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8-man Diary in TEW2013?

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Cool. I spent much of this morning working on my CGC 'bible'. Essentially a spreadsheet of heights, weights, hometowns, moves and fighting styles to get everything straight, and eliminate any contradictions and/or similarities. Helps me get my characters as distinct as possible. Plus spreadsheets are fun.


Looking forward to this all getting started, but I'm enjoying this grace period of getting a jump on the pre-production, and learning some of the new TEW mechanics. I'm not getting the scores I expected, but having the DeColts improvise promos is having interesting effects. When it pays off it PAYS OFF!

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I'm not getting the scores I expected, but having the DeColts improvise promos is having interesting effects. When it pays off it PAYS OFF!


Match scores for me are pretty much what I've been expecting them to be and I can second the improvisation angles part too: Ryu Kajahara is a promo god, I love the notes of him having "the crowd in the palm of his hand" in the promo and whatnot. :p

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I think both USPW and TCW start the game at very close to the National/Cult barrier... and at the end of the month it's pretty much a lock that one of them is going to fall to cult, which in all my tests has invariably been USPW. I'm not sure USPW can really avoid the drop very easily, but as long as you don't get fired for falling in size then it's not the end of the world. USPW should still operate as an almost National level company and 6 months down the line they should be able to pop up at National again with a much more secure barrier for the National Battles. :)
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How's this all coming? Have we worked out the infrastructure yet? Turn order and the such? When are we getting things started? I'm in no massive hurry. I just like deadlines. I've enjoyed the threads started thus far. Weird seeing this start to become a reality. Nice seeing different styles and flavours already.


Got my first 8 episodes almost entirely written. There's plenty of room for tweaking, rewriting and adding midcard nonsense, but the core stories are pretty much there. Which makes me happy. Now planning the next batch of 8. Little more vague to account for how the game could play out (characters bombing in game, characters bombing with the readers, injuries, poaching etc).


Struggling for a name. My planned TEW2010 diary was to be "CGC: Road To WrestleFestival" but as I plan to write beyond that March PPV that no longer seems fitting. "CGC: DeColts Rule" and "CGC: This Is DeColt Country" also seem appealing, but I don't want to make the Grey's Anatomy mistake of naming the show after a character, only to find the audience don't respond to them... and who knows, maybe I won't have the DeColts for the entirety.


Argh! So fun. If anyone wants a sneak preview of Episode 1, let me know. Might whip up a .pdf and see if I can get some feedback.

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How's this all coming? Have we worked out the infrastructure yet? Turn order and the such? When are we getting things started? I'm in no massive hurry. I just like deadlines. I've enjoyed the threads started thus far. Weird seeing this start to become a reality. Nice seeing different styles and flavours already.


Got my first 8 episodes almost entirely written. There's plenty of room for tweaking, rewriting and adding midcard nonsense, but the core stories are pretty much there. Which makes me happy. Now planning the next batch of 8. Little more vague to account for how the game could play out (characters bombing in game, characters bombing with the readers, injuries, poaching etc).


Struggling for a name. My planned TEW2010 diary was to be "CGC: Road To WrestleFestival" but as I plan to write beyond that March PPV that no longer seems fitting. "CGC: DeColts Rule" and "CGC: This Is DeColt Country" also seem appealing, but I don't want to make the Grey's Anatomy mistake of naming the show after a character, only to find the audience don't respond to them... and who knows, maybe I won't have the DeColts for the entirety.


Argh! So fun. If anyone wants a sneak preview of Episode 1, let me know. Might whip up a .pdf and see if I can get some feedback.


I'd love to. Maybe a trade, I'll send you mine as I'm trying to kick the rust off on character writing.

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I can't believe how much you've already got written Self, seems the bug is upon you again! :D


As for me, I'm dropping by just to comment on how excited I am now that I've actually started writing out my first show. Putting words to all the ideas I've been noting down for the last couple of months is putting a huge smile on my face and I think the format is going to be pretty easy to write and hopefully as easy to read too. It's certainly a different approach for me but I think it might suit my writing style soooo much more than the way i've written in the past. So many people seem to get excited by the way I talk about my save games, and this seems to be as much of an extension of that as I can get while getting into more depth. I still need the game to start so that I can fill in various blanks to begin with, but I think this is going to be awesome once it gets rolling and I get back into the writing groove again. Has been far, far, far too long. :D

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Honestly, I've mostly been just playing through a few shows, trying different things out, trying to get used to the new stuff.


Dear God I need that spreadsheet export back.


I'm also finding that it's very strange writing the Stones from a 'pure' canon perspective. I also have to not fall into the trap of doing too much background/backstory writing that will slow me down in writing actual shows.


