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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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would anyone be interested in seeing a diary that begins with this roster




mike is my user character he's not very good


The roster doesn't really matter imo. All that matter is for it to be fun to read.

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I have a soft spot for the misfits as well - Vikki Victoria, Stretch the Chicken Boy (as was), the Minor Annoyance, who I always wanted to team with the Big Problem... Even less useless workers like the Paratroopers, Alan Parent and the like could fit into a company like that.


There'd be a lot of ways that sort of thing could go. Would you use those guys just for the 0-10 popularity spring before you rise to Small? Would you just focus on having them fight one another and other equally poor workers indefinitely? Would there be the odd 'real' talent coming in to work the main event and boost ratings?


A quick search of TEW dynasties going back to 2005 only gives 28 hits for 'Vikki', just to pick the most established name off that list. I'm willing to guess that at least 20 of those only have her as a news item or similar, rather than on the roster. It'd definitely be something new, and I'd be intrigued to check out the first show to see what you make of it.




BP, thanks for the response!

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thanks everybody who responded, my general rule will be to only hire people who are liberal and unemployed (with a few exceptions when they feel right like Toni) in a promotion based around, as mike would say, "batshit crazy ultraviolent hardcore shit" it's an integrated product so even Joanna will be included in that chaos.



edit: i always wanted to have a game where i manage to train the minor annoyance into someone useful and than having him become The Major Threat.

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After 1 year of game time I am finally releasing my diary for 'the battle of the immortals'


It is basically war of the immortals database where I have set up an elite company and slowly one by one take over the other companies, once I have the pick of the bunch I will reopen the other companies (eras) to pick up other wrestlers on PPA's


The reason I am releasing it now is because I am at a stage where I have lots of the major stars and I am ready to have people come up with ideas, storylines, dream fueds for me to play out. It does start with a few wrestlers who would never make the hall of immortals, but I figured it was better to build it up that way, rather than just have them all to start with without a story line.


For anyone who wants to start predicting (winners will get to pick a feud, storyline or worker to push or sign) here is the link.



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After, say, comparative months of waiting, I have found the need to take the figurative and literal "next step" in my career, that being "learning a new language/culture/field", and my choice (out of probably 2 options) was Japan. I am trying/attempting/possibly entering a Masters and subsequent Doctorate program for History (hold back the scoffs until you do some research, it's way more practical then you think)


So, to help me acclimate myself to this new language, history and culture, I am going to write at least one Japanese diary from now on. My first foray is going to be an old idea with a Japanese "twist" and my second foray is going to be onto the sacred grounds of the BURNING HAMMER in a time and place of my discretion (IE, when I feel I have the necessary understanding of the history/culture of Japan enough to portray it).


And yes, your reward for my stop-and-start inconsistency should/will be an entire episode written in Japanese -- and no, no, not the "I have a cheap translator program" Japanese, like Japanese like "a Japanese person wrote this" Japanese, and possibly doing a dual commentary explaining the meaning of each words. Anyway, expect another promise of less stop-and-start inconsistency mucking up the threads, and expect the "first diary" to arrive in about a week with a reasonable, promised endpoint.

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Going through some old PM's, I stumbled on an introduction I had written and sent to Monkeypox ( he of the epic Mark Cuban Does Dave diary) to look over as it was a follow up idea to the collapse of DAVE ( which had gone belly up when TEW 2008 came out) and this was an idea I had for a story with PSW. I ended up not following through with it I think because McShamrock had introduced his PSW diary around the time I was thinking about doing this and his was so good, I didn't feel like trying to compete with the same promotion.


Anyway's I thought I'd post it here to show an example of a good idea that doesn't end up getting told.





"This is it. This is my life." I staggered around my small apartment blurrily looking for the bottle of Jack Daniels I was sure I hadn't finished off yet. " Welcome to rock f**king bottom! How the hell did I end up here?!" I muttered to myself as I finally located the bottle, which in a small blessing, still contained a couple of shots. As I stumbled back to my bed, I reflected on what brought me to this point and once again went over the conversation I had earlier tonight.


