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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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<p>Taking a break from my honeymoon to relay a success on one thing thats been troubling me for a bit of time...finding a 'uniqueness' to Times of Trouble to make all of my PPVs have a unique spin. In my latest SWF 2014 game I unveiled the Double Trouble Gran Prix held at Times of Trouble. The winning team can either have a tag team title match at Supreme Challenge -or- a singles match vs each other for a SWF World Heavyweight Title match. The singles match would also be at the Supreme Challenge. 8 teams, 1 night, 1 winner.</p><p> </p><p>

Edit: Format copied from 3rdStringPGs wonderful new dynasty</p><p> </p><p>

JANUARY - When Hell Freezes Over </p><p>

Uniqueness - Hell in a Cell</p><p>

FEBRUARY - Nothing to Lose </p><p>

Uniqueness - Harcore Matchs</p><p>

MARCH - Awesome Impact</p><p>

Uniqueness - Awesome Impact MitB style Ladder match</p><p>

APRIL - The World is Watching</p><p>

Uniqueness - SummerSlam esque second big show</p><p>

MAY - Master of Puppets </p><p>

Uniqueness - Fans Vote the Card!</p><p>

JUNE - Times of Trouble </p><p>

Uniqueness - Double Trouble GP</p><p>

JULY - Supreme Challenge </p><p>

Uniqueness - Biggest show of the year</p><p>

AUGUST - Welcome to the Jungle </p><p>

Uniqueness - King of the Jungle Battle Royal</p><p>

SEPTEMBER - Under Control</p><p>

Uniqueness - All Cage Matches</p><p>

OCTOBER - Let the Games Begin</p><p>

All Titles defended in "The Games" aka n Elimination Chamber</p><p>

NOVEMBER - Break Like the Wind </p><p>

Uniqueness - Submission Match Theme</p><p>

DECEMBER - Christmas Clash</p><p>

Uniqueness - All 4 v 4</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KingAj" data-cite="KingAj" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Need some SWF specific advice. Just had the SC 35 and it went great, so now im at a fresh point with my storylines. However i have a huge roster of over 80 people and i only have 2 brands. Would it be a good idea to go for a third A brand because i have the talent and enough people over to do it. I have a B show already so i use my up and comers on there. <p> </p><p> If i do have another A show what do i call my belts? I already have 3 belts on each of my 2 brands and a belt for the up and comers. The 2 main belts i already have are SWF World Heavyweight and SWF Heavyweight, so what would i call the third one.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'd vote against it. Running 3 ME brands seems like a recipe for<em> extreeeemely </em>slow play and burnout to me. I think you'd get fed up with the slow pace of development compared to how many shows you run.</p><p> </p><p> Just my tuppence worth of course. I'm sure you play totally differently to me.</p><p> </p><p> Just sack the 20 workers with the lowest momentum on your roster and dress it up as an in-game incident. Rich Eisen "tax bill savings" or "drunken contract rampage" or something. That should shake your game up a bit</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Boltinho" data-cite="Boltinho" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'd vote against it. Running 3 ME brands seems like a recipe for<em> extreeeemely </em>slow play and burnout to me. I think you'd get fed up with the slow pace of development compared to how many shows you run.<p> </p><p> Just my tuppence worth of course. I'm sure you play totally differently to me.</p><p> </p><p> Just sack the 20 workers with the lowest momentum on your roster and dress it up as an in-game incident. Rich Eisen "tax bill savings" or "drunken contract rampage" or something. That should shake your game up a bit</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah i have been rethinking it because i like playing at a fast pace. The only problem i have is that i have so many top guys who i want to put the belt on but i dont want to hot shot it and i like having lengthy reigns. Definitely going to fire a lot of guys who i tend to not use or have low momentum, i mean robbie retro has been at 3 momentum for 5 months.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KingAj" data-cite="KingAj" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah i have been rethinking it because i like playing at a fast pace. The only problem i have is that i have so many top guys who i want to put the belt on but i dont want to hot shot it and i like having lengthy reigns. Definitely going to fire a lot of guys who i tend to not use or have low momentum, i mean robbie retro has been at 3 momentum for 5 months.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've been thinking about doing this with the third brand being more of a 'B' brand based around a revived DAVE. (think WWE-ECW) They would just have a one-hour 'B' show and the DAVE Unified title could be defended at PPVs.</p><p> </p><p> I also recently signed Bruce the Giant as an Occasional Wrestler, but his matches are awful. He can only go a few minutes before he gets tired. If I send him down to development for a few months to get into shape, do you guys think I could get a couple good matches out of him before he retires for good? Or should I just keep him out of the ring altogether and spam his high menace in angles?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="tywood2022" data-cite="tywood2022" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've been thinking about doing this with the third brand being more of a 'B' brand based around a revived DAVE. (think WWE-ECW) They would just have a one-hour 'B' show and the DAVE Unified title could be defended at PPVs.<p> </p><p> I also recently signed Bruce the Giant as an Occasional Wrestler, but his matches are awful. He can only go a few minutes before he gets tired. If I send him down to development for a few months to get into shape, do you guys think I could get a couple good matches out of him before he retires for good? Or should I just keep him out of the ring altogether and spam his high menace in angles?</p></div></blockquote><p> Angles - no reason to keep running him out there to get crappy matches. But his menace plus overness can do wonders for angles.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="tywood2022" data-cite="tywood2022" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've been thinking about doing this with the third brand being more of a 'B' brand based around a revived DAVE. (think WWE-ECW) They would just have a one-hour 'B' show and the DAVE Unified title could be defended at PPVs.<p> </p><p> I also recently signed Bruce the Giant as an Occasional Wrestler, but his matches are awful. He can only go a few minutes before he gets tired. If I send him down to development for a few months to get into shape, do you guys think I could get a couple good matches out of him before he retires for good? Or should I just keep him out of the ring altogether and spam his high menace in angles?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Put him in mostly angles and use him as the push says Occasional Wrestler and have him wrestle maybe two or three times a year at big ppvs. Sending him to development wont help, its his stamina thats making him tired.</p>
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<p>How you use Spencer Spade? </p><p> </p><p>