I have a tentative working title: NOTBPW: The Maple Leaf Forever [8RoW]

A potential alternative title: NOTBPW: Wrestling Night in Canada [8RoW]


Like Self, I don't want to take the risk of using the family name in the title, and specifying Vickie only makes for unwieldy titles like "The Victoria Stone-McFly Era". So playing it safe and doing a generic Canadian pride kind of thing.


Also doing some scheming...(insert evil laugh here) :D

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I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with NOTBPW, mostly because I never quite know what to do with them. They fall into the awkward gap for my booking mentalites... they seem like they should be fairly sportslike, which pushes me towards doing rankings and stuff BUT they have enough potential for characters and are just far enough away from sports like that I can't do it.... which means I don't book them with entertainment in mind or purer attitudes in mind, which is a gap in my own mental booking plans that I can't quite get to work.


As for myself, I think my dynasty will be called


BHOTWG: Walking The Burning Path [8RoW]


Some variant of that has been growing on me for a while and I think I'm happy enough with it that it will be the name. I've had longer versions and shorter versions, but nothing seemed to quite capture what I feel BHOTWG should be. This... I think it works. :)

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Dear God I need that spreadsheet export back.


This is why you and NOTBPW are a match made in heaven. ¬_¬



I've got my format down now. It's a format that I was going to use for a CZCW or KANZEN diary in 2010 but never got around to it. That's all I'm telling you. ¬_¬


Have written a few promos, and got the card down for my first show, and I know what I definitely want on my second show (Derek and FIN permitting. Well, they have no choice about that show, but I'd like the guys for longer than one show if possible ¬_¬) but that's it as far as physical things that are real. The rest is in my head.


Just to let you all know (and sorry if this is annoying but I did mention it earlier in the thread when we were finalising the 'writing roster' as it were), I'll be away until Wednesday and then again from next Friday until Boxing Day. I'll have internet access but not TEW access. :(


But then it'll be all guns blazing from the 27th onwards! As long as I can think of a suitably witty name for the diary. For some reason, that's the hardest part so far. I mean, I can think of one option, but it ceases to be relevant after the first storyline arc and hopefully the dynasty will last longer than that!

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Squeeee! Just had a look at the format for my segments so far... I think it looks pretty darn readable. It just clicked perfectly into place when I remembered watching Soccer AM years ago... obviously it's not going to be as silly as that, but it should be an interesting way of writing shows and the content of the TV show is going to be fairly varied each week depending on what is going on. :)


D-Koiso and FIN, I've got a few signings lined up but as of just now I'm not planning to raid WLW or WEXXV for talent. Obviously you both have some people I'd love to have, but I've got a pretty large roster already and some narratively coherent signings to make... so until I've got enough space on my roster I'll be leaving you guys alone. In many ways BHOTWG is going to be at war with almost the entirety of the rest of Japanese wrestling, only without the pacts to say so. :p Prepare to be backhandedly dimissed and dissed on a constant basis by Pro Wrestling Hits' Best Company 2012.


Which reminds me... in case anyone hasn't noticed, don't forget the Year End Awards. Might provide some fodder for extra ideas and fun, I know I'm considering signing Hirokumi Saito entirely because he was Indy Wrestler of 2012... but since he's fairly old and unlikely to go anywhere really, I probably won't. :)

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Ok sorry guys I was swamped with work for two days :p Few points I'd like to make:


* I really don't like deadlines, unlike Self. I don't mind starting ASAP but it's understandable that the christmas holidays / new year will halt the overall pace for a week or so but I've already noticed that many of you have pages and pages of already finished material. Good for you. I'm ready to start the save on Sunday.


* Post here your UC points (25 max). So that I don't have to wait for those and that I can start the game :)


* We only need links between the person before and after us. I have "links" to atleast Derek, D-Lyrium and Trask via mIRC and to everyone who has dropbox. I also have a homepage into which I can upload stuff. The only thing we have to worry about is one link between us not working, cause it's that one link that will slow things down.


* Suggested order of players

FINisher - D-Lyrium - Blake Trask - Derek_B - Astil - foolinc - Self - Wallbanger -> FIN and repeat.


Is everyone okay with this? I know I can manage the link between Wallbanger myself and D-Lyrium with dropbox/mIRC/my own homepage.


So contact the player before and after you and discuss about how you're going to do the savegame transfer. :)



* When there's atleast 6 diaries created in the Dynasty section I will start the Main Dynasty thread. There's already three I believe? Me, Trask and Astil have already created our diaries, you can too. Post your rosters, backstories, stuff like that. :)



* About the publishing pace: I start the game as the first turn player. When I will get the savegame back to me as Tuesday, Week 1, January, I will collect every piece of data from the save and write them down, then publish everything related to Monday on the main thread. (News, signings, CPU results and user player results and links to the subthreads). I will also keep updating few original posts from the main thread with links to our threads and so on. I know some of this might sound really weird but trust me I know what I'm doing and I know what my vision is :p Follow the timeline of the main diary, no posting stuff that happens on Friday if the main timeline is still on Wednesday, okay?







