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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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I've just started booking SWF, and the major problem I'm having is- at what point do you cut off signing workers for development? There's about a million indy workers I want to sign up and send to RIPW right off the bat, but there's no way there's room enough for all of them.


This seems to be a common problem, as I run into it too. Sigilistic's suggestion of only targeting unemployed workers is solid. I've tried that but I end up talking myself into signing a few employed guys because having them awhile in development will see them improve much faster than if they keep working a smaller promotion.


I basically look at potential prospects in tiers - are they a future star, future midcard, tag guy, or a pure jobber? I look at personality for any of them - I want positive or neutral. I will rarely bother with someone who is already a negative influence at a young age. For future stars, I'm obviously looking at Star Quality and also Charisma. Already having some strong in-ring skills is a major bonus, as it means they only need to develop in certain areas.


I usually try to sign a couple of guys I realize will be life-long midcarders to develop. Nigel Svensson types. Unless they develop massively, they will never be stars, but they still have value to the promotion. These types often overlap with the tag guys and even with the future stars. Guys like Mainstream Hernandez, Kirk Jameson, Kip Keenan, Fro Sure... They could end up in a number of different roles, depending on a given game.


I try to sign designated jobbers in most games - they are usually Air Attack Weasel, Brendan Idol and Bob Casey, although Casey won't sign with Casey with the default product. They all have strong Selling and decent other Performance skills. They get a spell in development and then start jobbing on dark matches.


A key thing I try to do is sign guys I have plans for. Not just ideas, but plans. Take someone like Bulldozer Brandon Smith. He used to be an automatic signing for me in most games. Now, he's a bit older, doesn't want to go to development, and is only marginally good enough to go onto the main roster. So if I'm trying to decide whether to sign him, I ask myself if he is genuinely going to be better long-term than some of the guys I already have in Supreme at the start - both main roster prospects and RIPW guys. And he really isn't. Now, if I have a great story idea for BBS and its not something I could do with someone already on my roster, I might hire him anyway. But if I don't, I would avoid him as he would just needlessly bloat my roster.


Keep in mind that a few really good prospects won't sign with SWF at the default product. Davis Wayne Newton and KC Glenn jump to mind but there are a few others.


Speaking of snatching 'em up...I signed Rocky Golden! He's inked to a 5-year deal, and I even threw in a stipulation that he'll never be below upper midcarder.


Now I'm almost giddy with anticipation on how to use him? Turn him heel and send him straight after Frehley's belt as an invader? Feud him with Christian Faith in a torch-passing story? Throw him up against Vengeance or Remo or Money? So. Many. Options.


What would you do?


Nice signing.


My direction would probably be dictated by my current storylines. But barring any of that, what I would probably do is having him come as a heel managed by Emma Chase as the "next big thing". I might not have him go after the world title immediately, but he would be in there before long. He's basically the new Big Money, which sets up a future feud with James. I would keep him out of the ring as long as possible, at least on TV. Since his selling needs some work, I would be addressing that on dark matches with a designated jobber who has strong Selling skills.

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Speaking of snatching 'em up...I signed Rocky Golden! He's inked to a 5-year deal, and I even threw in a stipulation that he'll never be below upper midcarder.


Now I'm almost giddy with anticipation on how to use him? Turn him heel and send him straight after Frehley's belt as an invader? Feud him with Christian Faith in a torch-passing story? Throw him up against Vengeance or Remo or Money? So. Many. Options.


What would you do?


You have what is for me the SWF Golden Ticket to Wonkaland!


As already said how I used him would depend on my current storylines. I would not end something I had going on abruptly just to rush into a Rocky Golden feud.


If you know you want him to feud with someone in particular first then have his name and logo interupt that person on the big screen. Slowly build up to the debut of Golden in SWF.


Then when he debuts it could be in an interuption of a major star much like Jericho but unique to Golden himself. Not a whiney ego maniac type debut. Just a hey I am Rocky Golden and I am a major player in the world of pro wrestling kind of way.


I'd probably make his first feud be with a guy who isn't a main eventer. That way Golden can go over and not hurt your main event at all. That would then make him a serious threat to the guys at the top. He goes into his next feud with momentum and can face your top guys now.


This would set up a historic feud with almost anyone. He could benefit by having a feud with someone who can work at an above average level. Guys like Angry Gilmore, Jack Bruce, and Rich Money all come to mind. Vengeance and Faith could be good for him too.

