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End Of TEW2010 Awards Nominations

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First batch from me - more to follow:

Best Kayfabe-Breaking Moments Of TEW2010 nominee's:


Take It Home, Boys from Phantom Stranger's TCW: A Quiet Retirement is unparalleled for me. Presented as part-retrospective, part reveal of future booking plans, it worked in an odd way that was a departure from the route taken with his PPPW diary, but added immeasurably to the diary nonetheless.


Best New Writer Of TEW2010 nominee's:


codey, whose MAW diary was thoroughly enjoyable. It's a shame I haven't got into his TCW diary, but I struggle with keeping up with two diaries in the same company, and AQR edged it here. Nonetheless, codey's MAW was a great read as well as showing great improvement in its writing throughout.


Both of those were already nominated before you so you have both of those categories still to give if you want to use them for someone else.


We should be up to date right now with all that I've been given so far.

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I keep taking a look at this thread and thinking I need to make some nominatations. The issue I have is that most of what I read and kept up with and would nominate already has been. The other stuff I either don't remember well enough or didn't read enough of. Really should be going back and re-reading but just lacking the time right now. I'll see if I can put something together, as there are so many great projects that have happened on TEW 2010...


Ditto for me- I would like to nominate, but as Big P says- I should really go back and re-read stuff, but right now I don't really have the time, and I'll be honest here I see myself as more of a writer than a reader.

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Another bump to keep this on the front page.


Also, there are a number of categories currently uncontested. Specifically, the Best Match Writeups, Most Compelling Wrestler, Best Match and Best Storyline categories have only a single nominee. A few more nominations in those categories would probably be good.

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Another bump to keep this on the front page.


Also, there are a number of categories currently uncontested. Specifically, the Best Match Writeups, Most Compelling Wrestler, Best Match and Best Storyline categories have only a single nominee. A few more nominations in those categories would probably be good.


This is not me trying to be a troll and I know I am going to get flak for this but I have to ask what it the point? Anything that I would like to nominate would not win anyway so that is why I am not going to bother.

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This is not me trying to be a troll and I know I am going to get flak for this but I have to ask what it the point? Anything that I would like to nominate would not win anyway so that is why I am not going to bother.


Don't you think it would be a confidence booster for those writers to see their names down and to know that someone thinks they're worth a nomination?

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This is not me trying to be a troll and I know I am going to get flak for this but I have to ask what it the point? Anything that I would like to nominate would not win anyway so that is why I am not going to bother.




For a start, for me, I'm happier being nominated alongside a big list of writers I like than anything else. Winning because nobody supplied competition is flat and empty. Losing to good competition gives me something to strive for.


Second, if you're going to take this attitude whenever there are awards, I've got to ask if there is some reason you still read award threads?

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For a start, for me, I'm happier being nominated alongside a big list of writers I like than anything else. Winning because nobody supplied competition is flat and empty. Losing to good competition gives me something to strive for.


Second, if you're going to take this attitude whenever there are awards, I've got to ask if there is some reason you still read award threads?


Yes there is because with the regular awards (Talking about DOTM not DOTY) there is a chance I could have overlooked a diary and if I see that it is nominated for an award I will check it out to see what it is like. I may or may not end up following it but I will at least give it a chance.


The reason why I have an "attitude" about the whole process is actually because when Mistaken was putting together the list for the Must Read 2009 Diaries I was told by you that a diary I nominated should not be on the list because you and others considered it to be a trolling diary. I remember thinking, who the hell is this guy to say a diary does not belong on the list because he thought it was a trolling diary.


Now the diary that I nominated may or may not have been a trolling diary. The fact of the matter is, I enjoyed it and it was better than a lot of the stuff I have read on here just for its entertainment factor alone. Therefore, I had the right to nominate it even if it you and others did not like it.


That opened my eyes up to the fact that some posters have more of a say over this process than others, or at least they think they should have more of a say. Therefore, I will state my opinion, even if it is the dissenting opinion, just so there can be a discussion about things.

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I remember thinking, who the hell is this guy to say a diary does not belong on the list because he thought it was a trolling diary.


I'm a guy. You're a guy. We can both come in and we can both state our opinions. (Incidentally, you have just said that I think I should have more of a say than other people. I don't. But I do reserve the right to express an opinion, and oh boy do I EVER reserve the right to say "Are you sure?".)


