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SWF: The World's Greatest Tape Trader [8RoW]

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The World's Greatest Tape Trader




Interview One: Peter Discusses War, Tapes and ... Championship Wrestling From Boston?


TWGTT is a semi-regular column from SWF Beat Reporter Nikk Reyes which follows the career of SWF Head Booker Peter Michaels from Jan 2013 onward via interviews. We at TotalExtremeWrestling.com would like to thank SWF for this unprecedented access.


January 1, 2013


"I was at this show, you know." This is not a matter of fact statement, Peter Michaels is bragging.


He is sitting in a dark, cramped room. There a actual film reels strewn about the room, carefully unopened but also haphazardly placed with no rhyme or reason. Mixed in with the relics are VHS Tapes and of course DVD's. Across the face of the larger man is something as old as the dusty film strips: a sly smile.


"Wild Man was the best of his era, and no one really recognized it at the time. There where people in the crowd who thought he might attack the fans if they boo'd too much. Hell, I thought that too."


He leans back in his reclining chair. The chair tells as much of a story as the room itself. Beaten and worn, the chair squeaks each time Michaels moves even the slightest. The faded blue almost matches the SWF logo, which would make sense except that you can tell the chair started a darker color. The way Michaels is comfortable in the chair you can tell it is his chair, and has been for a long time.


"Didn't stop me from booing, though." Michaels chuckles a bit and then raises a finger serious again. "Look. It's a subtle thing he does here. He stops attacking. Throws in some 'wild man' mannerisms but that's really just a misdirect. Sleight of hand, but with the mind. You think you are booing the hell out of this crazy man, but he's making you focus on him so that the emotion he's bringing out can be directly turned on ... it's ... head!"


You can tell the man gets paid to talk for a living. Just as he punctuates his sentence the babyface, bloody and beaten starts firing back. The crowd explodes. Michaels' smirk grows larger.


"He would never get a pop that big again, nor had he gotten one that big before. Wild Man was the king of that, making guys who would be local jobbers into the hero of the day. If any of my men could do that on a regular basis, they'd be champ for life."


He laughs as is to make sure I know he is joking. I still doubt that he was. Many know Peter Michaels as the excitable voice of the leader in American wrestling Supreme Wrestling Federation. He is as much hype man as play by play, building up the drama of the match ups while breaking down the movesets of the titans of the ring. Most do not know this side of the voice of the SWF. He is excitable still, but it is a smug excitement. There is very little hype in him behind the curtain, he knows everyone’s pros and cons. He doesn't sugar coat, he doesn't lie.


Perhaps the most surprising aspect of Peter Michaels behind the scenes is what he spends thirty hours a week doing. It's where I conducted my interview with him and what most of the interview revolved around.


"Yeah, I watch tapes. Try to pick out what worked in old storylines and what did not. Form ideas, influences for characters. What fans enjoy is immortal, whether it be from Boston, Hollyweird or right here in the SWF."


There is a secondary reason Michaels locks himself away in the dungeon-like tape room. "I don't see how anyone could be in the position I'm in and not be a big fan of this stuff. All of it. Burning Hammer style. Lucha style. Even the way the Stones conduct there business up north I love it all. I use it all in my planning. I want to create the most wrestling appreciative show I can."


Every week Peter Michaels is responsible for the storylines that make SWF the worldwide leader in wrestling. He says his tape collection leans heavily on the decisions his day to day life.


"I have a complete collection for CWF, DaVE, and am up to date on most of the Puro and Canadian stuff. I'm even up to date on World Level Wrestling, and I actually love a few of their guys. Not for our style mind you, but very enjoyable to watch. I'm missing the SCCW Stay Classy DVD, so if anyone reading this wants to make a donation..."


The mad mixture of pro football coach and obsessed fanboy may seem like it'd be off putting to the 'boys in the back' as the wrestlers are sometimes called, but it is the opposite.


"He's the most dedicated man I know," stated longtime SWF worker Tom "Angry" Gilmore, "He knows the history, and he knows us. That makes it real easy to trust him. I never worry how a storyline will end."


Eric Eisen, son of SWF owner Richard Eisen mirrors Gilmore's praise. "No, I can't think of anyone who I would rather lead this company. Peter is the best in the world. Hands down."


Of course there is the well documented war currently going on in American professional wrestling. Supreme Wrestling Federation still pulls in the best TV and PPV numbers, which is what many consider to be the signs of 'winning' the war, however Total Championship Wrestling and United States Pro Wrestling are not that far behind. Talking to Peter Michaels, you would not know there is any hostility.


