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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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Has anyone had much success with changing SurpemeTV to 2 hours?


I've always felt as though SupremeTV should stay at 90 minutes; however, as of late, I've found it hard to get a lot of my over guys on TV weekly. Valiant, Gilmore, and Big Cat are all examples. Now that people like Des Davids and Captain Atomic are climbing up the ranks, I feel as though I should push the show to 2 hours. Not to mention, I've got Bruce the Giant coming along & possibly Khoklov coming back to SupremeTV in the next few months.


More or less, has anyone made the transition to 2 hours and seen a successful outcome because of it?

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Has anyone had much success with changing SurpemeTV to 2 hours?


I've always felt as though SupremeTV should stay at 90 minutes; however, as of late, I've found it hard to get a lot of my over guys on TV weekly. Valiant, Gilmore, and Big Cat are all examples. Now that people like Des Davids and Captain Atomic are climbing up the ranks, I feel as though I should push the show to 2 hours. Not to mention, I've got Bruce the Giant coming along & possibly Khoklov coming back to SupremeTV in the next few months.


More or less, has anyone made the transition to 2 hours and seen a successful outcome because of it?


I usually always bump it to 2 hours. I typically get either 2 extra matches and and angle, or 2 or 3 angles and a match, but you can use it for whatever you want. Considering its SWF I would try and get the extra 30 minutes, and throw some top guys in some angles to try and bump up the show grade, and instead of adding more matches just extend the length of the ones you already have on the show to keep your ratio in check. If you typically have 3 angles and bump it up to 5 or 6, that's at least two more angles on the show, and since the top 3 are what count most toward the show show grade it gives you a better shot at getting 3 really good angles to bump up the overall grade.

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Has anyone had much success with changing SurpemeTV to 2 hours?


I've always felt as though SupremeTV should stay at 90 minutes; however, as of late, I've found it hard to get a lot of my over guys on TV weekly. Valiant, Gilmore, and Big Cat are all examples. Now that people like Des Davids and Captain Atomic are climbing up the ranks, I feel as though I should push the show to 2 hours. Not to mention, I've got Bruce the Giant coming along & possibly Khoklov coming back to SupremeTV in the next few months.


More or less, has anyone made the transition to 2 hours and seen a successful outcome because of it?

I had to bump it up to 2 hours recently because I found myself in the same predicament: I didn't have enough time to showcase everyone I needed to put on TV. I don't know if my grades are any better or worse because of it, but I feel better about it.

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Has anyone had much success with changing SurpemeTV to 2 hours?


I've always felt as though SupremeTV should stay at 90 minutes; however, as of late, I've found it hard to get a lot of my over guys on TV weekly. Valiant, Gilmore, and Big Cat are all examples. Now that people like Des Davids and Captain Atomic are climbing up the ranks, I feel as though I should push the show to 2 hours. Not to mention, I've got Bruce the Giant coming along & possibly Khoklov coming back to SupremeTV in the next few months.


More or less, has anyone made the transition to 2 hours and seen a successful outcome because of it?


I've not expanded my show time and I've expanded my roster by like 5 up to I think 2 over the minimum for international and I fit 8 angles and 4 matches in that 90 minutes and then between that and dark time I manage to get almost everyone on every show.

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Has anyone had much success with changing SurpemeTV to 2 hours?


I've always felt as though SupremeTV should stay at 90 minutes; however, as of late, I've found it hard to get a lot of my over guys on TV weekly. Valiant, Gilmore, and Big Cat are all examples. Now that people like Des Davids and Captain Atomic are climbing up the ranks, I feel as though I should push the show to 2 hours. Not to mention, I've got Bruce the Giant coming along & possibly Khoklov coming back to SupremeTV in the next few months.


More or less, has anyone made the transition to 2 hours and seen a successful outcome because of it?


I upped mine to 2 hours, and had no issues. If anything I started doing better with more time.

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I saw there were a couple of posts months back about this with nothing really coming of it, but with the emergence of The Shield in WWE I've been intrigued about the C-Verse IRS/FBI investigation into SWF. Their existence in the universe could easily justify a change in ownership to a user character for a dynasty or long-term game and I'm thinking of restarting and focusing on this group.


The problem is that the male workers - Davie Renluenn & Tex Tagan - don't seem good enough for SWF and are already in their 30s, and Eve Runcord might be useful but there's no women's division in SWF.