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On further consideration, I think I'm going to keep Rocky as a face. I looked at my top and future top faces and top and future top heels, and the faces are definitely lacking.


It's March right now. My plan is to give him a paid vacation until the April PPV, when he can debut with a splash. No match, just a special appearance. I'll take the advice of starting Golden off slow, not in the title mix. Maybe he can feud with Sexy...


Anyway, the goal is to build him up for the Supreme Challenge (which I've changed to June), when I'll have him go over Marat Khoklov in one of the main events. That should cement him as a star. I plan on Big Money winning the belt off Frehley then as well, so maybe I'll give Frehley a short vacation and move Golden into a feud with James.

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You could start him out ina story with a lower ranking but in ring talented heel who is upset at what he perceives as Golden coming in and getting special treatment. Claiming that how are people who have given their heart and soul to SWF supposed to move up in the company if they keep bringing in people and starting them at the top ranks instead of making them work like everyone else.. He can talk down to Golden, interfere in his matches and be a general pain in Golden's ass until you are ready to have them meet at a PPV of your choosing.
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Or ... you can take the suggestions so far, join him up with Joey Minnesota (he's coming in the next day after my current booking of Uprising ^^), make him heel and join forces with Joey as they go pester the entire roster - and turn Christian Faith heel later on in a complete copy/paste job of the nWo storyline ^^.
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I've just had my first A+ match with SWF. 97 rated at a PPV.


Jack Bruce (A+ momentum) retaining the belt Rich Money (B momentum) with Christian Faith (B- momentum) interfering.


Jack Bruce and Rich Money are pretty much at default overness, Christian Faith has dropped a little as I used him to push Rogue's overness up.


I'm trying to figure out why the match was so highly rated, there wasn't a chemistry modifier but most of the standard modifiers you'd expect to find in the dirt sheet were positive.


The only thing I can think of is I have a 5 way Jack Bruce takes on all challengers for the belt storyline going on. Both he and Rich Money were rated as successful.


I'd previously booked with momentum as key, could it be possible that two workers both rated successful in a storyline facing each other would wield better results? Maybe the audience see it as a final battle, as if all competitors were in a tournament.


I suppose ideally the two successful workers would be your champion and number one contender.

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When it comes to bringing someone in who was a star with another promotion, I find they are easier to present as a heel initially than as a babyface. Not to say being a babyface can't work - "I'm here to prove myself to the world" kinda thing. But heel just feels a bit more natural to me in most situations.


A feud with Sexy would deliver on the mic, but would honestly be mediocre at best in the ring unless they have good chemistry. Someone like Squeeky would deliver moreso in the ring.

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When it comes to bringing someone in who was a star with another promotion, I find they are easier to present as a heel initially than as a babyface. Not to say being a babyface can't work - "I'm here to prove myself to the world" kinda thing. But heel just feels a bit more natural to me in most situations.


A feud with Sexy would deliver on the mic, but would honestly be mediocre at best in the ring unless they have good chemistry. Someone like Squeeky would deliver moreso in the ring.


Maybe I'll do both. Even throw Roberts in the mix. Squeek, Joe and the Enforcer take exception to Golden's star treatment. They've seen this movie before with Jack Bruce, and they aren't going to let the company they love get hijacked AGAIN. They take turns assaulting Golden on the mic and in the ring until one by one Golden lays them out to prove he's earned his spot at the top.


I strongly considered having him go heel, but I'm just so concerned that we're going to have a shortage of top level faces in the years to come. Faith is on his way out, leaving just Bruce, Frehley, Gilmore and Valiant (with a little building.) Compare that to Remo, Vengeance, Eisen, James and Rogue on the heel side.


Hmmm...forgot about Lobster Warrior...I might have to reconsider. Maybe I can have Rocky come in as a heel.


Ooh! I could do a swerve, where Rocky comes in supposedly to make the save only to turn on the man he's supposedly saving. Maybe make it Faith, and have the vet give the newcomer a strong rub. Golden has a good reason to beef with Faith, seeing as how they were both rival stars in warring feds.


Now I'm torn...