Considering his stats, I see him as on screen Angry Gilmore's protege as a face or Rich Money's protege as a heel. Putting him with one of the two helped his to boost his psychology and his stamina, his actual weaknesses. Spade is also a no days off wrestler, considering he's extremely dependable.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="gord" data-cite="gord" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Angles - no reason to keep running him out there to get crappy matches. But his menace plus overness can do wonders for angles.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree. His momentum is at a great place for getting a couple upper midcarders up to main event status. It's just a shame I can't get any decent grades out of him.</p>
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I don't know if this has been mentioned but any time i play as SWF I get crappy ratings for matches. Like just today i booked The Awesomeness v Rogue and Paul Huntington (M v

UM) pulled out a 70. No problem with that but my co-main event Steve Frehely v Vengeance only pulled a 73 when they are both Main Eventers. What are the possibilities that are making this match between 2 guys who both have B+ overness tank so badly when expect a low 80's at least?

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I don't know if this has been mentioned but any time i play as SWF I get crappy ratings for matches. Like just today i booked The Awesomeness v Rogue and Paul Huntington (M v

UM) pulled out a 70. No problem with that but my co-main event Steve Frehely v Vengeance only pulled a 73 when they are both Main Eventers. What are the possibilities that are making this match between 2 guys who both have B+ overness tank so badly when expect a low 80's at least?


What Dirt Sheet notes did you get? Neither guy has very strong selling, so that's going to hurt. Vengeance could also be on Time Decline, which would further have an effect. Those are honestly two of the worst choices to put against each other as they both have some limitations and need to be protected in the booking to a degree.

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How you use Spencer Spade?


Considering his stats, I see him as on screen Angry Gilmore's protege as a face or Rich Money's protege as a heel. Putting him with one of the two helped his to boost his psychology and his stamina, his actual weaknesses. Spade is also a no days off wrestler, considering he's extremely dependable.


I have tried various slow builds for Spade, usually to start a game if I have a Main Eventer or Upper Midcard with nothing or that I don't plan to have in a major storyline and they have good stats I will throw them into a tag team for at least a year and chase the belts. Squeeky McClean, Enforcer Roberts, Money, those kinds of guys (although I can't afford to keep Money strictly in a tag team for a year since I keep the roster tight and close to the original for as long as I can).


