takeo often needs to help him understand what life throws at thim better, whilst in exchange Suna gets to be consistently amused by the antics of his boisterous friend.


Unlike other romance stories, Ore Monogatari doesn't really have a consistent 'rival' throughout, and instead throws up a series of possible rivals, that have feelings for either Takeo or Rinko- these include a neighbour that has been able to see Takeo's kind hearted nature blossom since childhood, a schoolgirl that falls for Takeo when she witnesses the same sort of chivalrous behaviour that got Rinko to fall for him and a work colleague of Rinko, that shares the same interests as her, and has Takeo doubting why Rinko would want him as her boyfriend.


There are also a couple of relationships, among the supporting cast that help to contrast with Takeo and Rinko's near perfect love at first sight relationship. Among these are the unrequited crush of someone, who knows that their target is in love with somebody else and just wants to see their crush be happy, whether is with them or not. A more awkwardly brought together romance between respective school friends of Takeo and Rinko, that probably serves as a more conventional and realistic portrayal of high school romance, in contrast to the fluffiness of the central romance, and finally the long unrequited secret crush of a girl on Suna, that makes Rinko come across as out going and confident in comparison.


The supporting cast is completed by the neighbouring families of Takeo and Suna. Takeo's strong willed mother Yuriko , who is expecting a second child, is the one that ends up leaving the most impression and it's easy to see where Takeo gets his helpful, generous attitude from.


Analysis: Ore Monogatari immediately catches the eye due to it's unusual central romance. These are two people you would never think of putting together, be in real life or in fiction, but here we have perhaps the sweetest, most endearing romance between the unlikeliest of couples. Rinko Yamato as the pretty, petite but generally shy and soft spoken girl is your typical shojo romance lead, it's just that Takeo Goda is far from typical.


Takeo in more conventional stories would be the comic relief best friend and his bishonen friend Suna would be the co central protagonist- but there lies Ore Monogatari's unique selling point and it's one that this rather unconventional romance, manages to turn into an endearing love story, where you are just wishing nothing drastic comes along to ruin the rainbows and flowers mood that ends up engulfing the story.


There are times where Takeo and Rinko's romance does border on the sickeningly sweet, but it's nice to see a story blossom between two kind hearted characters with little in the way of major crisis or dark melodrama. There's enough mini-crisis and misunderstandings throughout the story that puts their loved up relationship in jeopardy but refreshingly Ore Monogatari doesn't go down the route of seeing either of the main protagonists, spiraling into moments of deep despair. Sure there are misunderstandings and little crisis of confidence from either Rinko or Takeo, but compared to other romances, the drama is light.


Some might end up being disappointed by the lack of true conflict and drama in this love story, but what Ore Monogatari lacks in DRAMA, it makes up for that with truly likeable characters and consistently funny comedy. Takeo is such a unique romantic lead, its hilarious to see this boisterous 'gorilla' of a mans man, somehow fumble his way through an unlikely romance with the attractive girly girl that by conventional standards he shouldn't have a cat in hells chance of being with.


As sweet and endearing as Takeo and Rinko's unlikely relationship is, what really makes Ore Monogatari work, is the paralell friendship/bromance between Takeo and his best friend Suna. Their chalk and cheese personalities, compliment each other both in a comedic sense with Suna's deadpan snark playing off Takeo's turned up to 11 intensity and also dramatically with Suna providing the perfect support to his friend and helping to fill in the 'gaps' that the often dense Takeo struggles with his romance blossoms with Rinko.


It has to be said that arguably the most unconventional 'wingman' in the history of romantic comedy, ends up being the real hero of Ore Monogatari!! as perhaps without Suna around the relationship between Takeo and Rinko would have ended up falling apart, without him being around to steer either them throughout the several misunderstandings that provides the consistent flow of light drama to be found in Ore Monogatari.


Final Verdict: Ore Monogatari!! won't be for everyone, this unique take on the shojo romance formula, may well be too sickly sweet and lacking in enough meaty drama and conflict for some. However those willing to be open to it's charms should be taken in by it's endearing characters and appealing mix of pure hearted romance and raucous comedy.




Is the Dub Any Good: Ore Monogatari!! has only just finished airing, so as expected there is no English dub produced as of yet. However Sentai Filmworks have picked up the North American license for the series, so it's highly likely there will be an English dub at some point in the future.


Foot Note: Ore Monogatari!! is listed under it's English title of My Love Story!! on Crunchyroll, where it is available to stream. I guess they made that decision, so that viewers don't get confused and think that this part of the Monogatari series produced by Shaft. I chose to refer to it by it's original Japanese title in my review, simply for personal preference. I think if the original Japanese title of the series isn't too long winded and trips off the tongue easily enough, then my preference always will be to for the Japanese title but there is often times though where the English title is easier to write and/or sounds better.

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I enjoyed this series , even though its a little out of my normal ballpark. the shows that I have watched that I would somewhat compare it to would be Toradora and and Wolf Girl and Black Prince ( although not exact comparisons but both are high school romance animes that I have seen recently)

Toradora is a far stronger anime in terms of characters and the love story isn't really resolved till the end unlike this show but Ore Monogatari has better representation of characters and isn't a twisted relationship like Wolf Girl and Black Prince.