Anyone have any ideas outside of editing the workers to make this a viable major storyline for 2013 that would end with a change in ownership for 2014? Or for 2014 maybe with a year of development/b-show appearances leading to a 2015 ownership change?

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I saw there were a couple of posts months back about this with nothing really coming of it, but with the emergence of The Shield in WWE I've been intrigued about the C-Verse IRS/FBI investigation into SWF. Their existence in the universe could easily justify a change in ownership to a user character for a dynasty or long-term game and I'm thinking of restarting and focusing on this group.


The problem is that the male workers - Davie Renluenn & Tex Tagan - don't seem good enough for SWF and are already in their 30s, and Eve Runcord might be useful but there's no women's division in SWF.


Anyone have any ideas outside of editing the workers to make this a viable major storyline for 2013 that would end with a change in ownership for 2014? Or for 2014 maybe with a year of development/b-show appearances leading to a 2015 ownership change?


Pick a worker to help them. An old timer with some kind of long term connection to the company. Enforcer Roberts if you don't want it to be a big name, Christian Faith if you want a mega impact. He's had some trouble with taxes on his own and gets roped into helping the FBI set up there guys. He gets them into RIPW maybe not even as developmental but just on their roster to start, then as they improve he suggests actually giving them a development contract and then finally they get brought up to the main roster.

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Pick a worker to help them. An old timer with some kind of long term connection to the company. Enforcer Roberts if you don't want it to be a big name, Christian Faith if you want a mega impact. He's had some trouble with taxes on his own and gets roped into helping the FBI set up there guys. He gets them into RIPW maybe not even as developmental but just on their roster to start, then as they improve he suggests actually giving them a development contract and then finally they get brought up to the main roster.


Nice, thanks! That's certainly a way to go and since I seem to have trouble staying interested in Faith this could be a way to help keep him relevant (at least in my mind, even if he's on time decline or irrelevant to the fans). And maybe a new save will be kinder to Faith (who hasn't pulled better than a 72 in any singles match in my current save). :)


As an aside, does anyone have an alternate North American title belt? I've looked through Reap's threads but didn't see anything.

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As an aside, does anyone have an alternate North American title belt? I've looked through Reap's threads but didn't see anything.

Eisen-Verse is using a pretty awesome looking alternate belt in his dynasty.


I made a "rounded-off" alt of the default NA belt for an aborted diary of my own, but made it for another fed. I could easily tweak it back to SWF if it was only the shape you objected to.

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I'm having no luck getting good main event grades at my PPVs.


Jan: Frehley vs Remo - 81

Feb: Money vs Remo vs Frehley - 80 (re-ran it during a test and it got an 83 or 84)

Mar: Money vs Frehley - 81


My semi-main has outrated my main in two of the three PPVs. The only one that didn't got an 80 vs 81.


Needless to say my fed isn't exactly taking off.

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Those grades aren't terrible, Gord. Those are strong B grades and as long as you have a decent semi main and some strong angles, you should be able to get a B grade for the show. Which is enough to maintain your national standing and grow the promotion in the foreign markets.


It is quite honestly difficult to get really strong grades out of SWF early without some changes - either some quick popularity jumps for the guys already at the top or moving some of the awesome upper midcard guys up (lookin at you, Angry and Lobby) ASAP. There's nothing wrong with shooting for an A grade on every show but that's not easy. Or necessary. If you stay in the high-B range for most shows, with the occasional B+, you will be gradually growing your promotion.


Some of the top guys in Supreme take a bit of protection to book really effectively. Frehley, Vengeance, Big Money, and even Remo. But they can all pull strong angle grades and outside of Vengeance, seem to get better in most games. Especially if you do some focused development with any of them. The fact that you need to protect them (at least in the game) seems to have some people moving them out of the main event/world title scene. Nothing wrong with that. I prefer the challenge of trying to make it work (though admittedly usually with a partial-sandbox approach to the game). Neither approach is wrong.

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I realize they aren't horrible and through 2 1/2 months I've only had one show rank below 80. That said, I'm not great at this game and coming up with creative storylines is a struggle for me. I try to book realistically, with workers trading wins and the upper hand in angles, which means that I only have two workers with a momentum above 90.


