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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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I cut Laramee, Scott, Everest and DuBois on day one. My backstage rules have a positive effect and when I hit international I brought up Kristen Pearce, Spenser Spade and Lenny Brown who both wanted to come up anyway. So with two positives even low on the totem pole positives, the positive relationship between Jessie and Kristen and the fact Joe Sexy (now Joespeh Lust) took Marshall Dillon as his protege I'm sitting pretty with morale.


I actually held onto Dubois because I wanted to give him a chance. He's been on his best behavior and I think he got a great destiny roll as his stats are steadily improving.


Are any of those guys you brought up from development getting over? I've got Spencer Spade up to LMC from being in a few competitive matches with my upper card faces and now he's beating lower card workers on Uprising while I figure out something for him to do.

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Well, Supreme Challenge 33 is in the books in my game and it scored a whopping 96 rating :eek::D! The main event was a triple thread Hell in a Cell match for the SWF World Heavyweight title between champion Rich Money, Jack Bruce and Joey Minnesota - Minnesota won it by pinning Money after Rich took a crazy bump (I imagine Jack Bruce set this up, got taken out by Minnesota and Joey went and pinned motionless Money to be on the safe side).


Thing is, okay, three angles scored 100 (w00t for sports entertainment) but the only match that went over 90, 93 to be precise, was the main event. The other matches on the card rated anywhere between 76 and 84 yet still the show rating ended up 96. I think its possibly related to season final plus the renown of the event itself?


At any rate, I plan to give Minnesota a lengthy run with the belt as I said before, possibly until Supreme Challenge 34 where the plan is to put the belt on Angry Gilmore.


Des Davids is also really impressing me, he has totally outgrown my Shooting Star division and will use the belt to claim a title match with North American champion Rogue - granted, Rogue is main eventer now and Davids a bit of a distance behind him in popularity so my guess is Rogue won't be too thrilled about dropping the belt to him, but I have a month to go still and a lot can happen, right?


The Amazing Barretts (no Bumfholes in my SWF, sorry) are tag champs for the fifth time and have actually also outgrown their division since a while - but you can only push so many singles wrestlers at once so they'll stay with the tag division for now. At least here they can help advance some of the lesser teams.


Oh and Rick Law has come in now too, named him Marshall Law as babyface and he'll join Richard's (so my...) side of the argument against Eric Eisen who, in somewhat un-Eric fashion, has groomed Rocky Golden, Troy Tornado and Joey Minnesota to success to show Richard he is aging and out of touch with the fans so should step down to be replaced by Eric. For the moment Eric isn't interested in the title but in his father's position as the boss, which is why he gets along with Joey and the others ... for now.


Overall it's a very enjoyable game - I may have bloated my roster a little but tbh, a lot of the original SWF guys are aging and some refreshing was very much needed.

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Well, Supreme Challenge 33 is in the books in my game and it scored a whopping 96 rating :eek::D! The main event was a triple thread Hell in a Cell match for the SWF World Heavyweight title between champion Rich Money, Jack Bruce and Joey Minnesota - Minnesota won it by pinning Money after Rich took a crazy bump (I imagine Jack Bruce set this up, got taken out by Minnesota and Joey went and pinned motionless Money to be on the safe side).


Thing is, okay, three angles scored 100 (w00t for sports entertainment) but the only match that went over 90, 93 to be precise, was the main event. The other matches on the card rated anywhere between 76 and 84 yet still the show rating ended up 96. I think its possibly related to season final plus the renown of the event itself?


At any rate, I plan to give Minnesota a lengthy run with the belt as I said before, possibly until Supreme Challenge 34 where the plan is to put the belt on Angry Gilmore.


Des Davids is also really impressing me, he has totally outgrown my Shooting Star division and will use the belt to claim a title match with North American champion Rogue - granted, Rogue is main eventer now and Davids a bit of a distance behind him in popularity so my guess is Rogue won't be too thrilled about dropping the belt to him, but I have a month to go still and a lot can happen, right?


The Amazing Barretts (no Bumfholes in my SWF, sorry) are tag champs for the fifth time and have actually also outgrown their division since a while - but you can only push so many singles wrestlers at once so they'll stay with the tag division for now. At least here they can help advance some of the lesser teams.


Oh and Rick Law has come in now too, named him Marshall Law as babyface and he'll join Richard's (so my...) side of the argument against Eric Eisen who, in somewhat un-Eric fashion, has groomed Rocky Golden, Troy Tornado and Joey Minnesota to success to show Richard he is aging and out of touch with the fans so should step down to be replaced by Eric. For the moment Eric isn't interested in the title but in his father's position as the boss, which is why he gets along with Joey and the others ... for now.


Overall it's a very enjoyable game - I may have bloated my roster a little but tbh, a lot of the original SWF guys are aging and some refreshing was very much needed.


