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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cappyboy" data-cite="cappyboy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Can't say I get the reference but then I probably don't watch the right stuff to relate. Your scenario in the last paragraph doesn't sound like anything that would fit in a movie or TV show I'd be inclined to consider.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Dude, that's Police Acadamey... I think.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="NWO4until01" data-cite="NWO4until01" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The problem I always had with Frehley was that he's too similar to Remo and Brandon James. All 3 are big, menacing types difficult to give losses to, but Remo especially cos of their similar portrayal.<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I always kind of liked that the two were so similar in look, size, style, and age. It makes sense that they'd either be best friends or hate each other's guts. I like to have a Kane/Undertaker thing where the two of them have a back-story that pre-dates their wrestling days. </p><p> </p><p> But yeah, babyfaces are generally going to be dull by nature. I didn't really appreciate Frehley until I turned him heel playing 08, when I realized that with the right momentum and gimmick, he can easily be turned into a world champ level guy.</p><p> </p><p> Also, I was confused by this:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Christian Faith is back in the main event...</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Was Faith ever out of the main event? Vengeance made his name (literally) by turning on Faith in 08, then Faith is Khoklov's big opponent in '10, either one of those match-ups could easily be the headline of the show if it was a big gimmick match pay-off.</p>
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Khoklov was the backbone of my swf game in 10 so I figured I would do the same for a while in 13.....his menace alone got him over huge....Now I really have to figure out how to use him. The suggestions here are great and I think a lesner style charactor is best.....but i have to figure out my new "monster heel"
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<p>What render are you using for Scythe? </p><p> </p><p>

His persona seems amazing and could prove to be the next great supernatural big-man for the SWF (especially with Vengeance growing older). That said, the default image seems rather weak compared to the look described in his bio.</p>

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Khali's been in America for a decade and hasn't had much luck either :p


Was about to say the same thing.


Anyway, I think it took Khoklov just 2-3 months in TEW 2010 to become "fluent" in English. Dunno if it's going to be as quick in TEW 2013, but he should learn the language eventually, thus removing the "isolated by the language barrier" backstage note over time.

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Was about to say the same thing.


Anyway, I think it took Khoklov just 2-3 months in TEW 2010 to become "fluent" in English. Dunno if it's going to be as quick in TEW 2013, but he should learn the language eventually, thus removing the "isolated by the language barrier" backstage note over time.


If he's only around for PPVs, I'm guessing it'll be a fair bit slower.

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Eric Eisen used his creative control to block losing to Gilmore at When Hell Freezes Over so I had him win by DQ (he pissed off Gilmore so much that Angry refused to break a submission hold at the ropes after a five count) and I also had Angry dominate the match and buried Eisen a bit to get his popularity down. He's winning clean at the next PPV, is going to hold onto the NA title for a while and then he is definitely getting a main event run.


As for Khoklov, I always imagined him as a true monster who almost never loses cleanly. I liked how James Casey portrayed him in his Who Is Richard Eisen Diary (great diary btw, haven't had a chance to read the two sequels though) as a monster who doesn't care if he wins or loses as long as he causes mayhem and destroys people. Thus, he can often lose matches by DQ for breaking the rules. In this game I might have him be hired as a bodyguard by the Chase Agency but because he is so high priced he will only appear at PPVs.

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Eric Eisen used his creative control to block losing to Gilmore at When Hell Freezes Over so I had him win by DQ (he pissed off Gilmore so much that Angry refused to break a submission hold at the ropes after a five count) and I also had Angry dominate the match and buried Eisen a bit to get his popularity down. He's winning clean at the next PPV, is going to hold onto the NA title for a while and then he is definitely getting a main event run.


As for Khoklov, I always imagined him as a true monster who almost never loses cleanly. I liked how James Casey portrayed him in his Who Is Richard Eisen Diary (great diary btw, haven't had a chance to read the two sequels though) as a monster who doesn't care if he wins or loses as long as he causes mayhem and destroys people. Thus, he can often lose matches by DQ for breaking the rules. In this game I might have him be hired as a bodyguard by the Chase Agency but because he is so high priced he will only appear at PPVs.


I Gilmore and Eisen battle in a stretcher match to go along with Gilmore's promise to hospitalize Eisen, and I got around Eisen's creative control just by using the keep strong road agent notice. So for anyone that doesn't want Eisen to win that first match, keeping him strong will appease him enough to take the loss!