I guess I was thinking/hoping that the grades should be better, especially with how my semi-mains have done. At "Nothing to Lose," Vengeance vs Faith pulled an 87 -- on the re-do that I did as a test they got a 91 -- while a triple-threat between Remo, Frehley and Money only got an 80. And this is with Vengeance and Faith being No. 1 and 3 on the "Time Decline" list.


For me, Gilmore's best match grade has been an 81 -- a triple-threat with Eisen and McClean -- while Lobster has had a few in the 80s. In fact, the best match at Awesome Impact was Lobby vs Khoklov on the undercard. After losing twice to Khoklov and being unmasked, he'll finally get the win on the next PPV. Maybe he can help me out.

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I realize they aren't horrible and through 2 1/2 months I've only had one show rank below 80. That said, I'm not great at this game and coming up with creative storylines is a struggle for me. I try to book realistically, with workers trading wins and the upper hand in angles, which means that I only have two workers with a momentum above 90.


I guess I was thinking/hoping that the grades should be better, especially with how my semi-mains have done. At "Nothing to Lose," Vengeance vs Faith pulled an 87 -- on the re-do that I did as a test they got a 91 -- while a triple-threat between Remo, Frehley and Money only got an 80. And this is with Vengeance and Faith being No. 1 and 3 on the "Time Decline" list.


For me, Gilmore's best match grade has been an 81 -- a triple-threat with Eisen and McClean -- while Lobster has had a few in the 80s. In fact, the best match at Awesome Impact was Lobby vs Khoklov on the undercard. After losing twice to Khoklov and being unmasked, he'll finally get the win on the next PPV. Maybe he can help me out.


When you say "booking realistically", what exactly do you mean? Do you mean emulating the current WWE booking? 80s WWF? Attitude Era WWF? Bischoff Era WCW? What you think fans would realistically want to see? Keeping things "even" might seem ideal but most promotions tend to protect certain workers, even when they aren't the current champ. I find protecting some of the top guys combines really well with strong angles to give strong momentum, making popularity gains seem easier.


You can't protect everyone, obviously. Just like you can't build everyone. So its about picking and choosing certain talent. Planning in advance helps in this regard. If I'm intending to put Valiant in the main event scene by mid-13 and be world champion by the end of the year, I might start that build by protecting him in his feud against the Chase foundation. If I have him losing every second match leading up to that, its a bit tougher to get him there.


It also comes down to how you tend to book the main events of Supreme TV. Some prefer to do PPV-caliber matches on TV with main eventer taking on main eventer. Good grades but someone has to lose (plus there are PPV buy-rate downsides). I prefer to do ME vs UMC as much as possible, just picking carefully so that the match should grade well. That limits options too, and makes it rather obvious who is going to win most of the time. Wrestling on TV is much like that at this point anyway, so it doesn't feel "unrealistic" to me.


Storylines don't need to be overly creative. Everyone will have a different approach here. I keep mine relatively simple. I don't go for "flashy" or "overly SE" storylines for the most part. Most are fairly straight-forward - battles for dominance, respect, and building on past grudges. Mostly wars of words building toward eventual showdowns in the ring. I try not to use attacks and such overmuch. You can go to extremes, with "wrestle-crap" level SE stories about guys fighting over use of initials, feuds about stolen action figures, whatever. Or have a chaotic vision of Supreme with constant attacks and swerves and all over violence. It all works.


A favorite approach of many is to find your favorite wrestling storylines through wrestling history and adapt them. Another approach many have is to find a real world "correlation" for a given wrestler. Not "who they are" so much as "who you use them similar to". Imagining Gilmore as the C-verse version of Stone Cold or CM Punk or Macho Man can help you find those stories.


Angry Gilmore is a monster talent but he only starts out at B- overness. Which isn't poor but popularity is king in Supreme. Get him up to A overness and he's a grade monster. At the start, he tends to be able to pull really strong grades against main eventers like Rich Money and Remo, but don't expect him to do the same against one or two other UMCs.


There could be other factors affecting those main event grades. The worker momentum, gimmicks, road agent notes you pick, even the road agents and referee involved. Use the Dirt Sheet when trying to figure out what affected the grade...

