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TEW 13 Alt Pictures Thread

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<p>Hi folks,</p><p> </p><p>

Don't know who did this render of Findlay O'Farraday but I LOVE it. But I was wondering if a version exists where he doesn't have the headset or if someone could alter it so he's just in the suit and sunglasses?</p><p> </p><p>


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Hi folks,


Don't know who did this render of Findlay O'Farraday but I LOVE it. But I was wondering if a version exists where he doesn't have the headset or if someone could alter it so he's just in the suit and sunglasses?





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Thanks so much :).


EDIT: Also on a sidenote, just want to say to ALL of the render guys on this forum that you're RIDICULOUSLY talented. I spend loads of my time lurking these threads for great renders and your work legitimately makes this game more fun to play because it makes the characters look awesome. If your renders can make me push The Force then anything is possible. So thanks a lot!

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Might as well share these alts I made:



Tanyu Toshusai (2x), Kadonomaro Kamisaka (2x), Sir Winston Watoga



Sadakuno Nishimuraya (4x), Hajime Sugisata



Lion Genji (4x), Cameron Vessey


Inspired by what I read in the ThunderVerse Alts & Renders thread, I "stole" some of the T-Verse renders, cut them and put together a few "Franken-Alts":





Of course, a big THANK YOU goes to the original renderers who inspire such experiments with their awesome artwork.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kitarzu" data-cite="Kitarzu" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34905" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Alert! Big Smack Scott!<p> </p><p> <img alt="Big%20Smack%20Scott.jpg?token_hash=AAG7oAseA2ZK3pYXmwV7TIpSKgjVSdB0Wb_spGiCdQTpiA" data-src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/sh/1s84lltu4h86kl8/BwFMbfGv2r/~CVerse%20Rerender%20Project%20v2/ewanite/Big%20Smack%20Scott.jpg?token_hash=AAG7oAseA2ZK3pYXmwV7TIpSKgjVSdB0Wb_spGiCdQTpiA" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Is it possible to have him as:</p><p> </p><p> 1) in a white pinstripe suit;</p><p> 2) as a priest;</p><p> 3) in a tank top/singlet</p><p> </p><p> Thanks in advance!</p><p> </p><p> Even for this game, the C-Verse alts thread reach Page 100!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s1137.photobucket.com/user/hitman74/media/BigSmackScott3_zps52e048c7.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n511/hitman74/BigSmackScott3_zps52e048c7.jpg</span></a></p><p> <a href="http://s1137.photobucket.com/user/hitman74/media/BigSmackScott_alt1_zpscd2c64f2.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n511/hitman74/BigSmackScott_alt1_zpscd2c64f2.jpg</span></a></p><p> <a href="http://s1137.photobucket.com/user/hitman74/media/BigSmackScott2_zps6a5edd3d.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n511/hitman74/BigSmackScott2_zps6a5edd3d.jpg</span></a></p>
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<p>Can someone slap some dark face paint on this Duberry Excess to better fit his "Demon Seed" character instead of the bad mask?</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/DuberryExcess.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

I was thinking maybe typical "Crow" style like Dark Angel uses but as long as its "Demonie" looking that will be great <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jesterx7769" data-cite="jesterx7769" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34905" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Can someone slap some dark face paint on this Duberry Excess to better fit his "Demon Seed" character instead of the bad mask?<p> </p><p> <span>http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/DuberryExcess.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> I was thinking maybe typical "Crow" style like Dark Angel uses but as long as its "Demonie" looking that will be great <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'll give it a go right now.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jesterx7769" data-cite="jesterx7769" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34905" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thx!<p> </p><p> I tried using some of the thunderverse renders but am curious what others can come up with</p><p> <span>http://imageshack.com/a/img46/2533/tp0v.jpg</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is badass</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hitman74" data-cite="Hitman74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34905" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://s1137.photobucket.com/user/hitman74/media/BigSmackScott3_zps52e048c7.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n511/hitman74/BigSmackScott3_zps52e048c7.jpg</span></a><p> <a href="http://s1137.photobucket.com/user/hitman74/media/BigSmackScott_alt1_zpscd2c64f2.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n511/hitman74/BigSmackScott_alt1_zpscd2c64f2.jpg</span></a></p><p> <a href="http://s1137.photobucket.com/user/hitman74/media/BigSmackScott2_zps6a5edd3d.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n511/hitman74/BigSmackScott2_zps6a5edd3d.jpg</span></a></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank You!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="praguepride" data-cite="praguepride" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34905" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Could someone post a link to the 'alt resource pack' that someone, I think Undertaker put together that is just a bunch of items that can be photoshopped into pics to create alts? Stuff like microphones and hoods etc.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Is it Iceisle pack?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="praguepride" data-cite="praguepride" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34905" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Maybe? I'd like to get back into alt-ing but I don't have my prop library anymore. I know there were board efforts to gather and release stuff like that so I'm hoping someone knows of a pack (any pack will do).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1918267&postcount=937" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1918267&postcount=937</a></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34905" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Meh, not super proud of these.<p> </p><p> <span>http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e322/VenomousPrime/DemonSeed1.jpg</span><span>http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e322/VenomousPrime/DemonSeed2.jpg</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, I think yours look really clean, just not as demonic which is prob why you're not proud. Looks more like KISS make up to me, but I will keep them since the quality is still good <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> edit: I see you darkened the hair I will have to do that on mine</p>
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<p>Could someone please make this emma chase look like a nun, she's been off TV for a while after the downfall of the Chase Agency. So maybe just a black shirt with a white collar, there's no real need for a need headdress . She's about to align herself with John Greed, who is a cult leading preacher who is consistently talks of people upsetting Sister Emma.</p><p> </p><p>


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="serotonin187" data-cite="serotonin187" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34905" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Could someone please make this emma chase look like a nun, she's been off TV for a while after the downfall of the Chase Agency. So maybe just a black shirt with a white collar, there's no real need for a need headdress . She's about to align herself with John Greed, who is a cult leading preacher who is consistently talks of people upsetting Sister Emma.<p> </p><p> <span>http://i.cubeupload.com/qt0Y5z.jpg</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.cubeupload.com/3ioNAJ.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> The angle is off, but it should (hopefully) look okay unless you're flipping back and forth between the two pictures.</p>
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