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Feature That Will Make The Game For You

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I'm on the fence about buying the newest one, but there's one feature that will turn this into a Must Buy for me.


If Adam adds more detail into the Alliance/Umbrella system it would sell it for me. The ability to "permanently" trade talent or "buy" talent another promotion in the umbrella isn't using off of them


1) Permanent Talent Trading

If both sides and all Workers involved agree to it, two promotions within an Umbrella should be allowed to "permanently" trade contracts. This would need to be balanced of course and each Worker should have a hidden value (for AI to use) that is determined by something like Popularity + Push + Title Status. A promotion will be far less likely to trade somebody who is a popular Main Event title holder than they would be to trade somebody like a non-title holding Midcarder, especially if you're only giving them a Midcarder in trade (this is unless the AI owner of that promotion sees huge potential in who you're trading and has a personality to go after those kinds of performers).


2) Talent Buying

Sometimes you may see a worker in another promotion in the umbrella who currently isn't being used by that promotion, but that you'd really like to have in yours. This is where Talent Buying would come in. If a promotion is having problems with said worker or simply isn't using them for anything other than filler than you can make them an offer to buy out his contract. This would require you to pay out a lump sum to both the promotion and the worker, and would require you to sign the worker over to a new contract as well.


3) Umbrella/Alliance Titles

This is a huge Make or Break feature for me. The Umbrella/Alliance should be able to have it's own titles which can be won by any promotion within the Umbrella/Alliance using the Alliance Loan feature. There should be additional requirements for these kinds of titles as well to prevent promotions from just hogging/hording titles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Only thing I can think of at the moment that I'd very much like to have is/are TV specials... like Clash Of The Champions and Saturday Night's Main Event. Beyond that, pretty much everything on my wishlist has already been announced as being in.


Oh, and Alliance champions would be tremendous as well. Almost forgot about that one.


Those two though, about it for me at this point.

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Dude. From 1996 to 1997 Bret WAS the WWF. Would WCW have poached him if he wasn't a star? He very likely would've gotten bigger in WCW if Goldberg hadn't ended his in-ring career.


Also to be fair, people who were around at the time know that getting over with the WcW fans was not as simple as been over with the WWF fans and jumping ship, infact if anything been over with the WWF fans made it more likely the WcW fans would crap all over you... they booed Hogan out of the building from 95 right up untill about 12 weeks into the NWO run when by osmosis he soaked up enough of the "cool heel heat" from Hall & Nash to make a proper run of it...


To say Bret didnt draw is a bit of an overstatement, at that time in the WWF nobody was drawing numbers close to what Randy/Hogan/Warrior had prior, in large part due to the state of the company and the big gapeing hole the prior mentioned three had left (And the fact none of them had passed the torch forward to Bret). Nash didnt raise the stakes, Taker didnt, HBK sure as hell didnt... Bret did about as good as he could and legitimately was for a long time the single component leading the company forward...


Did he have "the look" i think he did, he was older than he should of been for the role he was in but kids legitimately loved him, and outside of the USA he was atleast 70% the overness of Hogan and that was a damn sight more over than anyone else was at the time. In the UK Bret was the guy i can tell you that much for sure.

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Also to be fair, people who were around at the time know that getting over with the WcW fans was not as simple as been over with the WWF fans and jumping ship, infact if anything been over with the WWF fans made it more likely the WcW fans would crap all over you... they booed Hogan out of the building from 95 right up untill about 12 weeks into the NWO run when by osmosis he soaked up enough of the "cool heel heat" from Hall & Nash to make a proper run of it...


To say Bret didnt draw is a bit of an overstatement, at that time in the WWF nobody was drawing numbers close to what Randy/Hogan/Warrior had prior, in large part due to the state of the company and the big gapeing hole the prior mentioned three had left (And the fact none of them had passed the torch forward to Bret). Nash didnt raise the stakes, Taker didnt, HBK sure as hell didnt... Bret did about as good as he could and legitimately was for a long time the single component leading the company forward...


Did he have "the look" i think he did, he was older than he should of been for the role he was in but kids legitimately loved him, and outside of the USA he was atleast 70% the overness of Hogan and that was a damn sight more over than anyone else was at the time. In the UK Bret was the guy i can tell you that much for sure.


Obvious troll job.


Saying The Hitman was 'not a draw' is like calling Ric Flair 'not the greatest' of the 80s.

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Obvious troll job.


Saying The Hitman was 'not a draw' is like calling Ric Flair 'not the greatest' of the 80s.


No it isn't. If you can honestly say that, in terms of making money for WWE, Bret Hart belongs in the same sentence as Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, and The Rock, you're dead wrong. He's not even in the same book.

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No it isn't. If you can honestly say that, in terms of making money for WWE, Bret Hart belongs in the same sentence as Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, and The Rock, you're dead wrong. He's not even in the same book.


Agreed, he;s in my top 5 ever as a fan, but he didn't make money like those guys for Vince.

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Please don't tell me you mean Cena. He may not be at Rock/Austin level, but he's close. Remember, we're talking money, nothing else. Leave opinion out of it.


Actually, I meant that Bret shouldn't be discounted. As part of the tag team division that kept 80s fans happy when they realised they'd bought tickets to the house show loop without Hogan, on his runs, and ESPECIALLY on DVD sales, he's made a lot of money.


And the notion that we can't call him a draw unless he equals the top 5 is asinine.

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Actually, I meant that Bret shouldn't be discounted. As part of the tag team division that kept 80s fans happy when they realised they'd bought tickets to the house show loop without Hogan, on his runs, and ESPECIALLY on DVD sales, he's made a lot of money.


