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1983 War To Settle The Score Mod Hype Thread

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Exactly. The entire point of the NWA was that the alliance name itself would have enough power and prestige to draw a gate anywhere it went, but a specific promoter would own the rights to draw that gate in a given area.


If JCP was more popular in Alabama than Fuller's group, that would a problem for them. Or if Continental could draw a bigger house in Florida that Eddie Graham, that would be a problem. The cartel protected that.

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Again, you're making historical points which is all well and good, but that has nothing to do with how TEW 2013 plays. If in February, which I damn well would have done if I'd known about this particular game mechanic, I had cancelled my TV deals and signed up with ESPN, which I could and would have done, I would still be in the NWA and never found out about this. I'd be running everything in the Mid-Atlantic, and I'd be making a crap-ton of money too while being seen across the USA (oh well, I would have figured it out when my Canada pop started vanishing). Oh, and just like WWF, AWA, GCW, and WCCW do at the start of the game.


This is the issue. If you can get a National TV deal before the game arbitrarily obliterates you from history everywhere but where you are seen, you can stay in the NWA forever, though Al said they'd probably boot you out when you hit National. So basically, you have two options when creating a mod with an Alliance as full as the NWA. 1)Set everyone to cap at Regional which will produce precisely what you want (0 pop everywhere but your home base), granted that fails at history because I was a CWA mark which in the game means I'd be thrilled to go see a GCW, SECW, or CWF show even though I didn't know they existed (never had cable so no TBS). 2)Completely skip the alliance all together like you had to pre-2013 and just put working agreements in to stop people from cannibalizing everyone, though that didn't stop WCCW in my game and now CWF joined in too. Otherwise, all you're doing is permanently handicapping the AI and causing the user to know going in that on day 1 they're leaving.


See, there is theme and there is gameplay, and you can have all the theme (history in this case) you want, but if the gameplay is marred by it, you chuck the theme or the game is flawed (in this case the mod). I've seen way too many boardgames suffer from that. The solution is so freaking simple too. Just stop the pop murder in regions where the Alliance is and you aren't. You have certain rules when you are playing a Regional company and getting them to Cult, and if the game takes that away from you by zeroing out your spillover pop, that is a problem.

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So to be clear, you want to be able to be a member of an alliance that forbids you from running shows in competition with other members but you want to be able to keep popularity in regions where you are never seen and you want to become a national promotion which would mean you are now competing in your partners markets....


Since you can't do that you think the game is broken and or the mod is broken?


Am I wrong on any of the facts?

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Again, you're making historical points which is all well and good, but that has nothing to do with how TEW 2013 plays. If in February, which I damn well would have done if I'd known about this particular game mechanic, I had cancelled my TV deals and signed up with ESPN, which I could and would have done, I would still be in the NWA and never found out about this. I'd be running everything in the Mid-Atlantic, and I'd be making a crap-ton of money too while being seen across the USA (oh well, I would have figured it out when my Canada pop started vanishing). Oh, and just like WWF, AWA, GCW, and WCCW do at the start of the game.


This is the issue. If you can get a National TV deal before the game arbitrarily obliterates you from history everywhere but where you are seen, you can stay in the NWA forever, though Al said they'd probably boot you out when you hit National. So basically, you have two options when creating a mod with an Alliance as full as the NWA. 1)Set everyone to cap at Regional which will produce precisely what you want (0 pop everywhere but your home base), granted that fails at history because I was a CWA mark which in the game means I'd be thrilled to go see a GCW, SECW, or CWF show even though I didn't know they existed (never had cable so no TBS). 2)Completely skip the alliance all together like you had to pre-2013 and just put working agreements in to stop people from cannibalizing everyone, though that didn't stop WCCW in my game and now CWF joined in too. Otherwise, all you're doing is permanently handicapping the AI and causing the user to know going in that on day 1 they're leaving.


See, there is theme and there is gameplay, and you can have all the theme (history in this case) you want, but if the gameplay is marred by it, you chuck the theme or the game is flawed (in this case the mod). I've seen way too many boardgames suffer from that. The solution is so freaking simple too. Just stop the pop murder in regions where the Alliance is and you aren't. You have certain rules when you are playing a Regional company and getting them to Cult, and if the game takes that away from you by zeroing out your spillover pop, that is a problem.


