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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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Captain Atomic

Randy Bumfhole

Zimmy Bumfhole

Des Davids

John Greed


For me, Valiant and Rogue are 'almost there' so they could be the easiest of the group. Outside of that, Des Davids is a really hot up and coming talent for the SWF & could be treated in a Goldberg fashion.


Randy, in my game, has surprised me greatly in producing some pretty high quality grades with ME's. For that reason alone, at least in my game, he may be warranted a push toward the top.


I let Valiant win often but I just can't see him as my future champion. Rogue on the other hand definitely, I gave him a win over Christian Faith and he's shot up to 82 over. One more win over someone big and he's there. I kept him out of my main storyline (stable vs stable) as I've got Nicky Champion coming. He's not going to get near the belt straight away so he'll feud with Rogue for a few months.


Oddly enough, in my game Randy is the average one and Zimmy pulls out good matches. Maybe it's the destiny stat?


Des Davids has defeated all of my lower card now and is starting to improve, going to have him tag with Steve Frehley for a while against Remo and his mystery partner.

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Curious why you feel that way on Valiant? He has the skills, the Star Quality... Not greaton the microphone but he has an attractive manager to compenstate... He has the blood feud to give him some character depth and an assocation with a top star in Jack Bruce... I was never in a real hurry to elevate him in previous games but he's set up so perfectly in 2013....
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Curious why you feel that way on Valiant? He has the skills, the Star Quality... Not greaton the microphone but he has an attractive manager to compenstate... He has the blood feud to give him some character depth and an assocation with a top star in Jack Bruce... I was never in a real hurry to elevate him in previous games but he's set up so perfectly in 2013....


I agree. He's pretty much tailor-made to make his way into the main event. To me, while I like Jack, he's more of a viable main eventer than Rogue is. He's younger & can ultimately play the profound good guy (A* in wholesome gimmicks) or possibly the turncoat that pissed everyone off when he turned his back on the fans (I don't have the game in front of me so I don't know if he can actually play heel well or not though).


One of my goals as a booker is to get Valiant in a high-ranking match at Supreme Challenge. I've heard others catapult him up the card rather quickly in personal games, using his alliance with Bruce to get him there, but my version of Bruce is far less 'Hey buddy, let's work together" so it could be tough to do so.


Valiant really is one of the bright lights for the future of the SWF.

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Curious why you feel that way on Valiant? He has the skills, the Star Quality... Not greaton the microphone but he has an attractive manager to compenstate... He has the blood feud to give him some character depth and an assocation with a top star in Jack Bruce... I was never in a real hurry to elevate him in previous games but he's set up so perfectly in 2013....


I honestly don't know. To me he's just a generic face, I can't find a gimmick for him to make me like him. I've matched up and planned out my feuds for my main eventers for a while and he's stuck in the upper midcard slot consistently getting B's and B+'s for me to keep my card strong in case another match bombs. The midcard is stacked with heels so I'd struggle to replace him.


The only person outside of my storylines to match him with is Vengeance and they both get the selling penalty if I make them fight.


If I saw a good alt picture for inspiration I'd probably make better use of him. He could slot right into a 2 on 2 feud with Nicky Champion, Rogue and another heel if one pops up or simply job Eric Eisen to hell as he's a real pain in the locker room.

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I agree with Eisen and Big Papa on Valiant - granted I used him alongside Jack Bruce a lot (which since they're in a storyline together though makes sense and isn't cheap ^^) but from Jan-May 2013 his pop shot from 71 to 85-86 and he is a legit main eventer for me right now. Especially when I think about the future of SWF in my game, the guy's money basically.
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I honestly don't know. To me he's just a generic face, I can't find a gimmick for him to make me like him. I've matched up and planned out my feuds for my main eventers for a while and he's stuck in the upper midcard slot consistently getting B's and B+'s for me to keep my card strong in case another match bombs. The midcard is stacked with heels so I'd struggle to replace him.


The only person outside of my storylines to match him with is Vengeance and they both get the selling penalty if I make them fight.


