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WWE: A Change for the Best

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Vince McMahon has scheduled an impromptu press conference coming up in just moments at WWE Headquarters. Only rumors have surfaced on what the press conference pertains to, but one is lead to believe it has something to do with WWE’s sinking stock. Vince is at the podium now, let’s go to the C.E.O. of the WWE, Vince McMahon.


Vince McMahon: I would like to thank everyone who is joining us today on short notice. I apologize that this was last minute and I certainly appreciate all of you for being here to cover this sad yet historic news. As has been reported, and anyone that pays attention to the market can see, the WWE stock is at an all-time low and with the poor state of the economy at this time things don’t look better on the horizon. With that said, the WWE as of this moment have stopped production of the federation. We will not run shows, we will not tour and we will be letting a handful of superstars and divas go that I will get to in just a bit. Our plan is to put the WWE on hiatus through the end of the year and then rebrand things beginning in January when we will feel that it is fiscally possible. We are saddened but excited for what the future holds. When we resume the company in January we will be starting fresh, new champs, new faces and most importantly, three brands. The three brands; WWE Raw and we will be bringing back WCW and ECW. We will be branding WWE Raw and WCW as sports entertainment federations while ECW will have a slightly more focus on the art of wrestling. We will keep all 3 brands separate except for certain instances. Obviously, we hope to bring in bodies that can become pivotal parts of each three promotions. All three promotions will be under the “WWE Umbrella,” but will all be run as separate entities in a way to recreate a Monday Night war style rivalry between the three, and we think this is a tremendous idea because competition brings the best out of everyone. All three promotions will have their own weekly show, and in a business/cost cutting move every PPV will have all three promotions taking part in it. Our plan is that we will have three General Managers in place by December and a roster for the GM’s to draft from at that time. I hope I’ve covered all what I needed to cover and I hope our fans can bare with us and stick by our sides in these very troubling times.


Lastly, we are sad to announce that we have no choice to release the following stars and divas and we wish them the best in their future endeavors…

A.J. Lee

Abraham Washington


Alex Riley

Alicia Fox



Kelly Kelly




Ranjin Singh

Rosa Mendes



Yoshi Tatsu


If there are any questions from the press, please ask now.

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Hope you don't mind but I will play along with some press questions


Reporter - Mr McMahon, I noticed that a lot of the releases are Divas. Does this mean the end of women's wrestling in WWE? Or will we actually see woman who can wrestle and not just be models?


Another question - it is obvious that the PG era in WWE has failed. With the bringing back of ECW does this mean we will see more of a style from the old school or even dare I say the Attitude era?

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I just wanted to introduce myself to all of the readers. I thoroughly enjoy wrestling, especially all the nuances that goes into it. I also enjoy to write so this will be something I will have a lot of fun doing. I will try to get as much out as I can but I don't have a ton of time, so my stories make take a little longer to develop. Please hang in there.


I love constructive criticism, I know that it's going to take a while to get the style/layout/format exactly how I and the readers want. Your suggestions can help us get to that point quicker. I've read a lot of dynasties before I started this to get a feel for what I like and what I don't like so hopefully we will be good from the start.


Also, I'm using a modern WWE roster that started in the Summer of 12', I'm advancing it to the start of 2013 before we get started. I will be holding the "draft" in the start of December. The draft will be done as follows....


I will be making a master list of most of the workers on my roster and ranking them 1-whatever. I will draw out of a hat between the 3 promotions and conduct a snake draft (1-3, 3-1, etc.). Then in the interest of randomness, and the challenge of it, I will roll a dice to determine what worker that company takes, (If I have Santino as the #4 ranked wrestler at that point of the draft and the dice rolls to 4, then they get Santino). The one exception is that in the first 10 rounds that worker MUST have worked in that promotion before. CM Punk for instance can't be taken in the first 10 rounds by WCW for example.


If there are ever any questions, please ask.

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Hope you don't mind but I will play along with some press questions


Reporter - Mr McMahon, I noticed that a lot of the releases are Divas. Does this mean the end of women's wrestling in WWE? Or will we actually see woman who can wrestle and not just be models?