What's your backstage rating as of Supreme Challenge 33? I can imagine Rick Law, an upper midcarder, improving the backstage atmosphere, but Minnesota's a main eventer and if I recall right, he's a "very negative" influence, and not just negative. Great job with the 96! I'd actually like to see your current SWF game as a diary...there's a lot of 'em right now, but I always enjoy seeing what other diarists have written out for Supreme.


EDIT - Also must add...you sure lucked out with the TCW guys whose contracts came up before Supreme Challenge! I think it's all upper midcarders at best in my diary game...and no Rick Law till 2015.

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Thanks. Well, I write my own private diary in a way that I put what happened on shows on word so I can check back. The in-game history doesn't quite cut it for me because angle headlines/descriptions are too short sometimes (try an angle with 8 guys and put them all in the headline ^^). But I have no intention to make it a public diary game right now because of lack of time >_< ... and you're also right, there's a LOT of SWF diaries right now.


Backstage rating is 95% off the top of my head - I only have three negative influences in DuBois, Minnesota and Eric left, people like Scott and Laramee were fired some time ago already. Although I can't say these three have caused any issues yet - DuBois for example did the j-o-b a lot in the early going of my savegame, not sure if that set him straight or whatever but despite him being a negative influence he so far hasn't pulled any shenanigans.


And I indeed lucked out on those TCW guys - the contracts of Tornado, Golden and Minnesota all came up within 2 months o.O. Rick Law, well, he became available to work for me on Thursday before Supreme Challenge (I run the PPVs on Sundays) - this may very well be the one save where stuff has happened that wouldn't happen on any other attempt at an SWF game.


Edit: Oh, and do you guys think it's a little too much if I go on with Joey Minnesota renaming himself 'Joey Supreme'? As an arrogant world champ who thinks he is the best wrestler in the world, Joey now thinks he IS the SWF, hence Joey Supreme...

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I finally broke-down and fired Marc DuBois and BOY did it make a difference in my locker room area. We went from a 66% to a 74% in a day. I guess his dislike of Randy Bumfhole, my simmering tension with him, and his overall bad attitude was enough to drag us down drastically.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I have no problems with the guy so far but then again our relationship is neutral. Marc and Huntingdon are currently feuding with Randy and Zimmy over the tag belts - undecided which team goes over but I'm leaning towards an extended fifth run with the belts for the Barretts (Bumfholes) before they both go singles.</p>
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<p>Ok so i'm right around the corner from Supreme Challenge and i'm began thinking what i want from my SWF as i have viewed this time as testing the water.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm just gonna throw some questions out there that are running around my head and i'd be interested in hearing people's views:</p><p> </p><p>

1/ What to do with the Bumfholes? Turn one? just split them up but as faces? Who is the better?</p><p> </p><p>

2/ Making the tag titles more than a midcard title? I'd like to either make the tag titles floating title or make it a Main event title. But does this kill the tag division? Could i get away with two sets of tag titles? I have brought back the Shooting Star title (which pretty much has been a launching pad for KC Glenn) but could i also get Shooting Star Tag Titles which will remain for lower card workers?</p><p> </p><p>

3/ I'm thinking that Valiant will win the world title at next years Supreme Challenge and so i'm thinking of giving Remo a loooooooonnnnnggggg title run (nearly 9 months) before Valiant takes the belt away. But what do i do with Valiant and Remo for 12 months and more importantly how to i keep Main Eventers like Bruce, Money, Golden, Frehley busy for a whole year without simply jobbing them out to REMO.</p><p> </p><p>

4/ Brandon James - I struggle with him. Emma Chase speaks for him and i have better in-ring workers. Only realised today that in 6 months he has only been in 10 matches and 6 of them have been PPVs. I see him & Remo as my future Main Event Heels and Valiant & Golden as the future faces of the company (along with Frehley).</p><p> </p><p>

5/ Face/Heel divide. How much would it hurt my ratings and company is i did away with it.</p><p> </p><p>