"Nothing but respect for both companies. Tommy Cornell is a hell of a talent, maybe the second best out of Britain behind Giedroyc. He tells a story in the ring masterfully. Joel (Bryant) is a fantastic booker. The Syndicate storyline was fantastic and really built up Wolf. They might just have passed us if all those injuries didn't happen. Maybe."


He has the same respect for the up and coming USPW. "It's Sam Strong. And Shane Sneer. Of course they're coming on strong. Sneer knows how to tell a story, just look at Southern Class. And Strong. Man, I could do a whole interview on Strong. Did you know that the Jack Bruce storyline I crafted was really just the Sam Strong Overcoming the Odds story retold. Same result too, a mega star face. Of course, I took some liberties with details."


The easy laugh escapes again. He leans over and turn off the projector, and in the same motion turns on the light. He is searching for last week’s SWF Supreme TV tape.


He fast forwards to the Vengeance attacking Christian Faith angle and smiles.


"Story as old as time. Hero, battered and beaten by the unstoppable villain. No one plays the down and out hero like Christian."


He watches the scene four times.


"Look at the way he sells the fear of Vengeance. Everyone fears Vengeance. Such an easy hook, but so hard to get everyone on board for. That's one of the many reasons why Christian's so valuable."


He continues along this way, analyzing different things. One tool he has is something he calls the TCM, or True Crowd Mic. It's the non-muted mic that picks up crowd reaction, and it's Michaels' favorite tool.


"The fans, at least the Seattle fans love Bruce, love to hate Money and are sadly tepid on Frehley. That's on my feet as a booker. The champ should always be the hottest guy, the big star. Frehley's doing everything to be the man, but just not getting the pops Faith, Money, Bruce or even Remo get. His story right now is just getting started though, so there is hope."


With USPW and TCW closing in, SWF will need Frehley, and Michaels, to live up to the hope spoken of. They will need Peter Michaels to be the best booker he can be, and if the past is any indication they will need Peter Michaels to be watching tape. You never know where the next great story will come from.


Nikk Reyes is a columnist for Total Extreme Wrestling who has been covering SWF since 2007.


{OOC} Welcome to the SWF side of 8RoW. I hope to entertain you with wonderous stories of large men beating each other for straps with gold on it. My mission is to try to sty true to SWF and there Sports Entertainment style while telling stories that I feel are entertaining. Wish me luck!


The SWF Roster





Angry Gilmore * "Big Money" Brandon James * Christian Faith * Eric Eisen * Jack Bruce * Lobster Warrior




Marat Khoklov * Remo * Rich Money * Squeeky McClean * Steve Frehley * Vengeance




American Machine * Big Smack Scott * Captain Atomic * Des Davids * Enforcer Roberts * Frederique Antonio Garcia * James Prudence





Jungle Lord *Kurt Laramee * Marc DuBois * Randy Bumfhole* Rogue * Valiant * Zimmy Bumfhole





Bart Biggins * Brett Biggins * Everest * Huey Cannonball * Jefferson Stardust




Joe Sexy * John Greed* Marshall Dillon * Paul Huntingdon *Robbie Retro

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Astil" data-cite="Astil" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34893" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> <p> "Nothing but respect for both companies. <strong>Tommy Cornell is a hell of a talent, maybe the second best out of Britain behind Giedroyc.</strong> He tells a story in the ring masterfully. Joel (Bryant) is a fantastic booker. The Syndicate storyline was fantastic and really built up Wolf. They might just have passed us if all those injuries didn't happen. Maybe."</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Uh-huh...</p><p> </p><p> Interetsing start, Astil. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this all works for you guys, and I second Derek's comment on Frehley - he can take off, if you let him.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Derek B" data-cite="Derek B" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34893" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's on! It's sooooo on!! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Looking forward to seeing what you do with the SWF, though I hope you don't give up on Frehley too quickly, I actually really like him <strong>even though it seems no-one else does</strong>. <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Must be the poor Selling and average Psychology and mic skills. Still, he's fairly young and has great Star Quality, so he's got some strengths to work with as SWF World Heavyweight champ.</p><p> </p><p> Anyway, consider me subscribed to this diary! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Actually got a good laugh about the part where Michaels refers to Tommy Cornell as "second best out of Britain behind Giedroyc." Now there's an SWF homer for you!</p>
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Looking forward to this one. SWF was a promotion that I looked at in the waning days of TEW 2010. Maybe I'll live vicariously through you. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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SWF Weekly


An Interview With ... Jack Bruce




By Nikk Reyes


Nikk Reyes: Jack, take me back to the decision to leave TCW and join SWF.