Another question - it is obvious that the PG era in WWE has failed. With the bringing back of ECW does this mean we will see more of a style from the old school or even dare I say the Attitude era?


Vince McMahon: For starters, we certainly thank you for covering the WWE and for your time. Unfortunately at this time, we have no choice but to cut women's wrestling from the WWE umbrella. We have done extensive research that shows financially the money we spend on women's wrestling and the money we make on it just doesn't add up. Personally, I'm a big fan of a strong women's division and I hope that some day when we get our finances in order we can once more get the women's division back up and running. We will have women on the roster however for roles outside of wrestling, and no it won't be because their beauty it will be because of their work.


Your second question is a great question, and to be honest with you, we will do whatever makes money. If that's John Cena action figures, we will do it. If it's an attitude era type of worker that is over, we will push him to the top. We are in a position that we have to do whatever is making us money. I think it's important to keep our options open and be versatile. I think the combination of both is what can really elevate us into the new generation of wrestling. We are going to push the WWE and WCW brands as sports entertainment and ECW will also have a sports entertainment flavor, but we want to treat ECW geared a little more to our purists.

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WWE Presser


Early November


Vince McMahon: Hello everyone and thanks for coming out today. We are getting closer and closer to the revival of the new and improved WWE. As we have mentioned in the past we will be going to a tri-brand split with the WWE on Mondays, ECW on Wednesdays and WCW on Fridays. It's my great pleasure to reveal new information to all of you at this point as we prepare for the start of 2013.


First, let me reveal the PPV schedule for 2013.


Jan. - Royal Rumble: 30 man Royal Rumble match. Will feature 10 wrestlers from each promotion. The winner can chose between the top title of each 3 brands to compete for at Wrestlemania.


Feb. - Elimination Chamber: Will feature the Elimination Chamber match for each promotion's top title.


Mar. - Wrestlemania: The flagship WWE PPV. Will be the biggest show of the year.


Apr. - Extreme Rules: This PPV will borrow the ways of our friends from the ECW and see more extreme and hardcore style of matches than we normally see in the WWE umbrella.


May - Money in the Bank: 6 men will compete in a "money in the bank" match to win the briefcase that they can cash in on any World champ at anytime between the time of winning the briefcase and the next Wrestlemania. The 6 men will comprise of 2 from each promotion.


June - Night of Champions: Every title in the WWE umbrella will be up for grabs in this unforgettable PPV.


July - Summerslam: The premier summer card of the WWE umbrella. Will be one of the top PPV's of the year.


Aug. - World War 3: We are tapping into our history and borrowing an idea form the old WCW. 3 rings, 60 men (20 from each promotion), battle it out for a shot at a World Title at....


Sept. - Starrcade: Again, in an effort to expand ourselves beyond just WWE history, but wrestling history as well. Starrcade will be a close 2nd to Wrestlemania in terms of appeal and starr power.


Oct. - Halloween Havoc: Another old WCW PPV that we are bringing back to the WWE umbrella. Promises to be spooky, creepy and a can't miss PPV each and every year.


Nov. - November to Remember: NTR was made famous by Paul Heyman and the glory years of ECW. We will relive and out do the NTR's of yesteryear.


Dec. - Survivor Series: One of the long standing WWE PPVs gets moved to December which is perfect because it closes out the year with a bang. Survivor Series will continue to feature 5 on 5 traditional Survivor Series style matches.


We are looking forward to 2013 and all these PPVs in the upcoming year. We feel that these 12 shows will be outstanding and must see TV. Also, in the interest of business and keeping things simple and in a routine, all the PPV's will be held the final Sunday of the month.


Now with just one month remaining until the draft. I want to take this time to announce the GMs of each promotion. Starting with the WWE, yours truly will be the General Manager of that brand and knowing the other 2 GMs of the other brands, I can assure you that the WWE brand will top both ECW and WCW combined. Moving on, there is really only one man that's capable to run the ECW and that's Paul Heyman. We are happy to announce that Paul has been given the ECW promotion and will be running it. Finally, WCW, I'm not telling you the WCW GM at this time. For the record, he is now under the WWE umbrella, and will be drafting the WCW roster in December, but in all honestly we are holding off on the announcement until the first WCW show in 2013. You guys will love it and that's why we are doing it.