6/ Captain Atomic is going to take the NA title from Rogue at Supreme Challenge as Rogue no longer needs it. But i am trying to make Atomic, KC Glenn & Bumfholes just slow down a bit as they are rising through the card quickly. Does anyone else have this issue?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Harmor" data-cite="Harmor" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have no problems with the guy so far but then again our relationship is neutral. Marc and Huntingdon are currently feuding with Randy and Zimmy over the tag belts - undecided which team goes over but I'm leaning towards an extended fifth run with the belts for the Barretts (Bumfholes) before they both go singles.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">I'm curious to know how the tag feud is doing grade-wise? </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> With a dislike relationship between Marc Dubois and Randy Bumfhole (Barrett), I wonder if you're getting hit with penalties due to the two not wanting to work with one another?</div><p></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I finally broke-down and fired Marc DuBois and BOY did it make a difference in my locker room area. We went from a 66% to a 74% in a day. I guess his dislike of Randy Bumfhole, my simmering tension with him, and his overall bad attitude was enough to drag us down drastically.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> In my new SWF game I've stared, he's a total pain. So far, I'm 2 shows in he's been involved in 2 incidents.</p><p> </p><p> For the remainider of January, he'll be jobbing out in the pre-show. In February, I may send him to RIPW for a few months. Not entirely sure how the game mechanics work in this sense; would a stint in development do anything for his bad attitude?</p><p> </p><p> My backstage is in pretty good shape, even with him. I got rid of Big Smack, Kurt Laramee & Everest. I've brought in:</p><p> </p><p> Matt Keith</p><p> Greg Gauge</p><p> Ed Monton</p><p> George Wolfe</p><p> Ash Campbell</p><p> Steve Flash</p><p> Donnie J</p><p> </p><p> I had to lower 'Risque' to Medium to nab a few of them, but it's worth it.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">I'm curious to know how the tag feud is doing grade-wise? </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> With a dislike relationship between Marc Dubois and Randy Bumfhole (Barrett), I wonder if you're getting hit with penalties due to the two not wanting to work with one another?</div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'll let you know - the feud is just about to start on Supreme TV following the Supreme Challenge. If they bomb it I'll end it quickly, trust me on that.</p><p> </p><p> @UKWrestleFan: DuBois' personality won't change in development - all you'd do is get him pissed off for being stuck in development and he'd eventually prolly hate you. I lowered my risque almost straight away when my game started because too many ppl would tell me go to sod off. Ever since I can sign even ultra-conservatives without problem.</p><p> </p><p> @ Gnrfan: I can't quite answer every question but lets see...</p><p> </p><p> If you're gonna have Valiant as the face of your company with the belt in about a year's time, pair him with guys he can learn from in angles and matches (his selling isn't anything noteworthy for example). I had him feud with (then) champion Rich Money but Valiant just isn't on that level, and that's why he didn't get the belt (yet). But if you focus your attention on building his skillset up, it might work out for you.</p><p> </p><p> Brandon James is one of my guilty pleasures to book, and I can't even tell you why. I had him leave the Chase Agency in anger and turn face when Emma's attention was solely on Rogue and his North American title - but this is all storytelling. Skillwise, there are better guys out there for sure...</p><p> </p><p> Tag titles/Bumfholes: I think it's better to keep the tag titles midcard, otherwise most of your regular teams will just be fodder for the makeshift main event teams. I know it is tempting to put the belts on main eventers who have nothing else to do, but I have found it kind of hinders the progress of the other teams. As for Randy and Zimmy, my roster is rather big right now and I have no open spots in singles competition, which is why I keep them as the most over team in SWF for the time being.</p><p> </p><p> You can ofc 'cheat' and get rid of the face/heel divide with the in-game editor and won't incur penalties but that is prolly not what you're looking for. I'm actually rather positive if it was set to no from the get go a sports entertainment fed like SWF would still not get penalized for not having a divide (it was like this in TEW 2010). As far as altering the product and not using the editor goes, I have no idea tbh - haven't tried this in 2013 yet. Maybe someone else can answer?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You only need to lower the Risque one level to be able to hire pretty much anyone. Richard E won't let you tinker with the product, though, so you need to do it in the editor - unless you are the owner.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I started as Dick Eisen and wanted a little more freedom in the game so set myself (or Eisen) to be Owner <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Wonder if that means I'd end up stopping myself firing Eric Eisen if I ever decided to.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gnrfan" data-cite="Gnrfan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ok so i'm right around the corner from Supreme Challenge and i'm began thinking what i want from my SWF as i have viewed this time as testing the water.<p> </p><p> I'm just gonna throw some questions out there that are running around my head and i'd be interested in hearing people's views:</p><p> </p><p> 1/ What to do with the Bumfholes? Turn one? just split them up but as faces? Who is the better?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This usually depends on the game, but they are better as a unit, since they already have plenty of tag experience.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gnrfan" data-cite="Gnrfan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>2/ Making the tag titles more than a midcard title? I'd like to either make the tag titles floating title or make it a Main event title. But does this kill the tag division? Could i get away with two sets of tag titles? I have brought back the Shooting Star title (which pretty much has been a launching pad for KC Glenn) but could i also get Shooting Star Tag Titles which will remain for lower card workers?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't think making two sets of tag team titles is a very good idea unless you have a ton of tag teams. The occasional team of main eventers can still hold a tag team title, since presumably you still don't want their matches main eventing PPVs. It only "kills" the tag division if you let it. If two-three strong teams are chasing the champions, you have a strong division, no matter who the champion is.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gnrfan" data-cite="Gnrfan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>3/ I'm thinking that Valiant will win the world title at next years Supreme Challenge and so i'm thinking of giving Remo a loooooooonnnnnggggg title run (nearly 9 months) before Valiant takes the belt away. But what do i do with Valiant and Remo for 12 months and more importantly how to i keep Main Eventers like Bruce, Money, Golden, Frehley busy for a whole year without simply jobbing them out to REMO.