The mod has flaws but the Alliance isn't one of them. You lost pop in them areas because you didn't or couldn't run in them areas. It is game mechanic as you know because Mr. Adam Ryland told it was. So it's not mod's fault that you lost pop. Like every game out there they are advantages and disadvantages of running certain promotions. Which if you read this thread I actually do point that out. The NWA is set to be disadvantage when it comes to growing into National promotion. That is why you have to leave it or get national tv deal. The promotions you named all had National deals to be broadcast across the U.S. at this time. Mid Atlantic did not. World Class had syndication all over at this time. AWA did as well. Georgia had TBS and Southwest had USA. Looking up stuff on YouTube and Dailymotion I found WWF matches that aired on USA in late 1982 that is why they have their deal plus it gives them advantage.

Mid Atlantic has advantages as well they have the NWA World title, they get ppv with closed circuit USA once they get to cult. They also can run shows in the Tri State area, Great Lakes, Hawaii, Southwest. There able to get tv deal with ESPN or TBS.


They will be changes when I finally do update but the Alliance will not be touched because it is working as it suppose to work. It strangled the promotions in real life as is in the mod.

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I was afraid of that. I mis-phrased my comment. The mod is excellent. The issue is how the game works vs how the alliance works in the game. I wouldn't be taking the effort of 3-4 hours to book the show and write up a diary if I thought the mod sucked Al.


And to answer just's question, what happens is that once you hit that 45ish show you start losing roughly 1.5-2.0 pop per week in every area you haven't run a show, so not quite 35 down to 0 in a week, but it will go down to 0 pretty darn quickly if you never run a show there even if you can't due to the Alliance. What this massive pop drain does is prevent you from ever getting a National deal without going into one of those goofy half-country networks (like TSN in this mod) that means you're stuck there for a very, very long time as they're very small. This leads to needless grinding which sucks the fun out of the game, at least for me. Again, I'm all for the struggle of getting to National so no "I should just start the game at National" is not the answer.


As for your other comments, no, I can't get them signed to a PPV deal, and having almost the entire country hemorrhaging pop guarantees I won't for a long time so I'd love to know how the AI can. And of course, I am going to have to lose 2 or 3 weeks of TV to switch to ESPN or TBS, though that's the game's fault not yours.


The root of the problem goes something like this. When you have a Regional company, the whole idea for growth is build up your pop in your home area to the point that you get spillover, then pick up TV there too, build up your pop there to the point where you can run shows, get further spillover, rinse repeat. Here's the problem as it applies to the Alliances. Once you reach spillover, you HAVE to get the TV show because the game eats your spillover pop even if you can't run a show there.


Really, the issue isn't necessarily with the Alliances. The issue is that the game stops giving you spillover pop once the hemorrhaging starts so I have no idea how you could ever grow any of these companies above Regional if you mess up at that Feb. TV deal. And yes Al, the TV deals are correct. I'm not saying they should be changed, but that is mainly because the AI is too incompetent with pop>performance feds to reach National. If you started any of them out at equal or performance>pop, they'd easily make it and be darn near unstoppable. With the way the game works, those TV deals are so huge. Again, historically accurate but a game issue. The only issue with the Alliance is that you shouldn't lose pop where you can't run shows which I think Just fixed in his proposal to have a baseline Alliance pop. So, everyone would have some pop everywhere the alliance is. Great idea.

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I think this has to do with how you want to play the game, not the game being broken.


If you want, to roleplay part of the alliance, this is the trade off, historically this is what it was like, as I've said on another post you made, that someone in California didn't even know about Mid-South.


So, staying at regional isn't a flaw in how the game is made, it's doing exactly what it should, replicating what happened historically.


If this isn't what you desire, then leave the alliance, which by the way the ai can and has done in my games.

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I think the addition of an alliance baseline pop is unneeded as well as unrealistic. The only problem with the game mechanic in my opinion is that pop decrease can happen even if you have a TV show in that area but no events which isnt realistic. If you have a TV show in an area no matter what you should be able to keep your pop in that area.
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I think the addition of an alliance baseline pop is unneeded as well as unrealistic. The only problem with the game mechanic in my opinion is that pop decrease can happen even if you have a TV show in that area but no events which isnt realistic. If you have a TV show in an area no matter what you should be able to keep your pop in that area.


It is my understanding that tv visibility will prevent you from losing popularity. Is that not correct?