If I saw a good alt picture for inspiration I'd probably make better use of him. He could slot right into a 2 on 2 feud with Nicky Champion, Rogue and another heel if one pops up or simply job Eric Eisen to hell as he's a real pain in the locker room.


This is the alt I use.




It's probably not entirely keeping with his in-game characteristics, as this face does not scream A* wholesome, but I found that I needed to go this route with him in which to care about his success.


With this image, I view him as his name would sound; Valiant. He's proud, a true warrior, and one that people are in awe of his strength of conviction. That said, he's not out their kissing babies. Quite the opposite in a lot of ways. He's a somewhat flawed man who looks to always do right; to restore things back to where they should be in some cases. In a way, he's like a Batman-like character in my mind (minus the mask).

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I honestly don't know. To me he's just a generic face, I can't find a gimmick for him to make me like him. I've matched up and planned out my feuds for my main eventers for a while and he's stuck in the upper midcard slot consistently getting B's and B+'s for me to keep my card strong in case another match bombs. The midcard is stacked with heels so I'd struggle to replace him.


The only person outside of my storylines to match him with is Vengeance and they both get the selling penalty if I make them fight.


If I saw a good alt picture for inspiration I'd probably make better use of him. He could slot right into a 2 on 2 feud with Nicky Champion, Rogue and another heel if one pops up or simply job Eric Eisen to hell as he's a real pain in the locker room.


I usually just tend to use him as a clean blue chipper while he works his way up the ranks. He is realistically the next face of the company with Bruce being 40 already. I think after the feud with Rogue and the Chase Agency he could be a world title contender but not winning it yet.


I think a feud with Rich Money in late 2013 or early 2014 would be a great way to establish him as a major player. I tend to use The World is Watching as the 2nd largest PPV with the SWF so a win over Money at that PPV could set him up for something big leading into the Supreme Challenge.

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I'll be honest - Valiant is a guy I've struggled with at times too. I find myself comparing him to Chris Harris (2004 version with a better overall look) or early Randy Orton (more clean-cut and obviously with a warmer personality). He's slowly evolved from an old-school white meat babyface to someone with a bit of depth and edge. His blood feud with Rogue has forced him to realize that doing the "right thing" doesn't always bring the right results and that nice guys don't always win. So he's gradually gone from this really basic character to something more akin to Christian Faith - still patriotic and endlessly tough, still quick to defend what he believes in, but more willing to do "what it takes", even if what it takes isn't always the most admirable route, so long as the result is there.
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That's a great alt picture, gives the guy a whole lot more character. I searched the threads but didn't find much, didn't fancy putting him in a suit of armour either.


Found some really nice looking long haired alts done for other wrestlers but a few could fit him. Saw one crazy looking masked picture that may fit in well against Rogue's religious gimmick I'm running. He wears a crucifix necklace and whenever he does anything bad like interfere in a match or attacks someone backstage he prays for forgiveness to rid himself of sins. It's a bit random for now but it fits into a stable I'll put together in a couple of months time.


Thanks for the advice guys.

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Wow. This thread is brilliant.


HHUK, BigPapa and EV especially thanks for your feedback. I just feel Valiant is maybe one year too early to Main Event the Supreme Challenge although he could be champion by the time the year is out.


However i like the Idea of Gilmore in the main event and unbelievably i had not really considered this option. I had him in a feud with Rich Money through Supreme Challenge, but might try and make this the Title feud now but this does change my plans with regards to getting the belt off Frehley.


I'm thinking of a Remo vs Gilmore main event with a Bruce vs Money as the second main event now.... Replanning needed.


Also wondered if anyone had turned any of the below heel:


Des Davids

American Machine

Jungle Lord


Also be interested to see how people have used Primus Allen as he has just asked to be called up.