Who am I? I am no one, well, no one you have ever heard of at any rate. My name is Greg Anderson, although everyone just calls me The Grand A, with the A standing for various things depending on the mood and the anger level of the person saying it at the time. Anyway, my name doesn't really tell you anything, but maybe my situation will help make things clearer. It all started a year ago. I am , or rather, I should say I was, a member of the booking commitee of DAVE. I wasn't the main guy, as that spot was usually held by either Phil Vibert or Nemesis, and near the end this guy John , who I still don't remember his last name as everyone just called him 'Monkeypox'. Forgive me, the alcohol is making my mind wander a bit. As I was saying, I wasn't the head booker, but I did help tweak the storylines as well as come up with some of the gimmicks for the undercard and the occasional feud. So, enough about me , and back to the events that lead me to this point.


Like I said, it all started a year ago. We had just lost our PPV, and money, never in an abundant supply, was drying up at a rapid rate. We thought it was the end, but then just after the new year in 07, Phil told the lockeroom that he had sold the company to one of those dot.com billionaires that also owned a basketball team and got a bug about wrestling. While I personally thought the guy was a total jackass, I figured with a billionaire as the owner, money would finally never be a problem. Or so you would think. It all started off well enough. We still had our big names like Peak, Tyler, Brandon, Acid, Giedroyc etc and at first things were really starting to take off. The booking commitee, especially the head guy John, spun out these fantastic character overhauls and made some practically overnight cult icons in the Cult of the Gray Dragon, an over the top "Great White Shark" psycho Eddie Peak, taking his character and amping it to the max, and an anti-authority Eric Tyler who actually got the crowd rallying behind him when he told off this pisswad billionaire on live tv. But the crowning achievement had to be taking the talented but somewhat bland English gentleman character of Jack Giedroyc and creating the revolutionary character 'The Wrath of God!" The buzz surrounding DAVE at that point reached epic levels, and it felt like we were back at the beginning again right after the East Coast Wars, renewed and ready to take on the world!


We were all re-invigorated and re-energized. The entire booking staff thought the sky was the limit , what with the industry all abuzz about the revolutionary characters and some fantastic storylines revolving around Peak-Brandon and Tyler-Acid. The whole roster was buying into us finally taking that big step to challenge the big two. Hell, even Emma Chase agreed to dye her hair black and go goth to support a storyline of the Cult of the Gray Dragon and Adrenaline Rush, and you have no idea how much faith she showed us by doing that. It truly looked like the golden age had come again to DAVE.


And then the rug got pulled out from underneath us. It seems our billionaire expected us to be a self supporting entity, and when he saw the monthly statement almost a quarter million in the red, given that we still didn't have a PPV deal, he had a fit. Then the final straw was when the network refused to renew our Tv deal. The tv show didn't make any money, but it was crucial to getting our product out there and selling our main monthly events. But it seems that the billionaire boy was dabbling in more than wrestling, he was also trying to start up a cable company of his own and had managed to make enemies at the network and the PPV providers, who were basically making impossible demands to sign a deal with us. So four months later, the guy with more money than Richard F'n Eisen himself decided that we weren't worth his time and effort anymore and declared chapter 13 on us.


So there it was , at the end of April 2007, DAVE was suddenly no more. Years of blood, sweat, tears, hopes and dreams gone, just like that. For some, like the big names, things turned out allright. The big two, SWF and TCW, were more than eager to cherry pick these iconic figures we had just created and cash in on our hard work. And a couple of the guys were able to get steady work in Japan. But the others, the midcard and lower guys, people who had called DAVE home for more than a decade, and all of us staff people, well we were SOL. It hit Phil and Nemesis the hardest as DAVE had been their personal brainchild, and both just took off from the business, possibly forever.