Our next press conference will be 2 weeks before the draft in which we will announce the signings that we have made to this point. That's it for now and I will open it up for questions.....

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Hope you don't mind if I join in.

Reporter- Mr. McMahon, Don't you feel a little concered that some superstars's careers are being flushed down? (You know? Like Tensai? Slater? Heck, Even Drew or that guy that never wins anymore, AKA, Michael McGillicutty)


Vince McMahon: No, I'm not concerned, our 3-way brand split is going to be a true brand split. Rarely, if ever, will a WCW superstar show up on ECW or ECW on WWE and so on. What I'm getting at is that more superstars will have greater opportunity than ever before. Pushing new faces is something that will be done, maybe not right out of the gate, but we have to develop new top tier talent or the game will pass us by.

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Mid-Late November


Vince McMahon: With the WWE rebirth draft less than 2 weeks away, I’d like to take this time to notify you about our updated roster.


A few guys we have added the last 6 months…

Bill Goldberg

Bobby Lashley

Brian Kendrick


Charlie Haas

Chavo Guerrero

Chris Masters

Dustin Rhodes

Gregory Helms

Harry Smith


Jay Lethal

John Morrison



Luke Gallows


Mark Copani

Matt Jackson

Matt Morgan

Mike Knox

Nigel McGuinness

Orlando Jordan

Paul London


Shawn Hernandez

Shelton Benjamin

Steve Corino

Tommy Dreamer

Vladimir Kozlov


Also a few guys have come back from retirement to join us as a favor to me and to help rebuild the WWE back to where it belongs. Some will be wrestling on a limited basis…

Steve Austin

Billy Kidman

Booker T.


Fit Finlay

John Layfield

Mick Foley


Shane Douglas

Shawn Michaels

The Rock

The Sandman



I will now open it up for questions...

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Will we be seeing these new signings under their current name? Or should we expect the normal repacking for those who haven't competed for WWE before?


Also can you speak on some of these names coming back and their health, as has well been known some of these names such as; Edge, Austin, and McGuinness all retired due to health issues.


And others are quite old, or have spoke on not wanting to compete anymore such as; Booker T., Shawn Michaels, Shane Douglas, Sabu, Dustin Rhodes, John Layfield, Mick Foley, The Sandman, and a few others.


Going forward what can we really expect from these guys knowing that they are phsysically or mentally not able to compete at either full or even part time such as Austin, Edge, and Nigel?


Quick side question, Are we going to see a removal of the wellness policy? I mean a few of these new signings have a well known drug fueled past and present, how will you be taking care of these things and expecting them to contribute to the show for any length of time?

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Vince McMahon: Great questions. One of the things we want the most is for wresting fans to be able to identify with these wrestlers (I don’t want to drastically change their names so all the readers know who I’m talking about). All of the wrestlers will be keeping their names, the only exceptions are that Mark Copani will go by his old WWE ring name of “Muhammad Hassan” and Shawn Hernandez will simply be known as “Hernandez.”


In regards to Edge, Austin and McGuiness, we have been given medical clearance from our doctors and the 3 wrestlers want to be apart of helping the WWE out of the rut we are currently in. We would be naïve to think that any of these 3 can carry a promotion or that will get a lot of matches in. Edge and Austin and even to a certain extent, Nigel will be used mainly for storylines and angles and will wrestle a match here and there. We want them more as personalities than wrestlers, but they have told me that they want to wrestle as much as physically possible. We will monitor them and make sure we aren’t overusing them.


As far as the older guys you’ve mentioned, you wouldn’t believe the amount of support that these veterans have given to me to come back and help bring the WWE back to it’s glory. All the guys you’ve mentioned didn’t take much convincing, and most of them called me to tell me they wanted back and they wanted to help. Like the previous 3 guys, we would be naïve to give any of those men heavy run and a ton of matches. We will use the older and the beat up wrestlers on a limited basis and use them as a bridge to the younger talent.


The wellness policy is a WWE staple and will not be going anywhere. We will continue to be strict to anyone that fails our drug policy. We understand that a few of our recent signees have a history of drug problems and if those problems continue we will wish them well in their future endeavors. All those guys that do have a history of drugs will have to earn our trust as well. In no way will we put wrestlers that have a history of drugs, especially recently in high profile positions until they earn our trust.