REPLY ON THIS THREAD IF YOU ARE 100% READY TO START. Post a reply with capitalized READY and tell me your 25 user points via reply or PM. ;)






PS: If someone needs alt work of any kind, let me know. I want to to my best and contribute. I have the WEXXV logo on the background of my worker images since I like the style so if you want something similar tell me so that I can get to work. I'll be having really loose work schedule this month so I should have lots of spare time. :)

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We should all share the same dropbox folder, that way we're always on the same page about everything. In the Multiplayer Central post I created a while back I had a screenie of how things should probably look for ease of everyone. :)


I'm ready to go on Sunday. My first post won't be posted until I've taken my first turn and seen how things look for my roster. I'd also rather add my user points myself in-game, since my points spread will vary depending on how my roster looks. So you can leave my points as 0/0/0/0/0 at the start. :)

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Ok sorry guys I was swamped with work for two days :p Few points I'd like to make:


* I really don't like deadlines, unlike Self. I don't mind starting ASAP but it's understandable that the christmas holidays / new year will halt the overall pace for a week or so but I've already noticed that many of you have pages and pages of already finished material. Good for you. I'm ready to start the save on Sunday.


Aye. With only one show a month (but lots of between-show content that I can stretch or condense as needed, in terms of when it's posted) I'm pretty flexible in terms of deadlines, but I won't be able to really get going until the 27th. I'll try downloading the demo onto my laptop and seeing how that goes, but if it can even run the game, I wouldn't want to book shows on it.


* Post here your UC points (25 max). So that I don't have to wait for those and that I can start the game :)


Koki will be an Industry Veteran from the preset talents, with -1 Leadership and +1 Negotiating. :)


* We only need links between the person before and after us. I have "links" to atleast Derek, D-Lyrium and Trask via mIRC and to everyone who has dropbox. I also have a homepage into which I can upload stuff. The only thing we have to worry about is one link between us not working, cause it's that one link that will slow things down.


* Suggested order of players

FINisher - D-Lyrium - Blake Trask - Derek_B - Astil - foolinc - Self - Wallbanger -> FIN and repeat.


Is everyone okay with this? I know I can manage the link between Wallbanger myself and D-Lyrium with dropbox/mIRC/my own homepage.


Totally fine with me. You, Trask and Derek are the three guys I'm most 'well connected' with, so that works.


* When there's atleast 6 diaries created in the Dynasty section I will start the Main Dynasty thread. There's already three I believe? Me, Trask and Astil have already created our diaries, you can too. Post your rosters, backstories, stuff like that. :)


Mine will almost certainly go up on Wednesday night.


* About the publishing pace: I start the game as the first turn player. When I will get the savegame back to me as Tuesday, Week 1, January, I will collect every piece of data from the save and write them down, then publish everything related to Monday on the main thread. (News, signings, CPU results and user player results and links to the subthreads). I will also keep updating few original posts from the main thread with links to our threads and so on. I know some of this might sound really weird but trust me I know what I'm doing and I know what my vision is :p Follow the timeline of the main diary, no posting stuff that happens on Friday if the main timeline is still on Wednesday, okay?


Two small issues:

1, What if we don't want certain signings to be public? I can think of a few signings that I wouldn't want everyone to know about until they debut. Most I wouldn't care about, but 3/4 in particular I wouldn't want 'spoiled'. Also stuff like injuries and firings, which can be major spoilers too.


2, Is it wise to post player show results in the same post as the link to said show? :p I'd recommend not posting player show results in the main thread. Surely that's what the individual threads are for? In fact, I'd recommend not posting anything to do with player-run promotions in the main thread. Keep that for any major AI-run promotion news and results.


PS: If someone needs alt work of any kind, let me know. I want to to my best and contribute. I have the WEXXV logo on the background of my worker images since I like the style so if you want something similar tell me so that I can get to work. I'll be having really loose work schedule this month so I should have lots of spare time. :)


How are you with logos? I could do with logos for def-REALM (I'm thinking green and blue on white), Black House Nation (black and... housey? :p) and The 505 (I'll admit, I have no idea what 505 is. All I know is, it's the area code for New Mexico, an Arctic Monkeys song about a breakup, and a very obscure HTML error code. :p None of which seems particularly apt. So... go wild. They're basically just a stable of random undercard foreigners). It's not a huge deal though, graphics aren't overly important to my layout.



Oh, and what're we going to do about 'multi-advancing', as it were? I'd imagine that once we got past the first few player turns, me and FIN (especially) won't have a lot to do that actually requires us to actually take our turn very often, and TCW and SWF have their TV show on the same day, which then leaves them in a similar position for the rest of the week. I'd therefore suggest the following:


- Everyone has control over their first turn.