So while all three are watchable animes of this genre, I would rate

Toradora - Must see

Ore Monogatari- Worth seeing

Wolf Girl and Black Prince - watchable, although the main characters may not be very likeable

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Don't know how much review backlog you currently have, but if you start taking recommendations for animes to review I'd like to recommend Charlotte from this last season on Crunchyroll.


I've got a few reviews in the pipeline, but I reckon I might be able to get round to reviewing that one fairly soon. One of them is a request from way back, that I didn't get round to doing (Aldnoah Zero) because at the time Crunchyroll pissed me off when the app to watch it on my Samsung Smart TV was removed. That app was great, because it allowed me to watch anime through Crunchyroll on my TV without having to fart about with a laptop computer and a device you stick into the back of a TV (e.g Chromecast).


CR still has plenty of shows I would want to watch, so I'm still going to be using them as source to watch anime but I was still annoyed enough by the situation to cancel my premium subscription with them. Right now I'm just watching CR content on my computer, but I miss watching it on my TV, so will have to bite the bullet and get something like a Chromecast.


I have however also discovered Viewster as a alternative anime streaming source that broadcasts in the UK and they actually have an app that works on my TV. I did check Viewster out a long time back , but the content was very poor. However I recently checked them out again, and though the range of shows, isn't quite as extensive as Crunchyroll, it now has a pretty good catalogue of anime, with a mix of older classic series (where the DVD is out of print in the UK) and newer fare (some of which is also on CR, some which isn't).

Right now my DVD backlog is very low (and will only grow again after I probably receive a few shows I want as Xmas presents)....I would say right now I have in the pipeline to reviews.....


1. Prison School (Viewster)- Currently watching


2. Aldnoah Zero (CR)- It was requested quite a few months back, so better get round to watching it.


3. Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero (DVD)


4. Charlotte (CR)- Dragonmack's request.


What I might do after that is not necessarily ask for recommendations as such, but give a shortlist of shows I'm thinking of reviewing next and then ask which one the readers would like to see my review next. The problem with asking for recommendations out-right is that they might not always be available to me, due to regional licensing restrictions.

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I suggested Ookiku Furikabutte earlier, which is free on YouTube through Funimation's own channel and might be the kind of show you like due to the good character development and good animation style (especially the facial expressions).


I'll add it to the queue of stuff, I'll get round to reviewing first before I move on to 'newer' stuff. But for now please no more requests/suggestions until I've cleared my current backlog (which hopefully I should be able to do within the next couple of weeks).

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Prison School







Genre: Ecchi Comedy


Studio: J.C Staff Director: Tsutomu Mizushima Writer: Michiko Yokote Source: Manga by Akira Hokuto

Original Broadcast: July -September 2015 Episodes: 12


Synopsis: Hachimitsu Academy is an exclusive boarding school with strict rules attended by elite young women, but for the first time in it's history the school breaks tradition by allowing boys to join the school. However among a student population that is at least a thousand strong, only five boys make it in and the school's draconian laws where even the most minor infringement is met with harsh punishment, means that the boys tenure at Hachimitsu Academy is going to be tougher than hell.


A series of perverted accidents end up with the boys arrested by the school's sadistic Underground Student Council, and they are issued an ultimatum- either spend a month in the school's Prison Block, where they will be put through a rehabilitation program or suffer the humiliation of being expelled from the school.


Recommended Viewing Age: Adults Only- Prison School is definitely not a series you'll be settling down to watch with the kids. It's serves up regular doses of strong ecchi level fanservice especially from the inexplicably large chested Meiko, graphically depicted ultra violent punishment is constantly handed out to the boys by the sadistic antagonists the Underground Student Council and lashings of lewd/twisted adult humour.


Action Level: Fairly Low- Whilst Prison School has it's fair share of graphic violence- you couldn't really call it an action series, as it is more a case of watching a series of one sided beatings from some ridiculously strong and vicious girls to a bunch of fairly 'weak' boys.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Very Low- The two romance interests of lead boy Kiyoshi, are the closest thing the series gets to 'moe'- with nice girl Chiyo and the tsundere USC member Hana. But in general the series is very far removed from being cute, and is the kind of series that may well be too sick and twisted for some.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Faithful to the highly detailed art to be found in the manga, Prison School uses fairly realistic looking character designs (the exception being the grotesque gonk Andre) with strong background art, that consistently captures the desperate conditions that the male students finds themselves in.


The animation whether it's the violent beatings the boys take, or the near the knuckle ecchi fanservice is on the whole delivered beautifully- though in Prison School's case that may not necessarily be the right word, to describe how well pretty much every scene of this anime is delivered- even at times some people may feel like looking away. The real triumph of the art and animation however is the often detailed and varied facial expressions on the characters faces, as they go through the various gross, intense or down right embarrassing situations throughout the series.