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It is my understanding that tv visibility will prevent you from losing popularity. Is that not correct?


Not necessarily. Just because you're on TV in an area, doesn't mean people in that area are necessarily going to watch. If your shows are rating the same or higher than that area's popularity, then yes. But if your shows are rating lower then you'll lose popularity as people will turn off and not bother to watch your product.

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Not necessarily. Just because you're on TV in an area, doesn't mean people in that area are necessarily going to watch. If your shows are rating the same or higher than that area's popularity, then yes. But if your shows are rating lower then you'll lose popularity as people will turn off and not bother to watch your product.


I didnt know there was a check for ratings vs popularity. I take back what I said and that is good to hear.

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I think this has to do with how you want to play the game, not the game being broken.


If you want, to roleplay part of the alliance, this is the trade off, historically this is what it was like, as I've said on another post you made, that someone in California didn't even know about Mid-South.


So, staying at regional isn't a flaw in how the game is made, it's doing exactly what it should, replicating what happened historically.


If this isn't what you desire, then leave the alliance, which by the way the ai can and has done in my games.


Sigh, let me try to explain this again. No, this is not replicating what happened historically as none of the Regional companies will ever be shut down other than GCW through a Narrative. And again, that is not my point. Right now, every fed other than MACW that doesn't have a national TV deal will forever be stuck at Regional, and if the AI doesn't cheat to give MACW that PPV deal (I call it cheating because I clearly can't get one), they'll be at Cult forever. Now, this means you're forever going to completely destroy the AI in this mod, and part of the reason is that the Alliance functions in the game as nothing more than an artificial AI handicap. You do understand that, right?


Honestly, here are the only things that happen when you start the game out of the NWA, since that seems to be the answer everyone shoves down my throat. You can't get Alliance Loans which basically mean the AI can't steal a wrestler from you for their big show keeping him off of yours scheduled for the same night. So, that's a good thing. And the AI gets to run shows in your area which affects nothing and really only affects those shows with National TV as it's moronic for anyone else to do it. That's it. You still keep all those Working Agreements like you would in 2010.


So, exactly what benefit does this shiny new Alliance addition do in the game but hurt the AI? NOTHING! And that is the whole freaking point! It should have been awesome, but it is a failure. Honestly, there shouldn't be a mod made with one in it until Adam can fix it to make it pro-AI instead of handicapping AI. A baseline pop for the Alliance would be a good start. Not taking your pop in areas that are part of the Alliance down to 0 would be another one. Again, right now, there is no positive to being in the alliance, which is very non-historic.

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  • 5 months later...
Yes I am working on a update. Plus adding a few promotions that will be running. Houston Championship Wrestling, International Championship Wrestling(Poffos) St.Louis ran by Larry Matysik, Killer Kowalski promotion as well and the promotion that claims to have been opened since the 60's but no record to prove it ECWA. Hawaii might be added I am still up in the air on that one.
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Yes I am working on a update. Plus adding a few promotions that will be running. Houston Championship Wrestling, International Championship Wrestling(Poffos) St.Louis ran by Larry Matysik, Killer Kowalski promotion as well and the promotion that claims to have been opened since the 60's but no record to prove it ECWA. Hawaii might be added I am still up in the air on that one.


That's great news Alvarasus, but maybe just keep ECWA out since they got new history form back then

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That's great news Alvarasus, but maybe just keep ECWA out since they got new history form back then


I understand that but I am looking at ECWA as Mammoth did in his mod. Its the rock hard challenge promotion. It has 0 pop, 0 prestige, F- momentum, and $10,000 in the bank. Only one person on the roster and that is Jim Kettner. Unlike IWF which when I imported Damien Kane over I found out that was the name of Killer Kowalski's promotion. An I have been able to piece a roster together. I have a roster together actually for all the promotions minus ECWA. Who I am leaving that way.

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Please change Hugo Savinovich's nationality, he is Ecuadorian and i think you should do the same with Carlos Cabrera who's Colombian.


Their nationalities have been changed anything else? I am pretty much rebuilding the mod so if a promotion you know about that debuted or wrestler who I missed who you liked that wasn't a jobber. Tell me and I will add him or the promotion.

All the big names of today will be added. If their not already in the database. The Wolfman, The Wildman from Canada, Roy Lee Welch, and Jim Nelson have been added to the database. With more to follow. Moves and movesets are totally being redone in the mod. Title Histories are going to be redone. I am using RavenX location file it is being somewhat revamped. So a lot more locations.