Recently I've tried him in Shield-type group from the start with Lenny Brown, one of the young big guys (Avalanche, Ekuma, Bekowski or Primus Allen) and then someone like Rogue or James Prudence with at least 75-range psychology and 70-range POP to be the "leader" and rotating tag partner for the young guys.

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What Dirt Sheet notes did you get? Neither guy has very strong selling, so that's going to hurt. Vengeance could also be on Time Decline, which would further have an effect. Those are honestly two of the worst choices to put against each other as they both have some limitations and need to be protected in the booking to a degree.


The selling one did come up and Vengeance is on a serious time decline. Which I hadn't taken into account. Christian Faith and Jack Bruce aren't getting good grades either. But they're both in early time decline so mayb thats it.

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The selling one did come up and Vengeance is on a serious time decline. Which I hadn't taken into account. Christian Faith and Jack Bruce aren't getting good grades either. But they're both in early time decline so mayb thats it.


The Selling note will always hamper a match between those two to some degree. If you get their popularity up a bit, they could probably pull a reasonable grade but I wouldn't want to main event it, even for TV.


That would do it for Faith and Bruce as well. Which is really too bad about Bruce - he is one of the most reliable grades guys in most SWF games. Faith is almost always gonne be in time decline, making him a good candidate to use mostly in tag teams.

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The Selling note will always hamper a match between those two to some degree. If you get their popularity up a bit, they could probably pull a reasonable grade but I wouldn't want to main event it, even for TV.


That would do it for Faith and Bruce as well. Which is really too bad about Bruce - he is one of the most reliable grades guys in most SWF games. Faith is almost always gonne be in time decline, making him a good candidate to use mostly in tag teams.


They actually did well, Bruce and Faith, at Awesome Impact pulling out an 81. Yet when I put Bruce with a Main Event Gilmore i got a 68. Is Bruce just inconsistent? Which would be weird seem that he has 80 in consistancy.

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They actually did well, Bruce and Faith, at Awesome Impact pulling out an 81. Yet when I put Bruce with a Main Event Gilmore i got a 68. Is Bruce just inconsistent? Which would be weird seem that he has 80 in consistancy.

68? With Bruce vs Gilmore? Something else is awry if those two pulled that low of a rating.

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Yeah. Could you give me some possibilities of what may have been the cause?

It was well below your expected match length? Accidentally having one of them dominate the other, or other weird road agent notes? Booked them in a comedy match? It could be any number of things.

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It was well below your expected match length? Accidentally having one of them dominate the other, or other weird road agent notes? Booked them in a comedy match? It could be any number of things.

No wasn't any of those. I had it scripted instead of call in ring.

Would that make much of a difference?

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No wasn't any of those. I had it scripted instead of call in ring.

Would that make much of a difference?


No. That lost you a couple of points, not tons. Neither has any overtly negative issues, like bad gimmick, bad momentum? There was no negative chemistry? Something had to drag that down as I would expect a B for those two at minimum, and much better if they have a few positive elements and/or Angry has improved his standing from the start of the game.

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No. That lost you a couple of points, not tons. Neither has any overtly negative issues, like bad gimmick, bad momentum? There was no negative chemistry? Something had to drag that down as I would expect a B for those two at minimum, and much better if they have a few positive elements and/or Angry has improved his standing from the start of the game.


There gimmicks are both rated in the 70's. Gilmore's momentum was low when i think about it. A 68 while bruce was at 86. It doesn't really matter anyway. The results are coming back to getting some good grades now. but i appreciate the help. :)

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Yeah, but that doesn't matter. Especially seems I got Faith and Bruce getting 80's and over and they're both face. So, that isn't the problem here.


Sorry - why doesn't it matter? I think it's quite a big ding in SWF's product of a FvF or HvH match.


Being 80s in pop doesn't matter too much - from there to a match in the high 60s isn't a massive drop.

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Sorry - why doesn't it matter? I think it's quite a big ding in SWF's product of a FvF or HvH match.


Being 80s in pop doesn't matter too much - from there to a match in the high 60s isn't a massive drop.


Hmm maybe you're right. Seemed to work for me with Bruce and Faith but i might test it out.

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