Perhaps the biggest surprise of Prison School is that the anime adaptation was not done by something like Madhouse Studios (who have a history for taking on edgy 'seinen' fare such as this) and instead was executed by J.C Staff- a studio where romantic comedies such as Toradora! spring to mind first. Though J.C Staff has done plenty of action based fantasy shows in the past they've always been served with a considerable dose of 'moe' and they've not taken on anything near as edgy as Prison School, since Excel Saga, which was over 15 years ago.


Music: Both the opening and ending songs are performed by the original seiyuu for the five male students that find themselves incarcerated in Hachimitus Academy's prison, under the collective name of Kangoku Danshi.

The opening song Ai No Prison is a raucous, thousand mile an hour slice of punk rock goodness, that perfectly captures the male students desire to break free from their dire situation. From a personal music taste standpoint, it's right up my hard rocking alley but the fact that it matches the story itself so perfectly, is what makes it a truly great opening.


Ending song Tsumibukaki Oretachi no Sanka (Our Sinful Hymn) is probably the weaker of the two shows, but is still pretty damn good it's own right and the songs casual style captures the often oddball vibe of Prison School. If the opening is the immediately striking A-Side, the ending is the quirkier B-Side that ends up growing on you more and more over time.


Kotaro Nakagawa put together a solid enough OST, though admittedly it is strongly overshadowed by the triumphantly good OP/ED combo when it comes to discussing the music to be found in Prison School.


Plot & Characters: Prison School see's five male students admitted into an exclusive academy, that previously only allowed female students. The five students foolishly try to peep into the girls changing room- but as expected the plan backfires with grave consequences and see's them on the end of Hachimitsu's Academies strict punishment of being sent to the school's prison block.


There they are 'rehabilitated' by the influential Underground Student Council, three girls with a hardcore disdain for the opposite sex. The boys soon find out that not only do these girls want to humiliate them in anyway possible, be it physical or psychological, they want to drive the boys out of Hachimitsu Academy all together- as breaking the rules within the Prison such as staging a Prison Break- will result in expulsion from the school.

Among the five boys looking to survive the Prison and eventually turn the tables on their oppressors, the main protagonist is Kiyoshi Fujino. Of the group he is the most rational and 'normal' of the boys, but still regularly finds himself drawn into accidentally perverted situations (most often with the USC's psychotic secretary Hana). He develops feelings for a girl called Chiyo (bonding over the fact that they both have the same Sumo wrestler eraser) prior to the incident that put the boys into the Prison, and the early portion of the story, see's him trying to break out to keep the promise of going to see the Sumo with Chiyo- who is willing to believe that Kiyoshi is not the degenerate pervert he has been branded as by the Underground Student Council.


Though Kiyoshi is the main protagonist of the anime, it has to be said that on the whole Takehito "Gakuto" Morokuzu is the leader of the group, and the 'brains' who generally leads the boys in any attempt to either stage an escape or foil the USC's plans to get the boys expelled. Often on the end of the most heinous beatings from the boys oppressive captors, Gakuto is eccentric to the point that he can often come across as moronic but is consistently able to prove himself to be a brilliant strategist, worthy of a dedicated otaku of the Three Kingdoms.


The rest of the group is taken up by the 'delinquent' Shingo Wakamoto (who ends up turning antagonistic at a point in the series) though next to Kiyoshi he's probably the most 'normal' of the five boys, the hooded quiet oddball Jouji 'Jou' Nezo and the obesely fat Reiji 'Andre' Andou who ends up being too kinky to torture due to his fetish for masochistic abuse.


Heading up the cruelly abusive Underground Student Council is the president Mari Kurihara- rarely getting her own hands dirty by dishing out the abuse to the boys directly herself, she instead mostly schemes from behind the scenes as she looks to drive the boys out of the school. Her skewed worldview that all men are scum, is probably driven by the fact that her father (who also happens to be the Chairman of the School) is a huge pervert himself with an incurable ass fetish and the embarassment of having a pervert as a father, appears to have driven Mari's cold and harsh worldview and agenda against all men.


The main disher of physical punishment towards the boys is the physically powerful and massively endowed vice president Meiko Shiraki. Despite dishing out cruel punishment to the boys time and time again, there is the odd tiny glimpse that Meiko doesn't entirely agree with the president's decisions, but on the whole she is undyingly loyal to her friend. It could be read that whilst Mari has a deep disdain for men all together, Meiko appears to get off more on the fact that she is a position of dominance and just simply enjoys dishing out punishment.


Rounding out the USC is Hana, seemingly a cute girl at first glance, Hana turns out to be a Karate expert, and even more dangerous to cross than Meiko. She ends up in a series of embarrasing situations with Kiyoshi (mostly revolving around urination), and ends up becoming psychotically obsessed with wanting to exact revenge on him, however during this process Hana ends up transforming this into an obvious crush on him- though Kiyoshi only really has eyes for Chiyo (who unfortunately for Kiyoshi ends up having close ties to one of the USC members) and does not want any part of Hana's obsessive attention.


The plot of Prison School basically follows three seperat arcs over it's 12 episodes, the first arc is centred upon the boys initial incarceration and then Kiyoshi's plans to escape to fulfill his 'date' with Chiyo, the second arc see's the USC put their plan to get the boys expelled from Hachimitsu Academy all together into effect, whilst the final arc is the boys attempts to prove their innocence and keep their place in the school.