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Reporter #823493 - Mr McMahon I notice in the list of names you released you have Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks tag team what about his brother Nick is he being brought in aswell or were there complications? Also sir with the signing of KENTA will we see anymore Japanese stars added to the roster?
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Reporter #823493 - Mr McMahon I notice in the list of names you released you have Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks tag team what about his brother Nick is he being brought in aswell or were there complications? Also sir with the signing of KENTA will we see anymore Japanese stars added to the roster?


Vince McMahon: Good question #823493, to be candid yes to both. We were in negotiations with Nick but couldn't come to terms, which frankly doesn't bode too well for Matt. We will continue trying to negotiate with Nick in hopes of signing him and teaming him up with his brother again.


I like Kenta (we are trying to Americanize the name, which is why we lower cased all the letters except for K obviously) and I like a lot of Japanese wrestlers. It will be interesting to see where Kenta is drafted and how he is handled going forward, I signed him because he has a lot of upside. We've been in negotiations with other wrestlers from Japan, but a lot of them don't want to accept written contracts and it doesn't make a lot of sense signing Japanese wrestlers on a pay per appearance contract.

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And others are quite old, or have spoke on not wanting to compete anymore such as; Booker T., Shawn Michaels, Shane Douglas, Sabu, Dustin Rhodes, John Layfield, Mick Foley, The Sandman, and a few others.


Booker has said repeatedly his in ring career isn't done.


Shane Douglas is wrestling again at the next Extreme Reunion/Rising show.


and Dustin Rhodes is still wrestling on the independents.

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2 quick questions for the Chairman:


1) Is the "main" belt on every brand going to be it's own "World Title"? As in, all 3 belts are equal, or is the WWE Title on Raw superior to the WCW and ECW belts, as it should be?


2) With the elmination of women's wrestling in the promotion, and only a handful being kept around for other roles-does this mean we are more likely to see T&A at the levels of a decade ago? Likely the most perverted question you'll be asked but I don't mind saying that several of the women you've released, such as AJ, Rosa, and Layla make FANTASTIC eye candy. They could easily be given roles as valets or backstage interviewers to keep guys like myself entertained. And why not bring back Trish and Lita while you're at it!

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2 quick questions for the Chairman:


1) Is the "main" belt on every brand going to be it's own "World Title"? As in, all 3 belts are equal, or is the WWE Title on Raw superior to the WCW and ECW belts, as it should be?


2) With the elmination of women's wrestling in the promotion, and only a handful being kept around for other roles-does this mean we are more likely to see T&A at the levels of a decade ago? Likely the most perverted question you'll be asked but I don't mind saying that several of the women you've released, such as AJ, Rosa, and Layla make FANTASTIC eye candy. They could easily be given roles as valets or backstage interviewers to keep guys like myself entertained. And why not bring back Trish and Lita while you're at it!


Vince McMahon: To answer your questions in order. We want all 3 belts to be equal. Now of course that depends who holds them. If Hulk Hogan held the ECW Title and Doink held the WWE Title, then the ECW is going to have more prestige. We want the rosters to be even, so it will be interesting to see what our GM's, myself included, do to get their belt the most prestige.


We understand that sex sells and that eye candy is important to our viewers since a huge chunk of our demographic is men and men under the age or 34. We have a few women on the roster that I think are beautiful, but I also think most people turn in to see the wrestling and to see the stories. We will have to see what happens in terms of storylines and the development of the WWE umbrella.

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Question for McMahon! A lot of the talent there has come from America with some from Japan. Have you looked towards Mexico and the UK for talent?


Vince McMahon: We span the globe for talent. We aren't prejudice in anything especially talent. If you can wrestle, if you can entertain, if you can bring the WWE umbrella viewers, you're going to have a job for life. It all boils down to what makes us money, if you can make us money, you will have a job.

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The crusty old reporter from PWI has come forward to ask Mr McMahon a few hard hitting questions to gauge the reaction of the WWE chairman after his wife blew another 50 million in a failed election campaign once again


Reporter - Mr McMahon, Matt Brock here from Pro Wrestling Illustrated. A couple of questions if you don't mind.