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> At a certain point, if you want a 9 month title reign, you pretty much have to feed Faith, Bruce, and Frehley to Remo in some combination, as Faith and Bruce are two of your top overall guys, and if Remo's not working with them, you might as well not put his title defenses in the main event. As for what they're doing when they're not working for the title, tie up either Faith or Bruce or both in a program with another top heel that keeps them busy for a few months- Rich Money is the obvious choice, but lots of other guys can work, especially since your ultimate goal is to keep guys out of the title picture for awhile. In the meantime, gradually build up Valiant by having him engage in programs where he gets the win, while regularly teaming up with a Jack Bruce or a Christian Faith. Then, when Remo destroys Faith or Bruce in May, Valiant swears revenge. He wins some kind of guaranteed title match or otherwise beats someone else in June, while Remo gets a month off to prepare, and guest referees at the June main event. </p><p> </p><p> That's kind of an old school build, but I figure if you're planning 9 month title reigns, you don't mind being a bit old school.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gnrfan" data-cite="Gnrfan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>4/ Brandon James - I struggle with him. Emma Chase speaks for him and i have better in-ring workers. Only realised today that in 6 months he has only been in 10 matches and 6 of them have been PPVs. I see him & Remo as my future Main Event Heels and Valiant & Golden as the future faces of the company (along with Frehley).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> James is kind of stuck because Vengeance and Marat (although he's limited) are both better monsters, and Remo, while perhaps less of a monster, is a better talent, while Rich Money is a far better worker. I end up turning him babyface in the long term to bring back the "Big Cat" persona (which I love), but he's a good guy for Valiant to go over as you're building him up.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gnrfan" data-cite="Gnrfan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>5/ Face/Heel divide. How much would it hurt my ratings and company is i did away with it.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't do it.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gnrfan" data-cite="Gnrfan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>6/ Captain Atomic is going to take the NA title from Rogue at Supreme Challenge as Rogue no longer needs it. But i am trying to make Atomic, KC Glenn & Bumfholes just slow down a bit as they are rising through the card quickly. Does anyone else have this issue?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The best thing to do is make them feud with people that are less talented, over, or both than they are. If Captain Atomic spends 3 months defending the title against Big Smack Scott, he won't shoot up the card.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gnrfan" data-cite="Gnrfan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ok so i'm right around the corner from Supreme Challenge and i'm began thinking what i want from my SWF as i have viewed this time as testing the water.<p> </p><p> I'm just gonna throw some questions out there that are running around my head and i'd be interested in hearing people's views:</p><p> </p><p> 1/ What to do with the Bumfholes? Turn one? just split them up but as faces? Who is the better?</p><p> </p><p> 2/ Making the tag titles more than a midcard title? I'd like to either make the tag titles floating title or make it a Main event title. But does this kill the tag division? Could i get away with two sets of tag titles? I have brought back the Shooting Star title (which pretty much has been a launching pad for KC Glenn) but could i also get Shooting Star Tag Titles which will remain for lower card workers?</p><p> </p><p> 3/ I'm thinking that Valiant will win the world title at next years Supreme Challenge and so i'm thinking of giving Remo a loooooooonnnnnggggg title run (nearly 9 months) before Valiant takes the belt away. But what do i do with Valiant and Remo for 12 months and more importantly how to i keep Main Eventers like Bruce, Money, Golden, Frehley busy for a whole year without simply jobbing them out to REMO.</p><p> </p><p> 4/ Brandon James - I struggle with him. Emma Chase speaks for him and i have better in-ring workers. Only realised today that in 6 months he has only been in 10 matches and 6 of them have been PPVs. I see him & Remo as my future Main Event Heels and Valiant & Golden as the future faces of the company (along with Frehley).</p><p> </p><p> 5/ Face/Heel divide. How much would it hurt my ratings and company is i did away with it.</p><p> </p><p> 6/ Captain Atomic is going to take the NA title from Rogue at Supreme Challenge as Rogue no longer needs it. But i am trying to make Atomic, KC Glenn & Bumfholes just slow down a bit as they are rising through the card quickly. Does anyone else have this issue?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> #1 I kept the Bumfhole tag team going and are an occasional transition champion for the title now, even though i have already had them go singles. I even created a floating Cruiserweight title for them (which is now a Main event title at 77% prestige)</p><p> </p><p> #2 I made it more than a middle-card. In fact my tag team title is as hyped as the Heavyweight now + it is MUCH more easy for me to have a 95%+ match for that title than it is for my Heavyweight one (mainly because i have a crap load of great tag teams at the moment). I started with floating it and when it got over 70%, i pushed it to Main event. By 2017 it hit 100% prestige! I think you should seriously look into pushing it to a Main event title once you can build up enough good tag teams. I have at least 4-5 GREAT tag teams (great i mean tag teams which show great chemistry). </p><p> </p><p> #3 What to do. Well in my game Money is one of my main tag team champs with Remo. Still not in decline and in great shape even in 2018. I love that he takes a crazy bump in all the PPV shows. I think Rich is a good worker and has decent physio as well (unlike most the rest). Keep him around as an upper carder until he starts to decline. </p><p> </p><p> Frehley and Golden (i got him as well) are in a stable together with a few other dominant guys, being led by Gilmore. Although they are not in the title picture, they are staying over due to the stables success. They are mostly gaining skills at the moment. I do not see either being great in ring performers, so i dot think they deserve long runs on the title. Maybe try to find if they are good with someone in a tag team, that is what i usually try to do if someone has poor performance skills but great entertainment + off screen abilities. </p><p> </p><p> Bruce was in an early feud with Rich. Great run both had, exchanged the title for about a year until eventually Bruce started to decline and i slowly moved him out of the picture. I released him late 2016 and mid 2017 he opened his own promotion in Canada:rolleyes:</p><p> </p><p> #4 I got rid of Brandon James. Like you said, he cant talk and his in ring is not that great. He is also a bad influence. I tried to have him as a "Hardcore" champion, revived the old Dave title and had him in a feud with Peak (which i brought in). But it was just not clicking and they were both a pain in the ass. In the end he joined USPW after i released him and i have him come in through trades where i job him to my up and comers <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> #5 Good move with the divide. I also dropped that almost immediately. </p><p> </p><p> #6 Captain Atomic is similar to Golden and Frehley for me. Good hard working worker, good Star Quality and about the same age. However his in ring is average. </p><p> </p><p> I ended up having him in a great tag team (unlike the other 2 though, Captain was lucky, i got 2 great chemistries with him) with Primus Alen and Edd Stone (both rated as great chemistry). The Stone one had a short run at the title and helped to push the Prestige up while they held it.</p>
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Why on earth would you get rid of the face/heel divide for a Sports Entertainment company? It's the absolute foundation of that product, and indeed, most of wrestling!