Then came this crazy idea. Mitch Naess, who had practically been annointed as Phil's successor, decided that we could start over, rebuild from the ground up again and remake DAVE, only this time bigger and better as we could avoid the pitfalls and mistakes made the first time around. It sounded great at the time, and Mitch managed to secure a couple of investors and get some of the veterans who hadn't found anything else to sign on board. So he then founded Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, and Alex Braun then took over as head of the booking staff. We were going to bring hardcore back to its roots, and back to the people! We were all fired up with the new venture, the supposed second lease on life. But then a basic rule of life revealed itself. Starting from the ground up really, really sucks! We didn't have any of the names that drew people into the seats from DAVE, the people we did have were either guys who were already on their way down in DAVE and had mostly been there to put the true stars over, and a collection of guys from the indys, most of them unproven or untested. The lingering aura of DAVE got us off the ground, but as soon as people realized they weren't going to see Eddie Peak, Acid, or the Wrath of God, the attendance soon plummeted to a fifth of what DAVE used to draw. The reality was, DAVE had been a company that had been at its height the third largest promotion in North America and PSW was barely bigger than NYCW or MAW, and unknown outside of the Tri-State area. We were holding shows in high school gyms and small clubs in dirty steel towns and lucky to get 1000 people into a show in places we used to get 10,000. Once again, we were barely holding on by a thread, struggling to pay the bills each month. Mitch was down to his last 100K and that was only thanks to a bank loan.


All of which leads me to tonight and why I am sitting here in my apartment exploring the bottom of this bottle of scotch. You see, earlier tonight, Mitch got into a huge argument with Alex Braun, and Alex basically told Mitch to shove the booking duties up his a*s and said as soon as his contract is done, he is out of here. So Mitch called me in an said this is all now my problem.


You see, as of tonight, you are looking at the new head booker of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Now, where did that bottle of JD go? I definitely need another drink.

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I was waiting for a 93' mod, but decided to run with 91' mod, with workers set all the way up to 2014, so I'm in this for the long run.


I'm just a little bit torn between what to do. I'm a wwf man, so pretty much any game or era I always use WWF. But ive seen a dynasty for WWF and one for NWA (WCW)


So I'm torn between these 2 options.


Starting as WWF and obviously having the current star power, hulk, savage, warrior, perfect etc. having to take them through the steriod a scandle (which on a number of occasions drops their popularuty throught the years so that will be a challenge) then having to put up with WCW getting lots of money and challenging that.


Or setting a new national promotion up and basically going up against WCW and WWF from 91 to the current day and seeing how it would have been to have 3 major companies going at it, there's currently a lot of decent people I could pick up to begin with.



I could do with help to decide

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I was waiting for a 93' mod, but decided to run with 91' mod, with workers set all the way up to 2014, so I'm in this for the long run.


I'm just a little bit torn between what to do. I'm a wwf man, so pretty much any game or era I always use WWF. But ive seen a dynasty for WWF and one for NWA (WCW)


So I'm torn between these 2 options.


Starting as WWF and obviously having the current star power, hulk, savage, warrior, perfect etc. having to take them through the steriod a scandle (which on a number of occasions drops their popularuty throught the years so that will be a challenge) then having to put up with WCW getting lots of money and challenging that.


Or setting a new national promotion up and basically going up against WCW and WWF from 91 to the current day and seeing how it would have been to have 3 major companies going at it, there's currently a lot of decent people I could pick up to begin with.



I could do with help to decide


You could create ECW as a new promotion.

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Hey successful dynasty writers. Yeah you guys. How have you gotten interaction with your readers? Past predictors I mean. I'm absolutely loving the views I'm getting right now (100 just in the time it took me to attend Good Friday service) but I'd really like to get some further interaction and discussion from my readers. How have you done it? What gets someone engaged enough to comment?
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Hey successful dynasty writers. Yeah you guys. How have you gotten interaction with your readers? Past predictors I mean. I'm absolutely loving the views I'm getting right now (100 just in the time it took me to attend Good Friday service) but I'd really like to get some further interaction and discussion from my readers. How have you done it? What gets someone engaged enough to comment?


The most important thing: be patient. If you stay on one project for a long time, as you go forward, you will gain more and more readers. A lot of the readers will be interested in the longer build; your readers will often delve into pages and pages of dynasty and become very attached to the characters within the dynasty. I'll leave some general tips below that I believe encourage feedback.


Prediction Contests will help readers engaged -- particularly if you promise an original prize.


Consistently write shows -- try to have a format, while engaging, where you can put out shows weekly, and try not to disappear for very long.


Um, use original renders/graphics -- either make your own, fish through the C-Verse Rerender for an artist with a unique style (SlipShirt is my personal favorite) and try to either match/or use as many of the artists' graphics as you can, giving your diary a unique look.