This stream of consciousness post brought to you by two espressos this morning. :D

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History tends to bear out that it's easier to introduce the fans to a worker from another company as a heel: Jericho, the Radicalz, the NWO, Jeff Jarrett, and I'm sure quite a few others jumped from one national promotion to another as heels. The best debuting babyface I can think of is X-Pac, who was supposed to be a heel, but ended up getting cheered almost immediately.



That said, I think a Rocky/Brandon James feud could be a pretty fun feud, even if the results in the ring probably won't set the world on fire.

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TCW will be in trouble I reckon - Joey Minnesota just joined my roster and the contracts of Troy Tornado and Rocky Golden just came up in short order - I'm going to quite some extremes to get the two but it'll be well worth it. Incidentally it's May, networks are scheduling and I'm requesting a second weekly A show for an eventual brand split - times are good ^^.
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History tends to bear out that it's easier to introduce the fans to a worker from another company as a heel: Jericho, the Radicalz, the NWO, Jeff Jarrett, and I'm sure quite a few others jumped from one national promotion to another as heels. The best debuting babyface I can think of is X-Pac, who was supposed to be a heel, but ended up getting cheered almost immediately.



That said, I think a Rocky/Brandon James feud could be a pretty fun feud, even if the results in the ring probably won't set the world on fire.


Hogan came to WCW as a face. Admittedly, he didn't really hit his stride until he turned heel and introduced the NWO. So point taken.


Yeah, a heel run seems more appropriate. Right now, I'm toying with two feud programs: The aforementioned feud with Faith, where Golden looks to make an impact in SWF by taking out the face of the company. It's easy to book and with Faith taking a step back from the limelight, it's a perfect way to transition him into a gatekeeping role.


The other idea is a feud with Jack Bruce. After all, Bruce was the last big name to jump to SWF, and Golden can push himself as "the new hotness" to Jack Bruce's "old and busted." Bruce still has some mileage in the tank though and whomever Golden feuds with is going to end up on the losing side. Faith makes more sense in that aspect.


Besides, Golden would benefit well from Faith's performance skills.


Side note: Imagine that awkward conversation where Golden lets Cornell know he's jumping ship. :D

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Hogan into WCW seems like a fairly unique situation. Same with Bret Hart goign from the WWF to WCW - unique situation.


Having him come in as a heel just feels more right to me. There are always going to be some SWF loyalist fans who aren't going to cheer for someone who has the "taint of the enemy", no matter how they are presented. Maybe not to the point of a split audience but there are gonna be some boos for Golden out of the gates anyway.


I would say go Faith first then Bruce. Since Bruce is still the top babyface, you have to earn a feud with him. I still like the thought of having him come in as an Emma Chase client. Faith and Bruce can carry the mic end of a feud and Rocky is hardly terrible on the mic, but I just like that it sets up future feuds with Brandon James and anyone else that Emma is also managing. Or anyone she drops to take on Golden as a client. Plus a casual tag team of Rocky and Brandon seems awesome.

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Hogan into WCW seems like a fairly unique situation. Same with Bret Hart goign from the WWF to WCW - unique situation.


Having him come in as a heel just feels more right to me. There are always going to be some SWF loyalist fans who aren't going to cheer for someone who has the "taint of the enemy", no matter how they are presented. Maybe not to the point of a split audience but there are gonna be some boos for Golden out of the gates anyway.


I would say go Faith first then Bruce. Since Bruce is still the top babyface, you have to earn a feud with him. I still like the thought of having him come in as an Emma Chase client. Faith and Bruce can carry the mic end of a feud and Rocky is hardly terrible on the mic, but I just like that it sets up future feuds with Brandon James and anyone else that Emma is also managing. Or anyone she drops to take on Golden as a client. Plus a casual tag team of Rocky and Brandon seems awesome.


That is a tantalizing idea, BP.


Honestly, Huntingdon is always an afterthought to me in that stable. Maybe she drops him (he hasn't been doing much anyway), turning him face in the process. Golden trashes him in his debut PPV match, and goes so overboard with the post-match beatdown that Faith shows up to give the rookie his comeuppance.


I have to say, I love this thread. It's given me so many ideas, and I've been finding it easier to book than I have in a long time.

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Its why I enjoy these threads - its a chance to throw ideas around and see other ideas.


Huntingdon is a guy who used just be a midcarder floater for me but now is more of a top prospect. He lacks the SQ of DuBois but he's a much better backstage presense. With even just a bit of improvement, he's a solid repacement for Squeeky and since he often seems to show on the NTB list, might be much more.