Analysis: Prison School is one of those anime's that you will feel a bit 'dirty' about enjoying but cannot help find entertaining (unless of course you are easily offended). In what could quite easily be subtitled BDSM: The Anime, five hapless boys enrol in a (previously) all girls school and then have to endure a term in the school's high security prison, after a infringement involving the sort of perverted high-jinks typically found in a number of ecchi comedies- namely the futile attempt to spy on the girls bathing/getting changed.


The idea of a school having it's own prison is absurd in the first place, the fact that it's run by an alternative arm of the student council, consisting of three man hating uber bitches with a serious axe to grind is even more ridiculous. And oh boy do these girls love to be down right mean and nasty to these boys anyway they can- physically abusing them at every turn and constantly scheming to belittle their prisoners. As antagonists the Underground Student Council, are downright appalling, with very little in the way of redeeming qualities and you're probably someone with as much a screw loose as them, if you don't want to see them get some form of retribution for their miscreant acts by the end of the series.


Now I would say that I am all for sexual equality, and have nothing against strong women. The thing is Prison School might have strong women among it's principal cast, but it unfortunately promotes the idea that in order to be a strong woman, you're going to be a man hating harpie with resentment issues. This series does nothing to promote gender equality, if anything it helps to send it back several decades which is why along with the series consistently perverted tone, I felt kind of 'dirty' enjoying the hell out of what was presented before me.......


But you know what on his occasion screw morality, as though Prison School has it's dubious faults, it is consistently entertaining and raucously funny. Whilst many fanservice heavy comedies, particularly those of the harem genre- create cookie cutter 'situations' that lead to some light titillation and eye rolling 'accidents'- Prison School's humiliating situations for the prisoners (and sometimes even their oppressors) consistently drive the plot.


Things such as a stolen kiss between Kiyoshi and the un-hinged secretary of the USC Hana, becomes an epic battle of mind games, or the boys having to come up with an answer over whether boobs or butts are better, in order to help extend their stay in the school are two of the more prominent and impressive example's of the series consistent ability to take absurd, often perverted situations and turn them into epic, moments of high drama and tension. Albeit epic moments that are simultaneously provide side splitting moments of hilarity. In fact Kiyoshi's butts are better than boobs speech, may be one of the greatest scenes of all time, whatever the form of entertainment.


With a constant stream of ecchi fanservice, kinky fetishes and extreme violence, Prison School isn't afraid to push the envelope and one has to admire the series for not taking any half measures, when it comes to the series adult content*. J.C Staff might left many surprised as the studio assigned to adapt Prison School but it has to be said they did a good job of keeping the feel and vision of Akira Hokuto's boundaries pushing manga, both in terms of the series look and mood conveyed throughout.


There are those that who have read the manga, who might feel that the anime adaptation breezes by the arcs it's adapts slightly too quickly over it's one cour run of 12 episodes, but for me I felt the anime adaptation was perfectly paced and knew just when to ramp up the viewers disdain enough for the reprehensible antagonists of the Underground Student Council, before we are given some hope that the oppressed male students have a chance of fighting back against the awful situation they find themselves in......


It's possible some may find the following statement to be a minor spoiler in itself, so if you've not watched Prison School and wish to so, you may want to skip past this next bit, but it's not to mention Prison School's conclusion in any shape or form when it comes to assessing it's success as a series.......


Perhaps because the series antagonists are so reprehensibly nasty (especially in the case of the OSC's president and her bitter/ warped view on the entire male gender) that the conclusion is all that more satisfying and rewarding. We the viewer suffer along with the incarcerated boys to absolute breaking point, so when the tables finally turn on these infuriating girls on a power trip, it couldn't be any more sweeter. And in all honesty whether or not Prison School would deliver the conclusion we were all gagging for or leave us frustrated would be the difference between the kind of series I would mildly recommended for being entertaining in it's own strange way or a surprisingly rewarding series with a thrilling story in spite of it's kinky boundary pushing exterior.


The manga itself is on-going, and a post credits sequence teases the possibility of a second season- if there really is more mileage in the Prison School story, then a second season would not be at all unwelcome.


Final Verdict: Prison School won't be for the easily offended, being a series that consistently pushes the boundaries of morality and taste- but beyond it's kinky and violent exterior is a story about five boys bounded together by one common fate and their struggle to overcome adversity. Easy to dismiss as a trashy ecchi fanservice show at first glance in the end Prison School is triumphantly rewarding series that is both tensely dramatic and riotously funny.




Is the Dub Any Good: Lately Funimation have started doing a process called Broadcast Dubs, where the English dub of the show is recorded close to the broadcast of the actual show in Japan, rather than waiting for the Japanese version to have finished airing.


Unfortunately the dub for Prison School highlights the potential problems for this process, as it has to be said that this is Funimation's most disappointing and shakiest dub in quite a while and on this occasion I will have to say that it's best to stick with sub, something I don't normally say with a Funimation dub.