Of course, but: I've set it to 'none' in some of my games in TEW 2010 via the editor though yet I still kept heels/faces seperate privately. I did this solely in order to have more freedom and more flexibility when it came to turns. Honestly, when you look at WWE these days - some of the guys would need a sticker on their trunks where it reads 'Ima heel/face', and the fans cheer whoever the hell they want anyways, no matter if heel or face.


I think it is realistically medium at most these days, but not 'strong' anymore as it used to be. This is not based on the actual product perhaps but more on the reception of the industry by the fans. I think this started with guys like the Rock maybe, who during his first heel run after the Rocky Maivia shtick was the cool and funny heel, basically a guy who got cheers/laughs no matter how villainous his actions were. And it simply went on from there and the formerly strict divide (heels couldn't travel with faces even, kayfabe ftw) was in the dumpster along with kayfabe as a whole.

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Any changes you make in the editor don't affect ratings. It only matters if you change it from the product screen in-game.


I don't think that's what's being asked.


Of course, but: I've set it to 'none' in some of my games in TEW 2010 via the editor though yet I still kept heels/faces seperate privately. I did this solely in order to have more freedom and more flexibility when it came to turns. Honestly, when you look at WWE these days - some of the guys would need a sticker on their trunks where it reads 'Ima heel/face', and the fans cheer whoever the hell they want anyways, no matter if heel or face.


I think it is realistically medium at most these days, but not 'strong' anymore as it used to be. This is not based on the actual product perhaps but more on the reception of the industry by the fans. I think this started with guys like the Rock maybe, who during his first heel run after the Rocky Maivia shtick was the cool and funny heel, basically a guy who got cheers/laughs no matter how villainous his actions were. And it simply went on from there and the formerly strict divide (heels couldn't travel with faces even, kayfabe ftw) was in the dumpster along with kayfabe as a whole.


Have to say, I don't agree with any of this at all. First, there is no "medium": it's on or off. Second, WWE these days absolutely has a face/heel divide, and it's more clear-cut than it was 14 years ago. Finally, not sure what any of it has to do with The Rock, who absolutely wasn't the first to do any of the stuff you're describing. Fans cheering "whoever they want" isn't the only thing that makes a face/heel divide, and cool heels didn't magically start getting cheered by older fans in 1998; these things were around even when kayfabe was strictly enforced. The Freebirds, Jerry Lawler, Ric Flair and the Horseman, Billy Graham, and plenty of other heels have gotten cheered by crowds because they were seen as cool, but since they went out and worked heel (until they turned face), there was a face/heel divide.


As mentioned, a face/heel divide is one of the cornerstones of North American wrestling, and influences how nearly every match on the card is booked. If you're going to "keep track separately," just leave it on, since it's meant to be on.

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This usually depends on the game, but they are better as a unit, since they already have plenty of tag experience.



They are currently my tag team champions, but they will lose the title at Supreme challenge to someone (no clue yet).


But i kinda have run out of ideas with them as a team. Was thinking of sending Zimmy to feud with KC Glenn over the shooting star title, whilst thinking of something else for Randy.