My plan would be this:


Emma spends several weeks hyping a big debut. Turns out to be Rocky. He spends several more weeks getting hyped further before making an in-ring debut on PPV in a sqash match. Faith objects to that and they start to feud. In the mean-time, Emma drops Huntingdon as he's "surplus". I wouldn't turn him babyface immediately. At some point, he ends up going to Faith and asking for guidance. That spurs the face turn. Now you could involve PH in the Rocky-Faith feud but I would let that play out then use Huntingdon to give Faith something to do after Golden moves on. Faith spends several months mentoring and teaming with Huntingdon. That should put the kid in the UMC and develop him nicely. He makes for an immediate short-term go-to feud for Rocky at any point its needed, or a nice long feud at some point where Huntingdon tries to prove himself.


You could even do the same thing with Rogue, to some extent.

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Its why I enjoy these threads - its a chance to throw ideas around and see other ideas.


Huntingdon is a guy who used just be a midcarder floater for me but now is more of a top prospect. He lacks the SQ of DuBois but he's a much better backstage presense. With even just a bit of improvement, he's a solid repacement for Squeeky and since he often seems to show on the NTB list, might be much more.


My plan would be this:


Emma spends several weeks hyping a big debut. Turns out to be Rocky. He spends several more weeks getting hyped further before making an in-ring debut on PPV in a sqash match. Faith objects to that and they start to feud. In the mean-time, Emma drops Huntingdon as he's "surplus". I wouldn't turn him babyface immediately. At some point, he ends up going to Faith and asking for guidance. That spurs the face turn. Now you could involve PH in the Rocky-Faith feud but I would let that play out then use Huntingdon to give Faith something to do after Golden moves on. Faith spends several months mentoring and teaming with Huntingdon. That should put the kid in the UMC and develop him nicely. He makes for an immediate short-term go-to feud for Rocky at any point its needed, or a nice long feud at some point where Huntingdon tries to prove himself.


You could even do the same thing with Rogue, to some extent.


Consider this stolen.


My plan is to debut Rocky at our April PPV, with Emma Chase hyping her mystery big signing, which all the smarks know is Rocky Golden. Rocky debuts and that same show, Rogue and Huntingdon lose in a tag team match.


Their feud with Valiant and Bruce has already ended, Valiant stood tall on Rogue, James stood tall on Bruce and is locked in to challenge Frehley at Supreme Challenge.


Anyway, after Rogue and Huntingdon's loss, Chase tells them to get lost.


They drift for a bit, until they witness the truly heinous ass-beating Golden gives Faith, followed by a bloody, broken Faith getting up to fight some more. That fighting spirit inspires them and they approach Faith, looking for a mentor.


Meanwhile, Golden and James are going to form a two-man power trip in SWF. With James as champ, the tension between the two will remain constant, but they'll be so damn dominant that nobody can withstand their combined onslaught.


I likely will have Golden turn James face when he decides he's done being second best and goes after the champ.

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So my plan is complete (laughs maniacally) - after bringing in Joey Minnesota, I managed to steal Rocky Golden and Troy Tornado as well - w00t! Now, the ongoing storyline is this:


Eric Eisen is furious about his father reprimanding him for trying to get things his way no matter how constantly - this culminated in a Richard Eisen face turn (I am Richard) where he replaced the referee in the match between Eric and Angry Gilmore for the North American title, who had been knocked down by Eric's bodyguard Thanatos (once again thanks for the name suggestion - 'tis Hell's Bouncer btw). Richard's involvement helped Gilmore retain the belt and Eric has gone apeshit ever since.


Then, some three months later (no longer related to the NA title storyline), Joey Minnesota answers an open challenge (Rich Money is champ meanwhile) by (babyface) Remo and clubs him down with his microphone for emphasis. Later on, several workers including Jack Bruce and Christian Faith demand Richard to tell them wtf he never told them Joey was coming in - that's because Richard hasn't signed him ... o.O.


At any rate, it'll turn out Eric has the power to sign people and he signed Minnesota on his own merit - at 'Master of Puppets', Minnesota will defeat Remo with the help of Rocky Golden who is the next signing by Eric. Then, two weeks later, Troy Tornado will join the fun (and a new stable led by Eric, for which btw I'm open for name suggestions ^^)


This is Eric's attempt at seizing power (Remo, Jack Bruce and a few others will oppose the stable) from his father. Little does he know that 'his' stable will take on a life all of its own down the line, because in the long run, the three guys he thinks he 'controls' don't fancy being controlled...

