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WWE: A Change for the Best

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Personally I would say the best balanced roster is WCW as it has some good tag teams and isn't too top heavy. My concern with WWE roster is that it has too many main event wrestlers so some of the good young talent will be lost in the shuffle. I don't like the ECW roster much at all. There are a few nuggets but I think they will have some serious challenges.


I love the hiring of Larry Zbysko as a color guy


Who are some of the guys that you have working as road agents etc? I didn't do a "in character" review because I didn't want to pick someone you might be using


I'm using Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, Dean Malenko, John Laurinaitis, Pat Patterson, Tully Blanchard, Val Venis

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I get the draft. It just seems weird for taker to be on wcw. Wouldnt it be awesome if Vince unforced copyright with each brand. Like since taker was made in WWF the wcw brand fant use his name?


I see your point, but it's still all under the WWE umbrella. If this fictional world become a reality, no way Vince would have Taker drop the Taker gimmick. It's too popular.

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3 questions:

1. Wouldn't it be easier to just do one brand instead of wasting money on 3 brands?

2. Your predictions on who will be the world champion of each brand?

3. Out of WWE, WCW and ECW, by the end of 2013, who do you think will be the biggest brand?


Vince McMahon: Thanks for covering the WWE umbrella Sam. We want 3 unique shows, and we wanted to tap into wrestling history. Also, I feel wrestling was at it's peak when the WWE and WCW went toe to toe. I want to recreate that. It's also not a waste of money because we have 3 different TV contracts whereas we would just be doing house shows anyways.


As far as my predictions of world champs, it wouldn't be prudent of me to do that since I know who my WWE champ will be, and I've had discussions with the GM of ECW and WCW and know what direction they are going in. Me giving you that answer would be ruining the show.


By the end of 2013, I expect WWE to be the biggest brand. I am the GM of the show after all, and I don't lose.

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January Week 1 2013


After a 6 month hiatus, the WWE is back! Tune in to see what Mr. McMahon has in store, and to witness the new chapter of the WWE era.


A title will be on the line on the first show of 2013.


Which title will it be? Who will emerge as the best in the WWE? What surprises are in store? Tune in tonight to find out.


Match Key:

1 of these matches will be for a WWE Title

Rhode Scholars v. The Usos v. Evan Bourne & Justin Gabriel

CM Punk v. Daniel Bryan

John Cena v. Dolph Ziggler

Randy Orton v. John Bradshaw Layfield

Alberto Del Rio v. Shawn Michaels

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1 of these matches will be for a WWE Title

Rhode Scholars v. The Usos v. Evan Bourne & Justin GabrielThe World Tag Team Championship will be on the line here.

CM Punk v. Daniel Bryan

John Cena v. Dolph Ziggler

Randy Orton v. John Bradshaw Layfield

Alberto Del Rio v. Shawn Michaels

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January Week 1 2013



The show gets started with Mr. McMahon walking to the ring and grabbing a mic…


Mr. McMahon: Hello everybody and welcome into WWE Raw! The new era of the WWE will put us in a new stratosphere that wrestling fans have never seen before. As a way for us to apologize to all of you for putting the WWE on hold for 6 months, and as a way to thank all of you for sticking around, we have a very exciting premier week ahead. Every promotion has 3 titles per show; the main title, the midcard title and the tag team titles, and every promotion during premier week will put a different level title up for grabs. Tonight the WWE Tag Team Titles will be on the line in a 3 way tag match featuring the Rhode Scholars, The Usos and Evan Bourne teaming with Justin Gabriel. Now I know what you are wondering, “what about the other titles?” I’d also like to announce that WWE will have an 8-man tournament to determine our new champ. The first round is tonight, the semis are next week and then the finals will be held at the Royal Rumble. The 8 competitors vying for the WWE Title are; CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, JBL, Alberto Del Rio and Shawn Michaels. Also, the Intercontinental Title will be held at the Rumble in a triple threat match, but there will be qualifiers to that match beginning next week. Let’s get this show on the road and anoint champions right out of the gate…


WWE Tag Team Championship Match

Rhode Scholars v. The Usos v. Evan Bourne & Justin Gabriel

Rhode Scholars defeated The Uso's and Evan Bourne and Justin Gabriel; Rhode Scholars win the WWE Tag Team titles.


Cole: The Rhode Scholars, the most intelligent team in tag team history, are the first Tag Team Champs in the NEW WWE.


King: They are obnoxious Cole and too smart for their own good.


J.R.: The truth of the matter is that they are talented, and they are young. The sky is the limit for the Rhode Scholars.


Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan are shown backstage.

Ziggler: Daniel, I’m going to win the 8-man tournament and win the WWE Title.


Bryan: No! No! No! No! No! I will win the WWE Title!


Ziggler: You’re right, the answer to the question is no, and the question is? will you make it out of the 1st round?



CM Punk v. Daniel Bryan

CM Punk defeated Daniel Bryan by pinfall to advance in the WWE Title Tournament.


Cole: Boy what a great match to set the tone of the WWE Title Tournament.


King: Bryan was so close to pulling it out, he is on the verge of doing some great things.


