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Wrestling With Added Dinosaurs [ThunderVerse]

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Wrestlesaurus X Pre-Tour Report #2


We find ourselves in a old timey gym where the members of Americana are training. Adam Manchester is sparring with Derek Grace whilst Duke Dynamite is chasing a chicken.




DG: “Christian. You've had our number the past three months. No matter where we turn you are there. You're rambling on about how you are looking to destroy my profession. You were weird during Become A Star. You're weird now. It's all smoke and mirrors with you. But somehow you have us beat. And now? You're going on about how you are taking our souls. We needed to even the numbers. I went to an old friend of mine.”


With that a fourth man walks into shot with a hooded jumper on.


DG: “You're familiar with this man. This man will punish you, he's our ace in the hole so to speak.”


The hood comes down, revealing...




Sam “Red” Bailey from the Become A Star competition.


Sam takes centre stage now, his face contorting in anger.


SRB: “CHRISTIAN! This ends now. You can't beat me. You can't take the soul of the man WHO HAS NO SOUL”.


The camera leaves as the quartet head back to training, Duke Dynamite looking confused as his chicken seems to have vanished from plain sight.

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Wrestlesaurus X Pre-Tour Report #3


A lone figure stands on the edge of a tall building overlooking The Simmons Centre, watching the lines of fans queuing up for Free Entry for All Time Travelers. The camera doesn't see the figure's face but we do see a long black jacket and what appears to be a mask.




The figure reacts to Super Kenshi's presence. Kenshi appears behind the figure and readies himself to strike. Before he can, the figure spins around and counters his attacks.


Figure:"You cannot beat me. I've been watching you and your kind for a while. You run around acting like you are the law in Wrestlesaurus X."


The camera sees his front.




Figure: "You aren't the law. I AM THE LAW! And I'm here to end your evil ways. You can't stop The Law."


He kicks Super Kenshi once more before walking off.


Credit to 1234 for the picture for The Law.

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Wrestlesaurus X Pre-Tour Report #4




Doctor Euan Reeka and FinEATo greet the viewer as the fourth pre tour report opens up. FinEATo is gnawing on a large piece of steak and Doctor Reeka is working on some sort of experiment. He mixes two things together and sprints away excitedly. FinEATo is still attacking his piece of steak but follows Reeka out of the shot. By doing this, they miss two characters coming into the laboratory.




Green Mask: “HAHAHAHA! FOOLS! The good doctor walked away from his precious research, just like he walked away from you Spider. He abandoned you for the stupid shark. Now it is time for us to strike back!”


With that, the green masked man steals Doctor Reeka's research from his table.


GM: “Now! Let us leave. To the Evilmobile!”


Tyre screeches follow. Doctor Reeka comes back into the scene and drops to his knees.



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Wrestlesaurus X Pre Tour Report 5


The camera footage starts in bright daylight in the Hollywood hills as Bryce the Cameraman is trying to gain access to the exclusive restaurant Hollywood's Finest are dining in. Eventually a minder for the duo comes over and waves him through.


Famous C and Kris Bryant do not look happy at having their meal – two plates of incredibly small pieces of fish – interrupted.




KB: “Bryce. Why do you have to bother us now? We're here in our true home, trying to enjoy a lovely meal and you want us to talk about Wrestlesaurus X? I'm heading out to Japan in a two days time. I'm afraid I don't have the time to talk to D-listers like you.”


FC: “What my man Kris is trying to say is that we don't need to do a whole lot of talking. We're the true kings of Wrestlesaurus X. We're not tied down by any bullcrap that comes out of the mouths of Christian Prophet OR Derek Grace. And to prove it, we're laying down a challenge. Any team is welcome to take the challenge. IF they win? They get $5000 from us. And a point on the precious Twin Terrors ladder. When we win? We get the satisfaction of knowing we are the best. Winning brings the bling. We don't need anything else.”


KB: “Now if you wouldn't mind Bryce, me and my partner have some...talking to do.”


With that Bryce takes his leave, not before capturing Famous C looking at Kris with confusion.


Author's note: The prediction card will go up tomorrow. Belated credits to TheEnforcer for the green masked man's render from yesterday's "report".


Also what do you, the reader, think of the pre-tour reports so far? Are they helping you to understand the character of each worker and potential storylines or are they little annoyances that get your hopes about a show being posted?

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Wrestlesaurus X Pre Tour Report 5




Author's note: The prediction card will go up tomorrow. Belated credits to TheEnforcer for the green masked man's render from yesterday's "report".