But you have consistently come into awards threads for some months and thrown around vague complaints and insinuations about the fact they tend to be won by the same writers a lot. I remember having a go-round with you about whether you were actually claiming the regular winners had essentially developed fan cliques. To your credit, you said no, but I did that because for some time I'd noticed you coming in with these notes - and that was a while ago.


I don't think troll diaries should be eligible. I do think some diaries on these boards have been created to troll - I don't think many. I'd say four in the... jeez, six years I've been here.


And I do believe that the main thing that determines victory in the various awards is... nomination. The second most important thing is the quality of the diary.


(On which note, of course, I'm saying this to the current holder of the C-Verse DOTM. Welcome to the club.)


Now, going back to what I was saying to you...


OK, so you have a reason - making sure you're not missing anything. That's fair. But I would ask that you bear in mind that that's not the core purpose of an awards thread - and that it FLIES IN THE FACE OF you saying


what it the point? Anything that I would like to nominate would not win anyway so that is why I am not going to bother.


If you read these threads for recommendations, then surely it behooves you to add your own, and surely it further behooves you to not complain that they wouldn't win anyway. (They do have MORE chance if they're nominated, of course, and the writer may be pleased with the recognition.)


Your first comments about End of TEW10 awards had to do with the assertion that diaries that deserved recognition would be forgotten. Well, yes, it's a potential problem. I started a thread to jog people's memories, to help assauge the problem.


If we HAVE an award thread you get to read the nominations. If we DON'T, you don't. If that's your reason for reading them, as you state, then both this thread and the Forgotten Candidates thread would be ones that I would hope you'd be all over.


Of course, if you want to read and not add further, that's cool - we have many, many lurkers and quasi-lurkers in the readers here. Your diary and mine will both have many lurkers within. But I'm not sure why you'd want to post in ways that contradict your stated goals, rather than to support them, if you're going to not lurk but instead post.


But that's me.

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Best New Writer Of TEW2010 nominee's:


Technically, he had a diary before... but ajcrible's God Bless Texas helped bring Texas in the 70s to life for a lot of people, and so I'm discounting the 9-post diary he had back in 2007 ;)


If aj doesn't count, then Yuu Onuki deserves the nod instead as the Memoirs of a Booker series really had me interested in the Japanese scene - something I've never really been able to say before.


Best Presentation Of TEW2010 nominee's:


I was thinking over a few nominees... but honestly, I think those already nominated really stand out above the rest of us.


Best Kayfabe-Breaking Moments Of TEW2010 nominee's:


NoNeck for the Phil Vibert segments in Guest Booker: Phil Vibert and PWC. Making you feel sorry for the interviewer is one thing. Making you feel sorry for the interviewer while laughing at the stuff Vibert comes up with is another - add to that the meta concept of Vibert playing TEW, and it made for some very funny, very knowing segments.

Best Match Writeups Of TEW2010 Nominee's:


Normally this should be for people who get the flow right, who expend detail and time and effort...


*Shrug* infinitywpi's Welcome. You Know The Drill took a roster of lightweights and masked nobodies and made me care about them because of their matches. Short? Sparse? Lacking in play-by-play? Absolutely. Snarky and leaving me caring about Jeremiah Moose, Remmy Honeyman and El Mitico? Absolutely.


Best Overall Writer Of TEW2010 Nominee's:


NoNeck. I feel like I'll be voting for this guy in every awards we run, but he deserves it. His PWC diary was one of my absolute favourites, but he also showed continual good form across his other diaries as well.


Best Storyline Of TEW2010 Nominee's:


The evolution of Matt Keith from TCW: A Quiet Retirement is the storyline I remember most from 2010. A chance uncovering of chemistry between Greg Keith and Art Reed sent Phantom Stranger down a path that really cemented both brothers as future headliners for TCW - and made Matt a genuine stand-out singles star. It finished with the right result in the final match, too, which is always a bonus.


Best Promos Of TEW2010 Nominee's:


jhd1 had this for me, his SWF: Under Pressure featured some brilliant promos, most particularly on the part of Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior.