J.R.: You’re right guys, what a great match that was. CM Punk is going to be tough to eliminate from this tournament.



John Cena is shown backstage being interviewed by Matt Striker

Striker: John, in order to win the WWE Title, you will have to beat 3 of the top 8 wrestlers in WWE in 4 weeks, are you up for the task?


Cena: Matt, it’s about Hustle, Loyalty and Respect. Who knows how it’s going to turn out, there are 7 wrestlers left after that last match and all are title worthy. I just know that no one is going to out work me and you can bet your tail that I’m going to be there at the end.



John Cena v. Dolph Ziggler

John Cena defeated Dolph Ziggler by pinfall to advance in the WWE Title Tournament.


Cole: And our 2nd wrestler of the night is on to the 2nd round!


King: Oh boy, Cena has never looked better.


J.R.: Both of these young men looked great tonight. Cena is a serious contender for the belt and Ziggler will have to go to the drawing board.



Mr. McMahon again makes his way to the ring.


Mr. McMahon: In the past 6 months we have not conducted a show or an event, but that doesn’t mean we have ceased operation or didn’t spend money during that time. In fact, we have signed several wrestlers to the roster. I even went all the way to Japan to sign someone that I’m very excited for and you will love to see, making his debut next week on WWE Raw…..Kenta!!!


Kenta Highlight Video is shown



Randy Orton v. John Bradshaw Layfield

Randy Orton defeated John Layfield by pinfall to advance in the WWE Title Tournament.


After the match Jinder Mahal & Muhammad Hassan stormed the ring and ambushed Randy Orton, attacking him and left him beaten in the ring to the point that he had to be carted out on a gurney.


Cole: This isn’t good, a very somber moment. The Viper looks like he is in serious pain.


King: Muhammad Hassan is back in the WWE and he has joined forces with Jinder Mahal, this has trouble written all over it.


J.R.: Orton looks in bad shape, I am afraid this is a devastating injury. Mahal and Hassan with a vicious attack to one of the best. There is no way that Orton can continue in this tournament.




Alberto Del Rio v. Shawn Michaels

Alberto Del Rio defeated Shawn Michaels by pinfall to advance in the WWE Title Tournament.


After the match Alberto Del Rio, with the help of Ricardo Rodriguez, attack Michaels after the match. Del Rio has Michaels in the arm bar for a long time and it appears that Del Rio has broken HBK’s arm. After a brief period, The Rock’s music hits. The Rock storms down the ramp to the ring leading Del Rio and Rodriguez to retreat. The Rock grabs a mic.


The Rock: Finally, The Rock has come back to the WWE. Universe, Hollywood has been a blast for way too long, but it’s time for The Rock to come back to his true calling and that’s being the great one. The Rock is going to soar to heights never seen before and he will once again carry this company like only the People’s champ can. The People’s champ is going to be the WWE Champ, and it’s going to be sooner than later, because The Rock will be taking Randy Orton’s spot in the tournament and The Rock will face you next week, Alberto Del Rio…If you smell what The Rock is cooking.

Cole: The Rock is back and he is on a collision course with Alberto Del Rio


King: Our favorite jabroni has graced our television sets


J.R: What a great re-grand opening to the WWE, we have new Tag Team Champs, Japanese star Kenta will be here next week, The Rock is back and only 4 men remain in the WWE Title Tourney, see you all next week.

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I feel bad for Orton, really hope he doesn't just allow Rock to take his place!


Going to be interesting to see who you decide to push/use when you have 3 rosters with 30+ wrestlers and plenty of old guys, and I don't envy you having to write 3 shows each week...


But good luck man, going to be cool to see how the brands do, hope you keep it up.

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January Week 1 2013


The ECW returns to television this Wednesday.


A star studded roster looks to top the success set by WWE Raw 2 nights ago.


Mr. McMahon promised each promotion would have a title match on their opening show. With WWE already using up the Tag Title level, which ECW Title will be on the line, the ECW World Title or the Television Title?

Tune in to find out


Match Key:

6 –man TLC: John Morrison v. Kofi Kingston v. R-Truth v. Tommy Dreamer v. Zack Ryder v. MVP

Christian v. Mic Foley

The Miz v. Bobby Lashley

Sheamus v. The Big Show

Kane v. Mark Henry

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Meh, close enough :p Wouldn't I get the bonus points?


6 –man TLC: John Morrison v. Kofi Kingston v. R-Truth v. Tommy Dreamer v. Zack Ryder v. MVP ECW World Championship

Christian v. Mic FoleyI don't know who Mic Foley is :p

The Miz v. Bobby LashleyBlack Lesnar strikes again

Sheamus v. The Big Show

Kane v. Mark Henry

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January Week 1 2013


The music of Edge blasts through the arena and out walks The Rated “R” Superstar.