Also what do you, the reader, think of the pre-tour reports so far? Are they helping you to understand the character of each worker and potential storylines or are they little annoyances that get your hopes about a show being posted?


I like the reports myself. It helps to show how you're planning on using everyone and there role with the company.

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Wrestlesaurus Pre-Tour Report #5


The red masked man who haunted Paul Crowley at the last show pops up, with a faint whiff of Arabic music in the background.




Red Masked Man: “I've recently been shown a video of a man calling me out. He claims that I am a former friend of his. I don't have any knowledge of who this “Ebi” character is. He sounds like a terrible man to have let his friend down. I have a simple explanation as to why I showed up. DISCO Fox is an old friend of mine, I actually helped get him into the business. I came out to see how he was faring, he has come a long way in his training. Mister Crowley, be warned however, I will not take lightly to slander against my name. I wish you luck finding your old friend. I am not him. Leave me be or suffer harsh consequences.”


With that, the masked man takes his absence and this ends the video.

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Wrestlesaurus X The Tour That Launched Many Tours Tour Show #1


Matches Include


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DerekGrace.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/ChristianProphet.jpg

The Leader of Americana vs The Leader of The Dark Army


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DreadNocturn.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/PaulCrowley_alt2.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DISCOFox.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/LordSimonDarcy.jpg

Serious Wrestlers vs Serious Dancers (70s Style)


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/ElMisterio.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/TonyPearce.jpg

A Mysterious Masked Man vs A Bald Submission Artist


Quick Picks

The Monastery vs Boomshine's Boys

Weird Science vs Ashmedai & Super Kenshi

El Misterio vs Tony Pearce

DISCO Fox & Lord Simon Darcy vs Sophisticated Fear

Derek Grace vs Christian Prophet

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The Monastery vs Boomshine's Boys


If you can find a good use for Earl Ray you're a better man than I.


Weird Science vs Ashmedai & Super Kenshi


Weird Science is a fun team, but Ashmedai and Kenshi are two of your top heels.


El Misterio vs Tony Pearce


The guy who's certainly not Ebi Kadivar seems to have more going on than Pearce.


DISCO Fox & Lord Simon Darcy vs Sophisticated Fear


Heels win it here.


Derek Grace vs Christian Prophet


If your game is anything like mine then Grace got picked up by Dragon, and thus has an overness edge here. The heels don't need to win every time.

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Okay, here is the skinny. I have three projects to do for uni and that is taking up most of my free time. So I'm taking longer to work on the show writing that I would like. The show WILL be up at some point this week, just wanted to let the lovely people who read this know what was happening. :)
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Gives me time to sneak in some predictions, which I keep forgetting to do.


The Monastery vs Boomshine's Boys

Weird Science vs Ashmedai & Super Kenshi

El Misterio vs Tony Pearce

DISCO Fox & Lord Simon Darcy vs Sophisticated Fear

Derek Grace vs Christian Prophet


And now, because I am in a similar situation with university assignments, back to rushing work ahead of the 2013 release dates tomorrow. :p

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The Tour That Launched Many Tours Tour

The Simmons Centre

Attendance : 110


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/BradyTaylor.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/ScottSeal.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/EarlRayTravis.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/JoshuaLancaster.jpg


The Monastery vs Boomshine's Boys


  • The Monastery showed two sides in the match. Brady Taylor remained calm throughout the match whereas Scott Seal was like an uncaged animal.
  • Seal had control over the match from bell to bell, punishing Earl Ray and Joshua with a variety of holds and throws.
  • Clever Tracy tried to cheat for his boys but Referee Mark Rydale caught onto him and ejected him from ringside.
  • Without their manager, Boomshine's Boys were truly lost and Earl Ray soon succumbed to the Reality-Plex (Half Nelson Suplex)


Winners: The Monastery (1pt)

Rating: 33


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/JeffStarfield.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/FinEATo.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Ashmedai.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/SuperKenshi.jpg


Weird Science vs The Dark Army (Ashmedai & Super Kenshi)


  • Weird Science never really got into the match due to the sheer size of Ashmedai and the quickness of Super Kenshi.
  • Ashmedai looked at his best here, throwing the smaller men around with ease and not really letting Super Kenshi in on the action.
  • A comeback from Weird Science was soon squashed, literally, by an impressive double helping of You and Your Sins by Ashmedai.


Winners: The Dark Army – The Dark Army do not gain a point on the Twin Terrors leaderboard due to Ashmedai being one half of the current champions.