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My real issue is (which is less annoying in SWF than other promotions) is sometimes the product is setting in such way where you need to serve sometimes conflicting demands. For the SWF, your gimmicks can't subtle...but they can't be one-dimensional either. On one hand, the SWF is a tradionnal sports entertainment promotion...on the other hand, they have a huge "underground" feel to them.


So, sometimes, you got odd grades because of this. This is easier to control in the SWF than other promotions, but it's still quite annoying. That being said, I think te product ranges indicate that you can modify the product as you see necessary. Do what you think is best, gord. :)

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My real issue is (which is less annoying in SWF than other promotions) is sometimes the product is setting in such way where you need to serve sometimes conflicting demands. For the SWF, your gimmicks can't subtle...but they can't be one-dimensional either. On one hand, the SWF is a tradionnal sports entertainment promotion...on the other hand, they have a huge "underground" feel to them.


So, sometimes, you got odd grades because of this. This is easier to control in the SWF than other promotions, but it's still quite annoying. That being said, I think te product ranges indicate that you can modify the product as you see necessary. Do what you think is best, gord. :)


I don't really get that because despite the product notes I still can use pretty much any gimmicks I want and find decent success. SWF's product is pretty much attitude eraish with the cult and risque feel and I try to keep that in mind as far as characters are concerned. There was a lot of range between characters like Satanic Undertaker compared to post brood Edge and Christian just being pretty much regular dudes or even The Rock.


Also for booking don't be afraid to knock your good workers down a peg because they can earn it back, as opposed to the people you are giving the rub to, who can't make great grades and segments on their own (yet) the way somebody like Jack Bruce can. I tend to follow this rule in general but in TEW2013 it is even more important with how difficult it can be to get people over, and specifically creating a net gain in overness.


I think with SWF after you get past the first six months and have created enough overness from scratch for your main event, things will begin to basically run themselves and you won't need to really be concerned about trying to get people over and you can focus more on your stories. Pick a few people and define how you want to use them, and build around them. For example in my game Jack Bruce did not get one title shot the entire year of 2013, but he only lost 4 matches the entire year (and 3 draws). I determined that he was in such a position that he didn't need to be around the title to have important feuds and it also allowed him to work with less over people without fear of stinking up my shows due to them not being ready to be near the title. On the other hand I had Rich Money pretty much controlling the main title scene for 2/3s of the year, but he took quite a bit of losses (most by DQ/CO)

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My last four TV main events:

Jack Bruce win DQ Remo

Jack Bruce dbl CO Vengeance

Faith/Frehley pin Money/Roberts* (*pinned)

Money win CO Faith (interference)


The DQ and CO were cheap finishes and Roberts took the pin in the tag match. I didn't use "keep strong" on Money, mostly because I wanted to get the best grade possible and get dinged with that note.


Realistic to me means someone is going to lose every once in awhile -- like say, Undertaker or Cena (clean pin) in a tag match -- or not get the upper hand in an angle. Maybe I'm glossing over things in my head, but I believe many programs have dueling competitors getting the upper hand over each other, whether it's causing the other one to lose a match or attacking them, thus getting a "success" on the angle.


My difficulty in booking creative storylines lies in doing things other than trading promos, heel attacking after a match, heel losing by DQ and attacking some more, etc... If I do that, I at least like to come up with reasons why they're doing, rather than them just doing it. I've been reading Eisen-verse's dynasty and I'm in awe of the psychology of each match/angle, even if they do end in attacks.


My main resource in real-life wrestling parallels is mid-to-late-80s WWF (showing my age here), where there were four PPVs a year and you built up (slowly) over months and months, rather than weeks. So it's been an adjustment in adapting to a modern wrestling environment.


None of my storylines have anything planned out beyond my last show so I need to figure out ways to continue them (I want to have Gilmore and Eisen continue through Supreme Challenge so I have to find a way to get them there). I'll be making a concerted effort to book the storylines so that each one builds more and more momentum without taking a loss or too many "defeats" in an angle. I just run out of ways to have them get together without putting one in a match and having them lose. My other problem is I have most of my main eventers and upper-midcarders in programs so someone is going to have to lose sometime.

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I don't really get that because despite the product notes I still can use pretty much any gimmicks I want and find decent success. SWF's product is pretty much attitude eraish with the cult and risque feel and I try to keep that in mind as far as characters are concerned. There was a lot of range between characters like Satanic Undertaker compared to post brood Edge and Christian just being pretty much regular dudes or even The Rock.