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I Gilmore and Eisen battle in a stretcher match to go along with Gilmore's promise to hospitalize Eisen, and I got around Eisen's creative control just by using the keep strong road agent notice. So for anyone that doesn't want Eisen to win that first match, keeping him strong will appease him enough to take the loss!


Ah, now I remember something from the dev journal about workers being more willing to take a loss if they are booked strongly!


Thanks for the stretcher idea btw, can't wait to use it at the next PPV!

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The problem I always had with Frehley was that he's too similar to Remo and Brandon James. All 3 are big, menacing types difficult to give losses to, but Remo especially cos of their similar portrayal.


While I realize you were going somewhere else with this, I've read something similar to this a few on the board. But in truth, the three are only "too similar" if you conceive of them to be that.


Brandon James is a Big Heavyweight, so he's larger. Frehley and Remo are both Heavyweights with great Star Quality and Charisma, but Remo has amazing Athleticism as well.


Think of it this way - Batista, John Cena, and Sheamus are all very similar "on paper". Great Star Quality, good Entertainment skills, and mostly power-based offense. If all you saw of those three were fairly-accurate skillsets, would you be able to clearly identify which is which? There would be some differentiation but it wouldn't be massive. Yet they are all quite different in reality. Personality, mannerisms, movesets, and most obviously character... those all differ.

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Since people seemed to like my take on Remo.... :)


If Frehley is a Sheamus/Goldberg hybrid for me then Remo tends to end up being a lot closer to Brock Lesnar for me. Remo is a freak athlete and I book him as basically being able to do almost everything if he wants to. From his entrance starting with him growling out "I am the Destroyer" before he makes his way out. I don't imagine him talking much (because he's not awesome at it :p) and so he lets his actions speak for him. He is obviously predominantly a power based brawler, but becauase he's such a super athlete I always have hin be capable of learning almost anything. As such, I have him copy Lesnar in adding the Shooting Star Press to his arsenal as a move that is almost never seen. He's got some awesome moves like the Spinal Tap (though I forget what that is offhand :p) and The Destroyer, a brutal snap STO. I love the STO as a move so Remo gets over huge in my head based on that. I also have a variation of it reserved for vs lightweights/jobbers where he pulls an opponent from their back up with one arm by their arm and snaps straight into the Destroyer. Likewise, it's a great counter to things like a top rope double axehandle. And I like to imagine him ragdolling someone with a bearhug and... well, he's awesome. :)


I tend to imagine him being very much a lone wolf, never seeking out help from anyone whether he's face or heel. He will throw himself into almost any fight even when he shouldn't, which is more for when he's a babyface and I have him as a fighting champion. When he's a particularly aggressive heel I've had him add some MMA influences and become extra intent on just hurting people on his way to the top, removing any competition from his path because he's intent on becoming #1.


I don't think this is such a good profile, Remo is always more awesome in my head than I can get him to sound in text. :p




As for Brandon James, I tend to have him be a businessman. He used to end up adding Shady K and Knuckles as "Mergers & Acquisitions", with the idea that they merger their fists with people's faces and acquire titles. They're his back-up when he needs them but Brandon is mostly a smart big man who has Emma Chase behind him to put a public face to things. When I was running my elections storylines for SWF President (a 1 year term) I had Emma and Brandon offering out promises for title matches and the like, running things as a business on the way up... later on I eventually had Brandon turn face (and his team basically become the APA) to counter Eric Eisen, who had started putting thing together using his own money, but not in a manageable long term way because Brandon was simply smarter at it than Eric was. Brandon was a great World champion for me too in my RtG game where I got to the SWF, he just has so much potential when you look at him as an insanely tough, power hungry businessman with a violent side (potentially almost a mafia boss type character) rather than as another powerful big man. :)

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While I realize you were going somewhere else with this, I've read something similar to this a few on the board. But in truth, the three are only "too similar" if you conceive of them to be that.


Brandon James is a Big Heavyweight, so he's larger. Frehley and Remo are both Heavyweights with great Star Quality and Charisma, but Remo has amazing Athleticism as well.


Think of it this way - Batista, John Cena, and Sheamus are all very similar "on paper". Great Star Quality, good Entertainment skills, and mostly power-based offense. If all you saw of those three were fairly-accurate skillsets, would you be able to clearly identify which is which? There would be some differentiation but it wouldn't be massive. Yet they are all quite different in reality. Personality, mannerisms, movesets, and most obviously character... those all differ.