Rating: 38


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/ElMisterio.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/TonyPearce.jpg


El Misterio vs Tony Pearce


  • El Misterio came into the match with a great deal of speculation about his abilities, and he actually requested to face Tony Pearce to show off what he could do.
  • Tony Pearce pushed El Misterio to his limits early on, slowing the match right down and showing off the technical abilities that got him noticed.
  • El Misterio fought his way back into the match, bringing the match up to a blistering pace as he flew around the ring like a red mysterious blur.
  • Misterio's speed proved to be the key factor here as a sequence of moves which saw Misterio bounce off the ropes and deliver a breathtaking hurracanrana before jumping off the top turnbuckle with an amazing Pheonix Splash sealed the debut win.


Winner: El Misterio

Rating: 44


After the match El Misterio waited in the ring for Tony Pearce to stand and extended a hand out to him. Pearce shook his hand before warning him that next time Misterio wouldn't be so lucky. Misterio smiled and nodded at Pearce, allowing Pearce to walk to the back before Misterio himself made the journey...




...he made it as far as the entrance way before Paul Crowley exploded out from behind the curtain and surprised El Misterio, raining punches down on him with a furious anger.


Crowley stood up and demanded a microphone.


PC: “Yeah you idiots boo me now. I don't care. This man is a FRAUD. He is deceiving ALL of you. Do you think he cares about sportsmanship? Do you think he cares about you at all?”


Crowley stops his rant to kick Misterio a few more times before continuing.


“This man, this so-called mystery, ABANDONED me. When the times got tough, you ran. Ebi, I swear if it is the last thing I do in this promotion, I will END your career. I will END you.”


Crowley then heads to the ring, waiting for Dread Nocturn to come out for the scheduled tag team match.


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DISCOFox.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/LordSimonDarcy.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DreadNocturn.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/PaulCrowley_alt2.jpg


DISCO Lords (DISCO Fox & Lord Simon Darcy) vs Sophisticated Fear


  • Neither DISCO Fox or Lord Simon Darcy wanted a piece of a rabid Paul Crowley in this match, even Dread Nocturn looked shaken. Not that we could see under his mask or anything.
  • Crowley didn't care about wrestling in this match as he tore Lord Darcy apart, all the while ranting about El Misterio.
  • Dread Nocturn eventually tagged himself in, allowing Lord Darcy a window in which he tagged out to DISCO Fox, who preceded to engage Nocturn in a mid-match dance off. Fox looked to have the upper hand in the dance off until Nocturn nailed Fox with a wicked lariat.
  • Nocturn continued to work over Fox, focusing mainly on the head. Nocturn ended the match with The Eternal Suffering on DISCO Fox whilst Paul Crowley was no nowhere to be seen.


Winners: Sophisticated Fear

Rating: 40


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DerekGrace.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/ChristianProphet.jpg


Derek Grace vs Christian Prophet


  • Both men couldn't even wait for the bell to ring as Christian Prophet attempted to gain a pre-match advantage on Grace. The tactic failed as Grace was expecting it and as such, evaded Prophet's attacks and goaded him into the ring.
  • Once they hit the ring, the action moved at a blinding pace. Grace moved around the ring, never staying too long in one place so that The Prophet wouldn't be able to hit him.
  • The plan worked up until Grace was perched on the top turnbuckle, waiting with Prophet to get up so Grace could hit The Flying Grace (Flying UFO). Prophet avoided the kick and unleashed hell upon Derek Grace.
  • After Prophet wouldn't let up on Derek Grace, and the match devolved into a one sided massacre, Referee Mark Rydale had no choice but to call for a DQ via “excessivo de castigo” (excessive punishment.)


Winner via excessivo de castigo: Derek Grace

Rating: 53


Overall Show Rating: 45

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The show finally goes up! Only nearly a week late.:p


Predictions Ladder!

Tiberious4 - 5/5

mitsuaikira - 4/5

1234- 3/5

Midnightnick - 3/5

MJStark - 2/5


Tiberious once again showing why he is in fact living inside the head of every ThunderVerse dynasty that runs predictions on GDS. :p


Any thoughts on the presentation style of the show? Like it? Hate it? Not bothered by it?

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Bad news folks. My laptop failed me last night. Managed to save my uni work but not WrestleX. So this is dead. I'll be posting where I was going (I had a storyline for season three planned out! :eek:).


Good news is that the Wrestlesaurus will rise again in TEW '13.

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