Whilst most of the individual acting performances in the dub, are actually OK and I think Eric Vale as Gakuto does a decent job of capturing the spirit of Katsuyuki Konishi's original performance in the Japanese version, there are also some downright strange performances that end up hurting the dub. Chief among these is Sonny Strait's turn as Andre, with the odd decision to give the character a Gollum like voice, that doesn't at all match the original performance.


However the real controversy and sticking point for many people with the dub, is with some of the liberal localization by the scriptwriters. In particular one line shoe-horned in by Tyson Rinehart making reference to the Gamergate controversy centred around sexism in the gaming industry caused quite a furore. Not only was the line needlessly bringing outside politics into the adaptation but it ended up being far removed from the context of the original line. Unfortunately adaption failures and controversies such as this only give more fuel to the fire for the sub elitist diehards who like to tell everyone that all dubs are shit.


From my viewpoint, I have no problem with localization up to a point, and I get why the dubbing studio's change some of the lines in their dubs, such as pop culture references in order for it to connect to a wider audience.


Though the argument can be had, that most anime fans are going to be up on their Japanese pop culture in general. However when you completely change a line, that is not making any kind of reference to pop culture or current affairs in the first place then that's when I personally feel that those working on the script of the English dub are taking liberties- the fact that this time the line made reference to a controversy going on in a community that will likely have crossover with many in the anime fan community, only added unnecessary fuel to the fire.


* Censorship Rant: Much of the fanservice in the TV broadcast version is censored in traditional anime fashion by steam clouds. As frustrating as this may be, that censorship needed to be there in order for the series to be broadcast on TV in Japan. If the 'steamcloud' censorship is still there once the series makes it's way onto the Blu-Ray/DVD releases then if you really are looking for some 2D titillation then you'll have something to complain about, but quite frankly Prison School actually has more going for it than whether or we get a view of one of the girls nipples.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Would have had my next review up by this weekend, but I got struck down with a stinking cold on Thursday and am only just starting to get over it. Hoping to have the next review up now in the next couple of days and then throw in an anime film review (not done a film one for a while) by the weekend.
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Has anyone seen Seven Deadly Sins? It just got added to Netflix and it sounds promising. I read a few reviews and it sounds like it could be a lot of fun.



I'm a few episodes into it and it's pretty enjoyable. It didn't reinvent the wheel or anything, but still fun.

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Aesthetica Of A Rogue Hero








Genre: Fantasy- Action/ Ecchi Harem


Studio: Arms Director: Rion Kujou Writer: Ryunosuke Kingetsu Source: Light Novels by Tetsuto Uesu.

Original Broadcast: July -September 2012 Episodes: 12 (+ 7 OVA Shorts)


Synopsis: In a world where human's can cross over to parallel worlds, one such young man Akatsuki Osawa has built up a reputation as an all conquering hero in the land of swords and sorcery known as Alayzard, albeit one with a reputation as something of a brazen perverted rogue.


When the Dark Lord is defeated by Akatsuki, he requests that his conquerer takes his daughter Miu with him. Akatusuki crossed back over to his own world with Miu, and with the cover of Miu as his younger sister, the pair enroll in BABEL a safe-haven for magic users that have crossed over worlds.

However Akatuski and Miu soon learn that many enemies lie in wait or are on their trail on both sides of the dimensional divide.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (Approx 16+) and up- With an unashamed pervert as the main protagonist, it was inevitable that the level of ecchi fanservice for the show would be pretty strong. Breasts are regularly on show (uncensored with nipples in the DVD version at least-if you really want to know about that sort of thing), whilst serial panty snatcher Akatsuki, regularly gets to fondle the girls- especially Miu, which seems to pretty much always be 'accidentally on purpose'.


The fantasy violence on offer, is fairly mild in comparison to the fanservice and though the ecchi never gets to levels where you feel like the boundaries of taste are being pushed, even for the most liberal of adults- it's strong enough that the series can only really be deemed suitable for mature teens and older.


Action Level: Fairly High- If you're looking for swords and sorcery style fantasy action, including epic boss battles with Dragon's, then Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero provides plenty of that throughout the series, in between the copious amounts of ecchi fanservice.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero, includes several 'cute' girls with typical moe traits, not least the co-main protagonist Myuu. Others such as Kuzuha and student council VP Haruka, fit specific stereotypes such as the token mini-moe loli character and the irascible tsundere. From an overall aesthetic though, there are shows with a stronger 'moe' vibe in comparison to this one, whose whole mood is built upon a mix of sword and sorcery fantasy elements and ecchi fanservice 'tissue bait'.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The anime adaptation for 'Rogue Hero' (as I will now be referring to the series from now on for most of the review) was taken on by Arms an anime studio with an infamous reputation for adapting material laden with ecchi fanservice. It's in the fan service scenes that the art and animation shines brightest, rather than the action, which often feels like an afterthought (despite the prevalence of fantasy action scenes throughout) in comparison to the animation of breasts being fondled etc.


The action set pieces aren't terribly animated by any means, but lack the sort of energy and invention to help the series stand out from the crowd. The same can be said for the art in general for 'Rogue Hero' from the background art to the slightly generic but admittedly attractive character designs. All in all the series is easy enough on the eyes but does not leave enough of an impact to declare 'Rogue Hero' a visual feast.