#1 - I see a lot of talent that has been added to the roster, some young but mostly older wrestlers. Isn't one of the problems with the WWE product before your reorganization, was a lack of new stars? Recycling some of these guys from the past seems like a move of desperation instead of a move to strengthen the company long term


#2 - it seems to me that when you decided that you were an entertainment company instead of a wrestling company, who employed superstars instead of wrestlers and moved away from being World Wrestling Entertainment to the WWE that you forgot one main thing. That you are a wrestling promoter that employed wrestlers to put on a WRESTLING show. Any chance that you will maybe go back to being a strong wrestling company instead of being a failing entertainment company.


#3 - Any chance we have seen the end of your wife's career in politics? I mean 2 campaigns and 100 million dollars lost could have been used to launch the WWE network.


#4 - The creative direction of the company has been pretty poor the last 10 years. Do you think it was a mistake to put your daughter in charge of creative instead of true wrestling bookers who had a quality knowledge of the business like Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette? Any chance that we will see Stephanie replaced as the head of creative?


#5 - Has the business passed you by?

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Oh yea, and as a follow up:


Any chance that each brand gets,well..."branded"? By that I mean, WWE and WCW are already "entertainment" based, with ECW bringing the "purist" form. Maybe each brand is heavy on tag teams or crusierweight action. ECW already has the hardcore aura, maybe down the line it can house a revamped women's divsion? Or maybe WCW can have a "Legends" vibe or even a division of old timers?

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The crusty old reporter from PWI has come forward to ask Mr McMahon a few hard hitting questions to gauge the reaction of the WWE chairman after his wife blew another 50 million in a failed election campaign once again


Reporter - Mr McMahon, Matt Brock here from Pro Wrestling Illustrated. A couple of questions if you don't mind.


#1 - I see a lot of talent that has been added to the roster, some young but mostly older wrestlers. Isn't one of the problems with the WWE product before your reorganization, was a lack of new stars? Recycling some of these guys from the past seems like a move of desperation instead of a move to strengthen the company long term


#2 - it seems to me that when you decided that you were an entertainment company instead of a wrestling company, who employed superstars instead of wrestlers and moved away from being World Wrestling Entertainment to the WWE that you forgot one main thing. That you are a wrestling promoter that employed wrestlers to put on a WRESTLING show. Any chance that you will maybe go back to being a strong wrestling company instead of being a failing entertainment company.


#3 - Any chance we have seen the end of your wife's career in politics? I mean 2 campaigns and 100 million dollars lost could have been used to launch the WWE network.


#4 - The creative direction of the company has been pretty poor the last 10 years. Do you think it was a mistake to put your daughter in charge of creative instead of true wrestling bookers who had a quality knowledge of the business like Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette? Any chance that we will see Stephanie replaced as the head of creative?


#5 - Has the business passed you by?


Vince McMahon: Great questions, I’ll answer them in order. Yes, before the reorganization we had a lack of new stars and we are going to work tirelessly developing new stars. You think we are recycling these veterans before we’ve even had a show, much less the draft. Let’s see how they are used before you make your judgment. To me it seems like you don’t want the veterans in the company at all, in my mind, having veterans who have been in the WWE before, who know what it takes to make it in this business is very important to have in the back and in the ring so the young and future stars can see that and learn from them. I think veterans are huge for young development.


Frankly, we want both. We want wrestling shows that are very entertaining, but you’re right, we need to be wrestling first. I think we have superstars now that are unbelievable wrestlers, the best in the world even. We will push our superstars based on what they can do in the ring, first and how they can entertain, second.


In regards to the potential end of my wife’s political aspirations….boy, I certainly hope so. As they say though, a happy wife is a happy life, so I’ll let her decide what she wants to do.


I wouldn’t say it was a mistake, maybe not my best idea though. Look, Stephanie has a great mind and she has learned this business as well as anyone. Has she been the best of all the time? No, but she will continue to be a big asset for the company, but not as head of creative.


Has the business passed me by? No.