Jack Bruce: It was tough man. TCW gave me a lot, Tommy (Cornell) in particular. The rock star image that followed me to SWF was crafted over there. I'm not sure I would have gotten to do that here.


NR: So why leave?


JB: They did a lot for me, but I did just as much for them, at least I'd like to think. Painful Procedure was a money cow. I felt like I was giving more than getting near the end there. Then came Eisen, with a boatload of appreciation. Easy decision.


NR: And a boatload of money.


JB: That too, that too. This is a business.


NR: Would you go back?


JB: To TCW? You trying to get me fired? I love my position in SWF and am focused on that.


NR: What exactly is your position now? You are not really involved in the title chase, and the storylines have been hinting at you helping Valiant out.


JB: Yeah, I'm taking a small break from chasing to help out a couple workers who really need the attention. Those two are amazing workers. Most of my involvement is to get people who wouldn't normally care to care. Otherwise I am just staying out of the way and letting Rouge and Valiant tear it up. Plus the 'mouthpiece for the competition commitee' is a high profile on camera gig.


NR: Who came up with that?


JB: Jerry (Eisen) actually.


NR: Jerry came up with the storyline that wrote him off screen.


JB: I think he's itchin to go behind the desk. Plus he said having me on the mic weekly was more important than him being on the mic weekly.


NR: Can't say I argue. Due to the Christmas holiday we didn't have many fan questions. This one from Derek all the way over in Scotland. Do you watch Puro? Who is your favorite Japanese wrestler?


JB: That's a two-fer. Well this may be surprising but my favorite Japanese wrestler is Emerald Angel. Not at all a Puro guy. I was a HUGE Kudo fan growing up. As for watching modern Puro, I try to, but life on the road is busy. I catch some Hammer and maybe some PGHW. That's about it. Don't be expected me to bust out a lariat or brainbuster any time soon though!


NR: Last one, and this is from an anonymous user.


JB: Uh-oh.


NR: It's clean. Who's your favorite wrestler not in SWF?


JB: I actually get asked this a lot. I always say Troy (Tornado). I think if I were running SWF he's the one guy I'd send a blank check to and ask 'how much'?


NR: Thank you for the time Jack.


JB: Anytime, thank you to all my fans! God bless!


Please send questions for next weeks guest: Eric Eisen


SWF Supreme TV Week 1 January 2013 Preview


Captain Atomic vs. Everest


Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball


Jungle Lord vs. Rouge


Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B


Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance


Angry Gilmore vs. Remo


Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money

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Captain Atomic vs. Everest


Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball


Jungle Lord vs. Rouge


Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B


Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance


Angry Gilmore vs. Remo


Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money

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Please send questions for next weeks guest: Eric Eisen

"Who is your favourite Japanese wrestler?" :p


SWF Supreme TV Week 1 January 2013 Preview


Captain Atomic vs. Everest


Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball


Jungle Lord vs. Rogue (I fixed the typo for ya :p)


Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B


Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance


Angry Gilmore vs. Remo


Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money

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SWF Supreme TV Week 1 January 2013 Preview


Captain Atomic vs. Everest


Guess you need to bleed whatever overness and momentum you can out of Cousin Elmer 2.0 before his time with SWF mercifully comes to an end.


Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball


Jeff is surprisingly promising in 2013, but not so promising that he upsets the owner's son.

Jungle Lord vs. Rouge

Favorite development in '13 so far: the knowledge that we're in for a dozen dynasties which mysteriously feature a guy named "Rouge". In this one, for example, Rouge is better than Tommy Cornell.


This is going to be a damn good match, and Jungle Lord is miles more legit than some of the other guys who are going to lose on the first half of the show, but I don't see Giedroyc dropping this.


Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B

Bart and Brett have passed their sell-by date, and the Bumfholes' only real weakness is that they're called the Bumfholes.


Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance


The Pain Alliance is a legit tag team made of non-legit workers. They may have to be thrown some wins, but not against two of SWF's most iconic main eventers.


Angry Gilmore vs. Remo


You know, for a promotion that's often derided as not being about the wrestling, SWF has some pretty unimpeachable talent. Remo just might be even better than Gilmore this year. Also, he's slightly higher on the card, and it makes all the sense in the world to build up to him vs. Frehley for the belt. If Gilmore's North American title is on the line, he may take the win here, but that's a weird match to even book. So I'm assuming this is non-title-related, and Gilmore tries and fails to step up to the main event (for now).

Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money


Another match where the very credible upper midcarder falls to the real-deal main eventer. Money and Remo are your two top heels right now, and I don't see either losing so simply on TV.


And for Eric Eisen: Two and a half years ago, you were the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. But now, it seems as though guys like Remo and Rich Money have passed you by in the race for a title shot. How do you intend to stand out above them and return to contention?

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Please send questions for next weeks guest: Eric Eisen

How will US wrestling scene look like in 2014?


SWF Supreme TV Week 1 January 2013 Preview

Captain Atomic vs. Everest

Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball

Jungle Lord vs. Rouge

Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B

Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance

Angry Gilmore vs. Remo

Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money

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Please send questions for next weeks guest: Eric Eisen

Which title this year will you be going for this year? The World title or something else?


Captain Atomic vs. Everest


Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball


Jungle Lord vs. Rouge


Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B


Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance


Angry Gilmore vs. Remo


Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money

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Question for Eric Eisen: Who do you believe to be the most important wrestler in the history of the business?


SWF Supreme TV Week 1 January 2013 Preview

Captain Atomic vs. Everest

Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball

Jungle Lord vs. Rogue

Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B

Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance

Angry Gilmore vs. Remo

Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money

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Question for Eric Eisen: Which is better, Daddy or Chips?


SWF Supreme TV Week 1 January 2013 Preview

Captain Atomic vs. Everest

Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball

Jungle Lord vs. Rogue

Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B

Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance

Angry Gilmore vs. Remo

Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money

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Please send questions for next weeks guest: Eric Eisen Who's richer, you or Rich Money?


SWF Supreme TV Week 1 January 2013 Preview


Captain Atomic vs. Everest


Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball


Jungle Lord vs. Rouge If it was Jungle Lord vs Rogue then I'd go the other way, of course... :p


Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B The eternal feud... until Quad B went rubbish. Well, more rubbish than they were in 2010...


Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance Not even a mismatch; This is just an annihilation.


Angry Gilmore vs. Remo Remo's beyond the NA title. Angry... *sigh*


Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money Not that you're stacking show 1 or anything...

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Please send questions for next weeks guest: Eric Eisen


Have you spoken with Texas Pete since he left the SWF for L.A.?


SWF Supreme TV Week 1 January 2013 Preview


Captain Atomic vs. Everest - Job out Cousin Elmer! :p


Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball - The Supremacist still kinda sucks in the ring, but The Awesomeness aren't over enough, even to win a handicap match...


Jungle Lord vs. Rouge - Good thing Giedroyc finally got a good push before growing too old.


Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B - The Biggins brothers have overstayed their welcome by a good six years or more.


Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance - Because I have Faith in Showtime.


Angry Gilmore vs. Remo - That is, if the belt isn't on the line.


Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money - Building momentum for a title shot, I'd say...

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SWF Supreme TV Week 1 January 2013 Preview

Captain Atomic vs. Everest

Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball

Jungle Lord vs. Rogue

Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B

Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance

Angry Gilmore vs. Remo

Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money

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24 Hours Until Showtime


For now, my roster, with theme songs. Enjoy!




Angry Gilmore * "Big Money" Brandon James * Christian Faith * Eric Eisen * Jack Bruce * Lobster Warrior




Marat Khoklov * Remo * Rich Money * Squeeky McClean * Steve Frehley * Vengeance




American Machine * Big Smack Scott * Captain Atomic * Des Davids * Enforcer Roberts * Frederique Antonio Garcia * James Prudence





Jungle Lord *Kurt Laramee * Marc DuBois * Randy Bumfhole* Rogue * Valiant * Zimmy Bumfhole





Bart Biggins * Brett Biggins * Everest * Huey Cannonball * Jefferson Stardust




Joe Sexy * John Greed* Marshall Dillon * Paul Huntingdon *Robbie Retro

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Please send questions for next weeks guest: Eric Eisen

How do you feel about your opponent-Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball

SWF Supreme TV Week 1 January 2013 Preview


Captain Atomic vs. Everest


Eric Eisen vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Huey Cannonball

Upset of the year!:p

Jungle Lord vs. Rouge


Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quad B


Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. The Pain Alliance

BSS will botch a move. :p

Angry Gilmore vs. Remo


Lobster Warrior vs. Rich Money

DQ victory by way of PINCER ATTACK!!!!:p

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John Greed has the weirdest entrance music ever. It sounds too happy to be for him. :p


I think that was going to be Jungle Jack's and I put it in the wrong place on my spreadsheet. Now, a challenge, to make that music work for John Greed.

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