Music: The music for 'Rogue Hero' from the soundtrack to the OP and ED is what I would call competent, rather than impressive. Nothing feels out of place but nothing really stands out either, from the standard orchestral score put together by the composing team MOKA to the pair of decent enough but forgettable slices of rock tinged J-Pop that book end the show as the opening and ending songs.


Plot & Characters: The story begins with the protagonist and titular 'Rogue Hero' Akatuski defeating the Dark Lord in the fantasy world of Alayzard and then on his fallen foes request, taking the Dark Lords daughter with him and crossing back over to modern day Japan.


Whilst in Japan Miu takes on the identity of being Akatuski's little sister, where both end up enrolling at BABEL (a special high school for teens returning from other worlds with special powers), which has links to a shadowy organisation known as COCCOON that appears to be monitoring the progress of the powerful Akatsuki. Meanwhile back in Alayzard, there are those in that world who want to track down the dark lord's daughter and bring her to the same demise to their father.


As the series progresses Akatsuki and Miyu find themselves up against a series of obstacles, whether thats looking to bring Akatsuki down a peg or two or Miyu's very existence being under threat. Antagonists range from BABEL students going off the rails, a student council jealous of the fact that Akatsuki may just be more powerful than them and a world crossing blood knight sent to track down and eliminate 'the Dark Lords Daughter'

The 'Rogue Hero' himself Akatsuki can be seen as a deconstruction of sorts, of the typical ecchi harem protagonist. Self assured to the point of being cocky, he has no shame in ogling or touching up the ladies, and his sexual misdeeds are not played up as the usual accident, even if sometimes he tries to nonchantly pass it off as such.


If the panty snatching and general pervy behaviour often see's Akatsuki on the end of the opposite sex's wrath, then he makes up for that with his chivalrous qualities and caring side beyond the cocky facade. If there is one thing that will fire- up Akatsuki to take down a foe, then it's the tears of a girl, because nothing enrages Akatsuki more than someone doing something that makes a girl start bawling their eyes out.


Though most of the students of BABEL are magic users, Akatsuki does not actually use magic himself and his incredible power comes from energy manipulation. It might look like magic to most other people but he does not use incantations to cast spells and magical barriers are ineffective against his attacks.


In what can be considered to be the secondary protagonist of the story, Miyu is the pink haired large breasted daughter of the fallen Dark Lord- so large breasted in fact that she is a walking wardrobe malfunction. At first glance there seems to be little more to the character than being the sweet and cute 'little sister' that occasionally gets irritated by her 'big brothers' roguish behaviour.


It soon becomes apparent though that there is a little more depth to Miyu's character. Initially struggling over the fact that she is under the care of her father's executioner, she is torn between resenting Akatsuki for what he did, and seeing that (perverted stuff aside) he is a nice guy that genuinely cares for her well being. Later on as a threat to Miyu from Alayzard crosses over, she struggles with being a burden to Akatsuki and the friends she has made at BABEL.


The stories recurring supporting cast, comprises pretty much entirely of fellow attendees of BABEL, save for the odd glimpse back into Alayzard. In Akatsuki and Miyu's class, Class B there is the diminutive class president Kuzuha (who is actually a grade school age girl but has been promoted up to the high school branch due to her remarkable intelligence, plus Chikage a tomboyish lesbian, who is almost as much of a sexual miscreant as Akatuski himself and the hot headed bully Kenya, who as with most bullies tends to pick on weaker students.


Class A is headed up by the student council, whose cold and calculating president Kyoya is also a member of COCCOON and is always attending business away from the school. He appears to be very powerful and may well be the match of Akatsuki, should the two ever wage battle against each other.


When Kyoya is away, the vice president Haruka is left in charge- she resents Akatuski for up-staging them and belittling the student council's authority. However as she witnesses Akatsuki's more noble qualities beneath the roguish authority baiting exterior, she begins to admire her 'rival' more and develops a tsundere like relationship towards him. The other two student council members Ryohei and Minami aren't anywhere near as hung up on Akatsuki as Haruka is.


Also in Class A is the laid-back Motoharu, always cutting class he befriends Akatsuki, practically declaring himself Akatsuki best friend. However it is also implied that Motoharu might not be who he seems, and that he has ulterior motives often taking mysterious phone-calls- and as with the class president Kyoya it is is implied that his abilities could be a match for Akatsuki should they ever lock horns.


Analysis: Studio Arms are certainly on familiar territory here, having been the same animation studio to adapt the ecchi fantasy adventure franchise Queens Blade. Not that the two series are anyway like one another beyond the fact that both feature a mix of fantasy violence and ecchi fanservice.


However it doesn't matter how experienced a studio is at adapting certain works, if there is little to offer beyond boobs and battles. Thankfully 'Rogue Hero' does have a little more to offer in terms of both it's story and it's characters but ends up being hamstrung by a 12 episode adaptation that ends up with the viewer having more questions than answers by the end of the series.