- Once everybody has had their first turn (ie, on FIN's second turn), the player who's turn it is (FIN, the first time) starts the next player's turn (mine). If there are no important emails which might need the player to take action (such as a Cult+ company offering one of their workers a contract) and no decisions or shows that night for the player, then the turn can be 'skipped' (FIN just continues to the next guy) until he gets to a player that needs to actually do something.

- The player then zips and uploads the file, and the new active player sims until he gets to the next player that actually needs to do something.

- If you want to take your next turn even if your turn would normally be skipped (for example, if you forgot to do something last turn, or were waiting to see how something played out), simply post in the thread to let us know, and the game will stop when it gets to you.


Does everyone think that's fair? The problem that I can see isn't necessarily that it'll "take too long" for the game to be passed around, just that if there's nothing for a player to do on a turn, it's a bit of a chore for him to download the data, click Advance Day and upload the data again, when the guy who already had the data could easily have done it.


Perhaps even, if we all arranged to meet on the live chat at certain times, he could deal with simple things for the other players. Such as "Derek, Worker X is complaining about being stuck in your development territory, shall I call him up? What push shall I assign him?" "D-Lyrium, FIN is asking to loan Magnum Kobe for 10 shows in exchange for nothing but promises not to break him, shall I agree or not?", etc, etc.


I can imagine there being a lot more turns where you DON'T need to do anything, than turns where you DO, is basically my point.

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I'm gonna run 4 weekly shows and one annual. Yes, even with WEXXV. So the main schedule is going to be five shows a month, yes? The majority of us, I believe, wil use the 4+1 schedule. Sure you can run just one show a month if you want but I'm going to run 4+1, even without a TV. Derek's got 8+1 I believe but he's got his own touring schedule TV-style recap so doesn't matter that much diary wise and the all the North American got 4 TV episodes + PPV.


1. I'll try to be as sensitive as I can about user promotion related news and most of them I will only publish when the thing is actually revealed in the subdiary aswell. :)


2. No, I will not post players promotion results per se, I will post only the links to the results!


And no, I'm not good with logos :/ Unfortunately I can only do quite simply worker alt work.

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Hmm, just edited with a long ramble about skipping turns that I was writing while you were posting that, but if you're doing weekly shows it makes most of it irrelevant anyway. :D


And yeah, I'm sticking to monthly shows for a while. I don't mind if it takes ages for my shows to come around.

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Hmm, just edited with a long ramble about skipping turns that I was writing while you were posting that, but if you're doing weekly shows it makes most of it irrelevant anyway. :D


And yeah, I'm sticking to monthly shows for a while. I don't mind if it takes ages for my shows to come around.


I hope WLW get a TV deal and maybe a PPV deal too, they really should seen by everyone if they're going to have a chance at stopping BHOTWG. :)


Generally speaking, most of my turns will be skippable. The first couple of weeks will likely have some signings to deal with but for the most part I can get everything set up on Day 1 and it shouldn't be too bad after that until showtimes. I'll be starting touring in Feb, which means January is a pretty easy month for me in terms of what needs to be done. I'll likely just borrow the files from the dropbox when they get added, and if there's anything I want/need done I'll shout at someone else to do it for me so that things can motor on at a good pace. :)

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I'm getting far too far ahead of myself today... still waiting to write my opening post until tomorrow so my brain has decided to wander to the future and I've been mentally booking the Best Of Super Juniors tournament. Things will probably play out differently in-game which could massively affect the outcomes of things up to that point, but I'll be damned if I'm not super excited to get that far into the game. With so much talent available on my roster and potentialy available outside of BHOTWG, the event could be a spectacular unlike any other in the history of pro wrestling. I don't know how everyone else envisions so many of the characters I'm thinking about but the potential combinations of awesomeness give me Cornellverse chills. :)
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I hope WLW get a TV deal and maybe a PPV deal too, they really should seen by everyone if they're going to have a chance at stopping BHOTWG. :)


Generally speaking, most of my turns will be skippable. The first couple of weeks will likely have some signings to deal with but for the most part I can get everything set up on Day 1 and it shouldn't be too bad after that until showtimes. I'll be starting touring in Feb, which means January is a pretty easy month for me in terms of what needs to be done. I'll likely just borrow the files from the dropbox when they get added, and if there's anything I want/need done I'll shout at someone else to do it for me so that things can motor on at a good pace. :)


Sadly, nobody will look at us for TV or PPV in the first window. :( PPV is a priority, but I kinda want to get some events under my belt with the format I'm going to start with before I get onto TV and have to change it all. Maybe I'll switch to two shows a month if finances allow, one with a few more lower card guys on it (still unlikely to grade very low tbh, compared to popularity), and the PPV where I care more about the ratings... We'll see...

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