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In a SWF game I had in 2010, I had Valient turn on Giedroyc and re-named him Vinny 'The Villain' Valiant. In the same way Scott Hall used to be referred to as 'The Bad Guy', Valiant became known as 'The Villain', and often, Triple V. I got him over pretty well in about a year and a half and he was Main Eventing against the like of Jack Bruce & Christian Faith, pulling fantastic grades.
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In 2010 what I usually did with Valiant and Giedroyc was keep them together with the titles fighting the team of Gilmore and McClean until I could hire Jack's cousin Joey Poison. Then I'd finally have Jack turn on Valiant with Joey while they were still champions thus splitting the belt. The fued would go on as valiant would look for a new partner and then the two teams would fight to see who would get the belts. I would usually give Valiant one of the older Main Eventers as a partner eventually, I think I chose Christian Faith and have them go to a few draws before finally letting Jack and Joey get the belts. THen I would keep faith on as Valiant Mentor to slowly build him toward his main event push before having Valiant finally turn on Faith and beat him to cement his move into the amin event.


Now obviously you can't do that in 2013 but its tailor made to kinda do the same thing. Bruce and Valiant teaming up to go against Chase and her crew and when they finally win (or lose up to you) Bruce still keeping Valiant under his wing and then Valiant finally turning on Bruce to take his spot in the main event, or maybe Bruce turning on Valiant and Valiant having to fight his former mentor and coming out on top to be a Main Eventer finally.

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It's probably not entirely keeping with his in-game characteristics, as this face does not scream A* wholesome, but I found that I needed to go this route with him in which to care about his success.


With this image, I view him as his name would sound; Valiant. He's proud, a true warrior, and one that people are in awe of his strength of conviction. That said, he's not out their kissing babies. Quite the opposite in a lot of ways. He's a somewhat flawed man who looks to always do right; to restore things back to where they should be in some cases. In a way, he's like a Batman-like character in my mind (minus the mask).


Great stuff and a great take on Valiant but I kind of like Valiant the way he is. I'll definitely try to find another character who it will work with for me though.


Maybe someone to fight beside him after Bruce moves on to another feud.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I wonder how the signing process for Frehley will go? I think, in previous versions of the game, he would find the SWF's product too risque to proceed with the company. I, myself, have been afraid of what may happen when his contract runs up; however, I guess it's all part of the process. <p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Frehley re-signed a 4 year contract for $35,000 without the creative clause in the end. Thought that was pretty good Business.</p><p> </p><p> I'm really against giving people creative clauses and personally hate having Marat for only PPV's.</p><p> </p><p> Talking of Marat... his contract is up in 60 days in fact i have Lobster Warrior, Squeeky McClean and Angry Gilmore all coming up prior to The Supreme Challenge.</p><p> </p><p> I'm determined to not give Marat the "Special Attraction" Clause again but will have to wait and see. </p><p> </p><p> Anyone else had to re-negotiate Marat yet?</p>
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<p>I'm not quite sure if I'll re-negotiate with Frehley when the time comes - sure, his overness is through the roof but his matches are nowhere near as high rated as his angles. This is in turn however something that I expect from a main eventer who I'm willing to trust with the belt.</p><p> </p><p>

I turned Frehley heel in my game, in a loose cannon type of way - after losing the title to Remo and failing to regain it he snapped and has ever since completely lost it. I DO enjoy this storyline yet in the long run I really have little idea for him.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Harmor" data-cite="Harmor" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm not quite sure if I'll re-negotiate with Frehley when the time comes - sure, his overness is through the roof but his matches are nowhere near as high rated as his angles. This is in turn however something that I expect from a main eventer who I'm willing to trust with the belt.<p> </p><p> I turned Frehley heel in my game, in a loose cannon type of way - after losing the title to Remo and failing to regain it he snapped and has ever since completely lost it. I DO enjoy this storyline yet in the long run I really have little idea for him.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If his angles deliver and he's fun for storylines, that would be enough for me. If his matches don't really deliver, then you just need to keep him out of the main event of most shows. Don't put him in fueds for the world title. So long as he isn't asking for ridiculous money and creative control, I would try to keep him. </p><p> </p><p> As for Marat, I probably wouldn't try to resign him. He has delivered okay grades in PPV matches with some decent talent - thanks Lobby! - but he's not young and I would rather build up a new monster than try to make Marat work.</p>
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Wow. This thread is brilliant.