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So my plan is complete (laughs maniacally) - after bringing in Joey Minnesota, I managed to steal Rocky Golden and Troy Tornado as well - w00t! Now, the ongoing storyline is this:


Eric Eisen is furious about his father reprimanding him for trying to get things his way no matter how constantly - this culminated in a Richard Eisen face turn (I am Richard) where he replaced the referee in the match between Eric and Angry Gilmore for the North American title, who had been knocked down by Eric's bodyguard Thanatos (once again thanks for the name suggestion - 'tis Hell's Bouncer btw). Richard's involvement helped Gilmore retain the belt and Eric has gone apeshit ever since.


Then, some three months later (no longer related to the NA title storyline), Joey Minnesota answers an open challenge (Rich Money is champ meanwhile) by (babyface) Remo and clubs him down with his microphone for emphasis. Later on, several workers including Jack Bruce and Christian Faith demand Richard to tell them wtf he never told them Joey was coming in - that's because Richard hasn't signed him ... o.O.


At any rate, it'll turn out Eric has the power to sign people and he signed Minnesota on his own merit - at 'Master of Puppets', Minnesota will defeat Remo with the help of Rocky Golden who is the next signing by Eric. Then, two weeks later, Troy Tornado will join the fun (and a new stable led by Eric, for which btw I'm open for name suggestions ^^)


This is Eric's attempt at seizing power (Remo, Jack Bruce and a few others will oppose the stable) from his father. Little does he know that 'his' stable will take on a life all of its own down the line, because in the long run, the three guys he thinks he 'controls' don't fancy being controlled...


Really like this. I had a stable with Eisen called it the Eisen Empire. Not brilliant but if you like.


I have a question for everyone. Sammy Bach contract is up for renewal and he is someone that i have been hoping to bring in but due to his relationship with Emma Chase, i'm not sure what to do.


Chase is massive for me, a consistent performer and harder to replace than most. She has said that because of their existing relationship it could cause issue.


What to do?

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Really like this. I had a stable with Eisen called it the Eisen Empire. Not brilliant but if you like.


I have a question for everyone. Sammy Bach contract is up for renewal and he is someone that i have been hoping to bring in but due to his relationship with Emma Chase, i'm not sure what to do.


Chase is massive for me, a consistent performer and harder to replace than most. She has said that because of their existing relationship it could cause issue.


What to do?


Bach is a personal favorite of many but I think Emma means more to the SWF's success. You can hire people like Batch or find someone to fill that role. Emma, on the other hand, is FAR more unique and can benefit more with her skill and push.

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Nice use for Eisen, Harmor.


Consider this stolen.


No problem. Tossing ideas out there to be used.


Curious how much you ended up having to pay for Golden? I'm hoping his deal comes up within the first six months or so of my new game. Him and Shooter Sean Deeley are the two I'd really like to add.


Really like this. I had a stable with Eisen called it the Eisen Empire. Not brilliant but if you like.


I have a question for everyone. Sammy Bach contract is up for renewal and he is someone that i have been hoping to bring in but due to his relationship with Emma Chase, i'm not sure what to do.


Chase is massive for me, a consistent performer and harder to replace than most. She has said that because of their existing relationship it could cause issue.


What to do?


Eh... I don't know if I would. In past versions, Bach was a guy I always wanted. But I don't know how worth it he realyl is. I'm trying to remember his age and skills (don't have the game in front of me), but by memory, he is not amazing in the ring and getting close to the age where he could be in decline rather than getting better. I know that when I was playing as TCW a short while ago, I was not really considering Bach a "likely star" anymore. Think he's also a cruiserweight which limits things a bit more in SWF. He would be a great core cruiserweight guy if you were going to add a CW division, but as a future star and top singles guy? Don't see it. Unless you can get him on a very easy deal, I probably wouldn't.


Angering Emma just makes it worse. Dependent on how far it makes her unhappy, she might be tough to placate.

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Bach is a personal favorite of many but I think Emma means more to the SWF's success. You can hire people like Batch or find someone to fill that role. Emma, on the other hand, is FAR more unique and can benefit more with her skill and push.