Best Real World Diary Of TEW2010 Nominee's:


I was agonising over this one, as I don't read enough to pick one over so many others... Then I remembered WWE Bizarro by rhudipoo. It is quite insane, and quite brilliant, and one of the funniest diaries on the board (although not, I wager, to everyone's tastes)


Best Cornellverse Diary Of TEW2010 Nominee's:


Cedar Rapids Wrestling by clarity may be forgotten, but during its run it was a great idea with a lot of audience participation. An indy gem.

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Further nominations...


Most Compelling Non-Wrestler Of TEW2010 Nominee

Emma Chase, James Casey's SWF trilogy

From the blacklight marking for #30 in the Supreme Rumble through Black Thursday and others, Emma's been the *actual* brains behind Brandon James and others. Crisp and businesslike, she does her job.


Best Storyline Of TEW2010 Nominee

I went back and forth on this so many times, seriously. In the end I'm going with Phil Vibert's Takeover in NoNeck's Secrets of the Ring: Phil Vibert PWC diary. It lasted a while, was told effectively, and made us despair for USPW without ever losing hope entirely.


Still thinking about:

Most Compelling Wrestler Of TEW2010 Nominee

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Rest of my nominees;


Most Compelling Wrestler Of TEW2010 Nominee's


Troy Tornado in 'WAR on the Vegas Strip...' by Eisen-verse


The centrepiece of WAR - for me, he defines the company. The main reason I spent a week reading 30+ pages of posts and shows.



Best Overall Writer Of TEW2010 Nominee's




A tough vote, given some of the talent here. Just felt that Eisen-verse has had some great diaries over TEW10's lifespan (WAR, DOA) and deserved to be on this list.



Best Promos Of TEW2010 Nominee's


'DAVE: Survive (CV2001) by Smwilliams


I always thought his promos captured the feel of the characters. Especially Nemesis, Madman Boone and Emma Chase.

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We are up-to-date. I have also decided to make the decision to extend the deadline until October 1st, 2012 to have it end at the end of a month, rather than the middle of the month. So make sure to get your nominations in!


Not quite - Troy Tornado needs to go on the Most Compelling Wrestlers list.

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I've been mulling on these for quite awhile. As I mentioned before, my issue is that a number of what I would nominate in a given category already have been, so some categories still need some consideration.


Best Match Of TEW2010:

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa - Night of the Burning Hammers from TigerKinney's Stepping into the Inferno


Best Overall Writer Of TEW2010:



Best Cornellverse Diary Of TEW2010:

TigerKinney's BHOTWG - Stepping into the Inferno

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Best Cornellverse Diary Of TEW2010:

I'd like to suggest BHK1978's fantastic Ballad of Rhode Island. It took a small promotion and made into quite an entertaining read in my opinion.


Rocky Maivia Award Of TEW2010:

And for most compelling character/Rocky Maivia, Gabe Goren from the same dynasty. A complete 180 from the rest of the roster but it worked with Gabe's old school tendencies and easy made chant!

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giving this a needed bump, and while perusing through some older diaries that I am re-reading or havent read, stumbled back across this


That was the link for the must read diaries that were done from tew 2005-2008, sort of an all in one location for the best diaries from those times.


I think that might be a good idea to do for the best of the 2010 diaries in conjunction with this, especially since this version of TEW spans almost 3 years of diary writing.


the way I remember it, ( and mistaken can correct me if he's still around) is everyone nominated their top 5 diaries for the period in whatever order, then the rankings were determined by whichever one got the most votes to the least. But this way, they would all be gathered in one place ( or at least their links would be) for easier reference in the future.

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giving this a needed bump, and while perusing through some older diaries that I am re-reading or havent read, stumbled back across this


That was the link for the must read diaries that were done from tew 2005-2008, sort of an all in one location for the best diaries from those times.


I think that might be a good idea to do for the best of the 2010 diaries in conjunction with this, especially since this version of TEW spans almost 3 years of diary writing.


the way I remember it, ( and mistaken can correct me if he's still around) is everyone nominated their top 5 diaries for the period in whatever order, then the rankings were determined by whichever one got the most votes to the least. But this way, they would all be gathered in one place ( or at least their links would be) for easier reference in the future.


If that is something that you are interested in doing then, by all means, go for it!


Giving a slight bump to this thread as well.

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