It's ends up being a frustrating watch as the story gradually unravels more intrigue and depth beyond it's initially shallow facade only to hit you with a 'Read the Manga' ending and with several years having now past since the first (and thus far only) season was aired, it seems unlikely that we will get to see a follow up season and have those many questions resolved- and unless you're fluent in reading Japanese you have no chance of continuing the series at all, as the Light Novels the series is adapted from have not been translated into English.


The story opens in a relatively interesting manner, beginning where most stories tend to end with the hero of the story defeating what would normally be seen to be the primary antagonist, it then continues to pique the interest with the unique angle of the conquering hero taking on the duty of becoming the guardian of his fallen foes offspring.


However the first half of the series is little more than fluff, lead along by a cocky protagonist batting away low level antagonistic threats and constant doses of fanservice lead situations. It's not that the series is unwatchable early on, and at times it's actually quite entertaining (unless you completely turn your nose up at low-brow fare such as this) but it's fluff none the less.


As the story progresses though, the treats do become more powerful and more intriguing, and Miyu in particular shows more depth beyond being a cute, pink haired, large breasted walking wardobe malfunction with her conflicted feelings towards Akatsuki and her guilt over being a burden. However it's also when things heat up, that you will also sadly come to realise that they are either going to have to messily rush the ending towards a proper conclusion or leave things open and tease the viewer with possibilities of what might happen in the future.


Arms end up picking the later option for their adaptation, but in all honesty a messy rush towards a more concrete conclusion, wouldn't have been any better. The story had enough depth to it to really need a two cour adaptation at the very least and the fact that they tried to squeeze it into only one cour,ends up doing the story a major disservice.


For all of Akatsuki's character faults he's really the one that gives the story of 'Rogue Hero' a unique hook beyond being just a run of the mill fantasy adventure with ecchi fanservice to add some extra bit of spicy excitement for hormone ravaged teenage boys. At times Akatsuki does come across as overpowered and his brazen antics and cocky swagger are probably asking for someone to bring him down a peg or two, however he shows enough admirable qualities to buy into as a protagonist and he's sure as hell a lot more interesting than the typical bland 'Mr Average' that isn't so average after all or nerdy wimp that you get being the centre of all the girls attentions.


Final Verdict: Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero is a boobs and battles anime adaptation with a borderline jerk-ass protagonist, that appears to have little going for it other than it looks quite nice and is mildly amusing. However as the series progresses it gradually unravels a deeper and richer world with intrigue to be explored, only to have it's momentum cut stone dead with a read the manga ending. The series is entertaining enough to just about earn a mild recommendation, especially if this kind of show appeals to you but be prepared for a disappointing end.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good: Funimation took on the English dub for this show and overall it's a pretty solid effort. Eric Vale tends to excel at playing jerks, so he's ideally cast as the brazenly cocky protagonist Akatsuki. Felecia Angelle one of Funimation's rising stars in recent years, does a solid enough job as co-protagonist Miyu, whilst the rest of the producton is a mix of safe-hands casting with reliable veterans such as Monica Rial as token loli Kureha or Todd Haberkorn as weasely knight Phil Burnett, with relative newcomers filling the less demanding roles.

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Genre: Racing Action with a dash of comedy and romance.


Studio: Madhouse Director: Takeshi Koike Writer: Katushito Ishii Source: Anime Original

Original Japanese Cinema Release: October 2010 (Run Time: 102 Mins)


Plot: Taking place every five years the Redline, is an illegal high speed race that is the most dangerous and thus the most prestigious among all racers in the universe, with each edition of the Redline taking place at a different location.


When the suave but reckless racer JP crashes out just as he is about to win one of the qualifying Yellow Line races it appears as though his chance to qualify for the Redline has ended in failure. However due to the Redline taking place on Roboworld- a planet ruled by a totalitarian military regime and whose rulers do not approve of the race taking place, several racers drop out and JP is voted in as a replacement.


Up against seven of the best racers in the universe, JP looks to redeem for his previous failures in racing by winning the greatest race of them all, whilst dodging the Roboworld regime's attempts to halt the race all together.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (approx 16+) and up- REDLINE features quite a bit of fanservice from it's female characters (including bare breasts, nipples and all being fully on display in one scene) and a fair amount of bloody violence. Though there are are plenty of anime with more extreme examples of sexualized content and/or violence out-there, REDLINE features a constant stream of adult content throughout it's 100 minute running time, that the film can only really be seen as being suitable for more mature audiences.


Action Level : High- Like a cooler version of Wacky Races REDLINE is a furious mix of high speed racing and explosive firepower, as the racers look to not only take each other out through a combination of high octane horsepower and violent trickery but also have to do their best to dodge the extreme destructive firepower hurled at them by the regime of Roboworld.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Non Existent- REDLINE has a cool, mature vibe that is the complete antithesis to 'moe' anime. I myself enjoy plenty of anime with a strong moe vibe, but it is nice to see something that does away with those qualities altogether.


Animation Quality/Art Style: REDLINE with it's unique stylish character designs and vibrant colour palette has to rank among the most visually stimulating animated films in recent years, be that anime or western animation, with the art and animation throughout that really captures the high octane, high risk thrill of the titular race. REDLINE's art style has a western comic book influence, that combines with more traditional anime styling to give the film a unique and striking look throughout.