HHUK, BigPapa and EV especially thanks for your feedback. I just feel Valiant is maybe one year too early to Main Event the Supreme Challenge although he could be champion by the time the year is out.


However i like the Idea of Gilmore in the main event and unbelievably i had not really considered this option. I had him in a feud with Rich Money through Supreme Challenge, but might try and make this the Title feud now but this does change my plans with regards to getting the belt off Frehley.


I'm thinking of a Remo vs Gilmore main event with a Bruce vs Money as the second main event now.... Replanning needed.


Also wondered if anyone had turned any of the below heel:


Des Davids

American Machine

Jungle Lord


Also be interested to see how people have used Primus Allen as he has just asked to be called up.


Bruce vs Money...is money. I'd probably use that as my main event, as most of the time that's good enough for a B+ rating at least. But it all depends on what storylines you have running prior to Supreme Challenge.


Des Davids is a heel in my diary game. I had him turn on American Machine a couple weeks after The All-Americans lost the belt to The Platinum Blondes, then join the Chase Agency. Marc DuBois is his new tag team partner, DuBois having joined the Agency a few weeks before Davids. Without giving away anything for the upcoming weeks of February 2013 (which I've simmed up to), the heel turn hasn't made much of a difference yet. Perhaps he needs a hot enough storyline (perhaps B-/C+ considering his midcard status) as a main character unlike now, where I have him playing a minor role in the Thrill of the Chase storyline.


Haven't had Primus Allen asked to be called up, but in TEW '10 I used him as a bodyguard/enforcer for Eric Eisen.

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As for Marat, I probably wouldn't try to resign him. He has delivered okay grades in PPV matches with some decent talent - thanks Lobby! - but he's not young and I would rather build up a new monster than try to make Marat work.


My plan is not to renew if he wants the "Special Attraction" clause. If he's leaving Valiant will beat him at Supreme Challenge and then he'll win the Royal at WTTJ and get his shot at Supreme Challenge 2014.


Thats the plan.

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Wow. This thread is brilliant.


HHUK, BigPapa and EV especially thanks for your feedback. I just feel Valiant is maybe one year too early to Main Event the Supreme Challenge although he could be champion by the time the year is out.


However i like the Idea of Gilmore in the main event and unbelievably i had not really considered this option. I had him in a feud with Rich Money through Supreme Challenge, but might try and make this the Title feud now but this does change my plans with regards to getting the belt off Frehley.


I'm thinking of a Remo vs Gilmore main event with a Bruce vs Money as the second main event now.... Replanning needed.


Also wondered if anyone had turned any of the below heel:


Des Davids

American Machine

Jungle Lord


Also be interested to see how people have used Primus Allen as he has just asked to be called up.


Des Davids is an attractive guy to turn. The other two, not so much in my mind.


American Machine, while I like his character, is really only getting a push (in my eyes) because he's locked in tow with Davids. Meanwhile, Jungle Lord is quickly becoming the 'jobber to the stars' for me. Unlike Robbie Retro, who I would like to push if I could think of a reason to do so, Jungle is simply there to lose & most likely lose his job down the road.


Davids, on the other hand, he's young, talented, has a good look and is untapped SWF talent. I mean, at the start of the game he already has close to a 12-month title reign as the tag champs. That gives him some credibility there. On top of that, we haven't seen Davids vs. Faith or Bruce or Frehley or Gilmore just yet. He's new & can add a whole new element to the scene.


I want to utilize Davids but that day will come. For now, I'm looking to give his championship reign some credibility straight out of the gate. That way, when I do decide to push him, he'll have a backdrop of a year-long championship reign under his belt already.