I'm not saying it's not doable. It's completely doable. It just takes a lot of work. :p

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Eisen-Verse is using a pretty awesome looking alternate belt in his dynasty.


I made a "rounded-off" alt of the default NA belt for an aborted diary of my own, but made it for another fed. I could easily tweak it back to SWF if it was only the shape you objected to.


Ah, thank you very much. I completely missed MJStark's thread. :)

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So, I just finished my recent episode of SupremeTV and pulled a "B+". The only downside the game said was that I used Hammer too much. That said, I moved on a day in which to work toward "Underground" when I received the note that I had fallen from International to National.


My popularity stands as:

B+ in America

B in Canada

B- in Mexico


My Importance stands as:

B in Tri-State and Mid South, 5 regions with B-, 3 regions with a C+ and Hawaii with a C- (US)

B- in 2 Canadian regions, C+ in one region, C in another, D+ in another (Canada)

Mexico is all C's


To say the least, I'm a little shocked. I mean, I'm still 1 in the world but I wasn't expecting this; especially after a B+ show that says I raised my popularity in 8 regions.

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My last four TV main events:

Jack Bruce win DQ Remo

Jack Bruce dbl CO Vengeance

Faith/Frehley pin Money/Roberts* (*pinned)

Money win CO Faith (interference)


The DQ and CO were cheap finishes and Roberts took the pin in the tag match. I didn't use "keep strong" on Money, mostly because I wanted to get the best grade possible and get dinged with that note.


Realistic to me means someone is going to lose every once in awhile -- like say, Undertaker or Cena (clean pin) in a tag match -- or not get the upper hand in an angle. Maybe I'm glossing over things in my head, but I believe many programs have dueling competitors getting the upper hand over each other, whether it's causing the other one to lose a match or attacking them, thus getting a "success" on the angle.


My difficulty in booking creative storylines lies in doing things other than trading promos, heel attacking after a match, heel losing by DQ and attacking some more, etc... If I do that, I at least like to come up with reasons why they're doing, rather than them just doing it. I've been reading Eisen-verse's dynasty and I'm in awe of the psychology of each match/angle, even if they do end in attacks.


My main resource in real-life wrestling parallels is mid-to-late-80s WWF (showing my age here), where there were four PPVs a year and you built up (slowly) over months and months, rather than weeks. So it's been an adjustment in adapting to a modern wrestling environment.


None of my storylines have anything planned out beyond my last show so I need to figure out ways to continue them (I want to have Gilmore and Eisen continue through Supreme Challenge so I have to find a way to get them there). I'll be making a concerted effort to book the storylines so that each one builds more and more momentum without taking a loss or too many "defeats" in an angle. I just run out of ways to have them get together without putting one in a match and having them lose. My other problem is I have most of my main eventers and upper-midcarders in programs so someone is going to have to lose sometime.


Nothing wrong with having top guys lose on occasion. And protecting guys is not necessary by any means. But having them take those losses really occasionally is one way to book and it tends to be effective - it keeps their momentum high, which makes popularity gains easier. Its also something that the WWE (and other promotions) have done with regularity going back a long long time.


Feeling like you have a lack of variety in the angles can definitely be a tough part of the storytelling. Reading diaries is one cure. EV's SWF vision is great. There are others that are definitely worth reading. Even if its just checking out the different angles that a given writer uses. The ways to advance a storyline are really almost limitless. Some suggestions:


  • talk show: good old school angle... a C-verse version of Piper's Pit! Plenty of folks in the SWF can talk, so make use of them. Especially handy for folks like Joe Sexy who are better on the stick than in between the ropes. Doesn't have to be something they do every week either and you can have a variety of them.
  • indirect interference: someone doesn't have to get upon the ring apron and take a swing to have an effect - or attempted effect - on the outcome of a match. Showing up at ringside to cause a distraction can work. Even walking out onto the stage. Coming down to do guest commentary. Any of those would move a storyline forward without any real direct contact.
  • the interview: this hasn't disappeared entirely but the standard backstage interview on a soundstage used to be the staple angle in wrestling. Its used sparingly now, having been replaced by the in-ring promo. If nothing else, it gives a use for someone else on the roster and provides a bit of variety.
  • vignettes & montages: pre-taped segments putting wrestlers in all kinds of situations. A video montage of Remo working out in an MMA gym with some heavy metal music, overlaid with some quotes about how he is going to destroy Steve Frehley... easy A grade and the comments means it drives forward the storyline. Bam. The following week, a vignette has Frehley showing fans where he grew up, talking about coming from nothing and how he is so driven, intense, has to defeat Remo, etc etc etc. Another way to drive a story forward and emphasize certain elements of a given storyline.
  • press conferences: they do these in Japan with real media. Could have a fake press conference as part of a show with fake reporters, with fans, or whatever.