I agree, but could you have both and keep both happy?


If its a straight choice i would choose Chase. She has so much air time on my shows and i never worry about her not performing.


But if Bach was signed am i effectively making chase unhappy for good or is it something that might annoy her but she'll get over?

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I agree, but could you have both and keep both happy?


If its a straight choice i would choose Chase. She has so much air time on my shows and i never worry about her not performing.


But if Bach was signed am i effectively making chase unhappy for good or is it something that might annoy her but she'll get over?


By memory, Emma's personality is pretty neutral. How bad is their relationship? Is it dislike or hatred?


Its tough to predict? She could be annoyed or she could be angry. Given the size of her contract, I don't know that a quick bonus would take care of it entirely if she's really pissed off. A long vacation might. With a wrestler, you can give them a couple big wins and use that to placate them. Can't with Chase. Maybe praise her in a speech after a PPV...?

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By memory, Emma's personality is pretty neutral. How bad is their relationship? Is it dislike or hatred?


Its tough to predict? She could be annoyed or she could be angry. Given the size of her contract, I don't know that a quick bonus would take care of it entirely if she's really pissed off. A long vacation might. With a wrestler, you can give them a couple big wins and use that to placate them. Can't with Chase. Maybe praise her in a speech after a PPV...?


It doesn't say she hates or dislike him. Just says that they have split up.


When i went to offer Bach a deal she said she think it would cause tension or something like that.


I have decided to not sign Bach after all. Can't really justify making Chase unhappy as she is such a big part of my plans.


I am currently also dealing with trying to re-sign Frehley at the moment. He is still my champion so that could be interesting if he decides against signing and will be a bonus for Brandon James, who will likely take the title.


I'm still in my first year and just wondering what everyones Main Event was for their first Supreme Challenge? Its looking like mine is going to be Frehley vs Rich Money with a second Main Event of Jack Bruce vs Marat Khoklov.


However i keep thinking that this is a little predictable and i'm thinking about putting a new face in the world title picture (i.e. someone who has never been world champion before). Thoughts? Stay with the tried and trusted or freshen things up?

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It doesn't say she hates or dislike him. Just says that they have split up.


When i went to offer Bach a deal she said she think it would cause tension or something like that.


I have decided to not sign Bach after all. Can't really justify making Chase unhappy as she is such a big part of my plans.


I am currently also dealing with trying to re-sign Frehley at the moment. He is still my champion so that could be interesting if he decides against signing and will be a bonus for Brandon James, who will likely take the title.


I'm still in my first year and just wondering what everyones Main Event was for their first Supreme Challenge? Its looking like mine is going to be Frehley vs Rich Money with a second Main Event of Jack Bruce vs Marat Khoklov.


However i keep thinking that this is a little predictable and i'm thinking about putting a new face in the world title picture (i.e. someone who has never been world champion before). Thoughts? Stay with the tried and trusted or freshen things up?


I wonder how the signing process for Frehley will go? I think, in previous versions of the game, he would find the SWF's product too risque to proceed with the company. I, myself, have been afraid of what may happen when his contract runs up; however, I guess it's all part of the process.


As for 'throwing in fresh meat', I'm all for it; if done well. I'm not one to really believe in Goldberg-pushes but, with that said, I've never run one actually so it could be on the horizon for that sole reason. As for people you could elevate, here are some names already on the roster with 'the goods':


(ie: The goods could be anything from in-ring talent to star quality/entertainment skills. If you're like me, the latter is more important in the SWF)




Captain Atomic

Randy Bumfhole

Zimmy Bumfhole

Des Davids

John Greed


For me, Valiant and Rogue are 'almost there' so they could be the easiest of the group. Outside of that, Des Davids is a really hot up and coming talent for the SWF & could be treated in a Goldberg fashion.


Randy, in my game, has surprised me greatly in producing some pretty high quality grades with ME's. For that reason alone, at least in my game, he may be warranted a push toward the top.

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I'm still in my first year and just wondering what everyones Main Event was for their first Supreme Challenge? Its looking like mine is going to be Frehley vs Rich Money with a second Main Event of Jack Bruce vs Marat Khoklov.


My main event for the Challenge was a 4 way match between Angry Gilmore (champion), Jack Bruce, Rich Money and Brandon James.

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