On Formatting: consider changing/altering your format for a show, then asking the readers for feedback on the format change.


Um, schedule tournaments as part of your prediction contest -- It adds variation to the general format, and unpredictability to a business that generally has predictable outcomes.


Incorporate heavy kayfabe in your diary -- nothing builds quite like a "masked man" and the uncertainty of who it may be -- and it keeps the fans guessing as to who it really is. Even if the answer should be obvious, don't outright say who the generic "masked person" is. I'll put a link to Clash of the Champions in Beejus' excellent War of the Thrones dynasty as an example of this done to perfection.


Also, stipulation matches add gravitas to whatever you're writing -- they highlight the importance of the given match. Again, heavy kayfabe is important --- you have to go through with the stipulations (IE, if a character is fired, he disappears for several months).


I hope these help.

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Hey successful dynasty writers. Yeah you guys. How have you gotten interaction with your readers? Past predictors I mean. I'm absolutely loving the views I'm getting right now (100 just in the time it took me to attend Good Friday service) but I'd really like to get some further interaction and discussion from my readers. How have you done it? What gets someone engaged enough to comment?


Well I would not classify myself as a successful diary writer but here is my opinion on the subject...


As someone who has been writing diaries on here since 2009 your guess is as good as mine. This will come across as very much of a non-answer but some people get replies while others do not no matter what they do. There are some diaries on here that are really good but people seem to ignore them for some reason. No I am not talking about my own, one great diary that springs to mind is arwink's great HGC diary. His diary does not seem to get many comments outside of what predictors post in there yet as I say he writes top notch stuff.


I guess you could try and make your diary more interactive by allowing readers to have a say in what goes on in your diary.


I freely admit that I used to leave more feedback in my posts but I have stopped doing it. Mainly because I tend to have nothing more to say than nice show or I like that promo. That really is not great feedback on my part so I have stopped doing that.

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Georgia Championship Wrestling
was the number one cable wrestling promotion in the early 1980’s bringing great wrestling to all TBS Viewers. Its program World Championship Wrestling would stay number one until 1984 on Black Saturday in July when Vince McMahon owner of the WWF bought majority stake of the company from the Brisco Brothers and Jim Barnett after turmoil with them and Ole Anderson leading to the promotions closure and WWF gaining there TBS time slot. But what if in 1983 Jim Barnett decided to shake things up and take all stake in GCW from Ole and Brisco’s? What if Mr. Barnett owned all stake in Georgia Championship Wrestling and decided to cut the cancer at its source and remove Ole as booker of GCW? What if? Well let’s find out what would happen if Georgia Championship Wrestling never went out of business, because now we will as it has been confirmed that Jim Barnett has removed Ole Anderson as booker of GCW. So now we can find out what if Black Saturday never happened. And instead a
Georgia War
began between the Anderson's and Barnett!!



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I decided to not continue my WWF 1991 diary, mainly because of lack of motivation, but at least i knew that i'm capable of writing an interesting show. :D


But now, i feel that i would like to do a nice challenge... being a female character in a real world mod, maybe something of the 80's or 90's. (As long as isn't Stephanie McMahon or Linda...)

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that leaves Miss Elizabeth, Missy Hyatt, sherri Martel, Babydoll and Woman as the most well known women in wrestling during that time


The question is what woman should be a great booker for those years. Because i don't think of Miss Elizabeth booking matches or something.


Wait... i was thinking in 1994.... NWA.... a woman instead of a man... who could do that?

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NOTBPW vs CGC - THELloyd takes on the CVerse...


Just putting the feelers out for an idea I've begun working on... Would there be any interest in this...?