Many of these wont' fit default angles very well so you may have to make custom angles. Which is quick n' easy in 2013. There are endless other options if you take some time to think about it, watch some old shows, adapt for elsewhere, and read some different projects.


Regarding the psychology of angles, I completely agree. I hate falling into the trap of booking angles just to book something. I look for cause and effect. Cause in that the actions in the angle fit the characters involved and effect in that there is some result from the angle. I get annoyed when watching "real" wrestling and it seems like things are happening for no better reason than to fill time, so I avoid booking that way.


Another thing to consider when it comes to angles and storyline types... you can really define the SWF as you see fit. It seems like many of us fall into the trap of looking at the contemporary WWE product (and by default TNA because its basically the same thing) as what SE "is". But it can be very different from that and still be SE. For me, my approach to Supreme has evolved gradually over the past few versions and I realize its very different from how many others would book it. I keep things pretty "old school" in terms of angles - there are few in-ring attacks or confrontations, wild brawls aren't common, backstage angles (outside the traditional backstage interview) are very rare, and there is no "magic camera" that happens to be present whenever something needs to be viewed. Part of way I've gone these directions is that I want the SWF to feel different from how I would have to book the WWE or TNA. But the next person might want attack angles every week - either because they are easy grades or they like the idea of a chaotic environment. It all works.


In terms of planning, I find that really helps give me direction. Again, different players will have different approaches. I personally find the games I enjoy the most are the ones I take my time with and plan heavily. I use a spreadsheet to track a ton of stuff - from characterizations (catch phrases and entrance themes) to long-term plans and goals. Not at all necessary and its the kind of detail that is usually needed for a good diary, but it helps me get "into" the save. It can be one thing to try.

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So, I just finished my recent episode of SupremeTV and pulled a "B+". The only downside the game said was that I used Hammer too much. That said, I moved on a day in which to work toward "Underground" when I received the note that I had fallen from International to National.


My popularity stands as:

B+ in America

B in Canada

B- in Mexico


My Importance stands as:

B in Tri-State and Mid South, 5 regions with B-, 3 regions with a C+ and Hawaii with a C- (US)

B- in 2 Canadian regions, C+ in one region, C in another, D+ in another (Canada)

Mexico is all C's


To say the least, I'm a little shocked. I mean, I'm still 1 in the world but I wasn't expecting this; especially after a B+ show that says I raised my popularity in 8 regions.

Same thing happened to me. Your regions' importance shifted down (or up) a point, so the regions where you were just above the line to be international are now below it. Your importance in a region is (pop)*(region importance). I imagine the region importance for Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic and Southwest went down.

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Same thing happened to me. Your regions' importance shifted down (or up) a point, so the regions where you were just above the line to be international are now below it. Your importance in a region is (pop)*(region importance). I imagine the region importance for Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic and Southwest went down.


Yea, they did go down. I'm just shocked it would drop down like tgat after a "B+" show. I could see it if I were pulling "B-" shows but not that way. Oh well, we are in "crisis mode" now so it'll be a month until my show grades count toward my climb again.

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Yea, they did go down. I'm just shocked it would drop down like tgat after a "B+" show. I could see it if I were pulling "B-" shows but not that way. Oh well, we are in "crisis mode" now so it'll be a month until my show grades count toward my climb again.

The problem with SWF is you have to get a superb show grade just to improve your pop by 0.1. The GL, MA & SW regions are so close to the threshold of whether you're international or not, so if those regions lose importance by one point, you'll drop, no matter what your most recent show grades were.


If you have a backup from before the shift, you can try to get them to shift the other way, thus saving you from dropping down. Otherwise, it's probably not the end of the world.

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