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Oh yea, and as a follow up:


Any chance that each brand gets,well..."branded"? By that I mean, WWE and WCW are already "entertainment" based, with ECW bringing the "purist" form. Maybe each brand is heavy on tag teams or crusierweight action. ECW already has the hardcore aura, maybe down the line it can house a revamped women's divsion? Or maybe WCW can have a "Legends" vibe or even a division of old timers?


Vince McMahon:This is something that is possible, but we want our brands to create themselves. We need to see how the draft goes and how the GM's of these shows use their talent and the wrestlers. I don't want to say WCW is going to be "entertainment" based and they come out of the draft with 20 pure style wrestlers and try to force them into entertainers.


We need to be able to adjust to what our talent is. The brands will go where they go and we want them to run wild.

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Broadcast Teams


Vince McMahon: With the draft happening within the next few days, we wanted to announce our broadcast teams for each brand...


WWE - Michael Cole, Jerry "The King" Lawler, Jim Ross.

ECW - Joey Styles, Tazz

WCW - Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko


Also, each broadcast team will cover 4 PPV's per year...


Cole, Lawler, Ross: Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Survivor Series

Styles, Tazz - Extreme Rules, Money in the Bank, Night of Champions, November to Remember

Schiavone, Zbyszko - Elimination Chamber, World War 3, Starrcade, Halloween Havoc

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A few tidbits on how I conducted the draft. I rated the wrestlers 1-99, meaning 33 wrestlers per brand. The brands in the first 10 rounds must draft a wrestler who was once in their promotion. The final 23 rounds are up for grabs. Each brand will have 3 options to choose from; the top ranked wrestler, the 2nd ranked wrestler and the 3rd ranked wrestler. I will roll a die, if it’s 1-3 then I will pick the top ranked wrestler, if it’s 4-5 then I will pick the 2nd ranked wrestler, if it’s a 6 then it will be the 3rd ranked wrestler. Also, I have given 10 wrestlers a “preference” brand and a few wrestlers a “tag team partner.” If any of the 3 top ranked wrestlers have a preference or a tag team partner already on the brand, that wrestler will be auto-picked to that promotion.


Vince McMahon: It’s time now what we’ve been waiting 6 months for. Here are the results….



John Cena

CM Punk

Shawn Michaels

Brock Lesnar

Alberto Del Rio

Daniel Bryan

The Rock

Dolph Ziggler

Cody Rhodes

Jack Swagger

Randy Orton

John Layfield

Antonio Cesaro

Lord Tensai

Chris Hero


Colt Cabana

Damien Sandow

Jinder Mahal

Muhammad Hassan

Jey Uso

Jimmy Uso

Evan Bourne


Justin Gabriel

Matt Morgan

Ted DiBiase


DH Smith

Fit Finlay

Brodus Clay


Mason Ryan



The Big Show



Mick Foley


The Miz

John Morrison

Mark Henry

Bobby Lashley

Kofi Kingston



Tommy Dreamer

Zack Ryder



Brian Kendrick

Paul London





Steve Corino

Shane Douglas


Jerry Lynn

The Sandman

Tyler Reks

David Otunga

Michael McGillicutty

Vladimir Kozlov

Chris Masters

Mike Knox



Chris Jericho

The Undertaker

Triple H

Rey Mysterio


William Regal

Booker T

Steve Austin

Chavo Guerrero

Bill Goldberg

Wade Barrett


Sin Cara


Shelton Benjamin

Jay Lethal

Drew McIntyre



Charlie Haas

Shad Gaspard


Darren Young

Titus O'Neill

Heath Slater

Nigel McGuinness

Luke Gallows

Seth Rollins

Santino Marella

Orlando Jordan

Rod Strong

Curt Hawkins



Vince McMahon: So WWE universe, which roster is the best?

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Personally I would say the best balanced roster is WCW as it has some good tag teams and isn't too top heavy. My concern with WWE roster is that it has too many main event wrestlers so some of the good young talent will be lost in the shuffle. I don't like the ECW roster much at all. There are a few nuggets but I think they will have some serious challenges.


I love the hiring of Larry Zbysko as a color guy


Who are some of the guys that you have working as road agents etc? I didn't do a "in character" review because I didn't want to pick someone you might be using

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