I don't think making two sets of tag team titles is a very good idea unless you have a ton of tag teams. The occasional team of main eventers can still hold a tag team title, since presumably you still don't want their matches main eventing PPVs. It only "kills" the tag division if you let it. If two-three strong teams are chasing the champions, you have a strong division, no matter who the champion is.


I agree but i do have alot of tag teams at the mo. I don't like the idea of two sets either but just end up with lots of people not working that much. Plus i like the idea of having a big tag team like Bruce and Valiant or Rogue and Brandon James as my tag champions and pitting them against not only other main event teams but midcard teams to improve them.



At a certain point, if you want a 9 month title reign, you pretty much have to feed Faith, Bruce, and Frehley to Remo in some combination, as Faith and Bruce are two of your top overall guys, and if Remo's not working with them, you might as well not put his title defenses in the main event. As for what they're doing when they're not working for the title, tie up either Faith or Bruce or both in a program with another top heel that keeps them busy for a few months- Rich Money is the obvious choice, but lots of other guys can work, especially since your ultimate goal is to keep guys out of the title picture for awhile. In the meantime, gradually build up Valiant by having him engage in programs where he gets the win, while regularly teaming up with a Jack Bruce or a Christian Faith. Then, when Remo destroys Faith or Bruce in May, Valiant swears revenge. He wins some kind of guaranteed title match or otherwise beats someone else in June, while Remo gets a month off to prepare, and guest referees at the June main event.


That's kind of an old school build, but I figure if you're planning 9 month title reigns, you don't mind being a bit old school.



Good idea.



James is kind of stuck because Vengeance and Marat (although he's limited) are both better monsters, and Remo, while perhaps less of a monster, is a better talent, while Rich Money is a far better worker. I end up turning him babyface in the long term to bring back the "Big Cat" persona (which I love), but he's a good guy for Valiant to go over as you're building him up.



I just see Remo as this generations Big heel champion and whilst Khoklov and Vengeance are monsters i don't want to put the title on them. After Remo, Brandon James is the next in my thoughts but i just see Remo as the one for the time being.


#1 I kept the Bumfhole tag team going and are an occasional transition champion for the title now, even though i have already had them go singles. I even created a floating Cruiserweight title for them (which is now a Main event title at 77% prestige)


#2 I made it more than a middle-card. In fact my tag team title is as hyped as the Heavyweight now + it is MUCH more easy for me to have a 95%+ match for that title than it is for my Heavyweight one (mainly because i have a crap load of great tag teams at the moment). I started with floating it and when it got over 70%, i pushed it to Main event. By 2017 it hit 100% prestige! I think you should seriously look into pushing it to a Main event title once you can build up enough good tag teams. I have at least 4-5 GREAT tag teams (great i mean tag teams which show great chemistry).


#3 What to do. Well in my game Money is one of my main tag team champs with Remo. Still not in decline and in great shape even in 2018. I love that he takes a crazy bump in all the PPV shows. I think Rich is a good worker and has decent physio as well (unlike most the rest). Keep him around as an upper carder until he starts to decline.


Frehley and Golden (i got him as well) are in a stable together with a few other dominant guys, being led by Gilmore. Although they are not in the title picture, they are staying over due to the stables success. They are mostly gaining skills at the moment. I do not see either being great in ring performers, so i dot think they deserve long runs on the title. Maybe try to find if they are good with someone in a tag team, that is what i usually try to do if someone has poor performance skills but great entertainment + off screen abilities.


Bruce was in an early feud with Rich. Great run both had, exchanged the title for about a year until eventually Bruce started to decline and i slowly moved him out of the picture. I released him late 2016 and mid 2017 he opened his own promotion in Canada:rolleyes:


#4 I got rid of Brandon James. Like you said, he cant talk and his in ring is not that great. He is also a bad influence. I tried to have him as a "Hardcore" champion, revived the old Dave title and had him in a feud with Peak (which i brought in). But it was just not clicking and they were both a pain in the ass. In the end he joined USPW after i released him and i have him come in through trades where i job him to my up and comers :eek:


#5 Good move with the divide. I also dropped that almost immediately.


#6 Captain Atomic is similar to Golden and Frehley for me. Good hard working worker, good Star Quality and about the same age. However his in ring is average.


I ended up having him in a great tag team (unlike the other 2 though, Captain was lucky, i got 2 great chemistries with him) with Primus Alen and Edd Stone (both rated as great chemistry). The Stone one had a short run at the title and helped to push the Prestige up while they held it.


Wow you got rid of Brandon James! thats a big call. I can't see me doing that but i also just can't put the belt on him for a while and i'm now wondering if he'll ever get that chance with Remo & Rich Money around. I also have people like Primus Allen, Matthew Keith, Greed who are making great strides.


Thanks to you all for your advice. Much to think over.

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I don't think that's what's being asked.