At a first glance, Brandon James/Steve Frehley/Remo can look a lot alike (as any big-man does). They have more of a power-game, probably rely on brawling quite a bit, and can play the dominating heel rather well. That said, as BigPapa touched upon, it's all in the way you book them.


For me,


Remo: He's a stoic powerhouse who doesn't need to be 'in your face all the time' because he's confident in his ability/power. Don't take his stern, non-emotive, persona for granted though. If you push him, he will push back; ten times harder. He can explode when provoked but doesn't exhaust his energy as a first line of defense. More or less, he uses his menacing, silent, tough-guy persona to drive fear into others (versus beating it into them right away). Also, I see him somewhat like 2000's Brock Lesnar as he's extremely athletic and does some things that 'a big man shouldn't be able to do' (athletically). I've always seen him as a UFC kind of persona versus a*grandiose*pro wrestling type.*


Steve Frehley: He's quite the opposite of Remo; 'punch first... punch second... ask questions never". He's reactionary, explosive, in your face, emotive, & a true "Loose Cannon". Frehley is the kind of guy to land the first punch (almost*immediately) and seems to have a high-motor at all times. His continuous troublemaker mentality, deviously grinning through his carnage, reminds me of Stone Cold.


Brandon James: Of the three, Brandon James takes on the more traditional big-man persona. That said, I tend to book him as a mercenary type; held up on money over anything else. In a way, I look to him much like Kevin Nash of later years; open about the money & the power. Also, he reminds me a little like Nash in his limited athleticism & (my perceived ) lazy style. Visually though, I tend to think of him as a man in an expensive suit, clean look, and the all-around "Marketable Star". That said, under the suit, he's able to fight with the best of them.

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What render are you using for Scythe?


His persona seems amazing and could prove to be the next great supernatural big-man for the SWF (especially with Vengeance growing older). That said, the default image seems rather weak compared to the look described in his bio.


Scythe is perfect for a "son of"/"imposter" angle with Vengeance. Maybe he shows up calling himself "Skull DeBones" and when he gets called on it, he admits that he's Vengeance's illegitimate son. Wrestlecrap, maybe, but it seems ready-made.


I like the ideas on Frehley/James/Remo, since it shows how adaptable the characters are. Have to admit, I haven't ever looked at Frehley as a Steve Austin type before.


My biggest criticism on the Remo details is you both make him sound like a super-cool bad-ass, which sounds like a babyface. In reality, his inability to play a convincing babyface is one of the things that separates him from Frehley and James. I like the UFC influence part, but for me, what separates him is he's a bully who likes to destroy people. He's the type to lift up a semi-conscious undercard guy at the 2-count just to hit him with the Destroyer, while Peter Michaels shouts "Remo is SADISTIC!" As athletic as he is, he has the bad habit of under-estimating his opponents, making half-hearted pins and being slow to cover guys, which leads to the occasional small package upset. He would prefer to destroy the Lobster Warriors of the world rather than test himself against a Jack Bruce, because he'd rather win big and look dominant rather than lose a close match. He also has an almost pathological hatred of "fun." He's serious all the time, and will take a sadistic pleasure in interrupting Robbie Retro's dance party, or Lobster Warrior's post-match celebration, or otherwise ruining someone's day. Since he has no sense of humor, he hates being a target of ridicule, and at least part of his long-standing issue with Frehley stems from Frehley's willingness to make fun of him on the mic.

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Scythe is perfect for a "son of"/"imposter" angle with Vengeance. Maybe he shows up calling himself "Skull DeBones" and when he gets called on it, he admits that he's Vengeance's illegitimate son. Wrestlecrap, maybe, but it seems ready-made.


I like the ideas on Frehley/James/Remo, since it shows how adaptable the characters are. Have to admit, I haven't ever looked at Frehley as a Steve Austin type before.


My biggest criticism on the Remo details is you both make him sound like a super-cool bad-ass, which sounds like a babyface. In reality, his inability to play a convincing babyface is one of the things that separates him from Frehley and James. I like the UFC influence part, but for me, what separates him is he's a bully who likes to destroy people. He's the type to lift up a semi-conscious undercard guy at the 2-count just to hit him with the Destroyer, while Peter Michaels shouts "Remo is SADISTIC!" As athletic as he is, he has the bad habit of under-estimating his opponents, making half-hearted pins and being slow to cover guys, which leads to the occasional small package upset. He would prefer to destroy the Lobster Warriors of the world rather than test himself against a Jack Bruce, because he'd rather win big and look dominant rather than lose a close match. He also has an almost pathological hatred of "fun." He's serious all the time, and will take a sadistic pleasure in interrupting Robbie Retro's dance party, or Lobster Warrior's post-match celebration, or otherwise ruining someone's day. Since he has no sense of humor, he hates being a target of ridicule, and at least part of his long-standing issue with Frehley stems from Frehley's willingness to make fun of him on the mic.