And the notion that we can't call him a draw unless he equals the top 5 is asinine.



No one is saying he wasn't a draw. This veer off topic started when someone questioned a poster for leaving him out of TEW examples of guys with high SQ. He didn't have high SQ, but it wasn't like he was chopped liver either, but he doesn't approach the SQ of the other examples given (rock, austin, hogan)

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No one is saying he wasn't a draw. This veer off topic started when someone questioned a poster for leaving him out of TEW examples of guys with high SQ. He didn't have high SQ, but it wasn't like he was chopped liver either, but he doesn't approach the SQ of the other examples given (rock, austin, hogan)


Originally Posted by nutt2252

Obvious troll job.


Saying The Hitman was 'not a draw' is like calling Ric Flair 'not the greatest' of the 80s.

No it isn't. If you can honestly say that, in terms of making money for WWE, Bret Hart belongs in the same sentence as Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, and The Rock, you're dead wrong. He's not even in the same book.


Nope, nobody's sayying he wasn't a draw.


Oh, no, wait. That's EXACTLY what the phrasing soxfan chose indicates.


I'll easily and cheerfully give you that Bret was not a top-tier moneymaker. But I will stand by the point I came in to make: Dude drew money. Dude did not draw much money relative to the top 5 money-makers in the sport.


This doesn't make him a failure, it doesn't make him not a draw, and if you guys would reign in the hyperbole, we'd all be in agreement here. Bret, like ECW, has been a bigger draw since their run ended then they were at the time.

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While i think its obvious that John Cena has drawn more money than Bret Hart, today we still have a situation were their are very few guys below Cena who can draw even comparative levels of money as Bret, Cena is an anomaly in an otherwise drawless business... much like the business Bret and Shawn inherited and for much the same reason (The major stars of the prior era didnt properly pass the torch for whatever reason).


Who did Austin build off the back of his popularity? If someone trys to claim Jericho then... lol.


The Rock put over Brock on the way out and due to circumstances beyond the companys control he didnt go on to lead the company, he could have. He also put over Kurt Angle and again... Triple H did a better than average job of "keeping things floating" over the years but everyone he built was kept at a level far and below him out of what i perceive to be paranoia and as a result nobody besides Cena managed to make it to the highest of even Kurt/Brock at the point were Rock put him over... never mind the stars they were set to follow.


This much like the lack of Hogan putting Bret over is the reason nobody is drawing. You may ask who did put Cena over? and its the right question to ask but i again suggest that he is an anomaly. In much the same way that Taker has continued to be an anomaly to the normal trend.

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What about the possibility that people will go see WWF/WWE shows because of the brand, not because of Triple H or whomever? It's kind of like the mentality the UFC has built up (and not been particularly fruitful with). There's a dip in numbers but the company's status will draw fans.
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Nope, nobody's sayying he wasn't a draw.


Oh, no, wait. That's EXACTLY what the phrasing soxfan chose indicates.


I'll easily and cheerfully give you that Bret was not a top-tier moneymaker. But I will stand by the point I came in to make: Dude drew money. Dude did not draw much money relative to the top 5 money-makers in the sport.


This doesn't make him a failure, it doesn't make him not a draw, and if you guys would reign in the hyperbole, we'd all be in agreement here. Bret, like ECW, has been a bigger draw since their run ended then they were at the time.


no, your reading into it because you like Bret, as do I, and want to come to his defense.


He said:


"if you think in terms of making money for WWE, Bret Hart belongs in the same sentence as Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, and The Rock, you're dead wrong. He's not even in the same book."


In what way is that saying he's "not a draw?"


what he is clearly saying is that Bret was no where near the money draw Hogan, Austin, and the rock were. That's entirely accurate.


Thats not the same thing as saying Bret wasn't a draw in his own right, but he wasn't close to those guys.

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To be honest i am looking forward to this version of tew more than any game i can remember...I am pretty overwhelmed with the new features so far...There are so many new features i can even remember most of them...I love the umbrella thing, the assistant booker thing basically every new feature improves the game for me...The one true big thing for me is seeing how the cornellverse has changed...i would have paid just for a CV update so Adam has wasted all this time making a whole new game when i would have paid for just a CV update...

p.s. I Liked Bret Hart in the hart foundation as a tag team in wwf rather than a singles competitor...but thats just me i guess.

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There are too many actual features to list here but I will say that this may be the 1st game that's made me entirely focused on 'booking'. In the past, there were holes, even as great as the games were, that forced me to do more with creating my own background information. At this point, honestly, I'm just excited to get in and start booking, building stars, developing concrete storylines & creating a product versus creating a deviated, fleshed out, world.


Truthfully, I'm practically salivating at the bit to see where the Cornellverse is 3 years from where we last saw it. Who's on top? Who fell? Who's new? Who left or is on their way out?


Just a really powerful game creatively to say the least!

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After pushing angle booking aside, I've been really hoping for an announced strong(er) link between Star Quality and Income. Its probably one of the most fundamental aspects of wrestling. Having the look of a star equals marketability, even when their skills are mediocre, because of the obvious moneymaking potential. Puts more bums on seats, generates more interest, merch, etc.

It should be the achilles heel of performance orientated promotions, especially smaller ones, because finding a star that is a major draw, won't alienate pro-performance fans and isnt already snapped up by moneystacked entertainment promotions should be difficult. Reflects both real life and the pop vs perf divide well I think.

Something like this would give reason to the Big Smacker actually making a decent career of himself, a reason which doesnt exist within the game at the moment.

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