Have to say, I don't agree with any of this at all. First, there is no "medium": it's on or off. Second, WWE these days absolutely has a face/heel divide, and it's more clear-cut than it was 14 years ago. Finally, not sure what any of it has to do with The Rock, who absolutely wasn't the first to do any of the stuff you're describing. Fans cheering "whoever they want" isn't the only thing that makes a face/heel divide, and cool heels didn't magically start getting cheered by older fans in 1998; these things were around even when kayfabe was strictly enforced. The Freebirds, Jerry Lawler, Ric Flair and the Horseman, Billy Graham, and plenty of other heels have gotten cheered by crowds because they were seen as cool, but since they went out and worked heel (until they turned face), there was a face/heel divide.


As mentioned, a face/heel divide is one of the cornerstones of North American wrestling, and influences how nearly every match on the card is booked. If you're going to "keep track separately," just leave it on, since it's meant to be on.


Guess the reason I view this differently is because I'm not North American but German, and my perception of things varies quite a bit. So we agree to disagree I guess (I realize what went on with guys like Flair etc, but the Rock is simply put the more modern version of this all) except for the way guys are booked - I agree there ofc. I basically sometimes keep it on and sometimes don't (and I know 2013 doesn't have medium anymore, but 2010 had) but it's not really about a gameplay mechanic anyways. It's how you book the guys on your actual shows tbh.


When I turn heel/face divide off in the editor yet still book guys as heels/faces and run my storylines with turns etc, it just gives me more flexibility. TEW is a lot about number crunching, and when I can do something about it to feel more organic I will absolutely do it. And I don't think it is MEANT to be on - wrestling itself is meant to have bad guys and good guys, but not this game because you can do it yourself - and when you just look at the diaries out there, I know some guys don't use heel/face divide yet still write their wrestlers as such, still use proper turn stories in their diaries etc. Hence, I did just that in my TNA diary and I somewhat doubt anyone noticed I had the divide set to none. Nothing wrong with that - this is once again down to flexibility and not sticking to the rather abstract and gamey 6 months minimum rule.


As an example btw, I was 15 when the Undertaker made his debut in WWF, and I was instantly hooked on the guy. I wanted him to win, to be dominant over faces etc, and it would not have mattered one bit to me had he fought other heels. So in a way, the entire face/heel divide didn't mean a whole lot to me - speak about different perceptions. So when a heel is cheered and supported by the fans, this tells me the whole divide is ignored by the fans although the company still books them against faces - if this happened even more and stronger, it would essentially make the divide redundant even.


But it ofc has its purpose in the game, no doubt about that. I'm just saying I don't really need it.

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Ok so i'm right around the corner from Supreme Challenge and i'm began thinking what i want from my SWF as i have viewed this time as testing the water.


I'm just gonna throw some questions out there that are running around my head and i'd be interested in hearing people's views:


1/ What to do with the Bumfholes? Turn one? just split them up but as faces? Who is the better?


You have way to many top guys and until some of them are coming down on times decline and are ready to move out of the main event the Bumfholes are just way to talented as a tag team and have the experience to split up.


2/ Making the tag titles more than a midcard title? I'd like to either make the tag titles floating title or make it a Main event title. But does this kill the tag division? Could i get away with two sets of tag titles? I have brought back the Shooting Star title (which pretty much has been a launching pad for KC Glenn) but could i also get Shooting Star Tag Titles which will remain for lower card workers?


If you make them a main event title then it doesn't do anything for your upper midcarders and midcarders. Sure you're Main Event team has the titles but now your Upper Midcard teams are losing to them to fight for the titles and if the Main Event team is really just facing another Main Event team then now your Upper Midcard and Midcard teams are losing even more and losing up the card is not as easy as it used to be. Your Main eventers don't need to be fighting over yet another title where as a prestigious midcard title will boost the match ratings of the midcard matches. I would keep the tag titles as a midcard title.


TCW did it they had the cruiserweight division which also had a cruiserweight tat titles. but my personal opinion is that too many titles makes all the titles less important.


3/ I'm thinking that Valiant will win the world title at next years Supreme Challenge and so i'm thinking of giving Remo a loooooooonnnnnggggg title run (nearly 9 months) before Valiant takes the belt away. But what do i do with Valiant and Remo for 12 months and more importantly how to i keep Main Eventers like Bruce, Money, Golden, Frehley busy for a whole year without simply jobbing them out to REMO.


Main eventers don't need a title or even to be facing off for a title for their stories to be important. As a matter of fact sometimes the lesser of your main eventers needs the title to help them seem legit while guys like Bruce and Money don't need it at all, no one is ever going to think of them as not a legit main eventer even with the titles.


Money could put his hat in for a title shot and when Golden realizes what he did he steps in. Money's title shot gets stripped and he goes after Golden with a vengeance. You can even do a face versus face story with Frehley and Jack, each one trying to prove he is the best, racing up wins until they finally face each other, sure the match will take a hit but it doesn't always drag the match down into the abyss. Or better yet use them to work with two upper midcard heels.