Edge: Look at this crowd, unbelievable. Thank you all for the rock star ovation. As has been said in the months leading up to this week, I’ve volunteered to help bring this company back to the top. I received a clear bill of health and I was very excited to get back into the ring and when I found out I was drafted by ECW, I vowed to myself that I would be the first ECW World Champ after the re-grand opening. Unfortunately, I went in for my physical last week and I was told that I failed my physical and that my clear bill of health had taken a turn. I’m sad to say that my wrestling career is indeed over. Paul Heyman has asked me if I would stay on the roster as a personality and help out when I can. Me, being the wrestling fan I am, told him that I would do whatever I can to help. I want to thank the fans for being supportive and I also want to apologize that I can’t help the company as an in-ring talent. I also apologize to ECW because I truly want this brand to be the top brand in the Umbrella. See you soon.



ECW World Television Title Match

John Morrison v. Kofi Kingston v. R-Truth v. Tommy Dreamer v. Zack Ryder v. M.V.P.

John Morrison defeated Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Tommy Dreamer, Zack Ryder and M.V.P. Rhyno distracted Tommy Dreamer in the match; John Morrison wins the ECW World Television title.


Styles: That was a great way to start the show, John Morrison is the ECW World Television champ.


Tazz: It was a great match Joey, my question is, why did Rhyno attack Tommy Dreamer and eliminate the chance of an ECW original winning the title?



Paul Heyman walks out to the ring.


Heyman: ECW Fans! Welcome to the new ECW! As is evident by the last match, the ECW is going to be the place for action packed, intense, quality wrestling. The ECW will be the top brand in the “Umbrella,” and really it won’t be close. Unlike Mr. McMahon, unlike whoever they get to run the talentless roster of WCW, I know wrestling. I know what wrestling fans want to see. I have discovered superstar after superstar and I can put together a show that no one else has the mind or capability to do. As you have seen, we have already crowned our Television champ. Next week, we will crown our Tag Team champs as we feature a tag team from the new school and a team from the old. It will be Kofi Kingston and R-Truth teaming up with a pair of old rivals, The Sandman and Sabu! Also, we have an ECW World title to worry about. We will crown our champ at the Royal Rumble in a fatal 4-way! Tonight 4 men will qualify for that match, if they can win tonight. Christian takes on the hardcore legend Mick Foley. The Miz squares off against Bobby Lashley. The Big Show steps into the ring with Sheamus. And in our main event 2 giants do battle, Mark Henry against Kane! Buckle in and enjoy the show.




The camera fades backstage showing 4 superstars. Homicide, Hernandez, Hunico and Camacho are shown hanging out in the parking lot around a low rider style car.


Homicde: Hombres, after years of doing what we could in the wrestling business, we finally are on the same brand.


Hernadez: Si, Si. Now we can put the power of our gang to work.


Camacho: We will be unstoppable.


Hunico: Los Zetas will be a destructive force, just like our amigos in Mexico.


Styles: What the hell was that?


Tazz: I don’t know, but it sounded dangerous.




The Miz v. Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley defeated the Miz to advance to the Fatal 4 way match for the ECW World Title at the Royal Rumble.


Styles: A pretty even match Tazz, but Lashley was just too powerful.


Tazz: The Miz has nothing to be ashamed of, but Lashley may be the next big thing. Keep in mind what Heyman did when he had Brock Lesnar at his disposal, Lashley may be next.

Camera follows Lashley into the back where he bumps into The Big Show, who is walking to the ring for his next match.


Styles: That was awkward.


Tazz: Very, that’d be an interesting match up.



Sheamus v. The Big Show

Sheamus defeated The Big Show to advance to the Fatal 4 way match for the ECW World Title at the Royal Rumble.


Styles: A mild upset by Sheamus! Won with the surprise cradle.


Tazz: The Big Show doesn’t lose often, when he does you have to give your props to the victor.




Christian v. Mick Foley

Christian defeated Mick Foley to advance to the Fatal 4 way match for the ECW World Title at the Royal Rumble.

Styles: Foley put up a valiant fight, but he just looked old out there Tazz.


Tazz: He is up there in age, but he hasn’t wrestled in a long while. Give him some time, he will shake off the rust.




Camera fades backstage where Matt Striker is standing by with Kane.


Striker: Kane, big opportunity tonight, if you win, you get a shot at the ECW Title…


Kane: The match tonight is just one step to the domination that is soon to come.


Mark Henry emerges from behind and attacks Kane.


Styles: Advantage Henry in the main event, he softened up the Big Red Monster.


Tazz: I don’t know Styles, maybe Kane won’t be 100%, but he will be pissed off. I don’t like the idea of pissing off a monster




Camera fades to the parking lot where the low rider car of Los Zetas is at, all that is shown is Sabu laying unconscious on the car, in the distance Los Zetas are walking away slowly.


Styles: You said it Tazz, the formation of Los Zetas looks like it could be a dangerous problem in ECW.


Tazz: What makes me sick, is that Los Zetas put Sabu right on top of the car for everyone to see. They are trying to send a public message.




Kane v. Mark Henry

Mark Henry defeated Kane to advance to the Fatal 4 way match for the ECW World Title at the Royal Rumble.


Styles: And the Fatal 4 way for the ECW World Title at the Royal Rumble is set. It will be Mark Henry, Christian, Bobby Lashley and Sheamus.


Tazz: We are going to have to wait a while for that match, but I already can’t wait.


Styles: See you next week on ECW.

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