I like your perspective on Remo. He'd play a really good silent bully and that opens it up to a number of great storylines.

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Firstly, I think I fluffed my last sentence on the previous page... didnt mean to make it sound as if Frehley should be a comedy act based on police academy, but rather 'down that path' with regards to Hightower's personality, although admittedly its not quite in line with Frehley's write-up, it is a change.


Enough Police Academy. Brandon James although slightly similar to Remo n Frehley, is packaged with a very bookable gimmick and likewise manager. No probs at all, plenty of differentiation and perfect combo to build up/feed midcarders with. The similarity problems with Frehley n Remo arise for me in two ways (not including gimmick characterisation), difficult to book losses to and also the moment you stick either of them (include James too) in a program with fellow main eventers, especially cos they're menacing types that don't back down, they'll inevitably require menace-based angles and that skyrockets their overness. I don't like having a dozen A*ers running around, difficult to manage and requires 'gaming' come contract time. In '10, Kohklov could be thrown into the same mix, although that problem has been rectified now.


I'm liking the different interpretations presented though, certainly feeds the brain with ideas. Thumbs up to lazor's version of Remo, I use the tattooed render, so it fits the bill nicely.

Might just quietly thieve an idea or two from this page...

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I've booked a few shows already and seem to land a final show grade between a "B-" and a "B". Is that what others are normally pulling? I'm sure there are others out there who can pull an "A" show but, for some reason, I'm still sitting around that "B" level.


I think I remember hearing though that this won't hurt companies as much as it use to though. I could be wrong.

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I'm making notes for an overview of the tag division and I've noticed that The Pain Alliance (was 55, now 48) and The Amazing Bumfholes (was 100, now 76) have lost tag team experience from 2010 to 2013. Is this intentional revision of the C-Verse stuff or an error?


EDIT: Pain Alliance also went from being an occasional team to a regular team which makes their drop even more odd.

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Marc DuBois is already in my doghouse. Before my first show he got into an altercation with a fan. I gave him a stern warning and he thought I overreacted. Then after the the show he is caught with soft drugs. I fined him for his first offense and he storms out on me.


DuBois is not going to be here long due to Rich Eisen's goal of no hiring or rehiring of people with problems with the law. The goal lasts for 2 years and Dubois contract will end in 6 months. I hope DuBois goes to TCW so he can do harm to their backstage morale but knowing my luck he acts like a good worker there and helps TCW catch up to the SWF.

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I had Eric Eisen duck out of his match with Angry Gilmore at the PPV and put Khoklov against him instead, with Gilmore eking out the win. If I continued with SWF more long term, that's probably how I would use Khoklov.


As for the Frehley/Remo/James debate, here's how I see each of them:


Brandon James: Courtesy of James Casey's SWF diaries, I see him as a cerebral attacker. Like a predator on the prowl (a big cat perhaps?) he picks his spot and strikes.


Remo: I had a game where he left SWF and was my main heel and there became "Destructive Force" Remo Richardson, where no matter what anyone threw at him, he took it, and still just bulldozed through them. This is roughly how I'd view him in 2013, almost the Hulk Hogan vein where he just no-sells brutal attacks and beats people.


Steve Frehley: "The Dark Destroyer" is the moniker and that leads me to just brutal, straight ahead attacks. The difference between Frehley and Remo is Frehley's edge. Where Remo will be content hitting you over and over, Frehley will go get a chair and cave in your skull or use Vengeance's chain against him.


But that's just my 2 cents.

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I'm making notes for an overview of the tag division and I've noticed that The Pain Alliance (was 55, now 48) and The Amazing Bumfholes (was 100, now 76) have lost tag team experience from 2010 to 2013. Is this intentional revision of the C-Verse stuff or an error?


EDIT: Pain Alliance also went from being an occasional team to a regular team which makes their drop even more odd.


Intentional revision. Only the new game is canon.

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