So anything you think needed to be added or fixed please tell me? That also means if you think wrestler A stats is too high tell me, but his the deal you need to tell me what range you think it needs to be.


Popularity is being changed as well for companies and workers. After looking at the C-Verse I am stream lining it towards it.


Thank you Alvarasus

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I spotted several things to fix that i spotted on the fly while searching about the era :


- relationships : surely leftover from genadi's mod, but Spike Huber is unemployed and has a hatred relationship with Dick the Bruiser following his divorce with the later daughter, but the divorce happened in 84, and it seems that in 83 Huber worked for WWA, and I also guess that he should have maybe a loyalty relationship with his stepfather at the time


- rosters : in Japan you included wrestlers that either worked a couple of matches in early january then nothing, or worked much later in 83 (source : cagematch.de) ; and this is mainly for NJPW, i trimmed down their roster to 25 I think, which is nice for a regional promotion; but i saw a couple of firings so maybe put Inoki roster preference a bit more to prevent that.

in USA, AWA has also minor things to fix : Crusher and Larry Hennig weren't retired in 83, Larry Hennig wrestled, occasionaly, until 85 and the Crusher was still active but badly injured for the whole year it seems(need a starting injury), he won the tag titles and 84 and also had a little run in WWF in mid 80's. Baron Von Raschke & Jerry Lawler were Face in 83. There is a stable found in 86 (Playboys) so must be deleted, and it lacks the Heenan Family (Heenan, Bockwinkel, Patera, Duncum, all major members) ; in tag teams it lacks The Sheiks (Crusher Blackwell & Sheik Adnan, who was 50% manager 50% wrestler until he bought Patera to Heenan, Adnan must be tweaked in order to let him wrestle matches)


- workers age : I spotted Dick Slater, Al Perez, and a couple of others that i can't remeber, that were 4-5 years older or younger that they really were according to my findings. Since you set retirement & decline age for many workers, it may lead to odd results


sorry with this kinda confusing post but I didn't want to bother you with those minor flaws, thinking that were no more updates :o

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I spotted several things to fix that i spotted on the fly while searching about the era :


- relationships : surely leftover from genadi's mod, but Spike Huber is unemployed and has a hatred relationship with Dick the Bruiser following his divorce with the later daughter, but the divorce happened in 84, and it seems that in 83 Huber worked for WWA, and I also guess that he should have maybe a loyalty relationship with his stepfather at the time


- rosters : in Japan you included wrestlers that either worked a couple of matches in early january then nothing, or worked much later in 83 (source : cagematch.de) ; and this is mainly for NJPW, i trimmed down their roster to 25 I think, which is nice for a regional promotion; but i saw a couple of firings so maybe put Inoki roster preference a bit more to prevent that.

in USA, AWA has also minor things to fix : Crusher and Larry Hennig weren't retired in 83, Larry Hennig wrestled, occasionaly, until 85 and the Crusher was still active but badly injured for the whole year it seems(need a starting injury), he won the tag titles and 84 and also had a little run in WWF in mid 80's. Baron Von Raschke & Jerry Lawler were Face in 83. There is a stable found in 86 (Playboys) so must be deleted, and it lacks the Heenan Family (Heenan, Bockwinkel, Patera, Duncum, all major members) ; in tag teams it lacks The Sheiks (Crusher Blackwell & Sheik Adnan, who was 50% manager 50% wrestler until he bought Patera to Heenan, Adnan must be tweaked in order to let him wrestle matches)


- workers age : I spotted Dick Slater, Al Perez, and a couple of others that i can't remeber, that were 4-5 years older or younger that they really were according to my findings. Since you set retirement & decline age for many workers, it may lead to odd results


sorry with this kinda confusing post but I didn't want to bother you with those minor flaws, thinking that were no more updates :o


Thank you. The rosters are all being fixed. I am going to thru and fixing the mistakes on ages and stuff. The whole database is being retooled I will fix the relationship. You mean father in law not stepfather right? Keep them coming.

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  • 4 weeks later...
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TNAfever" data-cite="TNAfever" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34857" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>any estimation for the release period of the update? <img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> can't wait to restart with AWA <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am holding off doing a update because I am working on a 1980 mod. So it has slowed to a screeching halt.</p>
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