4/ Brandon James - I struggle with him. Emma Chase speaks for him and i have better in-ring workers. Only realised today that in 6 months he has only been in 10 matches and 6 of them have been PPVs. I see him & Remo as my future Main Event Heels and Valiant & Golden as the future faces of the company (along with Frehley).


I like James' look I always have and it was easier to find something for him when he wasn't a lackey for Rogue like he starts at the beginning of 2013. I actually usually have Rogue win the story against Valiant and by that time Angry Gilmore is moving up the rung into the main event and i put the North American title on Brandon James and now I can use Paul Huntington as his lackey.


5/ Face/Heel divide. How much would it hurt my ratings and company is i did away with it.


I don't think it would hurt or hinder your rating I just think it would open up more combinations of who you can send against who. But then I don't think you're playing SWF anymore. That's also just me i've got a pet peeve of picking up starting companies and then changing their products. If you don't want to play the product the company gives you there are so many other companies out there that covers almost all of the combinations of what you can do


6/ Captain Atomic is going to take the NA title from Rogue at Supreme Challenge as Rogue no longer needs it. But i am trying to make Atomic, KC Glenn & Bumfholes just slow down a bit as they are rising through the card quickly. Does anyone else have this issue?


No Because I never push Captain Atomic I just don't like him at all. But the Bumfholes are growing slowly but growing, one or two points of overness a month.

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When I turn heel/face divide off in the editor yet still book guys as heels/faces and run my storylines with turns etc, it just gives me more flexibility. TEW is a lot about number crunching, and when I can do something about it to feel more organic I will absolutely do it. And I don't think it is MEANT to be on - wrestling itself is meant to have bad guys and good guys, but not this game because you can do it yourself - and when you just look at the diaries out there, I know some guys don't use heel/face divide yet still write their wrestlers as such, still use proper turn stories in their diaries etc. Hence, I did just that in my TNA diary and I somewhat doubt anyone noticed I had the divide set to none. Nothing wrong with that - this is once again down to flexibility and not sticking to the rather abstract and gamey 6 months minimum rule.


Heel/Face divide isn't whether or not the workers are faces or heels because they always will be. its whether or not the fans care if a face vs a face and a heel vs a heel. And WWE fans (and in this case lets say SWF fans) care. They want some one to boo and some one to cheer. And when WWE sees they are cheering for a Heel they turn them. Randy Orton comes to mind, he so desperately wanted to be a heel but the fans kept cheering for him so they turned him, and now he begs to be a heel again all the time.


Most companies that don't have a face/heel divide are workrate promotions. Once it becomes more than who is the better athlete you the fans begin to care who is the bad guy and who is the good guy because they need something else to hang on too.

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Heel/Face divide isn't whether or not the workers are faces or heels because they always will be. its whether or not the fans care if a face vs a face and a heel vs a heel. And WWE fans (and in this case lets say SWF fans) care. They want some one to boo and some one to cheer. And when WWE sees they are cheering for a Heel they turn them. Randy Orton comes to mind, he so desperately wanted to be a heel but the fans kept cheering for him so they turned him, and now he begs to be a heel again all the time.


Most companies that don't have a face/heel divide are workrate promotions. Once it becomes more than who is the better athlete you the fans begin to care who is the bad guy and who is the good guy because they need something else to hang on too.


Sure and true all that - but like I said I don't need it in the game for my booking when I still use them like before. I mean the game doesn't penalize a sports entertainment fed for having it set to none, right? This means I can have it set to strong in my mind only yet keep it off in the game for, like I said, flexibility, and imo there's nothing wrong with that. Notice please I have it turned ON in my current SWF game on a sidenote. Tell you what it is really great for: to keep track of who is ebil and who is goody-two-shoes. This is especially true with a bloated roster (like I always have when I have money to burn). It also serves its purpose for keeping me ... well, honest to myself as it helps with organizing storylines. I never said it has no point being in the game, I just said I sometimes turn it off, not all the time.

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I have a lot of "jobbers" in my game. Guys that can go out and have a solid match. Jack Griffith, Johnny Martin, Bob Casey, Dean Daniels, etc. These guys aren't heel or face they're just in the promotion simply to have good matches with my television and sometimes National Champion.


Point being is I wish I still had tweener because sometimes I want them to face a heel and sometimes I want them to match up against a face. Currently I just set them to face since a face/face match is better than a heel/heel match.


Point is I could completely see why someone would want to turn it off in the game and just keep track of it in their head. I don't think there is a "wrong" way of doing things and to me thats sort of what has been implied on the subject.

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Sure and true all that - but like I said I don't need it in the game for my booking when I still use them like before. I mean the game doesn't penalize a sports entertainment fed for having it set to none, right? This means I can have it set to strong in my mind only yet keep it off in the game for, like I said, flexibility, and imo there's nothing wrong with that.


There's nothing "wrong" with that, but that's not the intent of the feature, which is why that's been pointed out to you.

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