Part One… The beginning…




Monday, Week 1, April 2012… Backstage at the annual DeColt WrestleFestival, Day Two…


Former CGC owner, and head of the famous DeColt family, George DeColt is sat in the VIP sweet enjoying the action on a TV monitor…




The room is filled with some legendary names, like George DeColt’s former tag team partner in the ‘Calgary Wolverines’: Whipper Spencer Marks… Their biggest rivals, Frenchie Marcel and Jean-Pierre Baptiste are catching up over some beers at the bar… Jackson Andrews watches the match with his old friend… George is loving seeing his two sons Alex and Jack win the Main Event tag team match against the old enemy: The Elite… but something in the back of his mind is telling him that this tried and tested formula is stopping his son’s company from expanding, and Canadian Golden Combat will never be the global force he had once dreamed of it becoming… just like the ultra-successful SWF…


Just then, in walked another legendary name… and another head of a famous Canadian wrestling family… Dan Stone Snr…




Stone thanked DeColt for the invitation, and told him how great the show has been…


Dan Stone Snr:
“I noticed you got the camera man to pick me out of the crowd and put me on the screen… capitalising on my popularity were ya buddy?! Hahaha!!”


The two shared a laugh, and shared some old ‘war stories’… They are great friends, and the rivalry between NOTBPW and CGC has always been a friendly one, mainly due to the fact that they are both very different companies, with completely different products, and therefore can co-exist simultaneously… The conversation between the two flowed for a long time, and Dan Stone even asked when DeColt was going to book
sons on CGC’s signature event… but then things got serious, as both men seemed to have an idea…


George DeColt:
“Have you ever thought about booking a ‘Canadian Super Card’ together… Me… You… My sons… Your sons… House of Stone graduates… DeColt Powerhouse graduates… all on the same card…?”


Dan Stone Snr thought about it for a moment… So many ideas floating around in his head… but then he said that he can do him one better than that…


This could be the beginning of something…

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The question is what woman should be a great booker for those years. Because i don't think of Miss Elizabeth booking matches or something.


Wait... i was thinking in 1994.... NWA.... a woman instead of a man... who could do that?


I could see Sherri Martel, Woman or even Missy Hyatt pulling strings behind the scenes

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Just putting the feelers out for an idea I've begun working on... Would there be any interest in this...?


Part One… The beginning…




Monday, Week 1, April 2012… Backstage at the annual DeColt WrestleFestival, Day Two…


Former CGC owner, and head of the famous DeColt family, George DeColt is sat in the VIP sweet enjoying the action on a TV monitor…




The room is filled with some legendary names, like George DeColt’s former tag team partner in the ‘Calgary Wolverines’: Whipper Spencer Marks… Their biggest rivals, Frenchie Marcel and Jean-Pierre Baptiste are catching up over some beers at the bar… Jackson Andrews watches the match with his old friend… George is loving seeing his two sons Alex and Jack win the Main Event tag team match against the old enemy: The Elite… but something in the back of his mind is telling him that this tried and tested formula is stopping his son’s company from expanding, and Canadian Golden Combat will never be the global force he had once dreamed of it becoming… just like the ultra-successful SWF…


Just then, in walked another legendary name… and another head of a famous Canadian wrestling family… Dan Stone Snr…




Stone thanked DeColt for the invitation, and told him how great the show has been…


Dan Stone Snr:
“I noticed you got the camera man to pick me out of the crowd and put me on the screen… capitalising on my popularity were ya buddy?! Hahaha!!”


The two shared a laugh, and shared some old ‘war stories’… They are great friends, and the rivalry between NOTBPW and CGC has always been a friendly one, mainly due to the fact that they are both very different companies, with completely different products, and therefore can co-exist simultaneously… The conversation between the two flowed for a long time, and Dan Stone even asked when DeColt was going to book
sons on CGC’s signature event… but then things got serious, as both men seemed to have an idea…


George DeColt:
“Have you ever thought about booking a ‘Canadian Super Card’ together… Me… You… My sons… Your sons… House of Stone graduates… DeColt Powerhouse graduates… all on the same card…?”


Dan Stone Snr thought about it for a moment… So many ideas floating around in his head… but then he said that he can do him one better than that…


This could be the beginning of something…


I would read ANYTHING you wrote.

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I already have the 1983 Georgia Championship Wrestling Diary. Was just wondering if anyone would be interested in maybe a 2004 Diary. Was thinking somewhere along the lines of Paul Heyman or Maybe even Jim Ross get in an argument and they leave and take half the roster with them. Although I think a 2014 version of this could be just as exciting. It would be cool to challenge WWE with something other than lame a$$ TNA
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