I may be in the minority but I love Marat Khoklov's PPV only contract. This way, I don't have to book him weekly & still get the pay-off of a big match every couple of months. He's entirely my Brock Lesnar in mind. Sadly, I can't hype him physically on a show but videos can do the trick. Meanwhile, he stands as the ginormous challenge around the corner for anyone willing to take it. In my case, in my dynasty, he has a 'big money feud' on the horizon (and no I don't mean Brandon James). With him not having to be booked every week, he works better with my slow, plotting, approach to storytelling. That way, I can build a big match down the road & not falter before by booking him in a loop.

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Let's see ...


I turned American Machine, his name is now Mean Machine (with face paint) and he is a member of the Chase Agency now. The story was that when the All-Americans finally lost their titles to Garcia and Prudence, Machine blamed the loss on Davids and turned on him during the rematch. Down the line, Des Davids won the reactivated Shooting Star belt and finally defeated Machine in a title defense on PPV, with Huntingdon and DuBois (Chase signed him, too) now going after the title.


I have no further big plans for Machine at this point, but certainly for Davids.

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I think my challenge with American Machine is his age.*


He's an interesting persona. In my eyes, he reminds me a lot of a Sting-like character back in his early days. At least, that's the image I get in my mind when I book him.*


That said, if he were 4-6 years younger, I'd be all over pushing him strongly.*


At this point though, at 36 I do believe, there's not enough room to really get him 'there'.*


Now, age isn't ALWAYS what decides this for me. I still love to push someone like Joe Sexy who is 40 but I know exactly how I want to book him. In Machine's case, that time spent on him could go toward Valiant, John Greed, the Bumfholes, Captain Atomic, etc; the people who are young enough and have a good level of star quality to become another strong UM if not ME.*


That's why I find myself booking Des David stronger than his partner in most tag matches. Des typically gets the pin & Machine looks like a lackey of sorts.*

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I'm running a non diary SWF game. Eric Eisen is my storyline (corrupt) commissioner and current NA Champion. Aaron Andrews recently debuted (with a kayfabe NA title shot negotiated into his SWF contract) and will face Eisen at The Supreme Challenge 33. I want Andrews to win but Eisen has that annoying creative control clause and since there is quite a big gap of overness between them (Eisen is C+, Andews is D+) I can't see Eisen wanting to drop the belt, or even do any sort of job. Any ideas on how I should book this match? Since their feud is only just beginning I can hold off on Andrews winning the belt for a while. However, I want Andrews to look good and I don't want there to be too much schmozz because it's The Supreme Challenge. Any advice is much appreciated.
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I'm running a non diary SWF game. Eric Eisen is my storyline (corrupt) commissioner and current NA Champion. Aaron Andrews recently debuted (with a kayfabe NA title shot negotiated into his SWF contract) and will face Eisen at The Supreme Challenge 33. I want Andrews to win but Eisen has that annoying creative control clause and since there is quite a big gap of overness between them (Eisen is C+, Andews is D+) I can't see Eisen wanting to drop the belt, or even do any sort of job. Any ideas on how I should book this match? Since their feud is only just beginning I can hold off on Andrews winning the belt for a while. However, I want Andrews to look good and I don't want there to be too much schmozz because it's The Supreme Challenge. Any advice is much appreciated.


How long do you have until the Supreme Challenge match-up? (Months, etc.)

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I'm running a non diary SWF game. Eric Eisen is my storyline (corrupt) commissioner and current NA Champion. Aaron Andrews recently debuted (with a kayfabe NA title shot negotiated into his SWF contract) and will face Eisen at The Supreme Challenge 33. I want Andrews to win but Eisen has that annoying creative control clause and since there is quite a big gap of overness between them (Eisen is C+, Andews is D+) I can't see Eisen wanting to drop the belt, or even do any sort of job. Any ideas on how I should book this match? Since their feud is only just beginning I can hold off on Andrews winning the belt for a while. However, I want Andrews to look good and I don't want there to be too much schmozz because it's The Supreme Challenge. Any advice is much appreciated.


You could just use the Protect + Keep Strong road agent notes. It will hurt the match grade but workers are usually willing to take the loss that way unless the overness gap is massive.

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