What's all the more remarkable about REDLINE in an era where it's very easy for anime creators to use the digital technology that is so widely available at their disposal, everything in REDLINE was hand-drawn. Sure it took seven years to create and ended up being released well behind schedule but you can both see and feel the love and hard effort but into every single frame to bring the creator's vision to life.


Music: James Shimoji's adrenalin fueled soundtrack is reminiscent of the sort of pumping techno to be found on game's console racers such as F-Zero. Whilst admittedly it's not the sort of thing I'd be putting on the stereo, outside of listening to it in this anime- the soundtrack is perfectly suited to the high speed, high jeopardy thrills of the Redline race.


Plot & Characters: The plot for REDLINE is very straightforward, as it basically follows the protagonist, the laidback yet reckless racer 'Sweet' JP in his bid to win the prestigious and dangerous Redline race.


In the films prologue sequence we see JP crash out just as he's about to win the race in one of the qualifying Yellowline races. It's here that we also learn that his mechanic (Fribsee) is deep in with the mob and the pair have a history of throwing races in order to order to help fix betting markets and pay off debts.


However because the next Redline race is to take place on the dangerous militarized planet of Roboworld, whose regime have made it clear they do not want the reckless and illegal race taking place on their territory, several racers drop out JP gets in as a replacement racer. He's up against the best racers in the universe but will also have to contend with Roboworld's extreme attempts to stop the race happening altogether (Though it actually becomes apparent this is more to do with the fact that Roboworld do not want their military secrets being exposed more than anything else.), then there's also that constant feeling JP's dreams could be dashed from within and his wheels could malfunction again due to his mechanic's debt issues.


Most notable amongst JP's competition is the sassy female racer Sonoshee McLaren, who pips JP to the line in the Yellowline race at the beginning of the film. JP falls for Sonoshee despite being amongst his strongest competition, and up and until the final stretch, viewers will be left wondering if the alluring Sonoshee will prove to be the one who inspires JP to victory or ends up breaking is heart.


Other notable participants in the Redline race include Machine Head, a humungous robot that is considered to be the best racer in the universe due to winning the Redline race the previous seven times in a row and the seductive twins 'Super Boins'- Boiboi and Bosbos.


Analysis: Have you ever wondered what those old Wacky Races cartoons with Dick Dastardly and company would be like if it was turned into something cooler, edgier and sexier?


Well your answer is right here with REDLINE, an altogether more visceral, more high octane version of the Wacky Races format as men and women from across the universe step into fantastic high speed machines with gizmo's and gadgets in order to beat not only each other but the equally unforgiving terrain to be crowned the champion of the titular race.


If you're looking for a film with a deep and complex plot then you're not going to find it with Redline, it's pretty straightforward stuff, that follows the main protagonists attempts to win the race. Sure one can point at the despotic regime of Roboworld, whose attempts to halt the race are a constant thorn in JP and his fellow Redliner's side, Frisbee's involvement with the mob or even JP's budding romance with Sonoshee but really only the surface is scratched with those angles and they are basically there to put doubt in the viewers mind that any of those elements could end up costing JP victory.


It's also pretty clear that the film is only really asking you to invest in two of the characters, JP and Sonoshee, everyone else are just there to make cameo's. Though to be fair to the film, pretty much every character manages to leave some kind of amusing and/or impactful impression in spite of their limited screen time.


In terms of story and characters, REDLINE does the best that it can with it's limited plot and relatively lean running time. However where the film was always going to live and die, was whether or not it could bring the vibe of an uber-cool and completely insane and dangerous intergalactic high speed race to life.


And with it's vibrant and visceral art and animation, in combination with it's adrenalin pumping soundtrack, it's safe to say that REDLINE successfully achieves that. And whilst the story itself isn't the most complex REDLINE has that combination of thrilling action with a cool and mature vibe that it's exactly the kind of anime you would want to show off to cynical friends, who have never been willing to give it a chance.


Closing Verdict: A high octane feast for the senses, REDLINE isn't the most engaging of films in terms of story, but it is one hell of a thrill ride and with it's stunning visuals is able to deliver one of the down-right coolest anime films of recent years.




Is the Dub Any Good?: The English dub for REDLINE was produced by Bang Zoom Entertainment, using L.A based voice talent. Overall whilst there are some issues with performances matching exactly to their Japanese counterparts and the odd script re-write that may irritate purists, they do a competent job and shouldn't take away from your enjoyment of the film. Patrick Seitz as JP and Michelle Ruff as Sonashee both put in performances suitable to their characters, even if they aren't an exact match for the originals.

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Going to give it a try when I get time simply because of the animation. The show looks fun just from the art.


It's just a one off film, rather than a series but it's definitely a fun and breezy watch and worthy of your time. The cool looking art and animation is what makes it though, with weak or generic art it wouldn't be all that, as there isn't much to to it story wise, which is the one thing that probably stops me going all the way to a High Recommendation.


Characters are cool though, even if due to the time restraints of being a film, pretty much all of them lack any kind of depth but that's the expected trade off.

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